THE DAILY CAPITAL JOURNAL, SALEM, OREGON. SATURDAY. MARCH 29. 1919. GUISSIEM R'S COURT TheFcHoH-c Is the OfScial tomv: pntficalion of lie record of JB1 Claims before the Marion ;vSVSXi! r. i r r i Road District N. 21 uiuinj tumniissiunsrs Loan m m drawing T .1 n I as mm i sn I rcrtneresruary ienn,iyiy. Road District No. 52. Ramsdon C J, viewer I Duiia Frank, do will llxe sut allowed, fcSs continued, do, according to tae records k the office of the County Clerk Roads And Highways. Deck k Son, gravel l-arre't frank, dragging Ott Phil, cleaning ditches ete Troudt Adam, drntjtjinff Troudt C I) patrolman Road District Ho. 3 Deck 6 Bon, drain tile Kuensting, f 0 uiisrcllai coos work Wilier, J H dragging Olson, Lars building culverts Phillips K W grubbing Kiioiis'ing, ('lias pa t ml ni :i u Road District No 4 Oariu, Fred dragging " Road District No. 5 Davidson, Edward repairing, road Davidson. John grading, etc .... Davidson, Ualih drugging, grad ing, ete . Kirk Jnlin gravel Murphy, James tile Hpsulding Logging company, the ( lias K lumber Davidson, W F patrolman Road District No 7 Denver Sitae Printers, brief, West vs. Marion county Drager. D 0 adv far freight on gravel Salem Sand and Ci ravel company Hand a I. J (travel couiiny gravel Road District No. 22 Ie Vrieo. Win. dragging etc. Clymer, George dragging Cone, A J di . RamsJcn. C J iatrolinan Road District No. 25 j Pound U A filling boles, etc Mmpson, frank dragging , Von Behron, If, C patrolman Road District No. 27 els. ete . Road District No. 28', .)', I Clyde Equipment roinhanr, road 13.73 I dri,S - ----- , - ...! Farmer Hardware company, Kay I T l...l... I 11- 21.75 ieuf uaiol.c uuuscr nros. powucr, caps and fuse ... Clark, E ditching ete Orettie O C blasting rock llarjier, J F hauling rock etc Salt-in ."sand & Gravel Co, grave Javier A. Vl-trnr Salem Scad Jr. Gravel Co, gravel ScliinJer Jne, dragging Dunigan. Maurie do Duuigan Kj Jr, hauling gravel in to : ete 33 00 j Bart ruff Joe. ilitehing . 4$ w Duuigan Edw. Sr. jmtruhimn 39jj0 Road District No. 54 "3 00 tioplerud John ", patrolman Road District No. 58. 24.70 H;ilcm Sand k Gravel Co, gravel. Havnes II, patrolman 4.00 'Duda Bernard, spreading gravel I 213.32! etc 6.50,Griesenauer EJ, hauiinf crave! 3 li9 1 ... etc 2.50 jSchaet her Wm, do -jU.Berning R J, patrolumn I Soad District No. 2 17.33 j Salisbury W D, bal due for 1 A 4-30! laiul il Road District Kn fu. rvuit'd 6.30 Meyers L H, draariui Miscellaneous Accts. Cont'd, ' 11iS11V t.llliiho. fn I.....K... . ----- - ' 1 - "I iuhwi. OJ.OV, In-ill JA 43.13' Co Court and Commissiocers j Bushey. W M travelir j expense 12. v9 8.75 . GouU-t, W H Co co:uuiismaer PS. 41 I Hunt, J T do Ki9.Sk; 2J.75 Healto Officer 15.0ij t-ashatt, C E Co health officer 2y. j,j Reg. and Eloctions I Beaver State rriatera, post I card aotiees 145.00 "u.v,r dv for stamps j-irT fraaster i.;ae, moving 37. 'Af 15.73 tio.uO .50 3.3 A, re deckiug Jeff 83.70 ! ' Road District NoT 59. ' Hav" if K "do" Sale... Sand k Gravel Co, graveL 18.83 ' ltahikin ted" 56;. Bennett Ellia, hauling rock 2.75jva,e K O uo 7 30 : Davidson L T, hauling gravel 2S.8S ; Vou(i chas. do 3.50 4.00 8.7 11.23 i-O1 Potter L W, do.. 3.00 pah'm Sand t (travel Co, gravel Salem Sewer Dipe Co, pie 9 69 ' Beeves O M, patrolman 87J0 Road District No. 60. 8.22 Rieik Herman Jr, dragging, ete ration Ernest , hauling gravel 5.7.1 (aylnr Harver O, dragging Martin Hurry E do . 1'atton A J, patrolman Road District No. 61. Uiryseric Jo8, repairing briilgo etc Buyserio Alphonso J, patrolman Road District No. 62. Salem Sewer Pipe Co, pipe do 39.19 ' Imvisun Ihivid. do oo.