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About Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919 | View Entire Issue (April 4, 1919)
HF PAijE SEVEN THE JOURNAL'S NEW TODAY! 4-S-4- H r tT THE DAILY CAPITAL JOURNAL, SALEM. OREGON. FRIDAY, APRIL 4, 1919. (01 o . E 3J JOURNAL WANT AD DEPARTMENT IS THE BEST SELLING MEDIUM IN MARION COUNTY-TRY THEM FOR RESULTS CLASSIFIED ADVEET1SINQ KATES Bat per word New Today: XKa Lnseruoa le nt week (9 insertions) 5e The Capital Journal will not be re- --- possible for more than one insertion, FOR RENT Best apt. at the Miller, for error in Classified Advertisements 633 Ferry. tf Bead your advertisement the first day It appears and notify us immediately if FOR SALB-2-bottom hop or orchard arror occurs. plow. 3093 portrand road. 4 5 Minimum charge, 15c --- WANTED - Cattle and calve, any xt'8,1'0' kind. Phone 1579W. 5 3 JpeopU " the MlUor 633 Ie WHITE Rock eggs for hatching. Phone 9:!F5 or 403B. 4-7 K ALb rrvsh Jersey cow, five years old. Call at 715 8. 12th street. 1)R SAL B Early fuggle hop roots. 44 Phone 9S2R, J. A. Krcbs. tf . . FOR SALE 1916 well equipped Excel- IV ASH , polish and grease youi cars '.or motorcycle, with side car. Phone at 320 N. Com St. 4 4 g'Wmg. 4-S tX)R SALE One chain drive Ford SALE Loganberry plants, Rt. oj truck, real bargain. 337 Court St. tf x l03,1"" Sillom Garden road, H. ' . H. Gralnpp. 4 4 MALLARD duck hatching eggs for ... " " salo at 544 State St. 4 7 ANTLD Men to cut white fir cord- wood by contract. F. M. Suver, 1 FRESH cow for sale. Phone 14S3 or Or. 4-5 2295 N. Cliurch. 4 7 " " - , ANTLD Woman for housework, WANTED Furnished house by April ia11 family, light work, rhone SF Is or 15th. Phone 353. tf -- MOTORCYCLE for sale. Thone 8F23 WILL trade new baby grand or piny- venines. tf " l"ano for ''B"1 8ut0- 519 .Court street, afternoons. 4-4 BUGS cleaned 35c per rug Phone 16. " -I L. Bucknor. 4-4 B SALE Team and harness, 2 wa ' guns and 1 almost now cream sepa ls A KM hand wanted. Call Salem 3F3, rator. Phone 78F11. 4-4 C C. Russe . t p(jj g iLE one gelding horso, weight FARM HAND wanted. Phone 7F25. 1T,0Hw1; maro-."Jl?1 1200 J; 44 J. (lark. Phone 2a03W2. 4 4 GOOD gentle team for sale. Phone 693 FOU-ND-Bunch of keys. Owner may 4-8 obtain same by describing same at this office and paying for ad. tf JIRL or lady wantod for housowork. ; - Oall at 391 N. Cottage. 4-4 HR SALE-1917 Ford tounng car in good mechanical condition and good 8ALF.SMAN and collector wanted at tires. 246 State. 4-4 337 StaU St. 4-4 8ALE2 work hor9e(li 5 and 9 FRANKLIN tounng car for sale, 744 years, weight 1150. F. Dragcr. N. Commercial St. i4 Phono 10, FH. 4-9 WANTED To rent improved acreage HALB- m house, lart lot, close to car line. Phono 794. 4-4 barn, plenty fruit 406 N. 24th. call after 5:30 p. m. 4-5 FOR SALE Newcom fly shuttle cur- .. T-Z pet loom. Woodry auction room. 4 5 R SALE Gflld Dollar strawberry " J plants, very fine; 60a per hundred, WANTBDVounjr calve. C. C. Bus- P thousand. Phono 8PF21 cve- soll. Phone 8F3. ' 4-4 nmgs. W. E. Scott.. , 4-5 WANTED All kinds of chickens. Will "FOR SALE 1 acre with 5 room bun pay top price. Phone 1339J. tf --. hS large hrn, chicken c house, -wood shed; about a dozen WANTEO-Experiencod grafter, at ?8 f?t, tr'?Jn F!? Fruitland nursery. Phons 11 1F21, Ba- fairgrounds for $2100. 