THE DAILY CAPITAL JOURNAL. SALEM. OREGON. FRIDAY. APRIL 4. 1919. PAGE NINE TODAY and TOMORROW Dorothy Gish IN OOTS" "BOOTS" "BOOTS" "BOOTS" "BOOTS" "BOOTS" "BOOTS" "BOOTS" "BOOTS" IT'S A DANDY LUKE COMEDY THE IREGO PA THE C SI st. STEUSLOFF'S MARKET Fresh and Cured Meats and Sausages of all Kinds Dallas Man Appointed On State Board Of Pharmacy Governor OUott today announced the appointment of Captain Conrad Strafrin of Dallas, ins a member of tlie state board of phuvmnrv, to succeed liosa M. I'lummer, of Portland. The nppuintnicnt becomes effective, 2d;;v "1, immediatelv succeeding the expiration of tho term of Sir. l'luinmer. Air. IMumuicr, who is secretary of the board, had expressed u desire not to serve further as u mem ber. Captain Stnfriu recently returned from France. He liud a splendid record as captain of Company L of the old Third Oregon. When the- war started his company wivi one of the first to be! 1 ' ready for serv ice and Captalu Stafrin ; JOURNAL WANT ADS PAY cn"i" back from Fralnce with tho high est praise of his men. Ho was with the JJttited States troopi that were sent into ; Hum franco and saw service I there. He is a prominent pharmacist of Pains and baa ben active along ..niny civic Hues, as wel aa inilitury. Captain Stafrin was also oki the Mexican border ! with'his company. "YouDon't KnowBearis" UNLESS YOU KNOW. BURPEES STRINGLESS GREEN POD VARIETY The beans that vviU make Oregon dehydrated beans famous. We are introducing this wonderful stringless bean, of highest table quality, into the mar ket of the world. ARE YOU READY, MR. FARMER-To do your part toward estab- . lishing this industry in the, Willamette Valley? No matter whether you are a fruit grower or grain, raiser ycu will find this crop profitable and also A GREAT SOIL BUILDER The Willamette Valley has been endow- & ed with marvellous opportunities for raising fruits and vegetables f S of the highest quality and that farmer who has a vision is quick- W ly adjusting his crops accordingly. Grain farming will soon be- t ' corae a secondary in fact many soils in the Willam- w 1 ette Valley are running out through continued grain cropping. Q 5 Cultivation and legume crops will restore them. Grow beans for 2l J the legume and they will pay better than grain. J 5 LET EMYFAPJMFMT BEANS hose soil is adapted. Kun- NJ 2 aHe to handle a large acreage grow at least an acre. We want k H beans this season and next, too, but beans this year is the para- O mount issue. 2 D INTEREST YOUR BOYS AND GIRLS in Sowing beans. Let them L, care for the crop and share in profits. L 5 WE DON! REQUIRE "BABY BEANS" buttake well developed pods, 3 tender and brittle as picked for table use. This means easier picking and greater weight for the grower. J) H IF YOU ARE PLANTING BERRIES OR ORCHARDS this Spnng, plant - . J means betwee nthe rows. Their cultivation will be a big benefit 2 to the berries and young trees, or if you intend planting these fj gj fruits next season there is nothing better than beans to put the w soil in proper condition. TWO BAD SEASONS oth exceedingly dry, have discouraged some M TJ who tried beans but don't weaken, Mr. Farmer, the Willamette f alley always did grow fine crops of string beans and will grow them better than ever when you study their culture on a business W basis. USE FERTILIZER 1 fc wil1 greatly increase your yield and assist g later crops. Intelligent fertilizing will determine in a large meas A uie your success in farming. Ask us for information .on proper 7 kinds to use. " y WE OFFER $60.00 PER TON for beans f- - ur factory and will ' furnjsh conta ners. Send fof any of the following free bulletins cn culture. Beans, Carrots, Peas, Tomatoes, Spinach and Can Ber ries. All are written by practical men from actual experience. We supply seed at cost to our growers. WE ARE IN THE MARKET FOR SEVERAL THOUSAND LOGANBERRY TIPS. 