PAGE EIGHT THE DAILY CAP ITAL JOURNAL. SALEM. OREGON FRIDAY. MARCH 2?. 1910. 71 : 'A :s ii it i i if i. 66 ixnn. ssfjici ravr ft-. Prhe Gram Fed Eastern OREGON STEERS. A Cuts Are Choice And Sold at REASONABLE PRICES, Ykieh Are Below Pi rtlad Prices Oa lie -Same Oral!!?. Some Of ftese Have Now Pea Held la f t Cold Storage For Twelve Days, Making Them Nice acd Me!Iow. Tliis Vnil Please And Satisfy The I.Iost Faslsss Beef Boil v 12c Ii Pot Roast U it Liver . 5c Tenderloin Steak 20c T-Bone steak 20c Soup Bones 5C JQC Pork Roast or Steak 26c Pork Loin Roast or Chops 30c Fresh Side Pork 25c Day Salt Pork - 25c Picnics 23c Cottage 32c I Established 1884 a Sm Phones: 1880-1881 GAS ON STOMACH, SOUR STOMACH, INDIGESTION HEARTBURN Instantly Eouevsd by MAGNESIA AND POWDEEED FORM HlSfUATKU MAOXK.SIA is a Muff tiesift c nnipoitiid especially prepared for tlio stifo, speedy ami certain cor-nx-tion of dangerous !tn;v)li acidity. It ronit'a only in t lo frrtn of five grain tablets unit I'OvmUt hi scaled blue packages. J Hi not confuse with com mercial magnesia, milk of ttingnesia or itiirnte of magnesia. Look for the word HIJsTIIATKI) and get tlio genuine from l I ' : 1 i I s'lX K V K V W H K K K . SOML DOUBT AS TO A Legislature Tangled Present!,,. laws And It May Be new Ones Mast be Passed. "I.nial authorities .hall have no power J to pass, enforce or maintain any ordi- na'ice, lull1 or regulation Rffoeling a ; slower rate of sped tlinu herein speci fied, at which w -Iii. leu may b operated, i or the use of roads, streets aurt high ' n.'in of I it i si slat', o.ntiary or incon sistent with the provision, f this net. 'And nil such oiiliiiitucos, rules and ult t i i 1 1 h now in force are herein- do jelnred to lie of no validity or effort." j After contiiiniiig the nlcuo cliuisc, the jldll goes on ro villi lit; viliaf cities may ' do, as follows: " Provided however, that the local au thorities may limit by ordinanee, rule or regulation hereafter adopted, the speed of vehicles on the streets witlira their respective limits on con dition that mirli ordinal, co,"ri,lo or rogu- hit ion shall fix tlio speed limitations PI!!LY?Ml1GONTBHj Hhn lay FIsks For ti special effort will be put for wtir.i 1ft l)i-inf tun, in tit lliiu j,iim itiuii it v ,w " j - HUlllt.' I the terrible condit ioiin VliioHy prevail-! VinitirtT. I.filll IJiHTirilOJI imblicit j , a. it v director; Kobert K. Smith, exeeutivn iiiuni;Ker; i! a r ska 11 X. Dana, direetor of iug i moil the starving millions sought 't,. Iu .u.n.l II. ... Ti.. u,.ii;., ..t iv , I'ortland. Or., Miirch L'S To l;iT p'nns! People Notice It Drive Them Off " with Dr. Edwards' Olive Tablete A pimply tace Will not eniDarrass you luncheon next Monday noon nun otlier'ou April 21, editors from ranoiis m pucn longer ii you gei pacKage oi w. , means will be taken to ucuunint tho tio is of the sfito held q cnofer..,,,.,. Edward Olive tablet The Skin should ople of the fearful conditions in A,-! . , , "I , ' .r0"fl " betrin to clear after roil have taken the .i ti.. jliii. rty lo; a ottieials nere Tcsiernay. Toi pdiiyli business men have started tablets a few nighta. Senator McN'ary lias secured the as (iiilance of the post office department in referring to the postmuster at liu jjene, for report, the question of e tn'kJislniin a route from ('olniry to Ku JOYFUL EATING Unless your (ood Is digested with out the nllcrmath of punlul acidity, the joy it taken out ot both eating and living. of this stale where the boundary of fsulotn niny have a speed iiidiniinee ami iiKiiiu it may not, it 1 1 uccordiiit! to how one rends house bill ol'i, introduced by tiie loads aud liiyliw. y coiiiinittee on the -ll'th dav of the session. 