-io Bahlkiu Henry, do i2.00 Clemuus Clint, do. (wu.Gooeh lauk, do 17.00 17.00 17.00 10.23 T2.50 Waddle Fred, do. 3S.07 .40 12.30 41.2) 16.50 18.81 ISuiitli & Fontaine, nails ete 5.30 Road District No. L S4.00 Irvin W W, gravel 5.07, l.ebo M I), dranaiuu ete 5.25, Morgan iYry, draiisriuir Zimmerman A J, hauling gravel Snyder A C, pttroliuan 3.73 Road District No. 12 Cont'd.' 11.2a Kirwh Timothy, do.. I Sterling John ii, do I...,,., i v ........1 -it I ere. J7 go ! Anderson A M, piik ana liamtie, -1.60 1 Hudelsoa A B, for D J Good- Kirsea rein, bounty.. Road District No. 29 jqPq: Salem Hardware riu.ipany bolts vuiht, jonii niinri-iianeuus work Ilaiupton, Hill ditching Simpson, F It grading M'-Cormirk. J W patrolman Road District Na 30 Benson, Arthur Clerk filing tran of appeal Cunts versus Mar ion county (Inrfielil, Kdna reporting and trans Coats versus Marion county .. -. Thielsim, llolaml & I!nr;;han!t priin on appeal bond Coats versus Marion county Wee'dle, Fred cleaning drift from culvert Donohue Dan patrolman Road District No. 31 Fast Lumber company, lum ber ' 12 50 8.00 18.00 3.00 12.00 4i"i..".0 10.00 11.0s 43.20 2(1.0') 22.50 2.5u 5.(K) 75.30 13.00 137.5: 40.00 1.23 3.U0 53.28 2.00 10.00 18.72 14.00 1S.53 30.00 Kiim liniik. John lumber 12.:to Doerfler, Orvil work on bridge Dickens, Frank hauling lumber 7.50 I ete - 0.75 Vachter, Adam do 6.00 Ft Lumber Company, him- Nosock Frank do 6.00 1 ber 0.40 Wockerley, Joe shoveling gra- iFcnncll, Albert work on fill vol .. MO etc 12.00 Harper, J 8 hauling gravel 6 0'i,''rge, A hauling gravel fl 00 Cuuthorn 11 K, do. Heed J Al, do. Bwkner C L, dragging diggers John, ditching (iouley Homer, ilitrhiug etc Osliorn Gibson, ditching lieekner A L, pntrulmun Road District No. 63. Chase and Linton Gravel com pany gravel .. 409.50 l'arrott K V, shoveling gravel etc 7:50 Smith Dewey, do...;, 3(3.25 Taut fi st Henry, bridge plank.... 3.00 Mathio; Pete, patrolman 50.00 Road District No. 65. Patterson Kay, work on bridge.. 3.73 Patterson Pearl, do 6.00 Ciiuuer, do....... .'. 'i.oS Russell Ward C, dragging, etc.... H.00 Nuso... Francis, work on bridge.. 1.50 Patterson Hichnnl, patrolniti'i.... 23.00 Road District No. 66. Nipple V W, gravel 3.65! Piersiui & Ron W J, spikes Condi t S J, acting patrolman... Road District No. 63. Loose V. II, patrolman Buffin, W. B., do, Koaa tnsxrict o. t. Carlson. C. Crl rt Ebner J W, pick and handle- S.lO'halifaux. Mrs., do. Puhlschiieider F, do Vnu Bergen houser Chas, relief-. Miller Mrs Alberta, do Ilamuier George, bounty Eetzel Alex, do .". Buhr John, do ... Byro W 11, cxaiuiuttiou Cashntt C E, do Byrd W 11, do Gumjobst 11, do Byrd W 11, do ! Cashntt C E, do llanes L, bounty Litchfield Ge0 1", bailiff IZI Kastburn, 1) F bounty Brown, Geo do EUoii, George do Poor Account Luun, Mrs O C relief Baker, W. A., relief Bulliett. 8.. do. 13.20 1 Barrior, Mr. and Mrs. do .ouj Boys' & Girls' AidJSocicty, do... iniiiis, Airs. 1 lorenco L., do ociil booth Rotlgera Paper Co, f:le, stencil unr, board, ete "u Saenii'g Office ,,nsEUiolt, X D tax receipt, 2T5.00 ?" Moore, Co, Kos, E, legal blanks . 13.40 1 -3 Veoitham W I S).tf ,lv f..r stamps 20.10 Xeedhaia W 1 shff, use of auto o.40 laeifie Te! 4 Tel Co, The phone and calls : 10.25 Portland RailwaT LPC m .90 13.00 Bbbo A Carbon Co, H 4 M 15.001 caruun 2.00 33.06 , Rodger a Paper Co. cash regis ter ete . 270.30 shaver, B A nvekes 20.00 Thielsen, Roland k Burghardt premium on bond 123.00 Clerk's Office: Pacific Tel & Tel Co, The phone and ealls 6.00 Rodgcrs Paper Co, wrapping pa per ete S.00 Shaver, B A record books and letter heads 107.00 Recorder 'a Office I'rookf, Mildred M adv for stamps 5.30 Pacific Tel k Tel Co The phone 3.25 B A Shaver Kei-ord book, etc... 210.7") Frederick Post Co The repairs to level ete 24.20 Herrick, B B adv for stamps.... 