Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, April 03, 1919, Page PAGE TWO, Image 2

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m j .: m!;! t '. : '. ' i ' '.'i $ $ st $ ittrrtttn JH
Constipated Children Gladly Take
"California Syrup of Figs"
For the Liver and Bowels
Tell your druggist you want genuind
'California Syrup of Figs." Full directions ;
and dose for babies and children of all ages
lho are constipated, bilious, feverish, tongue
Coated, or full of cold, are plainly printed on
the bottle. Look for the name "California'
and accept no other "Fir Svrup."
'dandruff and double
of your hair
for few cents.
Pnudruff causes a fevcrUli irrilatt....
of the scalp, the hair root, shrink, uius
en and then tho huir coinej. out fust.
To stop fulling huir Kt onco anil rid
thi realp of every puliole oft dandruff
Ret smnll bottle of " Dandcrine " at
uny urug store lur a few cents, pour
little ih Tour hit ti 1 an.) u,t it in 10
tho sculp. After several ajpli at ions
tho huir stops coming out and you
can't find any dandruff. Your hair
wpponrs iioft, glossy and twieo a a thick
ami abundant. Try it I
Capital Of Fruit Juice Concern
To Be Increased Jo Mil
lion And Half.
The Pheasant Northwest Product
company is a (food enough name but it
takes too '"'g to get it out when you
are ia a hurry, and besides, it is too
comprehensive. Whether Or not these
were the reasons for a change of title,
the company filed supplementary arti
cles in the corporation department at
the state house yesterday, changing the
name to the "I'hex - ;-anT' a name
.that has bees associated with their pro
. ducts for several yecrs. At the same
tune the capital stock was increase!
from 4U)0 shares to 13.0U0 shares, at
$100 a share, thus making its present
en-ital stock l,5O0,0O0 and ranking it
with the greatest institutions in the
Consolidation Important.
This change is more sweeping than
appears upun the surface. It means
that after a long period of negotiations
there has been completed the consolida
tion of all the fruit juiee interests in
Salem, throwing into a central control
the big prHrty holdings agid equio
ment comprised in the storage and bot
tling plant at Commercial and Trade
streets, the bottling works and ware
houses at Trade aud High streets, aud
the immense jam aud jelly plant opened
some months ago at the Southern Pa
cific depot. In addition to these prop
erties, thero is included the fruit juice
plant at Woodburn from which a large
percentage of the raw product is drawn,
and also a plant at Olvmpia, Washing
ton, which has been utilized in the man
ufacture of Appleju.
This huge centralization scheme is an
indication of the immense scope of oper
ations of the corporation, which aims
both at facility and economy in pro
duction and marketing, as well as world
expansion of its trade. It lias already
laid the fouudution for this iu its vast
advertising system, which carries the
manio of Salem's products virtually
around tho world. Full page advertise
ments in such periodicals as the Satur
day Kvenin Post are findine their WAV
to every port of the world whore the
white man haa & footing. The time in
I at kittwt a lum .L .
adjourns, leaving Kusaiu in tho position! "t i ZI . : -i. " "T
f uu ouUawed nation, the bonof t o tV ,, r f. g a d will,
(.errnany may be very groa Should cttrry wUn it a ,UKK08tlon of
Russia tlm. l thrown ,n.o Clermany's;i(.an spirit at work on the Tacific
(Continued from Page 1.)
bert soma time today regarding Bel
gium 's general cluiins.
King Albert visited the Hotel Crillon
about noou and engaged in a lengthy
conversation with Colonel Houso.
(Oontiuued from page one)
experiment which the bolsheviki are at
If the peaco conference permanently
arms by default, the western cowers
will have give,, (icrmnny a big advan
tage in the race for rehabilitation.
(Continued from Tagc 1.)
farmers from month to month.
As an evidence that the. awiculturul
department of the Commercial club in
tends to cooperate with the farmers
and lend -practical aid it -may be suid
that this department will spend more
money for this year alone than it has
spent during the prist five years.
