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About Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919 | View Entire Issue (April 2, 1919)
f The C L&ttor WEDNESDAY EVENING April S. 1919 CHARLES H. FISHES Editor and Tubliiher age o ournai m Tf T 7F i 1 VJCrJ 7 7 mir 3 i j 1 t J Published Every Evening Except Sunday, Salem, Oregon. Add rest All Communications To (Ll;c 3aito jriiAl Houraal IALEM 130 S. Commercial St. OREGON THE LEAGUE TO ENFORCE PEACE. SUBSCRIPTION BATES Dairy, hr Carrier, rer Tear $3.00 Ter Month- An interesting sidelight on the League of Nations controversy is found in a statement issued by the League to Enforce Peace, of which former President Taft has long been president and active leader. It had been reported that there was considerable dis satisfaction and rebellion in the organization, owing to 5 Open Forum I STAN&PAT Daily by Mail, per year- .3.00 Per Month.. 1TLL LEASED W1RJS TELEGRAPH REPORT FOREIGN REPRESENTATIVES W- D. Ward. New York, Tribune Building. W. IL.Ptockwell, Chicago, People's Gai Bnildinj Wsconda, Or., March 29. (Editor of j The Journal.) Enthused by our stogan I Mr Tofr'c VioiMnnr mvon Viio rronorol onnwnml fn Pr-ocirlonf "Be Kind to the Stranirer." the Wa- & Wilson's draft of a constitution. In answer to this, the bsk:'t so, ial Bivp" OB w"Th 29 i i, i, i. i r i i . wa rousing suceess. It is & slogan, I league on March 18 declared that since it announced its , .VT ffiy Mj Iiamlet ia 0regon 8aouia : ;not only adopt, but practice. The Com- resigned out of a total of :;00,000r and not one of the i League's 7,."00 volunteer speakers and SOOO clergymen all Terrifying Discomfort From Skin Diseases Itching and Burning Erup tion Torture Victims. : - : over the country had withdrawn his pledge to work under Daily Cau.t.1 .Journal earner boy, .r. .nstructed to .p. ; the the , rlWrinrv Thn ctatsmtini- Ic- porch. If the carrier docs .not do this, misses you, or neglects getting tne paper to you on time, kindly phone the circulation manager, as this ia the only way we ean determine whether or not the carriers are following instructions. Thone Bl before 7:30 o'clock and a paper will be sent you by special messenger if the arrier has missed you. - THE DAILY CAPITAL JOURNAL Is the only newspaper in Salein whneo circulation is guaranteed by the Audit Bureau Of Circulation WHAT KATY REALLY DID. At last v. e know what Katy did. False, fleeting, per jured Katy! Of whom Dr. Holmes complained years ago, ''Thou sayest an undisputed thing in such a solemn way!" All these years she has borne the reputation of a song stress, when as a matter of fact all she did was to rub her wings together and make a pale green noise. The movie camera operated by Dr. Raymond Ditmars, of the New York zoo, is responsible for proving how false ly Katy posed as Mary, queen of garden song. Patiently he watched and waited, camera set for hours at a time to make the slow-moving film which tells the secret. This is only one of the bits of nature lore which his camera has betrayed, from a faithful record of the antics of a nine-foot cobra to the slow development of frogs and toads from egg to maturity. There is a fascination as well as education in these illustrations straight from the great story-book of na ture, whose power, for those who will look and listen, will "sing a more wonderful song, or tell a more marvelous tale." The senators who advocated rejection of the League of Nations pact are trying to find a soft place on which to light. They say they are willing to stand for the League of Nations provided it is amended in certain im material ways. Of course, it will be amended, as every body knows the first draft given out was merely a work ing plan' to be thoroughly gone over and perfected after full discussion. Nobody who favors the League idea is opposed to making amendments provided they tend to make the plan more workable. The Grants Pass boy who captured single-handed a machine gun and twenty Germans has reached New York, on his way to Oregon. Seems like there should be a re ception coming to a fellow like that, when he gets off the train at his old home town. Since this hero's father is a resident of Salem now, the Capital City ought to watch for his coming also, and make a day so big they will print it in red letters on the olandars hereafter. the League's direction. The statement adds: "Mr. Taft's attitude, which is substantially that of the League, is that he would accept the Paris covenant as it stands, and thank God for it; that it does not, however, fully meet