THE DAILY CAPITAL JOURNAL. SALEM. OkkGON. WEDNESDAY. AfRIL 2. 1919. PAOE SEVEN loll of liottnr j& "From Over There" ffi General Pershing's Official Report " If Killed in action . . 8 lkl from wounds . 4 i l'icd of accident and other causes.. 4 I IWd of disease 20 5 Wounded, degree unUeteruiined Missing iu action . . . . I Total KILLED IN ACTION Corp X;itha:i L K.'druoml, Detroit Mick Privates Orover T Hnnna, Hoa Irick Okla William H Harrison, Spartanburg S Xiko'.aie Langemo Concord Minn Edward V Kuaieka, Siosholville Xcb Eugene I) Smiteudorf, Three liivcrs Mich Hubert M 4 Cleveland 0 Luigi Tomosctti, 9rdsloy X J DIED FROM WOTJKDS Privates Arthur ! Dixon, Independence W Va Kalph K Erickson, Sacramento Cat Howard Kvans. Brandywino Sum mit l'u Jus Fiori, Troy X V DIED FROM ACCIDENT AND i OTHER CAUSES Corporals Joseph Hews, Xew Haven Conn J'eter Burxyrh, Boston William A (jrubh, Nashville Tenn Henry 0 Thompson, Darlington Heights Va DIED OF DISEASE Corp Arly L Heuilick, Kansas City Sergeants Axel W Johnson, Kansas City Aubra H Townsend llyninnn Ky Corp John M iiiiiii, New York" Musiiiiiu Jacob 11 C Arnold, Koches ter X K Privates Manuel Allen, Dottle Va Clu'ido J Barber, Manor tia Henry Bill, Dixie Ca Herbert Berndt, Ccdarburg Wis Karl C 'Bow thy,- Newark N J Lloyd Davis. Redwood Pa Douiiniik Lie-one, New York " James 1 AtcAndrew, Vandling Pa Hairy E Meyers, Preston Xeb Peter J Pochir, Sidney X Y Catarrh Of The Stomach Is Dangerous 'Thousnnds Hove It ind Don't Know it,'' Says Physician. iFreoquontly Mistaken for In digestion How to- lircnguize find Trmt. "Thousands of people suffer more or less constantly from furred, coated tongue, bad bronlh, -sr.ur burning stom meh, bitter oruct.V ions, gas, wind and stomach acidity and call it indigestion when in reality their trouble is due to gastric eatarrli of the stomach," writes a New York physician. Catarrh of tho stomach is dangerous liecause the mucous membrane lining of the stomach is thickened and n coat ing of 'phlegm rovers the surface no hat fiio digestive fluids cannot mix with the food and digest them. This condition soon breeds deadly disousc in the fermented, unnssiniilatcd food. The Wood is polluted and carries the infection throughout the body, fias 4ric ulcers nre opt to form and fro fluently an uh'or is the first sign of a deadly cancer. In catarrh of the stomach a good nd snl'o trentment is to take before iionls n toapnonful of pure Bisuntod Ma"nesia in half a g!ni of hot water is hot as you can comfortnhly drink St. The hot water washes the mucous ifrom the stomach walls' and draws ill.1 blond to the stomach while the hi (uirated magnesia 4s an excellent sol vent niu.ns and increases the ef ficiency of the hot water treatment. "Moreover the Bi-uraled Magnesia will serve as a powerful but harmless nnt rr ii which will neutralie any excess liydroi hlorie arid that may bp in your wtomach nnd sweeten its food contents, fllasy, natural digestion without dis Iress of nnv kind shmld soon follow. iTiisiiTA'crt Magnesia is not n laxative, is harmless, ploasnnt and ray to trke nnd enn Hie obtained from any local ulrug.'iit . Don't confuse Bisiiratod Mug rc;a with other forms of niagroia, milks citrates, etc., but get A in the iure liisurated .form (powder or tab lets), especially prepared for this purpose. Henry E Rogers, Savoy Mont Moraiid A iMeiner, Beaver Falls Pa Sara Turner, Woodland X C Howard Wilson, Brooklvn X Y Deals In Real Estate Yj ly. X'eeiVrhesc t AJmira Quincy, lot 2, Orabenhorst Fruit farms H. R. Cortij to Kelly Matteson, lot .1, block 4, Bechtel & ByaonV addition Snlem . Kelly Matteson to O. II. Qiam, lot