Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, March 26, 1919, Page PAGE TWO, Image 2

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Oive Colicky Babies X ?
Mr3.V,-u.,knvs Syrup and w-ch l
1" -e smiles that follow. This has been V
. ; . .l. e
u.e nappy experience ci many nnxners
sfter beir.g sorely tried over baby's fret-
fulness, sleepless nights and
due to stomach and bowel troubles.
The Infant.' nd Child r-on'. RfjuUtoC
is purely a vegetable preparation that causes stomach
to digest food and bowels to move as they
should thereby overcoming constipation, diar
rhoea, flatulency, wir.d colic and similar trou
bles. During teething time it is especially good.
- Ik
5, i.?Jk
Contains no ooiates.
.- - a.",
ful drugs. Absolutely
bottle. Agreeable
Acts Cf Barbarism Scored In
Sceea F lay "Hearts Of The
'ill-arts of the World" the creation
of" flint ni:;r clous wizard of t Tic screen,
ll. V. Griffith, might lu-vt-r have boon,
uccordinf to 1 lit' statement of a close
personal friends nf Mr. Griffith's, had
rut tlii' Herman introduced the use cf
poison gas i" the ar. This let and
Thousand3 Have Discovered Dr.
Edwards' Olive Tablets are
a Harmless Substitute.
Dr. Edwards Olive Tablets the substJ.
tuts for calomel are a mild but sure
laxative, and their effect on the liver is
almost instantaneous. They are the result
of Dr. Edwards' determination not to treat
liver nd bowel complaints with calomel.
His efforts to banish it brought out these
little olive-colored tablets.
These pleasant little tablets do the good
that calomel does, but have no bad after
effects, They don't Injure the teeth like
strong liquids or calomel. They take hold
of the trouble and quickly correct It Why
cure the liver at the expense of the teeth?
Calomel sometimes plays havoc with the
gums. So do strong liquids. It is best not
to take calomel, but to let Dr. Edwards'
Olive Tablets take its pi ace.
Most headaches, "dullness" and that
lazy feeling come from constipation and
a disordered liver. Take Dr. Edwards"
Olive Tablets when you feel "lofrgy" and
"heavy." Note how they "clear" clouded
brain and how they "perk up" the spirits.
10c and 25c baa. AU druggists. i
14 to 18
' ' 'k
For the Last Lap of School
Get the boy a new suit. It helps to instill the elements
of confidence and manliness. And; where in all Salem
can boys of 11 to 18 years find such suits at these
These are sturdy suits well made and stylishly
tailored r.?t marked down but worth very much
more. Among thfin are good corduroys and the lar
ger boys wearing Knickerbockers arc" in big luck to
get such 'suits at from $3.45 to $11.05
for boys of 6 to 16 years
There ase more than I'M) pairs to choose from in h
good variety of every-day-vvearing colors. Why
make a boy wear patches when a w hole pair of knee
pants may be had for less than the price of good
overalls? These are : 75c to $1.95 ,
l -V
other disorders
narcotics, alcohol or other harm
harmless. Formula on every
and useful as a Household remedy.
At Alt Drxiiti
UKLO-AKltCAJI DRUG CO 111-11? FdtaaSuR T.
Ommnl Stlltmt Atmf) IUnUr.bcUttU.kk
KevTak T
manv more tr canal barbarism sud hor
ror have drawn the hatred of tue world
it; -tu the Hun ami woe be to him when
the day of final settlement comes and
at the peace table he hears his indict
nieiit for his crimes.
Just prior to the battle of Ypreg Mr.