Seventy two foreigners employed in
the Hammond lumber mills at Astoria
hnve mad, application fur a night
As to what the "Pliei" organisation
means to tho northwest, it is oniy nee
essary to refer ugain to some very fa
miliar figures, which show that they
have invested vor a million and a half
of capital in plants and equipment,
have spent more than $400,000 in ad
vertiaing, nre supportin- payrolls aggre
gating 4.'t7,0O0 a year, giving empioy-
" t to 3ni) people at the minimum and
12(10 people at the maximum avnwin, ana
are fifty in out to tho community some
thing like $11,000,000 a year. Added to
tins, they have challenged the Willam
ette valley t furnish them tho pro
duction from 1000 acres of loganberries,
luoo acres of strawberries, and 1000
acres of raspberries, for a period of five
year, with prices higher than ever bo
foro known.
What Salem
women want to know -about
You want to know
What is new, wearable, smart
What the Paris and New York Dressmakers are
In fact
What the well-dressed women of Paris and New
York will wear this spring.
You may follow these fashions
You may buy these smart, new frocks and hats is
answered in an authoritative, sensible way
in the Good Housekeeping Fashion Depart
ment Four distinct Fashion Services in Good Housekeeping meet the
different needs of the well-dressed woman. The best of fashions
from the great world centers from the Rue de la Paix, from
Fifth Avenue, Is brought to you a hundred or more gowns,
suits, hats and blouses, to look over, study, at your leisure: To
make or buy at your pleasure.
In the same issue. Ida A. R. Wylie, James Oliver Cur
wood. Kathleen TVorns, Arthur Somers Roche, Dr. Har
vey W Wiley, the famous Good Housekeeping Institute
articles, full of aerviceable ideas, the latest augfestions
for interior decorating, the Kewpies in all, 184 pages
of diversion and satisfaction.
ft HE f irst dinner dance of the sea
sua mill be given tomarrcw eve-
sing at the Marioa hotel. A large
number of reservations have already
bees made and the affair gives prom
ise of being a complete success. These
dinner dances have always been greet
ed by the public with enthusiasm.
They are patronised by the most re
fined elemeat of the city and conduct
ed along lines of perfect elegance and
taste. An enviable treat is in store
for all who are planning to attend Fri
day evening.
Numerous Salem people will be glad
to hear that Mrs. B. I). Bvrd ha re
ceived a cablegram from her husband.
Capttun Byrd, stating that lie bad sail
ed from France for the states.
Mrs. Louis Lachavind is a guest at
the Portland hotel during a brief vis
it in Portland. !uis. Larhmund is one
of Salem ' most prominent ineiety ma
trons and the wife of State Senator
Isu-hmund. who served the first half
of his term in the 1019 session nd
who was formerly mayor of Salem.
Mrs. "Robert Eakiu and Miss Ger
trude Kakio of Salem are visiting
friends in I'ortland.
Mrs. Mattie F. Beattie, first vice
president of the State Federation of
Women's clubs, returned Monday eve
ning to Salera after attending the vic
tory loan conference and conferring on
recreational matters.
Mrs. Ira L. Howe and little daugh
ter, Mary Elizabeth, of Portland are
guests of MrB. Howe's mother, Mrs.
J. 8. Mclonald. They will probably
remain in Salem a week before re
turning home.
Amateur night at the Nigh tomor
row evening. Which, being translated,
means an evening of fun. There may,
for all ybu know, be a Billy Burke or
Pauline Frederick in vour very midst.
There may be a "harlie Chnplin or
Robert Mnntell riding on the same
street car with yon every morning or
evening. Yon never can tell unless
you try to find out. The merest lit
tle gesture some times betokens gen
ius, for instance.
A long time ago when "Hiograph"
was the word in motion pictures, and
blood and thunder stories the sole type
produced, a little girl walked into the
studio to see her old schoolmate. Mary
Pickford. alias Gladys Smith. D. W.
Griffith who was directing Miss Pick-
ford at the time, saw a fortune in the
visitor's 'nee ""d hired her offhand.
Today she is his star actress, leading
woman in all his large productions and
holding her own with her former
schoolmate in the hearts of movio fans
None other than Lilian dish.
A few years ago this same I). W.