IS, block 4, Bechtel i Kynon's addition Salem. M. L. Wiit-seU to J. Spranger, lot .1, block 1. ak Hill tracts. Henry Hcama-i to Charles Bcaman, lot S Hicks addition, Woodbnrn. Mary llarpe to Jacob Kleeman, lot 13, Hollywood. $1750. Andrew Shafer to Peter X. Smith, lot 1. block 4, Mt Angel. j:00. Louise V.. Brown to Chas. F. Bow en, 20.60 acres in Elais Cox claim, 43 li l W. H. X. Kimletn to Olof Swemlon, 4. "2 acres in Peter Cox claim, 44 6-1 W. $i;mhi. . .1. P. Lanritsnn to D. F. Jertnan,' 10 acres in J. C Caplinger claim, i'5 7 2 W. J. L. Sirawn to Margaret M. Com mons, parts of lots 2 and 7, Week 37, Salem. .tiMMKt. S. C. . Dailin to Anna B. Hofer, lots 10 nnd 11, tlrubenhurst Fruit farms. $1200. Aii'nii Kufner to Frank Smith, 13.11 acres in W. Dodge claim, 13-7-2 V. Huge Magce t,i John Serranotti, 30 acres in W .11. Simpson claim, 7 7 2 K. $1300. Henry Schultebeint to J. A. Wourms 107.11? acres in Thos. Rudolph claim 44 0-1 K. Vim. First IXntional Bank of Alhainbra to A. K. Chenoweih. 10.42 acres in A. P. Davidson claim. 7 8-3 W. J. C. MeFarlaue to .T. E. Allen, lots 1 and 2, block 21, Sulem. J. C. Allen to Kmel Runner, lots 1 and 2, block 21, " ipital Park addi tion, Salem. $S00. Sarah 'A. .Tones to C. ,T. Kurth, part of lot 2, block 2t, Snlem. Emma under to K. W. Heckert, parts of lots 7 ttnd 8, block S, Xorth Salem. Ferdinand Kur to ( . W. t'slier, lot 3, block 2, Walts addition, Salem. $1300. Jacob Arcuz to G. E. Hulvorsen, lots 12 and 13, E. E. Martin addition, Su lem. $3300. AO Sorts Of War Books Now Ready At State Library Almost with the signing of the armis tice, historian were lead' with a com plete history of the "rout wr.r. Eor as soon as America entered the conflict, the National Hoard of Historical Serv ice, begun preparing materials as the war progressed. In order that schools iui:y be fully supplied with a story of tho war, Miss Cornelia Marvin, stute librarian, litis been looking over tho large number of books issued and is now ready to rec ommend three books, as follows: "A School History of the (Jreat War," 'Tlie Little Hook of the War," and ".Nida's Story of tho War." Another book that hi" been issued under the direction of tho national board for historical service, is entitled "Lest We Forget," which will be rec ommended by Miss Marvin, Another book just issued ana prrnted under the direction of the service bourd includes the best poems that have been written on war subjects and selections from the best books that have been is 'sued. j However, while thero is a great cull TEIS WILL INTEREST STOMACHSUFFERERS Says Indigestion Comes From An Excess Of Hydrochlo ric Acid. Rheumatism is no respecter of nge, sex, color or rank. If not the most dangerous of human afflictions it is on oof the most painful. These subject to rheumatism should eat lc-ss meat, dress as v.armly as possible, avoid j,ny undue exposure nnd, above all, drink lot of pure water. b'lieumatisiri i caused by uric acid which is ge:. crated in the hortels anil absorbed into the blood. It is tho fnnc 'ii n of the kiilreys to filter this acid from the bbod ami cast it out in the urine; th" pores of the skin are also a means of freeing the blond of this impurity. In damp and ch;lly, cold weather the skin pores are rinsed thus foi.'in the kidneys to do double work, 1lirv Income K-i'.'tk nml ntH I fail to eliminate this uric acid which ke. ps ncciiicilating and circulating through the srs'r in, eventually settling j in the joints and musih causing stiff- I ness, soreneSj ird pain cn''cd rheuma- Itism. At the firt twinge of rheumatism get from aiy pharmacy a'irnt four ounces of .lad