Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, March 27, 1919, Page PAGE SIX, Image 6

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iuu A-A-A fcl LiiiU V VJ VifcAjVJ
- X
) A
toasted K
' i
A ' '
Off to the theatre
Open your
this way
On the; way, light a Lucky Strike, the real
Burley cigarette. It's toasted. Toasting
develops and improves the flavor f Burley
tobacco, just as toasti n g gives bread more flavor.
EV0 R f R?
It's toasted. Now every
one knows that tqasted
tobacco is the greatest
improvement in cigarette
manufacture in 20 years. '
Guftrnnteed by
Is -toasted ii
essive Business To
Settle Things In Court
, It iiralber expensive settling trou
bles by wnr of, the circuit court, e
i cording to the cost bill now being fil
led. It It the loser that f course pays
the cost' of th trml, besides the costs
: of hi own witnewca.
' P. E. LatPoint aiHil the South
; Pacific, for criminal uvgligciieo In the
upkcfp of I briiljjo near Turner. As
; lii" luit the cao, he will be eaUcil up.m
to uot only puy his own costs, but of
$1.1 incurred by the railroad.
'Tho City of Turner will also have
sumo routs to pay, in tho enso it lout
when snort fur sftornoy' fm by r,
AI.i Kinlicott and Walter Winslow. lltv
nirtes tho oxpetiwa 'the city incurreil
with lU own witneteieii, it will be tim
ed wilh :!'5.;M posts incurred bv the
winning side which hnppeus to bo the
two ut.liirneva in tlii cum.
Jat. K. Sears who sued his tenant
W. liunxer, will huvo eomo eiw-ls
to vV 'besides bi own. In defi'iiduii;
Mr. Dancer 1,-roulit ono of
his wiliKssc, 3 tlO mjlcs and 1'iled up
nn 1 tvi
(rnBtT Brtiit
U 0
M 11 f 1 N M y Vl ':
u a mum a k u
t f
a total cost of JI3.90. As Mr. Sears
lost h'is Viixe, ho will be iinsesscd these
costs (beside his own.
Warner r'. t.'ropp, administrator of
the ostftto of '. i'. Cropp, will havo
$!").-( court ctwts to )iuy bixides his
own pnts. The jury deiHdeil against
him and this niemiu that ho pays alt
2 P.M.
8 P.M.
50c 1
Doors Open HalMIour Earlier So That All
May be Seated in'plfuty tf Ttme
Gnvernot Ob'ott ttitla.v reappointed 0.
II, Kolley of Portland, Oregon, a lnem
ler of the state boisid of burner exniei
ners, for a term ending March 3, 18-3.
Tho other nieuiliei's of tho board are .S.
11. Howard, Portland, aud Lee (.nuiield,
John Mi-Court, of tho law firm of
Veanie, McC'ourt & Veaiie of Portland,
was today nppointed t)v liovernnji Olcott
ax a member of the soldiers' and sail
ors' commission to succeed John H. Hur
(Sard, who has resigned. Jlr. Buikbiu,
resitrning, suited that ho was unable
longer to ijivo the time necessary to tho
affairs of the eoinniinison. Mr. Alel'ourt
luia belli very active in training camp
affairs, and was nlso formerly t'nited
(Stales attorney. The others ineuitiers o
tho commiciiton are: . V, Mulkey,
Portland;' Harry Anderson, Portland;
Joes A. Crotistnu, Poilhmrt; John il.
ytoventon, Purtlund.
tralorg of tho ostato of Earl Wood,
reports to the county court Ilia alo
from tho estate of one Hudson car for
Tho county court has confirmed tho
salo of land in, tho caso ol G. W. An
derson onanist L. 11. Simmons. The
land iuolvc-d i tho 2vW V4 of aeetion
''I 'Tp. 8 S. It. 3, East and was gold
to pay a judjincnt of $i400 and $-J
eo-its. Kxccutiun was issued to tho
sheriff Fob. 10, 191. ,
Tho estate of tfdna H. Wbhnrt bfts
beon apprained at lM4tf.0ti. This val
no was put on tho estate by . A.
Theuer, Wiiliuiu Kdwardg and Maud
il. Miller.
Fslililary Drill Begins At Once
Under Direction Of Fred
The estate of Krnest B. Bennett has
bon appraised at ltl. Tho apprais
ers wero J. K. hurl 8. M. fcnilicott
and A. It. Krowning. Of this aum.
100 was invested in liberty bonds and
$10 in war savings stamps.
Assigned To Convoy
Washington. Mar. 27. 'The war de
partment today announced tho follow
ing organi.atiuus have been assigned
to early convoy.
