THE DAILY CAHTAL JOURNAL. SALEM. OREGON. MONDAY. MARCH :U. mO. PAGE F1VK The Jon t JOURNAL WANT AD DEPARTMENT IS THE BEST SELLING! Ji5 room t0" 3 UEDIUM LN MARION COUNTY-TRY THEM FOR REmTSirod V.v; ra CLASSIFIED ADVXBTISINQ SATES Bate per word New Today: juh inaortisB 1 a week (6 insertion!) 5 Ob month (26 insertions) 17e The Capital Journal will not be re sponsible for more than one insertion, tot errors in Classified Advertisement . Bead your advertisement the first day It appears aad notify m immediately if rror crura, Minimum charge, lSe. WANTEuO-Furnished house by April la or 15th. Phone 355. tf MOTORCYCLE for sale. Phone 8F23 evenings. tf BUGS cleaned 35e per rug Phone 16. Ii. L. Buckner. 4-4 WANTED All kinds of chickens. Will pay top price. Phone 1339J. tf LOOANBERRY plants for sale. J. P. Aspinwall, Brooks, Or. Phone 35f iz. tl WANTED Experienced grafters at Fruitlond nursery. Phone 111F21, Sa lem Rt. 6. tf FOR SALE 6 room house and lot, $1000, call on my agent, Win. Flcnu ing, 341 State St. tf FOR SALE Good loganberry wire. Capital Junk Co., 271 Chcmeketa. Phone 393. tl A. E. HUTCHISON, 248 State St., Phone 31 1. Overland service and general repair shop. 4-7 WALL PAPER 15 eents per double roll upward. Buren's Furniture Store, 17U Commercial. tf WE PAT highest cash price for eggs, pork, veal and poultry. Willamette Transfer Co 171 8. High St. Phone 1400. . tf OREGON strawberry plants 50e per hundred, $3.50 per thousand while they last. Why pay more. Chas. Hart, Jeffonson, Or. 4-1 FOR 8ALB At 1260 Jefferson St. a nice little house and lot for $325; can give terms; act quick, for this is a bargain, Z Y P care Journal, tf WE HAVE on hand a few tons of mill run for sale, at a bargain Willam ette Valloy Transfer Co., 171 South High St. Phone 1400. . tf , CENTER Street Garage just opening a general repair shop; cars washed and polished. 245 Center St. Phono 827, J. W. Hunt, prop. 4-15 NORTHWESTERN Nursery, Rt. 6. Fruit trees, roses and shrubs. Special low prices on certain lines. Phone 11IF3. tf FOR SALE Clover hay $25 per ton; clover seed 50e cr lb; apples $1.75 ner bushel. Rt. 6, box 51, Phene 23 F21. tf FOR SALE Russot Burbank seed po tatoes, beet potato on market; also have clover hay for salo. M. Kipping or, Gorvais, Rt. 2, box 1. 4-2 147 ACRES all under plow but 7 acres (timber), fruit, woven wire fences. Barn and silo, 6 room house; easy terms and cheap; Phone 505W. 3-31 GOOD rooming house to lease, 30 rooms partly furnished; will lease very reasonable. Inquiro 506 N. Com'l St. or phone 1549M. tf FOIt BALE White Leghorn and Ore gon setting eggs $1 per setting. Ba by chicks $10 per hundred (08 13th St. 4-1 vn' n LOO! We Buy and Sell at the Market MUNICIPAL BONUS Tax Exempt irstlvlortgage arm UTS 1ST HAWKINS AND ROBERTS 314 Masonic Temple Salem, Ore. rnal New Today Ads FOB SALE Good fresh Jersey. Call Phono 53F13. 4-1 WANTED To rent 5 or 8 room mod ern house. A-13 care Journal. 4-J FOR SALE Loganberry plants $15 iUW. r. J. Wolf, Kt. 9, box 13.1 331 , ... ! TRACTOR for aale. 8-18 Moinii in 1 running order, $450 for Quick, sale. ! William H. Triudle, Bank of Com- YOt'NO calf for sale. B. L. Cum merce building, Kalem. 3-31 niings. Phone 76F6. 4 1 WANTED To rent or buy on install- nient plan, house with five or more i rooms, ana g&rucn area, state low est rental and selling terms. Mrs! Emma M. West fall, Shedd, Or. 331 WANTED Woman for general house work on farm. No heavy washing. Write Mrs. P. T. Frizzell, Riek renl, Or. 3-31 5 ROOM modern house for salo. 455 N. 20th or phono 212SR. 3 31 FOR RENT Clean apartments for clean people at the Millor, 633 Fer ry St. tf FOR SALE Good garago 12x16, now iorge, is secondhand house doors. 