S;.lt; put a tublcspnon in s glass of water snd drirk before breakfast rnch morning for a week. This is s:id to eliminate nic ncid by 'iwiilating the kidneys to normal ac tion, thn ridding the b!ood of these impiiritie". Jad Salts i inoxnonsivee, hnrmlcM and is male from the acid of gmpes and b-mon j ii'e, eonbi"e l with lithia and is w d with excellent results br thousand of f' Iks who are sobject to rhe!!msti"i. Here yon have a plens !nt. effervescent lithis water drink whii ti overce nes urie a- id and is ben eficial to ycr kidney as well. 54 for late war books. Miss Marvin says that from all purts uf tlie suae coins thti iu.tisiout call fur tot-meal bok, Not iu!y uieu but women are reading iHH.ka to improve themselves as a mat ter of education "it- e vw- of be eouiiug more proficient in certain, chos en occupations. And while war books tnd technical books have the call, the iconoclast ii com mi? aloiii! with proof of what rcUT I happened to the early settlers of amm ica and these iconoclasts are sweeping awuy many of our cherished ideas, espe cially about the Pilgrim Fathers. These books tell what really happened and ex ploit." many of our wonderful fairy stor ies. But they mar be had at the state library through tho Salem puoue li brary. . MARIOOEWS. Marion, Or., April 2. There will lie a program given at the Woodman hall Friday uight by the giiumuar school. There are several nnmbeis and an inter esting eveniug is promised to ull woo attend. Admission 10c B. F. Eudsley and wife were Portland visitors Friday. Mrs. Henry LoroU and rather er called to Eugene Tuesday to attend the fune- " " hej uncle, John Hann, who died Monday. C. F. Haiumet returned Friday for an other loud of farm machinery. Lee Slvder was a week end visitor at Marion, returning Bonduv to Hoc vis port. Mrs. Blair received the snd news of I the death of her father who lived in Minnesota. Mrs. lioiliii of Philomath wi.s in Mar ion last week calling ou old friends. She was on her way home from Fort land where she bad been visitinjj her daughter, Mrs. Ellis. Harriet Colgen spent Sunday with I her inrents, Mr. and Mrs. G. H. Colgen, ret lulling to Salem Mondn- M&uv friends of Dr. Van Winkle are glad to hear of his return to Jencitu. J. L. Fallow has purchased a Ford son tractor and is endeavoring to turn things upside down with it. Rev. A. V. MeKarland Bud family moved to Albany Wednesday where he will relieve Rev. Williams for a time. Ho will return here to hold services Sunday evenings. Mrs. X. C. Olson has gono to Tulbot to visit friends. Mildred Kavlor from Salem is visit ing her Hunt. Mrs. Couklin. Large Estate Left By Henry L Fittock , An estate allied at $7,814,778.33, the largest on record iu Multuoiiiuh county, was left by the late Ucury t. I'lttock, uccoi'ding to the inventory filed Mon day after weeks of work by 1. D. Mg ler, David S. Stcurug und A. A. Linda ley, appraisers. uf this amount, however, close, to one million Jl llius must bo paid tne Cuited States government as an inheritance tax, another million will bo absorbed in the settling of debts, uud about three jiiunurcu inousuuu uoiiars win go miojtwo weeks ago. About 50 young people ...v .vK.iu i. i rut converse whiioii awav tne time, re- itance etax, estimated O. U Price, ex- j froshnients of b o cream nnd wafers editor of Mi Pntock's wiJ, yesterday. were served and all felt it was good to The net value of tho estato will bol,(. there, around five uud one-half luiUioua, ae- Mrs. tleorge Sullivan and daughter cording to these estimates. . Bessie arrived Monday from M.'Minn- Oiegouiau Holdings Appraised. Tho largest single valuation