THE DAILY CAPITAL JOURNAL. SALEM. OREGON. WEDNESDAY. APRIL 2, 1019. rC,K FlVta I The Journal New Today Ads' j HmMttt ))"'tMMMlMIIIOMMtMM HHt4mm - JOURNAL WANT AD DEPARTMENT IS THE BEST SEUIKG,H2S UEDIUIi! IN BIARION COUNTY CLASSmED ADVEBTlSINa BATES Kste per word New Today: Xck insertion . 1 a week (8 insertions) . 5e ' On month (26 insertions) 17! Tie Capital Journal will not be re- poniihle for more than one insertion,! or erron in Classified Advertisements Seat your adTertuement the first day it appears and notify ui immediately if rror occurs. Minimum charge, 15e. WANTED To rwrt a garage near Hth and Ferry. Phone 114031. 4 3 1 WOMAN1 as companion and assist with I housework. 255 Center St. 4 3 WANTKli Cattle n,l kind. Phone 1576VV. FOR KENT Sleeping rooms at 152 . Church. 4 2 WHITK Hock penis fnr h,,,.l,; Phone MF3 or 403E. l-7,i10R RENT Clean apartments for clean poople at the Miller, 633 Fer- l)ll SALE Early Juggle hop roots. I r? st- tf Phono 9SJR, J. A. Krebs. tf " ; FOR SALK Four wheel trailer, S71 N. Com. St. 4 2 J'OR SALE Belgian does, $1 each. 500 N. High. 4 2 WASH . tiolish and crease vour cars at 30 IN. Com St. 4-4 FOR SALE One chain drive Ford truek, real bargain. 337 Court St. tf FOR SALE Baled oat and cheat hay, Box 5, Turner, Or. 4-3 MALLARD duck hatching eggs for ale at 544 State St. 4 7 FBKSII cow for aalo. Phone 1483 or .295 N. Church. 4-7 WANTED (Furnished house by April la or 15th. Phone 355. tf MOTORCYCLE for aale. Phone 8F23 evenings. """ tf BUGS cleaned 35c per rug Fhona 18. L. It, Buckner. 4-4 WAOT'ED All kinds of ehieken. Will pay top price. Phone 1339J. tf WANTED Experienced (rafters at Fruitland nursery. Phone 111F21, Sa lem Rt. 6. ' tf FOR SALE 8 room house and" lot, $1000, call on my agent, Wm. Flem ing, 341 State St. tf FOR SALB Good loganberry wire. Capital Junk Co., 271 Chemeketa. Phone 348. . tt A. E. HUTCHISON, 248 State St., Phone 311. Overland service and general repair shop. 4-7 WALL PAPEB 15 eenta par double roll upward. Buroa'a Furniture Store, 179 Commercial. . tf SPE PAY highest cash price for eggs, pork, veal aiid poultrr. Willamette Transfer Co, 171 8. High St. Phone 1400. tf WANTED To rent modern 5 or 6 room house, good locution, respon sible party, gnruge if possible. C N. Loughrige, Argo hotel. 4-2 FOR SALE At 1260 Jefferson St. a nice little house and lot for $325; can give terms; act quick, for this is a bargain. Z Y P care Journal, tf WE HAVE on hand a fow tons of mill rnn for sale, at a bargain Willam ette Valley Transfer Co., 171 South High St. Phone 1400. tf CENTER Street Garase just opening a goncml repair shop; cars washed and polished. 245 Center St. Phone 927, J. W. Hunt, prop. 415 NORTHWESTERN Nursery, Rt. 6. Fruit troes, rosea and shrubs. Special loir prices on certain lines. Phone 111F3. tf FOR SALE Clover hay $25 per ton; clover seed 50c ler lb; apples $1.75 ncr bushel. Rt. 6, box 51, Phone 23 F21. tf FOR SALE Russet Burbank seed po tatoes, beet potato on market; also hv clover hy for jmle. M. Kipping or, Gcrvaia, Rt. 2, box 1. 4 2 GOOD rooming house to lease, 30 rooms partly furnished; will lease -ry reasonable. Inquire 506 N. Com 'I 8t. or phone 1549M. tf mm WE LOAN MONEY FOR FIVE YEARS. WE AL LOW YOU TO PAY $100.00 OR MULTIPLE ON THE PRINCIPAL ON ANY INTEREST DATE. WE CLOSE OUR LOANS PROMPTLY. E4WKINS AND ROBERTS 314 Masonic Bldg. Salem, Ore. - TRY THE! FOR RESULTS BEEHIVES for sale. Phone 53F6. 42 - . MODEKN roonia with, board. 461 N. High: 4 j - FUR SALE Pansy plants, Alaranv, -11 -Miller St. 4.30 " - ALE Jerser cow, fresh May 1st. 1353 X. 15th. 42 LOST $10 bill on Mill St. Phone 1712 M. Reward. 4-2 artichokes for aale. Phone 2r,F 31. 4.3 FKFSII cow for sale. Phone 105F11. 45 5-2iruK diest apt. at the Miller. 