Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, March 27, 1919, Page PAGE THREE, Image 3

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BeautiftI Georgette "Arrow" Waists in latest colors and models ranging from $5.75 to $10
Silk Petticoats $425
Excellent group ox
silk petticoats, ruffed,
tucked and flounced
variety.' Elastic at
waist, changeable col
ors and other wanted
Silk Dresses $12.75
Mescaline and taffeta
silk dresses prevail
ing colors and styles.
Sizes 1G to IS for
Young Ladies and 3G
to 41 for Women.
Way telow actual
Old White Corner Building
Salem's Greatest Wemen's Apparel Store
x " shades.
k (; hi L c j 7o
;.! '
in its wax-wrapped pack
age, air-tight and -impurity
is hygienic and wholesome.
The goody that's good for
young and old.
Be sure to get
Look for the
Wil rpL
If s?m
p vw '
1 If.
i- AJ
It M--r .
Spring Fashions in Women's
x Apparel
At no other store in Salem will you find
such charming styles and such large assort
ments in Women's Suits, Coats, Capes, Dres
ses, Waists, Skirts and Petticoats. Courteous
salespeople will take pleasure in showing you
these new Spring garments, whether you are
ready to purchase or not.
New Suits
Suits in all
Spring bkmJcs,
the smartest
including box
U effects, high waist belted and
1 tailored models. Many have
11 aro trimmed with braids. Suits
fancy vestee of silk and man?
of trieotine, aerge, wool pop
mixtures Black, navr. tan,
lin, gabardine and noveltv
gray, etc. Priced 332 60 to $75
New Coats
Hard Surface Road Assured
Polk County This .Year
(Capital Journal Kinuial Service.)
Dallas, Or., Marcli 20. Tito statu
liichwivy roirinilssloii(',rn met tliis after
noon with the 1'olk county court and a
large number of representative citizens
at liiekreall and assured the gathering
A'.'it if the county court would get the
roadbed in shape between this city and
Haleiu iu the fear future the rouiiw::y
would be hard.iurruceil this year. Uue
coniniissioners also stated that they
1 were unxiotia to begin the Imrdsurfacing j rimd betweu l)all
of the roadway running north ttf& sbuth
through the county and that the work
would be taken tip ns soon as the road
bed w:ts placed in condition. Tho routo
as it tiot stands will probably be
throngh Holmes Gap to Kickrenll thence
to Monmouth and Independence leaving
Dallas on stub from Rickreall. ThisJ
route is Hot the one voted for by the
people in, the special election two years
ago, but ono which the commissioners
think wil serve the greater number of
'l'he improvements will "bring joy to
the heitrt of many Polk county people
wherever, made avd tho fact that tbo
atind hfelem will be
naiusunacctl Deroro nnotner winter is
good news inasmuch as the road has
been practically impassible" several
times during the past winter on account
of the roadway breaking throngh duo to
Die hauling of heavy loads over it with
Orilii One Best
KM of Com
That's whu feu
the mosf popular.
..IT. -1
Albert Enn3 of Ferrydale Arrested.
Dallas, Or., llarch UU. Albert Enns,
a prominent young man of tho 1'erry
dalo coniniunity, was arrested and
brought to Dallas, Monday afternoon by
Sheriff John W. Orr to answer u charge
ot having entered the P. il. ilannery
home at that place anil stolen war sav
ing stamps to tho amount of $-UU. Knna
denied any knowledgo of tho crime
when first (ticstioned by flio sheriff but
after a search of his homo had been
marie and the stolen property located in
a fruit jar iu the pantry he admitted
tho thett.
'ilie robbery took place sometime Sat
urdny while the Flnunery family were
away f row home. An automobile track
was tho only cluo the sheriff had to
work upon but it was traced to the Kims
home where tho young man was appro-,
heiided. I
In a hearing before Justice of the I
1'isi.e oohn K. Sibley, tuns picaded!
amity ana was bound over to the next
term ui the grand jury.
Women's and Misses' Coats
in a wonderful display of the
new Spring styles, (.'outs for
street, sport, moving and
dress occasions wads ap in
vclour, bolivia, silvcrtone, gab
ardine, trieotine, serge and
othei materials. Many beauti
ful new drape stvlej. Prices
$19.00 to $57.90
New Capes -
Capes aro destined . to ' be
more popular this season than
for a long titjic. Wo are pre
pared with an excellent show
ing of the now and . correct
styles from tho best makers.
Some are of serge, others of
trieotine and vclour. Prin
cipally in navy blue and tans
Some are reversible, specially
priced from ..$15 to $50
New Dresses
Graceful draped models, high
waist, straight line, blouse and
novelty styles dresses for all
ocensions made ap in trieolet
taffeta, satin, crepe do chine,
Georgette crepe, gabardine, tri
eotine and serge, in all the
wanted fpring shades. The
new dresses are priced at
$12.75 to $55.00
New Skirts
Smart Skirts of ftney wool
plaids in the new colors
skirts of sorge, velour, silk,
trieolet, fantasi silk satin and
taffeta. Many of tho new
skirts are box plaited and have
wide girdles and slash pock
ets. Braids and buttons aro the
principal trimmings. Skirts
prices range from $1.25 to $21
New Waists
Dainty waists Of Georgette
crfpe, braided, embroidered
and lace trimmed very new
est snades,' such as Liberty
red, sunset, henna, bisque, cor
al, pale gray and lighter blues.
Also new blouses of crepe de
chine and voiles, etc. l'rices
range '..'. .,:$! 95 to $15
Women's Silk Petticoats Priced $425 lo ?l2i0
A fresh shipment of Bilk Petticoats just opened up contains a largo
assortment of the new styles and colors to go with suits and dresses.
Turquoise, tan, rose, eerisc, green purple, peacock, navy also tho
beautiful new changeables. Plaited, tucked and ribbon-trimmed styles.
Prices range from
$4.25 to $12.50
450 Wonderful New Blouses
Georgettes, Crepe de Chines, Voiles, etc., the best we have seen this
season below $4.00. Our buying force, ever on the alert, hastened to
take advantage of an unusual offer in the Blouse market. Hence the
following remarkable values arranged in three groups for your in
spection, to make selection easy. FRIDAY and SATURDAY
Group 3.
Hrnnd new blouses of Georg
ette, in the prevailing
shades for Spring. Many
of tho new modes in
this group are neally embroid
ered. Principally round neck
and mado to sell for $3,511.
P. f. & S Co's. Price. Fri
day and Saturday
Group 1.
Excellent quality of white
voile waists hcn'i Slilched ef
fect, V shnpo neck In a com
plete assortment of sizes. On
sale Friday niid Saturday.
Group 2
Fine Crepe de Chine waists
in white, cream and flesh col
or, oil new models in a pret-,
ty assortment of embroidered
and hem stitched designs.
Sale Price
See Window Display
300 TrinmeA Hats $3.50 to $5.50
This season's newest creations
Marked way below actual val
ue, because of a fortunate pur
chase made by our New York
millinery buyer. Every one fresh
and stunning. The styles include
turbans, tarns, poke, sailor, side
roll brim, and various other
wanted Spring styles on sale Fri
day and Saturday in three lots as
Hats worth to
Sale Price
Lot 2.
Trimmed hats
Worth up to
Lot 3.
New Spring hats made to sell for
$10.00 Friday and Saturday y
Other New Spring Models
$7.50 to $14.50
Including toques of fine lisera
and smartly turned up little af
fairs with a touch of Victory red
or vivid bluerTarge hats of bas
ket weave with tiny French col
ored flowers. So many styles
so many sizes all unusually chic
another instance of our new pol
icy of "selling the best for less."
4- t44.4 .,-
this eity which work is eontempluted
by tho city council this year. Mr.
Kodgers i-s in the city at present making
plans for sonio of tho proposed work.
Several other applications for tho job
of ctiv cngincr wore received but the
matter was left in the hands of tho
street committee to decido and, they
fcnds stubborn Loughs
in a Hurry
Captain Oonrad Stafrin Eeturn Home,
Dallas, pr., March 26. Capla-in Con
rad Stafrin, formerly commander of
Company L of this city returned home
Tot ml (rectlTn, this aid hums
mad remedy has n equal. JCas
llj and cfaapl prreared.
YoVIl never know how quickly a bad
e.mM'h can be enap!rid. until yon try
this tamous ola home-made remefly. Any
employed Mr. Kodgers in as much as he
was familiar with the kind of work to
be done this year.
from France last week after an absence one who has coughed all day and all
nillit, will say turn, tiie immeuat relief
of tw0 years. Captain Sti.frin was in
cli.irge of the transport which brought
over Dnjlas and Salem troops together
with a number ol other soldiers and up
on their arrival at Camp Merritt he was
ordered to proceed wirn r. neranmcnt
of regulars to Camp Dix from where he
proi-edi d. Iimiiewftrd.
Captain Stafrin saw service in many
Hon. I. L. Patterson of Kola was a
county seat business visitor Tuesday.
Arthur Halm, of the Kodgers X'apcr
company of Salem, was a Dallas busi
ness visitor Monday afternoon.
Miss Avu Cuad of Portland Is spend
ing a few weeks' vacation al the home
ot her purents Mr. and -Mrs. Jid
toad uu linyter street.
J. C. llayter, of tiio Ilr.yter Book &
Stationery store, was a Capital City
visitor Sunday.
Mrs. Alice 1. Deinpsey, Mis. Anna
Kuibree and .Vlrs. T. J. rluyter arc in
Suver today truest at the home ol Mr.
and Mrs. Willis Siuiontou.
Dr. ami Mrs. W. S. Sihael'er unit lain
ily and Mr. and Mis. John H, ttiblcy
and iiule daugiiter wero Capital Cilyi
Tells ITow To Open Cloggprl Noa
trila Mid End Head-Colda.
riven is almost iikk magic, it taKes
nit a moment tn prepare, and really
there is nothing better for roughs.
Into 1int bottle, put 2'i ounces of
rincx; tlien add plain granulated
sugar syrup to iroike a full pint. Or
you can use clarified molasws, honey,
if desired. Either way, the full pint I lokin after buiincss interests.
alKmt two-tbird of the nrmey iWi. .i.;veu nas reiurncri irom
vi-iloiti tbo first of the week.
Itud Hart uiid Earl Cutler returned
Momiay tiioruing from a short v i -it iu
Alvie Morton is iu Portland tars wcitf
Vou feel fine in a few moment. Your
cold in head or catarrh will be gone.
Your elogged nostrils will open. The air
passages of your head will clear and
you can breathe freely. ' Ko more dull
ness, headache; no hawking, snuffling,
mucous discharges or dryness; no strug
gling for breath at night.
Tell your druggist you want a small
bottle of Kly'a Cream Balm. Apply a
little of this frugrant, antiseptic cream
in your nostrils, tut it penetrate through
every air passage of tho head; giotho
and heal the awollen, inflamed mucous
membrane, 'and relief eomea instantly.
.. It is Just what evert sold and catarrh
sufferer meeds. ' Don.li itay (tuffed-up
and miserable.''
of the large camps in Franco as an in- usually spent for cough preparations, a short visit t the
s'rurtor and it was onlv the slifnine of ana civea ym a more
tUf armistice th; i prevented him' from remedy. It
home of her pur-
positive, etfectivo I,,,.!,. l)r. ,,nd Mis. William Tvn r -
keens nerlcctlr andi taateal-. m.
pleasant-childrea like it. . I ..ou.a ju: lh,mnn K, ri-Ulrn, ,
.i!" e,B j ! ,!' u". T '! efc from France is confined to
all the air nasuAire. It nromutlv l.aen. ! ni "'""f with an attack of pneumonia
Allies Will Make "Food
Cffensiye" On Red Menace
By Bobort J. Binder.
(I'nited Prcn Stuff Correspondent.)
Washington, March "7. A food of
fensive in territories threatened by ld
slievism will be one of tho first steps
rent officials and diplomats seft iQ
Wtishiugton, I Uh'.o advices received
at tho Wlnto liouso today from mem
bers of the American peace party in
Turin declared that tho situation in jren
eral "is moving along faster than ap
pears on the nirfnce.''
Three men weio jtmothered under
several tons of grain at Saskatoon Won
day, when a Canadian National traia
crashed into en elevator.
A naval recruiting officer has foecn
stationed in I.'cnil for the first time in
mure than a year.
E!8 Sffi BILLS
i receiving? a promotion as major.
I'pon his return Captain Stafrin im
"liatelv took tin his duties as man
S!(T of the Kliifrin driie e'rrm wnich . Ar, t, ,,ii nJ .non rnn will ! A. M. M;:tlock was a Snbiu business J a ken by infer-allied inilliorities to meet
he ii the o Herat the corner of Mais- notie'e tli -nbleifm thin out and then : visito, the first of the week. K'C red menace, acoerding to officials
and Court streets. disappear altoi
Dalian Blircs Salem Enginer.
iHilbis. Or., Mnrch L"J H. M. Rodger,,
: civil engineer from Salem who has
hd clmrge nf street improvemrrfts and compound of genuine Korwnv pine 9.x-
other miiuieiiml work in the Capital
City ftt the vvMt nomber uf ears has
been employed by the hfreet fimmitteej
if tli' eifv of Dallas to make the neres-j
s:iv ru"vevf fi,r the lavinty of cement
;-hwntkst the construction of (weri!
and the improving of cortaia streets in I
disappear altogether. A day ose will ; Harrv P. livers leaves this week fortherc
usually break up an ordinary throat or jtllH, vuV;here he will be emplovedj Kvenl havo ,hr.wn, it was declared,
hfonchitis,' croup, whooping eouga, m4 "'er laying out a loegn.g road
bronchial asthma. . ! for a mmlter eotnpauy at that place.
I'inex ta a most vslushln concentrated ' Mrs. C. Howes and daughter, Mrs.
Lillian Marh::ll, are in rortland biuk-
tract xnnwn infsi reuaoie rcmeoy ater hi,ririe interests.
jor inrcwc ana rneK aiimvuia. i .
To avoid diapnoinbnent, alc
drnggist for "2 14 ounces of Pinex" with .;,, , ' yr ; .,;. .,,:,,
full directions ana don t accept anything " ... ' . " ,. ... ,
else. Guaranteed to give ahsolute sal.is- ali.ngin to di'cnss with the gnv
fsction or mony promptly refunded, .ernment the matter of gianting iude
Iht I'iaex Co.. it. Vvne, Ial. 'peodeac to the I'liUipjiinca.
that when Prcii!, nt Wilson cabled cim-i.
grets tbo ?ll'li,(,i,;j,0()() food bill must I
lie correctlv renseil ihc situntinii. While
deli. v.. in food shipments have resulted,
there yt time i' proper cooperation
ci-n be serured, to feed countries en
dangered and st p the bobdieviut tide,
it wnt beliuvtd here today.
TV econ-imii! situation continued to
hold the a'tcntiou of what tew promi-
'It looks as if I would not be able
to wear out my shoes with Neoltrt
Soles. They have been in service
about a year, and are still good," writes
W. C. Dickinson of New Haven, Conn.
It is natural that shoes with Neoltn
Soles should wear a long time, (ot
Neolin Soles Rive txtru wear Where
most shoes wear out quickest.
These long-lasting soies are made by
Science to be especially tough and dur
able comfortable and waterproof, too.
If you want to save money on shoes
buy them With Neolin Soies. Good
shoe stores carry them in many styN
for men, women, and children. And
you can have your old shoes re-bottomed
with Neolin Soles at any repair
r Nefilin Soles are made by The Good
year Tire & Kubher Co.. Akron. Ohio,
who also make Wingfoot Heels -guaranteed
to outwear all other heels.
neolin Sol1
Mart Snub. irnM. 1
i i
! I!