Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, March 26, 1919, Page PAGE EIGHT, Image 8

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I Ail A
round lovn
Of Distinction, Emphasizing the Qualities of Youth
fulness and Originality
K3 &w-uif is j REAS0N-197EusyStores
How We Save You Money
We buy direct from the manufacturers which eliminates the middle man's
expense forced upon the one-store merchant. We sell for cash. We believe
in quick turnovers and smaller profits. We are daily giving the customer
the middle man's profits. It is economy to spend your money where it will do
you the most good. We know we have real values to offer and can save you
Compare Our Prices
;l March 30 Tara clock for-
ward one hour, g o'clock i. u.
! April 0, faster Sunday.
We do barber work without gas;
hsircutting .TV. hv .V children a
specialty, " ?t,te St. 8 a. iu. to ti
p. m. 3.09
Best blue denim overalls $1.98
Blue gray khaki and black sateen
shirts 98c to $1.69
Seamless work sox 20c
Khaki pants $1.25 to $2.59
Sensable work suits $4.25
Dress pants ;....$2.98 to $5.90
Dress sox 25c, 35c, 49c, G9c
Dress shirts 98c, $1.25, $1.49
White linen collars 20c
Blue denim overalls $1.25
Play suits, all colors 98c to $2.49
Knickerbocker suits ....$4.98 to $12.50
Knee pants .98c to $1.69
Boy Scout underwear 89c
Dress and work shirts 59c to 79c
Nice silk ties 25c and 49c
Suspenders ...15c and 25c
197 Busy Stores
197 Busy Stores
1 W. M. Smith, county superintend
ent, is visiting schools today in the
H'urnur neighborhood. ,
' Charles P. Mead of San Antonio,
Texas, is visiting friends in Balem. He
nccntly received fain army discharge.
'Ralph D. Moore, who is now bsbo
eiated with the (brokerage firm of Mor.
ris Bros., Portland, was in the city
yesterday .
: Sergeant Albert Bonflcur, whose
parents, Mr. and Mrs. William Bon
i'lenr, live on runtl rotrto 2 in folk
ehunty, bat arrived in Now York, an
ci'iding to word just received. lie it
now at Camp Merritt.
T.ev A Sterling Barner of Los An
geles, assisted I iy Mr. and Mrs. Paul
Taylor, ginger and pianist, will bogin
services at tho First liuplist church in
Salem tomorrow evening. They re
cently closed a series of special ser
vices nt the Leslie M. K. church. For
the Utaptist church meetings, music
will bo furnished by u chorus choir,
led by l'uul Taylor. An interesting
song service will be given nt the open
ing of ench service. Tho meeting are
freo to everyone 1
Tonight at 6:30 o'clock members of
tho boosting Chei'riun organization
will yicm'lilo nt the auditorium p'
the C'oinmorcittl club for two fold
purpose. First, to enjoy ft Johnny Jones
banquet and thou to properly "initiate
a few members Into tho true wavs or
n (!herrian. And in order that the? ini
tiations may be of interest, those who
went through the ordcnl recently at
tho Marion hotel bunuuet will be eiv-
en an opportunity to get even with
the new members this evening.
Stove Polish
If you have never used it you have a surprise coming
First it is COAL BLACK with a fine luster. Used
with a wet cloth it Is the lest nickle polish ever. Most
polishes tarnish the nickle, SURPRISE doesn't. Does
not stain the hands.
Sold by grocers, hardware and second hand dealers.
Manufactured by
C. M Eppley
Salem, Oregon
Willamette Valley
Transfer Company i
S Salem Office
5 171 S. High Street
b Phone 1400
Portland Office
230 Ash Street
Phone Broadway 454
Ours is the only line of auto freight trucks operating
between here and Portland. We also make
We buy produce of all kinds and with our transpor
tation facilities we are able to pay the highest cash
prices. Order your freight routed our way. Sell
your eggs, dressed meats, poultry, etc., to us.
