TUE DAILY CAPITAL JOURNAL SALEM. OkeGON. TUESDAY, APRIL 1, 1919. PAGE NINE Slnll of ijnunr "From Over There" General Pershing' Official Report Two Oregon wen ax listed among tie: Died, Previously Reported Missing ta isaaltics announced by the war depart- Action Privates. I I lulip B Anderson, Newcastle Pa. .l:..- v ... . . GIRLS! HAVE WAVY. THICK. ELOSSy HAIR FREE FROM HDIF! CLOYERDALE NOTE! t3Uiiv. ------ . - aieut for toaay. vurpoia v.juo . of Portland la listed among those " ied severely, and Charlaa W. Gray ef liillsboro wnong the slightly wound ed. The following casualties are reported lf. tlio r landing if American Expeditionary Forces: jiied in Aeroplane Accident and Oth- Wounded Severely Wounded. Degree Undetermined 6 Wounded Slightly Oliver F Aukernian. Jnhnti.-n P Pasquitie liulinnarclli, Windber l'a. John H Kces'iri, Castleton lud. iuonuunt n Kelly, Covington Va nay rurspnine K, J.eswter Minn (Capital Journal Special Service) C'loveidale. April 1. A few friends of Mrs. Walter Blaeo came suddenly to ner door Katuruay evening, giving real surprise, tae occasion oe- birthiray. several lovely pre- .r if her. I li lames rurn- ished a dainty lunch which was served at a late hour and a most enjoyable 0 V IT ft 1 1 v i evening was had by all. Among those oaveioar naxrl Double Itsl,ir,vseu,,were Mr, a,nd .M,?- . ' ""' w,,aco. Mrs. MvrtUs Ciravbell of ilem rruiric I BsautylnaFewMc; -Try This. 'AUVM' itS jand Mrs, Edward iFarris,. Mr. and Weatherill and ( l.o Blaco. lirandma Blaco of Kosedale and Pearl If you care for heavy hair, that j Wf tfl"'"- - r . Wood and gHstens with beauty and JttJUt with life; has an incomparable soft-! , 1 llTnuZi" flU"V 1US,rU8' trTi V'j. Hadley and son. Ivan, were - T . vi- 3 v. m Salem on business lucsuay. NEED OF CONSEKVINO 0JJZ . Mrs.;Ana Kunkc was shopping ia That there iiij the sin Spencer Lantrip, Memphis Tenn. John McRride. Philadelhia l'a. Edward T McDonald. Buffalo N Y. Wiliam Resseman. Richmond Minn. Pied of Accident and Other Causes Privates. Pt.minicke Mmioekc, Coldwatcr Mich rank S Purcoll, Chelsea Mass. i i... f Tirmr l.nwrpnre Mas. JKIIII I ...."v., - . Died of Disease, Previously Reported; Causes. It Wiliiam Strulie, Cincinnati 0. Killed in Action. Previously Eeported Died. fvt Vied- Schweitzer, Chicago 111. Bugler Curtin Helm, Hnle Mo. Privates. Hohert T Jojiet, Sca-govnie Texas. Barney Mittondorff, Avon Oliia. l.ouis Montoyo, Del Norte Colo. Alfred (1 Zeitz, Traversfl City Mich. Died From Wounds, Previously Report ed Died Privates. Warren Frank Davis, Niekcrson Kus. Jacob M Coyer, Hheyenne N D. ooiiuiy oi your nair, Deswes u immeai-1 . . . 7 , t lately dissolves every particle of dan- p tti!m , , ere . urgent need of conserv-, drutf . vu fam,ot laVe niee, heavy,1 . ' l'lflet ' lya.' iMdy of gascdine if the ever in- J healthy hair if vou have dandruff. This : Il",,,nK,"?r , ' !i , ... . ... ..K. v.:. - :.- Mr. and Mrs. Linqiust. sient Sunday the home ot .... v. K.iwuui' u me ever in-, neanov uair u vou nave aauuruir. laia i .,: ,.r..,wi., .! .,. ... i.. .... i- rf,tn,.,;r ha ,. k.;, f :.: Mr. and Mrs. Lmqiust. -" " i,u"". r . .r"rt;v "iS;ri m. whsm had her daughter.. -....-..- ... ... V 'iMvrt'.e Oravbill, of Salem spena te and if not overcomes it produces a fev- V v. ' ....... ,,i ,,.