Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, March 26, 1919, Page PAGE SEVEN, Image 7

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I 111
rwljpjl "From Over There
Genera Pershwg's Official Rt
Today' casualty lift contains the
cam of Beanie L. Mortertseu, of Day
ton, died of accident.
The following casualties are reported
by the commanding genetal of the
American expeditionary forces:
Died of aeroplane accideut
Died of accideut aud other causes 13
Died of disea?-e 11
Wouuded severely Is
Visaing in action 4
Died in Aeroplane Accident
Private John Joseph Uavin Brook
lyn N Y
Died of Accident and Other Causes
Sergeant Joseph Francis Clark, Dor
ry N 11
Abram Dovle, Suufern X T v
John Joseph Driscoll, Buffalo X Y
Privates Edwin L Cates, Woodrivcr
John Fisher, Hcmidji Minn
Leo F liatzinger, Columbus Wis
Clarence E Jacobus. Harrison N J
Charles Albert Johnson, lnavale Neb
Arthur Karrick, Mt Sterling Ky
Harrison PerTy Tark Va
Horace Repent, Trainer Pa
Robert G Sears, North. Vorrcstburg
, 7T7 Died, Previously Reported lMssing in
Died of Disca Action
Privates Wieland Lee, Atlanta Oa Privates Ralp T Cranmcr. Statrn Is
John Pa .'rick Mclauu, Philadelphia! land X Y
Vi'1 r, nt v, L I -Mur''el K Wiathowski Wit I ham Mas
Arthur B McCkre, Milwaukee Wis Howard K I.cughliu, Mt Carmol Pa
Look Years Younger! Try
Grandma's Recipe Of Sage
And Sulphur And Nobody
Will Know.
almost evoryono knows that Rase Tea
and Sulphur, properly compounded
brings back the natural color and lustri
to the hair when ftded, streaked or
(fay. Years ugo the only way to (jet
Sit I mixture was to make it at home,
which is luiissy and troublesome.
Nowadays we simply tik at nny
Jru store for "Weyth's Sago aud Sul
phur Compound". You will get a large
liottle of this old-time recipe improved
by the addition of other ingredients, at
very little cost. Everybody uses thir
preparation now, because n0 ono er.n
rssibly tell that you darkened your
hair, as it does it so naturally, a-d
evenly. You dampen sponge or soft
brush with it and draw this through
your hnir, takitiq-'one small strand at a
, time; by morning the gray hair dis
pponr 1 " -r another application
or t"o' ! r becomes bcniitifullv
dark, dick and glossy and you look
years you"gor.
(Capital Journal Special Service)
Clo'verdale, Mar. 26. The friends
and neighbors of Mr. and Mrs. Arthur
Kunkq, who have' recently moved into
their new home, gave them a surprise
Friday evening when abont thirty six
of them gathered there to give them a
house warming. The evening -was a
most enjoyable one and nt a kite hour
the ladies served a delicious lunch.
Those present were Mr. and Mrs. John
Thomas and children, W. J, Hadley and
familv, Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Hamil
ton, Mrs. F. A. Wood, Emery Wood,
Everett Wood, Mrs. Kunkc, Oug Dra
ger and daughters, Mrs. Blaoo, Cleo
llluco Pearl Wentherill, Mike Wenther
ill, M'rs. Fliflet and family, H. Fleet
wood and wife, J. D. Craig and fam
ily and Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Kunke.
An Armenian minister from i ira
gavo on fildress at tho Cloiverdale
ahcol house -both tuorning and eve
ning, Sunday. His talk was much en
' joyed by all w ho were fortunate enough
to hear him.
F. A. Wood and family spent Sun
day in Salem with his daughter, Mrs.
Uora Robertson.
Mr. Pickett and a friend from Se
attle spent the week end here with his
mother and sister, Mrs. W. J. Had
ley. Misx Ethel Craig was homo over
Sunday, from Tolman.
Miss Althea McKinney from the 0.
