Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, April 05, 1919, AUTOMOBILE SECTION, Page PAGE SEVEN, Image 17

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The House of Half Million
and One Bargains
Has opened up again at H26 North Commercial street
I am going to have a "wrecking business" in connection with junk and all
kinds of second hand goods. Will buy all old cars or parts of cars at highest
cash prices.
My old business principles will be strictly in evidence and will give the
people square deals as before.
I hope I can enjoy the support of SalemMarion and Polk county's pat
ronage. Watch my advertisements and get my phone number.
H26 N. Commercial St.
Soil of Ejmtnr j
"From Over There
General Pershing's Official Report
Two Oregen boys are included in the
official casualty lists released by the
vrrr department for today. They are
Albert Scharf, of Portland, killed in ac
tion, previously reported dead, and
Walter Hoereth, of Portland, killed in
action, previously reported missing in
The following cnsm'.lties are reported
by the commanding general of tlio
American Expeditionary Forces:
1'ied of Acicdcnt and Other Canses....l5
.I'ied of Disease - 7
Wounded Severely 13
Wounded Slightly - - "9
Mining iu Action - 2
Died of Accident and Other Causes
Frank John Fisher, Albert W Va.
John Maxwell, Schencstndy N Y.
John Wilson, Hamilton Ohio.
William Lucas, Tullega Ky.
Howard Francis Widiner, Elizabeth N
COiik Leslie A Frocmitnc1.
John Curler, Avocn Pa.
Jenniali Francis Crowley
Harden 0.
Full Kivcr
Morris B Kiilcy, X Waldboro Maine
Oscar Ilnrringer, Mroesback T( xus.
Richard M Joplin, Mnrwncttc Mich.
N Palermo, New- Haven Conn.
Bernard Reilly, Brooklyn N Y.
Frnnk Jolt Thoni, Detroit Mich.
t House Cleaning Time Is
Re-tint your walls with our Bulk Kalsomine on
H which we are makinig a special price of 11c per
h pound. We have it in all colors and are prepared to
a supply your wants.
g Let us figure that new bungalow or garage
I bill. Our goods aro the best and our prices are right.
"Everything in Building Material"
A. B. KELSAY, Mgr.
Phone 813
West Sdera 414
Phone T.05
Miles Wheatley, Tell City Ind.
Died of Disease rnvaies
Reuben Jackson, Townlcy AUv.
Albert "Johnson, Sweden.
(Inst W Johnson. Olonwood City Wis.
tluy Johnson, Ogdcn Utah.
Solomon Lane, Colierville Tenn.
1 'mil I.omencik, Chattanooga, Tenn.
John Mctleorge, Plymouth Pu.
Jim V Martin, Nnvnsota Texas,
i Charles K Niclson, Aberdeen Wash.
Samuel M Pace, Powliattnu Ark.
Pietro Pip, Springfield Mass.
Vernor tiruy Purely, Butler Ky.
Daniel Rigiom, Brooklyn N Y.
. Louis Schuilia-d, Albany Minn.
Ivlgnr W Smith, Beaver Iowa.
Green II Spencer, Indianaoolis Ind.
I Nurmnn 11 Thomas, Harrisburg fa.
Rollie L Thomns, Mouticello Flu-.
Kmory L Thrush, Clinton Oklu.
William Tucker, Cotoiiwood Ala.
Ezra Tyler, bittchtown Mo.
Vance J VanLoaaen, Grcnbay Wis.
Harry Wheeler, Burnett Ga.
Frank B Williams, Lawn-ton N C.
Clyde Wilson, Gainesville Gu.
Invton C Wood, Fonda' Iowa.
William Yergcr, Towir City Pa.
Killed in Action,' Previously Reported
Lii'iit Junies J Mulcutine, Miuueapo-
jlis Minn.
I l'vt Leo Michael Oulteon, Wehawken
N J. ...
l'vt Albert S.barf, Portland Ore. .
Wed Prom Wounds, previonsly Report
ed Died.
Pvt Wilif.m Patric k Rngits, Newton
Killed In Action, Previously Reported
Wounded, Degree Undetermined.
