Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, March 29, 1919, Image 13

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Journal Want Ads
Go to Church Sunday
Dalas Man To Quit
n r i. n
yry uooasDusmessi
r..;ta! Tnnnnal ftiioetnl SitniM
. '
Dallas, or. aur. z. a. e. up-!f.
..f, ..,;..:.. r ,h. r,,,u.ll ,i
y.i - "-r-j" w i
eoods store on Main street, will close
" f . " . , ..' .
iito huAini'jia here in the near fu-
out Ills ouaiuiyfcj ui'it? m me ut-ai
Ce 7nd move to other part to re-1
de. Mr. Campbell has keen in busi-.
"ess in DaTk., for a number of years
. . .i.. k;.
and ha ona of the bisrjrest storks of
goods for store of his kind in the
Willamette valley. Ha will at-o dis
pose of his residence property on Court
atreet before leaving.
The removal of the eampbell family
from Dallas will bo greatly regretted
by their large circle of friends. .
Returned Soldier to Study Law
Sergeant Joseph N. Helgerson who
returned lart week from two years
servico in Uncle Sam's army, most of
the time of which he spent in France,
will taka tip the study of law next
week in the law office of L. D. Brown
on Mill street. Sergeant Helgcrwn had
just begun the study of law at the out
break cf the war Vitn Germany and
lie is in hopes thnt no more wars inter
fere with his work for a time st least.
Jlr. llelgerson will also have charge
of the Dallas office of tho Knight Col
lection Agency of MeMinnviUe.
Polb County Circuit Court Meets Soon
The regular term of tho Polk county
circuit court convenes in Dallas on
Monday, April 14 with a comparatively
light docket. But few jury cases are
scheduled to come up for hearing be
fore Circuit Judge Harry H. Belt. One
yrisoner, Albert Enns of l'errydale,
ehtirged with tho theft of war saving
!amps is now in the county jail await
in? the coming session of tho grand
jury at which he is expected to plead
guilty. Kilns made a eonfession to
Deputy Sheriff T. B. Hooker yester
dav in which ho confessed the tliett of
other stamps in the Perrydttlo commu
nity and disclosed their whereabouts.
The jury list for tho coming term was
drawn Wednesday by County Clerk
Floyd D. Mooro and Sheriff Orr is
having the summons mado out prepar
atory to thoir serving.
Captain Toots Expects Discharge in
Captain Waltor L. Tooze Jr., of this
eity who for the past year has been
in charge of a training camp at Mt.
Vernon, la., writes Dallas friends that
lo expects to be discharged about July
1st, and that he will return immedi
ately to Dallas. Captain Tooze was
one of this city' prominent lawyers
at tha outbreak ot ilia war and gate
up a good practice to enter the service
Dallas Girl Weds Returned Soldier
A pretty homo wedding was solemn
ised at the residence of Mr. and Mrs.
Henry Clanfiold on Oak. street Tuesday
when their dnuhter, Leona, became
tho bride, of Uda Burk, a well known
lallas boy. Mr. 'Burk is a son of mi
and Mrs. Bum Burk, former Dallas
residents now living near Airlie, and
returned last week trom France wneTe
ho has ibecn a corporal in the ranks of
Convpany L of this city for tho past
Olanfieid is the young !
lW0 ,-.sw'TV,Biu?ir:.ltl,e delicht of their relatives and
est ciuia or mr. aim ir. A.y
and Mrs. Henry Clan
field and is a graduate from the Dal
la. high school. The young couple have .
boat of friend, in this city and sur-
ronndin. country who wish them
You can t expect weak kiduevs td
Cltpr the acids and nnlnons out of ynr(
vsteui unless they are given a little hell
Don't allow them to become disrated
when a little attention now will prei
tent it. Don't try to cheat nature.
As soon s you commence to hnv
W'knrhcs. feel nervous a.nd tired, GET
BUSY. These are usually warnings,
that your kidneys are not working
I)o not delay a minute. Go t.ttt? tin
cause of your ailments or you n sy fin4
yourself in the (trip of an Incurable dia.
ease. GOLD MEDAL Haarlem Oil csp.
ules will (rive almost immediate rolicl
from kidney troubles. (SOLD MEIK
AL Iiuarlein (Id Capsules will di
the work. They arc the pure oriiiua)
Haarlem Oil Capsules imiwrted direct
from the laboratories in llaarleTi. Hoi.
