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About Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919 | View Entire Issue (April 4, 1919)
THE DAILY CAPITAL JOURNAL, SALEM. OKKUON FRIDAY, APRIL 4. 1919. t Baa 66 a at t 3 OUR MEATS ARE STRICTLY CHOICE: PROPERLY AGED IN THE PROPER WAY. OUR SAUSAGES ARE MADE IN A SANITARY AND PERFECTLY CLEAN KITCHEN AND 3 NOTHING BUT THE BEST OF PURE MEATS AND SPICES ARE USED. GRAIN FED STEER BEEF. YOUNG CORN FED PORK. CREAM FED VEAL. PURE SAUSAGES. 8 CAGE EIGIIU (V If Qyaifty s m f: 1 atii- I Pot Roast s J 10 BETTER MEATS THAN SOLD TO YOU BY SOME OF THE OTHER MARKETS. AT FOLLOWING PRICES: Beef Boil 12c 14c Liver 5c Tenderloin Steak T-Bone steak Soup Bones 20c 20c 5c-10c Pork Roast or Steak 26c Pork Loin Roast or Chops 30c Fresh Side Pork 25c Bacon .. : 35c Picnics 25c Ctotage Rolls : 35c Established 1884 .0 c ra Phones: 1880-1881 ef . I. IV .7: IN ' .-A"ST -V-" ' r- . . l kT" " ' a "?.. r .V I " :. YlriV -'W i Tnr TTll TAf Rub ,Ittle Tuxedo briskly la the palm of your hand to bring out iti full aroma. Then imell it deep its deliciout, pur fragrance will convince you. Try thia test with any other tobacco and w will let Tuxedo atand or fall on your judgment "Your Noam Know' Finest Burley Tobacco Mellow-aged till Perfect plus a Dash of Chocolate 'YourNoseKnows Tha Perfect Tobacco for Pipe and Cig&rettt a Cuararrteets try n f Ae pliable ff teafoil package tf In the iflrjr convenient yQy pocket curved Court Ovcrru'es Deminrer Of Plaintiff In Bond Case luugk -just ia tiae to CHtih your Urchtli fr caatirr. "Rillf Around the nag" ia the top ic m? Kvuncalint Burner fit Hid jfst Judge Percy Kc'ly ba oerrnIfil ta R , .,.,.,, ,Iini.llt. 7 innal (Vmnrrcr of tb. plaintiff ia the .djreaa. Coma and honr Troy, the eo- of the Capital Nutioiiul Bank. 'Mattie j pel rfinjr and his chorus choir. ter F. It.'ntty and .). V. SIobjo ajniuM icea 'besjin promiitly Ht 7::I0. the city of Salem iu laei:' uit for j , T"1 , J , . , , I IiLitead of The Rer. Jcshna Stanfiela the payment of bonH, .wued on thefl th g,, fur Uf evoninjj at the South 12ih irtreet pavinj. The plain-; Maeioa comity Kuiuluv hcIu'oI couveii tiffa are giea until April 12 for fur- tioa uw in (-ion v.i the J'irst "hris ther iileadinc I tiM ',1",,',, ,h' l,'!' will ! deliv- The fc.ond, for the Soatk Tel?ta ! the Ke. 11. H. (intfith, pas street pavin? wer iastt'd about .;' l1"' f'"" U"',!il'a" ,'1,"n'h I', year, aKo and it i Mateade.J by tha l l'r" I hc scions tomorrow will pUnntiffs that auita wer broueht : Jf' ,hr' by ' K,V - morelv to avoid the MaUte of limi- ""!nbf,'; ,l,e '"v,,:"!"m -1:'8- lntl0 ( inj itli hu talk on "HcliKioua elu- The'eitv in it. answer tkrauch Cit.i l'"atiu ,hf BCW ,mrJ f"r Attorney Ma-y, contended taat the eoa ta- -iu.'iS year will )e fleeted but- traeton the ("ark lleary company lVl,T atternooa. aareed to wail for its atoaer until I . ... J! . it fund, had accumulated i. th Hunt Th nrtmwt of the Com Twelfth atreat fund and aot to claim i "",r,:,Bl clul) ,nu,i t !'"s (,VI'I"". t0 n.onoy from the enerat fnad. Also ! plana tor th- eeminK thftt no atatotea of limitatioa would P"."- frin-lhnjf ia i . .,:..i ..... : f...i I i hairmon of tin. ilepuilinent and lie ni'uiv in unr ni'i'i-iiii iii"ii r.vius luuu . . wheu thare ia a probability taut aa money will be in that fuad far acveial yenra. Jut at nie.ient tki is "! ia the South Twelfth atrert ad. The claims held by the plaintiffs ia tae throe etiwa are next in number I be paid. The. 1'a.pitiil National bask hnklj $.1, 0(M, Muttie F. HeattV llt aad .1. (. Moore I0I. : CITY NEWS J Military man In tha city aunounca that otilcra have been issued from hci!(ltimi ten of the Oiegou national gunrd at Portland in which Colonel W. Q. North has been recalled from tha retired list and assigned ta tha com mand of the first regiineat iafantiy. Th poopla out la Ua Libarty sec tion really attend to hara electric lights and do their ironinj by eleutric ity and run the windmill by eleotiicity and probably rock the cradle by aid of the electric motor. But the men who were mostly interested, are so buoy with thiir loganberry patches and prime orchards, that nothing has been done the past week or an to se cure additional names. As the matter now stands s 1 S00 lus already beea guniaiitccd and when $4000 is assured the Portion ! Railway I.ijht and Pow er company here will brgii work oa putting in the lines. Tonight's service will be the clos ing aerv'ce this week of the Harner Troy meeting at the First Haptist - , .,.r. .a ,.rr a '"I ", " "Jj ! much interest being taken iu the niiny nmunu me r:wa. .ur, uwt will lead the chorus choir and sing n niimlcr of sjlos. The interest ! line. He will speak lolh this after-, in the meetings has grown euch flight n,)0n an, this evening in connection. and tonight's meting it is eapected I watH the Epwanh l.i"u':e rally nt the' will be the climai of the scries thus .vr,t MithnliM chinch. far. The uiictings continue through, next eck. Portland. Ur., April 4. The