A. C, spent to week end here with
her parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Mc
Kinney. M. Fliflnl and family fcpent flunda.v
in Salem with their soi, Levi Fliflet
and family.
Mr. and Mrs. Olen Mored of Salem
spent Sundiy with their parents, Mr.
and Mrs. J. I. Craig.
Mrs. Herbert Fleetwood had rela
tives from Salem spend Sunday with
HwiSn's Wizard Oil a Safe Mrs! fli." Treatment
. How (ten lutkjaw and 'blood
poisoning result from the neglect
of a slight scratih or little cutl Ham
lin's Wizard Oil is a safe and effec
tive first aid treatment. It is a pow
erful antiseptic and should be ap
plied itrmiediatclv to wounds of this
kind to prevent dinger of infection.
It is soothing and healing ami
quickly drives out pain and inHam
niatinn in cases of spr.n'ns, bruises,
tut, bums, b'tcs and stings. Just as
rel.abie. too. for shii nerk. sore fect.
cold sprei, ranker i,r rrs, earache and
el it from dusnit for ,10 cents.
If not satisfied return the bottle and
get yonr money bark.
Ever cocsf'juted or have sick
Jio'lachf? Iut try Wizard t.iver
Whips, pleasant little pink pills, 30
teuts. Guaranteed.
Ray X McHarry, Caruthersville Mo
Kusscll G Mann. Kankakee IU
WiUiam Menard, Flat Hock, Mich
Wesley Naylor, Newton W Ya
Kugeoe Robin tattie La
Jo C Kodgcrs, Rupert G
Clarence E Smith, lileueove X Y
Harry Straw, Davton Ohio
Killed In Action, Previously Reports
Privates William Elmer Gabriel, Ken
nett Mo
James W Miessc, Marion Kas
Peter Swacson. Randall Iowa
Died, Previously Reported Wounded,
Degree Undetermined.
Private Cirover C. Hawkins, Ham
mond! on X J
Killed in Action Previously B?orte4
Missing in Action
Corporals Clarence T Jackman Col
umbia Ky
Carey R MeClaran, Culver Kas
Oustave C Wasner, Brooklyn X Y
Privates Charles L Jordan, Yoder
Carl E Majors, Afon Okla
Clifton D Ratcliffo, Wolscv 8 D
Onafria Opiani, Oglosby IU
Christ Sortland. Horgen Norwav
Douglas M Taylor, Bay Minette Ala
(Capital Journal iSpce'iai Service)
Hazel (ireen, Mar. L'ii. Miss Marie
Poppe, a stenographer in Sun Friincis
i'o, who has beon visiting her parents
in Salem, recently seut a few days
with her cousin, Miss Martha (Jilir
aian. Rev. lleorge McDonald of Port html,
superintendent of the Oregon I". 11.
conference, held a quarterly service
for Rev. F. Fisher at the parsonage
Tuesday fternioii.
A. VVcinort went to lWt'u'ul Mou
ly to attend the funeral uf Mrs.
rVc inert 's 'cousin.
Mrs. Jerome' Purmenter in Sa
Vnt Tuesilny on her way to Kcl)uri.
Mrs. Mabel Knssett returned to Se
attle last week leaving her little son
here with her mother, Mrs. Rose Chnp
ninn, until wanner weather. Mr. and
Mrs. 'Knssett ill rcsid nt Belling
ham. Wash,, while the former acts as
conductor on tho Orent Xorthern.
Fred Chapinnn has sold his donkey
engine to a Hnyesville resident who
is clearing off sonic land. Merle Chap
man will work over there for a white.
An 11 pound boy arrived nt the home
of Mr. and Mrs". Mai Wo.id Friday
Mrs. Eli Rhodes spent last week with
her children, who arc living in Pott
land. Mrs. Anna Rich And children of
Portluud have been spending a few
dayg with her parents, Mr. and Mrs.
Cbas, iroshong.
Miss Violet Wilson spent Sunday in
Salem with the Misses Mablo aud Ruth
('has. Van C'leavo nnd family, Mr.
and Mrjt. John Van Cleave autoed be
yond Mt. Angel Sunday to visit Joo
Van Cleave.
