PAGE EIGHT THE DAILY CA1M1A1. tt K.naL, SALtiM. okMtUN TUESDAY, APRIL 1. 1919. TODAY THE REG oN WEDNESDAY THURSDAY Frank Keenan Acting a Wonderfully Good dual role in "The DNIGHT STAGE Charley Chaplin In one of the best two reel comedies he ever made. TheBANK Friday-Saturday DOROTHY GISH in "BOOTS" Starting Sunday CHARLES RAY ia "The Girl Dodder" Victory Loan Posters Show Spirit Of America In War rosters for the Victory Liberty loan Irtve been received by August lltukti Ku'in, posininster. They are of niinli larger suit limn for the otlu'r l'our lit) city lot us. 'For Home a ii 1 Country" is the title OVER-EATIHG is root of nearly !1 digeitiv avii. If your riiBjlinn li wrk or out of kilter, belter cat lets and u ftH01fSS tho new aid to teller d.jenion. Plesuat to tal;eff?ctivt. Let Kl-rnr:J$ hel.i t:,ii:!vten Cut your dikcstiva tioublci. 9 tsr corr a awNe makcro or lan'i emulsion of am largo poster, showing n return ing Hllirx with his bdby i,n hi." arms nod liij wife standing ui'ar. "They Kept tlio Sea Lanes Oiii'u" shows a battleship iu ui'tiou. Thin pes-; ti'r is nf bright colors untl suggestive of; tin- strength of the battleship. ! "Sin.', We'll Finish the .lol.." This palrioiic poster show 8 u worning nianl in overalls, reaching in his pocket to; subscribe for the Victory Until. Ho is wearing buttons of all the other four luu os. ; "Ami They Thought We Couldn't right" is a huge poster snowing an! American soldier in u luippv frunio of iiiiml with thro or four (Icriiiiiu helmets tied tu his olotkiag. ' ' Aiiitiricuni All" in must suggestive' of the many iiatinnallieit that fought, under the American Iniiiuer. r.i this! poster are the nttiiice I n Hois, Hinith, I O'llrien, Cejku, Hiiucho, I'nppundriko-1 polus, Andrnss, Viloltoe, Levy, Turo-i vieh, KotvsiilHki, Cliriizniievic., Knutsonj mid Gonzales, t All these Victory loan posters will he soon posted and shown In the business flection of the citv. Possib'y it ril depends o:i who is driving the automobile. At the meet ing of the city council last evening, in the speed ordnance under considers tion, Alderman Wiest objected to no auto being termed ,n "he" ill one line and on the lien' pit .ut"j was "it." City Attorney M:ry .suggested that it might he all right to place an aulonio ! ile in the feminine gentler. The people living at Tuniei may have about ten in mil I vs in which to travel through the war exhibit tro phies to be shown here Wednesday af ternoon . A wire wns received thin af ternoon by I 1. Ikeekehiifli from the conductor tf the train slating that he could give Turner only Id minutes on account of the regular schedule already iirraugi'd. If this is tl lie, the train will be at Turner shortly after 1 o'clock Wctlnodav afternoon. Paulino Kveru, aged ill), was iiuliiiit- Iv killed iu Spokane when an automo bile iu which he was riding Collided with a telephone pole. PROHIBITION CYCLONE BREATHED RICHES FOR VALLEY, SAYS PAULUS Salem Neighbortco i Reaiy To j Quench ITsirst Of "Dry" ! Nairn Bobert C. Paulas, maail'er of the Sa lcm Fruit Union and preside at of tie Salem Commercial tlub. amy it aa ill wind that blows nobody food, and that the wind that blew oo stuck to tho ad vantage of the Willaateto valley wit the prohibition eye leaf. Just aa the country is golag dry tad yet with million who have aa acquired thirst, there ia the Hales fruit jaiet plant already established and alrcudy ia the field supplying the market. The day ia now about at hand when tho enft drimk business will develop into enor mous proportions and just as it ia be ginning to develop, the Loja and Pact plants have become tlmost national i stitutiona and this all works directly to the prosperity of the Willamette valie;. Berry prices Soar. 1 Ono of tho direct offsets is the ad vance iu prices of-loganberries, lesp berries and strawberries as these are .used for all sorts of fi&voring in soft ! drinks. The Wilson strawberry is now I being contracted for at P!4 couts, tho I price of tho red raapberrv i about i double what it wus a year or u ago and jthe same is true of the loganberry. Pro hibition hits indirectly iloubled the pries !of these berries. j Mr. 1'iiuius . .so calls attentioa to ta i fact tht aloug with prokibitioa comes