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About Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919 | View Entire Issue (April 2, 1919)
PAGE SIX nn ! til SELECT YOUR SHOES WISELY There is a great deal of difference in slices and you will want those that fit the best are the best oi sty es and designs, are the most comfortable, yet economical. Brown all kid, French at $12. to $8.50 Brown all kid, Cuban heels, finest at $1:5.50 Other browns, all kid, al so cloth tops, at prices on down to ?G.()0. Beautiful blacks, all kid or cloth tops, from $9.50 clown to ifo.OO. LOVELY OXFORDS In Patent or Kid, in blacks at $6.50 and down to $::.05. Brown Calf or kid, $7.50 clown to $6.00 Also fine ones for Mis sessizes 11 to 2, in black Black or Browns, Kids, Calfs or Patents, French or Military heels, $7.00, $6.50, $6.00 on down to $5.00. Seils Shoe Satisfaction BRIEF SPORT NEWS i . ...l.... i..:i o w:i.l I..,-' I'MMMUl, .Ill ..IIIIUIT II 1111V iius , ' . nt' i or 1'nl Moore for the world's ban-t-iuirteigbt chiiiiipinnsliip, it was an no, uii'i'd today by C. H. Cochran, box i.iu ,ii.;n.t. i. Thev wil fight for a puise of .Vi.tioii M1,.lM.:i 1 1 i i ...I i . . nn. li .i I 17 vl)l'M " MODISH PUMPS i.,.i.l.. Willi,'. li!iii.iO' n.i"'"'" "' "' examination. .waji'r in, MM! ou him. iVibic, I' I VIM: eight . iian.pion.i wo-,, a uei-iMOn oier Joe Lvnc, Ainer j ii: ii liaiitamnciglit Monday ulght. Ho irrii In I'al Moote in the Anglo Aitteiican toirrnauieut, Cliihi.bdpbh., I'ii., April 2. -Three Jtot'o Athletics, Hobl,v K.nli, Hoy llrover Mnd Maurice Slianimn, ute- now in the d. training larues'lv with tlin Muck- ask roit r- - " . 11, n '. 1 V . ' . . . - c vi tiaiu a v a - ": 'Cj.uig " liu."' ' . - . ' J.-...A. 1 !-.farii,IavalUsnjGriv.'!nCl.!!dren. UicUMi!V,Ml:iaialn Extract in PoUr . Ori.:in l 1 Dr? -.k All AkI OTHCRS are IMITATIONS COLONFL WALES SINGS GLORY OF OREGON LADS Commander Of 147th Artilery Praises Work Of Boys From This State. Colonel Bovd W'aU' coainiander of the 14. th artiibry which ine.udcd bat- t. rio, A and B of the Oregon artillery, has recently forward, to (ic.vernor 7,1 aaSati, . U arraT TtTSZ JJ .hrouKh Gormany. Clash, Olcott a of the complete war k.t- progr.. iZths daily Trphus U faaaiM nd "urr1 wurk'-" nd 5 hl"u'?h.PviiiK detailed j in,, ltst legislature appropriated an-Uolera and 'tho bubonic plaguo are tx- ,rool "rioua clUl's- result ine m cas account 01 the fights in Inch it was other S...0O0 for the building of a prop- .,1 to ' ka tl" anranee rhi. ' Ule ein-.sed and the se.-ret marching or- ,,- memorial site ml his n,..n.. .ill lu. rnvt." Th indieatinna r r.iwin. i.t tho li-rs i-isucj. Aloiig with the history is tribute of comuic miution frrm le:t- eial J'ershiug hi well as a number of stntements from officers of the allied armies who noted the work done by the body. Another interesting feature of the booklet is a ccpy of a Mun propagan da 1. at!et dropped o'er the American lines from enemy tiirpluurM, and ad dressed to American solditrs of Cer 111:111 l iith. The following extract will serve to show the sort of argument the Huns used, Hairnum;' that the ier 11:111 in America hud not absorbed notiiiiii; of western ideal: Huu. Propaganda Cited "Do you think it houo'iible to fiht the country lliut h:is )fien birth to your father or forefuthersf Do you tliir:l( it honorable to fiill upon liny country after it lias he' oii'iiHy defend ml itself for four years uniust 11 con litiou of ps.oli-s teiKiu.l superior in iiiiinbenf We are fiuliting for every thiir! (ieiir to in: for cur homes, our very existence. What are you liyhtiiik for, why did you romp over here 1000 miles away from your own home? Did liermatiy do' you any harm, did it ever tlneatin you Your lenders lire mis leader. They have lied to yell that we are slaves of ;( tiut. 11 ml 'u tire ouilty of gross ignorance if you be lieve one word of it . 'Anybo'ly knowing anythiii;; uboul human nature and the history i f Kuro- e. :i 11 n:it it ns w ill tell uii that slaves can never xtatul up nuainst n whole world nt -ierre eueni'us; only free men fiJiHuy, for their haopiue.s in life eiiilitre i many yruis of fighting a'.'