'Hcqiiiam Man Kills Wife I Hoquiam, Wash., Apr:! i. Failing to persuade his wife to drop divorce pro ceedings, Alvin A. Bedjjwick, 28, shot ;her Into yesterday, turned tho weapon, !on Kidney M. Heath, 60, her attorney, jnnd then killed himself. All tlwec are dead. Tho shooting took place in j Heath's, offico where Redgowick had i tione with his wife in an effort to haVe j her divorce suit dropped. He had just 'returned from an Everett sanitarium where he was under treatment for tu- THE YEAR'S ABSOLUTE SENSATION mm APES OF ItlE YeLIBERTY NOW 2:15, 4:15,7:15, 9:15 . ORCHESTRA MUSIC NEW SHOW TODAY EDITH R03ERTS and BILLY MASON in "A TASTE OF LIFE" Comedy Weekly ALL NEW BLIOII THEATRE n 55 2 Salem King's Products Company SALEM, OREGON PHONE 8:50 LUTHER J. CHAPIN, FIELD AGENT A THONE 1523 SATURDAY .Shoulder Pork, "Roast ,or Steak, lb 2Sc Loin Pork Roast or Chops, lb 32c Pure Pork Sausage in bulk, lb 25c Fresh Ground Ham burger Steak, lb... Jgc Rendered Beef fat, lb - ;igc BEEF Rib Boil lb . . 12 J-2c Pot Roast lb 42c and 15c SATURDAY Choicest Steer Beef Pot Roast, lb 26c'Shoulder Veal Roast Veal Stew, lb.. ISc Prime Rib Roast, lb 32c Tenderloin Steak, lb ...-39c T Bone Steak, lb 35c Plate or Rib boil, lb J9C or Chops, lb --- 25 Lamb Stew, lb ......17c Choicest fear Cured SW Sup Boncs' 'b 5c & Open Kettle Rendered PURE LARD No. 5 size pail SI. 50 No. 10 size pail $3 Q(J Dry Salt Pork, lb 28c Meats Hams, half or whole lb..-37c Bacon, lb 35c Mlc Oottage Rolls, lb 33c Picnics and Jowls, lb 24c Fresh Liver, lb - 5v Fresh Tripe, lb -7c Liver Sausage, lb .7c STEULOFF BROS. Inc. BUTCHERS & PACKERS SALEM, OREGON cDidyou lose that job through a poor skin There'! many a person whose chance in life are limited limply be cause of a skin that is blotchy and un presentable. Pimples, roujjh, red, ugly ikins skins that chap and burr easily are usually must successfully treated with Kesino! Ointment. Tin joint uh nl VeurxA &tp wilh On), nol Ointment utualiy prrKiucci ibt itttt wJl wktft iac'.ai cicmiKef are ennrrrn td. and U Jitiallr dcc..Mtul in tinr.f outer tiua aiictttoM bo iimtn and bod. Resinol Chest Colds Sore Threats : QuicH relief comes overnight when you apply Musturine the ri(inul iiuprovement on tho old fashioned mustard plaster. Miistarho contain,, true mustard. It cannot blister and there are no disagreeable fitnie9 to irritate the nose and eyes. it's good for so ninny ailments removing congestion and reducing inflammations atid swelling so quickly that no home can aft'oid to do without it. One small box proves it. Always come, in yellow box. lie sure to" ask for llegy 's Mustarint. bereulosis. A note found in Pedgowick'a pocket showed ho planned the killing. "1 huve tried to pcrsuiulc TiOfse to abandon her npplication for divorce, but she refusestti do so. Bo I have decided to settlo it by taking her along with me." Do You Know That we have our first shipment of Ladies' shoes and part of them already gone before we plac ed them o ndisplay. Our first shipment containe dthe following: Black and white pumps with attractive bucklea and plain Doctor Reed's cushion insole shoes for sore feet; Keith Konqueror genuine white washable kid low and high heel; also the two tone shoes, and two styles of brown kid shoes. Look at our window display or come in and see the display inside. WE DO SHOE REPAIRING BM.auv wan r AND DO IT WELL HOME OF QUALITY' TOMORROW IS THE DAY ARGAINS GALORE At the Remnant Store 254 North Commercial Street THESE PRICES GOOD FOR SATURDAY ONLY 25c dust pans Crystal White $1.50 to $2.00 Saturday Price Soap Ladies' Shirt Waists 10c E?ch . 5c Cake at $1.19 Each Children's Sample Hats Limit 5 Cakes . Values to 50c n... CMC $1o.OO Children's Bloomers T ,. y. 1,, go Ladies' Silk Fiber .,, , SweatersSale Price Slightly .soiled . mack or white $6.95 Each New Percales Ladies Dress Skirts . :G-inches wide $5.G9 to $6.98 g.0Zi p0jj Saturday Price For Tomorrow Only 23c Yard $4.93 Each Toilct VafCT i3C ,m 2Ro!!sfsrl5c 20c 25c Colgatcs Talcum Men's Collars Table oil cloth Powder Saturday Price Tomorrow . 12cCafl 15cEach 35c Yard . no Odd Lot of 77" n- u700 ,??0.. Ladies' Hose p 1(f Gingham Ur.derskirt3 to o9c Envelopes Tomorrow Tomorrow Tomorrow 59eE?.ch 25c Pair 5c Package IE tf t t SI if Remenben You Can Do Better At The Remnant Store Buster Brown Hosiery For the Kiddies 3 pair for $1.00 THE REMNANT STORE 234 North Com'l. St. A. D. Thomson Sample Silk Underskirts Values to $3.50 to $G.50 Tomorrow at $3.93 Each I'r 8 s a If I i l ft it it it !C tr i &fe.atfe' ---- -aw. - -----a-. - - ... . - .. .- . jJU.JL-JW-JLtV