THE DAILY CAPITAL-JOURNAL, SALEM, OREGON. THURSDAY, APRIL 3, 1919. pa,;e SEVEN A SVAn Economical Delightful, Light Place to Trade ftr.r.r.r.s:?.!;: The Journal New Today Ad 5 nirm nnniMn nnronrn l JOURNAL WANT AD DEPARTMENT IS TEE BEST SELUNG,.0 10 Bttl LIEDimi IN MARION COUNTY CLASSOTED ADVZETlSINa 1ATES Bate per word New Today: jjach insertion , 1 wsek (6 insertion!) iu Qae iDOnth (26 iniertiont) "I 17' Tit Capital Journal will aot be re rponsible for more thaa on insertion, tot errors in Classified Advertisements Seed your advertisement th first day it appear aad notify us immediately if nor occurs. Minimum charge, 15c WANTED To rent a garage near 14th and Ferry. Phone 1140M. 4-3 WOMAN as companion and assist with housework. 255 Center St. 4 3 WANTED Cattle and calves anv kind. Phono 1576W. 5-j AVHITE Rock eggs for hatching. Phone 9.SF5 or 403R. 47 FOR SALE Early fugijle hop roots. Phono 9S3R, J. A. Krcbs. tf "WASH , polish and grease yout cars at 320 N. Com St. 4-4 FOR SALE One chain drive Ford truck, reul bargain. 337 Court St. tf FOR SALE Baled oat and cheat hay, Box 5, Turner, Or. 4-3 MALLARD duck hatching eggs for eale at 544 State St. 4 7 FBESH cow for sale. Thono 14S3 or 295 N. Church. 4 7 v AN TLDFurnishcd house by April Is or 15th. Phone 355. tf MOTORCYCLE for sale.' Phone 8F23 evenings. tf BUGS eleaned 35 per rug Phone 10. L. L. BucJkner. 4-4 FARM: hand wanted. Call Salem 3FS, C. C. Uiuaell. tf WANTED To rent improved acreage closo to car line. Phone 794. 4-4 VOH SALE Newcoro. fly almttle car pet loom. Woodry auction room. 4-5 WANTHIV-iYoung calves. C. C. Rue sell. Phono 3P3. 4 4 WANTKD All kind of chicken. Will pay top price. Phone 133W. . -tf WANTED Experienced grafter at Fruitland nursery. Phone 111F21, Sa lem Bt. 6. tf WANTED 1 An experienced mnn to prune young pear tree. Call 491 or 1431. 4 5 FOR SALE 6 room house and lot, 1000, call on my agent, Wm. Flem ing, 341 State St. tf WANTED 7 in family wnnt home in Salom. Phone Friday evening 498. 4-3 FOR SALE Good loganberry wire. Capital Junk Co., 271 Chcmokcta. Phono 398. tt A. E. HUTCHISON, 246 State St., Fhone 311. Overland service and general repair shop. 4-7 WAMi PAPER 15 cents per double roll upward. Buren ' Furniture Store, 179 Commercial. tf WE PAY highest cash price for eggs, pork, veal and poultry. Wills met te Transfer Oo, 171 8. High St. Phone 1400. tf FOR SALE At 1200 Jefferson St. a nice little house and lot for $325; can give terms; act quick, for this is a bargain. Z T P caro Journal, tf !WE HAVE on hand a few tons of mill rnn for salo, at a bargain Willam ette Valley Transfer Co., 171 South High St. Phone 1400. tf CENTER Street Garage just opening a general repair shop; cars washed and polished. 245 Center St. Phone 927, J. W. Hunt, prop. 4-15 NORTHWESTERN Nnrsery, Rt. 6. Fruit trees, rose and shrubs. Special low prices on certain line. Phone 1UF3. tf FOB SALE Clover hay $23 per Ion; clover seed 60 Ter lb; apples $1.75 ner bushel. Bt 6, box 51, Phene 23 F21. tf 43O0D rooming house to lease, 30 rooms partly furnished; will lease very reasonable. Inquire 500 N. Com 'I St. or phone 1549M. tf ,Tm .M,. ..ntTntr nftn LOW YOU TO PAY $100.00 OR MULTIPLE ON THE PRINCIPAL ON ANY INTEREST DATE. WE CLOSE OUR LOANS PROMPTLY. HAWKINS AND 314 Masonic Bldg. - TRY THEM FOR RESULTS FOR SALE Pansy pbtnt. Marunv I Sir MUler St. 4.3J SEED r(;,.kl,u. t 1. t.l ... , a iui hib. rouse stir J- 43 FRESH eow for aale. Phon 105F11. 