A AUTOMOBILE TK IT TTHl'RkT A IT AUTOMOBILE OURNAL SECIKm TIE DAILY A .T - OTA ' tpf 7j - ;r m FORTY-SECOND YEAR NO. 70. ' SALEM, OREGON, SATURDAY, APRIL 5, 1919. PRICE TWO CENTS ON TRAINS AND NW STANDS F1VB CTXTt 1 Boost Your Local Dealers Play the Game at Home One of the largest enterprises in this city is the Automobile industry. Just to show you haw large it is, we are putting out a special section to accommodate their advertising. As you walk down any street in Salem, in your mind mentally picture how vacant and desolate the place would look if the dealers in Autos, Tractors, Bicycles Motorcycles, Accessories and Repair work were to close their doors. It would look, like No Man's Land after our boys landed in the front line trenches. The Cycle busi- ness is fast coming into prominence and with Salem's level streets and rolling coun try, which is so adapted to cycling, will soon be a large industry. So boost your local dealers to your friends and buy your car or cycle from a local dealer. Have your repair work done in Salem. Buy your tires in SaleimDon't be a piker, but patronize Home Dealers. You all want your city to be up and coming because it increases your property value, your business interests and elevates the feeling you already have for your home town. The plan works to benefit every one interested. Railroads Hake Campaign To Educate Mo!or Drirers Now that automobile are becoming so common and also coasidering the fact that not one driver out of three takes aud special precautions in crossing a railroad track, th railroads are taking: up a campaign of Sdueation. They hr.ve taken as a slofrartS the fact taai it the. driver does not stop, look and listen,' it may mean death or cripples for the occttpautg of hia ear. ! A. A. Mickel. Southern Pacific! freight r.Rent, is in receipt of a "Safety J First" bulletin, published onder the dij rection of the United States railroad adtnuistratiun. I During the first tw0 months of this' year, there were $9 automobile acci dents on the Southern Pacific, 14 of which consisted of t oliinions with steam' strains, resiiltin U two deaths, 24 per sonal injuries ami damage or destruc tion to 31 automobiles. ! A lurge number of the accident were lue to automobile runmug Into the side of a train, in inuny instances where the tin in was standing still. M;u:v were due to the fact that the auto was going at such a speed thnt tt could nottop, ' even after the driver suw tho danger. M&msi08$$2iy FAULTS ELIMINATED IN STARTING CRANK j Starting cranks fastened to nn auto ; mobile cause- much trouble mid an noynliee by Rwiii.iring, niltiiiig, and wcurlng the ben ring unuocoKSiiiily. Ky . the use of nn ordinary hunk-end spiral spring of proper length to give a me- (iitiin tension on the crunk, these tnults . limy be eliminated. To muUe this. Is Hearing Completion Will open up to the public April 15 and will give the patronage first class service both in repair work and storage. All mechanics will be experts and no second class work turned out whatever. Gasoline, Oil and Tires for sale now Arrange for Storage Now aJUitflB? 1 I i e'Spring Radiator fit hi ; Tt-Hn-ni. Crank Drill hole te txtreme movement of cranK C. A. Campbell Manager 2:j:)-2:J9' South Commercial St. Salem, Ore. A Coll Spring Hold tho Starting Crank cf an Automobile to Keep It From Rattling. drill a three-slxteonth-lncli hole In the frsnio, or fasten to a convenient bolt a four to slx-lncli colled uprlng, which may be purchased cheaply ut any hurd v.are store, with end.s bent nut to fit the bolt and crank. This holds the crnnk rigid and prevents uolse nnd wear. A few drops of oil placed nt A will keep It lubricated. I'opulur Sci ence Monthly. Other were caused by reckless dri-; iug even after the driver hail tieeni warned bv members of the train crew.' Meetings will be held at several places ob the Southern Paefie of the safety committee to preach the doctrine of Mop, lok and listen. Although sev eral points in the valley will be fa rored by a visit from this ssfety com mittee, no date has been named as yet ; for Salem. Farm Tractors Haul j Ammunition To Front i A captain commanding a convoy of motor trucks carrying ammunition to the bateries on the front in France said that the two prime essentials in motor' trucks for such service were ruggednesa and acessibility. Kuggedneaa wtis a first essential be- cause not only engine power but ability to tnke an overload were of first nn-i portance. Sometimes the road was shell ed and more power was neded. Tho truck had to stand the service. I nder i;uih strenuous conditions the ability to core for an overload was of inestimable value. Next came acessibility. If a truck went wronp it had to be repaired at the roadside. That was generally not a healthy place to make a repair. Making the repair was bad enough in itself, but it was inexcusably worse if more thau half the time of the repair was wasted in removing parts that simply had to be got oht of the way before the repair could be made. This experience can be applied to tractors. The middle of a plowed field is not the healthiest place in which to make a repair job. The shorter the time needed the better. It is still worse if part of a field 0f ripe grain is wait