Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, April 03, 1919, Page PAGE TEN, Image 10

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ry, Lieut. Borihs. Campbell, reeent!y!
returned from IVance. will f.ve s most
interesting a-evunt of her experiences
in base hospital work. This will in
clude number of thrilling episodes.
Everybody cordially invited, iliht
oima flown
a ?i a
1 rat
m 3
As Easter Approaches
Every woman is interested in
This morning's express brought us another fine line
of LADIES' HATS from the most Famous Design
ers. They are mostly plain tailored, but have such
dash and chic that they unmistakably proclaim
their aristocratic origin.
You will find a big variety of shapes and colors
neatly trimmed.
$1.25 to $5.90
They need to be seen to be appreciated
Incoroorated s
April 4 Be. Joshua Btan
field at 1'irst Christian church,
8:15 p. m.
April 4 5 Marion county
Sunday school convention, first
Christian church.
April 20. Easter Sunday.
May 2 Celebration at Chain
poejf, "tith anniversary.
May 3 Last day on which
to register for special election
May 2 3 Junior week end,
Willamette university.
May 19 23 L O. 0, F. Grand
Lodge sessions.
Juno 3 Special state election.
i census is generally taken in October
i " bm utnuw are um in me prune
tracts or working away from home.
Just to girt people an opportunity
to try themselves out and determine
whether they have some latent abili
ty as actors, the Blih theater an
nounces that it will put on an ama
teur nijrht Pridav evening. Those who
really feel that Acting in public ia in
their line, will be given an opportuni
ty to show off. As the theater has no
regulation "hook," each aspirant for
applause will be permitted to com
plete his or her n'imber. It promises
to be interesting.
The special gospel meetings at the
South caiem Eriends church continue
to be well attended and are creating
much interest. Keverenj Lee preached
last evening on "Spiritual possibili
ties of the church and why we are liv
ing below it." Practical sermons will
be continued throughout the week.
Eer. R. H. Glover to gpelt Rer. K
j. 1 Tf f 1 m . . -
A' . f ?,,crt,,ary,0,f ,n8 The good housekeeper need not look
i 7, Aumuce, 7r Bny reductimi in groceries. One of
QWKIWSI J,',' :'"fo;!T j",!: this morning
tnat lard had been advancing and proo
I Thursday evening, April 3; speaking
jat the Center street Methodist church,
I ( lath and Center) at 7:30 o'cloek. ir.
ICilover spent twenty years as mission
ary in China; has visited and is ac
quainted with conditions in Tibet, In
dia, Japan, Anam, tho Philippines' and
South America. Is just home trom Por
ito Kico, and soon leaves for Palestine.
Come and hear him. No admittance
fee. 43
Wanted Fat hogs and stock hogs.
.'all kinds of cattle. 14J3M. 4-8
Phone 77 Oregon Taxi and Transfer
Co. for quick service. tf
Congressman Hawley left this morn
ing for Kugeno where he will bo one of
tho speakers at the couvuutiuu of the
federal farm loan association, and
will spend sonic days in conference
with his constituents with regard to
I will soil the 8 room house at 14061val ol" public mutters. Friday will 'be
... IV. t,. 1 1 -I ...
.Newport .
A marriage license hag been issued
to Thomas J. Luker, 5s, of Portland
eud Kiunmdalo l'Vnmdl, 50, of Salem.
Although BiUom and vicinity has
teen pretty well cleaned up on its olil
clothing, yet the drive lust week for
clothes fur tho refugees over there
netted nbuut 7WK) Mund. This amount
tins been shipped liy the lied Cross
from Hulem, Other auxiliaries will ship
direct and it is thought that the quota
of 1 l.ti( pounds from Willamette chap
ter Hiay .bo reached. In tho offerings
tStop at
"a Home Away from Home."
Strictly Moderu II per Pay
100 lioorus of Holid Coffort
Only ilotol in Jlusinosi District
niONE 853.
from iSnlem were hundreds
and garments that showed
signs of wear.
If you have ssiy junk or sec
ond band goodu of any kind see
us first.
271 Cmeuieketa St.
The children who had the privilege of
seeing "Tar.an of tho Apes'' ut tho
Liberty last evening were entertained
fully well as the older folks. Th
fight that Tarzan had with the big
lion pleased tho little ones mostly.
For those who are looking for renl
thrills from the movie screen, Tarznn
undoubtedly fills the liill. it is on
ne,nin fur the remainder of tho week
at tho Liberty.
Sanford M. Fuirvieathcr, first dil
trict superintendent of the Northern
Pacific railway, died in Spokane Mon
day. He whs a financier nnd well
known throughout tho northwest.
