Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, March 29, 1919, Page PAGE SEVEN, Image 7

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Rat per word Stw Today:
XKa insenioa It
s week ( insertion!) 5e
tiae month (26 insertions) 17
The Capital Journal will aot be re
ponvble for more this on insertion,
Cor snort in Classified Advertisement!
ad your advertisement th first day
it appears and notify ut immediately if
SBTor occurs.
Minimus eharge, 15.
WASTED Furnished house by April
Is or 15th. Phone 355. tf
MOTORCYCLE for sole. Phone SF23
evenings. tf
BUGS cleaned 35o per rug Phone 18.
L. L. Buckner. 4-4
"WANTED All kinds of chickens. Will
pay top price. Phone 1339J. tf
IOGANBERRlf plants for sale. J. P.
Aspinwall, Brooks, Or. Phone 35V
12. tf
WANTED Experienced grafters at
Fruitland nursery. Phone J11F21, Sa
lem Bt. 6. tf
TOR SALE 6 room house and lot,
$ 1000, call on my agent, win. Fleni
ing, 341 State St. tf
FOR SALE Good loganberry wire.
Capital Junk Co., 271 Chcuieketa.
Phone 398. tt
L. E. HUTCHISON, 248 State 8t
Phone 311. Overland service and
general repair shop. 4-7f
WALL PAPER IS cents per double roll
apward. Buren'i Furniture Store, 179
OommerciaL tf
WE PAT highest cash price for eggs,
pork, veal and poultry. Willamette
Transfer Co, 171 8. High St. Phone
1400. tf
OREGON strawberry plants 50c per
hundred, $3.50 per thousand while
they last. Why pay more. Cues. Hart,
Jefferson, Or. 4-1
TOR SALE At 1260 Jefferson St. a
nice little house and' lot for $325;
can give terms; act quick, for this
is a bargain. Z Y P care Journal, tf
.WE HAVE on hand a few tons of mill
run foT sale, at a bargain Willam
ette Valloy Transfer Co., 171 South
High St. Phone 1400. " tf
CENTER Street Garage just opening
a goncml repair shop; cart washed
and polished. 245 Center St. Phone
927, J. W. Hunt, prop. 4-15
NORTHWESTERN Nursery, Rt. 6.
Fruit trees, roses and shrubs. Special
low prices on certain lines. Phone
111F3. tf
FOR SALE Clover hay $25 per ton;
clover seed 50e ier lb; apples $1.75
tier bushel. Bt. 6, box 51, Phtne 23
F21. tf
FOR SALE Russet BurOank seed po
tatoes, best potato on market; also
have clover hay for sale. M. Kipping
er, Ocrvais, lit. 2, box 1. 4 2
147 ACRES all under plow but 7 acres
' (timber.), fruit, woven wiro fences
Isarn and silo, 0 room house; easy
terms and cheap; Phone 505W . 3-31
JOOD rooming house to lease, 30 rooms
partly furnished; will lease, very
reasonublo. Inquire 500 N. Com'l
St. or phone 1549M. tf
FOlt SALE White Leghorn and Ore
iron setting C229 $1 per setting. Ba
by chicks $10 per hundred 70S 8.
13th Bt. 41
HIGH school girl can have nice home
in exchange -for help, outsida of
school hours. Cull at 391 N. Cot
tage. 329
229 State Street
If yon want to buy or sell a
ear come and see me.
1917 Ford good as new, all new
tires, a good buy.
1917 Maxwell 5 pass, $425
Maxwell delivery ear $325
6 pass. Harwell $275
Detroit, bargain, $250
Paige Detroit, starter and lights
fltndob&ker, 6 cyl. perfect condi
tion, $480
Hudson 6 cyl, good as new, $1000
1916 Buick 4 cyl. perfect condi
tion, $550
List your property trade with me.
Phone 867
314 Masonic Bldg. Salem, Ore.
FOR SALE Good white bean for
I seed. Phone 101F2. 5 8a
HEMSTITCHING and pieot at Singer
Sewing Machine Co. 337 State. 29
I'LL PLOW your garden. Phone 1601.
