Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, April 01, 1919, Page PAGE FOUR, Image 4

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    liionalPage of The Capital Jour na
Editor bJ Publisher
April 1, 1919
Address All Communication! To
a r.nm o r :..ia.' tt i i
Published Every Evening Except Sunday, Salem, Oregon. OBSERVE ARBOR DAY. . MCW Win THTP Mlffi"
i (in ii iinii inu ii i mill
136 S. Commercial St.
CfcHr. by Currier, per year o.00 Per Month..
Daily by Wail, per year
oci ioiivc ml niuui iaj as nui bcvuic n lur WI CdU Uiall
' ing of trees dedicated to those whose lives have been sac-
obeoon ! riced in the great struggle to preserve American rights
and ireedom and civilzation of the world.
He adds, "We may do this by adorning with young
Per Month..
W. D. Ward, New York, Tribune Building.
W. U. tStockwell, Chicago, People's lias Building
The Daily Capital Journal earrier boys are instructed to put the papers on the
porth. If the carrier does not do this, misses you, or ncglecta getting the paper
to you on time, kindly phone the circulation manager, as thia is the only way
can determine whether or not the earriera are following instructions. Phone
tl before 7:30 o'clock end a paper will be seat you by special messenger if the
earner has missed you.
la the only newspaper in Salem whoso circulation is guaranteed by the
Audit Bureau Of Circulations
53 trees, each named for a fallen soldier, our waysides, our
door-yards and our pleasure places.
Started in Nebraska soon after the Civil war, Arbor
Day has come to be observed by almost all the states. Wit
the growing sentiment in favor of planting trees as es
jpecially suited to commemorate the young, growing hu
man beings who lost their lives in this last year, the Sec
retary's suggestion should meet with warm response.
It is suggested also That schools and public combine
in observance of the day, and that a general interest be
'stimulated in this simple form of memorial so well cal
culated to keep memory green among every-day surroundings.
Store Patrons Meet Price la
crease Of five To Ten
Per Cent
A man who questions the usefulness and efficacy of
a League of Nations has this to say:
"I cannot see any benefit to be derived from the mix
up with all sorts of nations and peoples. Better keep out,
stay at home and attend to our own business."
This seems to be the point of view of most of those
who onnose the League idea. It is rather well answered
bv Walter Lippman in the New Republic:
"The three problems presented by Germany, Russia
and the intervening border states do not exhaust the per
plexities which victory has brought to the victors. One
has only to mention Turkey and China. But these prob
lems do indicate how pressing and practical is the need for
an international organization by which the world can be
administered into an era of stability. No one who har
grasped those problems as they press upon mankind can
persist in the idea that peace consists in signing a treaty,
shaking hands with the Allies, and returning home to gaze
in rapt admiration at the Monroe Doctrine.
"I know this feeling quite well. I have shared it, and
have wondered whether anything could be done with that
iangle of memories which so often seems to be the mind of
''Perhaps nothing can be done. Perhaps the memor
ies and the appetites are too strong to save the world from
a period of despair. Perhaps the men who are meeting
so secretly in Paris are too much divided to use the isntru
ment of co-operation which they have framed. We shili
know soon whether they have made a peace upon which i
league can operate. But they shall not be able to say that
they failed because America failed them, and that the dis
honor in hers. They shall not be able to claim that the
peace of the world was shattered because the strongest
and safest of all was too timid to help them."
Was there not, once upon a time, a wan who asked,
"Am I my brother's keeper?"
You may now dig down in your pock
ets and prepare lo pay for the lute war.'
The internal revenue service is posting:
notices at the postofi'iee. aud other con-1
spicuous places giving information in!
general as to what is taxed uud what !
isn't. Hut almost everything is now
taxed nnu beginning today, one is iike-l
ly to find the obliging clerk askin? fori
a little w ar tax, which of course comes I '
out ot the pocket of the purchaser.
Today, should you buy an ulnnii clock.
Or a piece of jewelry or a fine painting
and a piece ot sculpture or many of the
articles handled by a jewelry store, you
pay not only the price a.sked, but are
Trio fell- in iVin nowennnnre 0r,nt flm., nwmovn'nrr .K."en Permission to add S per cent of
iu.hii. uii. uvMij.um uouuv uti man,! M'"'" IW amount ot vour iiurchttsc to help
A. a All- .1 m e ,, .1 . 1
io resist uie nines asrain is sneer nonsense, ine iormer i,a-v io ine you buy a
empire's power for offensive and defensive warfare
alike has been dissipated, as everybody in the world ex
cept these European newspaper correspondents knows.