.iiiilst the most collossal odds thai ever a nation eliei'iiutered . An eer lusting shame I hut -MI,IHlt),iKM) of tier mini Americans could not prevent this nun Wilson, who never was a genuine American, but rather an Kuglish sub ject ill ilisguisi , to raise his hand auaiost their mother countrv!'' Record Will Live In his letter to the governor, 'ol onel Wales savs: "Mntterirs A and 11. ns you ftnow, were forineily separate batteriis A and It, Oregon field artillery, national oiinril. The record which they linvc made nnil the woik which they nave nerfoi iiied hat In en most creditable iu- Ideed. and I con .'rui ulate you upon tlie fact that your stale has such splendid .tight iiri units. In the four month that the regiment ivns at the front two men of battery A inutl four of battery II were killed in action . Tin' men of battery A who I were killed were Mnchaiiic Alex 3. iliowman and Sergeant Huyd R. Voting iKrnm 'battery B those killed were Sen ium! I.ieiilenuut Williniu i'. Keustel, , I'rivate Kloyd H. Cochran, l'ri vnto Moh ii II. Mcflun and I'livute r'otest l. Delaney. Lighter casniill ies were heavy in both batteries, men here, ctvptain. Hulh lias been appointed Hot water Sure Relief BELL-ANS FOR INDIGESTION The deputy assessors foe Marion county will meet next Satuiday niorii iag with lien r West, county asses ir, fo receive final insi ruction and proper blanks for their work. It is ex peeled that about 23 of the deputies '''," apparent oppoinnnty io will thi. fi e.i.if..r.... . ,,l'l",l k nt the outset the rapidly tonniiig that all will go out in their work bo in xt Monday. About two months viill l,e required for a complete a hi me::! .,' the cuiity, Ii :,1 estate may be turned in to the assessor at the same figures given last year, Mr, West savs. ., Edward J. Ogtgnard who was born II years lig' i Norway has decided to j,. become a voter, or at bat. he has:.. . , , , , . . ,. made the first step tu that direction. icsiritia no men li:s iieciaruuon oi , , , ,. itiecoining an Ainerican citizen. He lives at Milvertun and arrived in this country in IW'o. If he will stilly up ' "' he ' sliiu'u.n of tile I'.iiied Btates and burn mouet Hug about mil ! government und iuimvci ii line of quo '"" '- ' "i " '-illC'l. IWO u. in.,. .. niniiiin-ii, .inn-!' miigiiaiu I I I .1... T , , I ,",,! " "" ktiow soinvihin about I,... i ...... . , ... , . I v i mil- in- ii ,i ii'ii io cir-yen sli p ami that a man s wile so be equally well posted man becomes a voter, that should ul ! W hen a lo puis his wife on tin equality, ns far as vot ing is concerned. JOURNAL WANT ADS PAYiTrn contain calomel, but a hcaUng, soothing 11 - ' vegetable laxative. 1 iV ... J . '' r t j-i . 7- i o' ANNIVERSARY PLANS TAKE SHAPE RAPIDLY i'r.r fth fH'al. 1 VI VUOll I tu.vt VI Champoeg ifietajg, iuay 1, Being Arranged. The 7tith anniversary of ine ceio - oraieu meeting at .nam poet; win to j "V - " already Judge V. 11. h'i.,v ....,;. i ...t .. ... . . expended in adding to and improving! Starvation Threatens, j uprisings are inspired by the Sparta- thc building erected last sammer. I Thirty-five hundred housed j,,,, cans wko ere believed to he employing Judge D Arcy says that this improve-! broken 'sewers and water pipes, which 1 ,hw,e o'rbanees to weaken the gov went will not bo made until late this u : imiwssible , roDair because of lack 'erulne't, preparatory to declaring a or m-k iu .uu inen-.urv me f materials, adding to the menace of, memorial biiilitini; will appear this year health. just the same ai at the 1118 meeting. ) Children are the onl uart of the pop - It iny be rt'cullt'd that 10J vttU'ra ulution who re not hungrv The ehil - in the valley responded to tho call Mayjdrcn are fed in tho schools or a- private s, iiw, to rorm a provisional govern- ment for the northwest. Several meet ing hud been previously held one known ns the famous Wolf meeting, held in the old Willamette I'niversity name build - ing earlier in the yohr " H it at the Salem meetrng woining defii:ite wn.s decided ami it was not 1111 til the .May 2 meeting at Champoeg that by 11 vote of r, the pioneers decided to form u government