PAGE THREE An Economical. Delightful, Light Place to Trade MOTHERS i STATE HOUSE NEWS THE DAILY CAPITAL JOURNAL FAT.EM. OREGON. FRIDAY. MARCH 2S. 1919 I DM The Nation's Most Popular Blouses And Our Popular Blouse Department Our Blouse Department was a mighty popular place throughout the past year, and is destined we believe to be even more popular throughout the year now under way. Controlling as we do the exclusive sale for this City of the Nation's most popular BlousesBlouses that have through their surpassing merit, won Nation-wide respect and recognition it necess ' follows that we are in a position at all times to offer newer Blouse Styles and better Blouse values. The Nationally Popular WooJworth Blouse at $2.50 Here's a line of which we are justly proud, for the Welworth there's al ways far more in Intrin sic worth, in good style, in good fabrics, in fault Jess workmanship than can be found in other lines at the same and oft times higher prices. It's the unique and economical plan unde rwhich these Blouses come to us that makes possible , the very exceptional Welworth val-ues. Moderately priced here and everywhere at $2.50 TO BE Should Read Mr. Monyhan'i Letter Published by Her Permission. Mitchell. InA "LydiaE. Pinkham'i Vegetable Compound helped me so much during the time l was lookingforwani to the coming of my little one that I am recommending it to otherexpee tant mothers. Before taking it, some days I sutTered with neu ralgia so badly that I thought 1 could not live, but after taih. three bottles of LyJiaE. Pink ham's Vegetable Compound! was en tirely relieved of neuralgia, 1 bad gained in strength and was able to po around and do all my housework. My baby when seven months old weirhed 19 pounds and I f oel better than I bave for a long time. I never bad any medicine do me so much" good." ilrs. Pearl Monyhan, liiteheil, Ind. Oood health during maternity is a most important factor to both mother end child, and many letters have been received by the Lyi'ia E. PinV.ham Medicine Co., Lynn, Mass., telling of health restored iliinne this trying period by the use cf I.vUia K. l'iskham a Ye; table Compound. Hew I j Show Today ! ! ego- 416 State Street Salem, Oregon STOP CASUALTY LIST ATEIL 1 DIED ON INSPECTION TO UK, Los Angeles, Cui., March 28. Tho body of Major Martin Maginnis, cdi- lor siid former coffgressiuan from iei- run, Mont., who died lioro yesterday, 4c will be shipped to Helena for burial, it was announced today. Major Mnginnis died after n brief illness which lie con- trncted while making it tour of nutionul soldiers' homes. He' had come hero to the soldiers home nt Kawtolle. Washington, March 28. Effective Anril 1. the war department will stop issuance of the casualty lists "in Wash ! ington Chicago and Sun Francisco for mailing to newspapers under a release date, Practically all the fighting casualties hi'.ve been announced. Under the new plan, casualties of the E. F. will be announced in Washing ton for immediate release, uopios win lso be furnished the press associations for mailing. As a result, it is probable that only the deaths will be handled bv telegrtph. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Weston of Van couver have received word mat tneir son Roy has arrived safely from over seas and is now in Philadelphia. Monroe Salisbury IN THE MILLIONAIRE ttttt' Wfcea you use Journal classifi ed sis get what you want tlnsm to tkey work fast. Usiqas Track And Field Meet 'It's a Goldwyn Picture A j V a adz husJJ&uy 'lit CORINNE RIEY BARKER Former Salem Girl ALSO YE LIBERTY Don't buy your shoes before you see our dis play. Just received from the East the new est styles and creations in Ladies' Shoes. Take a look at our window. COMEDY AND WEEKLY Ysudeville Saturday BLIGH THEATRE BIG NIGHT- Next TbT" lay Governor OScott has just received j word from l.ieut.