Kal'ph Worden Jias returned from
New York .
Born, March 10th. near S aytou, to
Mr. and Mrsj John Pictrock (Eliza
both Zciliuski) a son.
There will be no scryices in the l!.
B church next Sunday morning, on ac
count of the district. S.,S. convention
at Chemawa.
Should see that the whole family take
at least 3 or 4 doses of a thoro, puri
fying system cleaning medicine this
spring. Now is the time. The family
will be healthier, happier, and got
along better if the blood is given a
thoro purifying, the stomach and bow
els aleaned out, and the germs of win
ter, accumulated in the system, driven
away. Hollister'a Rocky Mountain Tea
is one of tho very best and surest
pring medicine to take. Oct It and
see the difference in the whole family.
Their color will be better, they'll feel
tine aod bo well and happy. D. J. Fry.
"National Health Campaign
Subject Of Interesting Talk
(Capital Journal Special Service.)
Monmouth. Or.. March 24. The sev
eral rural school centers are bepinniug
their usual spring activities, lno r.iKins
Parent-Temdiers association met at tho
school Inst Friday aftornoon to listen to
a lecture by Miss Laura Taylor of tho
physical training department of the nor-1
inn'l. Miss Taylor took for her subject,
"The National Health Omnnign." t.-ll-1
imr of the surprising conditions existing
flu for the war, in 1!'IS. wnen u per
-ent of nil men who nnnlied fr enli't-,
noiit in the nrmv and 78 per feut of
iIks' who applied for eiileranee in Ihe,
r nvv. were rejected becnusp nf physical j
unfitness. Tce statistics she said cm-1
phnsioo the need of immediate action
towaril improving hen'th ocu'lltinns. -vestigalions
were stur-'fi ;u various
communities. In the Shattock i hnol in
Portlnnd it was found that per cent
of the hildin had no milk in their,
diet ami that these children, because of j
insufficient or improper nourishment j
vre found In bo backward in Ihciri
i-lpiol work. Tin Oregon Hr.iry so
'n'ioii has Voted to furnish milk for j
lie children of t!ii school. The stnte
r Wiisliingti.il. Mts Tavlnr said, has
tcoofti.od tho, ci-sponsiltility of the
inte fur the i,'ivica well being o( its
l"vs and girls .tnd has passed a law tc-
iniring hs eerr tti-hoid district in th i
strte must furnish milk for every school
child's lunch. She strongly urged that
medical inspui;li"U aud school u'iraca be
mm Al fM-.lil t esrsirtT
"USLM UKAfl A liiUlul
Try This! Hair Gets Thick,
Glossy, Wa?y And Beau
tiful At Once.
Imutediatef-Yes! Certain -that's'"" eycu.ng ... x-v-r ui u.
the gov of it. Your hair becomes light, 1met'1' "vw- V1? ?.'
avvfluf fv, abundant and ap-ars as ure V,a aud oa t r,dav atght
soft, lustrous and beautiful as a youoi;""' '. !. .'. 'K"v
girl's after a Iaaderiue hair cleanse.
Just try this moisten a cloth with a
tittle Panderine and carefully draw it
through your hair, taking one small
trand at a time. This will cleanse the
hair of dust, dirt or excessive oil. aud
in just a few momenta you have
doubled the beaut v of vour hair. A!ucs,t- The convention was for all the
delightful surprise awaits those whose
hair has been neglected or is scraggy,
faded, dry, brittle or thin. Besides
beautifying the hair, Panderiue dis
solves every particle of dandruff;
cleanses, purifies and invigorates tae
scalp, forever stopping itching and fall
ing hair, but what will please you most
will be after a fer weeks' use, when
you see new hair fine and downy at
first yes but really new hair grow
ing all over the scalp. If you rare for
pretty, soft hair, and lots of it, surely
get a small bottle o? Knowltoa's Pan
dering from any drug store or toilet
eouator for a fw centa.
employed, especially in rural schools.