Innd. Ask your druggist for COLO
MEDAL and accept no suhstitutes
Look for the name COLD MEDAL oi
very box. Three sijes, sealed pactaing
Money refunded if they do no' i iickl;
help yon.
JOHN AEEi'iOit,g
. :-; k V
iue je-a oi 4 nappy wedded life. .
Dallas Hen Leas Big Hop Enc4
. w.uT jou.Frake.of!h
"J wIlasetl ,.he,0la H.e7Bn !
Petre hop ranch near Airhe and have
need getting the yard in shape,
,k . ,,- r . . r
Lor ,he ""dliug of thu year', erop
The ranci , considered one of the
:. ... vr
rimst m this section of tie county
. . ... . -
k..; ..... -. . i
vs! ll'roI?. kop,f' hlte
llZ 1 ' t
" roP ll coming three years i
at 25 cents per pound.
Mrs. J. A. Haynor returned this
week from an extended visit with rel
atives and friends at Tillamook.
Mi.jj Echo .Balderree and Miss Noll
Southworth, students at the University
of Oregon at Eugene are spending the
spring vacation at their home in this
W. A. Ayres, a former Dallas bus
iness man, is in the city this week greet
ing old friends. Mr. Ayres operated
the Grand and Star moVing pictures
... .... ... t
while a lallas resident.
Miss Maude Barnes of Eugene is
visiting her mother in this city this
week .
h. D. Leighton visited at the homo
of his parents in MeMinnviUe the first
of the week.
Miss Helen Poling of Corvallis vis
ited the first of the week with Dallas
Sr. and Mrs. Boy Jamca were Cap
ital eity visitors the first of the week.
Mrs. Wyflu Johnson and Mrs. H.
C. Enkin were Capital city visitors
this week.
Congressman C. N. MaeArthur of
Portland was in l'o"4 couuty Tuesday
looking after extensive business inter
ests. Jack Griffin, a Falls City man, was
placed under arrest by Marshal O. P.
Chnso this week charged with having
eut corners with an automobile. He
was fined $3 by Polico Judge John T.
Ford .
Walter Flemming of Portland was a
Dallas visitor with relatives the first
of the week.
Ernest MoCallon returned Wednes
day from a several days visit in Port
Buben Cutsforth was home Sunday.
He is stationed at Leland, at signal
work for the. S. P. comoany.
B. Jeldorks purchased tho Dr. Miller
45-acre tract near town laat week; $70
per acre is said to be the price paid.
Word was received a few days ago by
Mr. and Mrs. John Grassmnn, that their
son Lawrence had arrived from franco
and was at Camp Mills, N. Y.
Steve Schmidt las purchased the N.
C. LLston place on North Howell, which
wns sold to tho highest bidder through
senled bids. It is said the price was
MRdO for the 40 acres.
Word has been received here that
Mis. John C. Barnes a former resident
of Gervnis, died at a hospital in Bond,
Or. She leaves her husband and two
wns and two daughters.
Mike Freschweilor and Francis Can-
nard, two more of our soldier boys, who
recently returned from France, and
have been tt Camp Lewis for a few
days, arrived in Gervai, last Friday v
. . - . . . , . , ,, i,onptv
lilCllUa. 1UD MUJB wuft Bn' ... .
word fromtol son, Henry Staff 4
Eucene Manung has received
i who
had arrived at Philadelphia and was
Mr. and Mrs. Geot" Vogcl, who have
been snendiug tho winter in southern
California, arrivod hero last wcic to vis
it Mrs. Vogid's mother, Mrs. C. Sstra
vens. Mr. Vogel is now in Seattle on
Mr. and Mis. John Rondeau and son,
Lester, came up from St. Louis lust
week and are making some repairs to
thoir home here. Thoy have shipped
their household goods to Aberdeen,
Wash., where they will reside..
Among tho list of casualties in the
armv of occupatioi in Franco recently,
was that of Kichnrd Kennedy, Jr., who
died of pneumonia. He was the son of
Rev. Kennedy, formerly of (iervais, and
snout several years of his ciuiiiuoou
days here.
