Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, March 26, 1919, Page PAGE FOUR, Image 4

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    J"v.w Vw "v N,V S- v
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Jr 1
AKLES H. Fisai.
fsr, V ?.!
17 U
0 ti.'fea
lbJished Every Evening Except Sunday, Salem, Oregon.
Address A li Communieatione To
(D)r Dailn kintal Ifaurnal
ISA 9. I'omnjfrcial St.
by Carrier, per yaar$j.0O Per Month..
Daily by Mail, per yer , $3 no Per Month..
t'tU. U-AfitD
W. D. Ward, New York, Tribana Building.
H. Stoekwell, Chicago, People's Gu Building
Tha Dily Capital Journal carrier boya art instructed to put th paperi o th
forth. If th carrier doea sot do thia, misses you, or negleeta getting tha paper
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II before. 7:30 o'tlock end a paper will ba aent yoa by special messenger if tha
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Ia tha only aowapaper in Salem whoaa eircnlation ia guaranteed by tha
Audit Bureau Of Circulation
Says Tewfik Pasha, until recently grand vizier of
Turkey:-"We do not deny
ances in Armenia, but deplore
trying those responsible for
Having made this admission, he insists that he "wants
the facts known in their true light," and accordingly has
asked for an international commission 'to ascertain ths
true facts about the Armenian massacres."
He proceeds to give some
explaining how the Mussulman population was terronz
ed by "Armenian bands who
crimes , and how Armenians attacked the helpless Turk
ish, army in the rear while it was fighting the Russians.
All this has a very familiar sound. It sounds exactly
like the "deploring" that was done by Germany over the
outrages in Belgium and France, and the accompanying
explanations intended to excuse those crimes by trumped-up
charges of Belgian and French perfidy. It will be
remembered, too, that the German government had ths
audacity to ask for an "impartial investigation" under the
direction of the very German commander who ordered
many of the outrages committed. We do not believe the
Armenian is a saint, although he is denominated as a
Christian, and sometimes in the past through the years of
Constant strife with the Turk, we have thought that it was
about a 50-50 proposition, and that the outside nations
might do well to form a ring around the belligerents and
let them fight it to a finish without interference. But
the wholesale massacres and torture of the Armenians, by
the Turks, when the position of the former was helpless
during the great war, calls for the severest punishment.
"The repentent Turk should be accommodated liter
ally. There have been investigations of Turkish mas
sacres in various parts of the world until the investigators
have sickened. Still, another inquiry would do no harm
and would serve to put the "true facts" on record beyond
question. The world will know exactly what to do in the
way of protecting those helpless Turks from their blood
thirsty enemies.
' Perhaps the best way would be to drive the poor,
abused Turks so far back into their native Asia that they
would no longer be in contact with the Armenians. That
solution would be all the more acceptable because it
Would take them out of contact
And Salem is moving right to the front this year. Al
ready there is need of a building campaign to house our
By Walt Mason
. We'd better watch the former kaiser, or he'll be back
on Prussia's throne; we leave him free it might be wiser
to house him in a shack of stone. Some donjon keep of an
cient pattern, with walls a score of cubits thick, with no
one near but some grim slattern to hand him musty bones
to pick. A lot of Huns are busy plotting to see their
exiled Bill recrowned, and will be till his nobs is rotting
in some damp dungeon underground. And Bill sits up, in
waitful watching, and doubtless murmurs, o'er and o'er,
"Unless they do some bonehead botching, mv friends will
have me crowned once more." I hate to think what things
may happen if Bill again his sceptre owns; perhaps some
four years more of scrappin', with ghastly toll of blood
and bones. It is no dream that Huns arc planning to bring
the old rule back again, all corners of the empire manning
with Bloody Billy's kind of men. And we permit the exile
cheesy to stay where he can help them plan; I wonder
why we are so easy; why don't we squelch the also ran?
We used to say we'd surely punish old Bill and wipe out
every debt; for all his misdeeds, base and Hunnish, he'd
have to pay in bloody sweat. He sits in peace, the mon
strous vandal, who should be fed to hungry sharks; it is
a blooming shame and scandal and why are we such easy
marks? . .
the painful fact of the occur-
them deeply. We are now
of the "true facts" himself,
were guilty of all kinds of
with Europe.
The Bureau of Statistics of the federal Department
of Labor has been collecting some statistics about steaks.