'Jhis bill is the famous automobile taxing bill over which there was u two days' i'i(;lit mill several strenuous conferences be tween commit ires appointed eucli by the senate and the house. If uneliiiM :i."i nf this bill menus W'jrit it reads, It, W. Macv, citv atornev, it rate of sliced channes, s"iiH of suffi of the opinion that it repeals ail exist- cient size to be easily readable by per inn oidinanees re)uln,tiiis; to speed limit sons using the stiaie. la Maleiu. This speed limit today is l."i "And providinu further that such or miles h'ii hour ill the fire district, 10 ilinnnce, rule or regulation shall fix the miles an hour passing a school house j penalties, for the violation thereof, aim while school is in session mid L'll miles j iliu to and no greater than those pre ;mi hour in the residence districts. scribed by this act for the violation of Hill No. Mo as finally agreed upon speed limit by vehicles.' 1 i bv the senate iiml house of ttie last leg- Two years ngn the legislature passed islulure placed a limit of Hit miles n mi net repealing all city speed ordi- hour for the country. The bill as i I.IK .1 I, U lllll I.. ll.l III II 11 l lll.U.1 less than one n in six minutes, and D,?a oreatn a ouu, usue "no gooa on further condition that local authori Un8'. COMtipatKM, torp.d liver, bad r """-". 1 .-?i,r..- tlri.. Tablet, m a with such local authority crosses the same. ' jj heir olive toot, and on every main street where fliel jr Edwaids spen olive oil; you will know them pent years among pa tients atllicted with liver und bowel complaints, . mi Olive Tablets ar the immensely effective remit Take one or two nightly tot a week. See how much better you feel and look. 10c and 25c per box. All druggists. are wonderful In their help to the i.tomch troubled with Over-acidity. 1'leatant to take relief prompt and definite. MADK BY SCOT I & BOWNE MAKHtS OF SCOTT'S EMULSION iually written provided that .1i miles was a proper coniitiv speed limit but it was iMiieiided to III! miles before the billVns passed mid this is now the law. Heetion "ii of the bill contains pro visions that t'ilv Attorney Macv be lieves is a repealing m an present speed ordinances and will luaki it nee eisarv fur the ctiy to pass ordinances nulling into effect again the present laws. This sec lion provides as follows: jirrvr mnmr o A VH VJ V71 XL 0,,.l ,,,,.,...;.; il. ..r.. t. l '," " H"m i- ii.iiiiii i nMi iiikii i-i.i. - - B(nvi I'liniwiuvu la in tn, II pitfl' ElTJ f3l lUC B it was iMiieiided lo ill! miles bel'on- the i CYH IfHI 1?1 11 tbttt UN ordinance will bo panseu St il. ' irJlOI.1 1 bill "was passed mid this is now the law. rtnu fsY j le next meeting of tho cliT council aSEa ,s,irtion lit! of the bill contains p'o- Couyhiraj A5iyr'? putting into rflect the present tirali- naiuvs on sped limit, 15 miles within the fire disliict, 10 miles passing schiiolhonses while school is in session and 0 miles in the residence district. I As the law now stands tae speed maniacs may hit it up for 30 miles au hour in the countir c.s the bill which made HO miles the legul limit or speed had attached an emergency clause and tfeSrmUSrS r15WXW?Jr5n!Str ; 1 '' ' is now innperslios. Armenian Quota Lags Far Behind Salem nnd Marion county ore laggingl far behind in raisiin; their (pnitas of the1 funds to save from sturviitio'n the Ar-. nun in 11 s, Syrians and kindred peoples of the n era- ensi. H. . Aldrich, diree-! tor of the loenl coniuiittee, advises that! a total of .-fu.'it'O must yet be mised til put this community over the minimum assigned it, Salem is short of its quota some $l"iill and the eounty outside of Salem is behind almost $2000. Strenu ous efforts are to be made to raise this amount by loenl benefits, the first of which is to be given at the First Con gregational church next Tuesday even ing under the nuspicos of the Tuesday Musical club, and others are expected to follow. In nddilion to this line of nances und shortly afterwards II. W. Macv, who was then city attorney, pre pared the present speed limit ordinances which were passed by tie couueil. I In order to be on the safe ido of tho land, state chain,,..., of the drive, will for the publicity campaign for the Yic-!a mo""l(' otretioa of a oriole across rat i annua river mree miles east tf taat place. GRIP, IjiFLGEISZA Hamlin's Wizard Oil a Reliable, Antiseptic Preventive During influenza epidemics spray the nose and throat several times a day with one part Wizard Oil and two parts water, using an atomizer. If you haven't an atomizer, gargle the throat and snuff the mixture up the nose. This treatment sets up an antiseptic wall of defense against "Flu" germs. , Chest colds and sore throat lead to grip. Stop them at once with Wizard Oil before they can develop into dangerous influenza. Get it from druggists for 30c. If not satisfied, return the bottle and get your money back. Ever constipated or have sick hcad iche? Just try Wizard Liver Whips, pleasant little pink pills. 