under the jurisdic tion of the I'nited States instead of Uieat lfritain. On tliut moiii'iitoiis day, a vote wits; t:ik.n and the French settlers those interested 111 ttie lltid.son Iiti' eoiiipiiuy voted the loudest, u ou was ma le for 11 il. vision. It wus about an equal vote, when one of the French l'i:Hi'ie seltlris were won ovei rsi the side of the Americans and the vote then stood, for Hie I'nited States 5L', for the Kuglish and the lluilson Hay com pany, oil. A piinisiouul lioverniiient was at ouec tonued, mid it 1, as 111 this government "r.t the Melli'Miit pioneers toon alien " active pint. Only two men are livi,ng 111 Salem whoso fathers took part in the famous Champoeg meeting. are Oliver Iteers tiiul Aimer Lewis. PR0P0SALJOR PEACE Suggestion Bearing Signa ture ut Lemne naced Before Delegates. By Lowell Mellett. (I'nited I'ress Staff Coirespoudent.) rails, April 2. There Is now uefore tiie pence conference a definite and con erete proposal from the Kussia.n govern moot for cessation of hostilities. It ben is I'reinier I. mine's signature. There is also autlioiiiuiise ...... ti.' tiou Unit Karl Kautsl.y, t.eiiuan luili en I, is now in Moscow trying to urrauge n f il alliance bctwe,, (ieinuiuy ami Hiissiu. In the light of these two filets, the peace delegates are giving morn thought to Kiissin than the daily offieiul com miiniqiies indicate. The reports made by William Kullit, speciul agent of the American delegn tiou and Lincoln Steffeus, writer anil piivuto invostigutor, me undergoing the g ii. vest consiiletiitioii as they icpiescnl not only the latest but the most, detail ed mud best information on actual con ditions in Kiissin, as well as the'attitiidc of Russian leaders. Document Kcut Secret. The greatest secrecy surrounds I lie Leiiiue document, but it is known that if offers to end hostilities between the liussiau mad 1 1 1 govcrnmcu:. How America is affected, it is impossible to ascertn;- , Tlie willingness of the delegates to give thoughtful consideration to the new proposition is believed to be the outgrowth of various considerations, the most important of which is that it bolslieviki front liitssia and lltingarv and with (lermaiiy, Hiiuiauia and Serbia in the offing. The conferees frankly admit tliev dislike a prospect of facing a real r. ligament of those five countries. With Kiissin eliminated it is felt the kevstone of the structure will be gone. Typhus Spread Feared. Another important fiictor is that mod .,, nr(. 1,(.,.,"., great I v alariueil . ., , , . ,, . , , ... in possi on' oi i ue ivpiics i'pme:ii- ' ' ' 1 ' westward Itoiu liossia Ff fs.i. t- tsj jj rt: is tt uu waro wuve iaoie That is the Joyful cry ot thousands 'nce Dr. Ul wards produced UUva Tablets, ",c Stihstitute for calomel . iT.sawaras, a practicint? pnysician for 17 yeais and calomel's old-time enemv. discovered tha forrnula for Olive Tablets while treating patients for Chronic CQU" Uo griping is the tejmote" of these little sugar-coated, olive-colored tablitv j They cause the bowels and liver to art normally. They never force them to : unnatural action. I 11 you have a "dark brown month now and then bad breath a dull, tired lctling sfck headache torpid liver and I are constipated, you'll find quick, sure and only pleasant results from one or two lit I t'e Dr. Edwards' Olive Tablets at bedtime I Thousands take one or two evrrv nuhi i lost to keep right Try them, 1 10c fciyJ vx per box. AU druggiiUi QUICK RELIEF J the fa-t that disease recognizes Bo na-' 'tional boundaries. It i learned from as auiiiorimuve source iuai lnxorma tion, based on the report of the director of health in Petrograd,. allows the fol lowing conditions there. -. Thirty or 40,000 of tho estimated pop ulation of a million are now in fcoapit- Seventy thousand are seriously ill ia j their homes, to whom it ia impossible j to give more than a tenth of tae amount of food they need. In addition there are 100,000 who are ill, but who are abi I to go to the eit kitchens, Host of . thorn have swollen linibs and otaer ail monts broiight on by lac k of food. . 