1.50 nuns, ruui .u repairing type writer ete , 4.30 Assessor's Office Commercial Printing Co, assess ment blanks SI. SO Elliott, X 1) tax receipts 5.00 Urogon Statesman, assessment blanks 39.73 Pacific Tel & Tel Co The phone and calls 9.20 Kodgers Paper Co, bind index etc "6. S3 Workman, A H adding niaehino ribbon 1.00 District Attorney Gearhart, Hazello stenographer 40.00, Mux adv for stamps and phone 3.67 Heltzel, ,Ias G deputy 2 Co. Court and Commissioners Daily Capital Journal, The puo. claim docket Victim of German "Kamerad" Trick Has Scar and Gun As Souvenirs a ! v t V. V 35.05 7.50 6.00 12.00 34.50 1.85 1.35 10.00 .33 1.55 1.70 2.40 5.00 5.00 Ho 2.40 S.oO 5.00 5.00 5.00 5.00 15.00 5.00 2.50 3.00 1.20 5.13 1.35 - n i nuuivi. luniiui fulling in hid J.iJU ... n w ii v va " 4 a ci t.., Cutsforth, John H patrolman 41.87 ! McNeill, Georgo gravel Roal District NO. 8 Russell, O. W miscellaneous Dni.mnn, Steve grading 5,00 ' work ..... (iolibunith, U ditching 7.50 Phippord, Orvil do ..'... Kahut. Pete grnding S.OO.Kussell, 8 II patrolman .. ... ttpaiilding Logging Company, the Road District No. 32 Chas K lumber 3.07 Brown Lumber company Thias, Afnt general repairs . 10.50 lumber Thias, William do 6.00 Lambert I, 8 wood ...................... Kahut Peto do 4 SOiBnrson, Otto L shoveling rock.... Knhnt, Joe do 4.r,oi Lake, w n TltWlg anJ gn0Vl,i. Kahut, Frnn do 0.00 lug Durant, I, W patrolman 21.25 iFuson, W ii TauTing Vock"T Road District No 8'9 Fulton, 8 A hauling wood 1.5(1 Ciu.fielil, H W laying tile 6.2" Lambert. 1, 8 patrolman 28.00 Degueire, Kit ditching 43.73 Road District No. 37 Degueire, Joseph iln 33.75 Hovsre, George M gravel 6.00 Deiiuone, Peter, covering tile Hoyser. Georire M do 8.0") 0 u.t , llowman, George hauling gravel 57.00 2.5" I Bowman, Joseph do 15 00 gra Leslie John A, blacksuiitliing. fl-SSiClevinger, Mrs. 8. E do" - Uiekinson, . A., do 3.75 ! I),,,,,.. Clvssu V.llnn A,. Krnemer Jos A, grading etc 1 1 ' 11 ,11 . J !.. 1500 Kraomer Hugo, picking rock etc 20.25 j2.WoUiart, Mr. Anna, do- .Kraemer John Sr, do ! Foster, Mrs., do 12.00 !I)0Wn Al, hauled gravel 2 50 i Gilchrist, Alma, do... 12 oa ,(iillis tnas. dragging. (Hidden, J, H., do 15 00 10.00 20.00 10.00 15.00 25.00 10.00 10.00 10.00 10.00 20.00 10.00 10.00 10.00 12.00 "He's faking." named th? t.M. C.A. man's companion as they r.p proachod a suppe.-edly wcundH German officer, l'lie "Y" num bad gor.e over the top with the boys and was serving as a sticu'ner Lvnrer, so he kept on toward the German. He wan within c few feet of him when the officer, v.-h i had his bands ati iva his head in rU lar surrender fashion, m.nie a sud den ii-.otion with the r'ght hand, th?rr wa:' an explosion, and a bul let tore, through tfco .merioan's arm. The vL'ttrr of tYs Wt of German "strateiry" Is Alrxam'er P. V.atson, ot Kniixville. Tcnn.. vho aus ji!9t returned from F-atuo. Tha "ka n-erad'- g"n, v.liier h-' na-; ;nm;-.!i himc :s icuverti ,;. 3., ,-;?: ilu1 P. ran ,'ie c ir i ul-. ti n ;rs r);.i:t oi the hand. Th "iw:-: uu.:d; ;n iiruly JiV.dai! oy ;tic .tntcr.' jie rani! 2b afc: v,-;ii! ?. 