45 FOR RENT Best apt. at the Miller. 633 Ferry. FOR SALE 2-bottom hop or orchard plow. 3093 Portland road. 4 5 FOR RENT dean apartment, for clean people at the Miller. 633 Fer ry St. tf FOR SALE Fresh Jersey cow, five years old. Call at 715 S. 12th street. 44 FOR SALE 1916 well equipped Excel sior motorcycle, with side car. Phone 2500W2. 4.5 FOR SALE Loganberry plants, Rt. 6 - box 1U3B, Salem, Garden road, H. H. Gralapp. 4 4 LOST On Court between High and Capitol, $5 bill. Leave at 993 Court or at Journal office. 4 3 4 ROOM house for rent cheap, large lot, good garden. Inquire 260 Marion atroet. 4.3 V ANTED Lady or girl for general housework, good wages; references required. Phono 516. tf WANTED Oanahle form hA V 1 Foster, Independence, Rt. 1.' Phone aw--. 1 nine south Gerlinger. 4-3 FOR SALE 1917 Ford touring car in good mechfinical condition and good tires. 246 State. 4.4 FOR SALE 2 work horses, 5 and 9 rears, weight 1150. F. Drager. Thoue 107F12. 4.9 FOB SALE 5 room house, largo lot, barn, plenty fruit 406 N. 24th. call after 5:30 p. m. 4 5 WANTED Middle aged woman to take charge- of hotel. Insuire 459 State. tf FOR SALE Gold Dollar strawberry plants, very fine; fiOo per hundred, 4 per thousand. Phone 6PF21 eve nings. W. E. Scott. 45 FOR BENT 70 aero, 24 acre for grain, 10 acre hops, about 700 bear ing orchard, mostly peaches and bal auc pasture; share rent. Located half mile west of Wapato station, Yamhill county, Or. Address Wm. H. Egan, Gorvais, Bt. 2. Phone 3F11. tf FOR SALE 1 aero with 5 room bun galow, lights, largo barn, chickon house, 'wood shed; about a dozen bearing fruit trees, on good road at fairgrounds for $2100. 2045 Portland road. 4-5 FOR SALE 4S0 A in Jefferson coun ty, 150 acres in erop, 40 head Dur ham cows, irrrease about 20 calves, 1 registered Durham bull, good house bnrn partly finished, with lumber to finish on place; some timber, some pasture and all tillable land under Suttle lake irrigation project. A snap at $S000. Address M J S caro Jour nal, tf MI LKS IK iRSES Lust .opportunity to buy stock of this kind, at surli low prices, from $200 to $2S5 per spoil. Six span good young mules, weight 21' to SH'Ki; four span well matched lir.rse tennis, blocky built, heavy boned kind, weight 2500 to 2700, ages 5 to 8; stock is gentle, well broko and sound. Guarantee or trial given with all, if not as rep resented money refunded; also sev eral sets harness. 234 S. Liberty, Waring 's barn. 4-5 SALE! AUTO EXCHAKGE Formerly CAMPBELL'S AUTO EXCHANGE 229 State Street If you want to buy or oll a ear come and see mo. 1917 Maxwell 5 pass, $425 Maxwell delivery ear $325 5 pass. Maxwell $275 Detroit, bargain, $250 Studebaker, 6 cyl. perfect condi tion, $490 Hudson 8 cyl, good as new, $1000 ltflrt Maxwell, good condition $125 1916 Dodge if you want a good car see tbis at $S00 1913 Paige, electric starter and light,. $275 Open till 9 evening" Phone 867 Tmrn VT1 I TIP WE1 A T ROBERTS Salem, Ore 1 FARM HAND wanted. Fhone 7F25. OOOD gentle team for al. Thon 693 4-8 FOR SALE Old fir and second growth contract lot. Phone llMM. 43 GIRL or Indv wanted for housework. Call at 391 X. Cottage. 