1925 State St. 3-31 BLACK Minorca eggs for hatching, $1 per sotting. B. H. Chamberlain, West Stayton, Ore. 3 31 WANTED Married man for ranch, one with team horsoa preferred. Goo. L. Rose. 3-31 4 ROOM! house for ront cheap, laige lot, good garden. Inquire 200 Marion street. 43 FOR SALE Gold Coin seed potatoes, also one year loganberry plants. Phone 100F32. tf FOR SALE 5 room house, large lot, barn, plenty fruit 108 N. 24th. call after 5:30 p. m. 45 iFOR SALE Fresh cows. N. H. Ut- tor, Jefferson road. Phone 9F23. 3-31 FOR SALE 7 room house., barn, on 1 acre, Va acre choice fruit, close m, chenp for cash. 504 Belmont St. 4 1 WANTED Second hand piano, excel lent condition and reasonable. Phone 1415. 4-1 WANTED Middlo aged woman to take charge of hotel. Insuire 459 State. tf WANTEID-Small'pigs. Phone 69F2. 41 WANTED A janitor at the. Wlltam ette sanatorium, a middle aged sin- clo man preferred. 4-1 TOR SALE House and 4 lots, paved street, car line, 7 rooms parage, DBrn chicken park, runuing water; en By terms or trade for close in. Phone 505W. 331 FOR RENT 70 acres, 24 acres for grain, 10 acres hops, about 700 bear ing orchard, mostly peaches and bal ance pasture; share rent. Located half mile west of Wnpato station Yamhill county, Or. Address Wm. 11 Egan, Gorvais, Rt. 2. Phone 3F11. tf TOR SALE 25 acres of choice land l miles from city limits on the Pa' oif irt hiirhwav, 20 acres in cultiva tion, a few acres set to orchard and berries, fairly good farm buildings fnr $0500. All good orchard and ber ry land except aliout 4 acres. This is the best buv around Salem. John 11. Scott. 404 Hubbard bide. 3 29 Loans OF MERIT OtILY SALESMAN and collector wanted at 33T State St. 4 4 LOST--Dealer license 515-A, please return to 233 S. Commercial. Phone 362. 31 FOB EENT -3 city Iota lor gariies purpwi. iiwHiv. -- : FRANKLIN tourine ear for sale, 744 N. Commercial St. 4 LOST 3 key on leather ease. Leave . at Dublic library. 3 31 FOR SALE Cheap, my $200 talking machine and records used less than 3 months. Call 1040 Hall St. tf FRESH milk goat and kid for sale, $35 Also new teni Uxi4, a ft. wall, $16. Call 449 8. 18th. 4 3 WANTED Men to work in hop yard. Phone 581, T. A. Livcsloy & Co., tip floor Salem Bank of Com. 3-31 MAN and wifo (middle agre preit. id) wanted to take charge of Hotel Klinger. 459 State St. tf TRADE extra good double seated bug gy, rubber tire, leather seats, for good fresh cow. Phono 37F2. 3-29 WANTED Experienced millinery sales lady. Fullertons, ask for Miss Larsen. 3-29 WANTED Young man to take eharge of stock department, experience not necessary. f W. Woolworth Co. tf 5 ROOM house for rent, close in; also have some Belgian hares for sale. 560 N. High St. 4 1 FOR SALE Or lease after April 1st houso occupied by Judge Chas. A. John. 260 N. Capitol. Phone 585M. 4-1 FOR SALE 5 acre well improved, 6 room house, good cam, chicken house, 45 fruit trees, acre straw berries, some logan and black ber ries, (rood location, near car line. For particulars address H. G. Love- land. Rt. 4. box 8A. 4 1 MEN WANTED AT WEST UN5 PAPER MILLS 42e HOUR, 8 HOUR DAY. SEE MR. F. . BARLOW AT HOTEL ACROSS RIVER FROM OREGON CITY. CLEAN BEDS 20e NIGHT 8-31 I HAVE a couplo of good renting and income inropertaes at Corvallis, well located, that my client would like to exchange for Salem property, as more convenient for him to handle. Any one removing to Corvallis can get a good exchange, if they will see William iFleming, agent, at 341 State St. room 7, Salem. 