1)le uate rata : yettogni U 123 .! . . - - homes. Durinir the last nine montna 30. mid children have been placed in small trouin in rcniiiitmii..r! Iinirie. ... ... 'rangcmmita havo been mde to care for'""-' for maintenance of the armies j ior.f than 10.000 others bv this svstemof occupation. I in the next three months ' " I Keleaso of Herr Daniuig, radical leait- Milk is difficult to get. Theie is no!er' ,Bri.'' 'th inciting the c.purtacan .mined milk in the city. The govern ! mem has discontinued u;'.ssenkcr rric until April 10 to eunblo sixty to o,10 hundred carloads of food to be brought 11,1., I'. trournrl .Inilv l,.yondThe written docui.ent, Lenine! ' u(1a 1 ... 1 . . i.i 1 ti be ii-idv to nwiirn self irnv.ls0"3 "CIO killed and 11 till v wounded by 1 10 "c Many to assure ken gov -i rmehiiio mn fir. Th 1 j ,.j!m.nt for all former Kuiaian terri - lories which desire to break awnv from the soviet government. It is mider - stood he wil lulso promise the tllies to abstain from nronnunniln work in the allied countries, taking the ;,, - that the best propaganda will bv actual success of the soviet system of govern ment. WOMAN SAVED MUCH SUFFERING . . r)l.Lmr,.J'. A J..1....J Uy taking Fnend s Adviceand aydia L. Pinkham S Veg- etable Compound. Wt Ploina, Mo.-" I wot all run down m health, had indigestion and ter - ribie cramps every month so I was un - itaoT & eve"?; doctor in West Plains also every remedy Icould think of without relief. One day when I was sulfering greatly a friend was at my house and said, 'Why don't you try LydiaE.PinUiflm'B Vegetable Com pound?' So 1 did, and through it, I found relief from my suffering and I really believe it saved my life. It does not seem as though I can aay enough in praise of this wonderful medicine for tlie health it has brought me." Misa Cora Leb. Hai.l, West Plains, Mo. Perhaps it may seem an extrava gant statement to say that this great remedy saved a life ; hut women like Mrs. llall, to whom it has brought health, appreciate the danger and sulfering they have escaped too well to doubt it! All who suffer should try it Why risk life and health without it? For special advice write Lydia E. Pinkham Mediei.iu Ctf., Lynn, Muss. When you use Journal claiifi fd ads got what yo wtat thflra to they work fait. - I -Vi. ! A A. ucoon oaie of G5 yards of very heavy canvas; 75 pounds of tea; baking powder; canned goods; soap; :00 pairs of shoes; lamp chimneys; 45 dozen fruit jars; T25 safe ty razors; silver teaspoons; hafs an3 lots of other articles. We are going to turn them loose Saturclav, April 5, 1:30 o'clock One 2-year old filly running stock. Sired by Dick Mills, one of Oregon's famous running horses. She is just right to go into training this season. 1 Milburn wagon and 14-ft bed, nearly new. 1 Studebaker buggy, rubber tired. 1 steel plow, 14-inch, nearly new. 1 set of single driving harness. Salem Auction Co. 157 S. Commercial St. rhone 1117 G. SATTEULEE, Auctioneer mm crci SPREADINOJS REPORT kScahons Feint To Sparta cans As Instigators Of Disturbances. By Frank J. Taylor. (United Tress Staff Correspondent.) or run, April 1. me general nnae """" Beige Is Prociauneo. ' The government has proclaimed a .8 (i in tho whulo Khiuclaiul, !d'f.T'nK he 50,000 miners on strike ,alre- lne ""aUon m tlia: i.-rioii cu ua,lKt,r Iuod shipments and the coal ! suplyu n d may even affect liavments to upris.-ig in January, has uportirily i a'lt'-Tl'11 iav e1''r1 strike 111 tierlin. itic.ilie atate 1 , mi,,' workt'r8 n0. however, threaten 10 oul 01 ",l,r "u '"'". l-rankfront ..h.i.J I During riots - ' -oral food shops. Three ' "t'lu ulu' '',uc,1',u' Klln firc- The mobs lntu ""'cu mo police etatiun unit u 1 ""'"Oer of hotels. A sailor was drag-ed from fh'' s'tion and lynched. His body W11J thrown into the river. Covoniinent i troops now control the city Casualties Are Heavy. Many persons were killed and wound cd in fighting with soldiers at Oastroi near ItJchuni (-0 miles northeast of Dusseldorf). Wurttemburg lias joined tho general j strike. At btuttgart tho burgeoisie , have started a counter strike, complete ly pnrulyzing tho ctiy's industries. ! Counter strike by more conservative elements has also been declared in the