SALE Good fresh Jersey. Call
hone 53F13. 4-1
i WANTED To rent 5 or 8 room mod-
cm house,. A 13 cure Journal. 4-1
WANTED To buy cattle and calves,
any kind. Phone 1575V. 4 29
45 ACRES good farm land for sale.
Phone 825 after hours. J-29
5 ROOM modern house for sale. 435
N. 20th or phone 212SR. 3 31
FOR SALE Mahogany Buseh and
Lane piano, bargain price. JJ25
Hines. tf
FOR RENT Clean apartments for
clean people at the Miller, 633 Fer
ry St. tf
FOR SALE Good garage 12x16, now
forge, 13 secondhand house doors.
1925 State St. 3-31
BLACK Minorca eggs for hatching, fl
per setting. B. H. Chamberlain,
West Stayton, Ore. 3-31
WANTED Married man for ranch,
one with team horses preferred.
Geo. L. Rose. 3 31
FOR RENT 1 large sunny sleeping
room and two unfurnished apart
ments at 712 State. 3 29
FOR SALE Light IBrahmja (pullets.
E. B. Flake, 590 S. 17th St. Phone
1040J. 3-29
FOR SALE Second hand lumber, awn
ing for store building, size 15 ft.
Call 1449 Trade St. " 3-29
1 ROOM house for rent cheap, large
lot, good garden. Inquire 260 Marion
street. 4-3
FOR SALE Gold Coin seed potatoes,
also one year loganberry plants.
Phono 10OF32. tf
FOR SALE 5 room house, large lot,
barn, plenty fruit. 406 N. 44th.
call after 5:30 p. m. 4-4
FOR SALE Fresh cows. N. II . Ut
ter, Jefferson road. Phone 9F23.
3 31
FOR SALE 7 room house, barn, on 1
acre, acre choice fruit, close in,
cheap for cash. 504 Belmont St. 4-1
WANTED Second hand piano, excel
lent condition and reasonable. Phone
1415. 4-1
WANTED .Middle aged woman to
take charge, of hotel. Insuire 4.19
State. tf
WANTED Small pigs. Fhone 69F2.
WANTED A janitor at the Willam
etto sanatorium, a middle aged sin
gle man preferred. 4-1
l'Ol'lt fuluro foretold. Send dime, age,
birthdnte fnr truthful, reliable, con
vincing trial rending. Hazel Hmn;
Box 1408, Los Angeies, Cal.
CAL. WIDOW 32, worth $25,000. Maid
en 21, worth $00,000 anxious to mar
ry honnrnih'lc gentlemen. Mrs. Warn,
221(ili Temple, L,s Angeles, Cal.
I nAVE left for sale a few artichokes
They make cheap feed for all kind
of stock. It is a good time to plant.
1 also have hay, seed wheat and
choieo clover ae d for ale. John II.
Scott, 404 Hubbard bldg. 3-29
FOR SALE House and 4 lots, paved
street, car lino, 7 rooms, garage, barn
chicken park, running water; etisy
terms or trado for close in. Phone
505W. 3 31
FOR SALE To the one that wants a
country home, only 3 miles from
heart of the beautiful city of Salem,
20 acres all in cultivation on good
Toad, 5 room house, all good out
builds; also a 10 acre place oil in
cultivation and fruit, a bargain if
taken at onee. Enquire at Et. 6, box
13, Salem, Or. 3-28
FOR RENT 70 acres, 24 acres for
grain, 10 acres hops, about 700 bear
ing orchard, mostly peaches and bal
ance pasture; share rent. Located
half mile west of Wapato station,
Yamhill county, Or. Address Wm. H.
Egan, Gervais, Rt. 2. Phone 3F11. tf
FOR SALE 8 pigs. Phone 44F3. 3 291
i)B SAL.K Buic-k light four, lyia j
model, Wilson garage. A snap. 329
FOR SALE Good 5 room house ehesp
25 rare Journal. 4-2
FOR SALE 3U inch wagon wit- grav
C4 UUA ftiJ. JJ'iJ . irc-J- kr,
SALESMAN and collector wanted at
337 State 8t. 4 4
SEOONIHANl Ford for sale at bar
gain, $400. 197 S. Com! St. 3 28
LOST 'Dealers license 515-A, please
return to 233 S. Commercial. Phone
362. d31
FOB KENT 3 eity lota for garden
purposes. Phone 1045 . 4-1
LOST 3 keyg on leather case. Leave
at public library. 3 31
WANTED Experienced girl for gen
eral housework. Call 635 Oak St. or
phone 989. 3 29
FOR SALE Cheap, my $200 talking
machine and records used less than
3 months. Call 1640 Hall St. tf
WANTED 12 Plymouth Rock pullets
Address F. D. Brooke, Rt. 2, Ger
vais, Or. 3 29
FRESH milk goat and kid for sale, $33
Also new tent 12x14, 5 ft. wall, $16.