Mrs. Kdueger Terribly
Burned Early Today
Mrs. Eli.nbeth N. Kreuger of 1233
North Church street was futally injurod
thin morning nt 3:30 o'clock when her
clothing caught fire while she was mak
ing a fire in tho cook stove. DenUi oc
curred at 12:ilU toiluy. '
while slut was muking a fire in tho cook
Hhc hud placed the kindling on the
stove, then poured kerosene over the
wood afid then lighted it with a welch.
Flames suddenly burnt from the fire,
burning her face and hands almost to a
crisp and tho entire upper part of her
Her parents who aro living in tho
same house upon hearing hor screams,
rushed to tho rescue, covering her with
bed clothing to smother the flumes'.
Sr. E. E. Fisher, who lives in the
neighborhood was colled in attendance
within a few minutes and did all that
could bo done to alloviato her suffor
ing. Ing. Tho body is at Rigdon's fuuorul
parlors. r
W E Slater, formarlv Hcriitiuir of
tho tiulcm Elks lodgo writes from
franco as follows: "1 am still in this
Uodforoakcn country, We have hopes
of gutting out of here sometime in
Today being the 26th of the mouth,
the ulniunao says that 'beginning rith
the liTth it will ibe generally fair and
much warmer in the west with fogs
along the New England coast. The al
inuuiic also notes that tomorrow morn
ing the sun will rise nt about six min
tilcs until G o'clock and should set nt
lit minutes alter (i o'clock. Next Sat
urday night in order to keep step with
other folks, the clock should bo turn
ed forward ono hour. Tho renl official
railroad titno for this edvnnpe of ono
hour is exactly 2 o'clock in the morn
ing. The river is falling tuid is now
J.ii feet nbovo low wtiter mark. Tho
minimum temperaturo lust night was
Frank J Chapuuui, formerly manag
er of the Stilem Commercial club is
looking for a home, 1,'ntil a few days
ago he had a most commodious homo
at 005 "North ;ommereinl street, but it
was a little larger than ho needed end
Kin-it John Ktter came nlong and of
fered oti00, Ihe sale was made. Mr.
Chapman overlooked tho fact that
houses are pretty hard to find in Sa
lem. And now liko T. E. AleCroskey,
recently elected manager of the Com
mercial cln!, following Mr. Chapmnns
resignation, he is looking for a nice
bungalow with all modern convenienc
es not too far out. Mr. Etter who
bought tho Chapman home, recently
became owner of the Roy Ohinart farm
Farmers of Imtnh county Idaho, own
morn than half the tux-able property j
of His county and pay uioro thau ono t
fourth the taxes. I
Phone 77 Oregou Taxi and Transfer
U. for quick service. if
I will sell the 8 room house at 1406
Court St. for tXM See me at once,
$15W will handle it. G. W. Laflar. 4l0
4U6 Hubbard bldg , tf
Marion county soldiers who were con
nee ted ' with the tilth coast artillery
will bo interested in the movement
just initiuted in Portland to form an
organization of "the members of this
corps which hh w "0 dnys of continuous
lighting on tho western frout.
Dr. Mott offices moved to Bonk of
Commerce bldg; rooms 41)7,403. tf
Baby chicks, 644 State St. today tf
An interesting and instructive lec
ture will be heard this evening at the
public library and it should be well
attended. dr. Franklin, of Willamette
university, will speak on the subject.
"What is a 'Frenchman! " Begins
promptly at eiht o'clock. Evoryone in
My new office is 328 Uunurd bidg:
New phone 1009. I do a general insur
ance business. I write surety bonds,
and loan money on the easy pay't plan
Own your own home, and stop throw
ing your money away for rent. See me
today, II. E. Bolinger. tf
If you want to know the name of the
lady referred to on page 124 in tho
March issue of Fiotoiiul Review in
rnforewv to I'Vauco-Americsn Joygi
enic goods, phone 73. 3-25
A landing place for aviators is want
ed in Salem or pretty close to Salem.
