Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, April 01, 1919, Image 1

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    C9;n norm atiavi
4: Only Circulation ia Salem Guar
4 antecd by the Audit Barest! of
Weatkr Report
Oretoa: Tonight and Wcdifs-
llav fair, gentle U'ds mutlv
(ft Ik
fl (i
,- v -v.---
Revised Draft Completed By
Printers. Several Amend
ments In.
kiercaticnal Socialist And
Labor Congress Asks
By rred S. Ferguson.
(United Press Staff Correspondent.)1,;. h i,14,; laulintE the
Paris, April 1. The league of lint ions
witi again oeeupv a prominent rolo in
itlie peace work Thursday when the full
le.;;iie eomniitte win meet to ,"ptv
tin new covenant from the drafting t
The redraft, which w:;s completed by!
the primers iule yesterday, contains "i '
aiiicies, the same as the oiioinnl draft.
It is reardeil us beiuji consideialily i in -1
proved in welding and eiiiries several
Auiuiidiitents May Lose. I
The nineiidiiient euveiiiijj the Monroe :
ilodrine, dni'inrs claims for racial'
Cfpi ility and I'rance's recommendation '
for an internal iAial tj neiul stuff may
be liroiijflit up Thui'siluy, but no det'iuitoj
infni null ion eotild be obtained ill thisi
leiid. In borne (imrlers it was bo
lie.ed they would all be abandoned.
These four important now amend-
mollis were Miiiiuuiea yesleulav by u
fooimiltee renresenlitii the nvioit In.
torn: I ion.'! I Sll.-iulUt I.,il ,.
grvt ill Heme:
The leinNo of milimw looishitic. Im.lv
shall include representatives of the mi- ,iutU ''""kcr and tns navigator are
Jiifitv parties in the various pallia. 1 "',l',,'"t, hut they express absolule con-m-oita
,w iv.. ii ... ii,.w.. ti, :..:.. 1 f'di lice in the success of the venture.
parlies, iu order that it will come near-1
or l,ei.i representative of peoples ru-tli-
cr than froverniueiits.
Irish Voice Sought.
Shiiip sort of represen rat lion shall be
provided for uutionalticg within nations
-obviously referring Partieularly to
Ireland. '
The miiudatorv principle shall be kfpt
open for the benefit of future members
of the leasue, instead of attempting to
. .. 1
(lihoose of r.ll mandntories ot this time.
I'lmerr-.il free trade shall ui estab
lished in all raw materials, with a view
t i (oeveiiting a monopolr bv anv na
lion, which would result ill
' hardships
for the laborers of any coiintrv unable
to ol.ii.in suffici.oit supplies of these
Indications Point To Five
Paw fnfnnof An DJ
l VCUl HUClCOt UU liUHUa,r""nlanl a"d Ireland. Wc used 140
Washington, April t. Announcement ,
Abe Martin
A woman 'U stick t' any man as long
as she thinks some other woman would
crbliiai. Mia Tawney Apple is takin'
- I
be-; win' lessons.
Rkinelacd Strike Called For
Wednesday Presents Ser
ious Aspect.
Ey Frank J. Taylor
(1'uited Pros, staff correspondent)
Berlin. Mar. 31. Tin- general strike
declared in tho Rliinoland by tin- so
viet for tomorrow is recorded ns thp
'possible beginning of a now caiut'aijjlii
j to overthrow tilt? present government,
jits full extent will nut bo eortitiii be
I fori' it actually jot3 under way.
Anions the demands being made by
the vit't s are:
L'ivi'-iii.iuicnt of all troops.
Aiming of the proletariat.
l-'riH .linn for all polit'. ,il prisoners.
Immediate anil close relations with
the b.iWn-clIti in Hungary ami llussin.
Workmen in Berlin were unto to-il:t-
over the government 'a arrest of
I l-'rucst I ti u ni iu, leader of tin" city's so-
wets. Ho is the. most important rad
ical lea.ler, in xt to (lourgo I.e.hbour
....i ...l.. .,u,,n.,utl.l,. r,, tin- or.
"."'". ; "' ' " ' ., , . - ,
! Spartacltn uprisings in January. The
Soviets claim his arn-st was the result
"r the government 's fear of fiuiher
I"'1'""'1""1- , m ,
Havker Awaits Assembling
Of Machine On New Found
land Coast.