ing to be rut mid e .storm that may beat the ripened grain into tho earth and destroy much of it is brewing. F. O. Delano and A. F. Eoff took several drivers with them to Portland on Thursday to drive down another bunch of Chevrolet cars. Outside of their regular factory allotment of enrs they have driven over 73 Chevrolets out of the Chevrolet branch at Portland. Mr. Kd Campbell is opening up one of the fineet and largest garailea in the country. All first class mechnnics will bo employed nnd the best of service ex tended t0 all. Salem certainly is going on high. Bicycles Are ScBin Ra pily la Salesi Harry W. Scott, who recently epenti a new bicycle and motorcycle store at 147 South Sommercial street, reports the cycle business booming ia Salem. He is very enthusiastie over the outlook for the coming season, as the demands thus far, for high grade bicycles, have more than exocded his expectations, havirig sold more than forty wheels since open ing his Jtore in February. People of today regard the bicycle as : absolute necessity in the daily rounds of business as it offers a" con venient, ipiick and inexpensive oienna cf transportation. Mr. Hcot considers himself very tor tunate itt securing the services ot If. T. Smith (,, take charge of his repair de partment. Mr. Smith has had several years exoiionce in repair work, r.nd for the p!'t 18 months has been first awist nnt chief instructor in the Meehanie Training School at Kell Field. The firm of Hcrschbnck k Son has ohmiiH'il hands and are now doing looel repair business under the name ef lleischlmi k nnd Spinner. FITTING NEW KEY TO SHAFT Not Good Practice to Fit Larger Key to Shaft in Which Key way Is Badly Worn. 'It Is not always good practice to fit a Inrger key to a slmft in which tho key way Is badly worn nnd has been cut to take the new key. The trouble Is thnt It Is sometimes necessary ti remove so much metal thnt the; f-htif t is seriously weakened. Any woldiusr concern can fill in the? old slot nnd then cut a new keywny. CAUSE OF RADIATOR LEAKS Next shipment due soon. We suggest you place your. order at once. Republic Trucks- We have taken on this line of trucks. Complete line ')-A to 5-ton. It is quantity production that enables any com pany to produce quality goods at lowest prices. This is the reason Republic prices are much low er than other trucks of equal value. Samson Tractors- You should see us before buying. Gv: our rt- " duced prices. Second hand automobiles. We have some good values in touiing cars and trucks. Otto J. Wilson Vent In Filling Cap Overflows and Be. cornea Choked With Sediment Steam Forces Opening. A frequent cnuso of lenks In radin- I tors Is that the vent In the filling cup i overflows nnd becomes choked with j sediment, with the result thnt steam ! oeeurmiltites In the rndlatnr. and the ! rrcsMire seeking an outlet, forces an ' opening at the weakest point. A llttlo , care of the vent will remedy this trou ; ble. ! Mounting Often Defective. ; It sometimes hnppens ihul while tho ; wheel Itself may run porli ctly true, i improper mounting of the rim and : li,e give the Impression f wohhllui? io the whole assembly. Oragglnfl Brakes Generate Heat. Itrncglng brake generate conslder j able heat, and one can tell what tho j condition of the system Is by feeling ! the outside of the bands after a run. Looks like old times it Viik Bros. Mr. Viek says we unloaded, assembled and delivered twenty runt this week. Oh. that Fold i a popular wagon all . When you use Journal clicj'fl- 4 j H ids get what you mtht item to they work fart. r Ifl 1 FV WHICH ,JiO IOU ? 7 aoose IF YOU are one of the many who intend to buy a car, you will find that you have a choice of three purchases. You can buy (1) Abfcfore-the-warmodel,or , (2) A hastily designed and hurriedly constructed car, made ready for tha market since tha armistice was de clared, or (3) Tha New Elgin Six, a car ready for delivery now, that represents such a big step forward that it is fully a year and a half ahead of the times. ' For eighteen months, while tho Elgin fac tories were building war trucks, the Designing, Engineering and Executive Staffs of the Elgin Motor Car Corporation devoted their best tal ents end energies to the designing, testing and perfecting of the New Elgin Six. Slowly and carefully they designed, tested, refined and perfected an entirely new tutomo bile new in design from radiator to taiJ-liht a car that retains the notable Eturdinesu and light weight which won for the Elk" Six pcn'eci scores and highest honors in. every ono ox the many gruelling endurance and economy con tests it entered during the pact three years. New Elgin Six cars have received many thousands of milen of the most strenuous and exacting trials and havo more than satisfied cur highest expectations. Come in and see the New Elgin Six, with tha 36 improvements and' refinements which havo placed it a full year and a half ahead. A postcard request from you will bring "Inside Information" in terms you can readily understand. V. - L 1 V4 tl IS 4 'Wj $1395 f.0.6. Factory r Lee L Gilbert , WlicK'suk Distributor, Salem, OreTon. Phc.v. ::!li...i:jfi S. Conimcrdal St. Jvft l''-'- '"'-d for Open Territor I 388 North Commercial St. Soli em (:)( i