?A9 South
12th Street
1 M H if 111 6 2
H. Steinbock, Prop.
I'vt Bernard J Behriuger, St Marys
Killed In Action, Previously Reported
Missing in Action.
Lieut 1'rt.nk J Croak, St Louis Mo.
Corp. Clius T KrouquiBt, Marinette
Clinton G lloaslcv, Linton Ind.
. Albeit W Bell, Warren Center Pa.
Michole Dipardo, Italy.
Arthur Goulct, Holyoko Mass.
Walter Koereth, Portland Or.
Joseph Jacobs, PittsUm la - .;
I'erdo Jumpicz, Silver City N M.
William K roning. Pulaski Wis. .
David II Laross, Wescosville Pn.
Piter P McMunamou, "Sugar ISotch
ra. . .
Oswald A Murgolot, New Britain
Garland Miinr, San Angel0 Texas.
Robert Pepin, Flora Vi.ita, N M.
John Sarnkowski, PhilaeleJphia Pa.
Jefferaou Vauwhy, Stroudsburg Pa.
John A Wiley, Sterling Colo.
Died, Previously Reported Missing in
Liet.t Pool II Hughey, Washington
Court house Ohio.
Sgt Frank W Raymond, Chit-ago 111.
Corn Jerry A Yietk, Chicago 111.
Joseph N Busse, Seattle aWsh.
Edward Dwyer, Cooksvillo III.
Vincent Giordano, Philadelphia Pa.
Artiiur J Johnson, Grnnada Minn.
Michael Przybyaz, Ludington Mich.
Raymond St runs, New York.
JJgy Boo!(S AlTiVO
At The Public Library
"The book of Philadelphia," by Rob
ert Kliuckletim.
i i ilfi ii o
"Lynlou und Lvnnioiitli, a pageant of'"'"" removed to his home in the western
cliff and tnuorinud," truvel in England,1":! ul c"v lo"y.
illustrated with attractive colored
pli;t"s, John Prewland. ,
"Jangle nonce" travel in the jungles
of British Guiana with Hoosovelt with
i.pecial appreciation of the animal life
found there, bv Willium B. Beebc.
Commercial education in public sec
ondary schools" by F. V. Thompson.
I "Healthful schools," how to build,
equip and maintain them, by Ayres,
Willii.ms nnd Wood.
"Money, the acid test," studies in
giving, by Dnvid McConnugiiy.
"icaniooK, or tlio cnurclies, JHIU" a This is the first recital to be given bv
reference book prepared by the Federal i the depsrttnMit this venr under the di
council of the churches of Christ in.rectiou of Prof. Delia Crowder-Miler.
'Ameriea. The program will consist of stories,
"A honeymoon experiment" the ex , monologues, lyrics, humorous character
peneno , of two young people, reared , sketches and a nne-act plav, ail selected
jincomt irt who assumed the position ofjfrm the very best in lileraluie. Mr.
a homele-ss, jobless couple in the city of Rahskopf will be assisted bv Mis Win
I Itoi hest. r, to test laboring conditions, ; ni fred Avro and Miss Mvrtlc Mason,
I related by Margaret and Stuart Chute. 0f the department. Musical nnmbers
! "The stationery department" aiiotb ; will be furnished bv Miss Lcslia Bub-
er of the Department store manuals 'arid Miss Evelyn DcLejr.g.
; prepared by MarT A. Lohinann. nr. Rahskopf l,as been studying with
I "The golden age of myth and leg- prof. Mille, since she camo to Willi.rn
;end" being a revised edition of "The Pttc two V(r,rs aillli ani ,)li5 ,)rojfram
r.ge of fable, beautifully illustrated; ' represents Hip best ,.t thn work ho hn.
Jhomaa Bulfinch.
