Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, March 29, 1919, Page PAGE TWO, Image 2

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have nct making such a
I fuse about it that it I time nx
on of the nark atuned sex took
tkt mater op. They began the day the
siliti was mobilixed and haven't
ed patriotically, "I cannot be a queen, .
I would not etoop to be a marchioness.
I am an America a," he w actually
insulted. j
i 'no iiu iri rnuiif ciruw lauro
fed yet, almoat any paper yoa pick up huB,lred brines for marrying the Ir
will lave a notice of tome kind in it. ijj, lm ,v . ,.
. m inn 1 1 11 n uj iuui silil ID HI'
aiseoneemns; to rind oa
in the morning a daily pa-
It is quite
your desk
ier opened at tae page where, in eon
srpieuoua headlines, yoa are informed
that "lOOOJ Yankee aoldiere marry
aVrench g:rls." )r to have seni" kind
ly datpoeed member of the family point soft little voices, who never saw a life : Fourteenth
aeeond place Irish and Oregon girls
are almost of the same caliber. Every
one ears no. But when it comes to
odore Madsen in West ?alem. With
her were Mrs. Msdsen'a aiaters, Miss
Rosita Cuddy and Mrs. Arthur J.
Abegg of Portland, and Mrs.. Cart Paul
Getzlaff of Priest Kiver, Idaho, The
latter is sending a few weeks at the
family home aud the spirit of the
event Tuesday was a aurprise visit to
the older sister.
Mrs. Curtis Cross wa hostess at
these little darkeytd madamoise'les ; beautifully appointed dinner Thurs
with the etranse quick gestures and dav evening, at her home on North
srreei. t overt, were raiu
HtntM imnnrtp.1 them fnr hir A-n mw Mn. Hnrrv Rnwkinn Tr ttnt Vrtt
iHirbin, Jr., Laurence Hofer, Fritz
i- -Slade and Mr. and Mrs. Curtis Cross.
out to yoa that the I nited States gov- sized locomotive before the United, for Mr. and Mrs. Paa Frv, Mr. and
wn.nmi iru proviaca iransponauon . Ntates imnorte
provided transport
for the foreign wives of the men in asd who are used to taking their tiuieM
he s.Trire. Bnt it is insult added tobout everything they do, one wondersilh
Kjurj nn some oian-euiiea per h.w ther are going te like being trans-'
flaunts an actual nhotoiTinh of thiww 1.i-l "it . u. n.l ti,. .,1 .... I
aame wives on board an American ship such a hurrv. Like AHee
hcremJy riding at anchor in New York j land remember f
harbor! Every one knows thst news-1 "Why I do believe."
aper portraits never do the subject j "that we've iieen in the
justice but 1 am quite sure thnt that: all the time
that ; ss f'st'ering. And (did; if was "
job wev hi) utmrsi.y, iJiey weren I so j "Of course.
urean. a. pieny, were tncyi And tne
feet of some of them were quite the
We really don't cart, though. Abso
lutely indifferent, .vmie clever mom
lier of the op;ite sex once sweetly
auggited ,n"l w' 8nt even by marry
ing French counts or dukes or what
ever they are. And he ad'led by way of
compliment to smooth the ruffled feel
ings of his listener! that any man of
ny nation would be honored by our
fceeoming a citizen of his country. As
though we didn't know so obvious a
ruth! And when some one paraphras-
in Wonder
said Alice,
same place
Everything looks just as
aid the Queen, what
woulil you Saver "
"Well, in our country," paid Alice,
still planting a little, "We'll general
ly get to somewhere else if we ran
quite fast for a 'long time as we have
been doing. "
"A slow country," said the Queen,
"now here it tnkes all the running
one can do to keep up with the coun
try." O well, we don't rare! And some of
their feet were frights!