04 rerry. tf FOR SALE 2-bottom hop or orchard plow. 3093 Portland road. 4 5 I iwji.u. uouse ior rent eaeap, large jot, gooa garden. Inquire 260 Marion street. 4.3 WANTED Lady or girl for general housework, good wages; references required. Phone 516. tf vk eAK About 500 lbs. GobL Coin seed potatoes at $1.50 per sack 200 N. 24th St. 4-2 WANTED Capable farm hand. E. A. Foster, Independence, Rt. 1. Phone 3022. 1 mile south Ucrlinger. 4-3 FOR SALE Gold Coin seed potatoes, aiso one year loganberry plants. Phone 100F32. tf TOR SALE 5 room house, large lot, barn, plenty fruit 408 N. 24th. call after 5:30 p. m. 4-5 WANTED Middle aged wqpian to . take charge of hotel. Insuire 459 Stato. tf FOR SALE Gold Dollar strawberry plants, very fine; 60c per hundred, $4 per thousand. Phone 6PF21 eve nings. W. E. Scott. 45 FOB SALE Auto, model 27 Buick, overhauled, painted and new top, a snap at $400. See Merlin Harding, at Salem Hdw, Co. 4 2 FOR BENT 70 acres, 24 acres for grain, 10 acres hops, about 700 bear ing orchard, mostly peaches and bal ance pasture; share rent. Located half mile west of Wapato station, Yamhill county, Or. Addresa Wm. H. Egan, Gervais, Rt. 2. Phone 3F11. tf FOB SALE ISO A in Jefferson coun ty, 150 acres in crop, 40 head Dur ham eows, increase about 20 calves, 1 registered Durham bull, good house barn partly finished, with lumber to finish on place; some timber, some pasture and all tillable land under Suttlo lake irrigation project. A snap at $-(000. Address M J S care Jour nal, tf MULES HORSES Last opportunity to buy stock of this kind, at such low prices, from $200 to $285 per span. Six span good young mules, weight 2100 to 2000; four span well matched horse teams, blocky built, heavy boned kind, weight 2500 to 2700, ages 5 to 8; stock is gentle, well broko and sound. Guarantee or trial given with nil, if not as rep resented money refunded; also sev eral sets harness. 254 8. Liberty, Waring 'a barn. 4-5 SALEII AUTO EXCHANGE Formerly CAMPBELL'S AUTO EXCHANGE 229 State Street If you want to buy or aell a ear come and see me. 1917 Ford good as new, all new tires, a good buv, 1917 Maxwell 5 pass, $425 Maxwell delivery ear $325 5 pass. Maxwell $275 Detroit, bargain, $250 Paige-Detroit, starter and Tights $275 Studobaker, 6 cyl. perfect condi tion, $490 Hudson 8 cyl, good as new, $1000 1918 Buick 4 cyl. perfect condi tion, $550 1916 Maxwell good condition $425 1916 Dodge if you want a good car see this at $H00 5 Pass. Maxwell, first class shapo good tire $150 1914 Ford, perfect condition, just been overhauled, $300 List your property trade with mo. Phone 867 LOANS-61 for rent, 6 room, all newly papered. Phouo 51F11. 4 3 FARM HAND wanted. rhone 7F25. OOOD gentle team for sale. Phone 693 4-8 FOH SALE01d fir and second growth contract lota. Phone llslil. 43 GIRL or lady wanted for housework. Call at 319 N. Cottage. 4-4 FOR SALE Good 5 room house cheap 25 eare Journal. " 4. FOR SALE 3 inch wagon with gra el box $55. 1395 N. Liberty St. 4 3 SALF-sMAX and collector wanted at 337 State St. 4 4 FRANKLIN1 touring oar for aale, 744 N. Commercial St. 4-5 FOR SALE Cheap, my $200 talking machine and records used less than 3 months. Call 1040 Hall St. tf FRESH milk goat and kid for sale, $35 Also new teni 2x4, 5 ft. wall, $10. ( all 44!l S. 18th. 4 3 TRADE extra good double seated bug gy, rubber tire, leather seats, for glmd fresh cow. Phone 37F2. 3 29 WANTED Experienced millinery sales lady. Fullertons, ask for Miss Larsen. 3-9 FOR SALE 6 cows, 4 Jerseys one l l. ... ... -t n i 1'urnaiu, one uuernsvv; 2 iresn, ? fresh soon. 2015 N. Com'l St. 4-2 FOR SALE Ford metal delivery body Will trade for Ford body. Phone 25 day time. 4-2 WANTED Men to cut white fir cord wood bv contract. F. M. Suver, Dallas, Or.. 4-5 WANTED Woman for housework, small family, light work. Phone 8F 22. 