Call 449 S. 18th. 4 3
COMPETENT young lady wishes house
. i. . ..: .,
V.V1H fOJ K lllvrillu, IVU IVl
erences. 9S8 S. Liberty St. 3-29
WANTED A girl for general house
work. Apply 335 8. Winter St. af
ter 6 p. m. 3-29
FOR SALE Or exchange for country
property, on acre home place. 8
room house, every convenience, fruit,
garden and berries. On paved street
near car line. Fhone ownet 2440.
FOR SALE 5 acres well improved, 6
room house, good barn, chicken
house, 45 fruit trees, y, acre straw
berries, some logan and black ber
ries, good location, 'near esr line.
For particulars address H. G. Love
land, St. 4, box 8A. , 4 1
NIGHT 8-81
FOR SALE 480 A In Jefferson coun
ty, 150 acres in crop, 40 head Dur
ham cows, increase about 20 calves,
1 registered Durham bull, good house
barn partly finished, with lumber to
finish on place; some timber, some
pasture and all tillable land under
Suttlo lake Irrigation projort. A snap
at $8000. Address M J S eare Jour
nal, tf
It is cheaper than paying ren,.
Anyone of the following homes may
bo bought on easy payments:
6 room bungalow; 3 bedrooms; ce
ment basement; furnace, garage;
$:W50. $500 down; $23 monthly.
Psvod street.
8 room bungalow just off paved
street, largo lot, cement basement
and furnace. Well arranged inside.
$2750; $o(K) down, $25 a mouth.
5 room bungalcw, fine lot, good
school and cur; 10 blocks from Ma
souie Tcmplo. $1050. $300 down, bal
nnco easy.
0 room bungalow near the aouve.
$1850. $100 down.
5 room bungaelow, fine lot, good
fruit, barn, no basement, paved
street. $2000. $500 down.
6 room bungalow in Englewood.
Ijirgo lot $21100. $500 down.
5 room bungalow on 8. Cottage
street. $1300. $300 down.
5 room bungalow well arranged;
barn. $1500. $300 down, balance $15
5 room bungalow with full basement
Nearly new. $1550. $300 down. Bal
anco easy.
6 room bungalow in Depot addition.
$1350. Eay payments. ,
8 room house just off E. State street
$1750. $-500 down.
7 room house with barn; chicken
houses and yards, fine fruit, and six
large lots in Englewood. $2750. $50
4 room plastered bungalow $050.
Easy payments.
7 room house with all modern con
veniences except furtiace and base
ment. Garage. Fine fruit, six large
lots $3800. $500 down.
0 room bungalow on Fnirmmint Hill
with two good lots, $2750. $500 down
Strictly modern house of six rooms;
two large lots and beautifully sit
uated; all kinds of fruit; chicken
house and yard. $4000. $500 down.
call around and tnlk it over with me
for an appointment.
On my list I have over 500 Salem
homes for you to select from, and
if you see it
Yon will save time and money.
from $H00 to $30,000.
And nn pavments to unit all pnres.
215-216 Masonic building
"Just Eal Estate. "
n ATri Boarders and roomers
at 1120 Center St. rhonel074. 4 1
St. Phone 2454W.
trade or rest.
acre tract for
Phone 270M.
ROOMS for rent, front apartment, 435
N. Liberty. 3 29
CORNER lot 2 blocks from state house
grounds. Phone 505W. 3 31
TO KENT Garden well fertilised.
Phone 505 W. 3 31
FOR RENT Sleeping rooms at 153 S.
muren. .--
WASH , polish and grease youi ears
at 320 N. Com St. 4 4
FOR SALE One fliain drive Ford
truck, real bargain. 337 Court St. tf
WE are in the market for wheat, also
wheat head screening for sale $20
per ton. Cherry Citv Flouring Mill.
LOST Between Salem and Dallas
31x4 tire, on rim. Finder please re
port to Journal offiee. Reward. S 31
WANTED Men "to work in hop yard.
i'none 581, T. A. lavejley & Co.,
top floor Salem Bank of Com. 3 31
MAN and w-ife (middle agre prei. id)
wanted to tane charge of .Hotel
Klinger, 459 State St. tf
MAN wants work, any kind, or as jan
itor; ran firo steam boilers. X 75
care Journal. 3-29
FOR RENT Until Sept. 1st, 7 room
modern bungalow, good location.
