Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, April 03, 1919, Page PAGE THREE, Image 3

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gjouauai ouiiuuL i ill i
1 U-lNmJTi i
A 49fc flJI P "k
Co Operation Gf Newspapers
h Reporting Casualties
Much Appreciated.
Washington, April 3. Declaring
that the "general efficiency and hu
manly kind cooperation of the Am
erienu press" in the matter of prompt
publication of soldier casualties "do-
Three D's
Heals Three
"A terrible Itc-lnn commenced on my
baiy. It botUeaofD. U. D.iuiuletel
cured Die."
" I aaw remarkable cura of a boy bora
with Kcicnut."
"A liiirle bottle cured another on 3.
Salt Hhnnm of "he handi."
Quoted frran reoent Idler fmej Wiin-i Rle
ley. Elkhart, InJ. Write bim for Bore facte.
We ton, have wo inch remarkable reeulte
rroiuphihed by I). D. t). in healing all forme of
kin tronlile from pimplee and blectheade to
severe caiei of eciema, that we feel it mutt
rr;irh your caee. Conie in and aak iu about it.
' guarantee the tint bottle. Uc, knl f 1.04.
'M lotion ibr Shin Disease
J., C. Porry'a
servos public appreciation," Secretary
of War linker declared that neuspa
per3 during the war "'have thus un
doubtedly established an unprcccdcnt
ed service. " His statement follows:
''It is with profound gratitude that
wc approach the end of the American
expeditionary, force casualty list
grateful that the price of victory, in
human life aud limb, was no greater.
The war department has been conscious
of the splendid service the press has
been rendering to the people by the
prompt and accurate publication of
the casualties list from day to day,
that the supreme sacrifico made by
officers and men of our forces abroad
might be known to their friends and
relatives at home.
"Tho policy of the war department
has been to immediately notify the
next of kin by telegraph of any mis
fortune befalling a soldier, but the
responsibility of notification extend
ed also to the community and this has
been accomplished through tho news
paper press. To meet the duty of rap
id notification, the casualty lists hnve
been telegraphed each day by the war
department to the postmasters of Chi
cago and San Francisco and those gov
ernment officials, together with the
government printing office at Wash
ington have .published the lists which
tho prpsa associations have furnished
to all daily newspapers with tho lenst
possible lapse of time. Tho newspa
pers have rigidly kept faith on re
leaso notices, thus insuring simultane
ous publication. Tho I'nitod States
government and the press hnve thus
undoubtedly established an unprece
dented service in rapid and complete
publication of the names addresses nnd
classified misfortunes of soldiers at
tho front. Tho general efficiency and
Annual Sessions Of Conven
tion iofo Held Here
And Saturday.
The annual sessions of the Marion
County Sunday School convention to be
heid Frilar aud Saturday of this week
at the First Christian church will bring
l."0 reprcseutartvej from the M Sun
day schools iu the county to Salem, be
sides several prominent state Sunday
school workers-
Harold iluuibert, who was song loader
for the. state Christian Endeavor held
in Salem two years ago, is on tho pro
gram (Saturday for three addresses. He
is now general secretary of tho state
Sunday school association.
Miss Jessie V. Cox, teacher of history
at the hili school, will deliver an ad
dress Friday afternoon on "Tho Aris
tocracy of Service." Miss Gladys Car
son, in the discussion of junior work,
is on the program for Saturday morn
ing. The devoioni.l hours of tho nviions
will -be taken by the Rev. A, Sterling
Burnar, wh j will develop the personal
clement iu Sunday school activities.
The first session will begin Fridav
-afternoon tit 2 o'clock. Both Mrs. Clara
G. Essen and Mrs. X. F. fingers arc ex
perienced in tho subjects on which they
wiil talk. Tho 4:15 o'clock Friday after
noon session is planned especiully for
teachers, including thoso from public
and Bible schools and students of uni
versities nnd high schools. It is at this
hours that Miss Jessie U. Uox will
speak. Miss Johanna James of Salem
will sing at this session.
After the Saturday morning session,
teachers, superintendents, county offi
cers nnd field workers will lunch with
Secretary Humbert at tho high school
cafeteria. Tho convention will close
Saturday afternoon at 4 o'clock with
singing tund an address bv Harold Hum
bert 011 "lleligious Education and the
New l)ny."
The public is invited to the First
Christian church Friday ovening at 8:15
o'clock to hear an address by tho Rev.
