Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, March 29, 1919, Page PAGE TEN, Image 10

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ttk 3aito,Fabital Journal
a4m - m urn 4,1
& m-j-m$mm4mtkm m.m -m-m mm.tm i,,,
"We are
Ready-to-Wear Apparel
For women that will enable you to have fashion's latest decree direct from
the fashion center as they come out, as our buyers are on the "scene of ac
tion" daily to select the best It is only on account of having such a large
number of stores to purchase for, that makes it necessary and advisable to
have men who have specialized on particular lines to devote their entire time
to the buying of their specialty.
which are marked from $22.50 to $35.00
197 Busy Stores
Your personal appearance
largely deterres your suc
cess in life. Few- things, if
any, add more to personal ap
pearance than a normal set of
teeth. Many people are denied
the most attractive positions in
the business world on account
of abnormal conditions ot
mouth and teeth. ,
Tlio greatest denttil Authorities tell
Us thut neurly everyone could retain
their teeth during their iito time by
following proper instruetion in cure of
mouth at home, thorough periodical
cleaning (preventing pyorrhea and
jnost cavities), together with having
all cavities, that do occur properly
filled while small. Those same million
tii'S contend tliut probably more harm
than good has resulted from endeavor
ii.fi to con Oct denial disorders of long
Stituiling except by extruding the
lu tho faco of these facts a very large
per cent of our people are badly (lis
figured on account of unclean, decayed
teeth, loss of teeth, pyorrhea, or oy un
sightly crowns, fillings, bridges, etc.
As the dental profession sees things
toilav, if diseased teeth are to be re
tained all truces of decay should bo re
moved and fillings properlv Inserted be
fore toothache occurs, otherwise decay
limy continue or recur, resulting in loss
of tooth without put ion t realising any
thing ia wmngsuiitil too lute.
From the standpoint of pain there is
limit to human endurance, and unfor
tunately, for many, this limit is reached
before the decayed tooth Is properly
prepared for a filling or before the
roots havo been entirely removed from
the juw.
I do not wlh to frighten any one. but
I d wish t0 do ifnod dentistry without
subjecting iny patients to pain or fear,
resulting in neglect and loss of teeth;
no in order to accomplish the good nrtd
avoid the evil I use modern painless
methods in filling and extracting.
407 Court St.
Phone 114
fj Incorporate
i i!
And so is planting time. Have you planted your
BERRIES and VEGETABLES for our local man
ufacturers. They will buy all you can raise at a big
price. If you need financial help call on us.
J. H. Albert; President Jos. II. Albert, Cashier
receiving every day pretty
Will Rush Work On
Mount Hood Loop Road
With as little dilay as possible the
government will start construction of
tho Mount Hood loop within the for
est reserve. There i, a total mileage
of 172 miles for the cumpletn loop,
but tho work the government is to un
dertake consists of the U7 .2 miles with
in tho forest 'boundary.
Of the 17- miles, approximately SO
miles will be of haul surface. The loop
txtnodi titi miles over t lit) Columbia
river highway from I'ortlnnd to Hood
river, all but 1!2 mile of which is now
lived and the' 22 miles are to be
paved this year. The distnnce from
Hood Hiver city to Mount Hood lodge
is 25 miles, from Mount llnnd lodge
to tlovernuiont fuinp.aroond the south
east siito of the nioiintninL'll miles.
There is a 12 mile stretch en the Zig
zag .section from (iovertitnent t'nmp,
following which there is 2!! ntil" in
('lii'katnits county, and thenm on into
I'ortlnnd. From Portland to Mount
Hood there is a mail up to tioveniinent
Ctuup, not in good condition all the
wny, but it is passable. Construction
of tho loop road through the forest re-
servo will take cure of the link con
necting tho west ilh Hood river val
ley, and this link through the forest is
RoM May he Open all Tear
For evernl years the government
has favored the Mount Hood loop and
work was to have stalled nearly two
yturs ago but the war interfered.
This year a start win made on the
Zig'sg section, the state contributing
$12,000, With the end of the war ami
the desire of the government to pro
vide lalmr with employment eamo a
big road fund, and the government de
cided that the sooner the road projects
are started the better. The government
fonstry department has set aside $2"i7,
kH for building the road and this sum
will be matched by the state.
Two years, it is estimated, will com
plete the loop in the furest. When this
is finished, or possibly noxt year, ft
branch from the loop at tho Oak (Ireve
fork of tho 'lackams river may be
started connecting the loop with Wa
pinitia thereby making a commercial
road which will nve so miles of trav
el from Horns, Prinevillo, Deschutes
and similar points. The Wapinitia con
nection can tie financed for Approxi
mately I.iO,WK.