under the appraisal is that of 470 shares of stock held iu tho Orcgonian Publishing com pany. It is capitul stock of a totul issue of 700 shares, having a pur value of $100 a share, mid the stock in tho estate is appraised ut $1,708,110. The next item of large valuation is the site uf the Pittock block, Tenth and Washington streets, which is nppiMi.sed at 1,0IMI,000. Stock in tho Crown Wil luin. tte Puper company is valued nt 47o2,ltiO; and stock held in tho North western N'titioiiul bank is cstimmcu ut $o02,25(i.40. Stocks held by tho estato valued at .more than if 100,000 arc listed as fol i lows: j Six hundred shares capital stock of Industrial Land company, l;!8,00O. i'oiirtcen hundred nnd eighty shnrcB capital stock in Willamette Valley Lum ber company, $162,800. live hundred shares capital stock iu I Pittock & Leadbetter compunv, 130, 000. I Three hundred and sixty-six snares capital stock in Charles l. Spuulding j Logging company, $228,290.49. I'our hundred and seventy shares cap ital stork of the Dregoniau Publishing company, $1,708,140. Thirteen hundred and eighteen shares capital stflt k of Portland Trust com pany, $138,120.40. 1 orty -four hundred shares common i stork Crown Columbia Paper company, , ipf.,4fl). Twentv-one hundred and sixtv shares i first preferred stock, aeries "A" Crown j '"' tho second city, and Alshland, Bo ! Willamette 101JIW1 I loil. Edltcrtotl, StoUgllton lllirl Hvnos- i ui i v-uiice niinurcri anil iwcnty snuresi,i"u "s.w Mimnm, pref'-rrerl stork, scries "B, " Crown Willamette Paper company, ! $:wm,Sii0. I Twenty-one hundred and twelve Ish.'.res second preferred stock Crown I Willamette Paper company, $;0. Thirty-eight hundrerl and forty eight ! shares capital strx k of Xorth western j National bank, $Hi2,3o.40, I Tour thousand shnres preferred stock of Northwestern Fidelity coinfiany, !$2MijVMl, j Fifteen hundred am! forty-three j shares cr.pitsl str k of P.aldwin fheep compqny, $lo4,300. Eight Wisconsin Cites Go IntoWCol-nnfcyBanct Mmlison. Wis., Aoril 'Wet, trv i pewise advertise yxrwcrfi Ma rcsdtlrMVVantAd in 4' r MGJaOUTH NEWS. , (Capital Journal Sjwial Service) Monmouth, Ore.. April 2. A. Nelson of Albany who owns the farm south of town which has been 'occupied and farmed for the past five rear by Mil ton Hovser, has bought the croc bow frruwinfj on the place and has secured Dick Savage to care for the same. Sam Morrison who underwent an op eration for appendicitis at the Dallas hospital last week has been very low and at one time was given up by the physician, and later was reported dead. Thij proved to be a false rumor how ever, as word received Monday noon direct from the hospital proved that Sam was holding his cwn, though hit condition was serious, David Campbell, wired his mother Mrs. Mary Campbell of his safe arri val in New York Wednesday, so there is much rejoicing here among relatives and friends. Mr. and Mrs. F. M. Parish have mov ed from Corvallis to Portland. Rev. VV, A. Elkins has sent in his resignation to the Dallas Christian church board, after having accepted the call, thinking he would be released from army duty very soon He is still on duty at It. Stevens and believes there is no immediate prospect of re lease. I At the final bnsiness meeting of the Polk County Snnday School convention I held here recently L. P. (iilmore was elected president for the ensuing year. Mrs. Holman of Dallas was elected sec retnrv -treasurer. Citizens of Monmouth and vicinity are jebilating over the final decision of the Highwav Commission in routine the west side highway through Monmouth. Messrs. Ben-son, Booth and