44 WILL give rent of apartment in ex change for woman a help mornings. 643 Ferry St. Phone 1806W. 4-3 WANTED Lady to do house work for elderly couple in country. Phone 2'F 22. 4-3 WILL trado new baby grand or play er piano for light auto. 519 Court street, afternoons. 4-4 FOR SALE Team and harness, 2 wa gons ami 1 almost new cream sepa rator. Phone 78F11. 4 4 FOR SALE One gelding horse, weight 1100 Jbs; one mare, weight 1200. T. J. Clark. Phone 2303W2. 4-4 WAiNTED Some one to care for 4 months old baby girl, in their own home, must be experienced respon sible party. Phone 934J. 4-4 FORD for aale, 5 passenger, good con dition; leaving country, must sell. Fair Ground Garage. Phone 1616. 43 FOR SALE 8 acres, half fruit, bal ance cultivated, good buildings, 4 blocks from car line, block rrom city limits on Garden road, Box 230. Terms. 4-8 TOR SALE Five acres adjoining W. Salem. Three acres plowed land, good house and well. For sale or rent. 61F4. 4-8 FOR BALK Loom, cedar chest, or gan, heater, few other pieces furni ture. 1790 Fairground road. Phone 1(90 W. 4-3 LADY with two children would like general housework, good cook and housokerper, wngos $1j5 per month. Apply 2199' 'Fairground road. 4-4 FOR SALE Must sell at once new 7 room house, including bath, in south Salem, large lot; $1500 cash. A2 care Journal. 4-4 BEAITIFI'L high grade piano, low price and easy terms. The Wiley B. Allen Co., 519 Court St. afternoons. 44 ACKNOWLEDGED the finest piano in the world Mason 4 Hamlin, and other pianos We invite your inspec tion. The Wiley B. Allen Co., 519 Court St. open afternoons only. 4-4 FOR SALE 100 acres nsr Wnldport, in Lincoln county, Ore. House, barn and fami ly orchard 10 acres slashed and eas ily cleared. It is very fine berry land. It is also fine for cattle and dairying purposes. Railroad runs by place, good school within M mile. Is in good neighborhood. Will take small resilience in Salem as part payment. Price $4 W0. $2000 cash, john h. scon 404 Hubbard building PATTON PLUMBING COMPANY Are now able to take care of your plumbing wants in their new loca tion, 220 North Com mercial street. Phone 1668. TRY Streets new garage at 420 S. Coral. First class mechanic 4 7 FOB SALE Horse, just received a load of artillery horse, from Camp Lewis. TheT are at Clearwater barn 544 Ferry St. 4-2 AS I am leaving the eity will sell my 9 room house on paved street, high, nightly location, lot 75x150; $3500 rash. None others need apply. Phone 1343. 4-T HOMESTEAD in Canada for $125. This include fare to Alberta; board traveling and locator'a expenses. Fine mixed farming district. Partic ulars at my offiee, only. C. W. Niemeyer, Masonic building. tf WANTED Management of a pruue orchard by competent young man just returned from the service. Ad dress Knoll Kreet, Rt. 2, Corvallis, Or. 43 FOB SALE 3 year old Jersey boll; aire Merry aianlene Kigoo Torment? dam, Silver Lad 'a Napaner; record 602 lbs. butterfat. M. E. Townsnd Turner. Or. Phone 151. 4 3 FOR SALE 9 acres Vj milo east of end of 12th street carline, acre strawberries, 1 acre loganberries, young orchard, good 5 room house, barn, ehieken and hog house, good well. Call evening after 4 p. m. or Sundays. $2000. James Callahan. 