-lennys'wi, now to Know mm," a i
study by Raymond Allien. r,rn end habits of ninny breeds of dogs,
"Beginning of the English romanticiy Walter A. Dver.
movement" by Wiliam Lyon Phelps. " Mun.l.r.y.l.i. (lie trn-m h!t. ol-
"The advance of English poetry inibit" and otlwr Indian stories, by War-
! i lie iwenuctii century,- - eriteism or our
poets of todav. by William Lyon
j Phelim.
j "The fhadnwless man, Peter Schle
niihl" a s(orT a century old based on
the old snperstition thnt the devil might
-carry off a man's shadow, by Adelbert
. von Cbaniiswi.
! "The manse at Barren Bocks," a
novel br A. B. Cunningham.
Tor the. Children,
"Captniin Ted" a boy's adventures
amo'- hiding slackers in the swamps of j
Georgia, by I-ouia Pendleton.
"Digs of Boytown," stories showing
i uui yuuiui uittmu
Meeting To Be Held In Dallas
Soca To Arasge For
Bond Issue.
(Capital Journal Special Service.)
Dtillss, Or April S. At the regular
monthly meeting of the Polk county
commissioners court keld ia DalUia.
Wednesday, a committee of promtnent
farmer from various pari of the eoon
ty and especially the aorthwestern dis
trict, appeared before that body and pe
titioned the court for help in road Blat
ters. The sentiment iu tas eons ' at prea
on t is for hard surface roads and the
petitioners were emphatic iu their de
mands for this kiud of a highway.
The eounty court told the committee
that thrv ''are without funds at the
present time to build any roads of the
kiud specified, but that if the people of
the county as a whole petitioned th
court for a special election for tae pur
pose of voting bonds the court would
rtand behind the movement."
Later in the evening a meeting was
hold-at the Commercial club rooms, the
farmers meeting with the club and it
was decided to have a big mass meeting
in Dallas within the near future and at
that time decide on the aiuoui.t of the
bonds to be voted o.- and tlio pareeis of
roads t0 be improved with the money
so voted.
l'olk couty'g limited indebtedness ac
cording to law U something like $20iJ,-
1000 and it was the opinion of those pres
ent at the meeting that the eon
the limit on bouds for road building.
Dallas Has New Grocery.
Dallas, Or., April 3. The Farmers'
Grocery is tlio namo of a new business
establishment w hic h opened its doors on
Main street in this city this morning in
ths building formerly occupied by tlio"
Dallas Grocery company. Die new es
tablishment is under the management of
P. II. lierg a former school teacher in
the Suit Creek school district. Dallas
now has six grocery stores anil it is ru
mored that another store is to be estab
lished in the near future.
New Rural Route Asked.
Dolus, Or., April 3, A petition is be
ing circulated by fuyners living adiii-
"-'"it to " '',v who are compiled to
iget their mail through the Riekreall
postofficu asking the postol'fice depart'
incut to establish a new rural mail route
out of Dallas. Every farmer living east
of the city wh0 are at preseut served
through Hickreall arc anxious for the
change and a number of others living
.just south of town want the route estab
lished as It would give them service
also. Several patrons of tho Hickreall
office live but t 'mil east of this city
and in order for mail to reach them it
bus t go a r-yiind-jiHyiit .-way., whieh
takes all the way from two to three
days to reach Ihoift.. Lit is Btated thnt
the department is willing to establish n
new route if & few improvements in
iroads t made and this has been iirom-
isod by the. county court.
Mrs. L. D. Brown ujid littlo daughter
havo returned from an extended visit
with relotives at Baker. -
Miss Muudo Robertson returned tho
first of tho week from' a short visit with
her sister, Mrs. Georgo Gohrke nt Ash
lund. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Thoilson of Rick
recll were Dallas .business visitors
It. Y. Morrison of Portland was a
Dallas business visitor this week. Mr.
Morrison was formerly proprietor of
tho Dallas Iron Works.
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Talbott of Hoskhm
are in tho city for ft short visit with
relativert and friends.
Hollis Smith and Wilbiij. Hamilton
wore Suver visitors tho first of tho
Mrs. F. J. Craven wns a guest at the
home of her parents in Sheridan Wed
nesday afternoon.