It is planned to have considerable fly
ing at the Portland Hose festival this
summer anil then nn airplane route
Hieing plnnned between Han Diego and
iSeattlo. Salem Is on the direct route
of travel and all that is needed to
Imve airplane stop occasionally here,
is to secure a suitable landing place.
Columbia river smelts in any Quan
tity. Fitts Market. tf
Artificial teeth, have expert plate
man, with over 35 years experience,
at nir office. Dr. I). X. Beechler, den
tist, 302 U. 8. Nat. Bank bldg. tf
The county court is now ready to De
gin work on the road between Salem
and Liberty, and work will begin in
a day or so. This will Include not only
the straightening out cf the roal along
tho right of way but of nlso cutting
off eeveral corners nnd surveying
across lund not nt present in the riht
of way.
Dr. J. O. Matthls, 409-410 Banc of
Commerce ibldg. Office phone 873, res
idence jitone 588. 4 20
"The best" Is all you can do when
death comes. Call Webb & Clough Co.
Phone 120. tf
We bay liberty bonds. 314 Masonic
''Id. tf
The Grant Junior high school quintet
and the liu.-oln juuior high school
tesm of basket ball nlnvers met ia
combat last night and when it was ail
over the score stood 24 to 6 in favor
;uf the Grant players. The Giant ptoy-
:rocoiorKy ana 1'ringle. lor the Xaa
i coin school the players were Hobanuou,
i Wilkerson, Taylor, Armstrong and
1 St-amster.
"The funeral beautiful"
Clough Co.
Webb It
Wanted Salesladies at Meyers store
Apply to Supt Thursday after 9 a.m.
The Western Union telegraph office
announces the following federal war
tux on all telegrams, ibegiiining with
April 1: When the toll is more than 14
cents and not more than 50 ceut'j the
sender will pay a tax of five cents.
When the message toll is more than 50
cents, the tax will be ten cent. At
present a tax of five cents is heing
collected upon all telegrams when the
toll ia 13 cents or more.
Thursday night in opera house at
Indejiendence good dance, good tin-e,
large hall, good floor. Roads in good
condition. v
Go to Independence for a good dance
Thursday night in opera house. Dandy
floor, large hall, excellent roads to
spin thereon.
A J Eshleman of Pittsburg will
lecture nt Moose hall Thursday eve
ning nt Hp. m. on subject, "The
(lolden Ago Dawns," Cod's glory will
yet fill the whole earth despite our
recent calamities, wars and pestilences.
Suits for the lienlatlon of affec-
tinnsnre rather rare in tho Marion
county court, but one was called for
trial this afternoon entitled M. 8.
Hall versus Fred lcuhuin. In this case,
Mr. Hull alleges that he has been dam
aged to the extent of $10,000, alleg
ing that Mr. Denhum '..ad alienated
the affections of his wife.
Fortiers. curtains and draperies dyed
Our work will please you. Salem
Cleaning Works. Phone 703. 3-27
When you buy a shotgun to get that
chicken hawk, make sure its a Reming
ton. 325
People liavjng a habit of moving
around without notifying the post of
fico or leaving n forwarding address
and according to the views of postal
clerks, this is one of the reasons why
a lot of mail is not delivered., Letters
to the following addresses have been
written by wildiers overseas but can
not he delivered as the parties have
moved nn leaving no forwarding ad
dress: C. F. Cole, 1304 North Liberty
street; W. h. Busk, 5117 Liberty
street; Chris lfeiher, rural route 3, Sn
lem; Mrs. W. H. Lusk, Brookside
fnrni, Snlein. Anyone knowiflg the cor
rect address of these parties might
confer a favor on Them by notifying
Ihe post office at Salem. If the par
ties to whom the letter ere addressed
rnnnot be found, the next trip of said
letters will be to the dead letter of
fice at Washington, D. C.