his ideals, not being as strong in some respects as the plan we have been advocating; that he would like to see amendments that would strengthen it, and thinks it wise to make changes that will make still more clear the meaning which we understand it to carry. He is also favorable to making changes that will placate opinion, especially in the direction of definite acceptance of the Monroe Doctrine, which we understand is already the basis of the instrument." It may be added that this also represents the attitude of large numbers of people who have never had anything to do with Mr. Taft's League. uiereial club should see that it became our state slogan, and don't forget I told you so. Pomona, southern California, wnere every individual community, cluircii and school practice their slogan, "Be Kind to the .Stranger," is the one city I re member must kindly while traveling with my br-thcr for his health. Kind ness is remembered lunger tlinu any thing, fcitttmlpar, is another s'ogan, I selected or YVaeoda. 1 take it irom observations of St. Paul, Oregon. Ev erybody living iu St. Paul will live or die for St. Puul. If you don't believe mo just say something against thut com munity and you will soon find out. Prom our nations I select another slo gan, "L'nited We Stand, Divided W'c rail," locally this is true of every com munity. Any place is dead laid unpro gressive when it fails to bo lumen, and up to the time. Wueoiida has ulnars been u literary town, its talent is scat tered all along its highways anu by ways, .the. whtilo surrounding country turns out to do justice to their enter tainments. Mrs. Hubert, who started the latest basket social and landed p2.- 10 for the btisebull grounds, has the gratitude of the boys and the nudienee, und for tho season's accommodation for The possibilities of the flax industry are shown by the prevailing high prices of flax fiber. Mrs. W. P. Lord, uf this city, tells the Capital Journal that she has just re- ceived a copy of a Belfast, Ireland, trade journal which n. i would suggest they buy the iun.i, tells of the purchase of a small quantity of French-grown i I1'6 fu generations would can then, fu, n 07rj f tv, : J bk'8sed' 0ther 801,111 w' ur'tf vf- jiua iiui i ai i(ii.iov a tun. lie jajici in vuiniur-nimg ujjuii the deal states that the quality of the fiber was "almost as good" as the Belgian-grown product. Here in Oregon we can produce a flax fiber equal to, if not actually super ior to any grown in any part of the world, and the straw from three acres will yield a ton of fiber. The possibilities for profit in flax growing may be seen in a study of these figures. Ocly those who are afflicted with Eczema, Tetter, Erysipelas boils and similar so-called skin diseases eaa ap preciate the real terrifying discomfort thst comes from these disorders. The constant plea cf those afflicted is the oft-repotted question, "How can I find relief from this constant torture?" Xot palliative, temporary relief that causes tho terriblo itching to abate for awhile, but real genuine relief that shakes off the shackles uf tho disease and restores tho skin to its former healthy condition. And temporary relief is the most that can be expected from local treat ment, such as ointments, salves, lo tions, etc., which U one reason why these diseases seem to hold on with such tenacity. It is not because they are incurable, but liecause they are improperly treated, that they apnear to be to stubborn uuu so difficult to cure. The real eaiue of the disease is a 6erm ia tho blood, which multiplies by the million, and sets up an irrita tion in some tender location of the delicate skin. You must locate the headquarters of the disease germs, and cut off their base of supplies. Tho blood ia saturated with them, and they will set up their attacks' on the surface of the skin as long a they remain ia the blood, no matter how much local treatment you take. A million gallons of local treatment applied to the surface of the skin, will not eliminate the germs of the disease from the blood, and until they are eliminated your skin will never be free from the itching and burning discomfort. If yon want relief that is perma nent, then take a treatment that goes right to the seat of the trouble and removes it cause. Such a remedy is s. s. ., Uie reliable old blood purifier that so thoroughly cleanses the blood, that every trace of disease germ is routed out, and a now supply of rich red blood is sent coursing through the veins. 