THE DAILY CAPITA!- JOURNAT SALEM. OREGON. TUESDAY, APRIL 1. 1919. PAGE THREE 3 Days Starts THE BEST PICTORE OP HEE CASEES Bessie Barriscale Today Big Amateur Night Thursday 6 Acts 6 MSM0PB&- in B thfatdfh lllUlhiL u u p - -r ?y r '. :m a -a ''tryrmw-'"-w wr-"."?" "The Trick of Fate IDAKZIG QUESTIONOHE OF MfiTLOCK STANDS GREATEST PROBLEM TO BE SETTLED SY EiUHS Supreme Court Sustains De cirioii Of Judge Bingham In Damage Case. Among the divisions handed down this morning frm the supreme court was that of C. X. Mullock, a admin istrator of tho estate of Corn B. Slut lock, deceased, vs Julius Aim, ct III, appealed from Marion county, decree by Judge. Hiughnin. This was a suit in equity in which pluintiff charges the fraudulent conveyance of property on the part of defendant, and demands ti tle to tho property under tho judgment of the lower court. This judgment grow out of a suit for damages brought by plaintiff in Judgo Bingham's court as the result of an automobile accident, in which plaintiff's intestate, Cora ft. Matlock, was killed. As the result of th suit for damages brought by her administrator, '. X. Matlock, the Officials Fear Routing Of Pol ish Troops Through City At Present. AII-Fcols Day Bids 111 For Poor fish And For Poor fishermen. ' ' All Fools Day" is going to be cele brated in proper style by a lot of Salem citizens out on the trout streams. .And it 's dollars to doughnuts that there will be more citizens among the fooled than there are trout. For the month past there has been a circus-ticket "business in fishing licenses. For a month the Waltoniaus of every age and degree have ben looking forwara to re open ing of the trout season as the angelic bov looks tn ttirt ..h n......i...- ! Hence today, with ideal w-oxther n th calendar, there, is a grand rush to th riffles. An indication of what is coming to the trout who is unfortunate enough to be over six inches long, mav be gained from the fact that during the past three months, between the sporting goods stores and the court house there have beeu sold from 323 to 3o0 licenses, which means about $300 i revenue for the game commission. In addition to those must be added a largo numrer of combination licenses. The fish have been well protected dur ing the past year, some of the streams have been well stocked, and there is promise of rare sport to those who know the game. It goes without saying that Salem Is the central point in one of the greatest fishing reirions in the northwest. f lewis and Clark and tho fathers at Chnmpoeg had done nothing more for the American rnoe, thev would bo do- serving of immortality fur securing title By Frank J. Taylor. (United Press Staff Correspondent.) Berlin, March 30. The Danzig ques tion has becomo tho must important is sue, in Germany. Tho government has taken tho position that serious trouble niav result unless the allies send General iluler's Polish troops to Warsaw by sonio other route than Danzig. Auti Poli.iL demonstrations have occurred iu Berlin, Weimar, lireslau and Danzig. Tho old threat of bolshevism is ruiter- 3. .J PT! T - I Af Vi . ff n l wnnt.ttrr. Acea uwege i raining Rescue ui nanus u uocs i u lauauilo Employment Managers' Corpse Proceeds Slowly 'O NEURALGIA to this piscatorial piradise. ( (By the way, some cheerful prevari-j cator Touches f Jr the statemeut that on the first day of every April, at 3 o.'elock: in the morning, the shade of old father, Portland, Or., April 1. .-Four new! Bristol, Pa., April 1. Seven bodies Waltou can be seen hovering about a courses for the training of ruipyuient have been recovered Jront the waters cascade in the upper Sautimu with a managers opened at Kevd college tods.y, of the Delaware and many searching broad gria on his face.) 'under the auspices of the federal board 'parties are dragging for others hurled One thing is dead sure if Ike really of vocational education. i-nta the river late yesterday when a managed to get back to the Santiam he Reed is one of several colleges in the; vlat form on whica they were viewing would have the grin all right. 'country which were chosen by the gov-;,n launching of the cargo carrier A glance at the map of Willamette eminent to conduct the training. Among' tt i:hau collapsed. v&Uey will show that a score or streams the instructors are Hudson B. Hastings,! The number of missing is variously head in the hills and mountains within professor of applied economics in Heed wtimated at from 12 to 18. Police are easy reach of Salem. All that is ro-jeollege; Professor Ira B. Cross, Vmver-j'5ii'rHIU'i"ll tffieulty in checking up quired is a Ford and an eaxlv start and sity of California; Professor 8. I. Miller i,ho ,,8t of misslg- s 'e of those you can have a Uout breskfast in a Jr., Vniversitv of Washington; Profess-!08 thc Inform were spectators and setting of primoval grandeur. It