-. tanuv ,n nIl nn-; liollneeiiirnt lie tin. Stfln.l.tr.t nil .....' pany. Kverybody interested in gasoline anuucuing ot iue sca.p; iu. , Rosedale spent the including the oil refiners, automobile! root, famish, loosen ar.d die; tw;ek em, hlre yisiting her son, Wal- engineers, and the government itself, is!' Jlair la"3 .ut r"st" ,jlter lilaco and family. .ivi ,. .,,. .1 p ,i,..i, i.!.l vor hair has been neglected and " " . . . .is thin tii1il tlrxr M'ffltTow fir tflO ''"ti. VI... i ? 4i loilv, get a small bottle of Knowlton'i! 1 in wi'r cuju'u the attention of the 3 . j . . people l. e tait need ot .vtnuu Mnut f fc ccnf , & lim, v aste. What the food dmini.tntum a3 dim.ted ld ten ;ftw you did to conserve food is still vividly mwin Mv w wag fto bcst inve8tment the nieinovy of everylmdy in the coun-V(m evr niB(ic try What the fuel administration did,!- We 8i,iecrt.!y Vlieve, regardless of while just as valuable, was not so spec-1 ,..,i,; ,i..rt;a.,, .l,t if von taculnr, end there are many facts about ldosi-e 8oft ll8tr0U8) beautiful hair and the conservation of gasoline and other lot8 of itn0 dandruff no itching OTH FINGERS! CORNS LIFT OUT petroleum products which have not hitherto been brought out. For the past few years the petroleum ami automobile industries have ooth been making great efforts to keep the supply ot gnsulinc up to tne uemanu, scalp and no more falling hair you must use Knowlton's Danderine. If eventually why not now! (Veil H Urconc, iselmn Ala. ! i V ,-. ,i t ,i Kilcd iu Action, Previously Reported.': oil producers have been slim ili.ted . . : i f;,,.i ,...- siiuri'pn nf Rimnlv. mid nave Wounded Severely, Corp Karl D Scott, Grenfield Mass. Died, Previously Reported Wounded Se verelyPrivates. Anton Koiidelin. Chicago 1H. Killed in Action, Previously Eeported Wounded, DegTee Undetermined. Pvt liobert C McMilen, McClure O. Died Previously Reported Wounded, De gree Undetermined. Pvt Clarence E Hu-wkins, Cmilterville 111. to find new sources of supply, and have sunk liuvuv uew wells. Oil refiners and chemical engineers have been improving processes of refining, which have made the crude oil yield more gasoline than n t liiiuiT it doss i hie teu vears ago. Au tomobile engineers have constantly im proved the efficiency of engines r.nd the i methods of carburimtion, so that the j gnsolino used will give t!3 great ert power and mileage. In spite of ull that has been (lone the HELP! You mny be able to defend yourself from a frontal attack, but how about it if you are held up horn the rear? Your body has to fight constantly against disease. It isn't always a fair fight, because constipation is a treacherous enemy that you usually don t re cognize until too late. Stagnating, poison-forming; food waste in your large intestines, helps dheanc to attack you and hinders you from defending yourself. Such set poisoning causes over 90 vt human illness. - You may be held fast for months in the grip or constipation, trying vainly to free yourself l-y taking castor oil. pills. !. mineral waters, ct in order to force the bowels to move. Not city will the constipation Erov worso w;lh the con tinuance of such remedies but you will be ess able to defend yourself against the attack h-n it comes. On the other hand. Nujol overcomes conation and brines about the. ruib.t of easy, thorough bowel evacuation at regular intervals. It acts gently and harmlessly, at all ages under any conditions. . Take Nujol and constipation cant sneak up on you and cripple you when you least expect it. Get a tot Je of Nujol from Vy'" and wrje for free booklet Tlvrty K-U of Danger.' TIT . sf. Nuiol in ko'A only in walccl warning: bXtk Lad, M.k. All d""i- on Nu'oL ott mty uficr from substitutes. Nujol Laboratories STANDARD OIL CO. (NEW jtitsu; SO