Thompson, accompanied by Engineer Xunn were here last Tuesday consulting with citi zens, after going; over th ground thoroughly, although nothing was giv en out at that time. As Monmouth is in a direct line from Rickreall'to Cor vallis, it was only logical and just that the road should be routed this way, even if there were no other reasons. James Stafford a pioneer citizen of this vicinity died in the Salem hospital March la, following an operation. He was 77 years old and a veteran ow the Civil war, having marched with Sher man to the sea. He settled in Oregon in 1S70 where ho lived until the time of his death. Services were conducted bv Kev. Dinsniore in the Presbvteriau church, with interment in the 1. O. O. F. cemetery. The G. A. R veterans had chaigo of tho ceremony Tho live-stock sale of E. T. Evans took place Saturday at tho farm, one- heifers sold wellj-avcraging about $00 half mile South of town. The cows and each. The 8x24 foot silo sold for $07 standing. All together the sale was very satisfactory netting Mr. Evans over $1300. Mr. and Mis. P. O. Powell attended the Maud Powell concert iu Portland last Wednesday. Miss Mavdn Jtuber gave a most de lightful welcome home psrty at the Huber home on Aim n street Inst atiir- day evening in honor of Sergeant Hin kle, who returned from Franco about worc present. .Mnsiq;and games and so- viMo for a few davs visit with friends and relatives. l'u ii I Riley has just finished soiling out a 20-acrfl prune orchard on his fHrm north of Monmouth. About forty young people from tho High school, fellow students of Clay Moreland, gntliercir nt a specified place aim n.-in u. u.s .."i..r in u mrny tur surprise party. Aionnny nignt, .vnrcn 31 this being His birthday. After spend ing an hour at the homo the party ad jiiirned to (Vpid's Knoll, where they enjoyed a feed consisting of buns, boiled wienies and toasted marsh mal lows. Mr. and Mrs. Harvey, who had not re cuperated satisfactorily alter an at tnck of influenza, suffered a relapse, lust Friday afternoon while riding 'n her sister's car enroute to attend the exercises at the normal. She whs taken home nt once and the doctor culled. At this writing her condition is somewhat improved. D. C. Walker of Buell and James Gentle have been appointed ns dele gates of the local Oild Fellows lodge to attend the grand lodge which convenes in Salem in May. T. II. Crook of the Luckiamute coun try is the proud possessor of s new Waterloo Hoy tractor and a John Deere plow outfit, purchased last week of J. E. Winegar. day had regnined ground lost iu pre vious elections in Wisconsin towns and cities. In yesterday's vote on the nucs- tion, Madison, the state capital, Sup r- Kn.ii.rinr Ahlnnrl n.i.l t.l.lVeal. fancy . 18(q200 uurtnn hurl r.r..vililll votel rlrT. rs- ' ' r--- -rf- j The iiiajoritv of the liquor forces herelt ows was SU). The rlrvs carried tho city tt , Spring lambs year ago by 0ni) vote. The "wet" ma juritv i;t sU,nifl was close to 3'MI'S, Oar Yant Ads Light the Way to Greater Results Try one to-day KB STUFFED UP WITH "A BAD COLD?" Get busy with a bottle o! Dr. Kind's New Discovery at once Cough, eokfs ami bronchial attictt they are all likely to result in danger Out aftermaths unless checked in time. And how effectively and quickly Dr. King's Nesr Discovery helps to do th checking' work! inflamed. Irritated membrane are soothed, the mucous phlegm loosened freely, and quiet, restful sleep follows. 60c and $1.20. Aildruggistahavw It. Sold tinea 1S6 Constipation Emacipatioa No mora lazy bowels, yellow com. plextion, sick headache, indigestion, breath, when you use ta a corrective Dr. King's New Life Pills. They systematize the system nd keen, the world looking cheerful. 