Linn county has started a movement to bond for a
million dollars with which to build good roads. When
good-roads microbes get busy in that part of the valley,
we may expect a real epidemic of permanent highway
construction all over the Northwest.
on an extra ten
alarm clock you add
cents for war tax.
Soda Dnnkess mz.i3.
Already there is a tax on all kinds
ur sparring goods, wnetlier it lie iv pntr
of skates, tennis racket or a shotgun.
Ana even on candy there went into ef
feet icbruury 23 an extra tax which
tho dealer jmys to the internal revenue
service, loti pay it iudirectl
Beginning May 1, there will be added
a 10 per cent tax on ice cream, soda
wuater, aim all kinds of extrn refresh
ment! sold by ico cream parlors. Just
how this is to be handled hero has not
ucen settled. Hut the war tax is there
ol one cent on every ten-cent drink of
soda wuter or dish ot ice ereum. If you
Some o50,000 mules were shipped to France during
the war. And we all realize that it was kick that America
put into the war that ended it sq far ahead of schedule.
Idaho decided to take a new step in state governments
n i ii n ii i.i.i r i J
oy placing tne anairs 01 staie in me nanus 01 a govern
or's "cabinet" of mne members, each drawing a salary
of $:.(.()(). These new heads of departments are in addi
tion to the regular state officers who also keep on draw
ing their annual salaries. We are inclined to believe
that a plan of consolidation and re-organization that cre
ates nine $:.(00 jobs would be very popular with Oregon
politicians and it is to be hoped that it won't be sprung
when the legislature meets two years from now.
The packers have been released from all federal con
trol which was an easy thing to do by presidential proc
lamation. To cause the packers to release their hold on i"ppu to spend so cents fUr such, the
tho mavtofo Vino o U7a.. Koon Vin Ki'rr nmk om fan i a nv.v.uu,cuk w. m iuu Bsks live
...v. "''o .. uimuju "v.v-11 niv uij, iiuwivm iov-uig " cents to help pav war expenses.
meat-eating pUbllC. And on May l there will go into ef-
feet tho war tax of ten per ceut on
mi n-.xt. ... , i .... I un. vauses, purses, umbrellas and
i ne aixui uerman cuy in tne worm is voting ior,"'cn-s and women's hats ana caps, ac
mavor. And it is miite nat.nrallv nrpsnmpd that. Wil- co!:di'! l tho '"h iw'i h itor
V II rnu -711: 1 l J 111 if "01 1evcuu Collector Miller. Even
nam H. Thompson will be re-elected over the protests of men' shirts and men's and women's
the comnarativelv few real Americans who live in Pttjam" r suiuMt to this tux of 10
" i tuuts ou every dollar.
LhlCagO. Juneya Also Hit.
I 1'our purchase at the druir ntnrn will
find an occasional one cent nnvn tt,.r
'Alav 1 ns it ;u iia ............ ii... i... i
j - - ,.o uiuuuiii mu internal
revenue collector announces must be
paid 0n each purchase of two-bits.
And after May 1, the man who runs a
car for hire with a seatinir eniuwitv f
from two to seven will be called on to
pay tno leileral government 10 annual
tux. And if his car is of larger capac
ity, it will f inure up $20 a year lu ueip
pay for the war.
Dealers are supposed to know that
these taxes are due and tho government
is not going to tuko tho troublo to no
tify everT person wh0 is liable for tax.
The collector Btutes plainly tlmt a deal
er is supposed to know and that lguoi
unee of the law is no excuse.
And the only ray of sunlight is all
this added burden of taxes is thj an
nouncement that after July 1, letter
postage will be reduced t0 two cents in
stead uf three for one ounce.
Dr. Carter's K1B. Tea Makes
Fined ficme-Madc Laxa
tive Syrup.
Easily Prepared Two Pints Cost Al
most Nothing but is Prompt, Suro
and Eftective
NEIL TOEBIDS BARBARA TO VISIT Neil dear, tell mo what it menust
u umuti AUiUfl, la large umount, too." .
CllAl'TElt JLLVI, "J told you once, long ago, that Mrs,
I had waited nearly an hour beore Orton owned stosk iu somo of our com
Neil came m.