does-jor 8. C. Koha, Keed college; Wilfred S.l',hf w,,rknlc0 f the merchant ship n't matter what road you take out ef Smith, federal director of the United oml.hng yards when the accident oe Saletn, it leads to a fishing ground. ' States emplovment service in Oregon, ic w'r' ' There are the upper reaches of Mill and James 11. Cary. president of the . T,ho atru-ture. known as the patrol creek, Thomas ereek, the forks of the Emplovment Managers' association ,"!!, gave way under the weight of Sautiam, haver ereek, Kickreall ereek, the Pacifie northwest the upper Luckiamute, Butte creek, I 1 CREDIT FOE BTJ MANIA more than two score men. Twenty eight living persons were taken irom the river soon after. The Waukau hid the patrol bridge 'from view of may spectators gather- ied to witness the launching, and min-'i mtes elapsed before thev learned ox Relioved almost instantly with Itejy'a MljBlar.ue, the iirst and best improvment on old ti:ne must ant plasters and liniments. The minute you rub on Mustarine you start something it goes riht to work where there is inflammation and congestion and stops the trou ble with a speed that has amazed many old time physicians. Mustarine acts as a counter irri tant removing congestion and re ducing all inflammation and swell ings. It stops puins, aches and sore neas quicker than anything you've ever used. One small box proves it. Be sure you get Begy's Mustarine Always iu the yellow box Bock creek and various others that might be mentioned. These are accessi-l - i i ble even at this season by automobile' London, March SI. The British gov or motorcycle. Some of the best grounds eminent has authorized credits for Ku- are within settled regions so that the, mania sufficient to equip an army ot ., ' t.,,i ;i. ! ..,,.,;. - v. ,.. ,...i iis.-.i n..n -. - .......i - , ie disaster. Meanwhile the vessel was days on the hike will find himself iu r I v.,v, km;...... v .,.(;- i. The Rumanians are nt present fight- ssoo tlin if ,, Itldv hnva ilrurn kinia nt thn l....lii.d the fastnesses of thc Cascade or tbelare reported to be marching into Hun- :.., ., h..i n..i: i....i..,. gary ana rsossarai.ia wnere soviet gov- ar(? ,ira"iring the river between Phil- .t I:. . . :.. .v . rosea oi suppiit-B. x.aier in mo season, ine numanians are ai present iigai- jon ship as the roads dry up, one can penetrateiing the bolsheviki in the Ukraine and',u u,,' . li!,, Coast Range, where fabulous catcnes of 1.") iuch monsters are recorded. Naturally the mountain trout is the most common catch they nre indigen ous; but fine catches are made from the planted varieties Kninbow, Cut throat and Wolly Varden, and occasion ally ernments have been established. jadclphia and Trouton. MANY HT7BT IN WRECK there is a smell of gasoline on all the I roads leuding out of Sr.lem, some of thol sports .hitting the trail in the small Port Huron Mich., April 1. Twen hours. Tonight there will be tho grand . tv (,i,,,t nersim. were in hired, none fa- an unclassified brand of huge silo est assortment of fish tales and fish T tiill v. late last niehl when an interur- and peculiar marking, As to equipment, the sports prefer about a 7-ounee rod, and the most alluring bait at this season is either salmon eggs or some type of spin ner. Yesterday there was a grand rush for licenses, probably more than a hundred I mi.. ;.i r on ii unc mi ...niij ! iiivuiu. oan car ran on me iracus majority of; And ns usual, tho biggest trout ever i a curve near here. in making linnlf.Ml uill li.i tint mm tlint mrn rno new mw proviues tnat me nngier may take all trout of six inches or more, and he is nt liberty to pull out a maxi mum of SO before sundown, or an aggre gate of 41) pounds in weight. Tho trout being issued from' the Watt Rhipp and season is extended by one month, novs uauser uros. stores, ana mis morning running irom April i to i'cceinopr I. Most of the injured were residents ef Port Huron and vicinity. The car was jammed and among the Injured were several women and children. The Bend Commercial club has K0'"1 in record ns favoring a 50 per cent rise in property valuations. Spruce Division Shows Net Loss Of $12000.003 Report Portland, Or., April 1. A dead loss of 112,000,000 was experienced by tho spruce production division in the Pa cific northwest, according to a report which was public today by Briga dier General Disque, who was in charge of the work during the war. This loss was due to the depreciation in value of assets. It will be appropri ate!) among the allies as follows: United Stntes, 34 per cent; Great luritain, 31 per cent; France, 24 per cent; Italy, 11 per cent. The entire expenditures of the spruce division approximate 43,000,000. .Tiy "T" r'-if we iiirv awarded judgment in the sum of Uti'J, many conservative leaders doclar- $1000. following this, and while va rions suits were pending