Griffith was in London arranging the
premier of intolerance. ' His master
ful handling of hat subject drew en
thusiastic praise from critics throughout
the Knglish metropolis and it wits not
long before he was visited by Lord Hea
vcrbrook, a representative of the Urit
ish War Office, who wished to persmuli
him to visualize the storv of the war
in i-.ny wav ho saw fit. Mr. (jriffith
feared that unless the United States
was drawn into the struggle the pic
ttne would be a failure, uud hesituted
to ntcept the commission, as it miM,
at the name time, jeopardize tho lieu
tralitv of his own nation. Then cume
the first (linboln-al ens uttacks ut
Ypres; deadly clouds of poison ga
were released towurds the unsuspecting
('aniidinuss, men in whom the Nporting
instinct lived even in that h.ud of blood
and mud, and who would sucrifieo tlgrii
lives rather than take an untair advau
tnge of their foe. Thousands wert
struck dead in their tracks while those
who survived an imiuediivte death suf
fered untold tortures. Mr. Griffith ut
once took up tho production of tho pic
tun- that is now tho one outstanding
sensiition of screeudoin. All who have
seen this mnsterpiei-o agree that
"Hearts of the World'' is the epic of
tho present wur and that its spirit b
what dominate the allies toduy.
"Hearts of tho World" will bo lire
sented at tho Oregon for three days,
commencing tomorrow and every inuii
woman mid child with u drop of pu
Iriotie blood in their veins should wit
uess it. The storv will serve to lu
ileiise their faith in their country and
the glory of upright valorous manhood.
. The liiissian soviet government an
nounce that it is prepared to deposit
'HI.IMHI.IHHI ill gold with American
for the puicliNse of supplies needed in
reconstruction work.
$3.45 to
Sjttvtv is turning mil to hear Maui K
Powell, the popular and renowned wo i
liniNt who is appearing at the llei!:g j
theater in Portland tnis week. Mrs.
II. l,ol!rcv Iurner, ns the " turning .
artist it known in oricnte tiff. ba at
wide rirde of friends in Pott.unJ by ;
whom, she will be entertained cxteus J
ively. She sr-ivod yesterday and will
remain until Nomtav. Several pronu- i
until Sundnv. Several promi i
iient IVrthilulers will be hosts in her I jeiple who will he interested to know
honor planning motor trips, touch that word h;i been received that liose
cons, dinners and theater parties. : Claire Williams and Marie Klodgett,
A great many out of tiwa folk have ; former Salem nurses have sailed for
already arrived in 1'ortlaiRl for the home. Both Misa Williams and Miss
L-oniert, coming from Salem, l'endle-1 Hlodgett have been in France for sev
ton, Hood Kiver anil I'orvallis, as tbe:eral months, and were stationed to
violinist has many gdmirrrs aad eloselgether at fcase hospital 4ii at Tour)
friends throughout the entire north -during their service over there. Miss
west. Williams is n sister of Mrs. Carey t
' .Martin and Ml Wodgett is a gradu-
Toniorinw, Friday and Saturday, t'o 'ato of the Salem hospital,
rinne "Kiely" Harker, a former fca -j
lem girl, be presented in support of j Miss Gertrude East, who is spending
Miss Mae Marsh in the Goldwvn pro-'the spring holidays as the guest of
luction "Money Mad'1 at Ye Liberty her parents, Mr. and Mrs. S. S. Fast,
theater. Miss Jiarkcr is well known iujweut to l'ortland yesterday foi a brief
he city and is related to seme of Sa
em's oldest and most respected iam
dies. t
Mm Margaret Cosper has been dp-
minted to attend the Inland Kmpire
presence there will be very valuable as
iftp is a inciiuier ot the state text hook
commission and the text bock question I
ill be one of the most weighty prob
SaysTanlac Has Overcome'
His Troubles And He Feels
Like A New Man.
"I feel tlint it would be helping
others to tell what Tanlae has done
for me," said Rev. A J. Vallery, liv
ing at t lielsea nvc
Momphis, !
"About three years ago,-' he con-j net congress.
til j, "I hail a general breakdown Insurgi y is on the wane a-i-or.l
that n.iide me very uenoiis. I li.-t I filing to regular lenders,
sour Htoniarh mid would spit up uudi- Adherents of Spiaker hu-.-ip ( lurk,
jested food. The pains In mv stomach ' after a canvass of the democratic side
hurt so tit times thai I thought they of tho next, house, today declared that
would kill me. I also differed with) the fnctiuu which is fighting Clark
rheumatic pains iu mv joints and mv I wilt have only -S votes out of nearly
kidnevs were in bail hIiii r, mv flcen
was poor mid I felt so tired all the
time that I could not do my jvork .