Z 24 eare Journal. 3 29
FOB BALE 100 acres first river bot
tom land, Vi under cultivation, no
gravol, near good town, paved road,
price $100 per acre; $4000 down,
balance easy terms.' Agents or trad
ers need aot) apply. Address Box 413
Independence, Or. 3 31
I HAVE a eouple of good renting and
ueome properties t uorvallis, well
located, that my client would like
to exchange for Salem property, as
more convenient for him to handle.
Any one removing to Corvallis can
get a good exchange, if they will see
William (Fleming, agent, at 341
Btate St. room 7, Salem. 3-31
NoUsm la hereby given that I have
impounded the following described
dogs in compliance with ordinance No.
1404, towit: One male white mongrel,
weight 25 pounds; one male yellow
dog. weight 20 pounds; one male spitz,
35 pounds; one female spite, weight
30 pounds; one young Irish setter,
male, weight 35 pounds. The above de
scribed dogs will be killed if not re
Beemcd by owners, on or before March
31, 1919, as provided in said ordinance
w. a. uw,
3 29 Street Commissioner
Scaled bids for the furnishing to
school district No. 24 with 345 eordi
of slab wood and 245 or more cords of
first and second growth fir. Specifi
cations are on file at the secretary's
office, 371 Slate Ht. The right to re
ject any and all bids is reserved.
raeh bid must bo nccnmimnird by ft
certified check in ten per cent of the
amount of such bid, which check will
b yetnrsed where bid is net success
ful. Bids Will be opencil at the rig
nlnr meeting, which takes place on
April 8th, at eight p ni.-
April 5 Secretary.
to buy first class berry land at snap
1 have personally inspected al.l tho
following properties and can recom
mend each one as being an excep
tionally good buy.
10 Va acres with house, barn, etc.,
$2000. $4110 cash, balance rimy.
10 acres with 3 acres in lognns; 2j
acres cherries, wiilnuts, prunes, etc;
1 acre eurrants and gooseberries and
2 ncres strawberries. All woven wiro
fenced. 2 room house; barn, etc.
82 acres of choice bottom land 3'
miles out of Salem. $100 an aerc.
10 acres with 8 acres bearing prunes
6 room bungalow; barn. 4 miles out
of Salem on main road. $2100. $500
down, balance monthly at 7 percent.
9'j acres in 10-year old prunes with
strictly modern 7 room bungalow.
Pino location. $0,500. This is a mon
ey making heme.
8 3 4 aerc, with 6 acre, in loguns.
No building. $2750.
15 acres of choice berry land just
east of Salem $3750. Has fair build
ings. 20 acres with 4' acres in logan.
Fair buildings. Well located. $4700
Would sell 10 acres without improve
ments for $2700. Fine berry propo
to advertise ALL my listings.
If you contemplate buying land for
mall fruits, Kee
Masonic Building
"Just Heal Estate" tf
SACRIFICE SALE D3 acres red hill
prune soiil, 70 in cultivation, 20 in
second growth fir 4imbr and some
oak and some pasture with spring;
nearly all under woven wire fmce,
cabin and shed barn; 114 miles to
school and church, 6 miles frem r'a
lcm $fi(X if taken at once. Address
owner Route 2, box 131, Salem, or
call 18F13 after 7:30 p. m. i 29
WANTED An experienced young la-
dy wants dish washing . r chamber
maid work. Call at 193 N. Front I
street. 3 29
TRACTOR for sale, 8-16 Mogul in good
running order, $450 for quick wile.
William H. Trindle, Bank of Com
merce building, Salem. 3 31
FOR RENT Fully furnished 10 room
house $23 a month. Two suites of
housekeeping rooms could be rent
ed from it. Niemeyer, Masouie Tem
ple. 3 29
LOST Wednesday afternoon, gold
breastpin, oval with circle of pearl
sets. Leave at Sundin's Tailor shop,
347 State or phone 982J. Reward.
WANTED To rent or buy on install
ment plan, house with fire or more
rooms, and garden area. State low
est rental and selling terms. Mrs.
Emma M. Westfall. Shi-dd, Or. 3 31
WANTED Woman for general house
work on farm. No heavy washing.