Mrs. W. ,T. Cuddy of Portland spent
Tuesday with her daughter, Mrs. The-
A gay array of yellow daffodils
made up the artistic decorations at the
prettily appointed luncheon for which
Mrs. Milton L. Meyers was hostess
Wednesday. A small group of inti
mate friends enjoyed the delightful af
fair. Covers were laid for eight,
Members of the choir of the First
Presbyteriaa church will be the guests
of Mrs. Joseph Albert tonight at a
delightful party at the Albert resi
dence on North Winter street. It will
lie- a charmingly informal affair and
will in every way be in keeping with
tne hostess' lepututioii as an enter
tuiner. The home of Mrs. L. 8. Geer va
Marion street, was the scene of a mer
ry duneing party Thursday evening,
when Mrs. Geer entertained a coterie
y to Wear
Today's express brought us over
Our New York buyer secured from two of
America's leading manufacturers. The very
Latest Creations
Made up in the Newest Accepted Ideas from
Georgette Crepes, Taffetas, Crepe Meteors etc
These ne warrivals will be placed in stock
Monday, making our showing of Ready-to-Wear
equal to any in the west
Skirt Nevs
These new arrivals will be placed in stock
Within a few days, we shall receive by
express the most beautiful and exclusive '
line of
Dress Skirt
A V sLk
H, tt i"r
' a
pc WW J
tt in nil I
Ever shown in the Willamette valley
The Newest Creations
Exclusive Novelties
The fabrics are Beautiful Silks in
the very newest creations, in patterns and
weaves, Crepe liaronett Satin, Vjctorias,
Patrictte, Tricolettcs, Maltise, Regency,
Georgettes, Fan-ta-si, Plaids
Don't Make Your Skirt Decision
Until this shipment reaches us
You can always do better at
Salem - - - Oregon
of friendj informally. A spring time
cote j achieved in the artistic deco
rations of dainty sprs? flowers. The
hostesa was assisted in serving the
refreshments by Mrs. William McGil
christ Jr.. and Mrs. H. C. Marvin.
Guests at the delightful affair were
Mr. and Mrs. Wiil-am MeOiiehrist
Jr., Mr. and Mrs. 11. C. Marvia, Mr.
and Mrs. Merlin Harding, Mr. and
Mrs. C. B. Webb, Mr. and Mrs. f.
d. Myers and Mr. and Mrs. Walter
s '
A merry event af the rst week waa (
tio picnic supper enioTed by the mem
bers of the iweakfiM club and lew
additional gueata, last Tuesday night
oa the river bank. The guests of the
crub were M ises Xanna Putnam, Dor
othy Donaldson, Marie Breitnstein,
Laura Marr, Lucille Jones and Lacy
Leonard of Uoeinam Washington.
The host-eases were Misses Irene Cur
tis. Marie Marshall, Grace Holt. Clara
Breitenstein, Mary Belle Koinhart, 11a
Spauldiag and Olga Gray.
A creat deal of interest is being
evinced in Salem social circle in the
fact that Charle A. Johns, associate
justice of the supreme court has sign
ed lease for the A. N. Moores resi
dence on fnunmer and Chemekcta
streets for the remainder of his term
on the state bench. It had been the
home of the late Governor Withyeombe
for the past two years and is consid
ered one of the most sightly homes in
the Capital city.
A iollv rartT of 0. A. C. men mo
tored to Jsolem Sumlay where they
were joined by Leo Spitzbart, who ae
comnanied them on a trip on the Co
lumbia highway. The party returned
Thursday to the Capital city where a
merrv house party was formed at the
Charles Spitzbart residence, ine guiirts
were Howard Georee, Chandler Kel-
Iob-it. Reno Banks. .Charles Chander
and Floyd iiishrush.
Friends of Mrs. Herbert N'unn will
be pleased to. learn that slio is recov
ering from the effects of a recent oper
ation and trust she will D aoie to at
tend to her social duties in the near
Mrs. William Chambers was charm
ing hostess at a pretty dinner party
Thursday night at her homo on Court
street. Dainty spring jonquil formed
the lovely table decorations. Covers
were laid for Mr. and Mrs. Carl
Ruef, Mr. and Mrs. R. W. Ewing,
Mr. and Mrs. K. J. Simpson, Mrs.
Butell and Mr and Mrs. Willijiin Cham
Siclein people who became acquaint
ed with Mrs. Frances Whitehead dur
ing her stay hero through -the late leg
islative session will be keenly inter
ested in learning that she has accepted
a position as editor of the Woman's
club page, which has been recently
added on tho l'ortlaud Telegram. Mrs.
Whitehead Obel to learning to Sulem
was connected with the Baker Herald,
and is a newspaper writer of marked
ability. Beside fytiting the club sec
tion Mrs. Whitehead is writing feature
stories for the Telegram, and meeting
with a great deal of success.
A nuiet weddina was solemnized last
Tuesday afternoon when John Edward
Johnson of 'os county and Miss Car
rie Preseott Eaton of Sulem were mar
ried in the parsonage of tho Lsiie
Methodist church. Reverend H. -N.