30 oi:i!t that It fits nto the curra of the hand as It is held ubove one's lvv.'t. and the Jong trigger is work ed v.i:h th; little finger. In "surrendering." the wieldcr of this trerchereus mechanism holds up his left hand v.itli ths pa!m forward in the usual fashion, but (ho right, holding the gun, is extended above the head witn the Daim turned in, concealing the pis tel. When the victim is close cnoogh, a twist ot the wrist is enniiKfi to do the work. Tiure was no resistance on the Wirt ol iHe German when A'alson finally jot this souvenir, A dough boy m a "moppiiig-up' Darty at work nearby sjr.v :ne attack 3n tha "V ' :nan. The loidier s action, whi.:l' w.;- '.nttautar.c-jus. ,nric It uurtccss::::-;- Xr .3: ,tr;'.?ii?r jcar o:t ic tip ,tii -:''.:.viL:r .00 23.41 t) 00 i 7.00 5.23 10.00 Groshong, Mrs. J. N., do 10.00 !"i!g"ru, jA-iia do aO.OO J" Hnrdin, Grace Ellen, do 10.00 Hardwick, Charles, do , i I Haynes, Mrs. Caroline, do '".Henry, Mrs. Olive E., do liiug, Mrs. Orn, do, fill 6 2" 3I.2'I e!c .. Htutte, John dragging Vincent Chns. repairing Iscollard, Wm. pntrelmnn Road District No. 9 Knmyato, John slashing brush ... Morley, Hoy do Milottman, () ,1 do White, V .1 dragging Van Cleave, Joseph A patrolman Road District No. 11 Drown, Hurley hauling gravel Dickcii, Aaron shoveling gravel Lima, Carl hauling gravel luck, Hugh spreading gravel) etc Ilartinnn C 1) patrolman Road Distrlrt No. 12 llrnuglier, A 1 nails nml shovel Butte' Creek Lumber company, lumber . fsnndall, .! K rinils Koit, Bert enrpenter on bridge Hiepl.enl, Carl work nn bridge ... Shepherd, Fli yd mVcellaneous ttoik , Hogg. W T patrolman 10.50 I Road District No 13 Heclhaivmer, A (I repair grader, etc I'.nglish Eh in l( shoveling gravel 1.25 .lnlinsmi Hans drugging 25.00 Knglish, W () patrulman 40.87 Road District No. 14 Page and Du4in, wood 3 00 I'.acliler, A I clearing right of way 20,01) Drown, V F do y.efteburg, John do 9.00 2 50 Scnnlau, Juuies shoveling 11-0'H vel IX.iO I Dogger Glenn driving team 36.75 '' I'm per, J 11 scraping dirt 1.50 2-0 j llojser, (leurge M Patrolman.... 81.37 2-"'M . Road District No. 38 I Sulci. 1 Sand and Gravel com- 10.12: ,,luiy j,, ,,vol 50.70 'HMleui Sewer Pipe company pine 3310 12. -id (liiiiuH, v eleauiiig ditches I etc 3.7.". 10.10, Trick, T 1 patrolman. 10.25 Road District No 39 Salem Const ruction company 1 ' 38.75 iumpert iionr. parroimnn. . ii.ou Uohin, Liaette, do, Boedighelmer John, putting., in tilo culvort Ettzel Jake, repairing mncannm.. Rclnuld Matt, do Downing E 0, Tmtrolmnn. .. Road District No. 88. renreo & Son Lot L, plow and Quinr.y cutter 27.00 Porcelt ( hurley, helped reia.r bridgo Rale.n Sand & Gravel Co, gravel Turnidge John, work on bridges Road District No. 80. Ames S, powder, fuse and Roadtnaster. 'Culver W J, salary nud expenses Coffin lOuyer, J P relief for Hattis Joyce a at Barnes, Letta M relief Oregon .Statesman do 43.41 lKllrcn LiHie P do . 1'aeitic Tel k Tel Co The phono lihik, Alice do and calls 4 Head, Gertrude Fawk writing report of audit .10.00 Court Houm 10.001 Ashhv, Claud hauling wood .... 10.00 . - ,iel,:i.i' t ttr vuiius, o ,y junnor ilo.00 Cudahy Tacking Co, The bbl. 2.50 3.90 6.00 31.95 3.00 4307 .1.10 4 50 2.31, j M.7 grave Kohow. C A etn Saucy, ('has 1) etc Johnson, hauling gravel hauling gravel, (der, A patrolman Road District No. 15 Salem Hewer Pipe company, pip Meyer, Alfred cutting tree out of rond Hascr, Fred I) dragging etc Kaser, Ham V do . ... Pooler F.arl L do Duller, Henry C patrolman Road District No. 16 7.00 P I) patrolman Road District No. 40 Wink, (' It slioelii gravel shepherd, l.on hauling gravel... Sclioniiii'ker John shoveling gravel Hilyeii, Chester hauling gravel, etc ltirhards, K ,1 pat nil. nan Road District No. 41 Gi.'.lnpp, II II gravel Gialapp. Millon do Road District No. ii Farmer Hardware Company, Hay 1, iron and bolls Jorguseen, Ira boring holes in scraper iron Salem Sand ii Gravel Co, gravel.. Battalion t'ri-s, dunging.. 