Griffith, on his way to his office, saw
a little blonde girl with wide eyes,
swinging on a. gate. Todnv she is known
to the world as "Bessio I-ane" one of
the most adored ingenues on the screen
Mary McLaren, it is said rose to star
dom lltv slapping a manl's face s!i
realistically that she attracted a di
rector's attention. On such small tri
fles, it would seem, hang fame.
Mrs. Gene Simpson of Seattle is the
guest of friends in the ei'T,
John Me Nary, attorney from Salem
and brother of Senator Me Nary, is
spending a few days at the Seward ho
tel in Portland.
A meeting of ail the women of the
First Presbyterian church will be held
in the church parlors tomorrow after
noon at 2:W. The purpose is to become
better acquainted and to phn for more
efficient work in the church.
Spring Scintillates Thru
These Stunning Garments
. ii it'-
Trip tpmntat nn is tn write e owinelv. It is neeaiess. e in- ft
t stead, that you accept our invitation to call and see our assortment, of J
which we are very proud.
Yon arp irtprpsted in stvle. Probablv greater variety and more style
i joyfulness than you might expect awaits you to show that the sobriety i
of the past lew seasons is no more.
You are deeply interested in price. There are values here that testify
to our merchandising ability. Without the keenest study of the market
it on our part many of them would be far from possible.
SUITS - $19-75 to $55.00
COATS $16.48 to $57.50
DOLMANS $2-1.75 to $55.00
CAPES !...$19.75 to $34.75
FABRIC DRESSES $16.48 to $34,75
SILK DRESSES $12.48 to $47.50
SWEATER COATS $ 4.98 to $14.75
SLIP-ON SWEATERS $ 3.98 to $ 7.50
CHILDREN'S WASH DRESSES ....$ 1.98 to $ 3.98
Si T
44m4mt -
Mrs. Ettic Warren, a farmer's wife
of Kmmittsburg, Mil., openly declnres
how she has found health through
reading a newspaper advertisement of
Lydia E. Pinkhntn'a Vegetable Com
pound. So great is her relief after
fifteen years of sufferia'g that she
askj to have this information punhsh
W.S.S. Campaigners Make
Use Of Jack London's Opinion
"Tho difference between a eivilized
man and a bruto is the difference be
tween a full and smpty belly," JacR
London wrote once upon a time.
This saving of the famous writer has
been quoted in the literature now being
ont out by tho Mari,t,, County War
Havings Stamps committee as aa argu
ment that one should aave money and
therefore become a more civilized per
son, always having plenty to cat. All
on the supposition that if one saves
money and always has 'jouie money, no
one woulil In-come a urute, or in iae
modern language, a Bolsheviki.
Tho campaign fur War Pavings
Stamps for IWtl is low on and litera
ture is now Ix'ing sent from tho office
of W. M. Smith, county superintendent.
This literature makes an appeal to all
ti bu Wnr Savings Stamps in order
that Marion county may secure ite 1919
In the letters mailed this week to
stores, offices and where a number are
employed, a pledge postal rnt Is fa
closed which one is asked to sign, agree
ing to pay a certain amount each month
In the nurchaiio of War Savings Stamps.
Marion county fell down on its qnota
for 191H. Hence a special effort wi'l
be made t bring the county up to
stnndard this rear. The appeal is made
ot only oB the grounds of patriotism,
but from a plain business standpoint,
that the tiersnn who eaves money is an
all arnnnd better r it lien than one whe
stxnts all his income.
The committee appointed to handle
Desserts 2c
.vfi The bottle In
each Package
WrV of Pineapple
'Vcy'h Jiffy-Jell con-
A tains all the
t.Vv'w ric" essence
ygS&uS from half a ripe
V""' pineapple. The
dessert haa a
wealth of this exquisite
flavor, and a package serves
six people for 12i cents.
You owe to yourself a
trial of this new-type gel
atins dainty.
SO Flavon, at Yoar Croccr's
2 Package for 25 Cents m
Colds Cans Grip and Influenza
lets remove the cause. There is only
one "Ilromo Quinine." E. W. GROVES
signature on the box. 30c.
Bloated Tlutes" Not Only n
0?es To Enjoy "Ham And"
Chirngo, April, 3. The proletarian
as well as his moneyed brother i to
have his ham and eggs for breakfast
occwsionelly denutc removal of the
pork packers' licence system.
