PA THE DAILY CAPITAL JOURNAL, SALE11. OREGON. TUESDAY, APRIL 1. 1919. The American Spirit in Dentistry Our High' Brows Chapter I. ' Dentists fail because they don't have fir th it V" : the American snirit. r L- They have the old European mind, The atmosphere of our colleges is like that of colleges in the Middle Ages in Europe. Students come out of it with notions not suited to American condi tions. The aristocrats of Europe laugh at Ameri cans. They call us crude, unpolished, world- e. R. PARKER ly, commercial. Their ridicule sometimes (f aialtn Parkei) unnerves us. But it shouldn't If we have the spirit of commercialism, they have the spirit of the barbarous Middle Ages. If we worship wealth, they worship brute force and the glory and titles the sword gives. The snobbery of European aristocrats too often passes, even in this country, for idealism. It is merely the con tempt European lords feel for business and labor. This kind of idealism our graduates carry from colleges and universities to learned professions law, medicine. That's why they are called "High-Brows." We dentists belong to this class. Some of us have moved away from our class-prejudices. I have been working for twenty-five years to bring dentistry to the door of the wage-earners and the middle classes. Under the E. R. PARKER SYSTEM is prac ticed Dentistry imbued with American Ideals. First-class Dental Work is Done for Moderate Prices Painless Parker Dentist ftato and Commercial Streets VSYSTEM TRAFFIC 0RD1NA stt 'Question Of Autos Passing Sril Cars Cause For LongDebat ; Whether automobiles should atop on either aide of a street enr while taking on or unloading pnssengors, or wheth er they nil mi Id stop and remain stop ped until all passengers of the street rar are either otf or on, brought out tt rather pirited debate last evening lit the city council when the passage of tho now apeed ordinance waa under consideration. There waa danger not only when an iiU overtakes a atreet car while tak ing on fiaanengcrs, but an additional danger when passing the atreet ear, Al dorman Thompson anid, as jieople have. habit of getting off a ear and step, ping in the rear to erosn the atreet. Alderman Wilson favored tho propo sition that tho automobile must atop and t ay stepped until all passengers are on or off, regardless of whether -tho auto i overtaking or paining the. treet ear. At the next meeting of the council when tho ordinance, will eomo up for final passage, thia provision will lie allowed to remain. "DMd" Cars Exempted Note was tnken of the fart that the atreet car ot 8lnt and Commercial of ten stand a minute or two waiting for aeheilule time to atart. If the ordi anee required autos to atop until the treet car atarted, there might bo con aiderable congestion. To avoid thia, tha ordinance when officially panned at tha meeting of the council neat Man day evening, will read, "automobile juuat be brought to a fuU atop and re main alhuding while passengers are CfLEBY M Bleed Purifier And Real Spriagtinw Tonic. Trtkft it yoiirxolf and trivn it tn ft. children, for it'i a purely vegetable laxative tea flint aMa gently, yet of fVt'livelv. drivini? nut nil nn;UMnn... WUHtfl matter nntl mnlfinrr r..t , , " K vi iir ter riyhfr nwnv. Tlwmaiin.i.. ... ..,. j . ..,.,,.,., l9 iai (iii-ii aim women retain their youthful looka and feeling by regulating their avatem cneh spring with thia aafe roHublo family remedy. boarding or alighting from utroet enra' .This referg to pausing oithor aiilo of a street ear. I PJiwever, until next Monday, the city of Xnlem is entirely without any speed ordinance, aa tho legislature at ita Inst session repealed all ordinances passed by citiea to regulato apeed. I Speed limit of rnrs also rnmo up for 'nome rapid fire talk. Aldermen Wilson and Vandervort were in favor of 23 mile an hour in tho residence district iiMtend of the usual ill) miles an hour. If Snlem is to keep in tho recession of live towns, Mr. Wilson thought the spee dlimit ahould be rained. Tho big ger tha town, tho faster they travel, ho aaid. I For Instance, In Sun Francisco, if a car doesn't hike along at 30 miles an hour one la likely to get run over. In I'ortland it is ." miles an hour in tho business district. In (lervais tho speed limit ia 8 miles and in Turner