17..') s):!.oo 4s.oo 100.(10 .1.00 21.00 15.110 22.50 33 50 2.2; Frederick Post Co, reading glass Pacific Tel & Tel Co, phone and calls Trucks. Associated Oil Co, motor oil Bollier John, driving truck etc.... Farmer lldvv Co Hay L. belting etc .'. Ileckman Chester, driving truck 1.28 T8.78 88.00 83.00 10.00 10.00 1U.IM) 23.00 32.50 10.00 12,00 20.00 8.00 10.00 llcnsley tialph l.oi kn omt C M, gi.-soline Penree & Son Lot 1., gasoline etc (,)iiuf kciiliush Auto Supply & Viilrauiiiig, gas Spauliling Logging Co Tne ('has K, lumber Stroud S, diiving truck ele I'nioo Oil Co of Cnlifornia, mn- t.r oil Valley Motor i'ou;pa.iy, coffer kegs nud nuts Yick Bros, work oil trucks gas etc .. Wat I Shipp compuny sproi-kets and chain Miscellaneous Accounts. Adams 4 Co J "D, 2 grader etc.. Asliby Claude, lnise work City of Salem, sweeping bridge etc . 5.31 ! Culver W ,1, adv for express iDomognlla V A, n.iso work .50 Farmer Hdw Co Kay L, nails 43.82 bolts rope etc JO.00' Fraser & Pratt, repairs on truck 10.00 soap polish Oomogulla, F A haul wood Drager, D O adv for janitor work Evans, H E draynzo etc farmer Hardware Co, Kay L electric lamps ... Hnrtman Bros Co repair clock Portland liy Light & P Co lighting Salem Water Light 4- Power to, water Pacific Tel & Tel Co The phone Kodgers 1'nper 0, paper mign, rrunk witness Justice Court Davie, Jas P drawing jury list Mder, w w do drier, J B do Howell, E E do Allen F W do Allowed Disallowed Shuinuker, E J Allowed Disallowed State vs Emorick L'nruh, G E justice 3.00 State vs Green l'nruh, G E justice 0.45 W K eonstablo 13.30 40 00'K'"K' Altn witness 1.70 15'oiitTod.l, Golda do 1.70 H.,l. li...- .1- ' liriima C. K 1I11 1 Til "'Kkonir. Mr. Ali.eti .1,. v) -.o - State vs MtKiPney !'().oo;t,.. ... r' . , "vrri-iitnv, a v. i..t. 10 iiiilll, : ll uo Jo. OOl " " , " I... lay, Mrs. Francis, op Ketehum, M. B., do Knott, Mrs. Melvina, do - ," La Chupelle, Mrs. A., do Lautz, Catherine, do . Lawrence, Charles, do. Lee, Clnrah Mae, do 25.00 Lueier, Stephen, Hr., do 5.00 Mack, E. A., do 12.00 Muher, Mrs. Mary, do..... iu.oO McDuuiel, Mrs. Blancho, do 20.00 McDonald, John, do McLeod, Mrs. Ella, do , Miller, Mrs. Yina H., do. .., Miracle, Mrs. A., do Aewtoii, O. D.,do, ..:01d People's Home, for Mrs. Ju " I lia D. Hurtcl 10.00 10.00 10.00 10.00 10.00 108.00 !m1!' J"'"' J-',rcli,'f - do iKi.oo; u" - - 6)4), K" " 073 I Rogers, Joseph W., do j Salem Deaconess hospital relief 15.20 10.00 8.00 10.00 9.00 19.50 IV 00 14.00 1.50 3.75 3.50.1 93.46 7.00 4.25 5.00 2.20 2.00 2.00 3.00 3.00 2.00 1.00 2.00 1.00 10.00 I 10.00 13.00 12.50 10.00 25.00 1 ll Eases Quickly When You Apply . i'.,......L. 1 ..1.. .1. ... .... 1 o Jutiuie muacciuic. i) ., . . . . t . . - ..... ... . .. - vtarrcn, Annio Alvira do 17.50 na wusteroie wont ouster uko inm Gibson, Gussio do 32 50 old-fashioned mustard plaster. Just Harper, Clara do 7 '50 spread it on with your fingers. It pene- .JoGrath, Etta do 10 00 ratw t0 the re 8Pot witl gentle Mi.e, Mvrtlo Angeiiuc do lo'oo tingle, loosens the congestion and dw Robinson, Tessie do . 25 oo out tne ness and pain. 3.151 for W, S. Mitchell Schmidt. Katherino relief , 70 . . Siindderly, Flora do 50.o;i - " j Stevenson, Mrs Bonnie do 20.00 s- ! Stripling, Hula do i.QO j Thompson, Mrs 8 do 10.00 .,! ells, 11 A do 1 W Int.", Mrs J F do irO.OO 3 nri Williams, Alice do 8.00 851.70 80.00 SALARIES. a ,() , Marcliand Hoy, gravel ... 