The price of serloin steak of presumably the same quality.
j at the same time, was found to be 28 cents in Minneapolis,
i:!2 cents in San Francisco and New Orleans, 37 cents in
Dallas and bt Louis, 4:. cents in New York, 36 cents in
Cleveland, 44 cents in Baltimore, 45 cents in Pittsburg
and Philadelphia, 50 cents in Washington, 54 cents in
New Haven, 56 cents in Boston and 65 cents in Providence,
R.I. The lowest prices quoted in this list seem to be some
thing like the varying and unstable prices in the differ
ent Oregon towns.
Why this wide difference in price should exist the
statisticians seem to have made no effort to explain. Pos
sibly the problem is insoluble.
The meat business, as everybody agrees, is dominated
by the Chicago packers. They are supposed to control
prices. If they are controlling sirloin steak prices, thev
certainly have a system of price-fixing that is beyond the
i ' it. i "
cuiupreiiensiun ox me average ciuzen.
If the packers have not had anything to do with thes3
prices, there enters a different problem. The packers'
tnemseives nave always defended their apparent mon
opoly on the ground that it served to stabilize the market.
If there is any stabilization in a 28-cent steak market at
Minneapolis, 56-cent steak at
r rancisco and 65-cent steak at Providence, an ordinary
consumer cannot see it with the naked eye. Transpor:
tation charges will not explain it. Sectional prices of live
stock will not explain it. Retail competition will not ex
plain it. What will?
Senator Borah objects to any League of Nations plan
that gives smaller nations as much representation as the
United States in the executive council. And Senator
Borah is perfectly satisfied with a system which gives
Idaho as much representation in the United States as New
York, which has more than twenty times as many people
as Idaho.
They are going to have a conference of Oregon pub
lishers to decide on the plan of campaign for the coming
Victory bond drive. When the government needs help it
appeals to the newspaper editors and at all other times
does what it can to restrict and hamper their business and
make life a burden to them.
Bank deposits of Salem are now considerably past the
$7,000,000 mark, which is exceedingly gratifying. .Also it
will mean that we must dig up more money as our quota
of the coming Victory bond drive. , '
. Without any senate or president the people of the
United States no whave a chance to try out that theory
of self-determination.
Spring flowers and Spring poets are once again "in
our midst."
When Neil came home to dinner I
saw at once tliut his mood has changed.
He was almost uproariously happy
That he had been drinking was obvious
yet he seemed not at all elnted because
of that, but on Recount of something
Say data at Hot Watar With
Pnoaahat Bafara Braakfaat
v j Washes Oat Ptisans.
Ta tea tha ttnga of healthy bloom ia
your face, ta aea your akin get clearer
sad clearar, ta waka up without a head
acha, backache, oaated tengua ar a nasty
breath, la laot to feel year beat, day in
aad day oat, last try taaide-batbinf
vary marminf for one week,
i Before breaktast each day, drink a
flasa of real hot watar with a teaspoon
ful af 11 mas tone pkoapkata ia it aa a
aarmlaea nseaae at waahing from tha
stomach, lirer, kidneya and aowela the
pravioue day's lndifeetible waate, sour
bile aad tailns; thus cleansing, sweeten
ing and purtfjiag the entire alimentary
canal before putting? mora food Into the
stomach ia wanderCully invigorating. It
cleaas out all the aour fermentations,
gases and addity and glrea one a splen
did appetite for breakfast. 1
A quarter pound of limestone phoa
Abate will coat Ttry little at the drug
store but ia sufficient to drmonstrsts
that yost as sosp and) hot water cleanses,
wettest and freshens the skin, hot
water aad limestone phosphate act on
ths hlood and internal organa. Tho,
who are anbject to constipation, bilious
attacks, acid 'itomiH. rheumatic
twinges, alao those whose akin la aallow
and eampleilon pallid, are assured that
aae wssk at inside-bathing will hsr
jahoth looking and feeling better iu
Boston, 32-cent steak in San
deeper more permanent.
I was tingling with resentment. He
had spent hours, tbo day before, calling
on Blanrho Orton; how did I know that
he had hot been there again this after
noon f He ate very little dinner, but
emptied his glass several times. And he
talked, talked gaily, as a person talks
when something which has caused them
anxiety, is done with.