While some criticism may be made
of the tnte highway commission by
persons who want roads in their own
vicinity, Ivecnuie the state is building
a scenic highway, the commissioners
had no intention of giving the Mount
Hood loop precedence over some com
mercial roads, hut innsmueh s the
government is anxious te start, the
commissioners consented to cooperate.
This is only one of a number of big
$7.90 to $270
$12.50 to $35.00
$19.75 to $45.00
$3 93 j0 JJ? 5Q
$195 0 93
$7.90 to $10.90
197 Busy Stores
road projects the gvernment is desir
ous of pushing forward in Oregon this
season . Oregon in n.
Word wag received this morning of
the death of .Mrs. V. K. ( hnney at tho
Mann home in Portland. March 2S,
HH'.t. IThe funeral snrviivcs will bo
held in Portland nnd tho body brought
here M imlny morning for burial in
tho Lee Mission cemetery. Mrs. Cha
ncy was well known among the older
Juleiu residenis. Por many years she
lived in the Eddy homo in North Sa
lem. At the time of her death slitf was
morn than 80 years old.
See the Diamond T truck demon
si ruled by thus. Liveslev at 24li iState
street. 4 5
CoL E. Holer was In attendance up
on the recent meeting of tho Oregon
Humane society in Portland, ond de
livered ft 'brief fliblrrsH. In the eleetion
of officers for the coming year A. W.
i owpurthwnit was made president,
Mrs. P. W, Horry vice president, Pey
ton Tnylor recording secretary and
Mrs. V. W. Swnnton corresponding
A two months' start la what It
menni to vnunt? pontile who beirin v.ith
the new class In shorthand at the Cap
ital iiusiucsa college on Monday, in
st'-ii'! of waiting until the summer
months are here. Investigate. Let us
show you what thorough trninitrg in
business subjects will accomplish.
A reception was given at Salvation
Army headipinrters on State stn-et last
evenimj to 4'nptnin mid Mrs. Hunter,
the new officers. A supper wns pro
vided by the friends of tho Salvation
Army and the evenin's program includ
ed several numbers of music. The Sol
vation Army will hold its usual street
services this evening on State street
and a later meeting at the headipinr
ters nt 8 o'clock. Sunday, a holiness
meeting will be held nt 11 o'clock in
the morning, a Christian praise meet
ing at 3:110 o'clock in the afternoon
and the open air services at 7.iU)
o'clock, followed by the usual Sunday
evening services at headipinrters:
The Chevrolet agency, which has re
cently been established in its new quar
ters on North High street, is feeling
tho full effects of the boom in the au
to trade, as a carload of sutoi just re
ceived was praeKcully sold out before
they were unloaded from the ear. The
firm P. (. lelnno and I. O. Delano
havo now one of file most thorough
ly equipped garages and repair shops
in thn valley. rVmr men are employed
in the repair department, one of them
being an expert mechanic. Their tiouse
furnishes service to the Chevrolet car
only, but as they have a clientage of
shunt 4''1 in this section thev have
plenty of business. A feature of their
establishment is that they carry a com
plete assortment of Chevrolet part,
so that if necessary they could assem
ble au entire car in their shop.
Rev. Alfred Bate and wife left Sa
lem yesterday and visited friends in
(IjaFayette where Mr. Bates was form
erly pastor and went to Willamina for
a big centenary meeting in the eve
wing. About forty Sheridan Method
ists furnished the program of speeches
music st the Willnmina church, and
at the social hour folhwing the Wil
jltauiiita thursk wived refreshments.
i What Is bolshevlsm? Answered Un
ion hall S, p, in. Mnr. 29.
'journal want ads pay
March Hi) Turn clock for
ward one hour, 2 o'clock a. m.
March 31 Election of offi
cers Salem Floral society, Com
mercial club, 8 p. m.
April 2 Trophy train in Sa
lem 1:45 to 4:45 p. ni.
April 4-5 Marion county
Sunday school convention, .First
Christian ehurch.
April 20. Easter Sunday.
May 3 Last day on which
to register for special election
May 23 Junior week end,
Willamette university.
June 3 Special state elec
tion. OREGON
d. w. GEiFrrra s
Supreme Triumph
This Is your very last chance to
see this Masts Picture
Phone 77 Oregon Taxi and Transfer
Co. for quick service. tf
I will sell the 8 room house at 1406
Court St. for $350 See me at once,
$1500 will handle it. O. W. Laflar, 4U5
40U Hubbard bldg tf
In the case on trial yesterday" en ti-
Itled . M. LaFollett vs S. W. Jones,
jlhe jury decided that the defendant
was entitled to hold the sheep in ques-
!tioa in his noasession until Mr. f.a-
' ttdlctt rni,l him $-0 incurred in tak-
Dr. Mott offices moved to Bank of
Commerce bblg, rooms 407,408. tf
Xa'jy chicks, 541 State St. today tf
My new office is 328 Huobard Mdg.