17.oO,Ciggcy E, operating ferry Ilia. 11 Geo, do 2.50 15 on N Is .1 M, do . I lei like Otto, do 'Johnston C F, do.. for 7 -.11 1 00 l-niiderbnck J G, do 38 73 , C'l-fk. J D, palrolioan Road District No. 41 20.00 1 Lock wood C M, casoline 20.00 Hammond Lumber Co, lbr !i(MiO Jefferson bridge 20.00 Herren J II , clmiiiniKii car serv 0.00 j j te 20.00 ..lorg.'nsen Ira, tires for scarifier etc Stevens Ellis dragging 10.00 K'artwrlght 11, hauling rock 17.50 Mrllwain Win, work on bldg at ..5 5 00 9.7-. 21.00 Stevans, Tcdic do Road District No. 17 Dennett, Harry laying corduroy De .1,, mli 11, Johu uiying cordu roy, etc N.v. A P do r-nli'iu Hand itnd Gravel company gravel 95.5? PmeaJ, EJ ditching etc nevlcr, shoveling gravel etc (Iouley, Komen patrolman Road District No. IS. Salem Sand aud Gravel com pany, gravel Cole, Hubert mud drsgginc, etc ('..Hard, W V do ... 21.00 Jouei, Mrs. W Al hired man hauling gravel ete. 28.50 Road District No 19 Johnson, F man hauling gra vel Kohow, C A hauling gravel Salem Construction company gravel , Darling. () B dragging Darling, W I) do 'ing-tett Clyde Biiscellaneous work .". Road District No. 20', Salem Hewer Pipe company 1'ipe - - -- jo (in ! I.undgren Harry, do 7.50, tool house I Simmons Asa. do 1 . ' Stnpleton Null. an, do Warren G L, othoveling rock Winslow Paul, hauling rock Road District No. 45. Earl 11 1.. pok handles etc Road District No. 46 22.50 ! Former Hdw Co Kay L, cor.l etc j Salem Sand k Gravel Co, gravel 12.00 Watt Shipp Powder Co, powder.. 75.00 stupo'ton 11 C, rck drilling Sv.ler J h, striking drill . ltotci.bauii! N, patrolman . Road District No. 48. Huffman E J. use of team lluhn Edwin W, triilmu Road District No. 49. Aker Baruev, log drag and repair I work ltoschler Albert, do fi,0ol!oth Joel 1), laying corduroy fi.dO I Koth Noah J, hauling lumber.. Hiilh N E, laying corduroy. 3.(10 Secly Perry, log drag work lM.Oi) Stewart Bruce, laying corduroy 21.00 Stewart J K, do ... ' I Stone Albeit, log drag work 3.00!McKee Cli:: A, rmtrulmnn . Road District No. 5L Salem Hand k Gravel Co, gravel 27.00 Drager L W, patrolman 2.50 1.50 7.50 LOO 7--" Pohle & Sua H, repairs to gas engine Furl l:i ml Ry L & P Co, renewing channel lights Port hind llv 1, 4 P Co, lighting Will bridge Pnrvine Piinio A Tnnilit Itltc. nine t I '' - I t "I - -,w, Salem Sand k Gravel Co, gravel Salem Wi;ter L ft P Co, water at -" tool house 30.00 , Snvnge H chainman 15'iB.iwver W S, do... i0.50:(nvi,,r jj Aj runr,inij Buena Vis ta ferry etc . Swart It S, making rd maps Yamhill Electric Co, lights Ne berg brid'e Road District No. 10. Civil Equipment Co, road drag ele Willamette Valley Southern Ry Co, freight on aravel Chase 4 Linton (travel mm psny gravel I'lin. .T W almvitl . ""iSrhmalli 4 Sons, luinlier & gravel . 3-30 Scrwnb Frc.1. Travel t Willamette Valley Southern Ry Sheriffs Offics. Bower, O D do Holmes, P H do Smith, B U do Willurd, Pansy tax clerk and stenographer Pn.-e, V 8 tax clerk Hoover, C T ik Wiight.uuii, F T do . Richardson, W do - r..)i..n.. ik n .1. 1383.10. Kn,ith' j, deputy heriff7.'.Z 18 50 Clerk's of flcs Kloeiping, H H deputy county 12.40 '''' I Herrick, W It do (16,00 : Arms, A M do I McGee, L do K.25 .68 80.00 25.02 5.25 25.00 . 11.41, W L constable 10. o0 Bross, H W witness l.Oo li.nart, A do l.flO Miller, J I do 2.10 l...l W ' . 1 -a I .',, eunus.-. t vt in, 1,01 ; .tiauu-y, ) ' a uo 1 .:t') KiH-l.-r, Dr D 1) do J.70 llofer. Col E do 1.70 Carson, John V do 2.10 Marion, J II do 1.00 Croi-an, Geo do 2.10 Robertson, E E do 2.30 FullertoB, P E juror 1.00 Johnson, Paul V 1.00 Hudelson, A B do 1.00 Mangis E .7 do 1.00 Buchner, W do 1.00 Cummings, W L do 1.00 State vs Root l'nruh, O- B justice 5.95, W E constable 13.03 Coroner Clough, A M investigating deaih of Mrs Clara Hansen 8.60 Clough, A M investigating 110.00 death of .Martin Vos 5.40 90.00 ! Clough, A M investigating 100.00 100.00 90.00 65.00 50.00 40 . 