2045 Portland lent Rt. 6. tf road. 5 WANTED - An experienced man to E?T1?A? in Ca,ia!1f. ' 125: prune young pear tree. Call 491 or This includes fare to Alberta; board Jjj ' " 4.5 traveling and locator's expenses. , Fine mixed funning district. Partic- FOR SALE-6 room house and lot, mV' C- W- 1000, call on my agent, Win. Flcm- Niemeyer, Masonic building. tf ing, 341 Slate St. tf SALEjS0 u Joffor80n coun. f)R SALE - Good losanbcrry wire. V. 150 in " 40. e?Z' Capital Junk Co., 271 Chemckcta. T'"Z ,Zi L tZ tji, .109 ft 1 registered Durham bull, good house 1 ,ja- barn partly finished, with lumber to . finish on ulnce: some timber, some A. E. HUTOHISON, 246 State St., ;iulllranallPd aU' ti,iablo land under Phone 311. Overland service and HllUlo uke irriKllUon proje(.t. A snap general repair shop. 47 gt 000 A,idrca8 m J S care Jour- 7ALL PAPEB 15 eents per double roll u1, ! upward. Buren'i Furniture 8tore, 179 Mi;iesiii0KSES Last opportunity Commercial. tf ,0 buy Bt(K,k of thi, kin(1; a, gm.h TTr; 7, ; i T, TT, low i)ricf8, from 20 to $285 per MOTHER with two Ismail children, 1 six Rn ROod youn(( IIllllcS) wishes work as housekeeper. Address .t,i(fn't olno to 2tiu0. four r,an weu Mrs. Alice Cook, Kt. 4, box o4U, ba- milt,.)u.d norse tc-:ims, blocky built, 'c'n r- 4 4 heavy boned kind, woight 2S00 to ...., 7 ! . 2700, ages 5 to t; stock, is gentle, WE PAY highest cash price for eggs, well brok nnd ,,!, Guarantee pork, veal and poultry. ViUaotte M ivpn whh j, if not , r Transfer Co, 171 S. High St. Phone ioAKmawy rl,fumled; also sav- 1400 eral sets harness. 254 S. Liberty, FOR SALB-At 1260 Jefferson St. . taring's barn. 5 nice little house and lot for 325; s trrA rvril I aWl? can give terms; act quick, for thi. Al 1 U MlnAflUl. is a bargain. Z Y P care Journal, tf Formerly CAMPBELL'S AUTO EXCHANGE WE HAVE on hand a few tons of mill 229 State Street run for sale, at a Dargatn Willam- jf ou -ant to buy or iell a tte Valley Transfer Co., 171 South ur tom9 nd Ree me. High St. Phone 140k tf m7 Maxwen 5 pasg, 425 Maxwell delivery car. $325 CENTER Street Garage just opening 5 pass. Maxwell 4275 a goneral repair shop; cars washed Detroit, bargain, $250 nd polished. 245 Center 8t. Thone Studebaker, 8 cyl. perfect condi- 927, J. W. Hunt, prop. 4-15 tion, 4S0 - Hudson 8 cyl, good as new, $1000 N0CTHWE3TERX Nursery, lit. 6. 1910 Maxwell, good condition Fruit trees, roses end shrubs. Special 425 low price on certain line. Phone 1919 Maxwell new, 965 jjjP3 tf 1916 Dodge if von want a good car see this at $HO0 COOD rooming house to lease, 30 room. I Paige, electric starter and naoreraitqd,;ir:ill061T: cE ' 9 evening. 8t. or phone 1549M. tf Phone 867 IM 102 A t WE LOAN MONEY FOR FIVE YEARS. WE AL LOW YOU TO PAY $100.00 OR MULTIPLE ON THE PRINCIPAL ON ANY INTEREST DATE. WE CLOSE OUR LOANS PROMPTLY. HAWKINS AND ROBERTS - 314 Masonic Bldg. Salem, Ore. 8 . JMMbjfe -jik. jj, v - FOR SALE Pansy plant. Marunv, 211 Miller St. 4.30 FKESU cow for sale. Phons 105F11. LOANS - 6 u tsSJtoJlibJM ftsfefe!l .irtr si ' O rtH 'I'M ""m i"e,l'''u'e'mimli' " 47 '544 STATE ST TELEPHONE 400 ! Headquarters for baby thicks, tf FOR SALE Indian Runner duck eggs 0 twit each. Phone 729. 16 TRY Streets new garage at 420 S. Com'l. First class mechanic. - 4 7 -w " POTATOES wanted by People's Cash store. Higher prices paid. Phone 403. 4-4 WANTED A few loads of good top 1204. 37 MARRIED man wishes position as truck driver or garage work; 5 jrrs experience. References. Phone 1155 44 FOR SALE Fine Jersey cow giving 3 gallons 5 percent milk, second call. T. B. tested. . T. B. Watts, 1SU Jefferson road. 44 :FOR SALE Iron bed and springs, bed room stand, porcb cnuir, oil heater, kitchen table. Call mornings at 775 Center St. 45 FOR SALE One 10 year old horse, sjund and gentle, weight about 1 C00, pood worker anywhere. Phone 32F21 J. V. Bellamy. 44 FOR SALE The two story frame building at 312 North 1'oinmereial street. See R. P. Boiso, Breyman block. 