8. S. S. has been used successfully in some of the worst cases of ecxema and other skin troubles', and it ean be . relied upon to cleanse the blood of the last vestige of the disease. S.3.S. is also a splendid tonic and system builder, and it builds up and adds uew vigor to the whole system. Go to your drug store ami pot a bot tle of S. S. S. to day and begin the right treatment for skin disease Then write for free medical advice about your owa case. Address Chief Medical Adviser, 107 Swift Labora tory, Atlanta, Ca. (Avd.) THE PROMOTER'S WIFE DY JANE PHELPS BARBARA IS WORRIED OVER NEIL CHAPTER XLVII. At lust 1 imagined 1 knew tho cuuse for tho intimacy between Neil and ltl,.i!iclie Orton. Hut how did it start lu I lie first placet How did he roiuo to talk of business mutters to another wo man, uiiil absolutely refuse to discuss thorn with met It is u .terrible feeling to ask oneself questions of this sort; to usk them over mill over und yet find no iiiittwor. lint one possible explanation cuino to mo Hint wo were living far beyond our inienim. it not, why hud it been neces sary for anyone to help .Neil, even if Senlt liad threatened him If wo could I afford to lo the things we inn, nvo in I Evidently the ol tal of noses and faces and spite has not reached the cemetery of things obsolete. Phoenix, Ariz., and the town of Mention, 111., have refused to- recog nize the change of time and are still jogging along an hour in the rear. Perhaps they figure they will have the jump on us of an hour when next autumn comes around. Chicago's loyalty to the Kaiser is as strong as ever, if there is any significance in election returns. RIPPLING RHYMES By Walt Mason THE BUNDLE. the milliner iu which we did, suieiv must lie rich Rich eiiiui'li to taUt up even the huge block of slock owned by Scott. 1 wondered wliv Keolt had tlirei'.tened Neil; what made it possible for him lo do so. Had I known that the sU.'i k Neil had sold him was what ln Scott, called "phoney stock," und that no nail in sisted upon lia ing his money iu once, I might hi ve understood many other things, ut this time, lint that Neil would sell stock that was worthless, 1 milt k nir tlinf. it Wit. Wttillil IkHV.I tlilt only seined impossible, but ridiculous to filizensliip. me. You see, I knew absolutely nothing of business of a nv kind. M il earned the money ,gnve it to me, und 1 spent it us I pleased. But 1 lime since learn ed (hut one may be quite a good busi n ess mini or woman auisiiii uot under slmid the devious ways of many promo tors; especially if they mo promoting schemes bused so far away that pur chasers of stock must take their word for their value, reinforced by au eiao oiutely printed prospectus, iustead of iinestiguting tho property for them selves. 1 decided that Scott had "cold feet," as Neil had said, und wanted his money buck; that he hud threatened to sue Neil it' ho didu't return it. That tie had to have some other reason to bring suit usidu from the fact that lie tiRd changed his mind, never occurred to me. i had an almost insane desire to run tinny; awav from my thoughts and ev en thing. It may seem striviige to some woman, that 1 was not satisfied to let Neil ruu things, and not worry because I did not know the details. Hut there had been so ninny little things in my lite with him to make me uneiisy. Yet often I took myself to task for my an xietv it and amusement. Once again baskets of cuts, representing ships und anchors and huts, tho mind s beautiful basket creations, could be auctioned off by our own Albert Egau, once agnrn, charmed by our little prima donna, Kuiliryn Kecnc, and all tho others, who so kind ly did aud will assist, with thunks to Mrs. Nellie B. Wolf of rortlund for her address, she being tho stranger in our midst, 1 invite all to come iiguin. ELLA JI. i'lNNEY. TOR CHURCH UNITY To the Editor of Journal: I huvo reud several fine pieces in the "Open Forum" lately. One on the churches and preaching on trie streets. It seems the churches or the church peo ple us u rule are usleep to their duty; they have to do in this life. Things are, too much liku a prayer I have heard: 1 "(led bless me and mv wife. My son John and his wife Es four and no more." Stop and think, we should nil be bro thcrs und sisters in Christ. Christ prayed the longest prvvor wo close it. Then I loked iunkIo, I was have any record of. (John 17 ch.J shocked to see a bottle o' whiskey, that I "That they or wo nil may be one as N'e,! had opened tho niht before, near- j thou Esther art iu mo and I in thee, ly half gone! I must speak to Tonko. ' "That they also may be one iu us." lie should not