St. Johns, N. V.. April 1. Pilot
Huwker of the Sopwith aiiplano with
which an attempt will be made to fly
from New Fuundlund to Ireland, de
dared, today lie expected to start not
fWH New
lalor than April 10,
""'v mv Ulp "l1"'"" " will
'"' tho f"'st f'V across the Atlantic,
Machine Not Freak.
Tl"' "'tchinc was taken to the flying
f. 1,1 vUm!i '"'' "waits the
"nvul "f I"'I--J"'"cs en route hero,
?hoy B,'t' a'"mr1 " steiiinship Kyle,
jammed in the ice off Low Ponit. This
d;!'ay eVMUon of I1"' nirphme con-
"'j1 "MJf U,,t Ilot enus,' tn0 8,art
! V"'""1 " uv posiponeii uuer man
Anril 111 rtnulrn. ml. I
April Jt), Hawker insists.
Describing his plane, Hawker said:
"The machine is by no means a
jreais, out loiiows the general lines ot
c"lls,,l,,'ti,"11 adopted by the Kowith war
l)lnil designers. It is 4 feet wide and
oi , -,i ,.t ... .
r " ., "'KM au,'a,1". or(doclarcd he expected they wouM get hU
, ,. " i-nnnig
a (luv!l!?ht-to-duKk flornr.w n. Snm. I
i rn ...
I mander Oi ievo and I covered over 900
l miles in nine hours and five minutes
CUPA ?. ,,alf dwtance between New
gamins or petrol slmhtly over one
tllir(1 rapacity of the tanks,
may ugnt oil sea.
i "We propose leaving 8t. Johns about
4 o 'clock-in the afternoon and traveling
through tho night, we hope to pass the
south const of Ireland shortly before
noon the following dav, English time.
arriving at the Brooklauds airdome near j
London at 4 o'clock, a total flying timo ,
of 1 hours atid 30 minutes.
''In case we are forced to descend
Into the sea, the 'fairing of the fuse
lage is so constructed that it forms a
I ooat large enough to support us both in
water for some time.
of a five per cent interest rate on tin
$l!00,00u,000 war finance corporal ion
bond issue caused much finunciat specu
lation today as to its effect on the Vic
tory loan. This rate is three-quarters
per cent higher than any liberty bons
have carried. It is equaicrt only by a
farm loan board louns.
A fc
officials thouiiht the five per '
cent rate might be indicative of the in-1
jterest to be ottered at the victory is-
t sue.
Ooinion was freelv rifprpssed In off i-1
cial quarters that coining just before I
the fifth -rett government loan, the fi-
nance corporation interest rate could
hardly be placed three ouarters per cent
above that of the oopular issue without
I disquieting effects.
These officials bold that the war fi -
nance enronrntion's 42M.O0.0fiO in one1
vesr "fiye4" will prove so .attractive
g t ai,,nrb much ready money that
hprwlsp wnobl W- mim for victnrv
bonds. "
Delays Continue To Bar Pro
gress On Framing Ot
Final Treaty.
Injection Of Hungarian Prob
lem Iiito Debates Proves
Real PiiZzle.
By Carl D. Groat.
(luited Press Staff Correspondent.;
l'aiis, April 1. ilespue l'rosuleni
Wilsons impatience at recent iteiuys.
Ihere was strong ovuloiico that the "11
four" was still oncoiiiileiinn bars to
progress when it resiuueu us acssiuini
Jtcparntious, French territorial rlniins
and the Hun.riau situation were uu
derslood to Ci .istuule the principal but
jects for ttunsideralioii.
Sonic of the more optimistic dcloj:iUt
believed the reparations (piestion woulu
be rapidly cleared up, burring iiuforo
seen cliaiiKCS in the present demands o
various interests. Oilier, however, de
clared the matter of repiuiions wui
still lar from settlement, altliouuli aij
mittiiiK there seems to be a tendency K
sipiaie nil demands with tlenuany 'i
ability to pay.
Ilew Problem r-jeciea.
The "hig tour" problems were furth
or taiiffli'U by injection of the liuiigai
iivn iuestion yesterday afternoon.
Tli j "little five," or foreign minis
tors council, whs called ill to discutK
it, but decisions, If any were reachoa
wore not revealed.
The Krench have succoded iu bringing
up the ipiestion of the left bank ol th
liliine before the "big four." Thi
matter also was considered at yester
day's session, but as in the case of oth
er matters, no statement wus iniido ro
glmlin2 what happened.
