Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, March 29, 1919, Page PAGE SIX, Image 6

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To delight .and dazzle with Magic and Mystery
"The Man in
Nell Shipman
A great western feature
"Man of Might"
t rTO rv
Dr. 8tone caret where
Doctors fail. Prominent
Woman Becommends his
On the ground that the line will be
of vast importance, aa well as a means
of effecting economy In transporta
tion, Senator McNary has appealed to
tlio railroad administration for an ap
propriation of several million auuam
for illie completion of the proponent
nit off from the Southern Pacific
which is iplanried to leavo the present
line at Oak Ridge, in Lnno county, con
nect at Kirk, Klumath county. Ac
cording to. surveys over the lino this
route would shorten tlio distunco bo
twoen Kugouo mid Sun Francisco very
niatoriully arid would eliminate gome of
the worst grades and tunneU on'tho
lino. Another Bproirial ion plum for
which Senntor MoNary has been prod
ding in a fund for the building of the
scenic, highway from Medford, Jack
son county, to tlio Crater Lake Nution-
The Commercial club will work to
wards the agricultural development of
the country surrounding Salem, should
, the directors carrr out the plans of
! Manager T. K- McCrosiey as suggested
by him at a meeting of the directors
I last evening.
j Mr. McCroskey favors the o.-ganiur
ition of farmers' clubs, the issuing of
' niouthly bulletins of practical dm) to
, farmers and placing in the budget for
jthe agricultural department otne emb
'sufficient funds to carry out these
I Working along these lines, the direcJ
, tors last evening expressed themselves
j in favor of supporting the tnnual corn
show and with voting this show suffi
'cient (funds to put on the annual fx
jhibit rather more extensively than in
the past. The club also favored sup-
Porting an annual poultry show, the de
tails of which will le worked oat later.
To Hare "Buy at Home" Week.
The Business Men's League of the
chili, through its secretary, E. i. cuoate
reported that plans were being laid for
" Huy at Home" week, April 14-Su. Mr.
Choatc was selected to act as chairman
of a committee to make plans and to
also appoint a committee en anuugc
meats. Taking up the mutter of doing nil
that could be done to bring the pro
posed iaper mill to Salem, the Commer
cial club through its directors went on
record as favoring the request of the
Spaulding Logging company for the va
cation of the streets and alleys It Dow
occupies along the river front and that
of Trade street from Front street to
the river.
llie resolutions passed on tho vacat-1 u;,im-..,1 the interests or an wm.oin-
Jng or ground not used bv the city andipd nd
wanted ny tlio paper mill and the i , "Whereas, the ctiv of Salem Will be
fpauming hogging company is as fol- j tremendously benefitted by the cMv-'T'A-u
. ! lishmcnt of a pnper mill,
"whereas, the owners of a proposed, "Now, therefore, be is resolved, that
paper mill to be erected at tho foot of the board of directors of tho Salem
Trade street have agreed to donate to Commercial club do hereby urge the
the city a very desirable steamboat common council of the citv of 6alem
dock site at the foot of Court street to grant the request of the owners of
in pxennuge ror wiucn inov ii.hu mat tne the proposed papor null to vactto jraae
Palem, Ore., Mar. 18, 1919.
To Whom This May Concern:
This is to certify that I had a cancer
on my chin about the sire of a 25-cent
piece for six years and was treated by
twn Wtnr for four rears but they
foiled to cure it.
I then decided to try Dr. Stone who
rnmrueneed treatment on the oth of
February. 1919. bv applying a liquid ev
ery two or three hours for about a week
and then applying a simoie ihuiuicui.
Tn .limit a week the cancer fell out
in fw dava the place was all
healed up to my xreat satisfaetion.
I can truly recommend Dr. Stone and
his treatment to any person afflicted
with eaneer or cancer growth.
(Siened) Mrs. Flora Richardson,
694 South 2".th St., Salem, Ore.
(Stone's Drug Store)
241 North Commercial Street,
Balem, Oregon
Phone 35.
Consultation and Advice Free.
i h nt:."iii
al Park, and from tho Park down tho.nty vacate Trade street from tho west street from the west line of Front to
other slope of the range to Klamath
Falls. Tim bureau of roads has agreed
to furnish one hnlf the cost of this
hnrd surface highway if tho Oregon
highway commission will assume the
other hnlf.
