SALEM, OREGON FRIDAY, MARCH 23, 1919. PAGE TEN (The 9aUg jjniql IFonrnal We are receiving every day pretty new Ready-to-Wear Apparel For women that will enable you to have fashion's latest decree direct from the fashion center as they come out, as our buyers are on the "scene of ac tion" daily to select the best It is only on account of having such a large number of stores to purchase for, that makes it necessary and advisable to have men who have specialized on particular lines to devote their entire time to the buying of their specialty. OUR LATEST ARRIVALS ARE A NIFTY LINE OF DOLMANS, which are marked from $22.50 to $35.00 DRESSES, SILKS AND SERGES Q yfl 59 C0ATS : $12.50 to $35.00 SUITS : $19.75 to $45.00 SKIRTS, SOLORED SILK AND WOOLEN J3 gg tQ 5Q SKIRTS, WHITE GABARDINE AND PEQUE JJ 93 lo J4 95 SWEATERS : $7.90 to $10.90 OUR MODES ABSOLUTELY AUTHENTIC! OUR PRICES ARE EX W n i "! ; TREMELY MODEST! "mm LET US SHOW YOU FOLLOW THE CROWD ... MM All Around Town ,ui,,,,;,t timtHMHIIMtt tAit mum COMINO EVENTS I Marti 30 Turn clock for ward ana hour, 2 o'clock a. m. Marco 31 Election of offi cii Salem Floral society, Com aiercian club. 8 p. ru. April 20. Easter Sunday. May 3 Last day on which to register for special election June 3 Special state election. J Incorporated 197 Busy Stores 197 Busy Stores "Ladies of First M E church will hohl a cooked food gnlo in the haso went of tho church Saturday, bein niiiR at 10 o'clock. Telepliouo orders'-received. What is Bolshevism? Answered Un ion hall 8 p. m. March 21). The funeral services of Mrs. Sarah Ant'olioo leiHi who died Mim-h B7 I IH!), at the homo of tier sister, Mrs. L. A. Kelly, and brother, J. O. Jlal )cy nt HaycHvillo, will bo held at tho llayosvillo Unptist, church (Saturday WE ARE NOW READY TO TAKE CAEE OF YOUB ELECTRICAL WANTS AT 379 STATE SHEET WELCH ELECRIO CO. FHONE 953. Me March 29 at 1:30 o'clock; p. m. Mrs. Loic,h ,was tho daughter of Burthoo mctw and Agatha Hiilley who crossed tho plains to Oregon in 3813. Sho was horn near Canby, May 31, l4fl. On May S, 18(51, she mi married to Nath an Mult who died Nov. (!, 11)09. Tho nearest surviving relatives are a sis ter, Mrs. h. A. Kelly, a brother J. O. llnllev. two nchflw. Fred .1. jiml Krl. ward (1. Kelly f Portland, and two nieces, Mrs. O. M. l'liininier of San Rafael, lal., and Mm. Oortrnde Van Xuys of Portland. Hiiiint will bo in the llayosvillo cemetery. The services will be conducted by tho Kov. M, Fisher. Dr O B O'Neill, optomotrtHt-opU. cian, Iiiih resumed his practice over Liuld & JIiihIi hunk bid;;. Office hours 9 to 5 p. m. Sundays hy appointment. I'honu 025. 43 The Charles B. Arcliord Implement Co. is in tho market for wheat. Schottlsche, fox trot, walta and etcpH with real dniico music. Armory Sat urdny liitfht at 8 p. in. New class in shorthand at tho Capi tal Rusines, college on Monday, March 31. For young people who plan to do practical school work during tho sum mer, this is a good time to begin. Jt would mean completing the work two months earlier than those who begin ill June. Why delay f What Is Bolshevism? Answered Un ion hall 8 T. m. March 29. L.M.HUM care of Chineso Medicino and Tea Co. lias medicine which will cure any known disease. Open Sundays from 10 a. m. until 8 p. m. 153 South Uiirh Si. t Salem, Oregon I'hono 282 OREGON THEATRE NOW D. W. GRIFFITH S 'HEARTS OF THE WORLD' MR. RAYMOND BALLARD ORGANIST Phone 77 Oregon