Broadway, York i3 : i u 1 Tegular as jri. - - Feet of Dnier,'-n.upalw and Jto-inUKicatn Name ... Address . For Colds, Crip and Influenza Take tro'mo Tablets" Be sure you get the Genuine Look for this signature Qk lit on the box. 30c. Freezone is tnagic! Corns tad calluses lift right off Doesn't hurt a bit DAILY HEALTH TALK! The Troubles Women Have (By L. MAC LEAN. M. D.) Probably ao man in America was ev r betU-r qualified to successfully treat the diseases peculiar to women than Dr. Pierce, of Buffalo. X. Y. Ths cases that come to him run into many thousanus, giving niui an riperieuc that rarely cornea to any one man. Dr. Pierce found that, m nearly every cac there were certain vegetable growths a-l.;..!. mmIi. fuitM.I fi. oivA i.rt.nint re lief in those feminine disorders from which so many women suiter, tie com hinetl these TOOta and herbs into a temperance medicine that he . called Dr. Pu-rce a rvorite iTescnption, tar that w mwioelv vhat it u. This medicine is sold in tioth liquid and tauier iorai oy uniggisia eerjwutrc. I .v.pi t e.Hriiiliiiii ia n i t I lit t n.n- edy for women and acts directly uoon tae organs inai cnaraciene me ac It w not neeessarv to take a loniT course of treatment with this standard medicine. A weakly, gicaiy, eacaacay, nnivnu. Hianon.lent wiufllB. with regular er irregular pains with feminine disorders that come ia youth or middle- age is pretty sure to find m i w .'i nnrt -a rwnnrA r rpjuTiniuii the exact remedy that her condition calls for, and to tind it atter a very few doses are taken, wny women should allow themselves to stay sick when a verv little money spent for this remedy will probably make them wel, is something no one can explain. All wnmun u-lirt stiffor from feminine disorders are invited to write the Fac ulty of the Invalids' Hotel, Burfnlo, N. Y., for free confidential consulta tion and advice, no charge being made for this high professional service. This will enable every woman to benefit by the advice of the distinguished corps of physicians which Dr. Pierce has gathered about him in his celebrated Buffalo institution. When constipation is present witn feminine disorders, Dr. Fierce 'a Pleas ant Pellets should be taken nlung with f avorite rreacri prion, iry m num TliHia hii.a Iiva henn flttsil?nct bv it. TTnitnl MtutAa atiimnTirr Hixiltil to load at Seattlo in April for Vlndivos- tOK. Quick Reference To Firms That G:?2 Senice On Short A here Buyer And Seller MeetN e Recommend Our Advertisers. EVEKTTHISO ELECTRICAL Salem Eleetrie Co, Masouis Temple, 127 North High OSTEOPATH 1R8. R K. WHITE AND B. W. WAL TON Osteopathia physicians and aerre specialists. Graduates of Am eriean school of Osteopathy, Kirk ville, Mo, Post graduate and spee lalittd in aervona diseases at Los Angeles College. Offices 505-508 Nat Bank Bldg. Fhona 83a. Residence, 1820 Ooort. Pbena tilt. Dr. White Res. rhons 4C9. WATER C05IPANY AMUSEMENTS THE SOLDIER BOY-Peol and W liard parlor is aow open under mew management and it renders yon and the general publie a eongenial plaea to pass away a few leisure hoars. The basement of Orepoa Electna depot, earner of Stat and High. Phone 528. Wm. Livock, prop. S- ULEM WATER COaPANY Office eorner Commercial and Irade stree-j Bills payable monthly in advance. PhoA SOfl. FINANCIAL STOVE REPAIRING 8TOYE3 EEBI'ILT ANT REPAIRED 80 yean experience, Depot, National ana American tenee. , Sizes 6 to S3 ia high Paints, oil and varnish, eta Loganberry and hop hooka. , Salem Fenca and Btovt Works, 850 Court street. Phons 124- MONEY TO LOAN On Good Real Estate Security THOS. K. FOBD .r Ladd Bush bank; Salem Orcgoa SHEA REPAIRS all kinds of furni ture if tiroken or out ot repair; up holster repairs made. Shop 352 Che meketa St. between Commercial and Liberty. Phone 131. -20 nrrvKKAT. rARM LOANS 5 ner sent S4 years time. A. C. Bohrnstedt, 401 Masonic Temple. CJaiem, urrgoa MONEY to loan on good real estate. 