Pane hospital 92; bakery company,
.'UI7; following organizations of 3;itn
division: Sixtieth field artillery bri
gado headquarters, 128th, 12!th, PlOth
field artillery.
The CTierriar.s feel thst tjo noosting
orgr.ni2tiju should do somelhinj this ,
summer t0 eali attention to the fat 1
that i-alem is tho romiLgest city in thei
northwest with the finest tuutxtry in the i
world back of it. I
At the meeting held last evening at J
the Commercial club the traveling on
junketing spirit was ia the air. The
Cherrians want to go aomewhere this I
summer. Not having received any grest j
amount of reciprocity from Portland,
members are inclined to teko a trip !
somewhere on the C-ound. Seattle is pre
ferred. King Bina Pullertea will ap
poiat a committee to investigate travel
liu; conditions.
Having decided that the Cherrians
should do aomo visiting, it was then
voted th;;t military drill should begin
at once to line up the new members as
well as to brush up tho old ones iu
keeping step. led Mangis, who just
recently received his discharge from tho
officers training camp at Camp nite.
Ark., was appointed driUmastor and will
arranje for regular wceklv drills. Cup
tain Mantis was authorized to appoiut
his lieutenants.
As to dropping from memliership
those who had apparently lost their in
terest in the Cherriuns, (Secretary W. I.
Staley said that the committee appoint
ed to handlo this delicate problem had
uot reported. However, there is a grow
ing feeling that members who aro not
active should be dropped from the rolls.
With an attendance of more than 100 j
at the banquet and initiations last :
evening, there is renewed interest in I
the Cerrinn organization and what the I
Cherrians stand for. Now that the war
is over and tho flue had its run, the
members are getting readv to tako an
active part in affairs and arrango for
the usual annual trip, t .
The initiations partook of the regula
tion old time initiations wherein there
was fine entertainment with just
enough real work to properly impress
the novice who will be entitled to wear
tho Cherrinn uniform. Ambng thoso
who were given nil degrees in ono even
ing were Pr. E. E. Fisher. Pr. P. C. Bur
ton. Stanley Hansen, t:has. Kobinson
and Arthur Montgomery.
- w
IFw I 1
hh Tc Measure ;.
NFKOil $10.50 VP TO $13.30
A Fit or No Sale ' 1
Guarantee k
Investigate Our Profit
Sharing Plan On These .
Court House
3V4's, 00.02, off .l2; first 4's, 0t.
.ill, up .In; second 4's. Oli.oO, up .Oil;
I'ir'jt 4'i's, 01.-14, up .P; second 4VjS
Oii.OO, up .11; third 4 '', 03. OS, up
.OS; fourth 4 '4's 0:l.RS, unchanged.
iron smrs eeinq yanks noME
In thp case of .lolin ,1. Sjcr'V vs
H, Svver.Nou and others, the plaiolift
ob.iecti to the defendant 's CA-t bill on
the grounds that eerte.jn wlttieKies
were not sworn and were not material
witnesses. The names of five witneis
es are included iu the protest.
Warner V. "ropp, adminislrnlnr of
tho estate of Pr. C. F. Cropp, h-..-. pe
titioned the court for a new trial, on
the grounds t'la'. the evidence iis in
sirfticient to sust.i'n the verdict and
judgment, (hat there wus Bo evidence
to snsi.-iiu the vei.Hct a'ld jud.mi'nt
and that the yU-n licj, were ii;siiff;
cient to sustain (he .i"dim:nt. The
case involves the ess'nn of a d.a-
iniiind ring. avscsM-J bv the jurv at
F. E. Valli.ity r, one of the admiuis-
Washington, Mar. 7. Pieturn of
American t roups from France was
j speeded today with the commissioning
of the first of twelve German liners
j leaned to tho I'nited Stale for trans-'
port, v
Navy department advices todaysaid
the 4lerm:in steamship Cleveland was
cnuimwsinnfil yest'erdiiy at ftithead
On The 'l'linnH'S. "
Tito more will be put into the Am
erie.'i'i rausport service Saturday, tho
: Patricia and the Kaisenu Augusto
Berlin. March" f.-'Tie' national as
srmWIv is estaliUahiug a special court
ta (rv t.ctierul I.udemloMf, former
Oifincelior Von Hetliiiif.nn lloliweg and
other officii-Is alleged in be rcsmnsibb
fir fie war, a dispatch from Wtiuiar
repi..ed today, , ...
Property Had Belonged To
Same Estate For Over
Thirty Years.
The Cottage hotol on Court and Front
streets, for so many years owned by the
Staiger estate, wfcs sold a few days ago
to Claudo A. Johnson and wife, for a
cash consideration of $1800.
Tho proporty liaa changed hands but
a few times since the day when Chloe
A. Willson was given settler's titlo by
tho surveyor general of Oregon along in
tho enrlv '50 's.