30c at drujf. gists, Guarantecd- address the Commercial club ut its! fury Liberty loan drive, which opens) luncheon next Monday noon nun otlier'ou April 21 I liberty lo; a officials neve ti i i .....i The nieetiii was held at the I'mtlinid s, .u-t-lX.t-.V 1-.-Jit..ll "!' "3 mi... o hi - JTwS : r ' u,mxXr -rtSTriu UTCr Hologram under dot.' of Mai. h U J, 1!) IS), I Tress club. suSo?cal& !!' Ways and means as , how ,0 put the Dr. Edwards OUve Tablets do that I ris'"1 N l",'u,, .v where. the conference agree that it which calomel does, and just as effectively, l!"pul "u" nm """" lX" ax- 'H'.cnn ho done, but that it will take good but their action is gentle and safe instead i?.'T' c"".,1 u"v Iiv," 1,1 ";l'a'l work. of severe and Irritating. j lc"'"' "Won. Saw refuge woman strip- Leading e.litors i;ttendiue the confer- No one who takes Olive Tablets is fll'"h fr"" ,ltml ll,",0 bnreence were us follows: C. K. lagals, Ga- ever cursed with "a dark brown taste," '" "d. Another weetc will score, zette-Times, Corvnllis; K..B. Ahhich. ii nmuviin i" twsi. i ur ucmru o r.asr viregouian, ronitloton; Kalpli K. sake hunyl Money and credit is vital- ('ionise. Democrat. Albany: r-. k. Rio- l.v urgent matter. ' : TTis Jaarnnl Job Department will print you anything In tbs stationery line do it right and ssts yiu real money. Si die, Lnterpnse, Oregon City; Hnnrrt W. Sawyer, Bulletin, Bend; j. E. (irntke, Kvening Budget, Astoria; .1. K. Shelton, (iiiard, Kugene; S. S. Smith, Morning Hun, Aledford; It. W. Hates, Kvening News, Koseburj;; Daniel K. Mi.loacy, Coos Knv Times, Marshfield; Bruce Dennis, Observer, La (irande; 1. K. Sul livan, Cntholic News, Portland. Htnto loan officials present included: Kdward Cookinghnm, state exueuiive diri'ctor; J. C. Ainswortli, stntp public-1 Couyhinq ioicAd 1 i u.o HILOH r 3o DKoiuvray cwi'f.iu' HXLr IHIJ t'CK fHILUKtM TT 7 WW vve n 77 0 ave es from Not Had of ih One-auarter e Houses in Salem You housewives who have not given us . any clothing;, look into your trunks hoxes and closets once more. We are sure that there is something there which will he of service to people who are destitute of even the simplest of garments. Today we collect from State street to North City limits and from 12th street to the East City limits. We have now covered all of Salem. If we hdve missed ycu and you have some clothing- for us, call 1:19 and we will gladly call for it. We hope to have many telephone calls, for if wo are to make even one-half of our quota, Salem must dig up more used anil surplus clothing. Willamette Chapter American Red Cross a? k i - IS i" V-i--m -5''i.J I (j'niiii Ii 1 1E&I111111M :-:-'' "y '- . . u ; . ;;: if . rt wsfe js - hiis I I , , ; i 3 0 GLADYS CARROLL ! One of the "Miner Girls" C J in::iui:iri:ii;i'iri!:i::;,:;;i:'iii:.u!;i:ifl it ty .",. s Hie j - :'-.''- ). 3 'J'" I ujMm in - .all 6 A f- UA t 11 i r CORA COWAN One of the "Miner Girls' I' 1' 1' i U Hill nl" -Mi I j 1 ill t' lywsjt arst, fww. T3vw J? 4 6 v 'At-. , . . ji 4 '-K-i, v r rv m H V H LILLIAN DREW One of the "Miner G'rls" fiTTTTrm nrmimiyiiiiii ; 1 1 1 1 1 rTmTTTrtt Now Demonstrating at Roth Grocery Now Demonstrating at Leboid&Co. Now Demonstrating at R. D. Gilbert & Co. Other Dtmonstrations At The Following Stores: Dorothy Mozelle at C. M. Epley's. 1800 East State Street Florence Ross at Weller Brothers, 155 North Commercial 'Street Demonstrations At Other Stores Will be Announced Later U It t: t i f n I 1 U I.IUiVISG W CMILDRtM tMttl