New phono 1009. I do a general insur-
mtCA hunt Tinas T writn anretv hnniiis.
jnnd loan money on the easy pay't plan
Own your own home, and stop throw
ing your money awnv for ront. Boo me
today, 11. K. Bolinger. tf
John J. Collins, deputy district in
ternal revenue collector clesed his of-
ifice in Salem this evening at 5 o'clock
Those who have not reported on in
come tax will now be declared delin
quent and perhaps subject to a penal
ty. There is also u chance that delin
quents will not be obliged to pay a
penally lor rue reason mm nut liuerii
al revenue service was slow in getting
out its blanks. In mauy places, includ
ing Siilem blanks run out or tho gov
ernment could not supply them in the
first place. Anyhow, those who are
still delinquent should write Milton
A. Miller, internal revenuo collector
at Portland.
Columbia river smelts In any quan
tity. Pitts Market. tf
Artificial tooth, have expert plate
nian, with over 35 years experience,
at my office. Dr. D. X. Beechler, den
tist, 302 U. 8. Nat. Bank bldg. tf
Dr O B O'Neill, optometrl3t-optlr
cian, has resumed his practice over
build & Bush bunk bldg. Office hours
!' to 5 D. m. Sundays by appointment.
Phono C25. 3
Rose bushes and shrubs at reduced
rates for next .'10 days, nt .Northwest
em Xnrserv. Phone 11IF.1.
First Christian Church will receive
What lg bolshevism? Answered Un
ion hull 8 p. m. Mar. 211.
Oregon state missions pledges at all
jservicvs Mar. 3d. C. t . Swamler,
l state secretary. Leland W Porter,
Mr. and Mrs. O. E. Jerwilliger,
graduate morticians and funeral di
rectors, 770 Cheim'keta St. Phone 724.
If you happen to have any friends
living in Yecho-!lovnkia, yon may
write letters to them as that counry
is not under the control of our ene
mies in the late war. Prague is the
capital of the country. But no pareel
post, hus s yet been established.
What is bolshevism? Answered Un
ion hall X p. m. Mar. 2'..
Dance at armory at 8 p. nt.
O n Sunday Mr. Baymotid Ballrd
will give a short concert following the
feature picture at each showllii se
lections fur tomorrow: "Behind Your
Silken Veil," latest Oriental fox trot.
"Still Ouiet Night" Homer Barilek.
Walt, eccentric.
. uymN .. . ... n -
4 I'xlgc No- A. r. A. M
M this civenirjr. fVork in h
degree. Vieiting breth'
W?reu we
Dance at armory at 8 p. m.
Although certain units and organi
rations of the American army in
France have iieen ordered home, yet
a number of soldiers and officers from
each continus to bo stationed over
1 nP
round lovn
. there, to dose up the affairs of the
; organization and to care for property.
Ik-nee those who write to the men
who remain in France, are requested,
when addressing letters to add, 'Please j
forward. Addres-ws still in France. "i
This will prevent the letter from be
ing held in this, country.
We do barber work without gas;
i haircut ting 3oc. shave 15c children a
' i . i c-. O '
nyc-ciauj, vol oiaie o a. ill . iu v
p. m. 3-29
Dance at armory at 8 p. m.
ws buy liberty bonds. 311 Masonic
'ildg. tf
Dr. X O. Matthis. 409-410 Bans: of
Cammerce iddj;. Office phone 573, res
idence phone 5l6. 4 SO
Eayward Fowle, one of the original
members of Company 3d is home, af
ter having had more than the average
man's experience in the war. lie went
through some pretty stannous service
in the second battle of the Marne.
Later he was taken to a hospital for
an operation for appendicitis and upon
a;s recovery sent to the casual camp
at LeMnns, France. Then he was seut
to St. Nazaire, and finally arrived at
I -Newport -News Feb. 1, WIS). Thou to
Camp Lewis for his discharge and then
: home.
j "The best" Is all you can do when
, . death comes. Call Webb & C'lough Co.
1 Phone 120. tf
Let the "Diamond T" do
fork. iUd iSute St.
4 1
H. N. cck of Jtiuboara, lost from
his automobile n complete extra wheel,
34x4 in case, while driving between
Mt. Angel' and Silvertun Saturday
night. Finder lease notify II. N.
Beck, Hubbard. 3 31
Let the "Diamond T'.' do your
work. 2!i tSnte St. 41
Dance at armory at 8 p". m.
Miss Mary den Bleyker, a teacher
in tho Taeoma schools is in the city,
as an over Sunday guest at the horn,,
of Mrs. Mildred lirooks. Miss den
Bleyker is from Holland, coming to
this country at the outbreak of the
war. She taught mathematics for one
year in the Salem high school.