"Since taking Til nine 1 hne ibron
relieved ;of ndignstion mid those puuis
are all gone. My kidneys don't trou
ble in any, 1 am not nervous like 1
was and I can sleep fine every night.
My strength and energy have been re
stored nail I feel like a new man."
Tanlae is sold iu Hubbard by Hub
bard I'rug Co., in Mt. Angel bj jten
flooch, iu Gcrvnij by John Kuliy, in
Turner by H. V. Cornelius, in Wood
burn by Lyman H. Storey, in Balero
by Dr. A. C. Utone, in Silvtrton by lico.
A. Pteelhammer, in Gates by Mrs. J.
P. Mc.Curdy, in Stay-ton by I'. A. Beau
champ, ink Aurora by Aurora Drug
store, in St. Paul by Groceteria Store
Co., Inc., in Donald by M. W. Johnson
and In Jefferson by Koshay & Mason, j
St. Louis, Mo., March 2,"). Tho Hun-
giiriou situntiou will not clog war de
partment plans for speedy retura of
American troops from France.
(icneriil Peyton t . March, -nicf ot
staff, declared here today: "fWo plan
to have 915,000 soldiers homor by July
1. There will bo no delay on account
of tho Hungarian developments."
Mrs Walter Duff of Gladstone, Ore
gon, will address a meeting of those
interested in Bible study at the Evan
gelical church corner of 17th and Che
niokota streets, this evening at 7:30
o V loc k .
How They Can Find Relief
From Periodic Sufferings.
Nn.'btiB, N. H. " I am ninetfl'en years
ttld and every month for two years I
Dad sucn pains mat
I would often faint
and havr to leave.
school. I hail such '
puiifl did not know I
wlint to do with my- j
self and tried an j
many remedies that j
voiv of no uie. 1
r-'iid about l.ydia E. j
link hams vege
tabln Compound
in tho 'newspapers
nnd leeidod to U'V it,
nnd thnt is how I
found relief from nnin and fwl so much
better thnn 1 use t When I hear of
any (rtrl aufferine nn I did 1 tell Ihem
hew l.ydr. E. iMnkhBm's Vegetable
Compound helped me. - UKMNA
MfBT'N'.,hTM.SV-N iTr-
LydiSK. I'.nkhamseKeUWe Coni-
pound, made from native roots rnd
Kerbs, eonu no i.o narcotic or harmful
drugs! therefore is a perfectly safe rem-
edy to Rive your daughter, who suffers
from such poinfvtl periods 8J did Miss
The rsfen so many Rtrls write
l.ydia K. Pinkham M ilieine ('o., Lynn,
Mars., for advice, i lioeeur.. from their
40 years experience !!ie--h.v.p a storeof
knowledge which is i.ivarizbly helpful
V i
before !lu' comni
Mrs. T.
aj Mr.
Mix Ma jorie Kay i
I.'iil.'rtuill aU ill
mown Sale
were g-.iests at
i l'ortia-id vestcr
uutiiwr of Jilera
' eward hotel i
llifrf are i hrjr
visit with friends. I
The Iauhters of the American continued. This evening the midweek
Revolution will meet Saturday, March prayer meeting will be held, tho sub
ith with Mrs. J. P. Frir.zell. Kachlject being, "The Jewish Sabbath aud
member is asked to come with some
Mr. and Mrs.
t hinincey Haves of
Dallas are Salein visiton for a few
i .
Declare That Insurgents Will
Topple Before Opening 0
Washington, Mur. 8-).-Kegulnrs on
both the democratic and repoblicnn
sides of the house today wet.- conli
doet they will defeat instugei Is when
the time comes for orguui.atiu'i of the
200, when the democratic caucus is
held. Insurgents clilim 7-t.