a . gri'Bter tleinnnd for canned fruits and j berries and here again Salem and vicia j itv are benefitted. I The two big JSaleui plants, the Hunt Bros, cannery and the Oregon Tacking (company huvo been gradually increas jing their capacity from year to year. I Now iu addition to tins, a new cannery 'has just ben established at Corvallij, r.nd another one is contemplated at Ms Minuvuie. A cannery is under cos struction at Wootlbum and another oais nt Dallas. Fall City will have a usw eaniieiy ready for business this suis rner. Steady Market Assured. This all means not onlr an immense output for tho growers of the valley but an assurance that there will always be a ready market for whatever may bs grown. Iu addition to the above unmed canneries, there is one at Newberg, an other at Ilrownsville ano? auotber at Lebanon. A new industry for the valley is that of barrelling fruit for eastern, shipment. The Albany cannery has recentlr in creased its eapucity to freezo the fruit iu barrels in cold storage, to ship i cold storage and to deliver the fruit to FOOD CHANNELS IN RUSSIA OPEN TO HALT cuiHEVISM DOING HER BIT. "Mora thaa a year ago I took a cotroo of ilayr's Wonderful Remedy for (all (tones, severe relic and stom ach trouble and have been entirely well ever ainee. 1 have reet mmended it t many other stomach sufferers, as 1 felt i was but duty to tjll them just how atueh good it has done me. " It i a simple, harmlc.a preparation that removes the catarrhal mucus from t'le iatestiaal tract and allays the mature ssThierl t-:ius( - pract it-ally all stomath. liver and intestinal ailment?, inc.ludiaf appendicitis. One dose will eonviace or meney refunded. J. C. Ferry. Capital rrug Store, and drug gists everywhere. . Washington, April 1. What appeors to be an important step ta tho effort to check the furth er spread of bolshevisiu iu Kus sta was seoa ia simultaneous ao oaaemeata totbv bT the war trade board aud the fettctal re servo board. Keeurupt;m of trade with Po land and hlsthonia is provided ia aew war trade board regula tions, grunting licenses on com asoditieo intended solely for n lersal ooasamption. Kestrictions ea foreifa exchengo transae hcas with Esthonia, I.ettlond. fatksmnia and Poland were re OTod by the federal board. taa eajtera buyer in cold storage in such a csaditioa that wneu ready to bo used, it has practically the flavor of freh fruit. Mr. l'aulus says this is to be oae nf the great industries of the valley. The Baker plant in Sulem is working with fruit extracts and it U understood that the Armour interests are heniniiiug t0 operate ou this part of th coast. Prune Demand Strong. The prune market is looking good, Mr. l'aulns says. No Oregon prunes have as yet been offered to the eastern buyers but California has made several offerings on the basis of Kt'a cents on u bulk basis for 40 's untl Sj cents ou a bulk btsis for ott's to HQ's. This is one uent a pound higher tliuu offered last year. buyers ure holding back waiting for the trees to bloom as tit that time of year from their report they cau better estimate the crop. Anyhow, things look good for prunes just n' present. Mr. I'ciilus says that the Salem Fruit I'nioa has just completed the payment of more than l,(iiMURill to the growers who were iu the pool.. Also tfuit he will collect interest from the liritish goversment amounting to several thou sand doluis for the delnv in payments last fall. This interest will also be tip portiuaetl ts growers iiecordiug to their interests. DEALERS AND CONTRACTS MAY HAVE CREDIT ii ii. J, ik5 EsJ Liw I t - ra 1 SPENCER HARDWARE STOCK BEING SHOT TO PIECES Our time is coming to a dose. If there is any thinjr you need in the line of Hardware, Paints, Garden Tools, Window Glass, Blacksmith Supplies, gd it right now while the time is ripe. We do not want to move a thing, every article being closed out regardless of any pro- ihi aaav mav j v o v u 1 v 'jiiiiv iui utiif iiivuouiiui) ra. villus IUU lluillVlUUa v 111 v I Extra large 21 quart anti- Hand and Rip Saws, Yale Padlocks, $1.2") Spray Hose, Regular 12-quart Heavy Reed rust dishpans, $:!.,r)0 values $4.00 Values Values :!0c, foot Dairy Buckets $1.85 $2.45 69c 19c 84c Large size bottle Furni- Hammers, Regular $1 Oil Cans, 5 gallon, regular Large Garbage cans, Ladies' Shovels ture Polish, 50c size value $2.00 $1.50 value, Soc value 29c 69c $129 $2.29 49c All kitchen Household Ar- Large Iron Wheelbarrow, Granite Tea Kettles Aluminum Perculator Lantern Globes 2 for tides, values to 50c wheels, $1.85 value $2.50 Values $:5.50 value 10c 90c $1.59 $195 25c Paints and Varnishes White Granite, Cups and ALL KINDS OF Japan Slou Jars, 2 Piece Carving Sets $..30 values Saucers, 50c values GARDEN TOOLS 75c value $1.50 values S2.45 Gallon 20c sacrificed 3)c- $5c Candidates for Scholarship offered by the Salem Baking Company. WAYNE S. ELGIN NORA DERRICK HAZEL LARSEN WINIFRED TAYLOR LELA BOWSIAN As the candidates become known their names will be added to this list and published occasionally. Salem Baking Company CITY NEWS WORSE THAN . DEADLY Attention Yeomen: Social OTenlnf and lunch, Wedntsdnv evening, April 2. 4 2 Matierada dmce, Thursday night at Hurst hall, admission 2,)c. Knights and. I.adics of Security. Summer school at the Capital Nor mal is now in session. Xoruial. civil service, bookkeeping, typewriting and stenography, Oregg & i'itninr. classes ure formed. If interested, call on in at corner of l.'ith and Wilbur streets. J.J. Kraps. 4-3 J. E. Adams, formerly navy recruit ing officer with headquarters in the ptistoffice building, writes friends here that he is now stationed at Klamath i'VIs us navy recruiting officer. o . Ed Elgcr, who has been in the navy service during tho pnat year and stit tioned at Seattle, stopped in the city today on his way to visit bis sister, Mi Mary Kiger, nt Mt. Angel. He lias recently received his discharge, and plniis later to go to Alaska. Joseph Baumgartnet has d'spoged of his interest in the store building on North Commercial glreet to Hurry Sta pleton of lioseburg. The building wis formerly occupied by I'onieroy & Wal lac" and for th:- past week by the lied Cross in collecting clothing for refu gees. Gordon Wallaca and wife of Seattle have returned to Salem to make this city their home. Mr. Wallace will be in charge of the manufacturing cart nieut of Harlnitin Itros. jewelers, lie was formerly associated with Gardner & Keene. John Oraber announces that B. A. Titllmnn, who is an export on the dou ble B huso horn, has arrived iu the city and intends to remain here. He 'regards M"r. Tallman as quite an ac ipiUition to the Cherriun band and if lie can only find a clarinot player, the band will be ready to begin practice fur the suniiiier concerts. George Sicer of Portland has bought a half interest- in tho Salem Auto Ex change. Tho Exchange is now in charge of two experienced men. Olaf Oleson has been manager since he bought it from C A. Campbell and George Sicer, who has just acquired a half interest, has been in the auto bus iness a number of years iu J'ortjand. Lieutenant Bertha Campbell who was with the Canadian relief corps aod who has seen one yenr of service in France, will speak Friday evening at the Mulem public library. She will tell of her experiences in base hospital work in France. Lieutenant Campbell is an .Oregon woman as her home was at Independence b-efbre going into war service. The lecture begin, at o'clock. In the speed ordinance under consid eration by the city council Inst eve ning, the two sections providing that in passing a car going the same direc tion one should toot once and then toot niree tunes wli POISON CAS Kidney disense is no respecter . , er sons. It attacks young and old Iu most esses the victii.i is wai oc I of the approaching dangerv Nature tight hack, llcadachc, indigestion, insomnia, hiine buck, lumbago, sciatica, rheuma tism, pain in the loins and lower uu doiucii, tlilheulty in urinating, nil ar indication of trouble brewing iu your kidneys. When such symptoms appear you will almost rfrtainly liud tiuek relict ia tiULU MEDAL Haarlem Oil Capsule. This famous old remedy has ntooil the test for two hundred yen-., in help ing munkinil to fight off disense. It is imported dir'.'t from the home Inboratories in IIii:itnl, where it hits helped to develop the IVtih into m.n of the sturdiest and healthiest races in the world, and it may be hud at almost every dm Bore. Your money promptly refunded