4 5 WANTED By permanent renter, 6 or 7 room house with garago and gar den, or fow acres of land, modern house preferred. Write 1195 .N. Cot tage. 4 9 PLANT artichokes if you want cheap hog feed. Both topg and tubers make splendil feed. 1 have a few bushels left. Phone 622 or 254. tf FOR SALE 10 acre tract near tho fair grounds, $2000. Modern 1 room bungalow in Kingwood Park worth $3500, $2000 takes it half sash. F. L. Wood, Bayne bldg. 3-7 AS I am leaving the city will sell my 9 room house on paved street, high, sightly location, lot 75x150; $3500 cash. None other need apply. Phone 1343. 4 7 FOR SALE 6 acres, half fruit, bal ance cultivated, good buildings, 4 blocks from car line, block trom eity limits on Garden road, Box 230. Terms. 48 FOR SALE Five aeres adjoining W. Salem. Three acres plowed land, good house and well. For sale or runt. 64F4. 4-8 LADY with two children would like general housework, good cook and housekeeper, wngvs $13 per month. Apply -199; Faliirground road. 4-4 FOR SALE Must sell at once new 7 room house, including bath, in south Snlom, large lot; $1500 cash. A 2 caro Journal. 4-4 BEAUTIFUL high grade piano, low price and easy terms. The Wiley B. , Allen Co., 519 Court St. afternoons. 4 4 ACKNOWLEDGED tho finest piano in tha world Mason & Hamlin, and other pianos We invite your inspec tion. The Wiley B. Allen Co., 519 Court St. open afternoons only. 4 4 FOR SALE 5 acres on paved rond, 1 milo east of fairgrounds, priced very reasonable. For particulars call at 1505 Broadway. 4-5 WANTED Six workmen to wreck frauio (building on Front street known as Brown planing mill. Cull nt hardware store of Harding and Baiimgartnnr, 120 North Commer cial. 4 4 FOR SALE Or trade, from 10 to 30 acres of stump land, all good berry and clover land, 2 milis east of Sa lem. Will take some trade or work with mull fir fnnin far nart linvment. John H. Scott, 404 Hubbard bldg. tf FOR SALE 9 acres. Vi milo east of end of 12th street carlinc, aero strawberries, 1 acre loganberries, , 1 m t young orcnaru, gooa 0 room nouse, bum. chicken nnd huff tinnne. imnrl well. Call evening after 4 p. m. or tiundayg. $2000. James Callahan. 4-5 8ACRBF1CR SALE 3 room house bath, toilet, hot and eold water, 2 full lots. k0 rose bushes cherries, plums, eaclies, Tasbernes, grapes, chicken house and barn. Worth $1250 for $050; terms, tke me to morrow, Lavallear, 271 y. Commer cial. Phone 734. tf MEN WANTED AT WEST LINN PA FEU MILLS 42e HOUR, 8 HOUR DAY. SEE MB.F.T. BARLOW AT HOTEL ACROSS RIVER FROM OREGON CITY. CLEAN BEDS 20c NIGHT; BEST MEALS 5c. 5 2 PATTON PLUTtTBING COMPANY Are now able to take care of your plumbing wants in their new loca tion, 220 North Com mercial street. Phone 16C8. WOOD for tale. Phons 7SF11. Hie House of Reliability He "Sop" wiere shopping a pleasure Dresses, Coats, Suits, UP .. mm 1 it) SILKS and DRESS GOODS Suffice to say our stock is replete with new cloths of accepted shades and weaves. All priced right. Men's correct style Hab erdashery is one of our departments .that is kept up to the minute. FOR EXCHANOE 2 houses, 5 room each, all clenr, four blocks from court house, for vacant lot close in, or a half lot. Don't delay if you want this. 10 acres well improved close in, for sale on easy payments, or trado for Portland property. Four benutitul lets in a bunch on one of tho most prominent streets in Salem, strict paved and paid for; easy terms. 5 acres, nil in prunes, 5 years old, $1500. Want Salem homo. See mo for insurance, any line II. E. HOL1NUER 328 Hubbard bldg. Phono 1009 90 acre pruno orchard. Splendid buildings. $40,000. 18 acrcg all in prunes and loganber ries. $0000. 140 acres, (iood buildings. 15 acres prunes. $(1000. $l.rrO0 eah will han dle. 40 acre prune orchard. $!000. Take stock ranch part pay. 13 aeres bearing orchard. $4500. 15 acres. 7 in prunos. Oood build ings. $4500. 20 acres, 10 In prunes. $0000. 40 aeres. 34 in prunes. $11,000. 