school! rrr" v , . . ' board at its meeting lust uicht, nnex-! Miaa Bopsio Sbinn, who ia a fator-j ,, 1 ire kUhv teller ..moo the children. Iecte.lly granted a monthly bonus of; has a-aocinted with him as committee mea if. C. .Perry, K. T. Karnes, .Max Uurea, t'nrtia B. Cross H. I. Pntton and t. 1). Kay. According to the plaaa that have been outlined, this de partment will take an nctivc part in tha home work ef the Commcn iul club during the coming six months. One of tha lirat matter to be taken care of is the ipropoaition of a bathing beach and whether1 Riverside il'ip can 'be made available for bathing, a it was two and three years ago. Another dan that will probably be brought before the meeting ia that of doing something1 practical in the way of a clean up and paint up campaign as soon as the spring aenson fully opens up. And in addition to the clean up campaign, or in connection with it, il is probable that the ciie. department will lend its influence in a fly swatting campaign aud incidentally cleaning up breeding places for flies and such . While Salem has fair prospects of considerable building during the sum mer months, there has been nothing much going on o far this year. Only one building permit issued during March and thia one was to A. William son for an $800 house at STfl South !th street. J. Baumgartner took out his building permit yesterday for the large warehouse to be erected on Front st'reet oa the present site of the Brown planing mill. It is estimated to cost between KO0O and $10,000. Dr. Done? returned this morniuS from hi a tour of the south runt of the state, in which he managed to work in about ti.i minutes of Htrenuosity to the hour, delivering five addresses in the course of one day, on the subject of the aentenarr movement. He found work hv the Methodist churches down the jwill tell the story Sal unlay morning j f 10 for all teacher, of the citj . effect at the puolic library, beginning at i April 1. I li)::ti o'clock. Attention ia called to j l,i... i i..:.;....:.... ,iiu ltrit - -- -rTnrTr? I'll' lll'lll, IIS HI 1,1 II II t ri'i .i,'. there ill be hut one slory hour each j Saturday iron. in;; mid this hour is !0::;o o'clock. i I Those who are real'. loterested In I the -irk due by w.inieu in the war will have an opportunity to hear this cveiiu I. 'unit . It. i tha Campbell at the j auditorium of the Salem pn-.lic libra ry. I.ieut. t'.',":.VII w:;s on the fight jiiig trout and ill tell ef actual ex , petiences. ! Manager Kupper UitiJiatea there is Isnuething c.ecipg to the Oregon Sun iilav that ill put bnbblea into the i bloo I of fiery college studei '. and ev ery old bald alumnus who csrrie in his soul the recollection of the esca pades and hihmiy of ball and campus. Clmrles Rav i in it. and that ' enoujh ..,,,1 mi r; 1 in hu cot to be rret- Ity lively and versatile to hold all Kay lean do in 4. minutes. It's called 'The itiirl ledger. . it figures everal types' 'of jirl. and you get through with one Eat em up and call for vmmore, my pa says. Post TOASTIES A food all I boys like DP it m The American Spirit in Dentistry The Spirit of Modern Business 1 & ri ',,' H.R. PARKER (Painkara-ktr) Chapter IV. ' What qualities enable American business men to succeed? They have clear sight and cool cal- rulo-t-Jnn TVi spirit cf adventure. They are prepared I to try all sorts ot experiments. They take chances. They have the gift of leadership. They know how to organize. They bring together many people for a com mon aim and object. & They knoto how to get into close touch with their fel low men. vi Their outlook is wide. They think of the requirements of men and women of all classes. They aspire to reach out with their goods and services to all mankind. This is the spirit in which modern business is conducted. In old days business men were timid and shortsighted. They were petty shopkeepers. . I saw long ago that dentistry as a business was still a petty business. It seemed to me that we ought to organize it after the fashion of modern business. Let us learn practical wisdom from our business men, and idealism from the common people. My motto is: Sound Business and Ideal Service. Under the "E. R. Parker System" for first- 7ff CIass wrk m dentistry, most moder (JlKv J ate Prices are charged. SYSTEM Painless Parker Dentist State and Commercial Streets. Auction Sale of 65 yards of very heavy canvas 75 pounds of tea; baking powder; canned goods; soap; U00 pairs of shoes; lamp chimneys; 45 dozen fruit jars; 125 safe ty razors; silver teaspoons; hats and lots of other articles. We are going to turn them loose Saturday, April 5, 1 :30 o'clock One 2-year old filly running stock. Sired by Dick Mills, one of Oregon's famous running horses, She is just right to go into training this season. 1 Milburn wagon and 14-ft bed, nearly new. , 1 Studebaker buggy, rubber tired. 1 steel plow, 14-inch, nearly new. 1 set of single driving harness. Salem Auction Co. 157 S. Commercial St. Phone 1117 G. SATTEKLEE, Auctioneer D. CURKIE, Manager MSM