Aid rich rend the beautiful ring cere
mony. Mr. Johnson has just returned
from eighteen months service overseas
and his bride will remain in Salem un
til he eecures hi discharge at Camp
Women's and Misses9 Suits
Spring Suits Aptly Sted To Every Individually
No trouble at all to select a truly becoming suit ad
apted to your personality with the same fidelity that you
wuold expect if the suit was 'particularly designed for
For there are Box Suits, Tube Suits, Blouse Suits,
and suits that are tailored in mannish nattiness, they
are all here in the joyous fashions of the season.
$2475 $34.75
$44.75 to $65.00
Excellent Values
r.5 1 1
ill: iMi v 3 W T-&m
Mr. and Mrs. Karl Pruitt, well
kniwn former residents of Salem, ar
rived yesterday to make their home
in the" Capital city, Mr. and Mrs.
l'ruitt have been residing in Astoria
for the past few years.
Mrs. Klsie Wood, daughter of Tt.
and Mrs. E. J. Young has been vis
iting in the eity during the week with
her mother and sisters at 1397 North
Commercial street. Mrs. woous is a
most talented vocalist and has uoen
with a theatrical company for tne pasi
four years. She has spent toe past
summer ana winier in me t'-'r"
ties of the cal aud has just com
pleted a tour thronsh lanacta. Airs.
Wood, is now on her way to Sacra
The twentieth birthday of Miss Al
ma Camfield was celebrated with a
merry surprise irty at her home on
bee 'street the evening oi the twen
.;.h k i.lramimble time was had
ami dainty refreshments were served,
an especially attractive feature being
the beautiful birthikiy cake.
Those present were Miss Alma Cam
field, Mis, tirnee Wells, Miss May
tiruchow. Miss lirayne Kosa, Miss Es
ther Camfield. Mis Grace Welbern,
Mi Mablo KVimfield. Miss (Marion
Steiver, Miss L'ila Cookingham, Grant
Ornchow, Otto Camfield, Riuell Welch
Herbert V.'ei'hter. Theodore Walker,
lurence Deacon, lauJe Burch, Wil
liam Blake.
A number of Knlem people will be
pleased to hear tbot Mrs. John Cau?h
ell, who iu compelled to undergo a
serious operation recently, is gradual
ly recovering and doing aa nicely as
can He expected.
Next Thursday afternoon Mrs. Roy
shields will entirtain the members oi
the Ratlieterian society at her home on
North Kifth street. The club is one ot
the most exclusive in the city init "
composed entirely of graduate of Wil
lanutte university. Some of Salem's
most prominent women are numoeren
among its members.
Miss Marv June Albert arrived in
Salem lust evening for t week i visit
with her parents. Miss Albert, who is
student of Miss latlin s scliool in
Portland is enjoy 'ug the brief Bpring
vacation before resuming her studies.
The daughters of liablla held a
meeting in the K. of C. hall Monday
evening at which applications for mem
bership were considered. Ignite a num
ber ef applications were presented and
an initiation will rrotiaiilr .taKe place
immediately after Kastcr.
Mrs. E. K. Matten was -hostess Sun
day evening at a delightful tea given
in honor of her daughter, Miss Alta
Matten, who is home from O. A. C.
during the spring vacation. Tiie guests
included the Misses Mitrjoric aud Wil
im Miller, Carl Miller and Sgt. Guy
Young of Company M, who has re
cently returned from active duty in
France. Mrs. Matten also entertained
at a dinner Wednesday evening, at
which Sgt. Young was guest of honor.
Pink and green were the tints vscd in
decorations for the dining room and
the tablo was decked with a lovely
centerpiece of flowering quince. Cov
ers were laid for Mr. aud Mrs. E. E.
Matten, Mr. and Mrs. J. 0. Lauder-
baik, Miss Mbrjoric Miller, Sgt. tiuy
Young and Miss Alta Mntten.
The most prominent event for tho
coming week is the organ concert to
be given at the first LongTigational
church on Tucsdnv evening. Thi re
cital is biing promoted by the Tuesday
Musical club of this citv and it will
bo a most attractive addition to the
brief -musical calendar for this season.
Tho net proceeds will be devoted to
the Armenian-Syrian relief fund.
William Kobinson Boone of Portland,
organist at the First Church of Christ,
Scientist, in that city, will be' heard
in a vwriodl program representing the
best to be found in organ music. Mr.