6!4 percent government money to loan. Liberty bonds bought and sold. W. D. Smith. Salem Bank of Com merce 18-14 A fnw epjits Ibuvs a tinv bottle -of tho nitigic T-rec7.one at any drug store. Apply a few drops ot rTcezcno upon Under, aching corn or a callus. In stantly that trmiblesome corn or callus stops hurting, thou shortly you lift it out, root and all, without any pain, soreness or irritation. These little bot ia. nf Vriwvionfl contain iust enough to rid the feet of every hard coru, soft corn, porn between the toes and tho .calluses on' bottom '.'.of feet. So easy! So simple.. Why wnu,? No humbug.. war Seattle Unions Vote Down made it accessary to take stiflj' CU:V3ril Sfrikfi PrOSOSal W&gJf - I further measures to keep up the supply The dcmsiul lmd become so great that NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS Sealed mronosals. endorsed "Pro i in An In fur Hoanital Iormitorv and R,iv' Dnrmitorv." will tie received n 41. lO'ia nf tha Hrnirnn HlfitA Board of Control Capitol Building, Salem, Oregon, until 2 o'clock p. m. Saturday, April Oth, 1919, and not thereafter, for ii.n ..niiutrittinn i.f .t nfl brick diiriuitor- ieg at the State Institution for 1'eeblo Minded. TVi-nwinuoj. sneeificfltions and blank forms of proposuls may be obtained from K. il. uoouin, secreiarj oi nm I Ir.unn Ktnte lii,rd nf Control. Cal'itol Building, Salem, Oregn. Tho deposit of a certified check in tho Bum oi twe.ity fiun ("ni rlo ins will be roouirrd on ..inK ant nf tdan and siuH'it ications and shall lie ix'tumuiblc only upon the return of said plans ana specu icnuons, in good condition within four days af- tnr rnepivillO same. Each bid is to be presented unuor snnlnit envcT. neeonuifliiied bv a corti- fi.nl nlinek innilo tiavalile to R. B. Goodin, secretary, Oregon ISato Board of Control, rtulem, Oregon, in amoum The demsnd hU Decomo so g.cav April l.-Seat lo Met- - - - ; - - o( the fuel adnunistrution was forced to a, Tra(U,s Unions voted down tho pro-1 JJ," rMid whi,h prohibit in eastern states nil non-cssen-.p0(,a ghipyard strike pronosition for tinl use nf tmssencer automobiles, audi.,,,.:! i. -...ordinir to the results that' for a time this request was s0 cxtondodl .,, b(J annolinccd officially at tonight's that only automobiles in government,! ws8i0n 0f the Metal Trades council, emergency or war servico were in nse, nnt--wii referendum was put up lUu t,s uK t i "t: oline was produced in cnuiornia lur uujuiocniiuiKa v.v Paeifie coast needs and its distribution itDe;r helpers . did not require tho use of transports- 0nj 0Iltf Seattle mon favored tho tion facilities needed for war purposes. i B,coraiK to Hotai llnmrn, Dreilt Will tllO IlOt'd Ol I " V' " . . ..:..... ,..1 ,. I it ......v..., n - - ..icials. f ourteen unions vuieu ... conserving gasoline m all parts 01 :,.. ,!,! vote. Thero were country tliut President Wilson appoinJ- voUg Rnd ncarly 12iU00 ed a Bovemnient coiimuttee lust summer, - .k Unioa mijalb!ta ciigi. to aetermine on and adopt . andard.P specifications for gasoline and other po-i , the vte, no strike th ed from .... i. ...... .,..ii...i This committee con sisted of the V. 8. fuel administration tnd representatives ot rne war and navv departments, the u. o. sinppmn board, the director general of railroadu, bureau of standards, it was ubmbi Mini advised by technical eJtperts each of tlieso departments anu bodies. After extended discussions, tests, and exjx rinienrs tms cominittoo , ... i ;c;..tir.n for irasoline. not lllOllIIMl BHW1..