9 acres all bearing prunes. Strict ly modern house. $0500. A fine in vestment and home. 100 acre farm. Oood buildings. All in crop. Kunning stream. On main road. $125 an acre. 10 aeres with good house. All cul tivated. Close in. $3500. 5 acre 3 miles out. All cultivated. Plastered house. $1700. C W. NIEMEYER ' Masonic Kuilding KOTICE OP BCETVE'8 BALE Notice is hereby gives that I will sell at public auction on (Saturday, April 5th, 1919, at 1 o'clock p. m.( of said day, all the personal roperty of f. O. Bogoway and L. Kjgoway, gen 'erally known as the Ind"pendcwt Mar ket, sitnated at 121 Houth Coirimcreial ; street, Holcm, Oregon, to the highest , bidder for cash in hand, ubjct to con ! firmation by tho circuit court of the state of Oregon for the county of Ma jrion. Paid property consist a of salt land cured matB together with the fix itures, tools, furnishings and equipment 'of said market. F. N. Derby, receiv er. 4 4 J Permanent organization of the West ern Royal Livestock association iH be effected in Ppokane next Saturday. m Store for is Womeii Our lines embody a splendid extensive and exclusive selection . of smart new models. They include "Dolmans" the hit of the season, in the newest cloths and weaves. Three styles, Butterfly Dolman, Chicken Dol man,. Novelty Dolman Are very new creations, the last word. Our buyers this season have most certain ly out done themselves, not only with the "Dolmans" but with the most exquisite Waists, Stylish Suits and Coats and the New Swagger Capes We invite you to come in and inspect our showing, whether a purchaser or not This cut shows one of our lines of CORSETS. This department is one of which we are justly proud, carrying 4 . of the leaders. We can correctly corset any figure. Nemo, Bon Ton, Sahlin, Royal Worcester You can always . BEST BUYS 5 acres, nil cultivnted, the best, ber ry land. $1000, $2-50 cas!i, bulnnee monthly. 10 awns all cultivnted, well fenced, good prune land, $11100. 15 acres, all cultivated, the best ber ry or produce soil, 5 room house, bam oilier out buildings, fruit; ') mile from town, ut grhool, willi full equipment, $l!)00; t riitH if desired. 1. W. Hrown 24.15 acres, It) urres cultivated, 8 acres timber, 5 prunes, 5 lognns. 0 room house, barn, out building, at school and church, val ley loam soil, price $7000; would consider licence or house in Salem not over $2000. Slock, implements and tools go. 50 acres the finest of valley land, all cultivated, good house, lmrni yt mile from school, 4 miles from Sa lem; will take $3000 cash, balanco at 0 percent, price $eio per acre. 109 acres, 120 cultivated, 40 slnshing 09 acre npplo orchard B and 7 years old 7 miles from Salem; $17,000, half cash, balance fl percent. liOO aero Waldo Hill farm, all will fenced, the best of modern improve ments, 10 room modern houne, fino barn, first ils outbuilding, close to town only $75 per acre; 1 .1 to Vj cash, balance 6 per rent. This place Is the finest Ihargnin In tho valley. Have several fine prune ranches for sale, also berry lands close to tho eity et $200 per acre. For best bys see BOCOLOFSKY Bayne building Salem, Oregon FOB SALE Ten room modern house, r9H N. Hummer Ut. 5-"00; nine room modern house, 1725 Fir Kt. $5000; six room modern house, 1075 Fir St. $5000; five room modern house, 1779 Chemckcta Kt. $1700; six room mod ern house LOO 8. Commercial t. $3500; six room rnod.-rn house, 1795 H. High ft. $2000, W. II. (irnben horst k Co., 275 Htnte Strwt. 4 4 LOST A brown leather purse, con taining between four and five dol lars in silver, on Houth Commercial street. Return to Mrs. Gcrzen, 175 Fair groundu road or Journal office. 44 F R SA LE" Ford truck just over hauled, perfect condition; make ns n offer. S.ilim Velio Com puny, 152 ' N. Commercial street. 