When I begged him not to drink any
more, he became repentant, and pushed
his gins away. Then, as we sipped our
coffee he told me a littlejust enough
to give me a hint as to the cause of
his troubled actions of tlio past few
"That damned Scott thought he was
mighty smart," he said, apropos of
nothing. I fairly held my breath, hop
ing he would go on.
"What did he dot" I could wait
no longer,
''Tried to bluff me! He ran up
against the wrong fellow, I can tell
you (lot cold feet and tried to make
trouble for me. Hut I headed him off
took his stock off his hands. I'll
show him ho onn't fool with me."
His voice was strident, loud.
"What did he want to get rid of it
"Said it wasn't worth the pnpfr it
was written on, or some such thing.
Tried to oueer me wi'h Frederick, too.
But he fell down there. Frederick stood
I stood cold with dread. Mr Fred
erick had a motive in telling me he
would be my friend. Had he alveadv
proven a friend? Had he stood ''pat"
as Neil hud said, because of his friend
ship for met
"Where who took his stock?" I ask
ed. "Mr. Frederick?"
' Xo w-hn; made yon think it was
Frederick ?'
"What you said that ho 'stood
pat.' "
"It was a good friend of mine who
did it a verv good friend." He then
buried himself in the poper, whue t
wondered who the ''very good friend"
could be at the same time feelin" re
lieved that it had not been Mr. Fred
erickthe man who had offered to
serve me if ever there should be need.
"Ho to bed, Bab, You re the tired-
looking one tonight."
I was tired The emotion I had felt
during the last days, added to my ptiy
sical condition, ha'd'left me weak and'
To Erect Memorial For
Soldiers On OiLS. Campus
(Capital Journal Special Service.)
Monmouth, or., March 24. The O. X.
S. ia planuiuK to erect some sort of a
memorial on the campus ia Honor ox the
huya wb were ia the service.
" loutmittees have ttq appointed from
the faculty and student body to confer
with aluni aud board of regents.
Committees for the purpose of decid
ing on something fitting and worthy the
honor. It is planned to have the dedi
catory services sometime during com
mencement week as it is hoped an tae
boys will have returned by taat time.
Miss tn-liuette aud Miss Anderson via
iteu Portland last week to attend the
entertainment of Mr. Ccsals, the noted
Member) of Agate Rebekah lodge
were honored Saturday night by the
presence of their state president, Mrs.
Jennie Burke of Portland. The degree
work was exemplified by the atatl, aft
er which the lodj;e waa addressed by
the visiting president, to the pleasure
aud benefit of all present. Refresh
ments were served and dancing was en
joyed by young and old.
iames Hinkle, member of Company
L, arrived in Monmouth last Wednes
day, having spent one year and two
months ttith the army In France. His
special duty was that of supply ser
geant sju most of his time was spent at
Nevera aud Contres, about 100 miles
fioiu ;ut front lino trench: He left
Frinco about the middle of February
inil arrived in Monmouth March 19.
An active campaign is being launched
by the citizens of Monmouth for a mem
orial hall and social center to be erected
in the city in honor of our soldier boys.
Plans and ways and means are being
discussed by the several committees and
operations will begin soon.
The Christian Sundav school enter
tained members and friends Saturd&y
evening in its dining rooms, with a
umptotis spread and an excellent pro
gram. "Aunt Jane" Powell, a mem
ber of the Bible school since 1873 was
the honor guest of the occasion. In a
complimentary speech Mrs. Mack paid
tribute to Mrs. Powell and Rev. Morris
docoiati d her with a large bow of laven
der, whito and blue, signifying age,
purity and loyalty.
During the past week there" has been
a docrease of 26 per cent in the num
ber of .men employed in industrial
plants at Astoria.
Jays We Must Keep Feet Dry,
Avoid Exposure and
Eat Less Meat
Stay off the damp ground, avoid ex
posure, keep feet dry, eat leaa meat,
irink lota of water and above all take
t spoonful of salts occasionally to keep
Iowa uric acid, '
Rheumatism is caused by poisonous
xiiin, called uric acid, whk-h is gene
rated In the bowels and absorbed Into
the blood. It is the function of the kid
aeys to filter this acid from the blood
ind cast It out In the urine. The pores
if the skin are also a means of freeing
the blood of thia Impurity. In damp
ind chilly cold weather the akin porea are
;iosed, thus forcing tha kidneys to do
louble work, they become weak and
iluggiih and fail to eliminate this urla
tcid which keeps accumulating and cir
culating through the system, eventually
tettllng in the Jointa and muscles, caus
ing atlffneaa, aoraneas and pain called
At the first twinge of rheumatism ge
from any pharmacy about four ounces
of Jad Salts; put a tablespoonful In a
flaas of water and drink before break
taat each morning for a week. This is
aid to eliminate uric acid by stimulating
the kidneys to norma action, thus ridding
tha blood of theae Impurities.