Why Druggists
Recommend Swair.p-Root
For many years dm'mls have
walched with much interest the ru-
mnrkeald record timinlaircd by Pr.
Kilmer's Swamp lioot, the great kid
ney, liver and Madder medicine.
It is a physician's prescription.
Swamp-Root is n strengthening med
icine. It helps the kidneys, liver and
bladder do tho work nature intended
they should do.
Hwaiup-Kuot hits stood the test of
years. It is sold by all druggists on
its merit and it should help you. No
other kidney medicine has so mnu.v
He sure to get Swamp -Knot and stnrt
'treatment lit once.
However, if vou wish first to test
this great preparation send ten cents
to lr. Kilmer & Co, Hiughumlnn,
N. V., fur a sample dottle. When
writing be sure and mention tho Sa
lem Daily Capital Journal.
Court St. fur $XM) See me at once,
$1500 will handle it. 0. W. Laflar, 403-,
lt Dance Quorry's hall 4 miles south.
Saturday April oth. Hood music, New
kill! I .1
i...,.i -
V lllllllll- 1 1- 111 i PIMVI, U II I'Ult II, ,B IIIUI II
will open and be ready for business '. 0
Saturday. This store is one of a chain Dance M. B. A. hall Frt April 4th
of stores in this state and Washing-. Auto truck leaves Musomo Temple
ton. The Salem store is number 2-1.
400 Hubbard bldg
The Salem Sample Store on North .
ably would advance a eeut or two
more a pound. All wheat products arej
up, due to the government's charges
for carrying the crop. Coffee continues
to hold firm with just a suspif ion i
that it may show an advance within a'
week or two. Canned fruits are scarce j
and there isn't a ray of sunlight in.
the grocery bill that would suggest
lower prices. I
It Is a fact that people are taking
interest in suggesting a name for the 1
Willamette valley prune that might be !
used for advertising purposes, just as
nia oranges. The Commercial club has
received additional suggestions for
tho fine Oregon prune as olaied on the
market and tucae suggestions include I
Best Quality
36 inches wide, now $1.00 per yard.
Colors: Navy, White, Black, Old Rose, Taupe, Pearl
Grey, Copenhagen, Plum, Pigeon, Tan, etc.
$1.00 per yard
"Our Prices Always The Lowest"
THONE 1073
Commercial and Court Sts., formerly Chicago Store
tucao suggestions include I ,i, ,.:i. u. .i;,.,.i
.1,,, fn.. ; ii .. ....i.i ! "" l'i- .,0v.i
Liberty Sua Sweets, Rosedule Maid,
Salem Pride, Dusky Sweetg, Sun-ripe
and Wiliuaiette Beauty.
Dance Woodhurn armory tonisht.
Stagn lenves B'.ish bank bldg. 7:;I0 p.
m. liound trip ."ic.
Dr. Mott offices moved to Bank of
Commerce bldg, rooms 407,408.
8:;il. Hound fure 50c.
Base ball enthusiasts vriU be plcas-
tf cd with the rumor that creeps out from
the state house to the etlect that there
' Jiaby chicks, 5H State St. today tf ''9 l"'ssi!'iU,r t organization of
a ball nine iiinong tho denizens of the
Summer lu-bonl t tJi ranttal Nor. ! llllm. " "" t1'" u1'' twilight
,1 i. ,, in don. Normal, civil I !"'ri''9 "' l'Tevived. There is alleg
bookkeeping, typewriting and!0'1 '' '' K"1 It il.l
idiy, tiregg & Pit mar. classes j '"" the younger group oi
iiiiiviim iii lull.-, null ii mi' ui;iiii
zatiim can be brought about there will
lie something worth wliile to fill up
tho long evenings in Salem.
Wilford Allen, of the Industrial ac
cident Ciiiiimission, liu recently receiv
ed a letter from his oldest sun, Neill
ho is now serving in the rink of 2d
lieutenant in the Nth infantry, nnd lo
cuted at Camp Pouttinezen, Brest,
France. Ho sends tilling a copy of a
four page paper bearing the title
" l'ontaiie,en Huckboard" of which he
is one of the originators and is now
engaged in its publication, it is print
ed in the interests of the camp and
the American soldier generally, lt is
packed full of news from the camp,
including a ciilumn of nonsense and
sport matters, and a sprinkling of ad
vei tiseinents. Among other items in the
late issue is an account of a visit of
Colonel House nt the camp, together
with his complimentary remarks with
regard to the fino condition of the
are funned. If interested, call on us
it comer of Pith nnd Wilbur streets
J.J. Kinps. 4 -,
Goorgo O. 'Watson who wag formerly
associated with A. A, I.ee in the .sa
Icm Al'diact eoinpanv, has arrived in
New Vork. lie was in the Y. M. V.