Attorney Oscar Haytcr, who has b-n
confined at tho Dnlla hospital for the
past three weeks following an operation
Mr. m,d Mia. A. M. Matlock returned
Tuesduy from a several duys visit wit a
relatives in Portland.
Horace Rahskopf To Be
Heard Ia Recital Tuesday
The department of public speaking,
of Willamette I'niveir-r, inn present
Horuee Rahskopf in recital next Tues
day ovcniii!?. April 8. Bt Wlilnr l.nll
,ione in (his period.
"Stories for every holiday" by Caro
lyn Bniley.
"Felicia visits" seepiel to ''Felicia's
friends" by Klizabi th Oould.
The Journal classified ads art
great favoritea with peopla who
dlhings TrT 01 e.
(Capital Joiimal Serial Sfrvv)
Dvnaid, A(ril 4. Mrs. Fannie Mvr
er was a kuine visitor ro Saliui oa
V edneoday .
Earl t). Cox of Portland, who is with
a Machine Traitor I'o., came out to
lVnsld Monday tt make some repairs
oa Mr. McKsyj tractor. Mr. Cox r
eeivtd kis discharge about ikrte weks
ago at Camp Dix, New Jersey. He
spent six months ia France, was a
member of a motorcycle machine gun
Dvlbert Feller kas returned from
Portland aud is now heiiiisg on the
Mrs. Lora Geiser was a Portland
visitor Monday.
Mr. Jacobs ef Salem, repreaenting
hung Co. of Portland, was a busi
ness, caller at the Johnson store Thurs
day. Mrs. Jaaifl, V. FV-ller kas fceea ill
for several days. The doctor pronouns
cs her trouble grippe and pleurisy.
Mrs. Hicks of Portland same out
Tuesday and spent the day with her
daughter Mrs. Meek Merritt.
Mrs. Clarence Ireland of Independ
ence swat tho week end with Mrs.
John Krans.
. Mr. and Mrs. Owens ef Butteville
have moved into the Charles Hoskins
house. We ire glad to welcome these
good people to Donald.
Mr. Sibley's family now occupy the
Myrtle Walker house, and the son-in-law,
W. E. Van Gorden, the Jesse
Johnston house.
Mr. Landu of Portland has moved
into the Denttfl house, which leaves but
few vacant houses in Donald, at this
Mrs. M. W. Johnson was a Wood
burn visitor Tuesday.
W. A. liill of Seattle representing
the Kellogi; Com Flake of Battle Creek
Mich., was in Donald Saturday.
Bert Jackson and Bill Cnus.lig of
Portland were registered at tho i'mi
galow hotel Thursday.
8. M. Stritlmn of Woodburn was a
Donald visitor Friday.
Mr. and Mrs. M. W. Johnson have
as their guests over the week end,
Mr. and Mrs. F. L. Allen of Van
couver, Wash., J. Allen of ln Grande,
C. W. Johnson of Twin Falls, Idaho.
Q. E. Miller 'of Portland wa a
guest of the Bumrulow hotel the lat
ter part of the week.
Leonard Blnnkcnship of Twin Tails,
Iilaho, and Chas. I'.un.s of Portland
are working at the Donald nursery and
stopping at the Bungalow. The nurs
ery is a busy place these days, from
12 to 15 men at work, besides a few
women .
Mrs. A. E. Feller has returned from
Portland, where she has been stopping
for somo time, and is now at home to
her manv friends st tlie fnrm nnme.
T. A. Rinelmrt of Salem was a late
Poiiald visitor.
Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Hoskins were
out from Portland Sunday, the guests
of Mr. and Mrs. O. O. Freeman.
J. C. -Dcdlopiw of Sule'iu, school su
pervisor, made Donald a visit lust Fii
dav. Theo. Chirk of Montague, Oil. is
register! il nt the Bungnlnw hotel.
... Mr. Chndiiuu ioi PorMand was a
guest pf his daughter, Mrs. Hexsmith
Saturday. . . '
Herbert IVSnrt s(ont Sunilay with
the homo folks, returning to Portland
. Henry Miu-ty of the National Bis
cuit Co., spent Sunduv In Donald.