Walk Into your home some
spring afternoon, as though i
you were a stranger. Does your
homo possess all the chnrm and
beauty that you think it
should. If not, make a list of
the old furniture you can get
nlong without and send it to
Frnnk F. Richter's furniture
store and either trade it for
new or sell for cash.
Just received shipment of
Toledo Ranges. Trade your old
stove for a new one.
Frank F. Richter Furniture
Store, 373 Court St. Phone 217.
Like the kind Mother
used to make come to
Peerless Bakery
170 N. Commercial St.
Everything in the bread
and pastry line.
You should not nil&s hearing A J
Eshlcmun at Moose luill Thursday eve
ning Mar. 27. Seats freo no collection
Modern home for sals aheap If In
terested in an 8 room modern home,
on paved Btreet, with large east front
lot 75x150 foot; fine garden spot and
nice fruit and shrubbery, cement side
walks and splendid sloping luwn, go
out to 1393 8. Commorcial St. and sec
this beautiful home; offered for a few
days at $.1000. on very reasonable
terms; price after April 1st, $3500.
See owner, room 2 over Ladd & Bush
bank, 3 27
The four boys, two1 from the Oak
Grove neighborhood and two from Sa
lem who wore doing -joy riding and
stealing automobiles last, week were
brought before Judge Bilshey yester
day after a hearing boforo Justice Un
ruh Who bound them over to the juve
nile court. After Questioning the boys,
Judge Bushey held them over for a
few days in order to have a talk with
tho parents of the boys before making
final disposition of tho charges against
Dance McQuery's new hall 4 miles
south Friday, Mar. 28. Four piece or
chestra. Lunch llsilO. Auto leaves
Masonic Temple 8:30. 3 27
Don't fail to hear the good news
Bring your friends. Hear A. J. Kshle
mnn. Luke 2.10. '
The philosophy of soul Science and
spiritualism tonight Iby M. K. Mack
ie. Class for developing every Tues
day .evening, 343 X. Liberty 8t. Jhe
will givo free treatments afew days.
She will tell you what ails you with
out asking any questions. Call after
noons or evenings only.
Wanted Salesladies at Meyers store
Apply to Supt Thursday after 9.m.
J Wl Feathers and family have re
turned from St. Helens where Mr.
Feathers hns ibeen employed in the Horn
mnrstrom ship yards for the past year.
They will make their home at 290
South 14th street. They were accom
panied bv K. is. van Aernnm nnd
family of fit. Johns. Mr. Feathers
was proprietor of the "Fit Tt" ehop
before going into the ship yards. He
announces that with Mr. Van Aernam,
he intends to soon open a much larger
shop than his original "Fix Jt" shop.
The Charles S Archerd Implement
f'o. is in the market for wheat.
Tree round trip to M S A dance
near Chemawn Friday, Mar. 28. Xarg-
er orchestra. Auto leaves Jlsnmc
Temple S:;i0. , U-2S
The Charles R Archerd Implement
Co. carry a complete atook of iced in
cluding mill feed. 8e them "before
buying. It will jay you.
Wliile contributions of clothing for
the Red Cross drive arc comitiR in fair
ly well, the fact is that the died Cross
workers ero somewhat disappointed in
not receiving a more liberal respons.
This is the last call that will be made
for refugee garmonts and the officers
of Willamette chapter are more than
anxious that on this last call, the chap
ter shall make good. All that is neces
s7 is just to ring teephone 139 and
iitate where a package mar be found.
It is hoped that the 14,000 pound quo-
Where one finds superb creations after the art of the
famous Parisian designers notable interpretations
from the hands of New York's foremost milliners
and striking originations from our own workrooms.
Stunning millinery, for the most part assuming new
and independent lines after the spirit of the times.
Trimmings are rich and colorful. The style is smart
and new. Modish to the extreme of good taste are
Picturesque Floppy Brimmed hats.