This wne the opinion here today of
packers and grain men.
"I do not expect any appreciable
increase in the price of pork eicept-
ing that due to detnaml, said 1 . I!
Burroughs of Swift and company. He
cited the Kiirnpean demand as meaning
a possible slight rise in price.
L. I). II . Weld of Swift and com
pany's commercial research depart
mint was equally as sure of "reason
ablenesa" in increase .
"The effeni of removal of the li
cense yntfin by the food admimstra
tiiHi will be practically nil," said
Grain mea a!so wore confident pork
would sot miikc an "undue" rie in
price, and even preifcied poi-jiWe re
lief in grains and fluur.
"The Lackers are apt Irving to
raise the pri'e f pr-rk product:.,' do
for.rlarcd ti. WalUr Hfaven of the bcurd
would be
Commercial C'ub To Offer
Novel Program Wednesday
What promises to be something real
ly different for the members of the
Commercial club, is the evening's pro
gram, business talks and 'banquet to
be given at the club auditorium next
Wednesday evening.
In the past, it ha been quite cus
tomary for a Commercial club meet
ing to include a lot of uninteresting
reports and often some uninteresting
addresses and then nothing to do but
to go home after it was all over and
not very much accomplished, and no
body especially pleased with the eve
ning. I. Greenbaum, chairman of the so
cial department, cooperating with T.
E. McCloskey, manager of the club,
now announce that there will be some
thing worth while at the Wednesday
evening meeting. In the first place,
there will be no soliciting of funds
nor any one asked to dig into his
pockets or any thing rf the kind. It's
to be a social affair and not a finan
cial struggle nor will there oe any
surgical operations of separating the
members from any ready cash.
The auditorium has a real stage and
proper curtains for real entertainment
and Mr. Greenbaum promises there
will be some genuine entertninment .
For the members who come, it is to
laugh and not to be loaded down with
too manv cares of business nor the
small details of the Commercial wnrk.
The Wednesday evening meeting,
which is open only to bona fide mem
bers of the Commercial club, will be
the first of a scries of monthly meet
ings in which genuine efforts will be
made to drive dull care away. And
then after the features of the evening
in the wav of entertaining, a banquet
will be served. j
iir li ht rnriDFl fMnfttns rnnovnen i
this Tear is as follows: W. M. Smith. 'f trade. Demaad, he said
chairman; Anpust Huekestrin, Hen F. j the only factors.
West, R T. Barnes, Hal I. Pattoa an.lj Heaven predicted a possible urnp
A. A. Lee. Aa chairaaa rf the cobs- within six saontfcs ia fiojr prifes due
mittee, the clerical work falle e W. II. I to probable imp .rt int.i Anurira of
Emitlru .Canadian wheat duty free.
4275 miles is the distance walked by
H, M. Foreman on one pair of Ncolin
Soles. Mr. Foreman, who is a postman
in Allentown, Pa., says "The shoes with
Neolin Soles gave me continuous serv
ice for 9'i months, during which time
I averaged 18 miles a day. Ordinary
soles last me about one month."
If you are hard on shoes, follow Mr.
Foreman's example and buy them with
Neolirj Soles. These soles are created
by Science to be especially tough and
durable. Therefore, Neolin-soled shoes
wear a long time, and so cut your shoe
bills down. Good shoe stores carry
t'i:m in many styles for men, women,
end children.
And have your old shoes re-bottomed
with Neolrn Soles. Remember they
are comfortable and waterproof, also.
Neolin Sob? are made by The Good
year Tire & Rubber Co., Akron, Ohio,
who make Wingfoot Heels guaranteed
to outwear all other heels.
neolin Soles
livlft bit Sm. U.S. ItL Ot
London, March 18 (By Mail.) Siua,
Feiners show a. remarkably antediluvian
taste in firearms.
Lord Arran of Louth made a hobby ot
collecting n.ntique weapons of warfarr,
with which he adorned the walls of hit
mansion. The collection comnrised two
rifles, two shotguns, several sword,
dancers and bayonets, all ancient curios
while the nob,c lord was away from
home. Sinn Feiners raided the mansion
and got arnv wtih every amvnt weap-
in they found l.niitinu on the walls.
A f