Write Mrs. P. T. Frizzell. Kick-
real, Or. 3-31
FOR SALE Cheap, 2 large teams, wt.
KuO to liW lbs. each horse; 2 are
mares tho other 2 horses; 1 mare is
6 the other 9, true and no blemishes;
1 good heavy wagon. 8. C. Cleve
land, Rt. 2, Dallas, Or. Phone 207,
Falls City. . 3 29
WILL SELL fullv furnished 5 room
cottago for $1500. Furniture in
cludes $NO(l player piano, $90 steel
range, $0O s'wing machine, brass
beds, etc., etc. House is small anil bo
is the lot but it is a snap buy and
a comfortable "ready made" home.
Will give terms if necessary. Nie
meyer, Masonic building. 3 29
A small residence on 25th near State
St. for $550 on terms. This is very
A modern residence on State street
near state house.
Two nice residences on Court street,
close in. -
Two modern houses .on South Com
mercial St. close in, small cash pay
ment, remainder monthly if desired.
5 room residence on South C'ottae,
hard finish, bath, toilet, fruit and
berries for $1000. A bargain.
8 room houe and 3 nice lota on
(North 4th St. at $1250, cheap at
404 Hubbard building
Several . choice lots on paved
street, has cement walk and nice
fruit trees from $250 to $400 on
monthly payment. Buy these lots for
speculation, they aro very cheap.
The town is on the move, now is
tho time to get in on tho ground
john h. scon
404 Hubbard bldg.
160 acres of first elase berry and
prune land, 10O acres under cultivation,
lm la n co timber and pasture; good set
of farm, buildings, rock road. Price
tii per acre. Terms.
44 ucre trad, 30 acres cultivated,
balance pasture and timber, house and
barn, family orchard, spring vwttcr, 8
acres of young prune orchard, some lo
ganberrie. Price $4000.
4.81! acre tract, 3 acres under cul
tivnticn, lia!rn.".u patrtt, 1 im logan
berries, fiiinll house. Price $1200.
Well improved 24 acre tract, 10
acres biariiKj Italian prune orchard,
family orchard, sinie timber running
water, fine set of buildings, good nmd
Price $12,000.
03 acre farm, nearly till cultivated.
best of land, 5 room hmisi', burn, fam
ily orchard located S miles east, of Sa
lem . Price $ 1 15 per acre .
15 ncre tract all cultivated, 10 acres
of Italian prunes, located on main rock
road, good location, l'rit $0200.
.10 acres of good loganberry land, all
cultivated. .ri mile, south of Salem.
Price $14'lO.
310 aero Howell Prairie farm. 240
acres cultivated, balance timber and
paHlurc, house and barn. Price $155
per acre.
11.24 acres of first class soil, all
cultivated, 6 acres in grain, 6 loom
house, barn, well, lyrics $2100.
10 acres all cultivated, house and
barn, well, good berry land. 'Price
$2HO0. Terms.
1(12 a're dairy anl grain farm, all
cull i v ut cl arid in crop, two guml Iiimis
c, fine barn, best of soil. Price $12."
per acre.
082 acre farm, 300 acres in cultivn
tion. This is a fine grain and stock
farm. Set, of farm buildings. Price
$100 per acre.
140 acres of first class farm land,
100 acres in cultivation and in crop,
balance pasture and timber, running
water, best of dark toil, rok road.
Price $85 per acre.
100. acre farm, K'O acres in riilliva
tion, balance pasture. Good house,
barn; 40 acres in crop, 2 miles Irom
town and railroad. Price $12,500.
50 acre tract, .'!() acres in cultiva
tion, balance stump pasture, two hous
es, barn, hearing fruit. Price $10,000
5 acres of 8 year old Italian prunes,
located 6 mileg from Salem. Price
20 acres of bearing prune orchard,
10 acres petites, 10 acres Italian.
Pricn $S()00. $4500 down.
5(1 acre prune and grain ranch locat
ed 4j miles wutk of Salem, 1H acres
in bearing prunes, family orchard, 40
acres in cultivation, pasture ami lim
bcr, fine spring, fl rinm house, mrge
bam and other outbuildings, rock road
ll'ri-e $13,000.
! If you want to buy, trade or sell,
275 State str'et
FRANKLIN touring ear for sale, 744
N. Commercial St.
YOUNG calf for sale,
mings. Phone 7oi'rj.