25c J. a Perry 'a STATE HOUSE NEWS ? Tn order to demonstrate by legal proceedings whether or not Governor Olcott can resign his office as secre tary of state and nam hU successor, friendly suit has been filed in tho supreme court today, with tho govern or in the role of plaintiff and State Treasurer Hoff as defendant. As a means of "starting something" Treas urer Hoff held up the warrant for the governor's salary for the month of March. The next move was on the gov ernor, who filed in the supremo eourt a petition for a writ of mandamus, to compel the treasurer to isue said warrant, at the same time requesting that the court should define his duties and powers in the present situation. Out of the analysis of this case it is hoped to bring a decision showing that Governor Olcott may resign the of fice of secretary of state without jeop ardizing his office as chief executive, and that he is also empowered to name his successor. Further than its im portance in tho present situation, in adding a third member to the board of control, this decision would establish a precedent for all such cases. The state highway commission sees valuniblo supplementary aid in the prosecution of the state program in tho work of the Roosevelt highway as sociation, which is receiving enthusi astic backing from the const count es, ;t lutsop having just raised $2"i00 for the fund. Tho orinnixation of the a soi'intion is now complete, with the fol lowing officers: President, S. C. Pier, Portland; vice president, liruce Den nis, La Grander treasurer, E, D. Cu sick, Albany; secretary, 11. V. Jones, Newport. The county vice presidents are as follows: Clatsop A. W. N'orhlnd; Tillamook, H. II. Rosenberg; Lincoln; C, J. footer; C!oob, 'red Ifollister; Lane, J. K. Hoan; Douglas, Warren 1'. Reed; Currv, Judge W. A. Wood; Benton, Walter H. Kline; Linn, Kranl; J. Mil ler; Marion, Jnincs K. Linn; I'olli, C. h. Hnwley; Yamhill, J. J. Knight; Josephine, O. S. lllnrchnrd; Jackson, W. H. (lore; Washington, Marion Muys; Clackamas, Clyde Huntley; Mult niimah, A. II. Averill; Columbia, S. C. Morton; Hood River, Judge A. J. I IVr,y. Wasco, W. E. Walthcr;, W. Sinead; Wheeler, L. L. Seti wer; (lillinm, '. C. Cbirk; Sherman, Ed McKee; Drwhutes, M. A. Lynch; Jefferson, S. W. Marsh; I'mntilla, E. P. Strain; Harnev, J. J. Donejjnn; Malheur, P. J. iallnglier; Crook, J. N. Willin'tism ; Klnmn'h, Wesley Smith Lake, Dr. Bernard J. Imlv; Wallowa, S. L. liurnaiigh; Union. ' Walter M. Pierce; Baker, W. K. Meachnin; tirant "K. A. J-Vd. The Capital Journal Daily Market Report (train Wheat, soft white .... ... $2 Wheat, lower grades on sample Oats 7,i(U;78c Hay, ehcat $24 Hay, oats $215 Barley, ton $4Hfe50 Mill run 43u44c BuUtrfat Butterfat - G3c Creamery hotter C2(iii3c Pork, Vsal anal Mutton Pork on foot 17 S 4c I Steers -. 7('1'10C . 4Yu8e .... 10c ...4r.i) ior.'f3c Ews. Lambs, yearlings ggs sad Foultry Fggs, cash .17c Hens, live - 2S(3-'Jc Old roosters 1 5c Cockerels - r 25e VegetiMes Hi dishes, dot, 35e .... OftS'.-jC ; $1.60 ... ti.W(L .... 2a2'4C (1.2.-(" .7j tVi Sweet potatoes Potatoes Onions, local Ca bongs Tirnips . Head lettuce Beets Parsnips ... . Cauliflower, flats $2.2.5 Spinach, box . $1.25 Winoaap apples, box $1 Celery, crato $11 Iron ' Oranges $'o T..75 Lemons, box $j'ail Bananas - - We Florida grape fruit, ease $7U3 Black figs lb. . 16(o Ise Waits figs, lb. Hi ' 20 Package figs per bl 50 pkg $4(n 6.B0 Honsy, extracted . 