Taxi and Transfer Co. for quick service. tf o I will sell the 8 room house at 1406 Court St. for $35B0 See me at once, $1500 will handle it. O. W. Lat'lar, 405 406 Hubbard bldg tl o Dr. Mott offices moved to Bank of Commerce blJg, rooms 407.40S. tf o aly chicks, 544 State St. today tf kid for sale." Last night even before she had received her Capital Journal, people began calling at her home ask ing to see the cow and kid, as it hap pens cows .re in demand just at pres ent. And after the first few callers she was kept busy during the evening and early this morning explaining to wonld te purchasers that it wasn't a cow but a Teggenburg gout and kid sho had for sale. By the time the lMh caller arrived. Mis. Masliburn hurried to the Capital Journal office to have the advertisement corrected. o We do barber work without gas; haircutting 35e. shave 15e, children a specialty, 457 State St. 8 a. m. to 6 p. m. 3-29 What is Bolshevism? Answered Un ion hall 8 p. in. March 29. o Wo boy liberty bonds. 314 Masonic hid, tf Surprise Stove polish; if you have never used it you have a surprise a coming. 3 28 o E . T. Albert, son of T . G.. Albert, who spent his boyhood days in Salem and who has been living at Eugene for the past eight years, has accepted a position with Mitchell Lewis & Stav er of Portland. He will trael in tho valley for the implement department of the Portland firm and will occa sionally visit Salem. Webb tf "The funeral beautiful Clough Co. o Free round trip to M B A dance near Chemawa Friday, Alar. 28. Larg er orchestra. Auto leaves Masonic Temple 8:30. 3-28 What is Bolshevism? Answered Un ion hall 8 p. in. March 29. At the session of the Elks lodge the following members wero officially ini tiated and aro now entitled to give the hailing ign: II. V. Compton, Dr. D. X. B-echler. Harry Parker, R. H. Ki- ley, I. A. Wroten and Jos Voegtlin. Application blanks for all nigh schools which desire to tuko up mili tary instruction under the United States government aro being mailed to lay by J. A. Churchill, superintendent of public instruction, to the larger high schools of the stale. Colonel S. A. Howard of tho I'nited Steles army has beea designated by tho war do iartmont to have charge of the work for tho schools of the northwest, lie I ion hall 8 p. m. March 29. nas assured superintendent Cliurcniil that all schools having 100 boys en rolled in this course will bo furnished equipment, including guns and uni forms. The war department will also furnish, through Colonol Howard, an f icer to have charge of trniuincr the students and someone to take euro of ill tho equipment. o My new office ts 328 Huobard of tho Kvun Now phone 1009. I do a general insur-lnt tho snmo tii 1? Ladies yd'j4 Coats CPalio a nd' m I Suits 1 ' The best and biggest assortment in town at popu lar prices. Showing of the latest models direct from tho manufacturers at New York and Philadelphia. Our buy 'ing direct saves you all the middleman's profit. Ladies Coats ....$10 to $33.00 Ladies Suits $11.90 to $38.50 "Our Prices Always The Lowest" GALE & COMPANY PHONE 1071 Commercial and Court Sts formerly Chicago Store What is Bolshevism? Answered TJn- Dr. J. O. Matthis. 409-410 Banc of Commerce bldg. Office phono 573, res idence phone 5H0. 