B. L.
4 1
FOR SALE Loganberry plants $15
1000. F. J. Wolf, Rt. 9, box 13.
J 31
TRADE extra good double seated bug
gy, rubber tire, leather -eatb, for
good fresh cow. Phone 37F2. 3 2
WANTED Experienced millinery
sales lady. FuUertona, ask for Miss
Larsen. 3 29
WANTED Young man to take charge
of atoek department, experience not
necessary. F. W. Woolworth Co. tf
5 ROOM house for rent, 'close in; else
have some Belgian hares for sale,
560 N. High St. 4 1
FOR SALE Or lease after April 1st!
house occupied by Judire tins. A.
John, 2ii0 N. Capitol. Phone 58ftM.
'FOR SALE 25 acre of choice land
1 nines rroru city limits on tne ra
cifie. highway, 20 acres in cultiva
tion, a few acres set to orchard and
berrie.o, fairly good farm buildings
fir $tS5iH). All good orchard and ber
ry land except about 4 acres. This ii
the 1m et buv around Sulenu John II.
Scott, 404 Hubbard bldg. 3 29
k SIX room bungalow on North
Broadway, lot (0xl20, on the r
ner, and small bnrn. Price $1500;
will trade for twenty or forty a. ics.
29'i ncres, 64 mile from Salem on
Wheatland road. 21 acres in cultiva
tion, 3'd acres orchard. AH mads
of fruit, good house, good well, wind
mill tank, on good gravel road( $7,-
Five room house on Bellevue street,
two lota, $2000. $200 down, plenty
of time on balance.
Four room cottage on North Sum
mer street, on car line. Bath, toilet,
lot 45x110. Cherries and small fruit.
Price $850. Can assume $275 at 5ft
percent, payable monthly.
Fine home at 1780 Court street. See
ing is belioving, price $4000, good
terms. Come to the office for par
A ten room house on 14th street,
largo basement, large kit, street pav
ed on two sides all paid, exchange
for a good six or seven room houss
with large lot and garden and barn,
not over fifteen block from the
court, house.
Five room bungalow on North 20tb
street, $1300.
Eight room house, three lots on N.
Commercial, $1300.
One acre, five room bungalow on
South Commercial street near ear
line, lots of fruit, $1600.
A large brick building on North Lib
erty street for sale or rent, at a bar
gain. A large house on Bummer St, eloes
to state capital What will you give
A nice 6 room bungalow on Liberty
St at $1600.
A good 7 room house, all in fine eon
dition and quite modern, only one
Mock from good school. $15(10.
If you are looking for bargains see
me at once. G. W. Laflar insurance
man, 405-406 Hubbard bldg. tf
Good 4 room plastered house located
in Sulem Heights, private wutcr sys
tem, some furniture goes. Price $13110,
$200 down, bnlnnco $25 per month, 8
'IH'r cent interest.
rive room modern bungalow locateil
ni l"M5 Wn.:h V:"h rcrt
4 room modern house locuted at 1075
South Church street, Price $i2.iil.
5 room house located at 1008 North
5th street, puved street. Price $5d;
' cash, balance 3 years percent int.
Fine 5 room modern bungulow and
two fine lots, bicaied on Km mount
Hill, east front, corner lot. Price $5,
5 room modem bungulow at 1010 N.
20th street. Price $1500. $500 down,
balance terms nt ti percent interest.
8 room liiiuie at 11103 N. Inth streot
two lots, blaring fruit trees. Price,
Strictly modern 7 room houso Incut
cil on North Summer street. Price $4,jH
400 ensb. I
ti room modern house located at 930
South 13th street. Price $1250.
fi room modern house located at 256
North 20lh street, two fine lots, bear-
ing fruit. Prico $30om.
7 room iVdern !knwn located on j
Pnirmount Hill, l"55 Kir street, furni '
tare goes, east front lot, sightly lca- i
tion, bearing Irnit, garage. Price
Modern 9 room bungalow, located on
Fairuimint hill. 1725 'f ir lreet, euM
front, bearing fruit. Price $joo(.
7 room modern house l.xated al
13l State street, two fine lots. Priro
5 room modern bungulow four b Winks
from Bush bank, Price $3150. 00
T acre of land located ' on paved
street. 8 room modern house. This i
.InH.n i .-r ... n A iw, ... ,1 t . n I
a fine home. Price $5000.
