5259 CIRCULATION. (2;.000 EEADEE3 CULT) Only Circulation in Sultia Guar anteed by the Audit Bureau f Circulations. FULL LEASED WIRL PISPATCUKS 4 d l Weaker Report. 3 5 - . Oii-Kiii : Tcin'it sn.l Tuesday fait; hvy t kib'rtf. fiit to- hicht. light Borti.ta-ti t'.v winds. 'fllT K -r SPECIAL Wil.I.AM KTTK TAL- LEV NEWS J-LKVKK PRICE TWO CENTS OK THATXS AND H"BW STANDS F1VK CENT FORTY-SECOND YEAR NO. 63. SALEM. OREGON. MONDAY. MARCH 31, 1919- m a a n PRESIDENT THREA TENS "PITILESS PUBLICITY" FOR CE PEA CEAC TION WILSON WOUL HASTEN WORK ft FORCE OF OPK Threat Expected To Put New Life Into Conference Members. ALLIED REPRESENTATIVES OEAF TO U.S. SENTIMENT Giiftf Executive Says He Will Tell All World Cause Of Delay. TO VISIT BELGIUM Paris, March 31. President Wilson probably will make his long delayed trip to Belgium in I lie interim between culling the Oornmn delegates to Versailles and their arrival, it was learned today. The president i;tlond,l church yerit.'fduy for the first time 'since his return to Furi. By Carl D. Groat. (I'nited Press. Staff Correspondent.) Paris, .Mr.ivli 31.- President .Wilsou ' whs understood todav to have threaten ed to use the club of "pililess'puhlic ily" in a effort to speed up the peace conference. , Wilson's action, according to belief expressed in certain official circles, wil eliminate much of the controversial toaltir that lias reduced the per.ee eon feivnce to practically niurking time in the past few days. Many allied representatives, U was Knid, do not upprecia.o "mt sentiment an the Vnited Stt.tes ill nt permit i-i Infinite prolongntion of the discussion owing to America's desire to get its sol diers home trom Europe " speedily as po-sible. J' 1 Acorilinu to persons close to the .,ident, he is said to have intimated t the others of the "big four" that unless thej, sessions begin to show real t.mcIij he will publish to the world the f.iets of ho is delaying the peace set tlement and why. Prompt Action Needed. Things must to a head quickly, according to the impression obtained by. American cougraasinen after u conversa tion with the presidenl yesterday. The president trnnkl.v iliscussen mnny ,, e problems und said he wanted to (Continued on page five) . Abe Martin ntlir awful waste o' time is.wor Tv n' over !h' dommti' affairs o' the a'.ricnl stars. F-nie fj!k don't like t a feller suceeej even if h'.'i work an ' fir th' Lord. MM I Americans la Siberia Refuse To Aid Japanese In Blow At Bolsheviki London. Mar. 31. Americin troops refused to cooperate with the J aptness in fighting the bolsheviki near Blag lovestcheuck, War Minister Tunaka declared in answeriug questions put in the Japniuse houe of representatives Wednesday, a Tukio dispatch report (d'U'day. Asked if the Americans' refusal to cooperate with the Japanese amounted to subordination, Tanuliu replied that the orders of "llcnoml Otnni, allied commander in that region, ure effect ive only when eonsistent with the prin eiplos of America's national policies. The Auieriean attitude, he said, prob ably was due to a different ? between the Americans and .Inpanese ns to what constitutes bolshcvisiu. lilitglovostehenslv of Aur, .just inside li'ouiier. tiitl) mills ivnsti-k line. i the province Chino Siberian h .vest of Vlad the nor! mm LAND CMS! Legislation Had Emergency Clause So Committeemen Beidn Work At Once. Alipointnicnt i.f the Ore jon state land -eltliuuent comniissien, as proiidrd by an act of Vlie recent legislature, was announced by (iovcrnor Olcctt. The net providing fur the criation of the coin-ini--iion may inimediately prrcrcd with its nurk. The following tnoinlers were named by the executive: ' Emery .t)in.-;tead, Portland, president of the Noilhwi,stern National bank. liuhert N. Stanfield, ."tanfiebl, iroui ineut farmer, stockman and capitalist of eastern Oregon. Whitniy L. Boise, TVirffaml. virtual ly father of the In ml in'ttlenient H't, ami prominent in affairs of Portland and the Willamette valley. (1, H. Baker, Bend, secretary of the Central Laboa council of that city, and endorsed by leader, of 1hc state feder ation of labor. Charles Hall, Mtirsh field, president of the Bunk of Southwestern Oregon sad of the Coos und Curry Telephone company and prominently identified with xuried iudmiritis in southern Ore gon . Selection Made Carefully 'Selection of the pcrsonne' of this board -was wade only after days of consi.lenition and after conferences with friend of the measure," said lidovernor Olcott in making public the names of the members. 