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About Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919 | View Entire Issue (April 4, 1919)
PAT.F sn TTTS D ILY CAPITAL JOURNAL, SALEM, OREGON. FRIDAY. APRIL 4. 1019. FOLLOW THE CROWDS TO THE Ii "Oh Led effer Meaf For Less MffDC f I i a I ii i Xz'z We have a choice assortment of meats for Saturday at prices that cannot be duplicated in the city, state or nation. We invite comparison of our prices and quality. "Originators of Low Prices" r .7 f4 va n a wy w- rr 351 State Street &&&&&&IV&&tX BOY SCOUTS 10 OPEN Tag Sale Method To Be Used In Drive bet io Open Oa Saturday. , Another tug Bull)! Hut this linio t lie minify raised will be put t list' in tin- city of Hulcm, Ore K"U in 1 ho betterment of the interests of fulfill 'h IlilVH. The liny Scouts of America of tho lo cal troops will canvass the city tomor row in a tnj sale' drive in an attempt to vuiso 15mi 0f tl, $.1000 budget tlmt wus voted nt a reeent moutiiitf of tha council. The fiimnco committee of the council lias undertaken the raising of half of the budget and tho buys have volunteered to mine the balance. The tatfs will wll fur not less than 1rl, lit thuiiKh it in expected that many who have not yet had the chance t. con tribute to this work will give moii. The money rained by budget will bo spent in thin city i. the establishing of a Heuiit headquarters anil the employ ment of an executive to give his timo trt the direction of the work, the estab lishing of n Hummer camp nt Waldo Luko for the boys of thin city, and tho outfitting of a local fife 'and drum corps, besides tho many minor it'iim that come forth in the expenses of the broadeiiiiiK of the work in this city. ktra-EIural Track Meet At Willamette On Saturday The bi track meet of Willamette I'niversity is scheduled for Saturday nl'temonii, nrnvidiin. the wenth'r jq fa- voruble. The different clusses have been at work upon the track and barr io.; heavy rains will have it in good con dition Qtir the eveints. Every man in the university is expected to take part in the nix or eight man events laid out. The first ten places will score each place scoring the same number of points OVCfl-flCIDITY of tha itomach has upset many a I niEhl rest. II your stomach is acid disturbed, dissolve two or three Rhzi IIS on the tongue before rotiiing and en joy refreshing sleep. The purity and goodness of Ki-moidt guaranteed by SCOTT A BOWNE MAKERS OF SCOTTS EMULSION us tho place in wh,ich it finishes. At least ten men must' be entered by each class, and the class fiiiishinjr'tho meet with the lowest number of points wins tho meet. Competition promises to be keen. .Special efforts will be put forth by the freshmen, as they have won but one event this year the "bag I 1 US!!. From the results of this meet tho 'varsity scpiud will be chosen. Among I those w ho are show ing u), this sea son are IMinii k. Medler, tlhling. liil jlette, Lyman, Wupsitu, .Sutherland and IFIegel. Coach llattliews expects these men to make good records during the meet. Sergeant Norlyu P. Holf, son of State Treasurer II, iff, has .just arrived in the city from Camp Lewis, where he received his discharge. He has been in the service for about a year and a halt', serving with the army service corps, and being stationed " for the greater part of this period at Beau Desert, France. He will make visit of a few- weeks lit home nud tl will accept on attractive, business proposi tion in Portland. Ph-M" Grace Adams &4fa"u!S' Optometrist & Optician f ' fw.w 3M -IM Pillock Blwk WnsliinKlon at West Psrk Phone Prmitway 1305 Portland, Ori' mtim tin lllt1TT a i (-(SU-WBsMMIsMM i I!,arretfay8 Sunday YeLIBERTY 0 C3 ' 10 3 L4 mm m w vb. mm iror me -Next 1U Oays the Farmers' Store, 270 North Gom'l St., Will Sell at Reduced Prices to Handle Incoming Produce GROCERIES Sugar, 10 pounds 11-oz. package seeded raisins JQC 15-oz. package seeded raisins 15c; 2 for... 25c 1-4 pound net weight Dromedary cocoa- . nut 10c 1-2 pound net weight Dromedary Cocoa- 20c nut CANNED GOODS No. 1 tall can Tork and Beans 10c; 3 for 25c I X L brand Chili con carni, regular 15c.... J Jc I X L brand Chili con Carni with beans, gallon can QJC Tomato Catsup, gallon gcj iGHSi Cocoa in bulk 7c 5-lb. can Hershey's cocoa $1.50 J Peanut butter, 2 lbs oc. Sauerkraut, per quart Coffee and Tea Edwards Dependable, steel cut coffee, lb....45c 3-lb. can 3-1-1 Crescent Steel cut coffee JJJQ Best grade bulk coffee J5c All bulk tea, per pound JjQc Tree tea, 1-2 pound package 3QC Tree tea, 1 pound package Hills Bros, large package fc Cereals and Flour Corn flakes, large size 25c Rolled Oats, bulk 25c Macaroni, 3 for 25c 2 packages Grape Nuts 25c ruffed Wheat and Rice, 2 for 25c 3 large packages Home made egg noodles25c Malt-O-meal the instant breakfast food...-25c Liberty cream oats, 3 1-2 lbs.... 25c Golden Rod cat flour, 9 lbs for gQc Golden Rod oat flour, bulk (jc Snow Drift hard wheat flour, per sack....$2 95 Pride of Waldo Hills flour.: J2 75 SOAPS No-Rub Laundry soap, 25c size 20c Ivory soap flakes, 2 for 25c White Flyer soap, 5 for 25c Elk Sovon soap, 6 for 25g ToiIetsoaP 7; 5c and 10c Cakes Water glass quart bottle Qc Brick salt, 3 for 25c What you need right now is Instant Bug Ex terminator for plants, chicken houses, etc. Gallon can $2.25 h2 on jj FRESH VEGETABLES DAILY Cauliflower, per head 25c and 30c Rhubarb, 2 pounds for. fjc Cabbage, per pound Green onions, per bunch jjc Selected Onions, per pound fa Early Eureka white seed potatoes, earliest and best, per pound 2c COMPOUNDS AND URDS Bulk compound, per pound 25c No. 5 Crown shortening No. 5 Pearl shortening tjQ Crisco, 6-pound pail j QD Crisco,. 3-pound pail jj qq COOKING OILS 1-2 gallon Mazola oil $15 1-2 gallon Douglas Best Salad and Cooking oil $05 No. 2 Vegetole gQc 0-CEDAR POLISH Per quart jqc lG-ounce bottles 1-quart Calol liquid furniture polish 25c 1-2 gallon Calol liquid furniture polish... 5Qc b4U Rf Al1 Phone 0rders 50 c or Over I IV Will Be Delivered Free C.O.D. i I I i