Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, March 29, 1919, Page PAGE EIGHT, Image 8

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Pershing and Foch at historic Ver-
sailles. Yankee flier brings down
German plane, and hundreds of stir
ring scenes in which our own boys
alongside French, British and Italian
troops whipped Vie hun int- submis
sion. xuthentic and official motion pic
ture of the war, which gives you an
entirely new conception of its over
whelming magnitude.
Action from Beginning to End
some of y-aji-etaoinshrdluetaoinshr
All scenes taken by camera-men,
some of whom were killed in action
in order to give America these won
derful picturesthousands of troops
Four Flags in Last Big Battles of the
lifntrpaa Is Heme
! from (iennaa
I - ) h'xM'l Hi! MAlUbbUTSUAV
r n im m a m r - w-w .
fttm rrom uver mere j
General Pershing's 'Official Reoort 0
Tin- following ensuulues art roportod Cuvlor A Uilliurd, (Mum Ga j
by tin- coiiininiidiiik; yueni! of the Am-: Hilvi ;:rtl M Stephens, Okliiliutnn City.,
crii Hii i' x lii iniij.ij forces: Oklu. i
Dud of disease yi
Wounded slightly ..
Missing in action
Tut ii I
WintliMip ('. -'nmiii!tt. Altoonn, Fu,
...17 Sergeants.
.. 4 A l.'Xit inli-r P. lirown, VYhtyoville, Va
Frank II Hu.lil.-. Weir City Ksn
.. 41 L'divaid Justcui Coniinly, l'utti i'mui X
i l.i:n .1 Vaughn, Madison Win
Koburi Wuirou, .uslijllo Ti-nn
C Jipor.V.s.
Morgan 'Ii.v k . Living Va
1 1 1-r t liitnl F Cix, iVfi'iluiii X .1
William .1 lli'iiiic-M-v, I'hihiili'ipiiill.
.Vlwin M. Skiltnii. Lafayette Hill l'a
Cuy M n. v.i-ll, I'.d.mkiical Va
I'r.. in-is K N--it, ('iil.lanil Calif
August H Steves, Comfort Tost
.h'.m.-s V Sv.unsuii. .Now Carlisle lad
.) a mis V Virki-rs, Htithirfnrilton N ("
(Vok (ii'it;.1 A Campus, Lansing Mfli
I Finnic Mmvia B;;gley, Cherokee,
j I'rivatt' Humid (' Hiii huiit.n, 1'rliana.
l'vt. Ni'os W Hodds, I'lnii.Tn.v fa
I'M. Arthur Od-v.nard, Jeffeis Minn
i l'vt IVtor i W.dl'icr, tVibubuig Wis
I l'vt Oon H Smith Siioruinontu, Calif
Sgi Martin l l'... Ncvark X .1
M t immn mi mil itw afo MtOmammtm
ible otx
The Unquestionable
Looks like the costliest cars Does all that the costliest do. Yet, so low in
price so economical in upkeep that any one can now own this powerful, high
grade car. Note that this car is not an expxeriment, not a hasty make-shift.
Years have been expended in perfecting, and each model is more perfect
than the proceeding one, both in quality and workmanship. Low-priced cars
are not new; there will be more this year than ever. Rivals may follow us with
4-cylinder cars costing even less than this, but none can compete with us on a
Six cylinder car.
The novelty lies in a car that you can take pride in a large and luxurious
car a perfect and powerful carselling at a price like this.
There we have no competition. Not a car selling within $."00 of our
price can stand for a moment in actual comparison with the Oakland "Sen
sible Six."
The lines are handsome, yet conservative. The car follows, in this re
spect, the leading cars of the year. The finish and upholstering are the same
as are found in cars costing double this price.
Thus we give you a roomy and elegant five-passenger car not a car that
looks cheap because small.
Weight 2,100, which means a low tire cost, a low cost of upkeep. Power
sufficient for any requirement. We receive constant reports from our Oak
land owners that they are getting from 18 to 22 miles on a gallon of gas.
;,: ; .
W: ' 7
V V .
V a?