Frank Adelman met with quite a ser
ious accident lust Friday afternoon
while blasting holes to set out fruit
trees. In some unknown manner a
,11 j . , . . ., j
spars lougeu in m cj uu uu
... l,i..h l.nrneil and muti -
latcd his hands and face badly, no
bones were broken, but he came near
losing his eyesight. He is reported to
tin recovering nieelv. Star.
of the Aurora seho
Mrs. Fulkerson, school
i -k: s
hooi hat the
that have reported in Marion county.
Every pupil in the room, with two ex
ceptions, have received the "Palmer
th, ,,, ; M.,i
Button," snd the following nave re
uuib, kuu uc iuhwbiuk rr-
cWe4 the PrK Pi.s Ivy Burk-
holder, Aileen Burkholder, Evadna
Hurst, Ma Anderson, Aileen Snvder.
- ' , . . i. .. vi
Marie Johnson, Edna Keil, Harrr Ehlen
Harold Muessig. By the end of the
term, those named will withont doubt
be awarded the "Palmer Certificates"
for proficiency in penmanship, as
taught by the Palmer system. Mrs.
Foster is tha teacher of the grammar
grades. Observer.
The Marion County Veterans' assoeia
tion will meet in Woodburn next Thurs-
A''ril 3" Large delegations are ex
,w,it.,i! trAiu Nulam KiiVAt-tnn anil Huh
nected from Salem, Silverton and Hub
bard. The meeting will b held at the
armory, the big feed at noon and the
program in the afternoon. All those re
cently in service are invited to the ban
quet, where a special table will be
spread for them, and also to tne pro
'am. This means that this will be one
of the greatest meetings yet held by
this association.
All members of the association are re
quested to bring big basket well filled.
Committees are to meet at the home of
Mrs. Mande Hicks tomorrow (Friday)
afternoon nt 2 o'clock and report.
Mrs. Elvira H. Beainan, relict of the
late Henry Beamau, died at the home
of her son, C. E. Beaman, in this city, at
1 o'clock Tuesday morning. Deceased
wus a native of New Hamnshire and
had been a resident of Woodburn for
the past 8 years. Her husband, Henry
Beaman, died about three years ago in
Woodburn. Mrs. Beaman was born June
12, 1831, and would have been 88 years
of uao next Juno 12th if she had lived.
She leaves two sons, C. E. Beaman of
Astoria. She was a devoted wife and
a good mother and Christian woman.
Funeral services were held yesterday at
her late homo on South Front street at
2 P- m., the Christian Scientists officat-
mg. lutermont was at Belle Passi.
Woodburn Independent.
Sacramento, Cal., March 28. More
than 125 automobiles were burned and
an automobile body factory and two
residences were completely destroyed in
a $300,000 blaze here early today. Six
firemen wero injured, one seriously by
fulling walls and chimneys.
of Sale of Real Property on Foreclosure
Notice is hereby given, that by vir
tue of an execution duly issued out of
tire circuit court of tho state of Ore
gon, for the county of Marion and to
me directed on the 28th day 'of Feb
ruary, 1919, upon a judgment and de
cree duly rendered, entered of record
and dockoted in and by said count on
the 6th day of February, 1919, in a
certain suit then in said court pend
ing, wherein N. J. Van Patten, was
pluintiff and Henry J. Powell, Calista
L. Powell, his wife, G. H. Sel'lars and
Laura A. Bellars, his wife, were de
fendants in favor of plaintiff and
against said defendants by which ex
ecution I am commanded to soil the
IHupntjr in gtiui I'M'cuuun puu ueie
inal'ter described to pay the sum due
tho plaintiff of $600, with interest
thereon at the rate of 7 per cent, per
annum from the 16th day of May,
1917, until paid and the further sum
of $04, attorney's fees, together with
the costs and dirbuisvUients of said
suit taxed at $44.00 and costs and ex
penses of said execution. will on
Monday the 31st day of March, 1910,
at tho hour of 10 o'clock a. m. of said
day at the west door of the county
court house in Salem, Marion county,
KT"",r""X Tv Z lil
- - -- X.,- ."'-
est and estate which said defendants
and all persons claiming under them
subsequent to tho date of the execu
tion of plaintiff's mortgage In, of and
to said premises hereinbefore mention-
i i i i ...... , : . -
ea nnii avacnutju iu sum cacuuhuu b
i niIo. (owit
i1011m l0,m
Commencing at the southwest- cor
ner of lot No. five (5) in block No.