Tim fight on ("lurk for minority
lender lias been made on tho grounds
that he is opposed to the league of na
tions, but "old .guard" democratic
leaders today " dc:irvd . the, retiring
speaker would take, a stand on this
question that won I'd be eminently sat
isfactory to the ileiniN'rntie party.
Clark's Friends Satisfied
Clark's friends lire also satisfied
that there is no likelihood of the ad
ministration interfering in the house
On the republican side representa
tive Mondell, Wyoaiiug, new repiiMi-t-mi
floor leader, makes the lint pre
diction that the purty will be united
when the next house convenes.
Hthers of the re(,'ului's call attention
to the fact that nothing "incendiary"
has ibeen .said -on either side for nearly
two weeks. They deny that t 'liuiriniin
Will Hays or anyone outside the house
of representatives has interfered to
secure party harmony, although it is
known that several congressmen wrote
tin Jk advising him to take a limi'i.
Oil Industry Made Good
On Spur Of War Necessity
Washington, March 2o Xo single im
portant industry in tho United States
ever made such n showing in a single
year as did the oil industry under spur
of war necessity, according to Directoi
Manning of the bureau of mines.
In 101(1, before America, entered the
war, gasoline production was a little
short of fifty million barrels, ho report
ed. In 1!H 7 when this nation enterei
the war, gasoline production jumped to
nearly 68,(100,000 barrels.
Hut in HUH when the demnnd from
the front for oil became even greater,
gasoline production mounted to 85,000,
000 barrels.
How this nation sent an ever increas
ing flow of gasoline to tho allies and
friendly countries iu shown by export
For 1 !' I (, exports were 8.47.1,102 bar
nls; 1!U7. exuorts ),!OI,S77 nnd 1018
exports, U.H2,n0S,
Becomes Millionaires At
"Ras Picking" EBusiness
Washington, March 2.1. Now come
the "rug picking millionaire."
I'stutiutes compiled front government
reporrs on "waste reclamation" ill the
I nited Sti.tes indicate that over four
hundred millionaire have been develop
I cd from pursuit of "anv raes, any
bones, anv bottles today?"
I bag picking aud collection of lir
'.am. s-rni iron, old mi nor. wire, rub
ber a ad ul discarded metals represent
j, an tr,nver of over .f.'.iino.iioo,
j,,,,, ,,-cnnliiig to incomplete estimates
i A, ki, )lf nr,. u,,,i,l;.
,,, , ,,,,, r!1J, .,,') ,ni.u, f H, ,,,.
nHracti.,,,,. The waste reclaim,.
, , i ......
j '"'" l- ',,"v,"1' ""f ""-nnrd d
I " '"' ,'' . ;" l"-, ft0 v,'nr r,xv,
1 1'1' kn'u' l"b l enter war worn-oud
I "" he's g..ing back In bis original
I work again.
j Tins year is expected lo be one of the
bioeesf in the history or tie rmsiness.
More than 20 rnlleetiun and sortiue
j i.buils iu oiM-riition in big l ilies alone
'average a turnover of 2,l)nn,ooo,nno
worth of business annually. Here tho
days. Mr. Hayes recently returned
Itrom fiance with fomtttnv I in whtcO
he was a uon couinuN!outd eliiccr.
.i xue 1 oik couuiy s-uuuy M-nooi
convention held in Monmouth the lat
ter part of hot week, several Salem
eople took important part. Mrs. I.e
iiiti.t W. Torter gave the l-eautiiul
reading. "The Lost Word'' by Ueury
Vaa lyke and Mrs. J'cterson dehl.t
e.l the assembly with two voeal so.oa.
l'resideut loney of the Wiilaiuette uni
versity was aiso one of the principal
participants in the convention.
Mis Marie Toppe of San Kiain-is.0
is visiting at the home of her parents,
Mr. and Mrs. Charles 1'oppe, 302
North ilst street.
Mrs. J. A. Bennett state lield
worker for tho Christian women's
board ef missions, presided today at
the First Christian church, at whica a
detailed study of the missions, both at
home and abroad, was taken up. A
basket lunch was served at noon af
ter which the business meeting was
the Lord's day. "
Misa Klirabeth Ivy is muong the
i.N;om music lovers who will attend
5 Maud I'owell's concert iu 1'irtland
this evening.