00 44.00 40.00 1(3.00 90.00 1.23 14.37 20.12 5.00 0.0O 2.50 5.00 2.50 10.00 83 70.00 65.00 4.00 R'Kdon Leila E registration elk 22 5.) Hover, C y. do 19.00 Recorder's Office Snvugo, Helen deputy recorder. 80.00 liea.l, Gertrude Faw k do 80.0 Treasurer 's Office Kichardson, W Y deputy treas 90.00 Assessor's Offlc Iwis, C A clerk 90.00 Shclton, K do .... 90.00 Wriiihtiiinn, F T extending tax roll .... 45.00 West. O E do 75.00 14.00; Swart, II M draftsman 36.00 Court Ilousa. - 412, Morgan, Cal kiiitor . 24.00 Kirby, A P do 60.00 Hudson, I. do ' 40.00 17.23 2.81 3.90 1.33 10.50 10.50 76.93 - 39.37 63.20 104.00 1.50 8.99 8.02 School Superintendent Rei.1, Cora E clerk d0.0 Smith, J Y L supervisor 100.08 IWidmrnn Ir H A .in Fuikerson, Mary L rt .. ....t 100.00! Heenor. J O do donth of Jas R Wilson 5.30 Co School Superintendent Elliott, X D letter heai'.s 3.25 Fulkerson. Mary L supervis or's expenses 44.17 Hoag, 1 A acct of 8th gralo examination 9.00 Lingren, Miss Anna aret of 8th grade examination 9.00 Pacific Tel 4 Tel Co The phone and calls 8.40 Reid, Cora E acct 8th grade exam 9. 00 Reid. Cora E truancy 41.25 Smith, K C acct 8th grade exam 9.00 Smith, John W L supervisor's expenses .. 27. SS Smith, W M traveling exp 16. 60 Smith W M adv for stamps ets 31.47 Stannard. W J services In re pairing bldg for institute... Health Officer stiles, Dr O B registrar Whedbee, Emma do Poor Account Cont'd Austin's Grocery groceries for -Nfrs Straih Bowcrman, Ms L H room rent for Jos Rogerg 3.00 Broughcr, A L groceries for -Mrs Ueruuer , Burger, Wm II rent of house lor .Mrs Donaldson 8. 00 (ha nip 4 Son, S H irroceric. for Mrs Letta Valet 6. 00 vi:y iranster Line, wood for Mrs Strath nnd Mrs Williams Johnson 4 Co, G W sox for in mates poor farm Larmer Transfer, D A coal for -Mrs Donaldson Lebold 4 Co, groceries for .Mrs Donaldson Opera House Pliarmacv, pro- scriptions 17,73 a-' .lie lei & Tel Co The phono at farm Penney Company, j C clolhing ot cfnr J Ailanu Purvitie Pii'iip & Implement co trip and labor at farm ""Herts, c M groceries for Mrs McAfee Roberts. C M gro. cries tor J !1 Bowman Salom Deaconess Hospital earo of Martha Dickey Salem Deaconess Hospital care of Lacie Lvi;;i!ii a'.ein Dcaconi ss Hospital earn of John Watkins 13.00 Sali in Deaconess Hospital caro of .T.-ikeh 8.00 Suleni Deaconess Hospital care of Mrs Jennie Stewart 138.00 uloni Hospital, care of Mrs Lizzie Hownrd Salem Hospital, care of Jane Calwell Salem Hostfital, care oif AJ Marvin Salem Hospital, care of A W Foster ' Salem Water Light and Power ( 0, water service for Mrs Donaldson Silverlon Hospital, care of Mrs. Martin Lojian Taylor, Eurl E snpt poor farm Weller Bros, groceries for Helen Mi-Lane Gruber Bros, brass beh .. Jail Account Jackson, Hattie M conveying 7 Vsher children Sullivan. C K K R fare nc'cl I'sher children 11.20 Gopher and Mole Bounty Cont'd Buyer, V G adv for hnuntv 4.43 Tax Rebate Brown, Emma M refund .. 55. 00 Continued Griffith, Kate D do is. 87 in nn ttiuaiciuic io vicou, ntitv.viiius.i. 10 . UU , .j. n,;,u :l A Tt. 1. na uioug mill uu iiiustatu. ti ta iu -t quick relief from sore throat, bronchitis, tonsilitis. croua stiff neck, asihma. neu- 23.90 ralgia, headache, congestion, pleurisy. rheumatism, lumbago, pains and aches ot the back or joints, sprains, sore muscles; I bruises, chilblains, frosted feet, colds on . 