H. W. r.KWIH
Wlio will speak at the Llin Method
ist church Sunday mrnl-.ig, and at
the Jazon Lee Methodist cbttrch Sun-
da yeveulag
Cni-p Kii'il H (Siot'ort, St. l.miii Mo.
l'vt t'nd Xohor.Loitk N O
l'vt I'ruI K tvlmetz, BuffaU Lake
- , Killed lu Actiom .
Iiiout (loralil O Hliviu'i. KipoH Wis
Klilriilgo Hanson, WolU Brnck Me
Fred llnft, Limolii Vllor X 1
I.iiiiit It Huus, Makoti .V H
Curl Jalir, .laniin Norway
James I Mi Antiro, Ailwanis Uimt
Josso KilwanU Mi-OrKoWcti, Hinwutha
Kaim '
Churloy P Siliartz, Liieiae, X D
llaralalios Vusalion, Italy
David Knittol. Sask Oa-nnrla
Wilson B. Dodsoa, Norfolk T
Muxvi'll O I'arrr, Indianapolis Ind
D liiihnd 1'hi-lHii. Brooklyn N V
Henry (lennain, Bradford Uasx
Arthur (lokoy, Indian Orchard Muss
I Hui vot Liunbcrt, Jone8ill Ta
Mollie J Hmith. Defiance Oliin
j The four youths who had so much
, fun lu.t week tealinj nutoiiioliilcs and
I taking girls out for Into joy rules will
have plenty of tinie to think it over,
i Ted Kd'nr, Hurry Sheppard and Har
i vej- Biortii were all scat to the boys"
! reform scliool and Wayne Staples re-
turned to the boyi' and Jfirls' Sihuol at
I Purlin ml.
I Juut five minutes were required by
j the jury yesterday in the eimiit court
I to deeide that there was nothing to
I the 10.ll00 suit whii tt M. S. Hall
'! brought against Kred Denham for
; J alienating hiH wife's nffortions. The
. I evidenee inlroduoed in the case show-
led that Mrs. Hall and Mr. Denham
were merely friends and the proseeu
j tion i-iiuld introiiuee no testimony to
show more than this friendship. In
' faet, the most startling testimony was
j at a sm iiil Kuthering, Mr. Denham
'shook, hands with Mrs. Hall and he
held on about two seconds longer than
regular etiipietle rules permit. In the
five minutes th jury decided it
wasn't worth Jd0,000.
Discharged Yakima soldiers are re
ceiving payment of (he $00 bonus al- j
lowed by the government. !
The B. V. Johnson prune dryer at ;
Ciirvnllis was ib'stmyed by fire a few '
days ago. The k-ss was l-t0.
American Automobile Co.
197 South Commercial St.
Phone ::9i)
Salem, Oregon.
John T. Spencer fur many years a
resident of Oiegnn City, died at Ins
home in Unit city Monday, agi'd S
J years.
Mr. V. H. Brook anived in Bond
Monday from Udell, after traveling -U
' miles on kii over snow averaging
nine feet in depth.
TV. k M 7 F
i j me apni vie-1
l 1 D.iL.
iur dim l uuic
Records are
E.L. Stifs&Son
Clarort-e I.. Siev as, of Mac!: "oirj.
koro i.tt iok. He ri turi od a .-'::!
time a from ovorioa-, wh-ro he ht-l
boon captur.-d l tiio (iomuii:s in t!a
Argonne. October 2. llS. He was in
Ooiapant H. 109ih Infantry (kae-.ni at
IVnusylrauia X:.ti;nal t;:iar,ii.
His rtgiir.ei.t wont int.i trie Ar um.
diie Sept. Sr. Aftor seven J;.ys of
furioua fighting, i0 men of his rogi
mi nt bc-tiine apratod from the rest of
toe raiment, haviu advanced too far.
ilis captain was kiMod and t.ic only
coiBitissorod officer loft wi:h them, a
s-yunil lieutenant, ordered tlu-m into a
ditch for the night, lu the morning
the were aurround.d by Ctermsu ma
china gnus. The lieutenant was killed
and t scrgeaut ordered wr.at was loft
of theia to ot back to the American
lino.. Of the 200 men, the only ones
kuowa t0 ka'e rscaxd death were five
whom the Germans captured. Stevens
who kaibeoa wounded, was the last of
the fiT to b captured by the lines.