"Hello, Hah! what
here?" he greeted me,
"Oh 1 had the closed car for sliop
pi,ng, so didn't mind the rain, and I
iw.inlcd to surprise-you, but 1 thought
ou'd never conic, 1 want to tulk to
nro you doing
Four hundred millionaires were made during the war
in the business of collecting rubbish, rags anil bottles.
Will they refer to their wealth as "just rubbish!"
By Walt Mason
All evil things come home to roost, and cause much
anguish and distress; so I give righteousness a Iroost,
through selfish motives, more or less. A man must have
a fair renown if he'd enjoy his journey here; must have
high credit in his town, and in tne country far and near.
A chap may think he'll put across, unmarked, some little
crooked game; but all his profits are a loss for he has
soiled his snowy fame. Some day when he would make
the race for coroner or county clerk, his misdeed swats
him in the face, and spoils long years of good'y work. I'm
eld and full of virtue now, but never do I cease to hear of
how I kidnapped Johnson's cow, upon a distant bygone
year. I stand up in the Sabbath school, and hand out saws
and maxims fine, and while I thus expound and drool, I
hear kids whisper, "Johnson's kine !" I might be honored,
now I'm gray, and have a halo o'er my brow, but for that
dark and fateful day when I eloped with Johnson's cow.
We say a man can live it down, if he should cheat or lie
or steal, but tetter is the white renown that has no blem
ish to conceal. The evil birds are all unloosed in our old
age, a noisome host, and they come flying home to roost,
just when the blamed things hurt the most.
"Is she still interested!"
"I see this check was made about tho
time that horrid Air. Scott wag Here and
soon r.fter Mr. Orton died."
, " Vou are very observing. Again you
ou. rL ii si ii lt Slicilnt-k Holmes niethorls. I
An expreisimi of nnnovniice crossed iircMime. "
his face. J An n 't vou going to be nice and tell
Without saying much about spending,; me somcthiu" about your connection
I let him see wherein we could Ktvitj with Mrs. Orton! If yon Uou't, Neil,
wil hunt being unduly Ineoinnioimed. I ; just as sure us 1 live I will go to her.
noticed the frown on his face but hoptjl mVe been put off Just as long as I
W, I intend to be. I am your wife and I
''Where did you get that economy j have a right to know."
bug? 1 haven't stinted you in any way,j "Vou meddle i my business if you
have 1 1 wish you'd let me run my j dare! Mrs. Oi ton saved me when Kcott
business us 1 see fit. Kcnunmuc now! ", threatened me. !She Inane d mo the
lie sunt tlie lust two WOlds BO low I.uinriev tn Inn- ImeU bin utiwlt. Now nr.,
.icnrci'lv ei.ught them.
Just then my eye caught tho blotter,
''Oh, Neil! what iu the world did
Mrs. Orto.a give you such a big check
"What are you talking about?" lie
asked, but 1 noticed a change In his ex
"I opened the table drawer, thinking
I would clean it out nicely for you. I
found that blotter, and tried an experi
ment 1 had read about just to pass tho
time, 1 held it before tho mirror and
the writing on the cheek, signature and
all, caaio out very plainly."
"A regular Hlierlock Holmes, aren't
youf" lie sneered.
"I told you I did it only to pass the
65 Loganberries
i , i- 'a
.. w ,v
Are used to flavor one
Jilty-Jrll dessert. The juice
ia condensed and scaled in
a vial.
Thi3 is one cf our best
fruit flavors. Compare it
with the old-stylo quick
gelatine desserts.
a n ' a t n
tO Flaton, of Yoar Ctvcr'$
2 AicJUfrM for 25 Cmtt ,
you satisfied if you are, I will tako
yen to the car." lie was livid with
"I nm not satisfied, Neil, because
yon have not given me your confidence.
Hut I know now that my intuitions
have been riuht. There is something
about your business that is not clei,r
to me. Why should Scott threaten rout
Why should you borrow money from a
wouianf I thought bunks accommodated
business men if their methods were
honorable. Or Hint other business men
would do so. You say this check vu
loaned iiiunev. Y'ou havo also told me
she was interested in somo of your com
panies. How else are you entangled
with hert Was shr finding fault with
the way vou handled her money, tie
other night f Or what was ill" '
1 now I l,n, "hit the nuil on the
lien," us father used to say. Fho had
been nigging him about her money. 1
wanted to say more, to find out more,
but Neil was so terribly angry with me,
standing with his hand on the door nob
mid that look of uncompromising anger
on his face, that I imiiply walked out.