W. Kennedy of Portland was a Don
ald visiter Thursday.
Tlio Misses Bitlock of Hubbard
spent tho week end at the Pete Feller
home, the auests of Mise8 Mabel and
Lillin Feller.
The Macoabee lode met on Thurs
day p. m. with a good attendance.
They are practicing to put on tho
floor wi rk at the grand lodge in April.
Fred Ernst spent the week end in
C. A. Louek ot Portland wa-s a Into
Donald visitor.
Mr. and Mrs. M. W. Johnson and
their guests, Mr. and Mrs. V. L. Al
len, J. Allen nnd C. W. Johnson, were
guest, at the Buognlow hotel for din
ner iSnndny.
F. Milen of southern Oregon is vis
iting his sister, Mrs. I Mercer,
A. P. rich man ler ef Portland was
a guest nt the 'Bi.ugnlnw hotel.
Mr. and Mrs. J. P. Freeman of
Chaiupocg went to Portland Wednes
Los Angeles, Cel., April 4 Ted Thye,
Fnitluinl wrestler, wns forced to forfeit
his match last night with Professor Do,
Japanese jilt pit.s i expert after mio fall
which Ito scored in six minutes. Thye
(ore loose a tendon in his left elbow und
was unable to return to the mat.
Chicago, April 4. Using his powerful
triidieein stroke, Norman Itoss, unat
tached, formerly of the Multnomah A.
A. club of Portland, Or., last night, :s
jtablished a new world's half milo in
idoor wiinuiing record by making the
Istr tch at tho Illinois Athletic club in
! 10:. "3 2 S.
j The previous record wss 11:14 1 !i.
I made by Harry TTebner cof the Illinois
Iclub In HIM. Boss also was credited
'with "noteworthy performances" with
ifnt time for fntermedir.tn distances.
He participated in an open meet.
Francisco, April 4. Allio A'nck.
sew York lightweight, will open his
ccast eainpaiiin tonight. TTe will rreet
Joe Benjamin in the mat novent of a
-'gram of four rounds bouts, .Fratikle
Ilavnc mei'ts Frankie Jouen in the se'rui
windup. Other l mt include; Tommy
Richards vs. Eddie Malioncy, Jitnmiu
Dundee vs. Jimmy Fox. Johnny Arrou
vs. Hnrrv Bremer, Dave Miado vs.
Joe Coffev.
In the divorce en" of Thomas fl.
Vsngha haaiiist Lesby Vanhn, the
d-fer.dart has entered a demurrer on
the ground,, (l..it the facts in the case
do not constitute grounds for a suit.
I. L. Blackerby has ben appoint
ed administrator of the esta'e of his
mother, Mrs. Mijrv L. Bliickerby,
who died 0-r. mi. Th estate is es
timated at a value of ItOOO.
Miss Anita Stewart in her initial super-photoplay tri
umph, "Virtuous Wives," a story of human men . and
women, from the two million edition book of Owen John
son. Is there a universal standard of virtue? Decide for
yourself after seeing this truthful picturization of mar
ried life in New York society circles. Coming to the Lib
erty theatre for three days starting Sunday, with special
orchestra music.
Journal Want Ads
Quick Reference To Firms
Where Buyer And Seller MeetWe
Recommend Our Advertisers.
Salem Electrio Co., Masonio Temple, 127 JNorta High Maia 139U
eorner Commercial and Trade streets
Bills payable m'nthly in advance.
Fhous 60U. '
On Oood Real Estate Security
O.er Ladd k Bush bank; Salem Oregon
eeut 34 years time. A. 0. Bohrmtedt,
4U1 Masonio Temple. Balom, Oregon
MONEY to loan on good real estate.
5'i percent government money to
loan. Liberty bonds bought and sold.
. W. D. Smith, fciulem Bank of Com
merce. 11-14
liard parlor ia now open under new
management and it renders you and
the general public, a congenial place
to pass away a few leisure hours
The basement of Onfron Electrla
depot, corner of Stato aod High,
rhono 62S. Wm. Livock, prop. 8 8
CO yeari experiuoce, Depot, National
and American fence.