President Wilson's closest friend.
have stated that he would publish to tin
i world the causes and sources of delay i.
the peace work if speedier action wer
'not foithcomiiiK . He was represente.
as boinir ho)ieful this would not bo ne
ossary. In 11 ipiarters, it wns unnou
however, that he has brought stronn
pressure to bea,- on his collctieiioH.
iirH.j j
Warning Made in Speech.
Wilson's warning to his conferees re
Kurdinjj delays is understood to hav,
taken the form of n siieech in whirl, I..
'told them the world is expecting facts
' action nnd results. H, Mi,l i i,ol.
. "".v. v 1IU.
viewponn ana achieve results.
Tl,a 1. cm ..i
i .in. t.ivm-m n ojjoucii lonoweu I
long address by Premier CTemenceau n
!?ardinir t'rencii terrilniliil ,.li.u Lt
erward the conferees settled down to
work and are reported to have accom
plished more in the last, half hour ot
the session than in several days preccd
May Admit Soviets.
London, April 1-The Paris corre
spondent of the Daily News said todaj
mat ainea sttitosmon have submitted
proposition to tho Russian soviet gov
eminent whereby the bolsheviki woub
(he admitted to the peace conference un
dor certain conditions.
' Acordini? to the correspondent, th
bolsheviki would bo required to ceasi
financing propaganda, discontinue
fighting and allow certain parts of Rus
sia the right of self determination.
President Names Barnes To
Handle Wbeat Crop For 1911
Pnris, April L President Wilson to
day announced appointment of Julius
Barnes as head of the organization for
handling the 1919 wheat crop under the
,'icnii guaraiuee. ine uppuini
I ment was made on recommendation o
Herbert Hoover.
Hoover, it was runner announced
w'H continued as chairman of ttie sugai
,,oar'l unt'l a" sugar contracts arc com
p'eted, and as chairman of tne grain
corporation until July i, atter waic
Barnes will become responsible dirccth
,1" "' president.
Hoover wilj remain M director gener
aI ' relief work on behalf of the alliei
an(l the American government nnti'
npxt summer's haryest in Kurnne. when
' ipeetcd the food crisis will be
Wilson Releases Packers
From Goyrnraent Control
Washington April 1. AH
packers were released from
federal control of the food ad
ministration license Sfistem by
proclamation of !rosidnit Wil
son, effective today.
The president signet the
proclamation iu Psris, the food
ndministiation anuouiKed here
The proclamation provides
"that all pets nis, firms, cor
poiations or as-Huaiens cnig
inss in importl'is, maaufactur
inK. including packing, stora je
or distributing! fresh c".r."d or
cured beef, poite, mutton or
lard" heve Is-eu released from
license by the fool administra
tion. The president's proclamation
removes all restrictions on mar
gins of profits, which have been
maintained during the war by
tho food administration. These
restrictions were framed to al
low only a Id per cent profit
to the packers on their turnover
and a nine per cent profit on
their total business.
Council Instructs Mayor To
Name Body To Investigate
Municipal ownership of the city's
telephone lines came up for serious con
idcralion at the meeting ot the city
ouncil lust evening. Tho city fathers
thought so fuvorably of considering city
owned telephones, that Mayor Albin
was instructed to appoint a committee
of three t0 invest i.'e and repoit.
The idea of the city owums own
telephones was suggested lust cveniiij;
by U. T. Busselle, consulting engineer,
who ussisted City Attorney Muey at mo
telephone hearing tl few dsys ugu in
ortiand. it w-as at thu hearing that
he telephono company asked of the
,Hiblie, service cominisison, permission to
radically increase telephone rates in Sa
Salem Rates vng.
Mr. nusselle said that Salem was pay
ing a higher rates than any of the cities
in the valley and he saw no reason why
tho telephone company should pick on
this city for its radical raise in rates.
Illustrating what tho telephone com
pany proposed to do, Mr. ltussellc said
that it was asking of the public service
;oniiuisisoil the right to ra,so ousiiiobh
telephones from $:i a month to $4.50;
esidence phones from (2 a month to
J2.75; two party lines from 1.7." a
uonth to 2.2.'); four party lines from
tl.50 a month to $2, and suburban
ihonps from fLOO a month to :(.
The plant of the telephone company
. Salem is appraised at :)i),00, Mi.
liiHselle said. Now if tho public erv
jo commission docs permit a raise it.
ates, he thought the city should do
omcthing for itself.
Hi: suggested that a municipal ph.nt
; erected in the city, claiming that it
ould bo done for 200,0(Xi and that
with an up-to-date plant, better service
could be given than now received at 70
ler cent of the present cost to sub
scribers. Figures Show Nothing.