touch tho eclarctto. Neil Well, just read the chapter. How civn must keep it locked hereafter. wo all be one when we (ill tench differ- 1 turned the key in the lock, und put unt doctrines, it iu my pocket. When Neil came in! There is only one doctrine that will I would tell him to find a hiding pluce 'savo us. Watt 7 eh;28:29 vs. for it tliat it was a temptation to There are niany doctrines. Matt IS Knve it in the lock. ch, U v. Sph. 4 ch.: 14 v. I Tim 4 ch. (Tomorrow- I'rederick Argues With 1 v. fingers pulled at me, and he whined a little something very uuusuui with him. Ho had always been a wonderful ly "ood baby, healthy and happy. I laid hi ni down, and went into the library. I wandered about the room for a few moments, then, noticing that tho collarette was lightly open, started to. Neil us to His linsiness Methods.) Rev. Jak Boyd Speaks And when we pray do we not say: "Our Father which art in heaven?'' Is he not mir Fntlier" when we obey his word and we become his children l" Af RlATMvtAFitli Mnrmti Then we must be brothers mid sisters in t-l litviUilUtUU HUlUiai Christ. One hirire family. .Mv. Monniouth.t Or., April 2. Dr. John H. Boyd, pastor of tho First, Presbyter ian church of Portland, addressed the normal sfttnlents and fueulty recently, tuking for his subject, " Americanism The principal point stressed by Dr. ltoyd was that Ameri ca's form of government, though striv- wlmt great good we people could d0 if we were nil one large family here iu Salem. Were all one and no divisions ruining us. Iu Christ divided? I Cm. 1 cli. lu to bl v. May we all wake up and take nothing but tied Holy word as our guide so we may all be one. There is so much evil abroad. Mother and father teach those that hnve been given to our cure, the way f the cross more perfect and warn them nguinst the evil that is ing toward a democracy, is still in tho ' in our bind, experimental stago as ft true democracy ' As the "Caustic Critic" stated in is uu achievement, not a gift, and the Saturday 's paper. Mother do you know: surest way to bring it about and make! where your daughter is tonight And it permanent is through a system of who her companion is! Ves there nro a education that educates, not only the, lot of those cigarette youths at lurge mind and body, but also the soul. yet, and will be till thcv punish those Miss Hrown, Y. W. C. A. student soc-Mluit sell or give them to the boys. Those retary of the colleges of tho northwest, who sell them to our boys, care more was a recent visitor at tho normal iu for dollars anil cents than they oo for the interest of the organization. She our boys' and girls' souls, is a graduate of National Y. W. train-1 Oirls smoke them also, Is your one ill) ihIiooI in New York and of Mt. of them I Ho. yoke college and has been assigned My buy does and if those that sell permanent as travelling secretary to the them does not stop it, there is going to northwest college. be trouble. A word to the wise is suffi- I'resident and Mrs. Ackermaa left cient. 8a'urdi;y to attend the Inland Euipiroj 1 know of two parties that sold association at r-puknno, which convenes there Wednesday of this week. The first of the week they are spending at the Kllensburg and Cheney normals. Miss Laura Taylor, head of the physi cal trt.iuing department and Mrs. Cur rau, of the rural school department, are also scheduled tt) speak at Spokane. Cyril Richardson, of Independence, a former student of the normal and a member of CnniiHinvL. .. mi interest. Neil wus so vigorous, so alive, ,p0nker at chapel Inst Monday. The Iy careless industry and thrift, by management and care, I've raised a bundle hard to lift, for many bones are there. While others had a bully time and made the gob lets clank, I labored for the luscious dime, and store it in the bank. Through burning days ami dismal rights I toil ed with weary tread, whi'c other fellows saw the sights and stained the landscape red. So I detest the whiskered jmp who comes from stale saloons, to say we ought to divvy up our store of picayunes. We will attach a fancy name to creeds he may parade, but it's the same old holdup game the thieves have always played. The same old hopes Mirever UUril in laWlCS people S SUlllX, UJ gaillCr COlIl lllt'(V :" sirong -which, u seemcj unpossnni. ,- ,,, llt jnifv rernraea irom J - 1 U: -:.l,U ,.. C, 1 ithut life could play any tricks with him. France when, he t.,k t,rt in some nf uu nut win, aiius!! mm lignum iuu. ow .ng ho Wll , Wl,klillKi it wouU have, MtkfA u) there s a p'anot here, some men will practice thrift, anajbwa impossible for me to have sioodU.!,,, (hlv, lf the woria ,ar. ntf WM. nthpf R1PT1 vi)h thirst for hpor Will t.tlk find llVlf md'f"r tbe ulf doubts which hail, ,,!