"There is no need for you to go down
with me," I told him.
"I will see you to tho car. After this
you wi!l cease your visits to my ofice."
On the way home hot, scalding tears
fell, not because of Mrs. Orton, but be
cause of the way he had told me not to
come to his office.
(Tomorrow Barbara Is Worried
Over Neil.)
t OpenFonsn t
Tii the Kditor; To no other nation
has so much been given in natural re
sources and c!iristii:n heritage as to
Amerira. and yet she has failed to bear
the torch of civiliration and christinn
iiiti,m to the dark places of ttt earth.
else the great war tould never hare I
Ready mad- Invitivc syrup for chil
dren are cosily. Ity making this at
home you not only ave practically
1.."H, but you iil have a much more
prompt and effective preparation.
Simply obtain from any, drug store a
package of Or. ('niter's K.- & Ii. Tea.
l'ut cenlents in a bowl. Aul pintf
of 1-jiling wuter, cover and allow to
stand tor 2 hours. Strain, add 1 pound
of suaar an, I s!ir until dissolved. Flav
or either with essence of peppermint
or wintergreen nccording to taste.
Dose for adults, 1 tubl, spoonful each
night or night and morning until a reg
ular movement of the bowels is ef
fected. .For children 1 teaspoonful
more or less according to aje.
For a real spring time tonic ind
Mnnil purifier, 1 teasiwonful every
night or every' other night for at least
three weeks.
Cut tli i j. recipe out and paste it on
the bottle,
been wr.ged, said A. B. Lewis, a lnymsn
of rortlund. in an address Sunday
evening at Jason l,ce Memorial.
Now that the holocaust is stayed for
a time, will 6hc sink back and take her
ease, while 230.0(H1.00n Mohammedans
of Malays importune Japan for leader
ship, or will she give freely of monev
and workers to win humanity to chris
tiajiitvf FIXEX CTRKIX.
pre. Pom. Jason I.ee Memorial.
March 31, 1919.
What Doctors Use
for Eczema
A too thine caBbuutka ef oil of Wla.
. ti,M, Olmrio and othr ailio
- kurojients emlkd D. O. D. PrtocrtpUaa
hew fTmiUrDtrof tkln itucUuV
arts (or all ikla diMies. Itproetntas
ttM pona, lins iulasl rti. Try
D. D. D. todir. S9c toe and tl J.
JED. ED. O).
. C lottem for Shin Disease
J. 0. Terry 't
pv, u o Arnsterdam, K Y. March 24, 1919.
Chambers & Chambers,
Salem, Oregon. '
T,sAring t0 give our customers the advantage
of Fall Opening prices and Dating, goods shipped
trom now on until the openiing will be covered by
memorandum, and will be invoiced after the open
ing at Fall prices. v
Very truly yours,
u . ip0rnt we are makln& you can plainly see,
is that the Rugs we have bought and are now buy
ing will be at prices made to hold for a year to
come, and we assure you of a saving over goods
bought the last year, of from ten to twenty ner
twenty per
Several shipments of Rugs are now on the
way and should arrive about the 20th of this
month with several other shipments to arrive
about May 1st.
We are often asked if the Rugs made now are
as good as those made formerly when we used
German dyes We can assure you they are. And
we firmly believe they will be even better. Do
you know that in the year 1914 our exports of dyes
to all countries was but a little over five hundred
thousand dollars. Where in 1918 it had grown to
over seventeen million. Certainly there must be
some virtue in them.
Alexander Smith Carpet Company, the lar
gest makers of Rugs and Carpets in the world an
nounce a sale of forty thousand bales of rugs,
(Three in a bale), this first day of April, 1919, to
start the Rug and Carpet business and get it on a
normal basis again. This will establish a price on
this line of merchandise for the next year, as it is
no secret in the Carpet Trade that the Smith peo
ple set the pace. This sale is held in New York
City, N. Y., and that it will not be kept a secret.
We wish to tell you the junior member of our firm
expects to attend this sale and while he does not
intend buying the one hundred and twenty thous
and rugs, he will buy all we can handle for some
months to come.
These two letters explain themselves:
, ' New York, March 25, 1919.
Chambers & Chambers,
Salem, Oregon.
Our fall lines will be placed on sale Tuesday
April 1st, at which time we will announce prices
and terms on our rugs and roll goods. We shall
be greatly pleased to see you.
Very truly yours,
M. J. WHITTALL, Associates, t