Chloe A. Wilson deeded the' lot on.
which tho Cottn-ge hotel stands to Jos
eph Watt on Oct. 11, 1804, nnd three
days later ho deeded it to B. F, Prake.'
A few transfers brought the owner
ship of tho lot to J. F. Staiger in Pecem
bor of 1884 and Binco that timo until
this week, tho property has ociotigcd
to the Staiger estate.
8usan (Staiger, tho widow of J. T.
Staiger, died Nov. 23, 1910, ana Oy will
George W. Whitney wns appointed ex
ecutor. Ho sold or disposed of all tho
Staiger holdings excepting this ono lot
before he died in Poeember of 1918.
After his death Charles Whitney be
came administrator do bonis non. In
hi report to the court ho states there
is a wooden building of two stories on
the lot and that on account of the sec
tion of town in which it is located, rap
idly being occupied by lumber yards
and business of like character, the prop
erty would hardly increase tn vnluo.
That while it had originally been in
ventoried at a value of I800, he felt
justified in selling it for $1600 cash,
asking the court for an order confirm-
Iowa Governor Admits He
May Have Made Mistake
Pes Moines Town, Mar.- 2". "I may
have made a mistake."
. That was the only admission wmnrr
from Governor Harding by 11 W.
Byers, counsel for the hou.-o judicin'y
committee, probing tho pardon cf Er
nest Rathbun, Ida county social crim
inal. The legislative investigating "body
hud the state executive on the, grill
for inoro than four hours during a late
afternoon and night einh yesterday.
The governor's --testimony brought -io
ndniicsion that ho hnd broken a pre
cedent in pardoning Kathbun without
referring the application to thojarole
He did not concede that The applica
tion for pardon, to his knowledge did
not comply with tho law.
Wl.cn Harding resui les Into thw af
ternoon ho will bo asked to produce his
personal bank accounts for tho lat
Men's Khaki Handchiefs
Special to clean up. 150
dozen regular 15c or 2
for 25c. Khaki handker
'chief, special 4 for 25c
Or 65c per dozen.
Work Gloves
For loganberry train
ing. We have an extra
quality middle split
horsehide gloves that
gives real service.
Straight wrist $1.25
Gauntlets $1.40
Iveversible mitten $1.35 .
240 North Commercial St.
four months of 1018., Ho -will also be
asked to produce any personal notes he
might have redeemed during tho same
This afternoon's session will bo call
ed at s luto hour because United
SStates Scnaior A. B. Cummins will ad
dress a join session of the assembly.
St. Louis, Mo., March 27. Tho Na
tional Woman Suffrago association be
came . the Lecgue of Women Voters
shortly before noon today.
The action resulted from a'rcjuvtnat
ing plan adopted by the jubilee conven
tion ia session hero yestorday. Tho ex
ecutive committee today recommended
tho new name.
Mrs. Carrio Chapman Catt, national
president of tho old organization, pro
posed the name change, declaring tho
other did not represent both womon of
voting and non-voting states. Mm, J.
A. Nathan of -New York suggested tho
new name.
Six thousand dollars' worth of opium
was sei.ed on the steamer Santa Crua
at San Francisco Morrftiy.
The Swiss federal ! council has re
nounced the commercial treaties with
Germany, Austria and Hungary.
Aganilo Madrid died at Albttrbuor
quo, N. M., Monday at the ago of 115
years. Ho had never previously boon
Governor Tlurauuiat has signed the
bill giving women tho right to vote for
presidential electors in Minnesota.
Tho French gunboat Kcrsaint is im
paled on an island in tho South Pacific
and seems doomed to destruction. .
Twelge alleged I. W W. members
in the iVpoka (Kan.) jail have refus
ed all food offered them for six days
' Logging operations for the Cnscado
Lumber comptiny at Yakima have he-
gun for the season.
Gordon Cody, who went out from
Empire last Saturday to fish for crabs,
is missing and is thought to have beon
drowned. Ilia empty skiff was lound
next morning.
Tho forestry department of the Unit
cd States has appropriated $20,000 to
be used in road work from the CowliU
county line to the foot of Mount St.
That's the word that
v goes with our
Beautiful new color
ings, plain effects
Commercial St.
for Saturday
palate; a cemfort
to the nerves
instead of coffee
Will be turned loose at your price.
Commencing at 1:P0 p. m. 100 pounds of good
tea, canned pumpkin, beans, Jelly powder, soap,
grape juice, gloves, shoes, dining room tables. Every
thing in the store. Come to this sale.
157 SOUTH C03LMERCIAL ST.-Phone 1117
If you have something to sell let us know.
Salem Auction Co.