three (3) of George H. Jones artdMion
to the city of Salem, 5n Marion county,
Oregon; running thence east along the
south line of said lot one hundred and
sixty four (184) feet; thence north
parallel to the west line of said lot
seventy three (73) feet and nine (9)
inchen; thenee westerly parallel to -the
south line of said lot one hundred ana
sixty fonr (184) feet to the west line
of said block; thence southerly, along
the west line of said block, sctiwty
three (73) feot and nine (9) inches to
the place of beginning.
, Said sale being made subject to re
demption in the manner provided by
Dated this 28th day of Februery, 191B
Sheriff of Marion eounty, Oregon.
Br O. D. Bower, deputy. 3-29
V&u bdbrM acquainted wilh
ourVJbnt rasteyvvil brin A
you results nomattcr wn3
yoCirwantmay bo,".
Subjects of Sermons and Where They
WiS Be DeliTered in Salem Houses
of Worship, Tomorrow
First M. E. Chorea.
Stata aid Cburch streets. Richard M
Avisos, D. D, pastor. 9:15 a. m. class
meeting. 9:43 a. m. Standby school.
John Todd, supt. 11:00 a. ni. sermon by
Key. lharli'S A. Boven, V. I)., director
of the Centenary of this Episcopal ar
ea. 3: p. in. Mrs. L G. Lea will speak
at the Old Peoples Home. 6:30 p. ni
Epworth League Senior chapter, Russell
Raney will lead. Junior chapter, Her
bert Wilkins will lead. 7:30 p. a. Rev.
Charles A. Boven will give a steriopti
caa panorama of the Centenary. Music
by the chorus choir with orchestra ac
companiment, directed by Pro;, ioaa R.
First Presbyterian Churci.
Thomas 8. Anderson, minister. Bible
school at 9:45. The pastor will speak
on Boxing the Compass aud Keeping a
uooa Conscience. .Morning worship tt
11. Theme The Master's Parable of tho
Farmer. T. P. H. C. E. at 6:30 and
evening worship at 7:30. Subject of
ermnn !. n- n,,;!,, (I--", cif
or the World. Social mid week ser-
vice Thursday evening at 7:30. If you
have no other church home, come with
us and we will do you good in all these
Nazarene Cuurch.
Nineteenth end Marion. Take Che
Bieketa car and get off at 19th and go
one block south. Services Sundays
Sunday school at 9:45, preaching at 11
aud 7:30. Prayer meeting at 7:30 on
Wednesray evening. The public is in
vited to all these services. A. Wells,
pastor; Florence Wells, deaconess; W.
B. Hurdy Sunday school superintend
ent, Remember the change in time.
Commons Mission.
Sunday afternoon at 3 o'clock. These
meetings are increasing in numbers and
in interest. Coiuo over and enjoy an
uour wnn us. A. wells, Supt.
Ministerial Association.
The Salem Ministerial association
will meet in regular session Monday
morning at 10 o'clock in the Y. M. C.
A. The message will be delivered by
Rev. J. D. Springston, D. D., orJPort-
land, subject A Discussion of Labor
Problems. A largo attendance is desir
ed not only of ministers but any who
are Interested and would like to hear
me aiscussion.
Stat Institutions.
Services st the state institutions will
be held Sunday as follows 9:00 a. ni.
state hospital, by G. F. Leining. 3 p. m.
girls' industrial school by G. F. Holt.
3:15 tuberculosis hospital by L. W. Por
ter. Leslie Methodist Episcopal.
Corner South Commercial and Meyers
streets. Horace N. Aldrich, pastor. 9:4!i
a. m. Sunday school, with classes for all
ages. International uniform lessons. E.
A. Rhoten, superintendent. Primary de
partment under the direction of Mrs.