3-31 FOR SALE 480 A in Jofferson coun ty, 150 acres in crop,. 40 head Dur ham cows, increase about 20 calves, 1 registered Durham bull, good house barn partly finished, with lumber to finish on place; some timber, some pasture and all tillable land under Suttlo luke irrigation project. A snap at $S00O. Address 11 J 8 care Jour nal, tf WANTED To rent good dairy farm share rent. Address Z care Journal. 331 WANTED Experienced man nnd wife on farm, separate, wood, milk and garden spot furnished. Prevailing wages paid. Mrs. W. Al Jones, tier vais, Or., Rt. 2, Phone 3F12. 4 1 IFOR SALE One epring wagon for one horse; one Acme harrow and othor farm .articles. Thone 2500J1. 41 FOR SALE or trade, eorncr lot, one block from colleges, Corvallis, $750. l'j acres 4 room house, well, logging town, rents $10 per month, $000. Ad dress F, Kt. 3, box 90, Salem. 3-31 I HAVE left for sale a few artichokes They make eheop feed for all kinds of stock. It is a good time to plant. I also have hay. seed wheat and choico clover seed for sale. John H. Scott, 404 Huldiard bldg. 3-29 . VERY CHEAP Several choico lots on pave1 street, has cement walk and nice fruit trees from $250 to $400 on monthly payment. Buy these lots for speculation, they are very cheap. The town is en the move, now is the time to get in on the ground floor. jobn n scon 404 Hubbard bldg. PATTON PLIMNG COMPANY Are now able to take care of your plumbing wants in their new loca tion, 220 North Com mercial street. Phone 16G8. WANTED Boarders and roomers at 1120 Center St. rhonel0T4. 4-1 HOUSEKEEPING rooms 694 N. St. Phone 2454W. Com. 3 31 IMPROVED 10 aere tract for ale, 331 trade or rest. Phone 27UM.. COBNEB lot 8 block from stats house ground. Phone 505W. 3 31 TO BENT Garden well fertilised. Phone 505 W. 3 31 FOR RENT Sleeping rooms at 132 S. Church. 4 2 WASH , polish and grease youi cars at 320 J. Com St. 4 4 FOR SALE One chain drive Ford truck, real bargain. 337 Court St. tf LOST Between Salem and Dallas 31x4 tire, oa rim. Finder plcaso re port to Journal office. Reward. S 31 WANTED Intelligent Christian wo man or girl for light housework. 1090 Chcmeketa. 4 1 BARGAINS IN HOUSES A small residence on 25th near "State St. for $550 on terms. This is very cheap. A modern residence on State street near 8tate house. Two nice residences on Court street close in. Two modern houses on South Com mercial St. close in, small cash pay mcnt. remainder monthly if desired. 5 room residence on South Cottae, hard finish, bath, toilet, fruit and berries for $1000. A bargain. 8 room house and 3 nice lot on North 4th St. at $1250, cheap at $2,1)00. john h. scon 404 Hubbard building A SIX room bungalow on North Broadway, lot 60x120, on the cor ner, and small barn. Price $1300; will trade for tweiriy or forty acios. 