4-5 SACRDFIOE SALE 5 room houso bath, toilet, hot and cold water, 2 full lots. 80 rose bushes cherries, plums, peachcs, tusberries, grajies, chicken house and barn. Worth $1250 for $950; terms. See me to morrow, Lavalleur, 271 N. Commer cial. Phone 734. tf NOTICB OF RECEIVER'S SALE Notice is hereby given that 1 will sell at public auction on Saturday, April 5th, 1919, at 1 o'clock p. m., of said day, all tie personal property of f . u. itogoway and K. Kogoway, gen erally known as the Independent Mar ket, situated at 121 South Commercial street, Salom, Oregon, to the highest bidder for eash in hand, subject to con firmation by the eircuit court of the state of Oregon for the county of Ma rion.. Said property consists of salt and eared meats together with the fix tures, tools, furnishings and equipment of said market. F. iN. Derby, receiv er. 4-4 A 611 room bungalow on North Broadway, lot 60x120, oa the wr ner, and small barn. Price $1500; will trade for twenty or forty kjes. 29 H acres, 6)4 miles from Salem on Wheatland road. 1 acres in cultiva tion, 3V aerea ors-ard. AH mnds of frnit, good house, good well, wind mill tank, on good gravel road $7, 300. Five room house on Bellevne street, two lota, $2000. $200 down, plenty of time on balance. Four room cottage on North Sum mer street, on car line. Bath, toilet, lot 45x110. Cherries and small fruit. Price $850, Can assume $275 at 5 percent, payable monthly. Fine home at 1780 Court street. See ing is believing, price $4000, gtod terms. Como to the office for par ticulars. A ten room house on 14th St., near Center St. fine rental property. Prico reduced to $4000. Must sell soon at these, figures. Five room bungulow on North 20lb street, $1300. Eight room house, three lot9 on N. Conimorcial, $1300. One acre, five room bungalow on South Commercial street near car lin?, lots of fruit, $1600. A large brick building on North Lib erty street for sale or rent, at a bar gain. A large house on Summer St, close to state capital. What will you give me A nice 8 room bungalow on Liberty St at $1600. A good 7 room house, all in fine eon dition and quite modern, only one block from good school. $1500. If you are looking for bargains see me at once. G. W. Lnflar, insurance man. 405 406 nubbard bldg. tf YOUR OPPORTUNITY to buy first class berry land at anap pricea I have personally inspected all the following properties and can recom mend each one ns being an exeep tionally good buy. iOVj acres with house, barn, etc., $2000. $400 cash, balance easy. 10 acres with 3 acres in logans; 2 acres cherries, walnuts, prunes, etc; 1 aero currants and gooseberrie, and 1 aeres strawberries. All woven wire fenced. 2 room house; barn, etc. $.1000. 82 aeres of choice bottom land 3 miles out of Salem. $100 an acre. 10 acres with 6 acre bearing prunes 6 room bungalow; barn. 4 miles out of Salem, on main road. $2100. $500 down, balance monthly at 7 percent. 9Vt acres in 10 year old prunes with strictly modern 7 room bungalow. Fine location. $9500. This ia a mon ey making home. 8 3 4 acre, with 6 acres ia logans. No buildings. $2750. 15 acres of choice berry land just east of Salem $3750. Has fair build' ings. 20 acres with 4'A acres in logans. Fair buildincs. Well located. $4700 Would sell 10 acres without improve mania for $2700. Fine berry propo sition. IT IS IMPOSSIBLE to advertise ALL my listings. If you contemplate buying land for small fruits, See NIBIEYER Masonic Building "Just Real Estate" tf ,1 K a w CAI'AltLK wnmnn with young daugh ter wishes position housekeeper on ranch, .1 W illi care Journal. 4 3 FOIt WALK Wood range, excellent baker, good condition, 115 Marion. 4 3 MiOTH Kit with two Ismail children, wishes work as housekeeper. Address Mrs. Alice Cook, Rt. 4, box CU, Sa lem, Or. 4 4 FOtt SALB One 10 yrnr old horse, sound and gentle, weight about IHlrtt, good worker anywhero, Phone 3DF2I J. W. Bellamy. 4 4 FOll SALKr Strictly modern seven room house, 1155 N. Summer St. $4400; modern six room house, 1233 Stato Ht. $(HI0; modern 5 room house, 1010 N. HOth St. $1500; sev en room house, 1245 E St. $2250, W .11. Grabeuhorst Co. 275 Stale street. 