20e EetaU frlecs Eggs, rloren 40e Creamery butter 70e i f4ts Quick Reference To Firms That G:o Service On Short Where Buyer And Seller Meet We Recommend Our Advertisers. EVEETTHINQ Salem Eleetris Co., Masonic Temple, OSTEOPATH QB& B. K WHITE AND B. W. WAIr TON Osteopathis physicians asd serve speraalists. Graduates of Am erican school of Osteopathy. Kirk ville, Mo. Post graduate sad tpec iabsed in nervous diseases at Los Angeles College. Offices 503-508 Nat Bank Bldg. Phone S5rf. Residence, 16-0 Court. Phone 2S15. Dr. White Rea. Phone 4C9. WATER C03IPANY ULElf. WATER OOaTANT Office comer Commercial and Trade itreeti Bills pavabl monthly la advance. Phoe 606. FINANCIAL MONEY TO LOAN. On Good Real Estate Security THOS. K. FOBD Ladd A Bush bank; Salem Oregon rEDERAL FABM LOANS 8 pet, cent 34 years time. A. C. Bohrmtedt, 401 Masonic Temple, Salem, Oregon MONET to loan on good real estate. (Vii percent government money f loan. Liberty bonds bought snd sold. W. D. Smith, Salem Bank of Com merce. HI 14 NOTICE OF SALE OF GOVERNMENT TIMBER General Land Ofllco WshlngtOn, D. O. . February 14,1919. Notice is hereby given that subject to tho conditions and limitations of the act of June 9, 1910, (39 Stat., .18), snd the instructions of the Secretary of the Interior of September 13, 1917, the timber on tho following lands will be sold April g, 1919, at 10 o'clock a. m., at public auction at tho United States laud uffice at Portland, Ore gon, to the highest 'bidder at not less than tho appraised value as shown by this notice, sale to be subject to tho approval of the Sceretary of the In terior. Tho purchase price, with an ad ditional sum sf one fifth of one per cent thereof, being commissions allow ed, must be dupositcd at time of sale, money to he returnod if sale Is not approved, otherwise patent will issue for the timber which uiust be removed within ten years. Bids will be received from citizens of the Unitod Slates, as sociations of such citizens and corpora tions organized wait tho laws of the United States or any state, territory or district thereof only. Upon appli cation of s qualified purchaser, the timber on any legal subdivision will bo offered separately before being in eluded in uny offer of a larger unit, T., 9 8., R. 2 E. Sec. Ii, NE4 NKii, fir 1(190 M., hemlock 270 M., NWft NK'i, fir SSO M., hemlock l.'iO M., SW H NK'i, fir 1170 M., hi mlo 250 M., SK't N K VI , fir 2OT0 M., hemlock 200 M., NEVl SK',4, fir 1170 M., hemlock 120 M., NWft SK'i fir 16:;i) M., hem lock SO M., SW', SEVi, fir 790 M., SR'i SEV4, fir 1190 M., hemlock 30 M., NK' NW14, fir 6-10 M. hemlock 130 M., Nli', .NVVV4, fir fi.'IO M., NKM 8WV,, fir 1950 M., NW'4 SW'4, fir 210O M., SW',4 SW',i, fir 12o0 M., SE14 8W4, fir 10)0 M., none of tho fir to be sold for b-ss thnn $l.o0 pur M., and none of the hemlock to be sold for less than 75 cents per M. T,, 4 8., R. 3 E., Sec. 3; SI!', SE",, fir 1200 M, SVi SK, fir 1145 M., Sec. 33; 8K'4 NEVi, fir 730 M., ccdnr 25 M., $1.50 per M. CLAY TALLMAN, SW', NE4. fir 8S0 M., none of the fir or cedar to he sold for less than Commissioner General land Office. Hour, hard wheat $3.15Ct3.2i Portland Market Portland, Or. April Butter, city ereuuiery 59(2 010 Eggs selected local ex. 4lfil3c Huns 33(nj.'Mo Broilers 4ll(n 43e Uco'o 17(o;20o Chifse, triplets 37(a3Uc DAILT LIVE STOCK MAHKIJ Cattu Iterr ipts 41 Tuuo of market kUuy Bi'St steers Mfo 14. .'.0 Good to choice steers $1 LoOCo 12.50 Medium to good st'ers $10(11 Pair to good steers $Jfol0 ' Common to fair steers $3f";9 Choice cows and heifers $10."j0(r 12.23 (itwl to choice cor. i and heifers W" 1 0.50 Medina to good cotvj and heifers $7r.s Pair to medium cows and heifen $.jrritf Canner, $ 1.50 Bulls t;ro,s.50 Calves $'50(a 13.50 -Stackers and feeders $10 Hogs Hrcci pts 512 Tone of market lo.ver Priiiiij min d $1S. T.'ioi 11.t3 M. ilium mixed $lS.