294 sores, 6I4 miles from Sulem on Wheatland road. 21 acre in cultiva tion, 3i acre-s orchard. All ainds of fruit, good house, good-well, wind mill tank, on good gravel road $7, 300. Five room house on Bellevue street, two lots, $2000. $2i0 down, plenty of time oa balance. Four room cottaire on North Sum mer street, on car line. Bath, toilet, lot 45x110. Cherries and small fruit Prise $850. Can assume $273 at 6 percent, payable monthly. Fine home at 1780 Court street. See ing la believing, price $4000, good terms. Oome to the office for par titulars. A ten room house on 14th St., near Onter Ht. fine rental property, Price reduced to $4000. Must aell soon at these figures. ' Five "room bungalow on North 20tb street, $1300. Eight room house, thre lots on N Commercial, $1300. One acre, five room bungalow on South" Commercial Mreet near ear lin, lots of fruit, $1600. A large brick building on North Lib r-'ty street for sale or rent, at a bar Gain. A large house on Summer St, close to state capital. What will you give me A nice 6 room bungalow on Liberty St at $1600. A good 7 room house, all in fine eon dition and quite modern, only one block from good school. $1500. If you are looking for bargains see me at once. O. w. iiaflar. insurance man. 405-406 Hubbard bldg. tf NOTICB Noticj is hereby given thai I have impounded tho following described dogs in compliance with ordinance No. 1404, towit: One male white mongrel, weight 25 pounds: one mnlo vellow dog. weight 20 pounds; one malo spitz, 35 pounds; one female spiti, woight 30 pounds; one young Irish Seiter, male, weight 35 pounds. The abovo de scribed dogs will bo killed if not re deemed by owners, on or before March 31, 1919, ae provided in said ordinance W. 8. LOW, 3 28 Street Commissioner, YOUR OPPORTUNITY to buy first class berry land at snap prices I have personally inspected all the following properties and can recom mend each one as being an excep tionally good buy. 10 U acres with house, barn, etc., $2000. $400 cash, balance eacy. 10 acres with 3 acres in logans; 2'j acres cherries, wuluuts, prunes, etc; 1 acre currants and gooscberric, and 2 acre strawberries. All woven wire feneed. 2 room bouse; barn, etc. $3600. 82 acres of choice bottom land miles out of Sulem. $100 an acre. 10 acres with 6 acres bearing prunes 6 room bungalow; barn. 4 miles out of Salem on main road. $2100. $.'00 down, balance monthly at 7 percent. 9'i acres in 10-year old prunes with strictly modern 7 room bungalow. Fine location. $H.'i00. Thia is a mon ey making home. 8 3 4 acre, with 6 acres in logans. No buildings. $2750. 15 acres of choice berry land just east of Salem $3750. Has fair build ings. 20 aeres with 4'4 acres in logans. Fair buildings. Well located. $4700 Would sell 10 acres without improve ments for $2700. Fine berry propo sition. IT IS IMPOSSIBLE to advertise ALL my listings. If yoa contemplate buying land for small fruits. See NIEMEYER Masonic Building BEEHIVES for sale. Those 53T6. 4-2, FOR RENT Fur aitked house. 250 S. ; 4 2. MODERN rooms with board. 461 N. 1 FOR SALE Pansy plants. 211 Mulcr fc-t. Maruny, ' 4 oo ; WANTED Furnished house. Mrs. J. T. Ova aid, Marion hotel. 4 1 TOR SALF Jersey cow, fresh May! 1st. 1303 N. 15th. 4 2j LOST $10 bill on Mill St. Phone 1712 ; M. Reward. 4 2; i SEED. artichoke for sale. Phone 20F 31. 43 FRESH cow for sale. Phone 105FU. 43 FRESH cow for sale, heavy muRer. 990 S. d. 4 1 TOR RENT-dteet apt, at the Miller. tf 633 Ferry. TOR SALE 2-bottom hop or orchard plow. 3093 Portlaad road. 45 OAKLAND Sensible Six $1275. Come get a demonstration at 197 South Cora. St. 4 12 OAKLAND Sensible Six $1275. Come net a demonstration at 197 South; Com. St. 4 12 ' FOR SALE 6 cows, 4 Jerseys, one Durham, one Guernsey; 2 fresh, 4 fresh toon. 2015 N. Com'l St. 4-2 TOR SALE Ford metal delivery body Will trade tor Ford body. Phone 25 day time. 12 WANTED M eu to cut white fir cord- wood by contract. F. M. Suver, Dullns, Or. 4 5 WANTED Lady or girl for genernl housework, good wages; reterences required. Phono 516. tf TOR SALE Organ, cook stoves, heat ers and other household furniture. 