Mason Bishop. 11 a. m. public wor
ship, with sermon by II. W. Lewis, of
New York city. Dr. Lewis will bring
a very interesting down to the minute
message. Hear him. 3:00 p. m. the
junior league will meet, with Mi tier.
tha Leitner in charge. 6:30 p. m. the
dovotionnl meeting of the Epworth Lea
gue, under the direction of Miss Bertha
Miller. Ivan Corner, nresidnnr. 7s1fl
m. an inspirational service will bo
held, featuring Rev. William Niehol in
his oration, "Tht Sword Bathed in
Heaven." Also a selection by Orville
C. Miller, and special music numbers.
I his will be n very interesting hour.
You aro invited.
Jason Lee Memorial Church.
Corner of Jefferson aud Winter sts.
Thomas Acheson, pastor. Sunday school
at 9:45. Classes for all ages under the
enre of efficient leaders. Public wor
ship at 11 a. m. Subject American
Methodism Facing World Opportunity.
Speaker: Dr. Charles E. Bowen, chair
man of the Portland area of the Centen
ary enmpnign. Be Buro and hear him,
Epworth League devotionul meeting at
8:30 p. m. A cordial welcome uwuits
all young people. Evening services at
7:30 p. in. Tliu special speaker for the
occasion will be Mr, A. li. Lewis, ot
Portland. He will present the layman '
viewpoint of the Centenary. Special
music at all of these services. Sunday
will be a great day for Jusou Leu Me
moriul. We cordially invite the public
to come and worship with us.
First Baptist Church.
Rev. G. F. Holt, D. D., pastor. Public
worship with preachig at 11 a. ni, aud
7:30 p. ni. Sunday school 9:45 a. m.
Young Peoples 's meeting o:3u p. m. At
tho luvrniug service Rev. A. M. Petty,
I). 1)., District secretary of the Ameri
can Baptists Home and Foricgu Mi
sioa societies, will speak. In the even
ing Rev. A. Sterling Barncr, of Los An
geles, who is leading the church in a
series of evangelistic meetings, will
preach. Evangelistic service will be
held every evening (except Saturday)
at 7:30. Every one is invited:
First Congregational Church.
Liberty and Center streets. Rev. W.
C. Kantner, minister. 10 a. m. Sunday
school with classes for all. Prof. W. 1.
Stalov. superintendent. 11 a., m. The
Law of Spiritual Returns. 6:45 p. m.
Christian Endeavor. . 7:30 p. m The
Story of a Fast Young Man of David's
Time. Following this tvsuress there
will be a film of motion pictures.
First United Brethren.
Yew Park. Sunday school st 10 ft.
m, (new time). Special song by Mrs.
Ella McElrov. Short sermon at 11, sub
ject Having a Form of Godliness but
denying the Power thereof. Young peo
ples meeting in the evening at 7:30,
leader Mis Tbelma Daily to be twisted
by Mrs. I. M. Anderson, followed by a
15 minute talk by the pastor. Mrs. Ben
Randall will have charge of the music.
First Christian Cburck.
544 Center street, Lelaad W. Porter,
pastor. Bible school, 9:45 a. at.; com
munion and sermon at 11 a. m., xoptc,
"The Little Flame, the Rudder and the
Tongue"; C. E. at 8:3$ p. .; evening
worship tt 7:30 o'clock, topic, ''Harry
Laader, Fun, and the Christian liite."
Prayer meeting Wednesday evening at
7:30 o'clock, "The Christian Dv of
S. S. and T. P. LeaKm lupit.
Sunday school lesson, "Review:
God's Hand in a Nation's Life."
Joshu 24:14 28 Y. P. a C. E., B. T. P.
r., etc lesson: "Indecision; On the
Fence,' Matt. 27:11 26. E. L. lesson:
"The Practice of Kindliness," Geuesis
45:1 15.
First Church of canst bcienus.
Sunday services arc held at 440 i'he
meketa street at 11 a. ni. and 8 p. m.
l".' r me muie lesson, -Kcniny.
I Sunday school at 9:4; a. m. Wcdnes-
unday school
day evening testimonial meeting at 8
p. m. Heading room in Masonic temple
open every day except Sunday and holi
days from 11:45 to 5 p. in., Room 209.