City Attornev Macy aafd that a tele-
ihono company could mnko figures
ihow anything. In one instance, h)
laid that tho company claimed that the
noro business it did, tho moro money it
lost, and referred to Portland where
there are 60,000 telephone at S a
nonth rental Bnd still the Company
claims it is losing money.
Mr. Mr.cy said that the only business
man in tho city who attended the hear
ing in Portlund was I. Oreenbauin. Ho
thought that Mr. Grcenbaum was woll
posted on municipal matters and under
stood the business end of a telephone
ilant. But ho strenuously objected to
Mr Oreenbiium's testimony before the
:ominissinn that the telephone service
icre was good. Mr. Macy thought it
vas rotten and said that he could prove
t by any hulf a dozen business men.
On motion of Alderman Wiest, who
hought tho telephone proposition was
vorthy of consideration, the mayor waa
nstructed to appoint committee and
vhon this committee reports, the big
liiesion of municipal ownership of tele
ihoncf in Hiilcm will eome up for 4 hearing-
ovtlard To San Francisco
Fare Higher Uoder Nsw Rate
Portland, Or., April 1. The railroad
lassenger fare between this city and
'an Francisco became 423.46 today, in
icrease of $2.46 ovpr the former rate.
This is in acocrdance with 4 new
'ariff which went into effect on the
'outhern Pacific lines "this morning,
taking a unform fare of 8 cents a mile
II over the system, except where the
'are ha been more than i cents. No
reductions have bea made.
Stiak Bombs And Fights Arc
Features Of Bitter May
oralty Scrap.
Chicago, April 1. Four hundred
thotwi'id votes, more than half the
city's registration wa estimated by
election board officials to have been
csst up to noon today in the Chicago
mayoralty race. Chief Clerk Sullivan
of the board predicted heavy voting
would continue unlil the polls close at
4 p. m. and that practically every reg
istered voter will cast a ballot.
Complaints were made to the state's
attorney's office that gunmen were in
timidating voters in some precincts.
Police reserves rushed to polls where
disorders were reported, found most of
the stories exaggerated.
Chicago, April 1 .Appealing to ev
ery passion and prejudice imaginable,
workers for five mayoralty candidates
today put the decision up to the peo
ple of Chicago. The i li t lay between
William Hale Thompson, ltobert M.
Swiity.cr and MiwLay lloyuo.
The letting campaign ended last
night in wild scenes in various parts
of the city. Clasho were numerous and
hostilities finally became so bitter thai
stink bombs were resorted to. Banners,
were torn down resulting iu numerous
fights between rival supporter and
men and women shouted themselves
hoarse from scores of band.wngons that
pnrad.d the Loop district until far in
the night.
Polling Places Guarded
To privent recurrences today, Chief
of Police Onrrity detailed reserves to
patrol the 215 voting precincts and
guarded crowded s.-ctioiis of the city.
Candidates' malingers freely pre
dicted that no less thnn 700,1100 of the
r.gistered vote of 702,000 will be cast.
It was pointed out that no pre. urns
campaign hud been so bitter.
Last hour predictions of pluralities
issued from each enmp ran from 70,000
io 17.1.000.
Mayor William Kale Thompson, re
publican nominee for reelection declar
ed ho will iccrive 30 per cent of the
registered veto.
Hubert M, Sweitzer, democrat, will
be elected by 100,000, according to pre
dictions of his campaign manngers.
Vots on Prohibition
Macl,:iy llnyne, independent, noil
partistineluimid election by I'.'.'.'MIO.
John (Kit:',.itriek, ilabor I'lindii'tite
and John M. Collins, socialist, claimed
victory by from .10,000 to 7o,0'. Fit?
Patrick said he will receive 22.",0(m
A vote was to be taken on the licpior
ipiestion for Chicago. "Drys" refused
to lako part in the campaign, consiuei
ing it a deuiT issue.
The polls opened at II a. m. and will
close, at 4 p. m. Definite knowledge
of the results were expected by K
following up ft strong campaign for
FitKjiatrick, labor party workers de
da c d sixty Ideal unions had ceased
work for the day to picket tho polls
and "see that labor is given a squaro
ileal. " The picketing and stopping of
work was not to be considered a strike(
it was stated.
City Pays $15,000,000 For
Private System-Many
Changes Made.
Seattle, Wash.,' April 1. The cily
of Hoattle is today owner and opera
tor of the complete Htone Webster trac
tion system here. Final details of the
$15,000,000 purchase were cleared up
Inst night. The city began operation
at 11 p. in.