-Colonel Iwitt P. 01 j !U'n, commsndcr of the llt'th Ei giiieers, i stating that a regiment fund has been) ailoted to this state for the purpose of; plating a suitnblo uieuiorial in tho cap ! Itoi building iu honor of tho Oregon members of that budy. Mrs. K. J. lien-j dtulti, president cf the War Motiiers! as-MKiutiou, Mid ill Moore, president ! of the fathers' association, wilt be asked to name a committee to prepare i A suitable itu iuorial. mi o wmw of j his letter Colonel Olsen says: "Duriim tneir sejeurn iu France a! regimental fund was .ccuiuulated ; through the efforts of the officers and enlisted men of this organiiation. The! money so raised was at various times' expended for tho welfare of the men of tho orgauiition. At the present time there is tunic o7ti left in the fund. At a meeting of a committee of officers t was decided that it would be entirely fitting for this money to be divided iu to three equal otirts and a Aruft of f H' be sent to the governors of the three above mentioned states for the purpose of purchasing and installing in some conspicuous place iu the respective slate capitals, a brume, silver or other plat1 que with suitable nordiug so that any one viewing the same would know that tho plate was erected to the memory of the officers and men from the state of Oregon, who were members of the lltiih engineers iu the great war." NEWS The question as to whether tho state of Oregon has jurisdiction over the beds of stream has been submitted to Attorney General lirown by Governor Olcott on tho application of City Com missioner Barbour of Portland. As the sand and giavil business of that city is largely in the hands of a combine, the suggestion is made that the land bonrd should have the power to es tablish a license svstem on this imlus-try. WE DO SHOE REPAIRING HOME OF QUALITY' AND DO IT WELL M'hnt promises tn l'e tho first meet of its kind ever staged by a university in this country is being planned by Conch Mathews t0 takj place at Willam ette during the grrnter part of next week. ' 1 A track nnd field meet will bo held in which every man enrolled in tho uni versity will compete, each man cm-er ne every event on the schedule. The different events comprising the cotivest will be the half-mile, 100 yard dash, 50- yard w ash, high .iump, broad jump, ,)avo iin and shot put, and will be staged at times convenient for every man to ap nea r. Intorclass truck meets wero regular sprin?. events ar tne university ucioru war conditions intorfcr,-, yr -rvor De fore has it been plnnned to have every man entered. The idea was carried out to n erent extent during the basketball season just closed, when & largo major ity of the men were out for tho varsity and class tennis. Some promising materml is expected to be uncovered during the meet for the varsitv meets which will follow later in tho spring. Several nion who showed up well in tho C'hemnwn dual meet last year uro buck in school and aro turning out regularly. John Medler and Harold Dimick run a close race in the sprjnts, wnuo juiiu ick is also a high jumper; John Huth lunrl is ox h i hit i ti his old form iu tho weight events: Homer Tasker and Har old Nichols aro showing up well in tho high jump; John Medler is expected to show some fast work in tho himllcs; Keith Lyman seems to be the best bid in tho. polo vault event to date, and some good material is expected from the 40 or more freshmen representatives who are working out each afternoon. Thu far four dual track meet havo been ecurcd for Willamette, according to an announcement lute today by Man- agcr Spark. McMinnville collogo will bo met both nt McMinnville ana on Swoetlaiid field, and two contests also will bo engaged in with the Chemawa Indians. At least one more dual meet doubtless will be trranged, but no defi nite announcement of it has been made as yet. . MARION NEWS. i (Capital Journal Special Service.) Marion Or., March 28. A reception was given last Saturday night in honor of 5 more f our young men who have just returned home from the army and navy. The young men were llsca Uouch, Lee Slyder, Clyde Hammet, Claude James and Willis Scoffield. We are glad to welcome them home and wish more of them were going to stay in Marion. Lee Slyde went to Newport Monday to visit his relatives and friends there. He is expecting to return ne is4ter part of this week. Glena Knssell has recovered from hor illness and is back in school. Mr. and Mrs. John Palmer have a new baby boy. They named him Wcndal Hall. 8. J. Hlydcr went to Newport Monday on business. Mrs. MeFarland spent Saturday and Sunday in Pleasant Grove. Chester Lee is home from Camas Washington, where lie has been working for several weeks. Mrs. Presnal's son, Ralph Hornaday, is visiting in Marion for a' few dsys. He has iust been discharged from the armr and is on his way to Los Angeles. Mr. and Mrs. A. W. MeFarland are