Jad Salts is Inexpensive, harmless and
la mad from tha acid of grapea and
lemon juice, combined with llthia and
is uaed with excellent resulta by thou
sands of folks who are subject ta rheu
matism. Here you bars a pleasant, ef
fervescent llthia-water drink which over
comes uric add and ia beneficial to your
(Mnera as well.
nervous. Tears were ready to start at
the slightest (provocation; almost at
no provocation at all. So I hurried to
bed, sighing gratefully as I slipped be
tween the sheets.
It was good to have Xeil more like
himself. It must have been terrible to
have that liorrid Mr. flcott throw the
stock on his hands after he had thought
it sold. Poor Neil. No wonder he was
anxious and worried. Men had it rather
khard. after all. Thev hnd such financial
worries men of big business affain
like Neil
I was so tired that I fell asleep nl
moo immediately. And never wakened
until the sunlight wn streaming in at
the windows the next morning.
Neil had gone down-'own, leaving
word that under no consideration was
I to he disturbed. Thnt I was to rest.
"Dear Xeil " I said as I sat up in
bed and lazily sipped my coffee. "We
will scon be so happy that you will
have no thought for anyone or anv'hing
but those who belong to you." Yet as
I slipped down among the pillows for
another half hour, I remembered that
he had said nothing of his call on
Blanche Orton.
(Tomorrow-Bab Haa an Era of Com-
f f l ViL ill
How often has rt attack of indigestion interfered
with your work or spoiled your pleasure? Good health
is mostly a matter of sound digestion. Whenever you
are troubled by dyspepsia, flatulence, sour eructations,
sick headache, biliousness or constipation, take Beech
am' s Pills. They quickly and effectively correct digestive
disturbances, stimulate the supply of gastric juice and
Tone the
Directions cf Special Value
Sold by druggiata throughout
Rey. John Ova' Speaks
For League Of Nations
In an address before a meeting of
the Independence Order of Good Tem
plars at Odin hsll hist evening Kev.
John Ovall, pastor of the Temple Meth
odist Kpiscopnl church, indorsed the
league of nations, and spoke of the
work to be done in the reconstruction
period which he sees before the world
at the present time.
"After every great catastrophe or
disaster there has always been a time of
recoustruction," the nev. sir. Ovall
stated. "Now is the time for recon
struction after the greatest catastrophe
among the nations of the world. In this
program otir great nation has been or
duined to lead. We have offered up life
and treasure to save the world for truo
Christian democracy, and after victory
has been won we can not draw back
and let the balance of the worrj tnko
caro of itself."
A resolution was adopted by the Good
Templars giving their hearty indorse
ment to the league of nations, and .they
voted to send copies of the resolution
to President Wilson, senators represent
ing the state of Washington, and Will
iam II. Taft, president of the league to
enforco pence. Spokane Daily Chron
icle . .
Ruth Garrison WO Be
Present At Storrs Trial
Seattle, Wash., March 26. P. D.
Smith, attorney for Dudley M. Storrs,
has announced that the defense will in
sist on the presence of Ruth Garrison
at the trial of Storrs which will take,
place some time in April nt Okanogan,
according to word received here.
John D. Carmody, assistant prosecut
ing attorney, says that if the Okanogan
court issued an order tot tho presence
'f the girl she would have to appeur
"It is customary t0 send prisoners
from one place to another to testify, so
there can be no exception in tha Ruth
Garrison caso," ho said. "I under
stand the prosecution in the Storrs'
trial will object but that will not help
ifJhe court orders her attendance."