Tho deal, according to traction offi
ils, makes 8ettlo the largest mu
nicipal street car renter in the country
with the potiihle exception of Cleve
land, Ohio.
Kxprtss service that will cut down
the time from the center of the city
to practically all the outlying residen
tial district in many cases a. much
si fifteen minutes will be the first
l great improvement in the operation
of Hcattl traction lines.
This according to Thomss V. Mur
phine. tuperintendent of puhlic, utili
ties, together with the installation of
safety aonr In the downtown districts
to make poesible speedier loading, will
be one f the first important changes
in oprration of the street railway sys
tems. At II o'clock last night, according
to the final agreement between the city
father and the officer of the Pugct
Sound Traction, Light and Power com
pany all the physical equipment of the
street railway line in the city became
tho property of the city of Heattlo for
a consideration of 1 5,1100,000.
j Every street car in the eity is being
(operated by the city today finder tho
'direction of Thomas l Morphine,
whose department has complete charge
'of all traction lines.
Land Sales to Japs
Matter of Private
Business Is Belief
Official Washington Turning
tions In Lower California Have Little International
Significance.-- Mexican And Japanese Diplomats
Minimize Importance Of Rumored Deals.
Washington, April 1.
lands in Lower California
to be merely a private transaction without international
significance, officials here
In the absence of any
subject, the view conveyed by
less it was clear that a carefully laid plan of aggression
bv some foreign government was behind such transactions
as are reported going in Mexico, the United States gov
ernment might not interfere.
Advices at hand here, it is understood, indicate that
neither the Mexican or Japanese governments are involv
ed in the deal in Lower California.
Washington, April 1. While awaiting
official word from Mexico regarding ,
the reported land concession in Lower
California to Japanese interests, diplo-jway,
mats, officials and members or congress
todt.v discussed the situation at length.;
Mexican and Japanese diplomats con-
tinned to minimize the importance of!
the aliened movement of Japanese in-
lorosls. while members of comrross saw
in tho action serious danger, ivinie of
the latter who are opposing the pro-i
posod league of nnllnii stiy mm Ttio
situation proves conclusively the necen-;
oly of adhering to the -Monroe doctriuo; in existence is the only sure way of
in whatever league miiy be formed. j combntl iiig such "aggressions" on th
Mexican Ambassador llouillas, iu in ! American continent,
interview with the I'nited Press today) I i:.,-r intornalioiml law, nenatot
labelled the "jingo atempts" to create: Itortiti ef Idaho point-id out JupnneiM
ill-feeling between the I'nited Str.tts1),, -ve a rlcht lo buy and Mexico has ft
ind Mexico throne,)! the ' Japanese bug-' ri,;ht lo sell lauds in Lower Culiforni
iboo" ns groundless nnd malicious. jo,- anywlivte els in Mexico.
Regarding he reiwrt that Mexican1 I' ndi'r the longiie of nations covnnaiir,
land is being confiscated by the govern-; he, aibbd, nuy i oiiiplniut of tho United -nent
nud sold to the Japanese, Bonillns Stiiti s would havii to go to tha league'
"The exploitation of binds in Mexico
by tho government can only be effected
through lengthy ottieinl procedure alter
its owners have refused to make a sale,
Titles Not Effected.
"The negoliotiim would go through,
local, state and federal channels and
would become publicly known. Much)
American lnnd in Lower CMnrormu Iiuh
noon untenanted bv its owners in the;
past few years. Permission to till nl
vacant lands has been given resident ,
if the stale by executive order, This
,)rder In no way affects the title of j
ownership of the laud but siiuio evident-1
iy believe that it means confiscation,
ihe Mexican embassy has received, m
confirmation of the Mexico ( lty an
nouncement of negotiations of Jnpnitcsn
lorn corporations for agricultural con
cessions in Lower California.
Bonillns, however, sees no menace to
he Monroe doctrine or defiance to the ,
I'nited Mates in such proposals. Ho
pointed out that tho Mexican constitu
tion permits Japanese immigrants to be
Mime citizens anil own property, as do
ill the other Latin American republics.
As shown how groundless tho fears
of a Japanese foothold in Lower Cali
fornia may be, ho recalled tho Magda
lena bay incident in which Japan was
reported to have attempted to obtain a
coaling station in Mexican Pacific wat
ers. This report, ho declared, had no
other basis in fact than the employment
of Japanese fishermen by a Mexican
fishing corporation.