- n- only for aviation purposes, but also ior neral motor use. J.io-.y i with a view to providing a grade of: isnlrne that would meet every rcqiure cnt and vet allow the greatest produc- Thev mean that our perrtneiini rc- sciirces will be conserved to tno ue au vantnjje nnd that a rensonnblo price U the motorist will be maintained. Draft, d as they were by impartial .... . .i .,..;!.. !'timi nro today iren- licns incnr p...-.v.. - - .mllv considered the most practical Still would have been called, officiuls say, because delegates to the Washington r ...,v nn the wnv home, had wired requesting that action be bold up until their return. the a'iount of said bid, which check shnl lbe forfeited to tho state should tho successful bidder fail to execute same within ten days (not including Knnrlnvl froiii date nf notification of iiwnid. Tho contractor to whom the nnrl. ril 1 Tl.fl it will ihn rcouircd to furn ish surety company bond in an amount equal to fifty per cent (30 per cent) of ii. fimnimt if contract. ti, fln-ht iii reserved to reiect any or all proposals, or to accept, mu pro nnaul 1 lvt 1 II i 1 1..t for .the state. I ' . . . ' . l la Dated at (Salem, tiregon, marcu i, 1919. p. Ti. raODlN Secretary. Oregon Slate Board ot Couirol. First publication Alarcn Ji Last publication Apr;! 1. ti .a. 1IIMIITEE ! IFMSB01 Eat less meat and take Salts for Backache or Bladder Trouble. The Capital Journal Daily Market Report nrsJn Wheat, soft white 1-90 Whuat. lower erades on sample Oats 1)75c Ilov. cheat Hay, oats Barley, ton MH50 Mill run 43fe41c Buttnttat n,.ttnrfot 63c Creamery butter 02fVf G3 onrir Van and Mutton foot " ",l: NOTICE OF SALE OF GOVEENMENT TIMBEB - General Land Office Washington, D. O. Februarv 14. 1919. VntioA 1. hnrnhv uiven that subiect to the conditions and limitations of the act of June 9, 1910, (;19 Stat., 218), and tho instructions of the Socretary of tho Interior of September 15, 1917, the timber on tho following lands will be sold April 8, 1919, at 10 o'clock s. m., at publie auction at the United Stutc. land office at Portland, Ore gon, to tho highest bidJer at not icb. .nnn tin u ii li m i ic .1 vnluo II S shown D.V this notice, salo to be subject to the approval of tho beeretary or tne in tni-inr Tim nnrchas nrice. with an ad ditional sum of one fifth of one per cent thereof, fccing conimisaioni tuiuw- ed. must be'deposited at time of sale, . . . u i - ...i money to :oe rciurnou u . approved, otherwise patent will iesuo tor tli tiBmor wnicn umsi or i"" .-ittiin tnn venra. Bids will be received from citizens of the United States, as sociations Ot Slicn ciuzeiu aim tinns orgunixcd under uie laws oi mo iinitnl Kfat.es nr anv state, territory or district thereof only. Upon appli cation of a quuled purchaser, the t.,Vin nn nv lerral subdivision will be offered separately before being in cluded in any offer of a larjror unit, T. 9 8., K. 2 E. Sec. 5, NE'i NE, ' J . . nn X IH71'. fir lo'.lO At., liemroca no ) t NEVi, fir S80 M., bemioox m , o Vt NK14, Iir HID ni., neinioc too SE NE'4, fir :i90 !., hemlock 200 M , NEVi SE4, fir 1170 M., hemlock 120 M., NWVi SEVi fir 1C30 M hem lock 60 M., SWH "Sii'4, fir 790 M., SK'4 SK'Ai 'If ilM ' ncnuoiR -vr vi'ii VWV. . f'.r (130 M. hemlock 130 M.'