All men in uniform wearing service
stripe will be admitted free any time
Sunday to tlio Liberty theater. A
government special war picture, "Un
der Four Flags" will be shown.
Frank Howard Struble, age SO, a
draftsman, was grunted a license yes
terday to mnrry Ovrtio Witzel, ago 21,
a stenographer of Salem.
You have probably
Tested the merits of these products and found them
in every way what the manufacturers claim they are.
If you have or have not tried them, we are at your
Oils and Greases
"Ask any competent mechanic"
Mobil Oil A
"For Any Good Car"
Associated Gasoline
"More Miles to the Gallon"
Goodrich Tires
"Best in the Long Run"
Miller Tires
"Brimful of Tire Muscle"
line of trout street to the river, and tho river,
neiens, tlio noard has given the
mr.tter careful invetigution and has
i - its j - w j . r ji'.
V, ' ? c
Baby Sleeps at Night
when the stomach work nsturally m-d
bowels move 1 1 ccly . Mil Wmslow S j r
up is especially recommenHcd for quk li
ly overcoming wind colic, diarrhoea,
constipation, flatulency, and othir dis
orders. Help baby's dmesuoa by givinu
MRS. ,
TU liftili' ut CkilJm'i Rtgcl.'. r
and note th brnlth huiklint tlci-p tht
iiillows. Nolllinu bellcr lor lee h ;
time. This remedy conla n.i r.o M - - .
narcotics, alcohol or ai.y harmli.1 ir
KrKhenfs. The formula Is i n-."--i
uile of this safe, vcKdablc r.'iiulatj r
At all ttrutghta
J. C. Perry's
MeALLlSTEU At tho Coleman home
about ono mile west of the Boys' In
dustrial school, Mureh 2S, lllli), John
M. McAllister, at the ago of 67
years. ,. .
Beside,-, his widow, he is survived
by nine children: Mrs. K. C'nim of
Sulem, Min, Kd Welch of Long Bench
Cnl., Mrs. C. Wolz of Kalem,
John MeAfHter, Salem; Mrs.'J. M.
eoburn.-Halfm; L. A. MAllistcr, Sa
lem; Mrs.'O. F. Guerne, 11. A. Mc
Allister Bud Miss Geneva McAllister.
A yet no funeral arrangements have
been announced.
GILSOX At her home 915 Cliemeketa
street, nt 9 o'clock "this morning,
Mrs. Allies Oilson, at tho age of
59 years.
Besides her husbniul W. B. Oilson,
she is s'ifvived by ono daughter. She
hail been ill about one week.
The funernl services will be held
Monday afternoon at 1:30 o'clock
from t. Paul's F.piseopal church and
will be conducted by tho Rev, C. H.
Powell. Burial will be in , the City
View cemetery.
Mrs. llilsoa had been quite active
in lodge circles. She was president of
tlio Fraternal Aid and an active mem
ber of tho Pythian Sisters.
With Springtime
If ipinlity in color and perfection in cutting is what you are looking
for, we can supply you, A large, new selection to choose from
Ml nV4 IB W inns
-X. V. I'ornor State anil LiWrtv Stroets.
44 44
"Cost about 1-2 as much"
Monty's Tire Shop
154 S. Commercial St. Thone 428
Take your car to a blacksmith?
Real service on Starters, Generators, Magnetos and
Storage Batteries.
Buds and
Nature decorates the old world to our delight.
, Spring then life's worth while the world's a place
worth living in.
We have the buds and blossomsthe flower of
the furniture world in our store for you to make
your home a place of delight A place you will love
to live in.
"You get more for your money at Moore's".
W. W. Moore
Heme of the Victrola
North Liberty Street
Business started In with a rush at
Red Cross headquarters on North Com
mercial street established for the
week, for the collection of clothing
for the refugees of the allies. Mnlciu
folks were a trifle slow in getting
started' this week, but each day's con
tribution showed thnt tho people were
gradually awakening up to the fact
that garments were really wanted. Tho
big rush of old clothing started in
early this morning. However, on ac
count of the slow start, the 14,01)0
pounds quota asked of Willamette
chapter will not be recsjved. It may
run up to 10,000 pounds.