All aro invited to our services and to
our reading room.
St. Paul's Church.
Fourth Sunday in Lent. 7:30 a. m.
holy communion; 91.45 a. m. cnurch
school; 11 e. in. morning pi aver aim ser
mon, "The Divinity of Man;" 7:J0 p.
m. evening prayer and "address Life's
Judgment Seats, iivery body welcome
Chas. II. Powell, rector.
Central Congregational Church.
Corner south 19th and Ferry streets,
H. C. Stover, minister. An interesting
Sunday school and a unique morning
service combined in tho interest, of re
ligions education. Mrs. Burton Edwi.rds
superintends the Sunday school. Musio
by Miss Lorane Ross and Elbert La
chele. Christian Endeavor at 6:45 p.
m. The cirls ehorus sings in tht even
ing service at 7:30, Theme Who Is
Jesns Christ. Prayer service Thursday
at 7:30 p. m.
South Salem Friends.
Corner of south Commercial and
Washington streets. Sabbath school at
10 a. m. Dr. Carl Miller, superintend
ent. Metting for worship at 11 a. m.
Christian Endeavor at 0:30 and services
following at 7:30. H. E. Pomborton.
United Evangelical
Cottnge and Center streets. Rev. 0.
L. Lovell, pastor. Sunday school at 10
a. m. At 11 a. m. Presiding Elder S.
S. Mnmcy will preach and hold commun
ion service. Christian Kndeavnr at 4:30
p. m. Pauline Remington, leader, Even
ing worship and sermon at 7:30. This
will be the lust service for this confer
once year. Prayer meeting on Thurs'
day evening.
Evangelical Association.
17th and Chemeketa streets. Jncob
Stocker, pastor. 10 a. m. Sunday school,
John I.ippold. sum. 11 a. m. divine
worship and sermon, 3 p. m. preaching
wrviee-nt Fruitland. fl:45 Younp Peo
ples alliance. 7:30 p. m. sermon.
Court Street Church of Christ.
Comer 17th and Court streets. We
are expecting another great day this
Lord's day. Our Bible school is still
growing from week to week. If yon
were there Inst Lord's day, be there and
on timo with some ono else this Lord'n
dny. Wo bekin promptly nt 10 a. m.
Tim Loyal Sons class organized nnd
elected officers this week. The class
is planning great things and asks other
Says We Must Keep Feet Dry,
Avoid Exposure and
Eat Less Meat
Hay off the damp ground, avoid ex
posure, keep feet dry, eat less meat,
Irlnk lots of water and sbove all take
I spoonful of salts occasionally to keep
lown uric aeid.
liheumntism is caused by poisonous
:oxin, called uric acid, which Is gene
rated In the bowels snd absorbed Into
Dha blood. It is the function of the kid
leys to filter this sekl from the blood
ind cast It out la the srine. The pores
f the skin are slso a means of freeing
:he blood of this inrpurify. In damp
ind chilly cold weather the skin pores tr
dosed, thus forcing the kidneys to do
ioulile work, they become weak and
iluggib and full to eliminate this uric
ieid whieh keejis accumulating nnd cir
:ulating through the system, eventually
fettling In the Joints and muscles, raiis
ng stiffness, soreness snd pain called
At the first twinge of rtieumstism gt
from sny pharmacy about four ounces
if Jad -Salts; put a tableepoonful in a
;lass of water snd drink before break'
fast each morning for a week. This is
m.A to eliminate uric add by stimulating
the kidneys to normal action, thus ridding
the Mood of these Impurities.
Jd Salts Is inexpensive, harmless snd
Is made from the acid of grapes and
lemoa juice, eoniWnsd with llthia snd
hi need with excellent results by thou
ands of folks whs are sdbject to rtea
mutism. Here yoa hare a pleasant, ef
fervescent litiiia-water drink which over
tomes uric arid and beneficial to joot
kidneys as well.
Quick Reference To Firms That G:?a Service On Short
Where Buyer And Seller Meet We
Recommend Our
Salem Electric Co., Masonic Temple,
1413-1414 Bank of Commerce Bldg.