44 FOR SALE 3H inch wagon with grav el box Ijj. 1395 X. Liberty ttt. -l SALESMAN' and collector wanted at 337 State St. 4 4 FRAXKLIN touring car for ale, 744 N . Commercial St. 4 5 FOR SALE Cheap, my $200 .talking machine and records used less than - 3 month. CaU 1040 Hall St. tf FRFSII milk goat and kid for alo, $35 Also new tent l-xi4, 5 ft. wall, $10. Call 449 S. ISth. 4 3 TRADE extra good double seated bug- good fresh cow. Phone 37F2. 3 29 WAXTED Experienced millinery sales lady. Fullertons, ask for Miss Larsen. 3 29 WAXTED Men to cut white fir cord wood bv contract. F. M. Suver, Dallas, Or. 4-5 WANTED Woman for housework, small family, light work. Phone 8F . 22. 4 4 WILL give rent of apartment in ex change for woman t help mornings. 645 Ferry St. Phone 1S0GW. 4-3 WANTED Lady to do house work for elderly couple in country. Phono 2F 22. 4 3 WILL trade nelv baby grand or play er piano for light auto. 519 Court street, afternoons. 44 iFOR SAM3 Team and harness, 2 wa gon and 1 almost new cream sepa rator. Phone 78F11." 4-4 FOB SALE Ono gelding horse, weight 1100 lbs; one mare, weight 1200. T. J. Clark. Phon 2503W3. 4-4 FORD for aale, 5 passenger, good con dition; leaving country, must sell. iair Oround Oarage. I'hone 1016 4-8 FOB SAM3 8 acres, half fruit, bal ance cultivated, good buildings, 4 blacks from car line, block irom eity limits on Garden road, Box 230. Terms. 48 FOR SALE Five acres adjoining W. Salem. Three acres plowed ( land, good houso and well. For Bale or rent. 64F4. 4-8 FOR BAL13 Loom, cedar chest, or gan, heater, few other pieces furni ture. 1790 Fairground road. Phone 1090W. 4-3 LADY with two children would like general housework, good cook and housekeeper, wages $15 per month. Apply 2199 T'aiirground road. 4-4 FOR SALE Must sell at once new 7 room house, including bath, in south Snlem, large lot; $1500 cash. A-2 care Journal. 4-4 BEACTUTL high grade piano, low price and f:isv terms. The Wiley B. Allen Co., 519 Court St. afternoon. 44 ACKNOWLEDGED the finest piano in the world Mason k Hamlin, and other pianos We invite your inspec tion. The Wiley B. Allen Co., 519 Court St. open afternoons only. 4 4 FOR SALE 6 Vj acres on paved road, 1 nulo east of fairgrounds, priced very reasonable. For particulars call 'at "1505 Broadway. 4 5 LOST A brown leather purse, con taining between four and five dol lars in silver, on South Commercial street. Return to Mrs. Gergen, 1785 Fair grounds road. 4-3 WANTED Six workmen to wreck frame Ibuilding on Front street known as Brown planing mill. Call at hardware store of Harding and liaumgnrtner, 120 North Commer cial. 4 4 OO. M soldier just returned from France wishes steady employment with some reliable establishment in Salem. Immediate salary of less im portance than opportunity for later advancement. Phone 351W. 43 FOR SALE 10 acres, new house, prune orchard; 10 acres in cultiva tion, small house; 15 acres unimprov ed, some clear, all on rock roads, go ing away, cheap, terms; also used motorcycle. Write B. M. Woods, 433 Court St. or call first house north West Salem school. 4 3 PATTON PLUMBING COMPANY Are now able to take care of your plumbing wants in their new loca tion, 220 North Com mercial street. Phone 1CC8. ( TRY Streets' new garage at 420 S. Com"!. First dan nierhanie. 4 j CAPABLE woman with young daugh ter. wsnes position Bouseaeepvf 011 ixiwh. J W-D9 faro Journal. 