1795 Fairgrounds road. 4-1 TOR SALE Horses just received a loud of artillery horses from (amp Lewis. They are at Clearwater barn 544 Ferry St . 4 2 WANTED To rent modern 5 or 6 room house, good location, respon sible party, garage if possible. C. N. Loughrige, Argo hotel. 4-2 TOR SALB-Cold Dollar strawberry plants, very finoj 60c per hundred, $4 per thousand. Phone 69F21 eve nings. W. E. Scott. '. 45 TOR SALE Auto, model 27 Buick, overhauled, painted and new top, a snap at $400. See Merlin Harding, at Salem Hdw. 'o. 4 2 TOR SAILE One ton Ford truck. Just overhauled, in perfect shape, only $595 if sold nt once; can be seen at Salem Velie company, 162 N. Com mercial. 3-31 BUSINESS riiOTOSlTION Wanted, partner to act u8. secretary who can drive big Hudson car, must, have cap itnl of $H00. 'all for Elliott at Bligh hotel Tuesday. 3-31 TOR SALE 9 acres. milo east of end of 12th street curline, acre strawberries, 1 acre loganberries, vounir orchard, cood 5 room house, barn, chicken and hog house, good well. Call evening after 4 p. m. or Sundays. $20110. James Callahan, 4-5 REAL ESTATE FOR SALE $1000. a five ucro ten- year old npole orehnnl, five acres timbered and two towW lots tn Suth erlin Or., or will trade for Minneso ta property, preferrnhly M innciipnns or St, Paul. Write A. !. Ilullgniin, l.'IS Builders Exchange, Minneapolis, Minn. 3 31 FOR HA L1-! 100 ncres firit river bot tom Innd, Vi under cultivation, no gravel, near good town, pnved road, price $100 per ecre; $1000 down, balance easy terms. Agents or trail ers need not apply. Address Box 413 Independence, Or. 3-31 Ml'LFS HIIISKS Lnst '.opportunity to buy stock of this kind, at such low prices, from $20O to $2m per span. Mix span Jtond young mules, weight 2100 to 2600; four span well matched hors- tenuis, hlocky built, heavy bone, kind, weight 2"0O to 2700,' ages 5 to H; stock, is gentle, well broke and sound. Guarantee or trial given with nil, if not as rep resented money refunded; also sev eral sets htirneHS. 254 8. Liberty, Waring 's barn. , 4 3 SALEfj! AUTO EXCHANGE Formerly CAMPBELL'S AUTO EXCHANGE 229 State etrcet H yon want to buy or soil a ear come and see m. 1917 Ford good as new, all new tires, a good buy. 1917 Maxwell 3 pass, $125 Maxwell delivery car $325 5 pass. Maxwell $275 Detroit, bargain, $250 Paige Detroit, starter and lights $275 Btudebaker, 8 cyl, perfect condi tion, $4) Hudson 6 eyl, good as new, $1000 1916 Buick 4 eyl. perfect condi tion, $'50 List your property trade with c. Phone 867 rlP! the Styles theM Our Showing of Dresses, Suits, Coats, Capes, Dohans and Waists are the Styles cf the Messed not extremes, but the selection of the most practical and accepted styles Dresses are clever creations in Taffetas, Georgettes and Crepe Meteors All reasonably priced o opeciai Daie of lungalow Aprons Priced Very Low For Quick Selling SEE LIBERTY STREET WINDOW You can always do better at H V il000BlC00DS,ls-' STATE LEGISLATOR HELD POR MURDER OF YOUTH Bnndon, Or., March 31. Georgo Chenowith is in jnil to day having been charged with the murder of O. W. Sydinan. Chenowith, who served in the lust Oregon legislature as iicting juint representative of Coos and Curry