TON Osteopathic physicians aad
errs specialists. Graduate of Am
ericas school of Osteopathy, Kirk
ville, Mo. Post graduate and spee
laliied in nervous diseases at Los
Angeles College. Offices 505-508 Nat
Bank Bldg. Phone 85.4. Residence,
1820 Court. Phone 2215. Dr. White
Bes. Phone 469.
eorner Commercial and Trade streets
Bills payable monthly in advance.
Phwie 60S.
On Good Real Estate Security
Oer Ladd & Bush bank; Salem Oregon
cent 34 years time. A. C. Bohrnitedt,
401 Masonic Temple, Salem, Oregon
MONEY to loan on good real estate.
5 Mi percent government money to
loan. Liberty bonds bought and sold.
W. D. Smith, Salem Bank of Com
merce. 12-14
General Land Office
WBhlngton, D. O.
February 14. 1019.
Notice is hereby given that- subject
to the conditions and limitations of
the act of Juno 9, 1916, (39 Stat., 218),
snd the Instructions of the Secretary
of the Interior of September 15, 1917,
the timber on tho following lands will
be sold April 8, 1019, at 10 o'clock a.
m., at public auction at tho United
Stateg lind effice at Portland, Ore
gon, to the highest 'bidder at not less
than the appraised value as shown by
this notice, sale to be subject to the
approval of the Secretary ot the In
terior. The purchase price, with aa ad
ditional sum of one fifth of one par
cent thereof being commissions allow
ed, must be deposited at time of sale,
money to be returned if sale is not
approved, otherwise patent will issue
for the timber which must be removed
within ten years. Bids will be received
from citmcns of the United States, as
sociations of such citizens and corpora
tinns organized under the laws of the
United States or any state, territory
or district thereof only. Upon appli
cation of a qualified purchaser, tha
timber on any legal subdivision will
bo offered separately before being in
cluded in ony offer of a larger unit,
T., 9 S., R, 2 E.. See. 5, NK'4 N'KVi
fir 1090 M., hemlock 270 M., NWft
NEii fir 880 M., hemlocik 1,TO M., BW
!4 NE'4, fir 1170 M., beuiloc 2m M,
SF.ij NK'4, fir 2!0 M., hemlock 200
M., NE14 8E4, fir 1170 M., hemlock
120 M., NVVti KK'4 fir UYM) M., hem
lock 50 M SWA SKi, fir 700 M.,
SVM HK'i. fir 1190 M., hemlock 30
M., NE', NVVV4, fir (130 M. hemlock
130 M., NEW NVVVi, fir 30 M.,
NEVi SWU, fir 1950 M., .W SW14,
fir 2100 M., BW't SW, fir 1250 M.,
SE'4 SWV4, fir 1050 M., none of tho
fir to be sold for less 1hnn $1.50 pr
M., and nono of the hemlock to bo sold
for less than 75 cents per M. T 4 S.,
R. 3 K., Sec. 3; SE!4 SE'4, fir 1200
M,., SWW SU'i, fir 1113 M., See. 33;
810 14 NEVi, fir 730 M., cedar 25 M.,
1.50 per M.
8WVi NE'4, fir 850 M., none of the
fir or cedar to be sold or less than
Commissioner General Land Office.
dersigned, J. 8. Coomler lias filed his
final account as executor of tho estate
of Mrs. Ocorgo h. Hatch, deceased,
in tho county court for Marion coun
ty, Oregon, and said court hn-t duly set
the time for hearing objections there
to and tho final settlement thereof for
Thursday, March 27, 1919, at the Jiour
of ten "o'clock a. hi. of said day, in
tho court room in said court st wa
le in. in said county and stute.
Ijated this 21st day of February,
Exwutor of the estate of Mrs,
Georim E. Hatch, deceased. 3 21
'vounff men tn loin it. Young men thtt
jdo not belong t0 some other class are
'invited. The little sermon for Jne
children is attracting attention. Child-
Iren, the pastor will tell ah tit "The Lit
tle Torch" next time. The morning
'sermon Christian Ktewnrrtship. Mora
ing worship 10 a. m. to 12 in., including
Bible school. The juni r LmWvor will
meet at 3:30 p. 111. Children invited.