Storrs wns arraigned before Superior
Judge C. H. Neal of Okanogan county
yesterday afternoon. Ho wa given un
til Wednesday to plead. The charge of
abduction on which Storrs was taken to
Okanogan waa replaced by a felony
charge against the moral codo and a
gross t misdemeanor information was
filed. Bail was set at 41500 in each
Discharged Soldiers Are
Entitled To Medical Aid
Marion county probably has her
share of returned soldiers who will car
ry permanent effects of injuries or
gas attacks. Those who show recur
rent effects from uch disabilities will
be interested in the statement recent
ly mado by tho chief of stnff of the
hospital service regarding these cases:
"Discharged soldiers aro civilians
under 1he law, and iu tho matter of
hospital treatment come under the pro
visions of paragraph 14H9, army regu
lations. However, aty soldier who has
been honorably discharged since Octo
ber 6, 1917, for disability incurred in
the line of duty, and whose present
condition is a reactivation of thnt Cis
ability or as consequent upon it, is en
titled to hospital or sanatorium care
under the provisions of the war risk
insurance net, either in military hos
pital if there ibe room for hira,air in
local civilian institution."
Washington, March "6. America's
list of battle casualties in tho great
war is virtually completed. The final
casualties aro now being published and
very soon tho list will include only
those who have died or been injured
since the armistice was signed and any
necessity changes on the listings.
Above All BOOST for SALEM
Whose possibilities for the future are wonderful
Plant loganberries and vegetables for our local in
dustries. Call on us for assistance.
J. H. Albert, President. Jos. H. Albert, Cashier
to Womea are with Every Bo-.
tha world. In boxes, 10c, 25c
I.cs Angeles, Oil.. Mar. 2ii One and
maybe two players fron the Cub squud
will be turned ever to the Angels 1
a result of a conference between Pres
ident Powers of the Los Angeles club
and Fred Mitchell of the Cliicagoans.
One will be an infielder picked from
among Charley lVa! Lear, 'KiUuXf
and ..MeCabe.
London, Mar. Uunner Moir, for
mer heavyweight champion of lireut
Britain, will try a comeback here to
night when he meets Prank lioildard
in a " round ibout at Holdborn stadi
um. Cioddard is challenger of Joe
Beckett. British champion.
Pituburg. Cal., Mar. 2fi. Lefty
U'verenss, who is getting to bo an in
stitution in the Const league, joined
the .Salt Lake Beej today.
Adolph Schinkle also arrived at the
Bee camp yesterday. Schinkle earned
a reputation as a sharp shooter while
with the A. E. F. Ho is a pitcher.
St. Louis, Mo., Mnr. 20. Mike
Gibbons, 8t. Paul, won .on points in
eight rounds here last aiyht over Loo
llutiek of Lancaster, I.' It was Gib
bons fight all the way. ")
Los Angeles, Cal., Mar. 20. iDanny
Kramer aud Kid Monde gave the fans
something to talk about ill their four
round bout at Vernon hist night. Kra
mer won but it was a fight all tho
Seattle, Wash., Mar. 26. Frank
Rtirrieuu fouyht a draw with "Kid"
Herman, tho Mexican welterweight,, in
their four round bout lust night at tho
local fistic arena, liarrieau'a rough
work got him in bad with the fans.
Morrie Lux of Portland knocked Sid
Mitchell down four times in the first
round, of their mix and knocked him
out for keeps in the second frame.
Tho Shuttle entry didn't have a chanco
Los Angeles, Cnl., Mar. 20. Doug
las Grant, state golf title holder, Bob
Cash, southern California ainiatcur
chnmpion, E. S. Armstrong 'and a
host of others from as far east as Mas
sachusetts wero on the links today for
the qualifying rounds of tho southern
California championship tourney. The
play is in progress at the Log Angeles
country club's course.
New York, March 20. The transports
Fr&nccsca and Argentina arrived today,
with 2148 officers and men.
The organizations on tho Franccsea
were twenty casual companios for Ohio,
South Dakota, Minnesota, California,
Colorado, Kansas, Kentucky, Nebraska,
New York and other eastern states.
On the Argentina were 32 casual com
panies for Connecticut, Florida, Okla
homa, Tennessee, Michigan, Minnesota,
New York and Montana, and trnsporta
tnion corps companies 81 and 104.
A Nation's Safety
depends upon more than
wealthy or the power of its
mighty guns. It rests in its
robust children and in its strong,
vigorous manhood.
an ideal constructive tonic-lood,
brings to the system element!
easily, assimilated and
imparts strength and pro
motes normal growth.
Scott' t Emuhion buildi up tha
wtah and fortifiei thr strong.
Scott ft Bowne, Eloomlitld, N.J. U-J)