'It lie. arnc up-1 parent to me curly in my ceiisiderut ion of the act that with but five members j oil itlie board it would be impossible to see that all interests were directly represented and obviously it became necessary to exert every effort in cov erinr the field as broadly as the limit ed size of the commission would allow. Aside, from the numerous iuti reMs in volved, ' go ifruphiiV-iJ cons'.ilnntioris had to b given careful attention as a matter of ja ti, ? to ull the slate. "Land settlement legislation is in .in experimental stae. particularly in this st;te, and as a result the success or (jilurc of it will depend largely upon tin; personnel of the commission . "iir. Emery Olnu-tcad, president of the Northni -'.ern National bank in Portland, is acknowledged to be one of the fiiiunciul leaders of the state: he has been active in hind settlement problems from the nturt and was a ii. ember of the old voluntary commis sion appointed ly Cljveruor Withy combe. "Mr. Whitney L. Boise was one of the prime movers in the land s-ttle-mcnt question from its inception, was also a member of the old enn mis.fi on, and it was largely through his activi ties that the present Idll was enacted into a law. "Mr. Robert X. Stanfield i;. known in every section vf the state. He is a practical farmer, with large holdings that h has developed by liis own ac tivities ard aside from h;s large stock interests ba placed his grain and oth er fanning activities ou a most scien tific basis. "Mr. O. H. Baker of Bend will rep res nt organized labor on the commis and comes from the heart of the rngatcd section which ha, a decided interest in scir.g the land settlement i(ue;..iun continued in a at. 'factory maimer. Mr. Baker received the hear tiest er Ioriem'M.t from the baiting men tin the ranks of the federation or la bor, who, with otbvr citizens. ay he is coas-rvulive, yet at vi-rtheless broad- Transportation Prowled For Civilians In Buda Pest By Edward Biug. (1'nited Press Stuff Correspond- Nit. BudaPest. March 29.-A Hun garian steamer was being Pre pared today to convey down the Danube to Belgrade any al lied or neutral citiaens who wished to leave the city. The trip will be miulo under the British flag. The Red army is ini-reusing daily. Eighty women at Szokcs fehea volunteered but were re fused. A soldier, 'convicted of rob bery bv the revolutionary tri bunal at Kcckskomont was promptly executed. This was the first execution since the soviet government was established. The educational commission t'aa introduced the study of .Mcrxisin in the schools. It has also asked university students assist in teaching the illiter ate population to rend and write. Horse racing has been prohibit ed, and all the race trncks will be utilized as vegetable gardens. J Cleveland Socialists Approve Program Of Reds Cleveland. Ohio, Mnreh 111. Cleve land's socia i-'t party today was lined up wi!h the Kussian bolsheviki and Her man Hp.rtacnns. At a meeting hero yesterday it adopted a program provid ing for: Establishment of a prololnrbin dicta torship and overthrow of capitalism. Organi.atinn of workmen's and sol dieis' councils to take over the govern ment. Direct mass action instead-of present political methods. Election of socialists for the purpose of "obstruction only. Propaganda for revolutionary mdin trial unionism. A new international dnciclist party with the boldieviki, the Nparlneana and other left wing groups as member. The meeting was secret, bix hundred members with paid lip membership cards were admitted. They include girls and women with children in their arms. flM SOCIETY URGED GET BEHIND GARDEN n . r l rrt ureaaizTtfnn Kasucsiea 10 Assist In Creating Interest 1 . . 1 i .. 