It) I" New Today n 4 V. J MAY ALLISON in "SUCCESSFUL ADVENTURE" A riot of laughter Scenic And Weekly One Day Only Ye Liberty CORNS, CALLUSES QUIT QUICK! Two Drops of "Ckrtalt" Will Do It Kver hand earva your too with a knife trying to get rid of a eornf Kver use the scissors and snip off part of tho corn too close to tho quick f Kver "Gets -It" Puts ynr rt In Clover -41 femU torua Quickly. pack up your toe with "commotion." and plasters as tbou-jh you were pack ing a glass vase for parcel poatf Kve use greasy ointments that rub off oil your atockingf Ever use slicky tape that gets jerked off when yon pull your tucking offf Kind o' foolish, when i! or 3 drops of "(ietslt" on any corn or eallua gives it a uuick, painless, peaceful, dead sure funeral! Why put ter and aufferf "Oetslt" stop, corn paitia, it lets: you work, smile and dance, even with corns. It's the com mon aense way, the only simple, easy way peels conn off like a banana peel. Used by millions. It never fails. "Gets It", the guaranteed, money back corn remover, the only sure way. tn j imi a irme at any drug store. Mfd by E. Lawrence A Co. CUicego III. Sold in Salem and recommended as the world' best corn remedy by J. (C. Terry, 1. J. Fry. Hundreds of people were turned away and standing room waa at a pre mium in the Firat Prcsbyteriaa church at MrMinnviUe Sunday afternoon when Professor T. S. Roberta, assist ed by Misa Lena Belle Tartar, 'popular soloist, and 'arl Grissen of the violin department of Oregon Agricultural col lege, appeared in concert. The U-Vur was heralded as one of the greatest musical events is the list try of tha present musical aea'en of that city. The musicians -all a't'sta of eiception- al ability, added additional laurels to their reputations by the recital. The trip was made in Professor Roberta' new Majgwcll ear. The urogram waa aa follows: Grand processional from "Queen of oheba Ouunoud Benediction Nuptiale Frysinger Memories St. Clair Prof. T. S. Robert Legende Wieniawski Mr. Cirisson Impromptu Xo. 3 Taylor Prof. Roberts Fear Xot Ye, 0 Israel Buck Miss Tartar Told at Twilight Huerter Bven (Song Johnston Prof. Uoberts Meditation from "Thais" Massenet Serenade tn-hubcrt Mr. GrUsoni Miserere from "II Travntore" Verdi Prof. Roberts Allah Chndwick Tho Birdies Go North Again, Willc-by Miss Tartar Spriug Song Hollins Fantasia Kinder Prof. Roberts Sergeant N'orlyn P. lloff, son of Mr. and Mrs. 0. P. lloff. arrived in Port land yesterday wearing three gold aer vice stripe in token of his eighteen moiithg spent in the A. K. F. lie was met by his father, state treasurer, and will arrive in Snlem Thursday. Ser- By GERTBUDE ROB ISO N her chapter there. Multnomah has in dorsed Mrs. Patterson for the office of Tice president general. One of the choicest musical programs of the ecason will be presented this evening at the First Congregational enurcb when William Robinson Boone, assisted by Eathryn Cryaler Street, cou tralto, will appear in coneert. Thia ia given under the auspiece of the Tues day Musical club for the benefit of the American fund. The program: Toccata and Fugue in D minor .Bach Ia dulei jubilo Bach Minuet in E flat Beethoven My Heart is Weary, from Xadeschda Thomas Mrs. Street Gothique Suite Boellmann 1 Introduction, Choral 2 Minuet 3 Priere a Xot re Pame 4 Toccata j Selection from "La, Boheme", Puccini, ber of university ladies wero invited as additional guesta. A most enjoyable time was realized by all present. Guestg of the club were Mildred Gar rett, Evelya Do Long. Muriel Steevea. Faydle Porringer, Gladys Nichols, Ruth Stewart of O. A. C. -Mary Parouna giaa and Odvll Savage. Mr. Harry Wenderoth, popular young matron in club and social circles was guest of honor at a delightful luncheon and social evening Saturday for which Mrs. George Riches waa charming hostess. The affair was in form of a farewell attention for Mrs. Wenderoth, who leaves soon with herj little son, for an extended visit with her mother, Mrs. Kaiser, in San An tonio, Texas. Sometime in August she will be joined by her husband on his return home from Atlantic Citv, New- Jersey, where he goe as a delegate for the Salem Elk lodge. Thi-se present at the affair were Mr. and Mrs. Paul Schmidt, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Wiedmcr, Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Glover, Mr. and Mrs. John C. Bro- t'ome . Home, Come ' Home Mv Thoughts from the Hill Ronald1 ohy. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Wenderoth At kiwi itonaiajand Mr. and Mrs. George Riches. Mrs. Street Johnson Herbert R-esnrrection Morn Serenade Within a Chinese Garden Rapsodia Itahana Yon Mrs. U. G. Boyer, 435 North Win ter street, will entertain the Woman's Home Missionary society of the First Methodist church, tomorrow afternoon at 2:30 o'clock. Mrs. Charles A. Butt (Alice Blake) chaperoned a gay (rronp of the younger set at a merry picnic on the Abiqua, twelve mile beyond Silverton Sunday. The young people started from "Wil low Lake" early in the morning, reaching their destination by auto truck All the aeceasoriea for a perfect pic nie were ia evidence including the Lieutenant and Mrs. Louis Comp ton have returned to Salem to take up otoughton I their residence. Lieutenant Compton arrived recently from France with those members of Companies M and h who were fortunate enough to be re turned with their original unit. He will take up his duties as Y. M. C. A. secretary immediiiately. Mrs. Oamp ton has been residing in Everett, Wash ington, during her husband s service with the A. E. P. geant Huff, who has received his dis- fcountcous lunch in which Herbert1"' ,ho Norton'8 Mrs. 8. Levy and Miss Elizabeth Levy aro guests at the Carlton hotel in Portland. Dr. M. P. Mendelsohn of Salem ia visiting in Tortlanl for a few days. During his stay there he is domiciled chargo from the army, intends to go into business in Portlr.nd. Mrs. Isaac, Loo Patterson, one of tho most pro in i ii e nt club- women in the state was present nt a social program liven recently in Portland by Mrs. C. S. Jnck90n for tho Multnomah chap ter, Daughters of the American Rev olution and assisted the hostess' in re ceiving. Mrs. Putterson, who needs no intro duction to club and society women of Salem will leave early this month for Washington to attend tho continental congress of the Daughters of the Am erican Revolution and will represent Hoover and the war time food admin ist ration figured not at all. The communication from Hood Riv- The party consisted of Laurel Jones, fr wnich follows will no doubt bo of Florence Blake Lena Huckeatein. Ra ta Alkire, Lily Blnke, Leona Wilson. Mrs. O. A. Tlutz, Charles Risto, Grant Grucoe, William Blake Jr., Saul Jans, Katon Williamson and Fred Alkire. They were joined at the lunch hour by Misses Aline High and Dorothy Roland and the two Montgomery brothers of Salem. A beautiful "April Fool" surprise dinner was given at the Three Squares club by Mrs. Morgan and Mrs. Russell Horry Sunday noon to wlucli a ntim- interest to Salem club women: Mrs. Charles II . Castner left yeator day for Heud, Redmond. Prineville and other central Oregon centers, where she will arouse sentiment, in tho col lection of funds for the Y. W. C. A. Mrs. Cnatner, president of the Oregon State Federation of Women's clubs, will meet with tho club womca of the respect ivo towns visited. St. Paul's Guild will meet Wednes day afternoon at 2:30 with Mrs. How ell at the rectory, miles. Hence to get lined up with Port land instead of Gervuis, tho council agreed that in tho new ordinance to be passed next Monday night, the resi dence speed limit shall be 25 miles an hour. An effort was made to mnke 20 mile9 tho speed limit for the business district At first it was a five tn four vote m favor of 21) mile8 down town. Then Al- ernian Ctler had a change of heart, enlled for a reconsideration of the vote anil the business speed limit was brought down to the present standard of 15 miles an hour. Whether the large sewer pipe to the north end of town shall bo of cement or terra cotta, brought forth the opin ion that terra cots, pipe prevented fu ture troubles aa tho material is non porous and that cement aewer pipe ab sorbs water and mud and finally clogs. If the packing plant to be establiuhed in the north part of the city was will ing to pay the ilifferenco between ce ment and terra cotta pipe, it would be all right with the city fathers Firemen to Get Job It also developed that after this sewer pipe is laid in north Salem, that thia part of the city could secure water connections if it ha