4 3 FOB SALE Wood range, excellent baker, good condition. ll$j Marion. 43 MOTHER with two Ismail children, wishe work as housekeeper. Address Mr. Alice Cook, Bt. 4, box 54B, Sa lem, Or. 4 4 FOB SALE On 10 year old horse, sound and gentle, weight about 1600, good worker anywhere. Phone 3-F21 J. W. Bellamy. 44 FOR SALE The two story frame building at 312 North Commercial street. See R. P. Boise, Brevman block. 45 WANTED By permanent renter, 6 or 7 room house with garage and gar den, or few acres of land, modern house preferred. Write 1193 X. Cot tugc. 4 9 AS I am leaving the city will sell my 9 room house ou paved street, hih, sightly location, lot 75x150; $3300 cash. None other need apply. Thono 1345. . 4-7 HOMESTEAD in Canada for $125. "This includes fare to Alberta; board traveling and locator 'a expenses. Fine mixed farming district. Partic ular at my office, only. C. W. Xiemeycr, Masonic building. tf WAXTED Management of a prune orchard by competent young man just returned from the service. Ad dress Knoll Krest, Bt. 2, Cor vail is, Or. 43 FOR SALE 3 year old Jersey bull; sire Merry Maidens Figoo Torment; dam, Silver Lad's Napanee; record '602 lbs. butterfat. M. E. Towusend Turner. Or. Phone 151. 4 3 FOB BALE 9 acre. rnilo east of end of 12th street curline, acre strawberries, 1 acre loganberries, young orchard, good 5 room house, barn, chicken and hog houso, good well. Call evening after 4 p. m. or Sunday. $2000. James Callahan. 4-5 8ACBJJFICB SALE 8 room house bath, toilet, hot and told water, 2 full lot. 80 roso bushes cherries, plum, jpeache, Tasberries, grnes, hisken house and Ibarn, Worth $1250 foe $950; term. Bee me to morrow, Lavnlleur, 271 V. Commer eial. Phone 734. tf FOB BALE Strictly modern eeven room house, 1158 Jf. Bummer St. $4400; modern six room house, 1255 BUte St. $1000; modern 5 roora house, 1010 N. 20th St. $1500; sev en room house, 1245 E St. $2250. W .11, Orabenhorst Co. 275 Stat street. 4 3 FOR EXOHAXOE 2 houses, 5 room eaeh, all lear, four blocks from court house, for vacant lot close in, or a half lot. Don't delay if you want this. 10 acres well improved! close in, for sale on eay 'payments, or trado for Portland property. Four beautiful lots in a bunch on ono of the most prominent street in Snlem, street paved and puid for; easy terms. 5 acres, all in prunes, 5 years old, $1500. Want Salem home. See me for insurance, any line H. E. HOLING ER 328 Hubimrd bldg. Phono 1009 90 acre pniuo orchard. Splendid buildings. $40,000. 18 acres nil in prunes end loganber ries. $0000. 140 acres. Good buildings. 15 acres prunes. $6000. $13(10 cui-h will bun dle . 40 acre prune orchard. $'1000. Tune stock much part pay. 13 acres benring orchard. $4500. 15 ncres. 7 in prunes. Good build ings. $t5lM). 20 acres, 10 in prunes. $00(10. 40 acres. 34 in prunes. $11,000. 91-j acres all bearing prunes. Strict ly modern house. $1500. A fine in vestment and home. 100 acre l'nrm. Good buildings. All in crop. Running stream. On main road. $125 an acre. 10 acres with good house. All cul tivated. Close in. $.1500. 