1 , . Among Boys And Cirls. Huiierintcndeut Todld, f the city sidiools has recently received bulletiiu. literature and blanks from the niitinii nt bureau of education, apcaling to the instructor to take up the lu.ttei of garden instruction Bnd practice among the pupils, h9 a means of sup- plementing the work that is dune or I There wero 32D7 officar and ei supposed to be ilonrjs-by tho 'boys and I on the 8ibnney, of the following orgaa girls clubs in adding to the food pro jications: (l:(d infantry, badquarteii, diiction of the United S:ates. This .Sicond battalion subiiIt comrmnv and country in asked to produce 2H,000,0O0 ton,' of extra food ror rue Dcneru o the destitute in Europe. A definite program of instruction i na,i,.B and medical detacliiiitnts, head mapped out by K. E. Chapman, of the quartets, supply and machine gun rom rntional bureau, who presses to mo- nanies and compaaie A. iB. 1. K. L biiize the school children of the cnun - trv into "school garden army. inis(luii mmpany number 012. New York matter was presented to the different teachers -by Mr. Todd, and the cooMra- tinn of the children solicited, but con sidering the ristulU obtained in the 'wnr garden" campaign la.rt year, tt is difficult to lie optimistic, inn ici was pointo.1 out that the majority of boys who are old fnough to make any progress an gardening, are lookinif for work that wil! nny them more in mon ey than they could make out of garden operations. TurthcriiKiri it must te recognized that neither boy nor girl can be induced to take up any auch line of work unless there i Home ort of incentive before them either prof it or honors of omo form. Hero is lino of work tbnt haa been suggested for the .Sulem Floral aocicty, which might enlarge its acepo to take in gar den work a well as flower culture. A series of modest prize offere d to boys and girl f'r hih grade garden work , tania. They will Je returned to th or flower culture might result in bene-lcamp from wlrich they were mobili) fitting the children a well as in hekp-jed. probably in a week or twe. ing the appearance of thcs town I Tho other organizationa arriving oa which is in vast, need of improvement the Aquitanla went to Osmps Mills, according to the outspoken sentiment 0 an enthusiast who was recently a transient visitor in the lobby of the Marion hotel. He had made m - nii - oeea - SHIPWORKERS NORTH PAC1HC YARDS VOTETO DISOBEY STRIKE ORDER Seattle Men To Stay At Work And TacoTsa UiKons Refuse Walkout. Seattle, Wash.. March Sl.-Tl.ei-e writ ( be no shipyard a.rik, i. Seattle tumor- row, April 1. Despite the fact that Metal trade ' unions have been voting on th April 'l coastwise strike proposition during i . . . . . .. - .the lust week, no immediate action n iCUM" . , I , Hie result or me vo.e win 001 u- jmade publie until triday night, at n tho French pluB presented last w-k .nieeiing at tho labor temple. .'which propom-d that FrnnceN share of Ballots cast during the lust week will jaj,.,,,,,!,!,., ,e lo.Umi,OOU,tHiO. A prom -jj.ibe taken t Portlund to be officially in(ii( tinan(.ia) ,K.rt u, the I'nited cliecneu ny coinmineea or 1110 rm Coast District Council. In the meantime, local Metal Tradei officiuls are awaiting the return of their delegates from the Washington, D C. wane conference, who wircu Patur 'day asking that no strike action be tak en before their arrival. Tacoma Oppojca Stiilte. Taeoma, Wash., Mareh 31. ResitlH of last week's referendum vote on n .iituiwiiln atrikn fnr Anrii 1 rIh.w st'voi Tacoma ' Metal Trades unions ugainst ! the strike, six in favor, titid four no voting. The boilermukera' ballot is stilt lout. ' TI,o v,.t;.. .ill nnt . I'f,... llin r.n.t 1s"ipvarcl sitnatiou, as the proposed April I striKo nns Deen posiponc'i in- definitely. Metal Trades officers expected thr.4 final count would show the total indi idiinl votes of the union membership i favor of the nronosed strike, as the unions with tho largest nioiubeisliip have been tiro strike. (Continued a page tbroa) FIRST INFANTRY UNITS OF NINETY-FIRST ARE BACK Transports Maui, Siboncy And Alaskan Dock In New York This Morning. v. v,d, vr. ii ti. cii transnorts arrived h.r. trwl.. Maui, Siboncy and Alaskan . Tht Culgoa is scheduled to arrive this af ternoon . Returning on the Maui was Briga dier Ueneral Wanford B. Stnnaherry, commanding the 73d infantry brigade headquarters and enmnaniea of the IMith infantry, 65 officers and 217 men, the majority of whom were froat Camp Sherman. I Other organizations were casual com .panics j-.'