Theso fiT were trying to make their
war back to a first r.id station, as three
of them were wounded. Some of the
eouipanr were killed by Ciernian fire
and some by the Auiern-an Ourrago as
tk-T advanced so fu that they got
ahead cf the barrage the Yanks were
laying dowa.
Ktevons was trken t.i a Him I'r.iu -out.
Hero bis hand was bandagou his
tliuiub nut sot. As the result of Iho
troiitiiienl his tiuunb is badly twited.
He and others were laki u "bv f.vieht "
to (jerniorsheim on the' Rhine n few
days later ami confined in I.uz;' .rette
X:i. I of a prison liospit: I. Many died
there, through lack of pi-cper food,
inedkineB and treatment. After seven
weeks he was transferred to I.n.an tte
Xo. 3, where he wm released when the
French arrived the Inst of Xovcmliei.
When French doctors took ch-irio.
Oerimin womeu nurses were rought in.
French doi-tois, German nurses and
American (an allied) patients made an
interesting conibinaiioii. But one not
so interesting as the American dm tors
sad the Amcrimin hod Cross miros
that attended the wounded prisoners
tlu.t returned to the American hospital,
December l"i. at Dijon, France. In a
short time, Stevens mid ninny follow
wounded men who had boon prisoners
in (ieiniany were sent to Bord 'aux
where they sailed for America homo.
Mr. Stevens bus a brief diary of his
movements which is given below:
Wont to Camp Lewis June Id, 1018.
Transferred to Cauip Kearney, Califor
nia. Five weeks at Cnmp Kearney.
Then to On in p Mills. Finally embarked
from Boston. Trip neross 17 days.
Lauded at Southhampton. Sent to l.a
Ha y iv, thou to Central Fruncu whore
t nil n oil for two weeks tind trim' vrrert
to Stftk Div. Want into Aigomio drive
S-pt. ii."). Wounded and captured Oct.
2. After 7 wtcks, released by French.
Sailed for home Jan. (i. Sent to Camp
Sheridan, near Montgomery, Ahibamu.
After few weeks sent to Camp Lewis
for honorable dischnrge. Annua Ob-sarrsr.
s4y ILa rk 1 iLa
Jewel Oil Stoves
Let us demonstrate
the superior qualities
of the Clark Jewel
Oil Stoves. -- More
heat, less fuelthis
or.e item is worth
your while to look in
to. The Clark-Jewel is
a very well built stove,
has 'cast legs with
shelf between, as illus
trated. The time will
soon oe nere wnen
you will need an oil
stove. Let us show you today
4 5"S J U
, V . Ml
1 k o
Oulour Jhaal'
Trinity Lutherans To
Build New Church
Te members of the Trinity T.utlie'su
church are goon t0 commence the con
st rue.tiou of a new church which will
cost approximately ten thousand dollars.
It will b erected directly beside the
present church, on the lot formerly oc
cupied by the Trinity Lutheran sellout.
The school was recently moved to make
wur for the new building, bids for
which nre now being received by the
board of directors,
The main building will be fifty by
sixty feet, with a ten by twenty foot
addition in the rear. The structure roll
be complete, aid modern In every w
with a basement containing Sunday
40 Gallons Gasoline, $2
Have your (insulin? and AVTO
UOENSB COST bv using ''MO
TOBLIFE." One quart of " MOTolil.IFi:"
rnMs SV-VOO and will treat 160
gallons of gasoline mid make it
give more mileage than LH0 gal
lons of plain gasoline, thus sav
ing you 40 gnllons of gasoline
which at 2,T,-j cents or gallom
amounts to $.() that one onart
of ('MOTORLIFK" will save you
and in most cases a better sav
ing than this is made.
'MOTORLIFK" makes the
above aving for others, it will
do the same for you.