League Opponents Alert.
Meantime senate, league of nation
President Alone Can Save
Debs From Serving Sentence
Washington, April 1. President
Wilson alone can stay the hand of the
law, which has ruled that Kugcne V.
Debs, socialist leader and d"vernl times
candidate for president of his parly's
ticket, will go to jail for ten years for
violation of the espionage law.
The supreme court by refusing yes
terday to grunt Dibs an appeal from
the court's own decision against him,
hns left him no other recourse, save
the president. Whether the socialist
leader will appeal to the president for
clemency is unknown here.
With threats by Debs' followers that
there will bo strikes, bolshevist upris
ing and other disturbance if he goes
to the penitentinry,his case has arous
ed widespread interest.
The president, of course, cannot not
until Debs or onio one representing
him fcrmnlly presents an appenl for
pardon. This goea first to the depart-
I ment of justice, where the attorney
general studies the case and makes
'recommendation either for or against
I pardon or reduction of sentence. The
president then acts.
Copenhagen, April 1 . A general
strike was scheduled in Essen for to
day. The workers demand recognitioa
of the soviet system, six hour day
and a 25 percent increase in wages.
To Theory That Transac
The proposed sale of Mexican
to Japanese interests appears
believed today.
official announcement on the
officials today was that un
opponents de!nred today if the now
meager report:! t'n. t these sales or con-
cessions are iicti'hllv granted or under
are bom out,' the fact will be nsed
as one of the main arguments against
the lcuguo of nations covenant u nb-
mittcil by President Wilson.
Senators were wnry about eommout-
' f' direct quotation, poiutina out
,lmt "'w flom ML'xil iu " 1""" "
ol ten proven uncertain on closer investi
'pt,e argument that is beiuit leulntive-
v reparod, however, runs aiong tho
ies Hint the .Monroe doctrine as now
executive council or whnteer body wa
set up to decide dispui.lcs und with-it
special reservation of the Minima doe-
tune thorp would be absolutely nothing
(o prevent the council deciding adverse
iy to us.
Coinprjny Waits Approval,
Los Angeles, Cab, April 1 Annouuee-
ineut by President Harry Chandlur of
the Ciilil'oniin Mexican Laud & Cattle)
company t.liat his company 's 800,000
ucii tf Lower California land will not
be sold to Ji.puncse interests without
the approval of the statu depaituiuut.
was looked upon here i s somewhat
(clarifying the situation caused by te-
poi'ts Hint the land would be sold to
Chandler's stiitcmciit said his com
pany's position (in the reported sale
he denied the sale hsd been actually
made now is the same as in 1017 when
Japanese were negotiating to lease
portion of tho tract. Thi.t position was
sot out in a letter to the state depart
ment. The letter als0 said the Japanese ne
gotiating at that time would not con
summate tho deal without approval f
the American government.
Land Purchased Outright.
Deniul is made by Chandler thai tho
company held any grant or concession.
a (ieneral AiiiikIo Aguircc, Mexican
minister of the interior, is reported in
press dispatches to have said. Chandler
declared the land was secured through
direct purchaso from tho Mexican Rov
eriimoiit at the full rasn prrco askod.
"Tho rcforenco by the Mexican offi
cial to special concessions made in con
nection with the sale of these lands,
must refer to lands adjoining our,
which were secured by an Aoicrltau
syndicate headed by J. P. Morgan at
about the same time that our lunus wer
purchased from the Mexican govern
ment," the loiter said. "Their title
were secured through concession which
provided fur special colonization ef
forts." Phelan Score Japs.
Saciami'iito, Cub, April 1. Tho all
absorbing topic today among the mem
bers of the legislature nnd several hun
dred others who packed the assembly
clieuiber lo hoar fVnntor James D. Phe
l:.n in his terrific attack on the Japa
nese, and his doctrine t lint r-y old
league of nations is better than no
league at all.
"The next war," he declares, "will
j be fought on the Pacific. The Jn pa
nes.' have that lust of world empire,
similar to the kaiser, t0 reach out and
conquer other laads."
He told of the Japanese land law
barring foreigners and excluding Chi
nese coolie labor, declaring "and if
thev do that they cannot come into
court with rlean hands and complain ef
America' barring them from this win
try." "They are Jnpnnijiing the Tactfie
coast," said Phelan, "and wherever
else they feel It is desirable. They ur
evading the land laws with corpoiations
run by Japanese brains and Japanese,
capital with stupid white men as fignre-heads."