5 acres 3 miles out. All cultivated. Plastered house. $1700. C ?. NIEMEYER Masonic Building NOTICE OF RECEIVER'S SALE Notice is hereby given that 1 will sell at public auction on Saturday, April 5th, 1919, at 1 o'clock p. m., of aid day, all the personal property of P. O. Bogoway and E. Rogoway, generally-known as the Independent Mar ket, situated at 121 South Commercial street, Salem, Oregon, to the highest bidder for cash in hand, subject to con firmation by the circuit court of the state of Oregon for the county of Ma rion. Said property consists of salt and enred meat together with the fix tures, tools, furnishings and equipment of said market. F. S. Derby, receiv er. 4 4 ADMINISTRATRIX'S NOTICE Notice is hereby given that the un dersigned, by order of the eounty court of Marion county, Oregon, has been duly appointed as administratrix of 'the estate of Ernnut R. Bennett, de ceased. All person having claims against such eitatc are required to ! present them within six months from the date of tWs notice, with the prop ler vouchers, to the undersigned, at Sa lem, Oregon. Dated this 31st dav of March 1919. SI'S AX U. EARL, Administratrix. W. C. Winslow, Attorney for estate. 5 2 5 Silk Crepe de Chine Georgette Crepe Taffetas Satins 416 State Street FOR BENT House rartly furnished, rhone 193KM. 4 3 PHONE 400 Headquarters for baby chicks. tf FOB SALE Indian Runner duck eggs 70 cents each. Phone 72IF4. 4-4 FOUND Bunch of keys. Owner may obtain same by describing same at this office and paying for ad. tf MARRIED man wishes position as truck driver or garage work; 8 years experience. Keferences. Phone 1155 WANTED To lease by June 1st mod ern house, 5 to 7 Tooms. Eastern part of city preferred. No children, lliono 1603M. 4 3 FOR S AIL B Fine Jersey cow giving 3 gallons 5 percent milk, second calf. T. B. teBtcd. $85. T. 8. Watts, 18H1 Jefferson road. 4 4 MEN WANTED AT WEST LINN PA TER MILLS 42c IIOUB, 8 HOUR DAY. SEE MR.F.T. BARLOW AT HOTEL ACROSS BIVEB FROM OREGON CITY. CLEAN BEDS 20e N1UHT; BEST MEALS 35e. 52 FOR HALE 320 ncres, Umatilla conn ty, Tcol ditch district, $25 an acre. 040 acres, llurney county, $11.50 an acre; 3080 acres, Crook county, $3.30 an acre; 100 acres, some timber, $1300; U')i cris, Wheeler county, pine timber, $3500; 440 acres, Lane county. 24 million feet saw timber, iji3,lMt. W. H. Grabeuhorst & Ce. 275 Stale St. 4 3 DAILY HEALTH TALKS. Good Health Is In Your Own Hands (l!y SAMUEL HAMILTON, M.D.) Tho mnn who said "People dig l"eir j graves with their teeth" ultcrfd a truth that goes clear to the bottom of the health question. Suppose ycu should Inko everything you eat and drink for breakfast, -everything you eat and drink for dinner everything vou eat anil drink for supper, and mix all to gether in ono iuiiks. it would surely lc a dreadful mixture to look upon. And yet your stomach is obliged to dispose of that unsightly muss each day! is it any wonder p"o many people have indi gestion, dyspepsia, backache, headache, bad blood, liver complaint, skin (lis ense. nervousness, rough", colds, cft larrh, bronehilin and goodness, knows what elscf Yen, people dig their grave with their teeth, and before the end comes they pas through one si''kne or trouble after another. You should bo glad to know that Dr. Pierce of liuffalo, has placed in the drug store n medicine cullcrl Golden Medical Dis 1 covery that can be depended upon to ovrcome many of the diseases named above. It niay set r:i iu i': iob- for ( etij in.) 