Lieut. Loughary then spoke briefly
from facts gleaned from his army life.
Ho stated that tho ) per cent who
were accepted into tho army were far
from being physically fit, as w&ny
things had to bo done for them.
Faculty people were in demand at the
recent institutes. Pres. Ackeruian, Prof.
Uilmore, Miss Arbuthuot aud Mrs. Our-
run were speakers ut the Benton ocuuty
institute at Mountain View. Miss Mc
intosh nnd Miss DeVore at the Marion
county institute ut Sitlem; Miss Taylor
ut Klkins nnd Prof. Butler ut tho
Sp-;ngfield institute.
The aalo of personal property of V.
A. Wood took place lust Thursday at
tho farm. Tho fine weather brought
out a largo number of people, who were
-u a good humor and bidding was live
y. Everything sold ut a satisfactory
figure. Mr. anil Mrs. Wood will visit
for a short time with their daughters
hero and at Hood Kiver before leaving
lor their new home in Washington.
W. J. Mulkey, J. B. V. Butler. Jr.,
lleorge Walker and . I.uuicl Canning
came homo Friday cvciiiug from tho IT.
of Q, to spend tho ten day spring vaca
tion with home folks.
Mrs. W. A. Klkius left Fridn-y even
ing for Portland, where sho spent the
week end with Mr. Klkins und hur sis
ter, Miss Anna Wood, und brother,
Tho freshmen of the high school gave
their annual reception Saturday even
ing to tho upper classmen. The rooms
were prettily decorated with daffodils
and ivy; green and yelow being class
colors. A splendid progri.ni was ,en
tnd the usual social hour enjoyed. Tim
color scheme was carried out in the re
freshments which consisted of brick ice
cream in green and yellow, served with
"ream wafers.
Total appropriations for' the recent
lession of the Washington legislature
amounted to $36.0;n.34.
One hundred thotimud sheep will be
under tho control of Deschutes nation
al forest officials this year.
Put a stop to them with old
reliable Dr. King's New
That raw, hoarse throat must be
oothed. That phlegm-loaded chest
rnust be loosened. That cough must
be checked so you can sleep.
Dr. King's New Liscovcry has been
relieving colds, qnd coughs for half a
century without the, least disagreeabia
Your drugrjict haa It because it la
well-known and in big- demand. 60c
and $1.20.
Try this for Constipation
Keep the bowel on schedule ti".o
with t)r. King's New Life Pills, H i
ystem freed from poisonoua wattes,
the complextion clear, the stomach
weet, the tongue uncoated, the breath
untainted. Mild ' s!r!-.
i :. ' . '''' -. ' ii
ii " : '-'I
W . v ' ' I , , "'V- .;. .. f-. m.-. , . 5
DOROTHY (USII AH THfr ii t it.n li.l t Knr,H IX "IIKARTS Of Tllli
P I 0 1 If
OliiiUiJ OUilWl U'iiitiiUl'J
! Brings Prominent Visitors
(Capital Journal Special Service.)
Mociiiouih, Or,, March "t Monmouth
has teen favored by the visit of sev
eral prominent persons during the past
week who rame to be in atenJance at
the l!k County Sundi y Svhool cunvon
tKn, which convened here Wednesday.
Mrs. I.elauJ W. Porter of SaSeia gave
Van Dyke's ''The Lost Word'" at the
opening sessiun, which was held ia the
Christian church. Mrs. Peterson of Sa
lent rendered two delightful vocal solos.
' . Tt 1 . I 1 , . ..g k .1
on lue lurch vi t landers.
Friday afternoon lr. Boyd, a prvmi
neut minister of Portlaud, spoke in the
normal auditorium to a large auu in
terested audience. Mrs. C. fi. Stewart
was rhr.irman of the vutertainmant
committee to look after the out-of-town
Siuidav schools of the county and was
exceptionally well attended.
Superintendent Alderson of Multno
mah was a recent chapel speaaer at the
normal, taking for his subject senate
bill No. 75 of which he ia the authpr.