against de fendants, it was agreed among then that a certain property in Silverton should foe deeded to defendant Aim in order to enaldo him to raise funds for the repair of his nutoniobilo, damaged in the colli-sien, and also to meet his iug that ii the government gives iu to the i.llies a nt'w radical uprising may bo precipitated. Tho German armistice commission had suggested that tho Polish troops land at Stettin, Li Lin u or Koenigsburg, instead of Danzig. The situation in tho luttcr city is said to bo critical owing attorney s fees, in tho circuit court to the antipathy botwojj tlio ucrman plaintiff endeavored to show that tho and Polish residents. The Germans transfer was made with intent to avoid there declare they will resist every ef judgment, but Judgo Bingham found fort to make Danzig Polish. Americans that there was no evidence of such in- returning from Danzig report the Pol tcnt. Tho case was carried to the su-jish element is prepared to revolt and premo court where in a decision by declare the city Polish as soon us Gen- Justico Bennett, the lower court was oral Haller's troops land. Reports from affirmed with ono modification, Jus tiees Mi-Bride, Bean and Johns concur ring. Other decisions were as follows: Thos. M. Askay, respondent, vs Patrick B. Maloney Thos. Swcnnes, and 8. W. Surety Insurance Co., ap pellants; appealed from Multnomah, Geo. 11. Bingham, Judge. This is o case in which plaintiff sought to re cover damages from the above bond ing company, as security for the" do feudant officii, for the accidental killing of plaintiff's decedent, plain tiff alleging mat mo si.M.ig ... uuu ; t an(1 t experience. in neeliL'enc.o or recklessness on the , - , various sources agrco it is impossiolo to assure the Poles a quiet passage through Danzig so long r.fl both elements are at sword's points. Tho Germans nr ticipato tho trouble will lead to actual warfare with Poland if tho Poles af tempt to seize tho port. Field Marshal Von Hindenburg has spent tho last week personally inspect ing tho Polish front. His army prob ably totals 150,000. It is greatly out numbered by the Poles but tho Germans are believed to bo more effective in actual fighting, owing to their superior part of defendant detectives, who were shooting on the streets of Portland at an escaping prisonor. The evidence went to show that ono of the bullets fired after tho fugitive, glanced from the pavement through a street car window and killed the plaintiff's de cedent. On the ground that the offi cers were in the regular periorniam;; "iW?"",Z7fhe lower ituf home in Balem court was reversed and the case re manded for new trial. Allen Rogers bt at appellants vs rt.rln. E. Wills, ct al: appealed from Multnomah; appeal from order of court 1 setting aside verdict nna oraenng new trial of suit instituted for . alleged breach of contract relative to convey ance of lifts in Clackamas county; opln ion by Chief Justice MciBride; Circuit Judge Gatens affirmed. Sanborn-Cutting company . vs Bay City Storage and Fisheries company, appellant; appealed from Tillamook; petition for rehearing denied; opinion by Justice Harris. M. Ford appellant vs E. U. Hender son, et al, appellants; appealed from Yamhill; petition for rehearing denied opinion by Justice Harris. Hodson-Freenaughty company vs Con-t Culvert 4 Flume company, ap pellant; appealed from Multnomah; pe tition for rehearing denied; opinion by Justice Harris. Alice M. Graham, administratrix of estate of R. P. Graham, appellant vs A. 8. Graham, et al; appealed from Multnomah; suit for accounting of property involved in partnership con nected with an estate; opinion by Jus tice Johns; Circuit Judge Davis af firmed. Elizabeth Meyer vs R. Eichler, ap pellant; appealed from Benton; suit in partition of land; opinion by Justice Burnett; Circuit Judge Hamilton af firmed COMING TO SALEM Mrs. Minnie Tobev was very pleasant- ily surprise last Thursday afternoon when the W. R. P. L. took possession of hnr home-coming with well filled bas kets reminding her of the fact that they would have one more pleasant afternoon with her before she leaves for her fu- The afternoon was well spent in chatting with Mrs. Tobey beforo her departure. Eugene Guard. ifore California Troops Reach States This Horning N'ew York, April 1. Tho transport Kcntuckian, with 1U04 officers and! men from St. Xazaire, nearly 1300 of whom are from San Francisco or ad jacent points, arrived here this after noon. The organizations aboard the Ken tuckian are the headquarters 162d in fantry brigade, Camp Kearny, three of ficers and twenty men, in command of. Brig'idier General Vernon A. Cald well; 303d Infantry, regimental and first battalion headquarters, headquar ters company, machine gun company, medical detachment and companies A to D, inclusive, IS officers and 1462 men. Also on board' arc