Joshua Stuuficld 011 "Our Text Book
aud Our Tusk." Tho program through
out will bo 0110 of reconstruction, all
leading up to the modern technical man
ner of handling Sunday school work. Be
sides Sulein, tho following uismcts will
bo represented: Donald, Woodburu,
lluycavillc, Silverton, 8taytou and Jefferson.
rtVY'- V; -J .ri""","""""",",t'l'H,"l'tlM'lll'l ,,, ,, Oer JL .Li".. 1 .
5CT ;.'.m....UM.lUii,., i , I..Mumnh J
v-! - it
humanly kind cooeration of tho Am
erican press in this matter deserves
public appreciation.
"Secretary of War. ''
Tho aU-yoapiround soft drink.
Leader? slii , oiieo ostablisliod,
i siFenilienod and confirmod
by its follower and imitators
Bevo's ioadorsliip is proclainiod
by fbe largest roar isard ifiat
evor follow a leader.
Sold everywhere -Families supplied by '
grocer, druist nnd dealer. Visitors v
arc cordially invited to inspect our plant.
li B
?4 i
Wholesale Distributors, Portland, Ore.
DAN J. TRY, Warehouse Manager
Salem, Oregon
HMiitrr "-. J Tin
"I I
E " 'AA - - DAN J. rET, Warehouse Manager -." .; . i i-
f'$ v & Salem' orcgon - q . II
ii ii m'mf.4w-jr.fc MiMLf.AA vin nil ' iiii,i iiii" - . n
KlllllHi'" v
John Gilland, a farmer aged CO, was
beaten to death near Gilford last. Sun
day by C. M. Hatch, a neighbor. Gil
land had killed Hatch's dog and trou
bio over tho affair led to tho crime.
r f ff
aaaai 'jm&Kmm & fij
Ve must c!os out our entire stock in a few days. You can't afford to miss the greatest chances eyer offered in
Hardware in Salem. We disregard prices. We must dispose of our stock on short notice.
Take Aduantage of This Great Money Saving Event
Annual Industrial Club
BuHctin Being Circulated
Superintendent Churchill, of tho do
pnrtment of public instruction, lias ro
cently compiled the fifth annual bul
letin of tho Industrial club work of
Oregon boys and girls a 48 page book
let devoted hugely to letters from
club workers who havo -succeeded in
thoir particular .lines and havo. won
recognition in the way of trips to tho
state fair and to the Agricultural col
lege. It is profusely illustrated with
halftone cu;s of pric winners.
In a brief dedicatory pretuco Supt.
Churchill gays to tho young people of
tlm clubs: "i take this opportunity to
congratulate you most heartily ujion
tho splendid patriotic service you havo
rendered your state and nation during
tho past year. The industry you havo
exorcised in production, the S"lf sacri
fico yon expressed in conserving and
the thrift you have developed by in
vesting in war saving stamps, have all
11. Seabrnok of Portland, and the timo
for hearing of arguments has been set
for April 11, at H:.'ll) a. m.
Tho Public service commishion spout
Wednesday in Portland on tho windiip
of the 'investigation of safety n'ipli
aneis. Today they have a hciiring at
Mill City iu the matter of prnclie.es on
the part of the lliimmond Lumber
eionipnny light and .power coni'iHiiny,
the question at issuo being as to
whether tho said compuny can bo
classed as u utility corporation.
(Capital Journal Special Servieo.)
Stayton, Or., April 3. Sir. and Mrs.
Horace Lilly visited Oorvallis Suudny,
returning to her homo MUs Uludys liice,
sister of Mrs. Lilly. They wore uccoiu--anicd
by Mrs. Parry and sou aud Misj
Miiryu, Alexander, and inuilo the trip I
via Sulein and Independence.
W. M. Thomas, of Tacoina, was visit-,
rector to servo three years, J. W. Mayo,
f. P. Wilbur wus chosen representative
to the switchboard association.
V. A. Goode made a business trip til
t)nl Ins Wednesday.
O. C. Eksmau arrived from Camp
Lewis Tuesday and will remain in town
i for some time.
John Reigor, who was recently dis
charged from tho arniv, is now at home.
Riley Thomas, of Mill City, is visit
ing in town.
Mrs. Mary Hill and Mrs. D. B. Hill
and family returned Monday from an
oxteuded visit in Los Angeles, Cal.
Clydo Hill, of Mill City, is visiting
A. C. Peterson nnd J. A. nendersliott
motored to Portland Tuesday.