4 20 "The best" is all you can do when death comes. Call Webb & Clough Co. rhono 120. tf Rev.. C L.. Schuster, presiding eld- gi lical association, who helils a pastorate at aneo business. I write surety bonds, ! Alhnnv. Or., will tn-cncli tonight nt uid loan money on tho easy pay't plan the 17th and Chemeketn street Evan- Own your own homo, and stop throw- gelical church. Everybody is invited. ing your money away for rent. See me o- today, II. E. Bolinger. tf ! What is Bolshevism? Answered Un- Columbia river smelts In any quan tity, i'itts Market. tf Artificial teeth, have expert plate man, with over 35 years experience, at my office. Dr. D. X. Beechler, den tist, ouz u. a. wat. Bank biug. U Mrs. I. E. MaBhburn of 419 South Htli street knows what it means to place an advertisement in the "New Today" columns of tho Capital Journ ion hall 8 J. in. March 29. When you buy a shotgun to get that chicken hawk, make sure its a Reming ton. 3-25 o Wanted fat hogs, cattle, stock hogs; ship Saturday 2!lth. 1'hunc eve nings. 3-2S Bev. Jacob Stockcr, pastor of 17th and Chemeketn street Evangelical church, Sulein, will address the people vertisenient read al. She had a Toggenbtirg goat and kid i of .Fruitland church, Sunday afternoon for salo and by some mis-eue me ad- ;3 o'clock on tho subject, "The purpose one milK cow anUjof this age." Everybody invited. Bcynolds W. Ohmart was one of the Sulcm men who arrived in New York last Tuesday on the George Washing ton. Ho is a brother of Hoy Uhmiirt of this city. Iu one of the reports com ing from New York, Mr. Olimart was listed as Reynolds W. O'Brien. He served in tho 135th machine gun corps and was at the front when the armis tice was signed, being located in Bel gium. Free round trip to M B A dance near Chemawa Friday Mar. 28. Larg er orchestra. Auto leaves Masonic Temple 8:30. 3-23 Dance Qiterry'g new hall, 4 miles south Saturilay Mar. 2i). Four piece orchestra. Lunch 11:311. Auto leaves Masonic Temple 8:30. 3-28 Tho old as well as new dances ar mory Saturday night, 8 p. m. The Silverton Triiuuie has the fol- loninc: "Oscar Steelhummer lias been visiting his 'parents in the city for a week. Ho was in hiilem Tuesday and was advised that ho had beea appoint ed secretary of the Salem Business Men's Iengue. Mr. Steelhummer inti mated that ho would be a candidato for the office of county assessor at the next primary election. He has worked in that office for the past six years and knows tho game." 8 p. m. Saturday night, dance at nrmnrv, 1 . If you have ajiiy junk or sec ond hand goodu of any kind see us first. FHONE 398 271 Cnicnieketa St. CAPITAL JUNK CO. 2ND HAND GOODS Highest Cash Brico Fa id For Clothing Musical Instruments, Tools, etc. CAPITAL EXCHANGE 337 Court St. Phone 493 HI Tho Charles E Archord Implement Co. carry a complete stock of feed in cluding mill feed. See them before buying. It will pay you. ' Free round trip to M B A dance near Chemawa tonight. Large orches tra. Auto leaves Masonic Temulo 8:30 o'clock. M MTOC D tinft x EI Ii fel "Li Im 11 ii PORK Roasts OK IV Side meat -OC Steak 11 !J! V M E Guaranteed Pure T7 A TTN TT" No. 5 pails $1.20 t i I Orginators of Low Prices MEAT FO VEAL Cream Fed Leg Roasts - - 22c lb. Veal Stew - 12y2clb. BEEF Round Steak (Tf 1111 TBoneSteakyCi f l 'fr f I". k LESS MUTTON Stew - - - - 12i2c lb. Chops - - - 17c lb. Roasts - - - - 16c lb. .Villi iLJsUJlUi Sirloin Steak Roasts -Beef to Boil 15c to 18c lb. - - 12i2c lb. Fancy Dressed Chickens 35c Best Creamery Butter 60c M A 1? 351 State St. Originators of Low Prices K E T