counties, walked into ft dance hnll nt. Lnnglos Saturday night und fired three shots into Syiluinn without nny warning. The assnilant immediately de livered himself up to tin officer, Buying lie hoped ho had killed Bvduian. His wish came true, for the young man died a few hours later. Chenowith was too old to join the AinesiiHIl army uheii the Tinted Stales declared wur, so he enlisted in a Ciiiindir.n regi ment, serving in hot buttles overseas. The war veteran claims his daughter was wronged by Syd iii ii ti. WILSON WOULD (Continued from Pugo 1.) get American soldiers home us rapidly us possible. Ho reiterated that tho league of nations covenant is not delay ing the peuce settlement but inuicuted that the reparations quesion lias budly hampered deliberations (lining tne past week. 'lho congressmen gathered that Wil son would not stand for much more dallying. 'Ono declared his belief the president is prepared t return to the lulled Stutes when tho conference's work is completed, tell tho people the results were the best that could be ou tlined under tho circumstances and the,,) leave it up to the senate to accept or reject the treaty. Monro Docrine Slay Go. In this connection, It was said the president ovideully reached the conclu sion that ho could .not obtain a clause definitely protecting the Monroe doc trine and was nearly ready to accept the covenant without a specific Monroe doc trine section. The congressman suid the DIAMONDS'- If quality in color and perfection in cutting is what you are looking for, we can supply you. A laifjC, new seloction to chocse from HARTMAN BROS. CO. Jewelers 6 Opticians N. W. Corner Htale and Liberty Streets. H ome: tic i consensus of the delegations' opinion was that there ought to bo some provis ion in the league constitution whereby wines of primary responsibility would bo established, thereby relieving Amer ica of tho necessity for participating in minor. European squabbles. Burgess Ford Home; Tells Of Experiences Under Fire Burgos Ford, who seen some ex citing service with the Y. M. C. A. at St. Mihiel and the Argonne forest, i in the city for a day or so with Vim family, visiting at tho homo of hi father Ifov. T. II. Ford. Ho was with the 90th divii-ioii consisting mostly of Texas and Oklahoma men and was in close touch with ull this dhisiou'i work along th- fighting front. Although in the Y. M. ('. A. service, during lho big advance at Ht. Mihiel ho was under fire for days at a time. His most narrow escape was when lii-. trousers were pierced by u machine gini bullet and with the excep:ion of him self and another mun, every man in two squads of 12 each was either wounded or killed. As to the capturing of any of thci American boy by the (ierionos. Mr. Knrd said there whs no such thing es rep:ing when men whir were out on patrol duly were taken at night or when a box barrage was thrown over some advanced position. The American artillery had its shooting down to such a fine point that as soon as a nest of Oerman machine guns was located and the American boys given tho location, the Merman guns were soon out of busi' ness. On returning Mr. Ford was stationed a short time at Marseilles and had tho pleasure of stoppin" 24 hours at Hit) raltar add of taking a (lay's trip to Tnngiers in Africa, opposite Ft. flih' raltar. ROUP Spasmodic croup Is usually relieved with one application of "YOUR BODYGUARD" - 30?. 60f 20 i JOURNAL WANT ADS pAY1444 "Just Real Eatate" tf