The bill as passed equalizes taxes for
educational purposes by arstnouting
them throughuot the county.
Oliver W. Howell, brother of John
Howell of this city, had the misfortune
to cut off the four fingers of his left
hand whilo at work as benchman at the
Acmo pluuiug mill one day last week.
Besides being a terrible handicap to Mr.
Howell in doing his work, It win prob
ably incapacitate him from playing the
violin, which is a source of much regret
as he is a violinist of exceptional abil
ity. Mrs. K. R. Ostrom returned Friday
from Portlnnd, where bIio had been vis
iting her daughter Daphne, Mr., aud
! It Rf'cjtrVtic f) Ammunition
1 11LL'4 11 U) illinium null
Shooting M-
1 .
Tells Safe,
Speedy Belief for
So culled stomach troubles, such as
indigestion, gns, sourness, stomach ache
and inability to retain food are in
probably nine cases out of ten, simp
ly evidence that exenssivo secretion of
acid is taking place in the stomach,
causing the formation of gas and acid
indigestion. ' QtJ
vias tiistemis tne stomach and causes
that full, oppressive, 'burning feeling
sometimes liucwii as ln-flrtburd, whilo
the acid irritates and inflames the del
icate lining in the excess development
or secretion of acid.
To stop or prevent thiR souring of
the food contents of the stomach and
to neutralize tho acid, and make it
bland and harmless, a tcaspoonful of
hisumted magnesia, a good nnd effect
ive corrector of acid stomach, should
bo taken in a quarter of a glass of hot
or eold water after eating or when
ever gas, sournes or acidity is felt.
Thig sweetens tho stomach and neu
tralizes tho acidity iu a few moments
and is u perfectly harmless and inex
pensive remedy to use.
An antiacid, such as bisurnted mag
nesia which can be obtained from any
druggist in either powder or tablet
form enables the stomach to do its
work properly without the aid of arti
ficial digestents. Magnesia comes in
several forms, so be certain to ask for
and tnko ynly Bisurnted Magnesia,
which is especially prepared for tho
above purpose.
A new feature ef 11I War
Savings Stamp activities 1 the
tamp of $100 denomination,
which will probably be placed on
the market thla month.
The $100 stamps will be abut
the else of a Liberty bond and
will sell for $82.60 If put on sale
In February. The price will In
crease 20 cents each surxeiedlug
month until the end of the year.
I 6 Beu-ans
Y H SureKeueT
Mrs. George Craw and Mrs. Gevrge
Bothers. She visited ter sou, bum..
ana tsnuiv at ri. votuuiota ana Airs.
Ida Baker ia her new home at Multno
mah. .
l'o'k eouutv Fouioua grange met Sut-j
urday n Oak lirove with a very good
attendruco. Anions those attvndittg
from Monmouth were Mr. and rrs. T.
I. Edwards, Mrs. XeaL tho Misses Msg
gie and Alice Hutler, Mr. ana airs. I .
t. Powell sod Mr. end Mrs. L. P. Uil-
morc. A short session, was aeiu iu tae
moruiug aud the usual routine business
attended to. A most excelleut diuner
was served at aoon by th Oak Grove
ladies. Stato Master Rpetice was the
priaetpal speaker on the afternoon pro
gram and was listened to with much in
terest. Seventeen candidates were ini
tiated into the fifth degree at the even
ing session. i
..Mrs. Wiu. Kiddell, Jr., and little sou.
Eldon. visited re'atives In Portland dur
ing the week end.
The Capital Journal
Daily Market Report
Wheat,, soft while ; I1JI0
Wheat, lower grad em amaple
Oata .'.. 707Se
tty, cheat v 124
Rav. oats (39
Barley, ton
Mill run ..