.'NEVi NWJ. fir ,W-' NEVi SW4, fir i" "' " 7 ' s. rmn M 'i. SWA. fir 1250 M., SE4 8W14, fit Id.iO M., none of the fir to bo sold for Iuss tnnn i.ou per vr J nf tlin hemlock to ibo sold for loss than 75 cents per M. T,. 4 8., K. 3 E., Mec. 3; fl'.'t "r.yi, nr n, r tiivi. sr-'i. fir 1143 M.. Sic. 3.1; ..I,., U71 ..4 ' ---- . 3B4 NEVi, fir 730 M., cedar 1:5 M., 11.50 per Al. SVVVi NKV4, fir 80O M, none of tho fir or cedar to De som ior ici " Commissioner Ooneral Lsna uinou 2ND HAND GOODS. We Buy, Sell And Exchange All kinds of Furniture, Stoves, Clothing, Dishes, Bicycles, Harness, Tools and Junk. We buy what yoa don't want and pay the highest price i cash. Peoples' New & 2nd Hand Store 271 N. Commercial Phons 734 LAUNDRYMAN nop LEE, expert Jaundryman, 439 Ferry 6t. I pay top maraei price ior chickens and eggs. Office phona 1339J, residence 1333J. tf AUTO REPAIRING All kinds of auto repairing by aa ex perienced workman. All work guar anteed to bo satisfactory. Stude-bak-er repairs a spcialty- D. H. Moir, 203 N. CominorciaL REAL ESTATE BRING YOUR TRADES BRtNO your trades. I eaa match yoa. C. W. Xiemeyer, all branches of real estate and Canada lands, 215 210 Masonits building. Phone 1000. FOB SALE A good double team har ness, will trade for hay or grain, or will exchange for good dry wood. See Square Deal Realty eompaso. piione 4i0 NO CASH REQUIRED Good overcoat shoes and suits, an Kinus ot muaio al instruments, shotguns, rifles, beam ing stoves, gas stoves, suit cases ancl 1000 othor useful articles to sell or trade. What havo yonl The Capital Exchnngc, 337 Court St. Phone 493. SECOND-HAND GOODS THE FIX-IT SHOP Umbrella required and recovered, razors, knives, scissors and laws mowers sharpened, saw filing, lock smithing, kodaks, alarm clocks, mua icul instrument and rollor top desk repaired. My specialty is repairing everything in the light repair line. Now" location is 317 Court t. Phone shop 493, Kes. 1169. Alvin B. Stew art. .. . . . TrU nr. r'j In mutt excites tne aiuii-j, 10.. on. v (.misilicrcu lui: "i"ov ...v. . uv ... Vl r.n.. jniuv. ,'lnr.l for Cnsolinc since they insure 1 tB become over-worM; lPW . ' ' " 1(wm efficient and satisfactory fuel at a rea-( f,b fitld feci ie iuii ul .. 1(.,owj 4C)BC ..!, I ,.,.t I i,rl... l,.rc:OC cloudy: tU I)iauur - Q.. in,. .... IOC .. r... ttatii, ine bti ... ..... ..... .rf. .. in .eu rr- - -J ihese sprciiii ini"" , - tateo, ana you u """ or the benefit of the tiublic us a whole., tW(1 of tfcrt, ti,0M d,niu the nmht. 'kev make certain a suustnevory gnse- ,vu.a )(w ki,n,ya cW 1011 a.ust hell 1 . ti,.. Bfimn time assure ft ful . ... .l u.t-. .,rln...i. line uiio .. ,. 1 tBi.l riusn 011 me u"" - --- tore supply by using the crude oil to tno . m, ii(.k p,,.,,,,, .hortlr. advantage by eliminating ... (A a dull misery ln . ' ,.,i,,n iu s'iffti from hack- Htamlard Oil company reports ffl .,, Bed Crown .asoUn. I. w - 0 ,a yoa M SrTt r-dart ficons. It . AHat - the weather is i. gasoline having .the if ull and o- of water, low to high, which is absolutely cssen- ,!, et from any pharmacl.t four tti" lial in a full powereA, ilependable gaso- ,tf jai Hilts; ail. a Unlt.pounful In a It has IOW llOUinK poiu.l 1 " t !flSS OI wnici .r.