'ipmtu o np oj. .iiiMipuu whole thing is ss simple a the figure 1. Dr. Pierce 's Golden Medical Dis covery corrects the disordered condi tion in a sick stomaeh, aids digestion, nets as a tonic and purifies the blood. When this is done, away go the dis , eases that are caused by sick stomach. , If you are digging your grave with your teoth, stop today. Correct your stomach disorders right now with Golden Medical Discovery, and hence forth eat for your hculth's sake. If you don't know what foods arc best for you, write Dr. l'ieree, Pres. In valids' otllel, Buffalo, N. Y ., and re ceive confidential medical advice with out rharge. i Golden Medical Discovery is msdc without alcohol or opiates o anybody and everybody can take it with safe -j tv. It is put up both in liouid and i tablet form. Send Dr. Pierce JOc for a trial pkg., and jee for yourself how good it is. Try it -now. IMS OF All you women who admire dresses possessing daintiness will certainly fall in love with these new taffetas, georgettes, char'meuses, crepe de chines and satins. If there is such a thing as daintiness and re finement in a garment (which, no doubt, there is) then these charming dresses embody these qual ities to a high degree. They are just the garments that would fit in for swell "dress-up" affairsand the prices make it-hem VALUES hard to resist $13.90, $17.50, $22.50, $25.00 $25, $29.50, $35 $15.90, $19.50, $22.50, $25.00, $29.50 $19.50, $22.50, $25, $29.50, $35 FOR SALE Iron lied and springs, bed room stand, porch chair, oil beater, kitchen table. Call' mornings at 775 Center St. 4-5 HUNS HOLD BOLSHEVIKI Berlin, April 2. A bolshevik of fensive was Reported to have been started today in East Prussia. The German troops are said to be making a successful resistance. PIO . U.S. pat. orr. ARMY SHOB l-l 1 I- "! Foa the man who ii on his feet all day a more comfortable thoe was never nude. Hence the widespread popularity of the Buckhecht Army Shoe among business and professional men, iportiinen, outdoor work ers, miners, farmers, mechanic's, etc. A good, practical Shoe fur everyday wear! Built for comfort and cervk-e built lor you! Rcme.nber the name Euckhiujt itatupcdon every shoe fur your protection. Get a pair today ! At principal dcilm on the I'uitic Coast. If yuur Ucakr il nut su)i!ic:il, order direct fiuin BUCKINGHAM & I1CCIIT Manufacturer San Fiatmiscd ED SPREADS Seconds BARGAINS Seconds SLIGHTLY SOILED Satin Bed Spreads Crochet Spreads Cut Corners Scolloped and Cut Cor- Size 77 by 81 inches ners. Size 70x85 inches $3.75 and $4.00 3 Q0 Seconds Now $3.00 Seconds Now $225 Dbity Spreads ' Crocbet Spreads &lzrfJ Size 78x88 S2-75 $3.50 Seconds Now $2.40 Seconds Now S2.75 Crochet Spreads Crochet Spreads Size 76x88 size 74x87 S3.Q3 $3.00 Seconds Now 2.45 Seconds Now $125 Crochet Steads Crochet Spreads Size 73x88 Size 67x82 $2 50 $1.50 Second", Now $2.00 Seconds Now $1.35 ROOT 8 210 North Commercial St. 1 DAINTINESS Phone 877 W4MUUS1MUUMM Druggist Emil Sduffer is now driv ing a handsome Velio car recently pur chased tbrouxh tho Salem Velie com pany, J. iW. Jones, ageut. o Tho. J. Import of Multnomah coun ty and Miss Eninindule Fennel of this city, were united in marring yester-' day afternoon at tho parsonage of the First Methodist church by Rev. R. N. Avison. The couple left at once for their home in Portland. fl ' k-Eii4 BIACX CUNMCr.'.t. MAHOGANY C L-.J INDIAN TAN CAM' GREENBAU1 Sale n I a m if A MP