, Battorfit v
Butterfat '...t. ... 63e
Creamorv biUter 62C3c
Pork, Vl and Mutton
Pork, on foot v... 17e
Veal, fancy JuVdJ'JOe
Steers , : - 710o
(low .- 4(0)80
B pring limha -....-. ... ... 16e
liwes-. -tVfle
ljtmbs, yearliufs ltKa,13c
. . Afgi tai reuitrr
Eggs, cash SiCj trade 30c
Hena. live , . 83QJ270
Old roosters - ,-- ,,. IS
Coekerela 20
Rad'uhea, dot . S5c
Sweet potatoes 0(&X5Mte
Potatoea $180
Onions, local : 3.SOC4
(le-bbnge- iViCat
Turnips 2(2V4e
Head lettuce . $4.23$4.75
Beets I EMi
I'aranlpB 8 toe
Gnuliflower. flats 2i)2JJ5
ftjrinach, Ibor $1.25
Wineeap apples, tox . .
Oolerv, cre-te $11
, Xrmj
OnnM $56.75
Lemosa, bos - $6
Bananas . e
Florida grapa fruit, case 78
Black figs lb 18liM
WhiU figs, lb , - lQftvflOe
Package figs per-bx SO pkg $40.B0
Honey, extracted .m S0
BetaU frteef
Eggs, dozen . 40
Creamery butter 66c
Country butter 00
llour, hard wheat 3.103.1fl
J ortUnd Mazke.
Portland, tr. Mar. 20. Butter, city
creamery CtttjciCla
Kggs, selected local CI. 4012
liens 3.'i(iij34c
Broilers 4U(i43c
Oee 17(jituc
t'heeee, triplets 36(a37o
eceiptg 227 v
Tone of market strong
Best ateera 13(ttjl4
Oood to choice steers 11. 30 W 12.00
Medium to good steers 10(oUl
Fair to good steers 10
Cmtnon to fair steers $8(59
Choice cows and heifer $10.0!12
Good to choice cowi aad heifers
$!(S.' 10.30
Mediuia to good coe- aad boifers
Fair to mcnium eowt aad oeuen
$"(; - -
f armers .S'lfl S
Bulls $6p7.50
f'nlves $9.fi0rtf'13.50
Stork era and feedert $710 '
Itcc'ipls .".on
T"ne ot inn'kel !!
Prime mixed S.7.Vh l
Medium mt4 1.Wf IS io
Rongh Vavics Tin.7.'(f 17.30
pijs ainrrf'i;
liitik $!Hwl'.M
Receipts II
Tene of rnsl(f( anting
l-'air tn nti-diiun Inmlis -ttSf' IM.'Jj !
Vcarlings ll.2-Vo 17
Wethers fl'i. l."i.j
Knes 1-1
Farmer's Preduce Company
m 8. High Bt. Phone 10
-h for yeur prtduce todsyi
ro- for top veal
'.''iltc fr Inp hoj'.
.U-'us. till nnigjUU, ' : .
Quick Keference To Firms That Give Service On Short
Where Buyer And Seller Meet We
Recommend Our Advertisers.
Saleat tlectrie Co., Msmiuu; Tem-ie,
1413-1414 Bank al Coumetce BIJ.
TON Osteopathia physicians aao
rva spe'talists. Graduates of Aa
aneaa school of Otteopatay. Kiik
villa, Mo. Post graduate aad spee
ialiied ia aervon disease at Los
&agls College, Offie 505 $0S Nat
Bank bldg. Phoa 85o. Residence
1620 Court Pkoo Srl. Dr. WhiU
tea. Phone 468.
liard parlor is new open under new
management and it render you and
the general public a congenial place
to pas away a few leisure hours.
The basemeat of Oregon Electric
depot, corner of State and High.
Phone 623. Wm, Livock, prop. S-8
corner Commercial aad Trade treta
Bills payable monthly la advance.
PfcML 608.
Oa Oood Real Estate Security
0.r LaUd A Bush bank; Salem Oregon
seat 84 yer time. A. C Bohtnitedt,
401 Masonle Tempi. Baleta, Oregoa
1XOXBT to loan oa goed real estate.
8 Mi percent government mosey to
loan, liberty bond bought and wld.