five casual com panies and chemical warfare detach ment number IS. Xewport Xews, Va., April 1. Bringing more than 2300 soldiers, the battleships Kansas and Georgia docked today from Brest. Detachments of the 140th infantry for Camps Meade, Lee, Gordon and Greene and nine casual officers were aboard the Kansas. On board the Georgia were d -tach- . . . . ii menis or me 1121B engineers tor i.umps Petitions for rehearing were orally I ( d..taehnienii denied as follows: State v, tnun run et al; Frcenaughty v Beal; Brown vs Almaci; llodson Frcenaughty com panr vs Coast Culvert Flume com pany; Miller vs Payette Valley Land company; Bryant vs Pnnter; Pamchiick vs Insurance company of North Am erica. WAS EEPOBT FALSE London April 1. Foreign Mintrfer Bcla Kun in a wireless dispatch from of the 14tjth infantry for Camp Beau regard, casuals from North Carolina and California; a casual company, scat tered, and eleven casual officers. Many of the men were members Of the Ohio national guard. B.idaPcst today characterized reports hat Hungnrv had declared war against Serbia and Rumania s "a lie." Thc statement aided that within three davs all lands in Hungary will be nationalized and all debts annulled. r t: 1 n T mo EmyPktare ItfbaSiory" on lured smd AcSiy?"a .iil i i-srs r WW f AS winter left you dull, tired and L .11 achy all over back ache as if it would break? Are you "all played out;" feel as if you just cant keep go ing? Likely your kidneys are at fault! Winter with its colds and chills throws a heavy strain on the kidneys. Spring finds you full of mysterious aches and pains: vou are nervous, dizzy. irritable and "blue." You may have kidney irregularities, too. Don't wait! Help the weakened kidneys before serious kidney trouble takes holds. Use Doan's Kidney Pillsf the remedy that has helped so many Salem people. n xi . rir . .si it .v, v j iw a . i mum i Read Th ese oaiem uases: ' State Street Befeont Street High Street P. W. Brown, retired farmer, 1499 State street, says: Mrs. M. B. Churchill 705 Belmont street, says: Joseph Whit, retired blacksmith, GlM High street, says: "Hard work weakened my kidneys and I often felt the "Some years ago I was down in bed for a week with "My back and kidneys bothered mo. My kidneys were effect of lameness and soreness across tho small of my back, my back. I couldn't get up or down without assistance disordered and my back seemed to lose strength. Short uso Finally my attention was called to Doan's Kidney Pills and and my back felt weak and lame I ... .irk .11 over. f , Ki( p . . , I got some. Thc backache and .orcness entirely left me." Hearing so many recommend Doan's Kidney Pills, I sent ' l" " Over nine years later Mr. Brown said. "I am ready to for a box and had taken only a few doses when I felt bet- '"'cr Mr. Wmt said: '.My op.nion of Doan s confirm any time what I said in my former statement re- ter. Two boxes stopped the trouble and in every way I felt Kidney rills is just the name today as it was when I gave garding my eierience with Doan's Kidney Pills. I .till like a different person." my first endorsement. I haven't had any kidney trouble consider them a medicine of merit, and they always do good - now for several years and I give Doan's credi' for bringing work when I take them." P''l SCtt such lusting results." South Thirteenth Street w. c. Johnston, .wr. 1021 muli,. say,: Mission Street """ " " 1 "Taking cold and over exerting myself rirought on kid " Mrs. I.. M. Drager, 909 H. Thirteenth street, says: ney trouble. For two years I suffered with pain in the Mrs. (!. H. Deacon 14!18 Mission street, says: ''I can conscientiously say Doan's Kidney Pills are a small of my back, right across my kidneys. My back ached 1 'It has bee na long timo since I have taken Doan's reliable medicine for kidney disorders I have taken them at night and in the morning I felt tired and liiinc. 1 was Kidney Pills but speuking from past experience can say at different times when I have had a dull, tired feeling languid and nervous, also. Headaches and dizzy spells both- that they are a fine medicine. I had a (lull pain across across my kidneys and when my kidneys haven't been ercd mo and my sight blurred. The kidney secretions didn't my kidneys and at times it was very severe. After 1 had acting Tcgularly. Doan's have never failed to give nie pass often enough and they contained sediment. Finally I taken Donn's Kidn.f Pills a few days that disagreeable quick relief. It is only once in a great while now that heard of Doan's Kidney Pills and after taking them was ache disappeared. My back and kidneys have cused me I have to use a kidney medicine." greatly relieved. Doan's sure are fine." but very little trouble since." 9 am Erery Druggist Has Doan's, 60c a Box. Foster-nHiburn Co- Manufacturing Chemists, Buffalo N. Y. ii 1 fmtmv-l "j" t 11