Living is high in the restaurants of
tin Francisco, according to a letter
stnt to some of hi9 Klk friends by Paul
Stego who lives at Oakland, Cnl. For
instutico a tenderloin steak for two
is on the menu at $L', and Budweisor
beer at 40 cents fur a inall bottle
Tf;ilf a chicken will set the diner back
$1 whilo a small bottle of Palwt Blue
Ribbon goes on the ticket at 40 cents
Ginn i'vi.l is on the menu card nt 40
'cents, eggnog at 35 cents nud a S.'Oteh
highball ot 40 cents.
statu board of health Dr. F. M. Brooks
of Portland, and Dr. Andrew C. Smith
of Portland. Ho has also announced his
appointment of Dr. W. B. Morse, of Sa
lem, to succeed Dr. A. C. SecJy, of Hose
burg. Tho terms now being filled will
dnte to January 15, 9l'3. Dr. Seely,
who was succeded by Dr. Morse, is at
present acting state health officer. It
is understood that Dr. David N. Ro
berg, who was formerly stato health of
ficer and who left that post i0 uutoi
the c.rinv servico, will bo returned to
the position of health officer ns soon as
his dischargo from tho army mny bo
effected. Dr. lioberg is located at
Camp Zachary Taylor in the office of
camp epidemiologist. Dr. W. B. Morse,
the new appointee, was formerly s
member of tlio health board, being orig
jinnlly appointed February lfi, 1909, and
I served continuously in that rapacity
I until January 15, 1917. As a member
I of the health board ho inado a distinc
tive record and wns twico president of
the board during his long incumbency.
; lie is one of tho best known physicians
land surgeons not only in the Winmnotto
valley, but in the stato. !
I Tho other members of tho board a
Dr. Robert J. Marsh, Portland, Dr. J
,T. Bacon, La Gruude, and Dr. W. t
Dale, Koseburg.
Court House
It might be construed n a cum jt
iiient to the power and influence of t!
Oregon governor that so many peof
assume that he might, if ho ennse, )
sointhing to head off the "duylif
saving law." Governor Olcott in a
cent statement says: j
J "Scores of eoinhiunicntions nnd pc)
lions continue to come into this ofi'i
i urging that some steps bo taken ;
avoid the enforcement of he so cull)
daylight saving act, which' becomes
fective tomorrow. I wish to stato tUi
this is a matter which comes entiroi
under tho jurisdiction of the federal ii
thorities, and the necessity of turnil
ahead the clocks comes directly undi
l federal net nnd its repeal could bo
fected only by On act of congress. Tl
executive office of this stato lias not)
ing whatsoever to do with the matlt
one wny or another. "
A sheriff's certificate of sale of real
estae on execution has been filed in tho
county clerk's office in the case of
E. B. Doty against 0. M, Cutbirta and
others. The land sold on tho eaittuion
is lot 12, ViUley Fruit Farms No. 2. The
consideration wns t-75.
la the matter of tho estate of Henry
Slough, objections to the filing of the
final account have been entered by Clar
Anderson. She alleges that Henry
Slough hud been a partner of John
Slough. That Injer, Jon Slmigh ed
and George Palmer appoiuted adminis
trator. II h:it Mr. Pulnier as adminis
trator cniiic into large sums of money
belonging to Henry Slough nnd that
such money had not been paid over to
the estate of Henry Slough.
R. D. Barton
At 171 South Commercial Sttreet
The first case of pronreutiou under
the Blue Sky law to come out of the
corporation department has just result
ed in conviction. II. F. Quiun, a Port
land mining promoter, and his ageut W.
J. Picard, were recently arrested ut the
instance of Commissioner Schuldemisp
for selling stock without conforming to
the corporation laws, were yesterday
found guilty in Judge Stapleton's court,
Ouinn being fined 1-00 and his agent
$".0. Ther were selling stock in the
Hercules copper mine, in Bi.kcr countv.
Governor Olcott has nnnonnced tha'
Spring, with all its delightful weather and habits
has arrived and I suppose you wonder what habits
Spring could possibly have. They are simply this.
You feel like getting into some new "duds". You
are tired of winter and winter clothes. So, naturally,
you look forward to Springtime with the spirit of
light-hearted anticipation to strutting down the main
drive in a new suit.
I have a complete assortment to choose from and'
am able to make them up the way you like it best, as
cheap as you could buy the "Hand-me-downs" and,
also, you are supporting a home institution. -
D. H.Mosher
474 Court Street
Salem, Oregon.
he has reappointed as members of tht