Hfuhr district where troops are exereis- iit strenuouB measures to control tho . A miIlll)l,r of Sl,ua,ull8 lmvo b,,t'n kiiu'u ur ''led u otliers have i'"'1" ttr'T'tlc'1' . , ClaSS $Cm FolloWS iflOVe j T Dl i C L M I i IU DIUl OUBUUniUrC HUIUgraiS ' ' 0 of the biggest Cass .crap, o, the r!ar W "'" levers, y took "'ut'e ''out noon yesterilny. The bat ,u' ,uok ',lui'1' nt',or ,l10 lltl,,'"l'' ' '"'" t:Mt " ipnomurc i"'i'l'nls on the grnndstaiM by the freshmen. I The trouble started several weeks ago 'when following the defeat of the frosh by tho sophomores, the freshmen were compelled to obliterate their numerals. lint they failed to do it satisfactory UJid that evening some unknown person com oletcd the .job. Some ten days Inter tne wosn made up their minds to retaliate. The sopho mores suspecting some attempt to orntli cute their numerals by the freshmen 'slept in the gym and took turns stand ing watch. About .' in the morning four freshmen with u car of red paint were captured and later niilliaced. I Having had the tables turned on them iuthis atempt they decided to try again and, chose chn'icl hour to finally obliter ate the sophomore numerals. I Several sophomores remained on lunrdt uud when the attempt was made . both classes piled out of the clu.pel und made 0 rush for tho grandstand meet ing just iu front of it. Tho "rooks" out-numbered the soph omores but the coiitist was fairly even until finally stopped by the upper class men. A "squabble committee" was tip pointed by Nicholas, president of the student body, end this met this ntter )t noon in"! after hearing both sides of the citse decreed that the freshmen ' should repaint the sophomore numerals i and the sopluunores are to paint the space formally occupied by the frosh numerals "s'l-een," D. CURRIE, Manager AM!?JCA'S KOKE Used by thrifty people sai ar Saves Money, oaves ouues. ShwoiA is beneficial to all leather. SkinoiA Home Set makes shining easy ia home or office. BLACIt-TAII -WHITE-RED - BROWN t itate House Notes t Bi giirdino the question as to whether d board has the r.uthoritv , fmov speciul counsel to act with ' ' H-t -toineys .n eselu-at proceedings, V" 1 11 0 uiumu 1 h ut Biicu counsel mm i'e , 1 , , . , , - , employed, and fees may be drawn for . their services, it being understood, how ever, tin:! these speciul atorueys must be employed strictly in the capacity of assistants, ami are not to superconc f!,e district attomov. Aimg the papers coming into the corpiTTation department , .W..i,. .W.,i.t..,..n t n. lntn i. i i... ..v.;..r... nf HOllM; IOUU nils ou- (iiiK'uui i.imiio .i! .u wl..l.. T. .!!., ,;" """" Church, .if llW-iiinm iislorieton a g - i3BiariiarTn i ' us iFi i i i 'TTTJ.TiTDTUTT1: 1 r' J IM Add to the Comfort and Appearance of your home by the addition of new draperies. We are of fering special for the remainder of tie week Scrims, Marquisetts, Nets and Colored Draperies in several drop numbers and close outlines to make room for incoming stock. Values to 85c While they last :5c per yard. ONE-THIRD OF YOUR LIFE IS SPENT IN BED To get the best mattress is economy. Economy of sleep, rest and money. We are factory represen tatives of the famous SEELEY mattresses. Take one on six nights trial. C. S. HAMILTON 340 Court St. mmm SHOE P0LISI. because it Saves Time, O OVaam i- document that bore tlie stnuis of wiany greasy hands and uroma tf tobacio smoke. It allowed the ( stnblislrnent cf the Indian church in Washington in 1910, with six charter members, "among whom is the bishop " Mud Bayr' Bam- who, being niiub t cswiiloig-v i-M who, being unable to sign hi aaiae, affixes the customary A. lho rK3i-r -ame into tlie otlice prcparau iu . . . . tntr. t .. n.,;I.lai nf innrnnrfitinil nf tlie .(i of (,,!,,-,, "3s ! iritinririllH IF lirnVHIPa HIT IUV uijolv ul iiiumivi-u -v r " of the liidiau race, und cspi'ciully ot the women. HUN PLANES ARRIVE. S:'i, Diego, Oal., AprilS. A fleet "f c.,.mn. Vi.lrL.ii. iibtoen hnvo ,., ;it i, ,,,! oi'i-'i "l " - -- in the Victory loan drive this month. . . . . TllC lIl'lllV ilVlllg SlllOOl now bor.sts ,., i.siii, n, American r1'1". '.'.' planes of pinctienllv every type.