It eliminates carbon from your
motor, ridding you of 7-" ' per
cent of your motor troubles. The
improved service you will get
such is increased power, con,
ple'e lubrication, smoother rn li
ning, perfect ignition, ipiickcr
pickup, easier starting and less
effort in climbing lulls, is worth
niuuy tinm its cost for this alone
to sav nothing of the large gaso
line saving.
" MOTOKLIFF. " is sold under
a money back gtiaiantoe to save
J.'i per cent or better of gaoline
and to remove and prevent car
bon, i'se as per direction ,,11 can
A Trial Will Convince You
Absolutely harmless to auv motor.
Vnu run no risk. MOTOR
I.IFK" in your tank keeps dol
lars in your bank.
H. Ii. CLARK. Distributor
Marion And Polk Counties
l'li me 74
'!!! North Commercial Street
Snlein. Oregon.
Use "REVERE" Cord and Fab
ric Tires and your tire cost will
be lesa.
BELT1ER Fitall Bagsaiul
Suit Cases arc made
of the finest materials
throughout. In addition to
all the usual packing space
of an ordinary hag or suit
ease they have the added
feature of a patented ad
jusbhle strap that holds
your own toilet accessories
-ecurcly ard conveniently.
Ye carry them in a wide
variety of styles at reason
able prices. Come in and let
iu demonstrate their superiority.
x tr a
Genuine Leather hand
bag, in 16 and 18 inch.
Made in black, with
genuine leather lining.
Special $7.85
$17.00 trunk now $13.80
$14.00 trunk now $11.85
$ 9.00 trunk now $ G.75
$26.00 Bag now ....$19.80
$18.00 Bag now ....$14.80
$12.00 Bag now 9.80
$ 8.00 Suit case ....$ 5.90
$ 5.00 Suit case ....$ 3.80
$ 3.00 Suit case ....$ 1.95
chool class rooms. On the lunin floor at the penitentiary, vitniiing southeast
will be three seating sections, with u via Cottage Farm, Tiibeiculnr Suiiitnr
totul capacity of four hundred and f if-' iunf ami Itoform School to the north
t-y, including the balcony. A ladies rest city limits of Turner; thence oast uc
room will nlsu be on this floor and it islilinning al the east ctiy limits of Turner
planned to install a large pipe orgt.ii j tn the w est city limits of Atunsville;
in the building. The spiro will tower i thence running cast beginning at tlm
up for one hundred feet. east ciiy limits of Aumsvillo to the west
hi nee Iw-
The church will bo quite an addition j city limits of Sublimity;
to the city, and everybody will lake
pleasure in learning that it is to be con
structed. Silverton Appeal.
(Continued from page tne)
the Kcd I!aiti corner on the Knleni
stayton road, tuning cast to Goer, 4'o
Salem Mncleuy 12 miles. Beginning
at Durbin'H corner on the Salem-Stavton
I roud, thence east through Jtaclcny to
Shaw; tlictico cast from Shaw to a
I point one mile west of the Sublimit v-
Silverton road.
Salem-Stayton 17Vi miles. iogin
njng at the east city limits of Salem
gining ut the south ctiy limits of Sub
limity south to the north ciry limits rf
Saytun; thence cast tinvards Mehini-.i
two miles, beginning at the ' ast city
limits uf KtaytoH.
Turner-Marion 7 miles. Hi iuni..?:
at the south limits cf Turner, rnniiv;;
south to the aorth limits of Mar-on.
Jefferson Oreo a Hi idue inili !. H.--gijuinug
lit the south limits of Jeffer
son, running south to (Ireen Hridge.
Snleni-Liveslev S miles. Beginning
at. the south cit limits of Salem, run
ning fsiuthwcst to I.ivcsley station, 3
Liherly-Rosedr.le 2' miles. Beginning
nt the south end of the pavement to ho
constructed by the Liberty district,
souh two milea toward Bosedale.
Have you noticed the new Harley-Davidsons on the
street, at the school, and everywhere you go?
People buy Harley-Davidsons because they
know they will get service and satisfaction.
There has been more Harley-Davidson bicycles
sold in Salem, during the month of March, than all
other makes combined.
There's a reason, call and investigate.
Harry W. Scott
147 S. Coral St.
Phone C8