cinectinff to move to Albany in a short WOMAN NOT WORRIED ' OVER FOOD SHORTAGE "I have lived on toast and water for over (1 months and have been scarcely ablo to eat anything for tho past year. I began suffering' from stomach trou ble and bloating 5 years ago. A friend recommended Mayr's Wonderful Rem edy and since taking 6 doses I feel I am entirely restored; even cabbago does not hurt me." Tt is a simple, harmless preparation that removes the catarrhal mucus from tne intestinal tract and allays tho inflammation which causes practically all stomach, liver and intestinal ailments, including appendicitis. Ono doso will convince or money refunded. J. C. Perry, Cap ital Drug Store, and druggists cyory-where. For Colds, Grip and Influenza v Take romo Be sure you get the Genuine Look for this signature on the box. 30c. In view of the fact that Colonel North, who has been in command of tho Third Oregon regiment during tho service of Colonel May in France, will turn over the office to Colonel May on April 1st, u. petition, signed ly a large number of the national guard of both Salem nnd Portland, has been presented to G ivi mor Olcott, asking that Colonel Norlh be assigned a posi tion on tho general staff. The matter will be held up until after Colonel May assumes command of the Third Ou gon . FOR SATURDAY AT THE REMNANT STORE Remember these prices are good. for Saturday Only J New Percales T6-inches wide Darks and Lights Saturday Price 25c Yard Ladies' Dress Skirts Just from New York Saturday Price , 20 Per Cent Less Muslin Underwear, Skirts, Gowns, Corset Covers, etc. Sample lots sl:.ghtly soiled at I WANT pi k n ni i y mv ton, was home Saturday and Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. 1). A. Hong were in Sa lem Saturday and Sunday. Mrs. Tony Gentry is suffering with tho rheumatism naif is now witn lier mother, Mrs. Cook. Some of the Rihonl children worked in the school yard lust l'liduy under the supervision if Miss Mortis ntitl Mr. Hong. Mrs. F. Thompson's litllo son, .hick, fell in tho creek last wock and almost drowned but was rescued by his moth STARTING SUNDAY ;Ays , j.t vv YE LIBERTY while. P. K. Westerburg made a business trip to Mills City Tuesday. Tho Friends C. K are going to have a hard time social at Davidson's next Pri day night. A fine for collars and Bilk dresses. Winnie Wippcr and Mrs. Hal are hclp- inir Mrs. J. Palmer this week. Henry LoreU has rented 1:0 acres of land from Mr. Conklin. Mrs. Speight from Salem was visiting Mrs. Watt Friday. Mrs. H. Russell returned homo Tues day from Sublimity where sho has been visitine her parents. The school children are very glad to see tho good weather lis it means base- ball and outdoor play. Mr. and Mrs. Asher went to Eoscburg Sunday on a visit. John Fast, who is working &t Linn Qiildrenneed a'buildindTood Grape$uts cream ideal for buildmfi healths strength. A Delidom 'Joci Til I Mvr 1-4 OFF FROC K W ITH AN ODD SKIRT The material was henna-colored :rep meteor and the bodice was yery, very plain indeed perhaps be cause 'the designer's attention was entirely taken up by that oddly shirred skirt which Blves so decided ly a "hobble" silhouette. There la a Btronir piece of tape run Into the last row of shirring at the bottom to keep one from overstepping the de cree of fashion. Table Cloths $4.00 Quality Saturday Price $2.98 2 1-2 Yards long Child's Play Hats 10c to 50c Values Some'slightly soiled . Saturday Price 9c Each , Fruit of the Loom Muslin Saturday Price 25c Yard Crystal White Soap 5c Bar Limit 5 to customer 50c Baby Booties Saturday Price 35c Pair . Plaid dress goods 75c value Saturday Price 50c Yard Ladies' Hosiery C5c to 85c values Saturday Price 49c Pair Just arrived A full l;ne Ladies' and Children's Hats Boys' Wash Suits 98c to $5.00 $1.50 to $2.00 Values Boys' Pants Saturday Price $1.39 Pair We Wiil Pay 37c Cash 38c in Trade CaWornia Crape Fruit 5 for 25c; 60c per dozen EXTRA LARGE SIZES . 4 for 23c; 75c per dozen Florida Grape Fruit 2 for 25c ORANGE SPECIAL Saturday Only 40c Oranges, 35c 3 dozen for $1.00 50c Orangse for 40c dozen RIPE BANANAS Trv Oar New Selling Plan 2d Bunches Extra Fancy . Bananas 12 l-2c Per pound II REMIT STGR 254 Commercial St. A. D. THOMSON, Pro H COFFEE 3 Pound Package For 51.15 DR. PRICES JELLY DE 10c Package Boh White Laundry Soap 4 Bars for 25c WHITE FLYER 5 Bars For 25c TH GROCERY CO.