-.. - . . . - t... ..... ;1l thii starting, medium ijoinng po.ui j f,w fiflTs ana your r.:ti k and smooth, acceleration aim m" . Ic, fM. This rsrrous nans i '"' fr;!S the tn a"d lPn"m "'' nmMud with lithi'. aw has been n'l best wtsfte. The Cint boiling points for power and mileage. LTJDENDROP'S VIEW Berlin, March 31. Ceneral Ludeu dorff. writing t the MilitarUcbc Korre spondez, says: Do vou bend your will before the eiiemv, who wants to imnrose a peace devia'tine from President Wilson's four teen points. Do not accept a peace of destruction.'' Speaking at Weimar, War Minister Noske denied that the Germans are coidiifting an offensive in the Balkan regions. L. .;o)of r',.,l.r ..nnrliiKr. 10f.13e o- Hirst ana rouiui P...,. enl ' 11 o -.'c 'il .'us, 111- - , . fl t .1 . 1 ' ' lu '""j1 2jc irevatsntoa Radishes, dos - -.?? a. nJihua t)(Of)'C 1 " -.1 r,n Pnllltm - Onions, local Head ettuee w-vfj: - a.... B'ie f-,r -enerstirms t. t-lenr nt'i. kidneys and steTolats 'h'-m to normal nctifitr, a',... to t.etitrilue th "d in tirin, o It nt l:i"r !s a 'un i.t I'ritstlor., thr- fpnt bT''." r-rvr.-w- tnd Si.'a is '- mi"-, rir.n'St In- Parsnips ... Cauliflower, flats Hirinach. box Wiaesap apples, box . Celery, crate ratt Oranses lemons, box Banana) J.irc, r.ikes a .i'hi-.iter lr' t.k Bu' a-i- '' ibai. 1 rd i i'af arli lots of l,U(ve .- tvrri.-t ki4m.J while it a only effervescent t- crBf should - p the kidney i.rv.n here say : '.i, t- fo'ki who troubl 3e 2r2.33 l.25 $5(Wfi.75 9c Plorrda empo fruit, ease 7ft Clack figs lb l'f White figs, lb. . . !,. Package fig per bx 50 pkg H(60 floney, extracted zw Eetail rrteea Eggs, iozen Creamery butter 40c 70c Flour, hard wheat - 3.155i3.23 Portland Market Portland. Or. April 1 Butter, city creamery 59'fSIe Eggs selected local ex. (. liens 33(S3c Broilers l(T:43e dense 17f(l,;)C Cheese, triplets 3739e DAILY LIVE STOCK MAE 1121 oattls U,M...'n.t. 103 Tone of market strong. Best steers VMa 14.30 (liiod to choice steers fli..i0 ;.i l-.JU Mmliom tn rood steers IU(..I1 Fair to good steers $Ufa'10 t, f.nr Mtcr. 'il yUlll III. II. I.I . . Choice cows and heifers eio.uuc'y l.j vr. C.iKid to choice cow and aciieri if9te 10.50 , , .. Medium to good cow( ana uenert Fair to medium cow ano neucri Canners 3.r)0(a l.oO Bulls s.M dir.. All .-.lirti 13.50 Blockers and feeder 710 Hog Receipt 4il Tone of market strong Prime mix. I 1S.7.V 19 Medium mixed IH.5'' 18.75 Rough heavies airt.75fel7.5U Pig Hi.-i(" 17.-5 Bulk 19 filieep Receipts 400 Tone of market strong Prime Iambs Wi.n Fair to medium lambs 14f13 Yearlings $110712 Wethers !Cffl0 Ewes fO.S'J'.'i 10.00 LODGE DIRECTORY KNIGHTS OF PYTHIAS MEET AT McCornack haU on every Tqday at 8. P. Andresea, C. C. I. J. Kaata K. B. & 8. BOYAh Neighbors of America, Ore gon Orape camp ro. uou meei eery Tnursday evening in McCornack haU Elevator service. Oiaclc, Mrs. Car rie K. Bonn, 618 Union St.; recor der, Mrs. Melissa Person, 1415 H. 4ih St. Phone 1436.W. MODERN WOODMEN OF AMEEICA Oregon Cedar tamp Ho. BSS40 meet every Thursday evening, b o'eloe in McCornack hall, Over My store. Hay A. Orant, V. C. F. A. Turner, clerk. UNITED ARTISANS Capital Asswb blr No. 84 meets every Thursday at S'p- m- in Masonic Temple. Cilcna C. Nile, M. A.; C. A. Vibbert, ecretary, 30 Oweaj tft. J. A. Rowland Furniture Store Buys, tell and exchange new ana 2nd 'iand furniture. All kinds of rcpaii work, light grinding, filing, and brazing a specialty. Bight prices. 217 North Commercial Hi. Phoue 10. WOOD SAW PHONE 1090B Our Prices are Right vr t ZANDER. Protirietor 1255 N'. Summer Street, Salem, Oregoa. SCAVENGER SAl.F.M SCAVENGER Oarbag refuse of all kind removed on a oath lv contract, at reasonable rasee. dess pools cleaned. Dead animals re moved. Office phone Main, 1671