-'o, ;ow .inmer, J-a(. noma aroiina, 122s, jmnois, nd na. 1 tend, aad special casual onipnv 71 73d infantry brigade headquarters, 15 casual officers ana Brest convalescent detachment numbera 1.11 to 135 ineliii ive. On the Alaskan were the 340th is fantrv field and staff. Hae.end anil , Third battalion headquarters ooinnanr. supply conSranv. mess detachment, mcd l ic.ul detachment and aompauiri E, P, ;, H. I, K, L, and M, forty officers end iixl men, and casual eomi.auies SU j Hn, c , Siboncy Ha Bib List ( companies P, 0 and II, 8ft officers and mil mn, 304th infantry, field and litafLhcailuuartcr Third battalion, ord jand M, 51 officers and 2Usi men; cn- special casual eompanic 18 and 1B, rtt. Nnzaire convalescent detachment number 130 and two casual officers. The C'ulgoa ha 104 mea of th fob M0wini? casual comoaniea: 382. Arkan ;,,. 3 Texas; 274, Worth Carolina; 2H9, scattered: 292, Tela; iHH, leas sylvania. The French dinar La Lorraine arriv ed later with fist) passenger including 237 officer and soldier of th follow ing casual corapanie: tt78, regular; 2477, sefitteredj JM78 Bonta Carolina; 24A0, Nebraska, and' 24M, acatMrrd; special easual aompany 1:474, for dis charge and four asna) offiMr. Camo Lewi Han Aboard The 347th field artillery, fifty af ficer and 27SS men from Campa rtbr- man,.Funtoa, ljnu and Dodge, amf ed At t.'amp llcrritt 11J, baring j reached port yesterday ca the Aqai Dix and I'pton to lit " cleaned up" b fore bein sent to their initial camps, Tuar were.: fc.ith diviaioa hendouarter , and headniiartcrs troons: 16fi;h field "6!G FOUR" SEEK TO PRUNE FREKCH CLAIM M 'Lloyd - George Suggests Coin- promise netmang Ainouiu Asked By trench. rans. a.c.. .... .,.,. .... -i to tni) principal sul jeet of discussion. An effort was to be made to dispose of thi problem, which is understood to have been chiefly instrumental indelay- ins tho peaeo work (tming tne past wek Promjer Llovit- Ucone, it was learu . rPiared to offer a aunsutute Press todav that the "lug four" had obtained the advice of several tinan ccu (he matlor ami t,ut lie "under stood the French proposal bntl neen headed off." Preach Claim Opposed. While the informant did not reveal the exact nature of the financier's ad .vice, he indicated that President Wil son ,iltl(j I.loyd-tieorge felt that 16.- lM)0,t)00,ODO was excessive, inasmuch as from 25,n0u,n00,OO0 to tu,(imi,nO0,(l00 linn heen nt'ieed on as the mnxiiniiiii of reparation. He, added that the situa- tiou is such that the i'reuch cannot ex pert tu get en excessive amount, Ueconciliation of the Preach view- i.nint with that of the Other nllil (, WSH admitted to present mui"i'"i prooieui win oe iipp.ut... r...,-... ..i. Iv, it was said. France has insisted on tierniany paying n large proportion ol the cost of the war. If she does not gel lis large an amount as she anticipated, then French people will be taxed heav lor and will resent it, according to French officials. On the other hand, (Continued on pngo two) SUBMARINES TO HELP LOAN Washington, Mnreh 20. Five Oer man auhinarinea, manned by Aniericun crews, will leave for the foiled Mates in lime to boost the fifth liberty loun, i Admiral Wins informed the nuvy dr 1 rartment. i Oiib of the five is the U-117, r, big Ult'nil IIIIUO abjl'i Ull IIS llHUiu vair w American wntflrs. It planted mines along th Atlantic const last year. Be cnuso of weather conditions, it la not expected they will urrive much before the latter part of April. In addition, it is expected that one of the big cruis er aubumrines will be procured later. American naval experts will study the boat during their stnv hero. SENATE HAY FIGHT OYER LEAGUE PACT First Skirmish Expected While Next Congress Is Being Organized. Wsit,ton, Mar. 31. The first ski rrt itk in the league of nations but tle probably will be fought while the next aetata in being organized, short ly before th opening of the coming eitna e$iioa. The aenata foreii'n relations com- tit, nslieaR of which will be dstv niincd at thai time, will be the center of tli id preliminary encounter poMibly I indioatiing which way the sentiment in th senate i. (waving. After th pence treaty, with the Ua gas vovenani in it, is sent to the sen at, oder present mien of procedure, it will ba referred to the foreign re!a liana Mcnmittsa. Thi committee mny report it favor sfbljr t, the senate, it may report it un favorably, or report it withiut recom Madatio or amendment. Parti e Bach Want Majorlt Whil the fommfltee report irr no way srilt indicate the final senate a tioa, tioth frien-i" and