The 'young ladies of the church will
meet st 2:30 p. m. ind reorganize the
ir!s' missionary ci do. Young women
interested in mis: ions are invited v
meet with them. The C. E .society
meeting at 6:30 p. 111. The social com
mittee is planning a big April For,'
party for Tuisday evening. A goo.1
jsoeial time is promised those who at
I tend. Song service and Bermon 7:30
p. m. Subject The Greatest Three.
Praver meeting 7:30 p. m. snd 8 p. m
Teneher Training class Wednesday
Our services open to the public snd we
lextend a hearty welcome to worship
with us. B. L. Putnam, pastor.
-Main 1200
127 North High-
liard parlor is now open under aew
management and it renders yea and
the general publis a conge Dial place
to pass away a few leisure hours.
The basement of Orrsroa Electric
depot, corner of State and High.
Phone 828. Wm. Livock, prop. -fl
58 years experience, Depot, Netii&ai
and American fenee.
Sixes 26 to S3 in high
Paints, oil and varnish, etc
Loganberry and hop hooka.
Salem Fence and Stove Works,
250 Court street. Phose 124
SHEA REPAIRS all kinds of furni
ture if broken or out of repair; up
holster repairs made. Shop 352 Che
meketa St. between Commercial and
Liberty. Phone 1S1. 4 20
We Buy, Sell And Exchange
All kinds of ' Furniture, Stoves,
Clothing, Dishes, Bicycles, Harness,
Tools snd Junk. We buy what yoi
don't want and pay the highest
price in cash.
Peoples' New & 2nd Hand
871 N. Commercial rhone 734
HOP LEE, expert Jaundryman, 438
Ferry St. I pay top market price for
chickens and eggs. Office phone
1339J, residence 1333J, tf
All kinds of auto repairing by. an
perienced workman. All work guar
anteed to be satisfactory. Btudobaa
er repairs a specialty. D. R. Moir,
283 N. Commercial.
BRING your trades, I ean match yon,
C. W. Niomeyer, all branches of real
estate and Canada lands, 215-216
Masonic building. Phone 1000.
FOR SALE A good double team har
ness, will trade for hay or grain,
or will exchange for good dry wooed
See Square Deal Realty eompM..
Phone 470
NO CASH REQUIRED Good overcoat
shoes and suits, all kinds of music
al instruments, shotguns, rifles, heat
ing stoves, gas stoves, suit eases and
10(10 other useful articles to sell 01
" trade. What havo youf The Capital
Exchange, 337 Court St. Phone 493.
Umbrella repaired and rccovored,
razors, knives, scissors and law
mowers sharpened, saw filing, lock
smithing, kodaks, alarm clocks, mu
icnl instruments and roller top desks
repaired. My specially is repairing
everything in the light repair line.
New location Is 347 Court cH. Phones
shop 4!3, Itcs. Ilti9. Alin B. Stew
McCornack htU on every Tuesday
st 8. P. Andreses, C. C. f . J. Easts
K. H. 4 8.
ROYAL Neighbors of America, Ore
gon drape camp No. 1.1(10 meet every
Thursday evoning in MoCornaek hall
Elevator service. Oracle, Mrs. Car
rie E. Bunn, 048 Union St.; recor
der, Mrs. Melissa Persons 1415 N,
4th St. Phone 1430M.
Oregon Cedar Camp Ho. 5246 meets
every Thursday evening, 8 o'clock:
In MeCornack hall, over Meyers
store. Ray A. Grant, V. C; F. A.
Turner, clerk.
bly No. 8 meets svery Thursday at
8 p. m. in Masonie Temple. Clenn
O. Niles, M. A.; C. A. Vibborr,
secretary, 340 Owea; street.
! J. A Rowland Furniture Store
llnys, sells snd exchanges new and
2nd hand furniture. All kinds of
repaii work, light grinding, filing,
sad brazing a specialty. Right
prices. 247 North Ceromsrcial i
Phone IS.
Our Prices are Rig'nt
W. M. ZANDER, Proprietor
1255 N. Summer Street, Salem, Oregon.
refuse of all kinds removed oa month
ly contracts at reasonable rales.
Cos pools cleaned. Dead animals re
moved. Office phone Main, 167: