Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, March 27, 1919, Page PAGE TWO, Image 2

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I uuviui t.
it I
A ft I w. .
i vv
uw Vuercy
Inducements given to
Hardware dealers
Hp'iss Builders
. Autoaio'jife
Tire 3
Less Than
The SPENCER HARDWARE CO., of Salem must close
its doors in the next few days. Your time is 'Smitcd to
buy at less than the original cost. Sappy your needs
now, its just lfte finding mr.ey. Every article must go
regadless of any profit Thousands of eaer shoppers
are takh? advantage of the greatest ur.der-priccd val
ues ever known.
Everything in the Line
of Hardware Being
Closed Out at Prices
Less Than a Dealer
Can Purchase
Builders' Tools and Supplies Paints and Brushes, Gran
ite and Aluminum Ware, Window Glass. Blacksmith
Supplies, Garden Tools, Stoves, Ladders, etc.
This Is a
Life Time
Imported Blue
Stranskv Steel
Coffee and Tea Pots
Sause and Stew Pans,
Values to $3, choice
3-piece Cake, Aluminum Granite Fots Miscellaneous Garden Paints and Nails, Eegulat
Partus and Pots and Pans, ana pans. Household Tools Varnifh, values 100-pound keg 930 00
Bread Values to 11.50, values to 60c 'Articles Values to 2.im o $3.50 gallon Baw i'lows
Knifo Bts your choice Values to 60c Gallon
25c 50c 15c 10c 98c ' $2.25 $5.35 17.50
' v :
Galvanized Wash Boilers OlaBs 3-plece Carving 1 Silverware Safety Butcher Table and
Kuekrts No. 8 and 0, Wash Sots Set of 6 Knives Razors Knives, Dessert Spoons
lO-uuart Values to $8 Boards : Values to 10, . ' " ?poon?' 65c Values $3.75 Value,
$1.50 Values Values Set of 6,
. 39c $3.75. 65c M.75 19c 25c $2.45
Thousands of Other Values Too Numerous to Mention
466-467 StateSt.
"Horn of Plcntr" ;Hvi7,v,
n i J WcsternCsnadafor 3
J ?Ai? A!" yearshashetiiedtofeed 5
I jtV the world the .imereiHmsi. fit
......iit! "".o
't7 sJ.
hilitif nf nrcvtncllonslill rests upon her.
Whit titah nrictt tor tirnin. Cnttleand Shorn
& art aura to remain, price ot land ia much below lie value.
Land capabla of yielding; 20 to 43 bush
It of wheat to the acre can be had on
asy term at from $15 to $30 per
aero good grazing land at mucn leet.
V Many farm paid for from inula year' crop. Rawinit
k v cattle. sheep and hotrsbrinKseniiai success. 1 het-fovrmmrnt
lnd Cot. onrr unuaual imiucementa 10 Hitma !Mi'K
ft. Karma may tic atocVed by loans at moderate interest.
$ U nlrni t'amtlA ntter. Inw taviitiim. tforwt markets and alnn
. Tl 1 puw; free aciiguls, churches and beau iilui climate.
i; iftf's'f r ' 3 rr p.rM'-fll.rf aa tit iwtnit r.Mw.7 n. of land, tlhi
' 4 i trsted iiur.urv, rtp apnly in Siml. of lnmta., Ottawa. u
.... V J. L Petit, Cor. 1st a4 Pert lt, ipokina, Wnh.
.5 tem cwtaai.n Ow.ram.nf a,.M.
TIip 0. A. B. will be tlie guests oi
,1m Wonion's Kvlicf Corps, at a rc
ctMition in McCornuck hall. Iiatiiriy a
ornooti. A lnvcly program 1ms been
Hrranired for tlic ocetiKion and the wo
iien will S'Tve delirious refreshments
to tho cuests. Snturdiiv is a any ot
imrth'iilur sisuil'itanee 1o members ol
the Crnml Army and Hie reception
fives promise, of being a completo sue
At the home of Mr. nd Mrs. Lttthc
(Veson. 2218 t'otnt street, tho Loya
Sons class of tho 'ourt street church ol
Christ, was organized anil tho loiiow
itiff iitfit'er. were elected: I'resideut
Basil Zell: v'imi ptesiilent, John Tuel
wretiirv. Luthor Cresou; treasurer
Hettick: teacher R. hi Tut
nam. After the 'business meeting
social time with the loyal laughter
was enjoyed, the time being spent in
siiiL'imr and irnmes, and liKrit reirean
mints being served. Those Jirescnt
a-ern Rnail Zell K. B. Make, Haze
T.nnfr. Unlnh I'utaain. Olady.8 Hettick
Luther Creson. Vleta dispell, Gladys
IVl'c. William ('. Maag, .loy Yarnoll
Hnzel Casness. Frank Hettick. Unity
Allen, Opal Brown, U. B. Albers, Har
riet Wallace, Pearl falling, John 'lui
and the host and hostess.