if it d'ne Kit re lieve you. He eure to g"t the genuine OOI.D MEDAIj llrund. Iu sealed nack aces, three sizes. nf the proposed Oregon act authoriav ing the expenditure of ."))000,0(K) ia reconstruction work for the benefit o returned soldiers and sailors. This ia me of the measures to appear upon tho ballot nt th Jus letios. a The regular rehearsal meeting of tho People ' eharus last night waa well attended ad maa unusually interest ing, as th srening was devoted fs uirk on new songs which had just ar lived. The work on the orator io wns laid aside for the evening. Neat Monday ovenisf will be Iteld tho reg ular 'business meeting. A lady in Salem yesterday adver tised in the Ouily ( apiial Journal a house to rent. The paper tin tho streets at 4 'clock; at 7 o 'chirk fhs laity telephoned the business office act ing that the ad he taken out. H,0 had hud ciht answers tu the ad in the meantime and knd rented the honse. Which goes to show that houses are in demand and that advertising pays. Mrs. E. L, Comstock of South 16tii street has received word 1 t.-i ' her foe, Seificanti '( Jydt( Corns, .ick, a well known Salem boy, had nivivd in tij's country and was on his way to Cuini liCwis. H has been niili the aero squadi'iis in Fl'i-jlnnd tied France tt the past 17 months. He wiites that ho expects to soon recrive h: t!i.i-hu:.4e anil that he will )..- more time glad l once more get hark to the Willamette) vallcv. Personals The family of John II. Ilii'-e arriv ed in the city today from XIarriettj, Wis., and will make their home ia tho city. Mr. Hace is associated with th Pheasant Northwest Products (o. Oenc M. ftimpson, wife and son aro in the city from Corvallis. W. II. Smith, county superintendent of schools, is attending to his school duties today at Stayton. Gordon Wallace anil w'fo have re turned to Salem from Seattle. Miss Ltdia Lynch is attending the northwestern convention of the Pa cific coast rescue and protective snci- passing didn't quite ".V 1,1 Portland. T Large Dover Egg 'Granite Pots and Beaters, 50e values Pans, values to 75c - 25c . 29c 0 pound Splitting Glass Wash Wedges Boards : 95c 65c SPENCER ardwareCo. 466-474 State St., Salem, Oregon 10 quart Galvanized Glass Towei Holders, Buckets 50c value 39c - 19c Aluminum Ware, $2.50 Tree Primers Valued to $1.50 49c $100 suit Alderman Wilson. -tJ If we shoubi attempt to enforce this .section of the ordinance down town, there would be so much tooting that it would seem likii another Inimistice,'' said Mr. Wilson. i The following officers of the Slem . j . .i. i, nnr i ii-ctto lor uie com ing year, at the meeting held last eve Ining at the Commercial clu! : .1. W. ; ..miuji, iMi-oiriii, jirs. t.eia .ier- man. vice president; Ivan .Martin, sec retary; Mrs. It. K. Moores, treasurer. I i lie toiiowiiig directors were also elms- I en. Mrs. V. A. Knglish, Mrs. V. I.. ; I'urviue. Mrs,..!. A. (arson. Mrs. K W Wallace and Mrs. E j Thursday was named as exchange day for plants. Evangelical services under the lead ership of the Rev. A. Sterling lUirner are now being held each cvenieg at the Krst Itaptist church. Tonight he nill It is noted that the "Bony Buyer" -.a .mi I'll-,- iiiitt'i tine. ti. r,. it - r.-. - . i iliingrif-ti u directing the music of the I j. jau : i i sing service which precedes .the regu-1 lar evening services. There will be sctviccs every even'tig this week. i o ' the well km wit rnmnierri:,'. nnd fi 'tMintinl publication nf "or York eitv, has receiitly pu: li-hed in full the text Musterole Works Easier, Quicker and Without the Blister "here's no sense in mixing a mess of ; iu.stard, flour and water when you can easily relief pain, soreness or stiffness v.ith a little clean, white Musterole. Miistcroie is made of pure oil of mus- .Mrs. K. i JJ i-a o;ner iicipim TnlluiRn. ll-.-'-d in Uie form of the present white itTnv.t. It takes the ot otit-of-:j t;iL:ard ploeters, 2nd will not blister. ; '.::('. ;de Usually givo prompt relief --.l t:.e throat, bronchitis, tonsilitist, . .", neck, asthma, neuralgia, head ::, ci.ecaoa, pleurisy, rheumatism, -.. ."75, pains find eches of the back or ! fsrains, sore muscles, bruises, chil- frosted foet, colds of the chest V and 00c jars; hospital size $2.50.