opmncnts of th league are alive to the preliminary advantage of a committee- report rav orinj thai tide. tut tin eaaon. Ixith aides are try- ing to crwnire the foreign relations tcommltte o that they will have th asajonty on it. Th first fight will come in republi can eausos. when an effort will he msde to fill the three or four repub lican vacancies on the committee, with leagae opponent-. Th next part of the name will tie ibetweaa -.republicans and democrat a I la whether there would be nine repub- I licana and eiubt democrats or ten re- Washington Asking Full Information On Concessions To Japs State Department Asks American Embassy At Mexico City For Full Report On Alleged Development Grant.-. In Lower California. Official Word Yet Lacking. Matters Of Irritation Between United States And Japan Accumulating Rapidly. Washincton. Mar. 31. asked the American embassy eport on the alleged concession of land m Lower Califor nia to Japanese interests. In making this announcement the department addeJ it had no official word from Mexico on the reported con cession, was unable to determine as yet whether the land was the sime as that to be sold two weeks ago by the Cal ifornia and Mexico Land Company to Japanese interests, whether the concession had actually been made or report of it merely sent out as a "feeler." -NEXT BEGiilS JUNE 2 With Exception Of One Yer- diet, Every Case Was Found For Defendant. The spring term of the circuit court, with Judge "Percy Kelly presiding came to a close Friday evening, March 2S. The summer term will begin Juno 2. In the term of court just closed a rec ord in tliv findings of tho jury wns nindo quite different from tho usual jur ies. With the exception of one verdict, every cuse On trial was found bv the 1 .1... .!.. I I ' t, ' I" : . :;..K , .lthe fireworks attending tho issue both won w.. that of H. M. Einlieott and Wultei er for Winslow suing the city of Turn an attorney's bill. There was a difference of about $02 between the bill presented to the city of Turner and what the Turner aldermen thought was right. Hence the Halem attorneys brought ' suit and introduced evidence from other lawyers to such an extent that the jury decided that Messrs. Kudi cott mid Winslow weru eulitled to the fee they cliurgi d, Tho city of Turner will pay he full bill hobbles all the ex penses incurred ill tho son. The first ense called for the past term of court was Hears vs. Dancer. It was a case of not having settled ev- rv year with it tenant and finally Mr. Hears claimed that Mr. Dancer used some hay not belonging t him. The jury figured that Mr. I)uncer owed nothing and Mr. Hears ill pay all costs for bringing the suit. Sued for Damage to Tree. Tho second ensu culled was entitled Bancroft Vs. Tho Huiinyside Telephone company. Mr. Bancroft claimed the company bad injured a tree to tne ex tent of (MOO und sued for triple (lam liges. lie didn't get ajiy but will be obliged to pay the costs of tho suit. The next suit was that of luderwood against, Conklin, involving a question of acreage in a land deal. Tho caso wns non suited and u directed verdict on the grounds that the time for filing suit and expired. Here again the defend ant won. Tim soil nf Kei-rY vs. Bvcerson In volved slock in a snwmill at Oates and: disclosed no furtaer cemmuiiicuuoos u.s. suit was brought for 2oW. As air. I the subject. This government i traat Herry lost, he pays th expense of the 'ing t the moderation and good judg Kuit, jinent of the present Japanese nniHrflry In the next caso, that of HaTlbeig to prevent any straining of existUs; against tho Cherry City Mi-Is, counter I amicable relutioiis, it can be stated an claims were put in by the defendant. ! tboritatively today. Instead of Mr. Hnllberg winning hisi Meanwhle the .jingo press of Japan, suit for 128, the jury figured that he a few headstrong military leaders aa4 owed the mill about 2U,6U. Thi L lotbcr extremist ontsi'le tne Ti.aio gov will pnv besides the costs of the suit. eminent, have tried to magnify and A liridgo nctoss tho Houtncrn Pacific. 