(i.';i 1H.75 lioiigli hc'ivios $li'.7.jfn 16. "3 Pi 17.25 Bulk $lS.75fu-18..v Slieep It -ceipts 7(1 . Tone of market st'aJy Piin.e lambs $ir(n 17 lair to medium lambs $14(Ii 13 V arliugs $1 1 (r i 1 2 Wethers $'"'! 10 Ewes $6.50(0-10.50 I Want Ads Telephoaa ELECTRICAL 127 North High, faia 1SW A1IUSEMENTS THE SOLDIER BOYS Pool snd bil liard parlor is sow open nnder new management snd it renders you aid the general public s congenial place to pass away few leisure hours. The basement ef Oregon Elcctne depot, corner of State and High. Phone 62S. Wo. Livoek, prop. 3-f STOVE REPAIRING STOVES REBUILT ANI REPAIRED SO years experience, Depot, National and American fence. Biies 16 to 54 in high Paints, oil and varnish, tie Loganberry and hop hooks. Salem Fence sad Stove Works. t50 Court street. Phone 124- SIIEA. REPAIRS all kinds of furni ture if broken or out of repair; up holster repairs made. Shop 352 Che meketa St. between Commercial sad Liberty. Phone 181. 4-JW 2ND HAND GOODS. We Buy, Sell And Exchange All kinds of Furniture, Stoves, Clothing, Dishes, Bicycles, Harness, Tools and Junk. We buy what you don't want and pay the highest price in cash. Peoples' New & 2nd Hand Store 271 N. Commereial Phone 734 LAUNDRYMAN 110P LEE, expert Juundryman. 43S Ferry St, I pay top market price for chickens and eggs. Office phone 1339J, residencu 1333J. tf AUTO REPAIRING All kinds of auto repairing by an ss perionced workman. All work guar anteed to be satisfactory. S'udebek rr repairs a specialty. D, B. Moir, 263 N. Commereinl. REAL ESTATE BRING YOUR TRADES BRINO your trades. I can match yon. C. W. Niemeyer, all branches of reeJ estate and Cnnadn lands, 213.18 Masonic building. Phone 1000. 1 FOR 8ALE A good double team bar nofs, will trade for hay or grain, or will exchange for gaod dry wood. Sen Sipiare Leal Realty compe-i. Phone 470 SECOND-UAND GOODS N'O CASH RilQUlBED flood overeont shoes and suits, all kinds of mnaie al instruments, shotguns, rifles, heat ing stoves, gas stoves, suit ease sal 1000 other useful article to sell or trade. What have yout The Capital Exchange, 3:iT Court St Phone 43, REPAIRING STK.VAKT'S NET-AIR SHOP Have just installed n innchine that will sharpen liiwnmowers the same as the fuctory puts them out new. Bring nil your light repair work to me. Al vin B. Stewart, 347 Court St. I'hone IU.'). LODGE DIRECTORY KNIGHTS OF PYTHIAS MEET AI McCornsck hail on evory TusdAy st 8. P. Andresnn, C. C. F. J. Knots a. a. s. ROYAL Neighbors of America, Ore gon Orapo cninji No. 1300 meet every Thursday evening in MoCornaek ball Elevator eervic. Oraclo, Mrs. Car rie E. Bunn, 04S Union St.; Teeor der, Mrs. Molissn Persons 1415 SI. 4th St. Phone 1436M. MODERN WOODMEN OF AMERICA Oregon Cedar Camp No, 5216 meet every Thursday evening, B o'clock in McCornsck hall, over Meyers slore. Buy A. Grunt, V, C; F. A. Turner, clerk. UNITED ARTISANS Capital Assem bly No. ft meet every Thursday 8 p. in. in Masonic Temple. Glenn C. Nilts, M. A.; C. A. Vibbert, tecrelary, 340 Owen; street. J. A. Rowland Furniture Store Buys, sells and exchanges new nnd 2nd hand furniture. All kinds of repai. work, light grinding, filing, and lirnr ng a specialty. Right prices. 247 North C-onioiorciai Hi. 1'hono IU. WOOD SAW PHONE 1090B 0 :r Prices aie Bight W. M. ZANDER, Proprietor 1255 N. Summer Street, Salem, Oregoa. SCAVENGER SALEM SCAVENGER Garbage refuse of all kinds removed on most, ly contract, at reuwnnble rstes. Cess pools cleaned. Dead animals re moved. Office phone Main, 167t