W. D. Smith, Salem Bank ot Com
merce. 12-14
SO year experience, Depot, National
aad American fence. . -
Bite 26 to M ia Ugh '
Paints, oil and vstrniea, et.
Legaaberry and hop hooka, .
Salem Fence aad Steve Works,
130 Court (treat Phone 124-
SHEA REPAIRS all kind of furni
ture if broken or out of repair; up
holster repairs made. Shop 352 Che-
' meketa. Bt. between Commercial and
Liberty. Phone 181. 4-20
We Buy, Bell Asd Exchange
All kinds of Furniture, Stove,
Clothing, Dishes, Bicycles, Harness,
Tool and Junk. We boy wkat you
don't want and pay the highest
price In cash.
Peoples' New & 2cd Hand
271 N. Commercial Phone 734
General Land Office
Wahlngtn, D. O.
February 14, 119.
Notice ia hereby given that subject
to the condition and limitations ef
the act ef June 0, 1D16, (3!) Bint, 218),
and the instructions of the Secretary
of the Interior of Sep'onbs"' 15, 1917,
the timber on the following lands will
be sold April 8, 1919, at 10 o'clock a.
m., at public auction at the United
8tates land effice at Portlaud, Ore
gon, to the highest Udder at set Ion
than the appraised value aa snown By
this notice, sale to be subject to the
pproval of the Secretary of the In
terior. The purchase prloe, with an ad
ditional rum of one fifth of one per
ecat thereof, heisg commission allow
ed, must be deposited at time ef sale,
money to be rotnrned if sale i aet
approved, otherwise pates t will issue
for the timber whrch aatist removed
wilkia ten years. Bids will be received
from citizrs, ef the TTaited State, as
sociations t ssch citizen and eorpor
t:ms organised uader the laws of tht
Caited States er any state, territory
or district thereof enly. Upon appli
catlnn of a qualified purchsser, th
timbor on any legal snhiirisina will
h Oil'ercd separately before being in
cluded in tan v offer of a larger unit,
T., ! S., R. 2 K.. Sec. 5, NEVi,
or 1H0O M.. hemlock 21) M NV,4
NEt't, fir "40 V, hemlock lr.9 M,, W
4 XBt;, fir 1170 M., heinloek 2o0 il.,
NE-li, frr 2-WO M., hemlock 200
XI., NEVJ HKV'i. fir 1170 M., hemlock
120 !., 8K'4 fir l;'.D M hem
lock 50 M., HW'i SE1,, fir "90 M.,
SEW RW'i, fir 1100 M., homfork 30
V., NKV. NVV,, fir 30 M. hemlock
l.:o M., n, XW14, fir fi-m M
VEVJ HWVl, fir 10") M., XWV4 SVV'i,,
fir 210 M., SWVi-SVTi',, tir 12-10 M.,
K',4 SWVt. fir K5.-.0 M., none of the
fir to be oM for 15S than I,V) per
M., snd noae of the hemlock to be sold
for less tha 1 cents per M. T,, 4
R. 3 K.. Kee. 3; SfiV, rlEVJ, fir 1200
M... SWt;' S4EH, fir 111 M.. Sec, 3;
EV, XE',1, fir 730 M., cedar 25'
41.39 per M. : '
, , "(LAV TALl.MAN,
SW14 XEf'tfjr Jf.V; M.; none of, the
(ir or cedar to lis sold for Ins thsn
. C'omiuuioaer.Uii4ral Land Of He.
M.ia im
Iti .Nrti U gh..
UUl LEE, expert JaundryB:aa, 4J6
Perry &t. I pay top market pr-.ee for
chickens aad e.v tf
All kiud sf auto repairing by aa ex
perienced workeiia. All woik fuar-
snieeu 10 se saiisiseiury. ctuueoss
er repair a specialty. D. B. iloir,
63 X. ComoierciaL,
HRIXO your trades. I eaa match yea.
C. V. Xiemeyer, all branches of real
estate and Canada lands, 213 21.
ils-wnis building. Pkoo 1000.