'stimulate some little friction, pnriciilar riuht of way between Turner and Hulem ly in Siberia. Cable dispatches taitay was the cause of another suit, inerc : reported the Japanese war minister an wns oino doubt as to who was respon- nounced in the diet that American sible for the condition of tho bridge.! troops in Siberia had refued to fih Hut Mr. LaPoinl sued thn rnilioad and. with the Jnnaniso ni.;inst tho bobdui- lost, lie claimed criminal negligence on the pi.rt of the railroad. Mr, Lui'oint will pay the costs of the suit. Slug Given Defendant. In the case of Cropp v. Olson, in volving possession of diamond ring valued at 2.'0, the jury gave thn ring to the woman who claimed it had been given her by Dr. Cropp shortly beforo his death, January S, 1H19. The tdmin istrator of the estate of Dr. Cropp, not being satisfied with losing, has filed no tice of a pettiion for a new rriai. In the case of the tat v. Boy Green the Oregon Klectrie, brakesman who wn charged with contributing to the delin quency of a child, here ngain tho jury gavo its verdict for the defendant. A dispute in regard to earing for sheep was tho cause of the caso entitled La Follettc vs. Jones. Tho jury decided ks usual in fnvor of the Ccsvnnanf. It t fieured that Mr. Jones was entitled The state department today at Mexico City for a full By Robert J. Bender. (United Press Htaff Correspondent.) Washington, March 31. While prali ubly purely coincidental, Koveitbclra matter of irritation between tho Uni ted tslntes and Japanese govornuicat are beginning t0 accumulr.te. Issues involves marked differences ia ie point on the part of the rcscctiv" nations now include: 1 The question of race equality be fore the peti'o conference In Paris. 2 The Tien Tsin elali between, American soldiers and Japaueio. 3 - The ipu stion of American coopera tion with the Ji.paiuse in Hiberia against real tint) alleged bulshcvist fao tions. 4- Efforts of Japanese to get a foot hold in Lower California. Race Problem Conspicuous. 5 The sittiiition as regards tne Japa nese claim for race equality a an ui licle of the league of nations is clothed in secrecy ut Paris but is coiispif nous for the silence surrounding it there anil l!,li"''1 HB flml . Jtt'' ""' Tho two other issues are growing more anil mora prominent and there is likelihood of a showdown 111 friendly diplomatic fashion, on all three. Mexico has suddenly injected herself, into the sitiintion, according to advlcw here, by grunting concessions to a Japa nese corn corporation to exploit agricul tural lands in Lower Cuiiforniu. Th laud In question is understood to have been the property, by concession in IHSt of the Mexican Lund company. But llu Mexican government says this conccv sion is now void and the property bo ilings to the government. Thr.t the stute department will in quire into the reported rienl if it al ready has not done so was considered certain today. Two weeks ugo, wncn, it was reported that Japanese intercsta were trying to acquire a truci 01 lanu 111 1. oner vtnrornia 110m uiu aad Mexican Lan comuany of Los An geles, the elate department iuUicatcit such a purchase by the Japanese eoulil not be viewed without concern and thi I was taken to bu fneniiiy nonce 10 lican and Jiiinuiesc interests also. By forwardig and publshing the senate res olution of 1I2 opposing the sale of any proper! , by Americans t any nation which use the properly in n base from which !o ultnrk the I lilted Ntutos tha stale department is believed to hava acted not merely t0 keep clear its ahirU of American citiwns. ruction II Magnified. Hince then the state department h iki, owing to ua a'"arent difference in the respective Yankee ami Japaursa vie Wioint us to what constituted a bol shevist. This difficulty not regarded a seri ous here is understood to have has! its) inceiition ia the refusal of LcneriJ (Iraven, commander in chief of the Uni ted States Siberian foreci, to give sol dier sup'Mirt of Kolchak, Dcuikea anil other would lie dictators of the Kussian, conserve! iv factions. Japs Favor Factions. C.rives, guided from Washington, took the position that American arm should not be -used to further any wh-. pcrialistic or monarchist scheme. Ha insisting on maintaining the original purpose of helping the Czecho Slovak! through Siberia and preserving ordir among quarrelling factions. Tho Amer icans, eontmr to the Japanese, refusc, to take sides in these factional fights. (Continued on page two) (Continued a page three) (Conliantd 01 fage Ure) (Continued on page two) (Continued on page two) (Cor.tiajcd 03. page titrce)