Soap should be used very carefully,
if you want to keep your hair luoking
its' best. Most soaps and prepared
shampoos contain too much ulknli.
This dries the scalp, makes the hair
brittle u'ld ruins it.
The best thing for steady use is just
ordinary inulsified eocuanut oil (wuich
is pure and grenseless), and is better
than the most expensive soap or any
thing else you can use.
One or two teuspoonfuls will cleanse
the hair and sculp thoroughly. Simply
moisten the hair with water and rut) it
in. It makes an abundance of rich,
meanly lather, which rinses out eas
ily, removing every pnrliele of dust,
dirt, dnndruff and excessive oil. The
hair dries quickly and evenly, and it
leaves the scalp soft, and the hair fine
and silky, bright, lustrous, fluffy und
easy to manage;
Y:ou can get inulsified cocoanut oil
it any pharmacy, it's very cheap, and
l few- ounces will supply every member
of the family for months.
Mayor Rolph Leaves To
Meet San Francisco Boys
San Francisco, Mar. 20, Mayor
lame, Rolph Jr., leaves tonight for
New York to welcome to America de
tachments of the Uti'ld infantry, soon
to arrive from iPranee. and airange for
th cdoughboys' participation ,in Iho
big reception Snn Francisco will give
this unit of the famous "Wild-West"
division .
The ;t(l!td is composed of Californinns
mainly San Finncisco men. For this
reason, tho war department has agreed
to send the regiment here for deinobil
izulion lit the Presidio.
nifs und paper ore separated, baled and
sold to manufacturing plants.
Approximately 1,000,000 persons wero
mployed in. the business in 19) 8.
"Yes, I
; ; back to Royal."
mm m
Made from
Royal Contains No Alum--
- Leaves No Bitter Tasto
1 P I llslS
This word is pronoainced toe-sis, but has nothing to
do with the toes. It has, however, a great deal to do
with the abdominal muscles.
The majority of women have it to a greater or 1
less degree. It is usually
corsets those that con
stantly press down the ab
domen instead of supporting
The constant downward
pressure stretches the ab
dominal muscles so that in
time they don't contract
back again. Then the trouble
begins, for unless the cause
is removed chronic invalid
ism commences and all the
doctors and medicines ex
tant cannot cure it.
are designed to prevent and
correct ptosis. When pro-
: perly fitted they give per
g feet support to the abdomen.
We invite you to have a
.department. There is
will then appreciate
Corset can
U. G. Shipley Co,
and MANALIN Cured Me
Mrs. E. M. Harris, R. R.
No. 3, Ashland, Wis., sends
a message of cheer to the
"After following your advice
and usinir Teruna nnd Mnnalin, I
waft cnrrd of mtiirrli of the none,
thronf nnd Htomach, from whii-h
1 hail fcutferert for meveral yearn.
When i commenced taking i'e
runa I conM not mak nty bfd
'without stopping to rrat. Now I
. -
Chicago, Mivreh 23. Federal Judge j
I.andis today granted an extension of,
twenty days to Victor lierger, convicted j
tried it, but
This is the experience of most women
who have been tempted to try so-'
called cheaper baking powders which
almost always contain alum and
often leave a bitter taste.
om row
Absolutely Pure
Cream of Tartar derived
caused by badly designed
trial fitting in our corset '
no charge for it. You
what the MODART
do for you.
Catarrh of the
Nose, Throat
and Stomach.
do all my work nnd nm In irood
health. I recommend thU s-nhi
ble remedy to nil suffering from
any disease of the stomach."
rerun In Sold l'.verynkrr
I.liuld or Tablet Koroi
Milwaukee socialist leader and four oth'
eis convicted wtih liim, in which to pre-
sent their statements of alleged errors
in the trial to Judge Alschuler of tho
court of appeals.
i went
from grapes
. f 4