(,, t.v,.r,.y wounded at the battle of .n a 'i .k;u .J, r.v oil t.s.u ...:n ,i w,.r ' .T0. w ?d ,h'. UiMr tnti.B u.nw. .fvuu viwic iui 1'iuuiiv cwau aim it utv uuma ui- itmrrtiMi. itui n no Bironjj. vnlHrmvvs to r At L A 1 : rt, 1V.11 I . 1 J .1- 1 1 I - . I.trr,i ) mt fitti Itl mil im.iti him in a iv2 in inr u UHinwo cnnum fiivnifi it' irira iri r " "u, . ... wad away. I've wished the plov and plied the flai1 and groomed the u Itir.g hen, and trimmed the tree and rplit the r?il, to gain my iron men. And wild eyed anarchists may .roar, may threaten, plead and whine, and thunder loudly at the door, but what I have is mine. Court House la tho caso of Davis R. Reed versus V. V. Richardson and V. J. Ixdiman, tho circuit court has decreed that the plaintiffs are entitled to title and pos session of lot 1, Klderbrook tracts, Marion county, and that tho defend ants are enjoined and restrained from asserting any right, title or interest to the premises. Each party to the suit will pay his own costs. lu the case of Claude Cole vs T. B. Ihan, the court has overruled tho amended complaint. Russell Smith, administrator of the estate of Kinily M. iiniith, has filed his final account mnd ho has selected the Turner Tribune to notify- the pub lic from a legal standpoint regarding the final disposition of Salem proper ty. He has a balance of St .29 os hand according to his report. The es tate included a valuable lot in tho boat residence district of Salem. Peter Irmen, administrator of the estate of Mary Irmcu has reported t the county court the gale of four lota inlltitteville for fllHO. Ho reports that he has offered the lots for sale several times but could get no bidders ant that tho offer of $300 by Henry Tant fest was tho best ho could get. Tha lots wore sold March 31. The Willamette sanatorium has beca paid a claim of $431.03 in the settlo ment of the cstnto of Henry Frcy and wife who died about a year ago at tha sanatorium from trichinosis. Tho guar dian of the minor children, who ara now with relatives in California, re ports tho expenditure of siM)' slur ing the past six months, which includes the $131. OS paid the sanatorium. tsmaatmmmSii There Is Always a Reason Why Siisiiiess Is Gooi On this case the reason is that we are satisfy- ing the public both in quality, materials and prices. Its a well known fact that made-to-order clothing is more serviceable and for that reason they are more economical. We have a world of woolens to choose from and the material and fit is guaranteed. SCOTGHWOOLfflHlllSSTORE 1 them. Just a word here. I think if the law was all under 1!1 years should yet off of the street and go homo when the curfew sounds, how much uetter oft' our young folks would be. If they go to shows let them go homo, instead of going to ice cream parlors aud automobile riding till 2 or 3 a. m. Let us hear some others on this. ANOTHKB CR 1 TIC. MICHIGAN "DRYS" WIN Monroe. Mich., April 2. Michigan drew first blood in the enforcement of its new drastic drv law last night. (leorge Dittman, 35, Toledo, liiuo, re ceived a bullet wound in the forehead '. relate. I wliru ho was alleged to have refused to , I joscnij r. isocvusta. wno cmmnrii 1 eim nn nut, mm In nn H.. ,,.,,.,. ,.f l trouble or not dominating any situr-.-;frum the normal in 1!'13, writes friends K state constabulary office. ion. 'hero that he has been selected to at- Neil was the most convincing talker I tend an Kaglish university til study torium Saturday night and er.j iv ed by ' ever have heard. It wasn't that ho law. He was attendinr the l'niverity a large crowd. said su much, it was the way he said it. 1 of Chie&g,, at the time of his enlist- Artie Burkhead. who received Vs d's-' I went into my baby little Robert meiit. This is considered a signal hon- c!i;.r-.- from the navy sercrnl weeks but for the first time he failed to hold . or aud Joe's friends hero are proud of In.;.), has wvnred a positoin rs neon-1 my thou,.!,!, from my worry. I plaved him. istruction aide in the medical darf- with, but in a half hearted wayj "The Passing of the Third Floor inent in the nimy. He left for Camp that he seined to realize; for his tiny i Hark," was filmed ia the normal audi- Lewis Wednesday t rennrt f.xr ,tt TODAY -:- FRANK KEENAN in "THE MIDNIGHT STAGE" i CHARLEY CHAPLIN in "THE BANK" Tonight only---MISS LILLIAN DREW One of the "Miner Girls" will sing. The REGO N L