0 Rn I thr chest (it often prevents pneumonia). V.OU . Ml,: 1;,,. )..,.. ( -h!l. A.VL1II11K II1VB ttlU3LCltlQ IU1 UVU, V. n. dren. Keep it handy for instant use. 30c and bOc jars; hospital size $5Q, 11.73 7.20 7.00 12.02 1.50 27.17 3.00 7.98 6.03, 28.00 23.00 2S.00 28.00 21.00 17.00 1.30 19.50 327.71 34.58 1.25 llliiilfl PRISON TEAM LINED TJP 7.43 Placed on a firm footing by the proceeds of the recent entertainment stunt given at the penitentiary, the prisoner ball tosscrs are making prep arations for the base ball season, which is expected to open with active practice in a week or two. A ere has been at work during tho fine weather of the past week in putting the grounds in good condition. J. F. Keller has been elected manager and Willurd Tanner, who has been at the Lead of the inside team for the past nve or six years, was again chosen as captain. Tanner lias the name of oomg one of the best amateur catch ers in the state, and is also a gonius with the but, haviuir in on season died up a batting record around "nl. While the personnel of Ihn (nm has not yet been definitely made up, there is pl'entv of irood material in sight men who have made good i past seasons. Earl Sender is mention ed n a sure winner in the pitcher's hoi, Jack Goldey and Jack Boehra are timber for first base, Charlio Potter for second ('base, Jan. Dumoute ,for third base, and little Al Dawson for short stop. Warden Stevens end Dep uty Talley are enthusiastic in promot ing the game, and will welcome chal lenges from any team in the state. REV. CHARLES CRESPEATJ DUI Lautirman, J 11 do Continued War Contingent Drager, D O adv fur stamps-. Garfield, Edna transcript etc cct fire at Waconda 12.56 4.00 61.60 BOSS CARRIE OALBRAITH PASSES 1.00 42.90 1.62 Co, freight on gravel . Berning C J, hauling gravel ete 47.40 21.SS Poor Account Continued. Byrd, W H Ct phv,ieian Jackson, Hattie M spec officer Stock Inspector Moorrfcoiise, W ( Co veteri narian .... 50.00 70.00 33.60' Beebe. G II do Webort, Louis do Kellev. J 8 do Hubbs O W do, J T do Fruit Tnsnectft- Sealer of Weights and Mesw Van Trump. 8 If salarr and exp 111.23 Jones, J F salary and expenses 47.6- C.uyer, J P relief for Luct Miss Carrie Galbraith, who hart been ill for some lerntth of time with lung trouble, died Wednesday afternoon March 26. at the home of" ho. l,.i..' 54 00 !J- C' -:1'"'r!li,h' t St. Louis stationi ,''"aKcd o7 years. "! Miss Galbraith was a native or Jef-lo'"'-. -?n foun,i' T'n"vee. and leaves a .75 ?L "' M"; J- T' Wa,kins an1 'o bro 13.O0 iR,? n,y' '''i"0 nJ brother in had not be decided at time of going to ' " nnvss. Gervnis Star. 1 JOURNAL WANT ADS PAY Rev. Chafes Crespenu, resident priest or st. J.oins, died suddenly at his resi dence Monday morning. He had beea. suffering with henrt trouble for some time but wn, able t attend to his church work, end said mass at 7 o'clock that morning, and went to his home t lie down. Shortly thereafter tho Sister, called to see him and found him ii a dying condition. A physician was sent for hut he passed away before he ar rived. Rev. Crespenu was a native of Frs-nee and eame to Oregon several years ago, and had been at St. Louis about three venrs. He wa about 57 yenrs of age and well liked by his parishioners a well ns those of other faith. . . The funeral was held Thursday morn ing at 10 o'clock at th Sr. Louis ehurch. Father Hilderbrapdt. of Oregon ' iiv, rtean or the diocese, sa-vine me, and interment in Ft. Lnni. fcmMnrr Gervais Star. SIX INSTALLMENTS ALLOWED "ashineton. Marrfi "8 -Installment Privileges for the Victor- libertr loaa ill he the most liberal of tnv gn-rn-ment war loaa. Seeretar- (Has an nonnced todar. Payment will hfi per mited in six instaNinoi. Tn nnrtk loan, the treasury allowed four install ments. ..t-1