A. wnik overseas. Instead of return
ing to Salem, Mr. Watson has decid
ed to locate in the east .
Artificial teeth, have expert plate
man, Willi over Jj years experience,
at mv office. lr. P. X. lieechler, den
tist, 302 U. 8. Nat. Bank bldg. tf
Highest Cash Price Paid
For Clothing
Musical Instruments,
Tools, etc.
337 Court St. Thone 403
L.M.HUM ;!
care of
X kk & T
Chinese Medicine and Tea Oo.
lias medirine which will eure
any known discjisn.
Open Sundays from 10 a. m.
until 8 p. m.
153 Bouth High 81.
Balom, Oregon Phone J83
See tlie Diamond T truck dwion-
st rated by Chas. Livesley ut 11-10 State
street. !
Paul V. Johnson, A. B. Gardner, Lee
M. I'nruli, J . H. Ashby and Henry
asco, solving as u jury in the court.
of Justice Ciiruh, decided yesterday
that a man's wife had n right to call
h;m nil sorts of nanie. And not only
that, but if she v.as really mad at him,
he was not violating tlie luw in
scrntcliing him up a little, all of this
being a woman's privilege. Tliis ques
tion of what is right and what isn't,
was decided yesterday in the case of
a charge of disorderly conduct against
Mrs. Josio Sloller.
Columbia river smelts In any quan
tity. Fitts Market. tf
I Willamette Valle
Transfer Company
Salem Office
171 S. High Street
Phone 1400
Portland Office
250 Ash Street
Thone Broadway 45-1
Ours is the only line of auto freight trucks operating
between here and Portland. We also make
if We buy produce of ail kinds and with our tr&uspor
i tation facilities we are able to pay the highest cash
f prices. Order your freight routed our way. Sell
1 your eggs, dressed meats, poultry, etc., to us.
' -i fc. I . t , iL.Ll. ...... .. . . . 9
Dr O B O'Neill, optometrist opti
cian, has resumed his practice over
Uidd & Hush bunk bldg. Office hours
to 5 p. m. Huiidays by nppointment.
Phone ti'J3, 4 3
The Jason Lee Memorial chnrch will
be the center for a special centenary
meeting toaij;ht nt N o'clock The uro
gram to be presented includes special
speakers fibm the First Methodist
cliiirch nnd from the lieslie M . K.
Au atlciidnnce ef all church members
is urged. The public also is cordially
invited to ibo present.
' o
We buy liberty bonds. 314 Masonic
bldit. tf
Dr. J. O. Mjvtthls, 400-410 Banc of
Commerce bldrf. Office phone 573, res
idence r 1 20
The Capital Journal ranters' associ
ation is becoming ambitious and will
I organise a baseball team this evening.
I As soon as the boys get in good base
(ball working order, the team will chal
lenge the tirnnt junior high school
o -
"The best" is an yon ran do when
death comes. Call Webb A Clouga Co
Phono l-'O. tf
See the Diamond T truck demon
strated by ( has. Uvesley at 218 Ktate
street. ', 'r
County Superintendent of Schools
W. M. Smith is today sending to
school districts a part of the county
jSihool fund. This time it amounts t
!i:i,:tt".'.'i). Ijiih district receive its
' share of this fund based ou Is for
; leech person iiotwecu the ages of four
ijand 'JO years. The distribution this
week is $1.10 for each name on the
' . . M.1 , . I .1.-
school census, ine r-niein kuisu u;
Itrict is credited wi'h 3m0 names and
will receive l,013. There are mere
A contingent of the 91st division,
including n lar,'( group of Oregon men
veterans of the Argonno forest and St.
Mihiel and Ypres, arrivrd in Xew York
yesterday, in clinrge of Colonel II. L.
i'aMiiuiuuli. Among the l'.irtland and
Willnniette vnllev bovs were tho fob
lowing: Ueut. Thomas Hoyd, son of
lr. .luhn I,, lioyd of the First Trcs
hvtcrian church of Portland; Cnpt.
t has. M. lioss, i'ortlaad; .Sergeant
Iy.'ona;d Ward Portland; John Kartel.
(iuv tstoclimau, Forest drove; Allen
Shelby, Kugene; Corporal Brill, Sa
lem. o
Burgess Ford, an overseas T. M. C.
A. director, and a graduato of Wil
lamct e university has ibeen elected
principal of the Stayton high whool
for the coming school year. Several
years ago he as principal of the Aca
demy of Willamette university and la
ter had charge of the Jefferson schools
Mrs. Archio Long (formerly Mary
llettiek) left yesterday for Tillamook,
where jiho will" spend the summer. She
s accompanied by her sister, Miss
Gladys llettiek, as far as I'ortlaad.
Mrs J. E. Marry of Portland is vis
iting with her daughter, Mrs. Minnie
lititus, at 3.11) South ltiih street.
Mrs. Ensign Kelso, formerly with the
Salvation Armv in this city, stopped
off for a visit with old friends yester
day on her nay from Portland to her
home in Kugene.
Dr. J. M. Keene, a former Marion
county man, stopHd off for a brief
visit, with old friends in the city yes
terday on his way from fortland to
his present home in Medford.
Jamog Forbes, of the well known
florist firm of Martin i Forbes of
Portland, arrived in the city yester-
dnv afternoon and was luncheon
guest of C. B. Clancy. A half dor.cn
local friends were present and
siHMit a verv eniovable evening in a
( .- ' . ' " , i
cross tire or "varns anu. c'1"""
Supt Bennett, of the banking de
partment, is once more raca at nis
desk in the stste house after an ill
ness of several days.
Friday evening, at the public libra-
and also that Salem is the capital.
They had probably seen some Oregon
j boys at Norfolk and thought the r.ouu
itry was worth investigating, llenco
'one of the pupils wrote the following
to the Salem Commercial club: "Will
vou kindly Bend mo a bulletin on in-
o formation of your city. I'lease send
Away back near Nortolk, Virginia, lit ns soon ns you can. We are study
there is a rural school district in which ing it iu our schools." The inquirer
mo pupils are stiiilying georapny i lives on rural route. 5, Norfolk, Va
irom a prucucai standpoint. Jn looK
ing over the map for a fur off conn
Salem or vicinity later than that com
piled about five years ugn.
Xew York, April 3. Liberty bonds
were quoted today as follows:
3c 's, 9'J.l-l, up .(MS; first 4 's, 04.03, up
18; second 4 's, U3.5S, up .02; first i'i's
j oil Hum ruuio o, xiunuiiv, i a. . nu ,0 , eo .. 01.
-iHut the snd part of the story i that P -, 185,.cn J 4 f ' r 1.' '
- the Commercial club has no data on ,!!'" . "1' f"r,h 4'' S
;!..(;, up .oo.
jjS. l 1""
"' t t 'TT,"" " "-''s';," W?f5 j-,., w.,..m ii,,, k mm-twmim
, 4 K..t.k- ., i-.,. r i i ...ij. A-.m.n,': -;.i.,... -.'.j.-a..-i . . ,-j frtsi rrit i iii
bat, AdfiI 5th 10:30
Warren & Co, Feed
2S4 South Liberty St.
a. hi.
1 Fine Jersey cow, 4 years old, fresh
in June.
1 Fine Jersey cow, 5 years old, fresh
in June
1 Fine Durham cow, 6 years old,
fresh in June.
1 fresh Jersey cow, 6 years old, extra
good milker.
1 fresh Jersey cow and calf, 7 years
old, extra good milker.
1 fine Jersey cow, 5 years old, fresh
on May 1st.
1 fine Jel'sey cow, 4 years old, fresh
on May 1st.
1 fine Guernsey cow, 5 years old,
fresh on May 1st.
1 Good Jersey cow, 7 years old, fresh
in September, good milker.
1 good Jersey hiefer, 2 years old, will
make a good cow.
1 good Holstein heifer from great
8 extra fine mules, young and sound
1 matched team, 6-years old, weight
2C00 pounds, sound.
1 matched team, 7 years old, weight
2800 pounds, sound.
1 extra fine hackney horse, weight
1250 pounds.
1 good driver, 8 years 6ld, weight
1100 pounds.
1 team,v weight 2100 pounds, with
lmule, 4 years old, weight 1200
pounds, well broken.
?0 White Leghorn hens.
20 Barred Rock hens.
10 pigs.
1 1916 Ford truck with attachment,
like new.
1 191 1 Ford touring car, good shape.
1 good covered hack.
3 wagons.
1 nearly new grain grinder and other
If you have any stock to sell bring it in for this sale. Accommodation for 300
head. Have buyers for anything you have to sell. Want more hoes and cows,
horses, etc.
F. N. Woodry
The Auctioneer
Phone 510 or 511