desired. It was stated that no application for water hail been made by the residents of the extrcmo northern part of the eity. The resolution reinstating firemen who liaa been in the service unani mously passed. Several Souttiern Pacific crossings aro in pretty bad shape and the city at torney wag instructed to notify the railroad to get busy. 1 lie, crossings thnt tho especially bad are I nion end Commercial, South 21st, 12th and Fer ry, 17th and D, Trade and Commer cial, 12th and D. and 12th and Center streets. It will be all right to par cars this . l j SHOWING W ! P JP FrontUacd Authentic in style, to the moment, you will find in these handsome new models a delicate charm and an irresistible feminity that will delight you, for the Modart expresses the newest ideas of one of Amer ica's foremost designers. Special arrangements have been made to provide trial fittings for those of our patrons who are not as yet familiar with the Modart Corset and its merits. The trial fitting offers a means of comparison that is far more convincing than recommendation. It takes but a few moments of your time and you will find it a wonderful adventure in comfort and style. U. G. Shipley Co. Liberty Street fflr f X if r .,r" i,'- s r r week on Ferry street between Commer cial and Liberty, but it will not- after next Monday evening, as the council intends to pass in its ordinaneo a pro vision prohibiting parking of car on this ono block opposite tin: armory and the Marion hotel. After next week, when there is big doings at either placo cars will have to be parked elsewhere. Complaint was made that when cars were parked on both sides of the street, for the one block, there was no room for autos to pass. Solicitors are Hit Book agents, nnd solicitors for mag azines almost played iu hard lurk. An ordinauee was introduced requiring a license fee of from $2 for one diy up to $7.) for one year. Alderman Van dervort thought this was going after a lot of good citizens a lit tic too hard, and the ordinance was side tracked hy referring it to the committee on ordinances. It may come to life again j nest Monday evening. Those who wish to sell tat's or to i M Appeal Best ir At Your Instantly If you receive a Midden caller or an unexpected In vitation you can feel con fident of always appearing at your best In but a few moments It renders to your (kin a wonderfully pure. soft complexion that beyond comparison. pfi m if ijwiiMd ' Tinted States Judge Harland D. Mown) of Vermont, who presided at their triiili in Brooklyn last year. Judge Ilowc wrote to the attorney general urging the sentences be com muted. As the convictions were at tained during the war Judne How solicit funds a"" advised to consult tho nude the sentences severe, he cxplaia- city marshal. The ordinance ns first ed, iih a les-ton to others, but now )' drawn required the content of the may or but to simplify matters, .the chief of police as made the proper official to consult. Aldermen Austin, Johnson, Roberts, MeClelland and Hihuuke were abacnt. The business of the special meeting was conducted by nine members of the couucil nnd the mayor. PLEA FOE LENIENCY HADE was of the op'ninn should be shown thein. con"iderat FRENCH SENATOR ON TRIAL . Paris, March 31. The third phase nt the Hol0 Pa.shu defeatist plots open d todnv when Senator Charles Huuiben, proprietor of Le Journal, went on trio , charged with having commerce with tl enemy. Humbert is alleged to have used 000,000 received from Herman sourc & in 1913 the powerful New York. April 1. Federal court action in cases on eight followers of in purchasing the late "Pastor" Russell, who during . newspaper, which wan then principally the war were each sentenced to 20 owned by Pierre Lenoir. In eonsum yenrs in prison for violating the e s-! muting the purchase, ho is alleged to pionage law, disclosed thnt their legal have been associe.tcd with Bolo Pasha, fight for clemency has the support of and others. KATHKVX CBYSLKB STRKET Contralto, who appears in concert with William Kobinsm Boone at the First Congregational church thut evening. Coffee Drinkers find there is no raise in price of INSTANT POSTUFvf If for health or other rea sons you have considered a change from coffee, now is a good time to make a test of Postum. Not a bit of waste X X I