- "- -
' ' Avn-aMt IimH
field of
I with
Mill JIJ
12 qt. Galvanized
Regular 75c
Granite Tea
$3.50 Values
Ladies' Shovels,
85c value
2 for
2-piece Carving
$1.50 value,
" 85c
All kinds of
Garden Tools
and Garden Hose
Set of 26 piece
6 pound
Wedges -
Large Garbage
$4.50 values
$3.50 value
Hand and Rip
$4.00 Values
Regular $1.00 value
Large Iron
$1.85 values
White Granite
Cups and Saucers
50c Values
in i n
465-474 State St., Salem, Oregon
During the sale this store will remain
open evenings
Extra large 24 quart
anti-rust dishpans,
$3.50 values
Large Size Bottle
Furniture Polish
50c size
All Kitchen
Articles, values to 50c
$3.50 Values
$225 Gallon
Glass Towel
50c value
$2.50 Tree
i,.n . a i rri...,.,nuf i........ ,t... ...
i . . l ft t I t '"H Ul 1. . ili'iiiiO flvinu lllu lllOb VL
uveu ui grcuicr ueiiriii 10 yuuroei vew week
and meant moro to the nation than you u0 Watters, youngest son of John
can realize It will mean much to live Watters, a former resilient, Is visiting
and havo a part in the creator things relatives in town.
yet to bo accomplished during tho re- Airs. W. JS. Thomas of Hulem has been'-. .,, .. ,
construction period. Let me uppeul to visit win rclativts and fueuds hero thoi 1 - v. v..... w
1U11BVB Hlia
Is indicated In above diagram. We fit
PiUiktaJs and recommend them because
they are the best lenses made,
Jewelers and Opticians
N.W. Corner State aud Liberty Sts.
you (to kcop up your good work
The Ibooklet will bo of much inter
est to everyone in any way connevted
with tho club work, especially the let
ters from boys nnd girls who earned
a trip to the state fair and to tho Ag
ricultural college, lietweeu the lines of
these lottcrs there is evidence of ru
Murcofulaoes, and determination.
Considerable apace is devoted in the . sick for sumo time, i
ibooklet to personal endorsements from'out.
av large number of county superintend
ents as to tho results ol .the industrial
fllub work.
past few day.
Mrs. iliulio Kaufer and little daugh
ter left Tuesday for New York City,
where she will join her husband who is
in a military camp near there.
Leo Tate is in Ban Luis Obispo, Cal.,
where lie was culled by the illness of his
fullier, who is D2 years old.
Little Louino Ihuinus, who has been
now able to bo
formation of a conference of 31 la
bor unions under tho card and lain I
section of the American Federation of
Labor has been perfected at Taeoma
When Governor Olrott is called up
on to name a judge for the court of
domestic, relations otherwise known
as the "shock absorber' provided
for in tho Inst legislature for Multno
mah county, he will have no lack of
timber from which to choose. An even
score of possibilities bave already
been pushed forward by their admiring
friends or by their own "sense of du
ty" to fill the office. The new law
provides that the governor shall select
a judge from three candidates selected
by tho circuit judges of Multnomah
county. It in f be a matter of six
weeks before the court, will decide up
on the trio of possible judges.
xMWV Wwrt.ia-vw
Undismayed by the recent decision
of Attorney General Brown to the ef
fect that under the constitution he
could not write" a ballot title for a
referendum on a mere resolution, like
that dealing with the ratification of
the constitutional amendment estab
lifhi2 national prohibition anotlief
attempt will be made by Karl Herbing
of Portland, representing tnc amor
nia Grape Growers association, to com
pel Attorney General Brown, by man
damus, to prepare and submit such a
ballot title to the secretary of state.
The petition was filed by Attorney K.
Mrs. Joseph Fisher has boom quito
sick for several days with an attack of
erysipelas, but is rcoortcd improving.
At the annual meeting of the Htaytnn
Mutual Telephone coinpiiiiy held In tho
city hall Monday evening, the following
officers wero elected: President, Byron
Denny; vice -president, J. M. Hingo;
secretary-treasurer, K. D. Alexander; di-
, 4Wwe ..wiweeii . mm .. - v-V
nm, ...41 VvT.VTfy r".
, fl '.l,r-
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t v 1 IT
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v iv.'ai'jr-, I x
.an, .i,.x ja. r-mnl-ml i T nuij i a in ml
Playing to Capacity at Ye Liberty till Saturday Midnight