4-4 JOURNAL WANT ADS PAY JL i-iOCCUiCOOD S. c.. "J J We Capes and i ,r -.7 i" J '--4 ym We carry everything to GOOD do better at ,, PACIFIC EMPLOYMENT CO. "Always at Your Sirvice" Help of all kinds Furnished Free to Employers lESCOMlBlX. IFitABLl PH0HI, WIU 01 WRITE, J. F. C0X0N, li-wr. &3 'ish Durnnida Streak l'ortlsnd, Orin l'HOXE. 1572J for lot plowing. 4 5 H'.'ME grown mushrooms for fiile..' I.'lloj. 45 tXtll SALE K. W. $15 1'ord -Master vibrator, hull' price, J'hoiio 2I5.IU evenings, 4-5 fOli SALE Neat five room bungalow large lot, paved street, $1500. Own er. I'hono evenings 2510.12, 4 5 WANTED Practical rewinjr machine i mechniiii' to repair sewing machine at 203 N. 21st. 4-4 FOli f ALE 8 room modern house with garage, paved street, 4 blocks from slate house. Price $1000, terms f. X. Derby, 315 Masonic bldg, 4 8 CLEVELAND motorcycle, IDIM model for sale, $120 cah, liberty bonds c ceptanlc; must sell quick. fe tmlt Argo hotel. 4 4 WANTED I have a buyer for a gotjd homo on South Commercial street; aiso have buyer fur a fivo or six room bungalow in good locution. I''. L'. Wood, Hay nc bldg. 4 5 Would Rather : ! fight Than Work "I suffered' for year with stomach' trouble and could not i it and just hftl j "d for anyone to sa.v work to me. J ( would rather fight. Sifice a course of Mayr's W nderful Kenedy l; actunllv want to v. irk, and talk about; eat, I am the last one to lene the ta- j tde now." It i a simple hrmles preparation tha removes the catarrh f al miieiis from t'ie intestinal tract and' altar the inf! mmation which, tali- : praeticnllv ul stomnch. liver and in-! tiwtir.'h! ailments, including appendici tis. liie dose will convince or money refunded. J. C. IVrry, Capital Drug Store, and dni'gi-fs everyxlierc. Austin Twiss, a native of fircnt I'r: tain, 75 years old has applied ,flt Ta coma for uatiinJiza-.ijn papers. m. ,-t are showing "Exchsive Merca-se" and oar crices I E are risht it jf 4 i 1 4 Dolmans ::t n . it Easter Tegs For Boys The boy . deserves his EASTER SUIT and SUN DRIES equally with the girl. Our line of BOYS' SUITS is the best made in America. A big claim, but they are the "Xtra good" kind, that says it all it Shirts, Hats Underwear v--www M wm dress up the boy, and all GOODS. The house that has some thing new every day. We can - please everybody. Why not you? 4 fine Spring Tonic Is Dr. Carter's K. B. Tea Dr. Carter's K ft B Tea Best Spring System Cleaner Make It at Horn Yourself Costs Almost Nothing AfVor the long winter months, near ly everyone needs a spring medicine that ill drive out accumulated inipui it if and put the system in good con dition. One of the best spring upbuilduM and regulators we know of, is made of roots and herbs and It called Dr. far ter's K & 11 Tea your grandmother ran tell you all about it. Oetf a package of this tea nt any drug store and brew a steaming eiii befem vou go to bed tonight you'll Like it. It's splendid for the liver nnd bow els, gii-k headuillft and biliousness Th kiddies like it tm and it doet th'in lots of good, because it never acts harshly. Vou can gut Dr. Carter's K & H Tea st any drujj store. The Yakima Imlian reservation itf farmed largely by whites, though (fli Indian ownethip is greater by far than the lurid owned by white settktt SATISFYING RELIEF FROM LUMBAGO Sloan's Liniment has the punch that relieves rheumatic twinges Tli! Warmth-giving, conge. ;loo Scattcring circubtion-tiimulating rem edy ptnetraitt without tulbwt right to tlie aching spot and brings ouick relief, surely, cleanly. A wonderful help for external pains, sprains, strains, s'iii bces, hcadaclie, lumbago, bruises. Get your bottle todaycosts little, ncans much. A.k your drugt;:st lor it iy tame, liecp it handy for the wliolo family. The big bottle is economy. ffppsspf m ssfj 30c, 60c, 91 20 1r i