FUR SALE A good double team aar-ac-s,
will trade for hay or grain,
or will eiehange for good dry wood.
See Square Deal Realty eompta,'''
Phone 470
10 acres, all cultivated, well fenced,
finest prime, walnut or berry bind,
lavs well, 3 miles from Suicui, only
7 acres all cultivated, best black
gravol soil, S'.i m:lc from Salcin,
S00, a an p.
24 acres. 16 in cultivation, 3 ia 3
year old prunes. 3 in lo;ans, t ia
timber pasture the best of anil, close
to school, church, good matadamixed
road, 6 room house, bsrr., fully
equipped with stock aad implements
offered for a short time at $7000.
SO acres all cultivated, good house,
barn, the best of j 'il, 4 1 -j niilcg from
Kalem, $U'r0 per a :rv '
100 acres, CO ia caUivalion, best of
dark loam, 40 stump pasture, 7 miles
from Salem on rock road, at station,
finest location, $105 per acre.
138 acres, laO en tivsted. 1M timber,
30 acres in wal mtl ith prune fill
ers, fcoth 10 yenrs oldt house, barn.
7 miles from Salem. 1 per m,
142 acres,; all I'ul ivuted, pood im-
v provements, a'l til"d. the best bar-gsia-
in 'the county, priced $20 er
acre below its' present value, only
$125 per acre iucluding full equip
ment and stock, "
42 acres, finest prune rat.ch In th
valley', room modern house, good
barrt, the best of drier, 30 a-res in
prune la full bearing, 6 acre ia fib
legans, nn reek road, Income last
vear V'W)0. A. snap fof the right man,
. are you. iriterfsted? . ; i .
Have a , number Of 8 andj.ten aere
trucj which would make fine logan
iberry tanclV's at very ressvma!
prices, located close to paved street.
For best burs alwnv s"
, .". ... SOOOLOPSKT
ihiyn-building , Salem, Oregon
NO CASH REQUIRED Good overcoat
shoe anil ult, all kind of aintie
al instruments, shotguns, rifle, heat
ing stoves, gas stoves, suit ease t4
1000 other useful articles to sell 01
trade. What havt you! The CapltaJ
xchaDgb, 337 Court St. Phone 483.
Umbrellas repaired and recovered,
return, knives, scissor and lawt
mower aharpeaed, saw filing, loek
smithing, kodaks, alarm clocks, tun
leal instrument and roller top desk
repaired, ily ipecialty ia rcpsiriaj
everything ia the light repair Una.
New location is 847 Court t. Phone
shop 493, Ke. 1109. Alin B, Stew
art. . . ;
aloOonuiok ball aa every Tn4at
at $. P. Andresen, C. C. F. J. Sunt,
t B. a S.
ROYAL Neighbor of America, Ore
goa Grape camp Xo.. 1300 meet everr
Thursday evening in McCornack hall
Klevator service. Oracle, Mr. Ca
rie E. Buna, 648 Union St.! recor
der, Mrs. Melissa Persons 1418 N.
4th Bt. rbone 1430M.
reyos Cedar tamp Ho. 8246 ibmsi
every Thoraday evening, b e'elork
In McCornack hall,, ever Meyart
slor. Ray A. Grant, V. C.) F. A
Turner, elerk.
bly No. 84 meet every Trm'idsy a1
8 p. m. in Masonio Templo. Norma l
Terwilliger, M. A.j C. A. ' Tibbert
secretary, 840 Owes; UtC
J. A. Rowland Fiimihire Store
Buy, sell and exchanges new aad
2nd hand furniture. Alt klndt of
reptii work, light grinding, filleg,
and bnzlng a ipeeiaity. Bight
price. 2(7 North Commercial St.
Phone 16. ;
Our Trices sre Right
W. M. ZANDKB, Pmnrietor
1 2-3 X. Stiuimer Street, Salem, Oregoa.
refute of ill kind, removed oa month
W .contracts at reasonable rate
Cn p'eolk pleaned. Dead animals
. ujoved,. -Office, -phone-. MainH lfiTj