The management of Hotel Marion
is pleased to announce the first pose
war dinner dunce fir Friday April 4.
at $1.2.1 per plate. Dinner at i p. m
, Music by the Warren Hunts. We in
I tend this to be the first of n series,
j patronage permitting. 3 !U
What is bolrhevts n? Answered Un
ion hurt 8 p. ir. Mar. 20.
Dance at armory at 8 p. m.
What is bolshevisn? Answered Un
ion hall 8 p. m. Mar. 21).
The grand Jury drawn last evening
include the following, ihns. Hein of
Aumsville, tl. I). Scott of Sublimity,
C. C. White of Salem W. 1). Evans
of Halem, Kll-is Stevens of Oervais, ,T.
A. Hishop of Salem and (ieorge W.
Eyrq of Salem. Mr. Salem has bcs
selected as foreman of the jury. All
jurors for the past term of court were
excused excepting Ver"on F. Relief,
J. A. Folnnd. 1". Clifford and Jacob
Mollencop. These jurymen were hein
over In case of an emergency need iot
jurymen. The next term of the circuit
court begins June 2.
See the Diamond T truck demon
strated by ('has. Liveslev nt 24(i State
street. " -f
What is bolshevism? Answered Un
ion hall 8 p. m. Mnr. 2!.
Dance Querry's new hall, 4 miles
fiuth tonight. 4 piece) orchestra.
Lunch 11::to. Auto leaves Masonic
Tcmplo o'cb"k.
Although the bottle containing wood
alcohol was labeled poiivin, C.oorgo
Itarr succeeded in drinking about half
if v y
W baas smsI
Tor proper tijt, holrf Ifi lit;
from the ey TffT ch
204-5 Salem Back of Commerce Bldg.
S-Room Home and Facta At 350 North liberty St
Wednesday, April 2nd, 10 m.
Consisting of
Kine 8 room house and lot 4.iil73 ft., includins bath and toilet, electric
l L'hts, etc., located oulv 3 blocks north of Mete street. This is a fine
property and is worthy of your attention as it will be sold to tho
highest bidder. Terms flOOO ca h, balance arranged.
1 beautiful mirror "17 with
2 large Oil TV.intlnss
1 large Ouk l'rossvr
1 Clash Clock
1 Walnut Cabinet
2 l'orch Chairs
1 Ouk Kitchen Cabinet
1 3 burner Gas Tlate
1 K. Linoleum
1 K. Table
Pillows, Bedding, Scarfs, Rups, Wash Bowls and Pitchers, Carpets,
Tools, Crocks, Kitchen Utensils, Dishes, Wash Tubs, tlus Plates, Look
ing Glasses Clothes Hacks and many other things. Furniture will lie
sold for cash.
rdrs. Olive S. Enright HI Wocdry, The Auctioneer
Owner, 350 N. Liberty St. PHONE 510 or 511
MORAL: List your sales with Woodry.
254 S. Liberty St.
Saturday, April 5, 10 a. m.
bring in your Stock
F. N. WOODRY, the auctioneer,
Phone 510 or 511 Salem
6 miles South of Salem, on
miles northwest of Turner, on
Tuesday, April 8, 10 a. m.
' Consisting of
Horses, Cows, Brood Sows and Pigs, 2 fat hogs,
Chickens, Buick Automobile, Farm Machinery,
Wagons, Buggies, Harness, Cream Separator, Farm
Tools, Furniture, etc. Free lunch at noon.
James N. Robertson
Phone 45F22
NOTE-Woodry conducts
of the contents of a bottle found in
his possession before the police found
him about 9 o'clock last evening. II o J
w stnken to the police station end
Dr. Pembfrton and Dr. Cashatt call-j
ed. They took him to tho Deaconess
hospital and pumped him out, by means
of a stomach pump. " I
care of
Yick So Tcnf
Chinese Medicine and Tea Oo.
lias medicine which will ture
ny Known disease.
'.'pen -cunnay, from 10 a. m
uuui o p. m.
153 South High St.
Salem, Oregon Phone 282
1 waxed Oak Bed, latest design,
spring and silk floss mattress
1 fcewing Machine
1 Kir Dresser
1 Breaklast Tablo
1 Oak Rocker
1 Walnut Settee
3 Diners
1 upholstered Chair
1 Stand Table
the Pringle read, or ',) 1-2
The Auctioneer
Phone 510 or'511
sales anywhere.
If you have apy Junk or see-
ond hand goodu of any kind see
us first. jjc
271 Cmemcketa St.
Highest Cash Price raid
For Clothing
Musical Instruments,
Tools, etc.
337 Court St. Thone 4St3