Boone has had wide experience in con
cert work and everywhere he has met
with enthusiastic approval. Of his or
gan playing the Daily News of New
port, Kliodo Island, says:
"Somehow when Mr. Boone i at
the organ, the music is always having
something interesting to say to the
listeners, and the capabilities cf the
instrument for nil sortg of beautiful
a .id del. cute eiteets are admirably
brought out. Pew things could be more
delightful and truly witisfying. "
Mr. Boono has firwnnbjd a most in
teresting program of nine numbers for
the Tuc!d:iy recital. The opening group
will be from the rhvsira. the second a
modern F.-en -k suite, the third a selec
tion from a modern opera and the clos
ing group will represent American
Katlirvii Crywer Street, one of Port
land's charming contralto soloists, will
he the asaistiet artist. Mrs. S reel hts
not sung in Snlcm for quite two years
and her admirers here are happr over
the propet of hearing her aeaia. iShc
will sing the aria, "Mv Heart is
Weary'' from " Nadcschda " by A
Goring Thomas, with organ accnnrn
imcnt. (:hcr sine will be "Come
Home, (Vmc Home My Thoughts from
tha Hill" and "At itawn,"' both by
London Dor.a'd.
Great interest i. bcinu taken in the
concert by S!cm p-ojde and a large
Mis9 Elizabeth Levy is spending the
week end in Portland.
The Woman's foreign missionary so
ciety of the .Methodist church celebrat
ed their golden jubilee Inst Tuesday
evening in the church parlors of the
First Methodist church. Almost WO
memlvers were present and a large num
ber of friends wero guests at the af
fair. A unique feature of the evenings
entertainment tn the dividing ef the
participants into groups representing
the various foreign fields covered by
the society, including Africa, India,
China, Japan and Korea, mid the pre
sentation by each group of original
stunts. A splendid program was ren
ered, Mesdanies O. M. Hand, B. L.
Sleeves, W. A. Kigdon, M. 11. Parou-
naginn, J. B. Littler. F. W. Seele, C
A. Clark and R. L. Parmer delivering
three minute talks, following which a
delicious luncheon was srrved.
One of the pleasant events of the
ast week wns the dinner given, on
Tbursdav evening by Mr. anr frs.
T. M. Xichols of Bmokside Meadows
farm, in honor of Mr. and Mrs. Cas
A. Nichols (Mary Dorothea Tucker)
upon their return from a short wedding
trip to southern Oregon. The house
was tastefully dectirated with greenery
and the large tahlewas centered with
a beautiful wedding cake surrounded
with lacy ferns and ahite carnations.
The cal-e was later cut by the bride
and a portion served to each guest.
Miss Bessie fVhrunk found the button,
Mrs. C. F. Johnston the dime, Emil
Sun rlber ? the thimble and Madison
Nichols the ring.
The guests for the rveniirg numbered
about seventy and included the imme
diate relatives and most intimate
friends. Many beautiful and useful
giftg ere received. Mrs. Nichols as
assisted in serving by Mrs. C. 1' .
Johnston and Mrs. R. R. Crothcra.
The Sweet Briar club will moot next
Wednesday afternoon at the homo ot
Mrs. . P. Kimball.
The Willamette chapter of the West
minster Guild was entertained Tuesday,
nijjht by Mis Mizpah O. Bhiir at her
home on North Cottage street. Miss
Hlair conducted the lesson at the meet
ing, the subject of which was "The
Path of Labor." Following the busi
ness meeting dainty refreshments
were served.
Reverend aud Mrs. Lelnnd W. Pot
ter, Adam Burns and Akin Burns
made up a party to Silverton yesterday
where Mis. Porter gave an evening '
rending under the auspices of the Loy
al Woman's ciass of the .Silvcrten
Christian church. Mrs-. Porter i a
render of remarkable talent aud ia
greatly in demand at literary or mus
ical functions.
Miss Harriett Grift ith, a populnr
young main of Mirm younger
who is a student at Mis Callin-
school in Portlund. i a guest at
home of her parents ever the wu "
Mrs. H.
C. Locke
11. (Hinder and
were lortknil
Mrs. C.
Tha Journal Job Dopartment
will print you anything In tha
stationery line do it right and
save you real coney. .
audience is b?ing anticipated.
.Mr. and Mrs. G.o'gc F. Km!,
719 Court street, arc home frcui
4nri for the wm k end.
Miss Gertrude Hartman. who has
been visiting during the p-ist week in
Portland, has returned to Salem. Miss
Hartmnn is connected with the Hart
man Brothers jewelry atore.
Willamette Valley
Transfer Company
Salera Office
171 S. High Street
Phone 1400
Tortland Office
230 Ash Street
Phone Broadway 454
Ours is the only line of auto freight trucks operating
between here and Portland. We also make
We buy produce of all kinds and with our transpor
tation facilities we are able to pay the highest cash
prices. Order your freight routed our way. Sell
your eggs, dressed meats, poultry, etc., to us.