4 3 FOB SALE 320 acres, I'matilla conn ty, Teel ditch district, $U5 an acre. 040 acres, Harney county, $3,50 an acre; .WO acres, ook couuty,1 $3. .50 an acre; 100 acres, some timber, $1500; lfiO cre, Wheeler eouiit.v, pine timber, $3500; 440 acres. Lane county 24 million fort saw timlicr, $15,000. W. H. Cral;enhorst Co. 275 Stato St. 4 3 FOR EXCHANGE 2 houses, 5 reoms each, all tbar. four blocks from court house, for vacant lot close lu, or a half lot. Don't delay if you want this. 10 acres well improved close in, for sale on easy payments, or trado fur Portland property. Four beautiful lots in a bunch on one of the most prominent streets iu Salem, strret paved and paid for; easy terms. 5 acres, all in prunes, 5 years old, $1500. Want Salem home. See me for insurance, eny line H. E. KOL1NGI R 32H Hubbard bldg. Phone 1009 New Arrivals Today's Express Brought us a large shipment of New Dolman Coats The very latest creations from the centers of fashion New "Butterfif Dokan Coat New "Chicken" Dolmaa Coat New "Novelty" Dolmaa Coat New "Swagger" Cape Four New Styles, never shown before. Serges, Broadcloths. Velours, Tricotines, Gabardines In the newly created shades. These beau tiful and charming garments will appeal to all good dressers. They are extreme, but decidedly practical and attractive, carrying an air of individual distinction. See our Court Street Window. A most Wonderful Display of Infant's Wear DRESSES BONNETS CREEPERS SILK BOOTS You can always do better at MEYER orr n e o Salem - - - Oregon - MIA' WAXTKD AT WKT LINN' PA PFH M ILLS 42c 1IOV-K, 8 IIOI'R DAY. SICK Mtt.F.T. HARi.OW AT IIOTKL ACKOHH lflVKH FROM 0I1KI1OV CITV. CLKA.V BKW 20c XKHIT; Blv.sT MKALH 35e. 4-20 Briininglinm, Ala., A"ril 2. Manager He.dek ha niado a tlimnge in the lineup of his tilnr team, sending Cliff 1-ec to the scrubs and plnciug Carson Itigbee in right field in his stend. The Yanni guns were defeated yesterday, 9 to 1. Long Beach, C'ul., April 2. Cluima of the Chicagn Cubs to ci!-i-itriii bsll calibre were eomoidered a flnn'y established today. They beat, the Long Beach high school 8 to 0 yesterday. A year ago the snmo high school boys held the t ubs to a four tv 1 score. Portland, Or., April 2. Jake AbeL welterweight of Cattanoogn, Tenn., has been hooked to box Kid Herman here 0. Dininv, an English boxer who claims the featherweight championship of the Pueific coant, will probably ap pcur tliu same nilit atta.nst Joe (ior-: Money in I man. 1 I as. LI If you will raise MORE fruit and vegetables for our local manufacturers. Their cry is "More Fruit and Vegetables." We will help you produce them. CAPITAL NATIONAL BANK J. II. Albert, President Jos. H. Albert, Cashier COTTIN DENIED APPEAL Paris, April 2. Emtio Cottin, assail unt of Premier Clonienceaii, who is Un der sentence of death, has been denied a special court martial to review his" ease. His appeal is now expect it to be carried to a higher court. NEURALGIC PAINS Civ Way to Soothing Hamlin's Wizard Oil Hamlin's Wizard Oil is a safe and effective treatment for headache and neiiralKia. Rubbed in where the pain is, it acts as a tunic to the tortured nerves and almost invariably britii uick relief. Its healing, antiseptic qualities can always be relied upon to prevent in fection, or other serious results, from iprains, bruises, cuts, burns, bite- ind stings. Just as good, too, for lore feet, stiff neck, frost bites, cold lores and canker sores. Get it from druggists (or 30 cents, ff not satisfied return the bottle and get your money back. Ever constipated or have sick headache? Just try Wizard Liver Whips, pleasant little pink pills, II) cents. Guaranteed. Your Pocket JOURNAL WANT ADS PAY 'JOURNAL WANT ADS PAY