If you wont to -buy, trade or mil.
275 State street
Plunblnir and Water Systems Installed
bj GBABEB BROS, 141 South Liberty
6t Phone 650. Also agent for Fau-
banks Morse Gas Engines.
mm itn-i.
d. h. mosher
high class ladies
WANTED To rent good dairy turn
share rent. Address Z care Journal.
, ' 3ZI
FOR SALE Studebaker 20, light car,
in excellent mechanical condition;
good tires, $275. Wilson's garage.
3 L'J
WANTED Experienced man and wifs
on farm, separate, wood, milk anl
garden spot furnished. " Prevailing
wages paid. Mrs. W. Al Jones, Gei
vais, Or., Rt. 2, Phone 3F12, 4 1
-Between S. P. depot an. I
Cottage on Ferrv street, one blacsl
fur neckpiece. Return to 712 State
reward. 3-iw
BAN4.1I WANTED Wanted to heur
from owner of good ranch for sab.
Stat cah price, full particulars. 1.
F. Bush, Minneapolis Minn.
SPIRELLA corsets told by Alice A.
Miles, 1106 Leslie fit. Measures tak
en, fit guaranteed. Ilsraa Thurg. af
ternoons. Phone 1425R.
FOR SALE One spring wagon for
one horso; one Acme harrow ant
other farm articles. Phone 2500JI.
4 r
FOR SALE At 744 N. Cottage a new
sanitary couch, china clorn't, whit
enamel wash stand, book rase, oa'tf
screen and water motor washing mi'
chine. - . 3i9
93 ACRKS of fine farm and orehar.t
land for rent to reliable party. Cnll
Monday. A. C. llohrnstedt, 401.
Masonic Temple, Salem, Or. 3-2!
5 PASSENGER White ia car fcr
sale or trade for light ear. Al
Cadillac truck for sale. 233 S. Com
mercial tit. Phone 302. 3 M
FOR SALE or trade, corner lot, ouo
block from colleges, Corvallis, $750.
1 acres 4 room house, well, loggin;
town, rents $10 per month, $(i00. Ad
dress F, Rt. 3, box 90, Snlem. 3 81
MARRY if lonely; for results, try me;
meat reliable; years experience; de
striptiooa free. "The Successful
Maker"; hundreds rich wish mar-.
jiage ;soon; strictly eonfiaiontiBJ;
best and most successful "Home
Club," Mrs. Purdie, Bux 856, Oak
land, Cal.
31 ACRES four miles out, six acre
prunes, six room bungalow $2100.
9 acres one mile out, part good ga
den land, only $1750. 10 acres half
mile from fair grounds on BilvertOi
road $2000. 1110 acre farm well im
proved, five miles out on main road,
$125 per acre. Six acres fino garden
land one mile out fur rent. Pori
for sale. F. L. Wood, Bay no bldg.
3 -at
Wulk into your home some
spring afternoon, as though
you wore a ttranger. Does your
home possess all the charm and
beauty that you think it
should. If not, make a list of
the old furniture you can get
along without and send it to
, Frank F. Iiiehter't furniture
store and either trade it fur
sc c r s.",! fur ctinl,.
Jimt received shipment of
Toledo Kiingos. Trade your old
stove for a new -one.
Frank F. Blchtcr Furniture
Storo, 373 Court St. Phono 217.
Are now able to take
care of your plumbing
wants in their new loca
tion, 220 North Com
mercial street. Phone
Pioneer Oi Silverton
Buried Friday Afternoon
Mrs. Harriet Moser, agcil it years.
(died at her home in Oregon City ow
i Wednesday of lust week and was buriea
' '
i"' "' '. "T Service, were held
in the Miller church.
Mrs. Muscr was one tf tho carry pio
neer of Oregon, crossing the plains in
1813. She lived in Silverton for ninny
years, mid went to Oregon City about
years ago where tho family has sine
folded. She is survivid by her luis
taud and a large fnmil- of childn-ii.
Among the relatives from abroad who
attended the funeral here were Mr. and
Mrs. Walter Mr.v, Mr. and Mrs. Silax
Moser, E. D. Moser, E. K. Moser, Perry
t'liamiiess and Mr. and Mrs. John Scott.
- Silverton Tribune.
The Journal Job Department
i will print yov anything In the
j stationery line do it right and
1 save you real money.