Tho Chautauqua, reading cirdo met
this afternoon ut the home ol Mrs. ji
C. Griffith.
Representative . C. Hawley is ii
Astoria, with the naval affairs com
inittco inspecting the defenses at th
mouth of tuo t oluniwa river
a . a
Among tho Oregon Agricultural stu
ilenta who have been spending tnei
.i,,,ni luiiiilitvs with fricmls in Snlcti
are Miss Ruth Stewart, Mis Mildrc
jolinson and Miss Mary Walker,
. a
Miss Clara Breitenstcin is entertain
ing a her guest this week. Miss Lucy
Leonard of Horpiiam. Washington,
a . .
('. K. KevmililH is among the Salem
! folk registered at the various Portland
! hotels. He is a guest at the Washing
i Ion .
! ti, Til.s.Iiiv Musical club of SilU'iit
- I has prepared a treat for music lovers
f the city in securing William Kob
have lind i laid mid unexciting part lji,lsim Booth and Kalhryn 'ry.sler Street
v... .i... ni. i.i..., n.....,.i,i;i,.' e... iint recitiil in the .First ('enure-
Men Of 41st Division t...,,; ., i-r ... the workiKHti..u.i w ZZ
Mattie IVatty ef Salem w:.l!
!Tt ent Marn.B rounlji ia the tonics
ecce of tuntv rba:rui?n f nomen s
orjimitttvs of the f fth l bi'tty loan
tu tie heb! at tli- H del Pertlnnd
Jay and iViturdav. Mrs. A. Huld
ia, fetltfral reserve iclia.rmaa I lat
wotnaa s luvisiua ot tae i-ib aistnci.
ill not be able to attend bu will send
iU:itute. Colonel Mav -w i!l be one
jf tho speakers and one of the princi-
al featiirefj tf the roa .frenve will ue
he address br Woodwa S rojgin. a
i'iirtlmt.1 niftn taha m-is With the fatu
oat "trfist Uattaiion ' ia ine Argoucr,
forest. Mrs. txirah A. Kvuns, state
hairmsa of woman's liberty loan coin
iiuttce will reside nili assisted i
Mrs. W. W. Calkins tate vice chair-
Thu Mtblie is invited to the lunch
Hn on Saturday ia te Portland ho-
el grill room, with which the conven
ion wiU close.
Women who are concerned ia the
ork of the women committees of
he liberty loan may be interested in
mowing- the nanu s "of the representa
tives at the conference from tho vari
ms counties. Mrs. 1. II. Ryder, Ba
; Mrs. Ida Caliahaa, lVnton; irs.
H. B. Cartlidge, Clackamas; Mrs. o
a B. Appleton. Columbia; Mrs. C B.
A'ade, 1'oos; Miss Hazel Sullivan,
"rook; Mrs. C'orge Ilouck, Douglas;
Mrs. U. X. Horton, De.vhutes; Mrs.
V. U. Johnson Gdliara; Mrs. Ida i
con. Grant: Mrs. K. D. hanaga, Hood
River; Mrs. Grace B. Lanipslurc, liar.
nev; Mrs. IX'lroy uetcncu, jacivsun,
it s: W. A. KUis Jefferson; Mrs.
Laura Thomas Gunell, Jowphine; Mrs.
i. A. Krause, Klamath; Mrs. trie
Mien, Lane; Mrs. Rosemary Schenck
Lincoln: Mrs. B.'F. Parmer. Vale;
Mis9 Mattie Beatty, Marion; Mrs. Ber
ha Drew Oilman, Morrow; Mrs. (,.
i:. Currv. Multnomah: Mrs. vtwnnr
Inh'isni. Pilk; Mrs. Otto Put?.. Ser
ean; Mrs. Bert King, Tillamook; Mrs.
W. D. McNarv, Imatilln; Mrs.
oree T. Cochrane. Union; Mrs. Net
tie Smith. Wasco: Mrs. h. W. Hyde.
Washington; Mrs. IP. A. iiuenanar
a a
Mary Jane Albert, ono of tho mos
popular Jiiemberrs of Salem younger
social set, will arrive Friday evening
for a week'g visit with her parents
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Albert. Miss Al
hert is a student at Mim latunt-
school in Portland.
Tho Aid society of the First Preslby
terian chun h will meet tomorrow at
ternoon at ":'M) o clock in the churcl
imrliirs. Th hostesses for the meet
tig are Mrs. Joseph Albert. Mrs. A.
I. linger, Mrs. J. C. Griffith, Mm.
L. 0 . Altman.
i This word is pronounced tw-sis, but has nothing to
tn Tt Vi";. however, a Ere::t desl to do ii,
UU milt i"t iww. v ..w.-, - - , w
with the abdominal muscles.
The majority of women have it to a greater or !
' less degree. It is usually caused cy oatu ueMfeuu
; corsets those that con
Istantly press down the ab-
; domen instead of supporting
The constant downward
I pressure stretches the ab
i dominal muscles so that Li
!time they don't contract
j back again. Then the trouble
! begins, for unless the caus
; is removed chronic lnvand
' ism commences and all the
; doctors and medicines ex
i tant cannot cure it.
V c front Laced
! are designed to prevent ani
; correct ptosis. When pro
perly fitted they give per
fect support to the abdomen.
We invite you to have a trial fitting in our corset
department. There is no charge for it. You
will then appreciate what the MODART
Corset can do for you.
U. G. Shipley Co.
. ..in
1 ii,r n
,.-f i 1 -
,-. z&gi
Crescent Baking Powder
Th very bsat lmkiaj pow der Is tho double
acting one. It nd.cg fl.ttt when molrtcre
Is added in ntxin; bow), aid thes
afaia when hett is u.pr liL
Creneent BpJcirj Powder his thi tloiiblo
raiM and it it wh&t is needed to Ihorov.ifh.
ly ptrmeLM thu dmia cuui sad mi'so
il!chiu, liM tad cully digested breads,
caica and tucnits.
CitMott. Yon'U bs delighted with
the raa-.Uta. To ir gr.-3r probibly has it
if rot writs rj lording his name and
ifjilr-i'.j and purs, and w pill send yea
ti.e Crete j-jI Cook Book free on requssL
Crescent Ilfg. Co., aattlt, Wiuh.
Pershing Complimented
..e r ii !.. ...V U,l K., t'sTt
a... -a . .... .v....... !tho Armomnti relirf fund.
',.,,..,, i,.,,t i,.lu a....,M.. t-r fnvtum' i innum ft oomnui uivis
from M.,,or (.e.ieral I el or L. Mrutib., , ,,,, M,u , ,,y rv1urt
l omiiianiliui; officer lit Camp Pike, Ark-. rfm(, ,vil, ,), knowledw of duty well
anm, a enjiy of n letter written to him performed, and the assurunce that they
liv (letierul Pershing retardititf tho 4lst 'lmve won the eotifitlence and respect of
li iion. hii h included the lti-nd rei I their filinwn in tho American Kxpedi-
nient titl other reiriuients includuii! tiimui y I'.ui iw.
t,vvi WUJkX
Onu'iin men. tieneriit Pershing's letter
rends! j I
Mt Dear (ii noiii Strnub:
II K'ves me a great deal of pleasure
t(i evteiiil to vim and the officers and
men of I Ik' -list Division my mmpli
:iient upon their excellent appearance
Mid lieutintr til the inspection in the
cioliaikiitinii i-aino n( Brest on Jutimirvl
"isl, just previous (o your departure for
the i nited States.
i lie list Division has hud the Imiuesl
anil Imrilost eareer of service in Un
American Kxpetlitionurv Forres. One of
the first five dniii-r.s to arrive in
Cranio, organized nml ttaitieil as a com
but unit, it wns inunrilinlely broken tip
nml lo.iiiuily of its jH'rsotuiel was seal
tn co-iilinl units, and the pi. rt thesn men
; played is ti 11111 r of history of Ihe Nl,
"nd, "tilli and .-ml Division with which
thev were idi ulified. Tlioso who re
t .tiined wilh the list Division tn handle
u ud prepare replacements for bat tit)
Kincerelv vnnrs,
For Itching Torture
Tliero is one remedy that 6-1dttm
fails to stop ik hint? torture and relieve
skin irritation and that makes the skin
soft, clear and healthy.
Any dttiKiyst can supply you with
Zomok whiih generally overcomes all
skin diseases. Eczema, itch, pimples,
rashes, blackheads in not-t cases give
way to Zi-tno. I re-t-n'ly, minor blem.
ishes disappear n r.ic'-t Itrhing Us
ually slt'i1 inst.i;... . irf-mo is a sale,
antiseptic Inpud, c lean, e-ey to and
dependable. It co?'s only .t.V; an i-x-tra
l.irpe bottle, $1.00. It will not stain,
is not greasy or sticky and is positively
sale for tender, sensitive skins.
The E. W. Rose Co., Cleveland, 0.
Mr. Ilootli is tin organist ot excep
tional ability. At the "f fifteen
he was appointed organist of Trinity
church and in speaking of his work at
this time the New York limes suvs m
part. "In the winter scnum he gives
organ recitals each month, the mi-
iioiiii. -omenta of which always have the
result of briiming a gnod congregation
to hear his interpretation of some of
the best works, which he renders with
renin rl, able .skill both in lechniipic and
manipulation of stops."
Ci ern'nig Kalhryn Creysler Street,
the contralto .soloist of Portland who
will assist Mr. ilVooth ia his recital,
the (Irrgonian J-avs: "Mrs. .Street
lives her song nnd gives her audiences
11 mental picture of the thoughts she
pictures in song. she is one of the
host concert contraltos, 111 this section
of (ho country . "
Mr. Itoi'th will give a short expla
nation of his organ numbers and Mrs.
Street will be heard in two charming
groups of songs.
Colds Caiuw Grip and Influenza
lets remove tho caue. There is only
one Promo Quinine." E. V. UKDVI'8
sigualuie m the boi. ?'.c.
Good With Cocktails
One good dish deserves another.
Oyster or fruit cocktails are delicious
dishes. Snow Flakes are delicious
crackers. Combine the two and
you have a most enjoyable course.
Don't ask for crackers, say Snow
Your grocer can supply you:,
a- 1
f-WSCJ? "vsi 1.
1 rJ-r
raduc Cba t RKcutlCo.