Oiir Prices Always the Lowest
Phone 1072
Commercial and Court Streets., Salem
Formerly Chicago Store
4 ta for Salem will be given this week, pioneer of IZZi.t
The Modern Woodmen will bold a
stag social Thursday evening at their
lodge rooms in the McCornack building
This social is announced a something
different from any other kind of an
affair recently held 'by the lodge.
The following milk prices take ef
fect April 1st: 1 pt. per month $2; 1
qt. per month $3.73; 1 pt. table cream
30c; 1 pt. whipping cream 40c; milk
wholesale in bottles per gal. 40c; in
cans, 'per gul. 35c.
Oscar A Bteelhammer has been elect
ed secretary of the Business Men's
League of tho Commercial club ani?
will assume his duties within a few
days. He is well known in Salem hav
ing been associated with the office of
tho county assessor 'for tho past fivo
or six years. He is also known as di
rector of the tlierrian bnnd, which
will begin its summer concerts when
the time comes. The first work of Mr.
Steolhsmmer will be in bringing i t he
credit ratings of the league up to date .
Epocial meeting Of Salem
go No. A. F. & A. J.',
this evening. Work in the F.
C. degree. Visiting, 'brethren
welcome. . at1
Mrs. Frank Q Reeves of 845 South
12th street invested 15 cents in an ad
m the t npllnl .Journal a "iNew To.
day" columns about renting a house.
Within 10 minutes after the paper had
been Issued a man called at the home
and It was soon rented. In the mean
time Mrs. Reeves was beginning to
realize what advertising means as wilth
in a short time she had 14 calls in ans
wer to hut 15 leent advertisement.
Moral: If you have anything to sell
or exchango or give awnv, use the
"New Today" columns of the Capi
tal Journal.
A Jury of 12 tried and true men de
cided yesterday that the diamond ring
in possession of June Doe Olson was
her own individual property and did
not belong to Ihe estate of Dr. C. F.
Cropp who died In Salem Jan. 5, 1919.
The defendant in the ease swere .on
the witness stand that Pr. Cropp had
given her the ring about a Week Jbe
fore his death. The finding of the
jnrv was as follows: "We, the jury,
find for the defendant, that she is
owner nnd entitled to the immediate
possession of the personal property de
scribed in. the complaint and mention
ed in the answer herein, towits ne
diamond ring, the value of which Is
assessed at $250," The suit brought
by the administrator Warner F. Cropp
was a civil action to get possession of,
the ring.
Mrs. Frank M Brown, chief clerk
of the local exemption hoard since it
organized Deo. 1, 1917, has finally pre
pared and indexed and arranged ell
tho .records of the office and boxed
them for shipment to Washington, 1).
C, according to army orders. Since
the local exemption iboard was organ
ized with (Sheriff W. I. Necdham
chairman. Grant Boyer and Dr. W. H.
Byrd, Mrs. Brown has had charge of
the clerical work Nf the office. And
it is to the tact and thoughtfulness of
Mrs. Brown in handling the many lit
tlo details of the exemption bosrd
worlc, that lifehas been made pleas
ant for many a young man who was
in trouble as to exactly the right
thing to do. Mrs. Brown will go into
tourt reporting work with offices in
the Ladd t illush bank building.
Death is announced at fiold Hill of
Robert A. Cook, a prominent Oregon
... 4 -
for propffr tst, hold ZltU
freim tht eye. Tajteach
dr. a. Mcculloch
204-5 Salem Bank of Commerce Bldg.
Walter Thayer f Portland has been
appointed manager of the big ilGO,000
Liberty hotel at Vancouver.
If you hare ajny Junk or se
ond hand goodu of any kind see
us first.
271 Cmemeketa St.
Highest Cash Price Paid 4c
For Clothing
Musical Instruments,
Tools, etc. .
.137 Court St. Phone 493
care of
Yick So Tcsj
Chinese Medicine anif Tea Co.
Has medicine which will cure
any known disease. j
Open Sundays from 10 a. m.
until 8 p. m.
15.1 South High St.
Salem, Oregon Phone 282
PHONE 953.