Hires 2U to 58 in high
Paints, oil and vsrnifh, eto
Legaulorry and hop hooka,
Palem Fence and Btovo Works.
SU Court street. Phone 124
SHEA HKPAIK8 all kinds of furnl
ture if broken or oirt of repair; np
holsler repairs uiado. fehop J."i2 Cho
nickctg Nt. between Commercial and
Liberty. Phone 181. 4-20
We Buy, Sell And Exchange
All kinds of Furniture, Stoves,
Clothing, Dishes, Bicycles, Harness,
Tools aud Junk. We buy what yoa
don't want and pay the highest
price in cash.
Peoples' New & 2nd Hand
271 N. Commercial Phone 734
HOP LKK, expert JaundryiKan, 439
Ferry tit. I pay top market .rice for
chickens and cgs. Office phone
LiJUj, residence 1333J. tf
All kinds of auto repairing by an
perienced workman. All work guar
anteed to be satisfactory. Sludbeh
er repairs a specialty. D. K. Moir,
203 N. Commercial.
Our Prices are Rlht
W. M. ZANDER, Proprietor
1235 N. Hummer Street, Salem, Oregon
. ,.v . V
That Give Service On Short
5 acres, all cultivated, the best ber
ry lund. $10(10, t'lM cash, balance
10 acres all cultivated, well fenced,
good prune land, $1:100.
13 acres, all cultivated, the best ber
ry or produce so.l, 5 room house,
barn, other out buildings, fruit; Vt
milo from town, at school, with full
equipment, $19110; terms if desired.
0. W. Brown Sl.L'i ncres, 1(1 acres
cultivated, 8 seres timber, 5 prunes,
5 logans. 0 room house, bam, out
buildings, at school and church, val
ley loam soil, prico $7000; would
consider Bcreuiro or house in Salent
not over $2000. Stock, impIcmoBta
and tools go,
BO acres the finest of valley land,
all cultivated, good house, burn
milo from school, 414 miles from Sa
lem; will tako $3000 cash, balance
at 6 percent, price $1(10 per acre.
MO acres, V.'n cu'tivnted, 1!l slashing
lilt acre apple orchard fi and 7 yeare
old 7 miles from Salem; $17,000,
half cash, balance (1 percent.
HMO aero Waldo Hill farm, all well
fenced, tho bet of modern improve
ments, 10 room modern house, fine
barn, first class outbuildings, clese
to town only $75 per acre; 13 to Mi
cash, bnlanco 6 per cent. Tiis place
is the finest bargain in the valley.
Have several fine pruno runcb.es for
sale, also berry lauds close to the
city at $U00 per acre. For best bye
Bnyno building Salem, Oregon
BRINrt jour trades. I can match yoa.
C. W. Nicmcyer, all branches of real
estnto and Canada lands, 215 218
Mowinii! building. Phone 1000.
FOR SALE A good double team har
ness, will trade for hay or grain,
or will exchange for good dry wood.
Seo Square Deal Realty compas.
Phone 4 TO
NO CASH REQUIRED-Oeiod overcoat
shoos nnd s .lta, ail kinds of music
al instruments, shotguns, rifles, bear
ing stoves, gas stoves, suit eases and
1000 other useful articles to sdl or
trade. What havo youf The Capital
Exchange, 337 Court St. Thone 49J,
just installed a machino that will
sharpen lawnmowors the same as the
factory puts them out now. Brinf
all your light repair work to me. AV
vin B. Stewart, oli Court St. Phone
J. A. Rowland Furniture Store
Buys, sells and exchange new and
2nd hand furniture. All kinds of
reps:! .work, light grinding, filing,
and bracing a specialty. Bight
prices. 47 North Commercial Hi.
Phone 10.
SALEM J?f!AVEN'GER Garbage a
refuse of all kinds removed oa month
ly contracts at reasonable rate
Cess pools denned. Dead animals re
moved. Office phone Main, 167: