Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, March 26, 1919, Image 1

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Said That He Would Inform
At Moscow Congress.
At Buda Pest Reported Firmly Established. Work
er's Council Exercises Proletariat Dictatorship.
Vienna, Mar. 2a. Premier Lemne,
in a .wireless message to the Hungar
ian soviet government, failed to ac
cept formally the latter' offer of
military lliance, a Budal'est dispatch
reported today.
"We will inform you of our decis
ion at the third communist congress in
Moscow as soon as possible," Lenine
declared. He declared the advent of
the Hungarian soviet republic, is cu us
ing great rejoicing in Moscow.
Issue Decrees
Zurich, liar. 20. The new Hungar
ian government hits issued the follow
ing decrees, according to a dispatch
from BudaPcst today: "
The public will not be permitted on
the streets ibetween 1 p. in. and 6
a. m.
Theaters and other places of amuse
,meut will be closed. i
Hulo of liquor is prohibited.
Restaurants will close at 7 p. m.
Bank deposits will bo confiscated.
Superfluous lodgings and flats will
be seised for the accommodation of
those partly housed.
Departure from -BudaPest is prohib
ited except by special permission.
fcarolyi Assassinated? -London,
Alar. 213. A news agency
dispute) from Prague today said re
ports had been received there that
Count Karolyi, former head of the
Hungarian government, had ibeen as
sassinated. A dispatch to the Daily News from
Vienna said Karolyi had been arrest
ed 'by the communists.
Shoot Plunderers
Paris, Mar. Sib". Seventy persons in
Budal'ost have been shot for plunder
ing and other offenses .according to
reports received from that -eity todny
Sympathetic demonstrations were said
to have occurred in Vienna. Unconfirin
ed reports have been received that
bolshevik uprising has been scheduled
for April. ,
Move Against Hungarians
Copenhagen, Mar. 26. The Czecho
slovaks are mobiling an army at Os
trau (130 miles north of Budapest)
to march against the Hungarians, a
Vienna dispatch reported today. The
army will Ibo commanded by the Ital
ian .General Picconi.
Wounded Frenchman
Borne, Mar. 26. Tho Hungarian le
gation here, today announced it hail re
ceived -information that Colonel Vix,
head of the French mission in Buda
pest, was slightly wounded while resist
ing arrest.
Foreigners Interned
Basle, Mir. 2S.fCaech forces have
occupied the important city of Haab,
on the Danube only sixty seven miles
northwest of Budail'est, according to a
Vienna dispatch to tho Frankfurter
The red army is being formed in
Hungary to disarm the bourgeoisie, a
Budail'est dispatch reported. Alexun-
Abe Martin
Lib Pash has so many children that
she has t' git out four editions o'
buckwheat fakes. Th' worst bigamist of
all is th' feller that marries a good
trustin' girl when he's already wedded
t' three or four lodges.
III,. Xjl 'JH
1 & mMi
Them Of Decision Reached
Revolutionary Government
der Wekerle, f
nrier, is said to h
foreigners, includi
Hungarian pre-
n arrested. All
triaus, are be-
uig interned.
The rcvolutionarj
firmly established. ' s
oil is exercising a p'
ship and has aunoune.
to tho national assen.
O nent is now
-kers' conn
s'. It distator-
we been
Fritz Adler, Austrinn
er. has sent a message to
t lend-
V'st an-
uonncing tho readiness o. "astrlan
workers to ioin tho bolshivit move
ment if food can be obtained else
where than from the entente.
Equipment For Military Drill
Will BeAppfjedhr hom
Thero was a verv auiet. oiitinnry
meeting of the school board last night,
there being no matters of importance
to come ibefore the body. Two mem
bers were absent and those in attendance-devoted
the short session largely
to discussion of the payment of bills.
Tho largest item was the taking up of
a payment of over 2000 in interest on
outstanding bonds. Incidentally it was
noted that there was a suggestion of a
disposition on the part of certain par
ties from whom tho -teoord had con
tracted services to "pnd up" their ac
counts something that might be dis
couraged by publishing a list of such
services and goods purchased and the
prices imposed. 1
Among other matters it was agreed
to allow Miss Cosper, the assistant su
perintendent, to attend the meeting of
tho Inland Empire Teachers associa
tion on her own expense, but with sal
ary continued i This was recommended
by Mr. Todd as Miss Cosper is a mem
ber of tho state text book commission,
and tho matter of text books will De
prominent in the, association session.
superintendent iocla called atten
tion to the recent communication from
tho tyvornnlc,1t authorities regarding
the ninintcnanco of military dill and
equipment in the high schools of the
statu, and he was authori.ed to make
application to the proper sources for
the equipment, providing it entailed
no additional expense to the school.
As was generally expected, when tho
matter of renewing the contract with
Mr. Todd as the superintendent was
brought up, his re election wns unani
mously approved, his salary to be con
tinued at $3000, the same as during the
past year. This action will meet with
general approval on the part of the
interested public, for throughout the
three years in which Mr. Todd has
been at the head of the school thero
has been evidence of increasing effi-
cincy and organization. Even the ultra
conservative, who have been inclined
to question the policy of Mr. Todd in
rapidly modernizing tno senooi system,
are compelled to admit that the results
havo more than compensated for in
creased expenditures. 'lhe balcm
schools will now compare favorably
with many of the metropolitan schools
of the northwest.
British Troops Sent To
Protect Great Nile Dam
London, March 21!. British troops
from the Soudan havo been sent to oc
cupy Assonmii, where tho great Nile
dam is located, advices to a news agen
cy from Egypt stated today.
Troops are now widely distributed
throughout the provinces.
War Minister Churchill, addressing
the house of commons late yesterday,
aid the whoio of Egypt is now virtual
ly in a slate of insurrection. He de
clared this is one of the conditions
which iiertitt-'tates maintaining a large
British force under arms at present.
Madrid, March t- Slartial law was
in effect t,.r;llghnn -pain today. The
act-on followed renewed demonstrations
in Barcelona and fih?r centers where
the food Mhnttifin is t-ifficult.
Announcement was made that the
government will act firmly to suppress
Delegates Therefore Urge Im
mediate Peace And Settle
ment Of Details Later.
By Wiaiam Philip Slmms.
Paris, March 28. Immediate peace
along broad lines, with settlement of de
tails afterward through the league of
nations, was being urged today by many
delegates w ho have been galvanized in
to action by the westward spread of
bolshevism. i
The next step, it was pointed out,
wuld be to f uraish eoncrete support of
the new or enlarged nations of central
Europe, whose security the allies are in
honor bound to maintain. The belief
was expressed that expeditionary forces
will not be necessary or advisable.
Large national armies for these na
tions, however, probably partly officer
ed, trained, equipped and provisioned
bv the allies, including the United
States, were suggrstec as a riossible so
lution of the problem of maintaining
per.ee in that region.
Situation Grows Worse.
Tho'situntion in Hungary, Kussia, Po
land, T'kraine and Rumania wns likened
to a gignntie nowilor magazine, already
rblaze. America, it is felt, will be un
able to withdraw her support until dnn
Pr of the fire reaching the explosives
has passed. v
fiermany's threat to Tcfuse to sisrn
the treaty of neace is not troubling the
conferees. French officials declnre it
matters little whether she signs or not.
the present trovomment is wobbling.
The Oermans would not honor their own
itrnntures rnyway, it was declared, un
less the allies are capable of enforcing
the terms.
Fugitives Going To Berlin Say
Machme Guns Are Sweep
ing Streets.
By Frank J. Taylor.
Press Staff Correspondent.)
March in. Bloody street
fighting between communists and anti-
boiohcvik forces in BudaPest was re
ported by travelers arriviug fiom that
lty today.
the streets were being swept by ma
hine gun fire and the number of casu
alties weio said to be high. The com
munist guards were being directed by
rluugariuu soldiers returning irom Kus
sia'. Iruvolors have been forbiddon to
leave BudaPest, but several slipped past
the' guard before tho blockade was
strictly enforced.
Rival Factions Clash.
Jorvous tension in tho Hungarian
capital hus-buen increased by the clash
es between tho rival factious, it was
said, Hie communists' positions up par
entry have not been soriously threaten'
ed by the opposition. A number of.
weulthy aristocrats are said to have
pledged their support of the commun
i-sts. The British and i'reucn missions
were reported to be held prisoners but
to be safe. The new cabinet is extend
ing its organization throughout tho pre
viiicet and towns.
The success of the Hugarian soviet
revolution has made the Spartacans here
restless. The independent socialists still
oppose another urmed upristug in dm
muny, however, and tho disagreement
threatens to disrupt the central Soviet
The press &nd public are couuemning
Oeneral Ludendorff 's militaristic utter
accsfearing a reaction.
Uprising And Riots In
Egypt Quieted Somewhat
Washington, March 26. Rioting and
looting accompanied by the burning of
corps and buildings featured the peas
ants' uprisings in Egypt, according to
state department advices today.
. Conditions have quieted somcwhtt.
Practically all the ruilway stations in
the Minufia district were uestroyed
during the disorders while the peasants
seized crops belonging to the state and
art fire to the buildings and one land
At Zifta a mob overpowered tho po
lice and hoisted the Turkish flag, de
pa rti-trnt advices stated. At Zaff tho
rioters are revolted to have sacked and
burned the hgiicuiuiral bank. Thevau
thorities are plrclling with airplanes
points where (innidcn have broken out.
lhadispatches indicate that Bedouins
the roving li.nlits ol the desert are ac
tive at many j.irnis carrying on a sys
tematic nnipaign of destruction and
War finance Corporation Will
Make Direct Loans To
Washington, March 2d Plans tor fi
nancing the railroads under federal con
trol until congress appropriates suffi
cient funds for .etpital expenditures
have been agreed upon between the war
ftuance corporation, the railroad admin
istration and the individual roads.
The war finance corporation will
make direct louns to the railroads,' Eu
gene Meyer, Jr., managing director- of
the corporation, announced today.
The war finance corporation already
has begun filling applications for ad
vances from the individual roads to
meet their April requirements, Meyer
said. The railroads are offering as col
lateral for their own notes, certifcates
of indebtedness issued to them by the
railroad administration.
T0 date the war finance cnTporction
has loaned $116,0(10,000 to the roads.
This sura includes f'O.OOO.OOO which was
advanced to the railroad administra
tion. N Policy Provided.
"The policy of lending money to rail
roads is expressly provided in the act
under which the war finance corpora
tion operates," Meyer said.
"The policy, therefore, which is now
being pursued in loaning funds for tho
operation of the roads, is entirely in line
with the original intention of congress
as expressed by the statute and also in
line with the settled procedure of the
war finance corporation through the
course of its brief history."
Officials of the corporation declared
thut with the certificates of the railroad
administration attached to the rail
roads' collateral, these notes oi tno ruil
roads could be. turned over to private
finunciul institutions later if necessary.
But for the present, it was said, the
wur finance corporation will bum tho
security for the load itself.
It was the belief here that the agree
meut whiqh provide funds for the rail
roads will go a long way toward elimi
nation of serious trouble in the finan
cial world. The locomotive, car and
equipment companies already have pro
vided ways for obtaining the niuuey due
them from tho railroad administration.
This aounts to about $11,000,000.
dive Trade Acceptances.
The rnilroad administration has given
the equipment companies trado accept
ances which the manufacturers may re
discount at federal reserve banks, thus
turning funds into the hinds of the
manufacturers immediatory.
Director General Hines recently stat
ed that tho railroad administration
would require $701,097,000 to finance its
needs to June 30. By separate agree
ments with the locomotive, ear and
equipment companies, this figure is re
duced to $001,000,000. The war f iuauco
corporation has loaned the railroad ad
ministration $50,000,000, which will
bring cash balances in hands of federal
treasurers up to $200,000,000 which is
tht normal working cash capital for one
The war finance corporation, thero'
fore, probably will be called upon to
oan approximately $300,000,000 to tho
various railroads.
However, it wns pointed out, this fig
lire may la increased as conditions
hange or it may be rwereu it the
amount of traffic to bo handled by the
ralroads increases, thus providing more
Ask Theodore Roosevelt. Jr.,
To Run For Vice President
Seattle, Wash., Mnich 20. Theodore
Roosevelt, Jr., was today asked by Heat
lo citizens to become a candidate for
vice-president of the United States.
A national movement to promote his
candidacy will be launched if young
lioosevclt gives his approval, it was tn
The following telegram was sent to
'Believing that yoa typify the true
American, a group of parents of soldiers
and sailors of Washington are eager to
see you follow in the footsteps of your
beloved father and offer yourself for
ctional political service.
'We believe that thousands of sol-
liers and sailors would welcome the an
nouncement of your consent to become a
andidates for vice-president of the
nited Htates. To them and the par-
nts of service men you have proven
worthy of that high honor by shedding
our blood in tho world war. May we
not be advised of your personal view
point toward a national movement to
promote your candidacy!"
The telegram was signed by William
P. Biekel, Livington B. Btcdman and
George P. Danz.
Thine three men have been active in
the work of the War Parents associa-
Copenhagen, Mar. 2fi. Tho govern
ment of Kaxony hag decided to con
fiscate the former kaiser's property
in that state, a Dresden dispatch announced.
Believes. Immediate .Action
Necessary To Stem Tide Of
Bq Kudoiph Kommer.
(Cuited Press Staff Corresoondent.) I
Copyright ISIS by the Lulled l'rea.J
Berne, March 25. The allies must a
immediately if the western iiou ot
bolshevism is to be dammed, Prince
Vj indisch-Urueti, Hungarian statesman
and chief adviser of Emperor riarl dur
ing the kst year of the dual monarchy,
told the United Press today.
The priuce declared that Kuiuauia and
eastern Cnlicia are still tunning a bar
rier anainst the deluuo uf radicalism.
but thut this must be strengthened orf
it cannot hold.
"What is happening in Hungary has
been foretold by every Hungarian poli -
tician during the last six mouths," uiij
JJon't Believe Them,
"Unfortunately the entent statemen
did pot believe us. Most of them
thought the tulk of the danger of bol
shevikism was just some new instru
ment of Uermun propaganda to undo or
reduce the allied.victory. .Others be
licved bolshevism to be a sort of politl
cal grippe which would attack -only do
leuteu countries.. It is tragical that the
visionary words of Lord Miluer laat8l lH1"e De earned out but some of
September wore not listened to.
"The same elements which have now
openly usurped power in Budapest over
threw me and my colleagues lut au
tumn. At that they have not felt strong
enough to appear at the forefront iu
European politics and have uscu Count
Karolyi as their representative and
standard bearer. Prom the first days
of his rule, however.he was a helpless
puppet in bolshcvist hands. Day by
day he was forced more to the left
Organization Not Yet Complete,
Asked if tho present situation loft
any hope of checking the spread of Bol
shevism, the prince replied:
"The, communist organization in
Hungary today is far from being com
plete. Humania and eastern Galicla are
still forming a dam betwen the Bolshe
vist flood and western Europe. How
strong or weak this dam is only tho en
tente autliorities can say. At any rate,
if anything is done, it should be done
at once. Bolshevism, like time and tido,
wans tor no man.
"N'either tho peasants nor the work
ers of Hungary are really communistic.
A small group within the socialists Have
overwhelmed the party. The now dic
tatorship isn't a dictatorship of the tiro-
letiuiat, but a dictatorship oj despair.
Just as the' middlo classes loined
Kurol.vi, thinking he could snve Hun
gary from CzechoHlovakia, Rumanian
and Merbian inipejialism, the same mid
file class today are embracing bolsho
vism and turning from Paris to Mos
All Are Tired Of War And
Glad To Be Back At Home
In America.
Marion counly relatives and friends
will feel a throb of fresh interest and
relief in the report that three trans
ports have just arrived in New York
with detachments of the 60th infantry,
the 16th infantry, and also detach
ments of several 'aero squadrons.
Among tho boy, on the Matsunin.
which carried the Camp Lewis contin
gent of tho 1 i( li, was Jamej 8. Withy-
oniue, a nephew of tlio late governor,
who received his first -information of
the death of his uncle on landing.
otner boys from this part of the
vnlley are Van N. Kemcry, Halem;
Hiram Hedges, Dallas; Charles Dchia-
coo. WoodlMirn; frank Binco, rthcll
burn; Prank May, Lebanon; Wilbur
W, Biirkhardt. Allianv: Goorue Russ.
jcrvais; Conrnd II. .Springer, Sublim
ity; Arthur Vennble, Eugene, Walter
E. Dtiienberg, (lervais; Ansger Peters
Eugene Pnd B. Moxley, Eugene ( j
lohn II. WieKshire, Malem; Kreit K.
Wood, Eugene; lnnld Newman, Til-
l.tmook; Himon H. Hostettor, Wood
burn; Keith While, Halem; David
Campbell, Monmouth; John P. Fuliin,
lyon W . Eberlmg. Corvallis; Alfred
Powers, Eugene; Prank 11. Johnson,
Eugene; Prank II. Williams, Dallas;
Arthur E. IWnifflcr, Knlem.
Many Portland Men
In addition to these are a lnrge
nimiilior of Portland men, including
Lieut. K. W. Gordon. A considerable
number of the aero boys are listed
among convalescents. The unanimous
sentiment among the returned soldiers
mii!ht be stated like thin "We have
been through. ome fiprce fighting, and
we have .een a lot of things that we d
rather not have seen. We're all tired
This Is Effort To Speed Up. Peace Settlement, Also Is
Agreed That Such a Flan Would Makv Germany Re
sponsible For All Her Allies By Rinding Her In a Pact
v In Which They Were Parties.-This Would Not Re
Ready Befort May First
By a Ferguson.
(United Press Staff Correspondent.)
Paris, Murchfi. A treaty embracing
ia11 tho enemy countries, instead of a
1 prelimim-.ry imet with lierinnny, is now
! being planned in an effort to awed up
'the peace settlement; it was learned
from Dn authoritative source today.
The best guess as to when such a
tieaty wouid be ready for submission
to the euemy powers by calling lu lucir
Delegates is May 1.
This plan completely upsets tha pro
fcfani, along which the peace conference
- l ,,a! .been working for the past month.
,s n vel certain that the new
tiVt Oelegates point out that vurioua
questions sre so inter related that time
will be saved in the long run uy tjiug
all the treaties together.
Further Advantage.
A further advantago to be obtained
through a joiut treaty is thut it would
uiako Germany responsible for all-her
allies by binding her up in a pact in
which they were parties. This wns the
only immediate explanation for the
radical change In the trend of the con
ference work. It has been srateu uu nil
sides for sonio time past that speed
is of tho utmost importance and it is
understood that tho Hungary sitmaion
of the war, of France and of all Eu
rope. All wo wnut is home aud Am
erica. "
An officer on board ono of the trans
ports, speaking of the Oregon boys,
remarked that they were among the
piuesiest inus-in the entire army. It
was wonderful -what they have gone
through and yet laugh it off.
In this connection it is to he noted
that in behalf of a large contingent of
other Oregon boys now being held up
at one of the eastern camps, Congress-
ian W. O. Ilawley has recently wired
the secretary of wnr as follows:
"Some (500 troops of the filid infant
ry, 11th division, now held at East
Potomne park, are young men, resi
dents of Oregon. Many of them are
from farms. I find great demand for
their assistance here on the farms.
The others who camo from the towns
havo jobs awaiting them in practical
ly every instance. I most earnestly
uge thai, these men be discharged
from the army, that they may return
to the useful and nwessary occupation
of farming and oilier work while the
opportunity of employment Is open to
them. Will yon please advise me when
these men will lie discharged 1"
State Commission Takes '
Over Fedejal Bureau
Portland, Or., Mar. 2(1. Tho fed
eral employment bureau, for which con
gress, failed to appropriate funds for
maintenance has been taken over by
a state commission.
Tho Oregon legislature voted $100,
000 for the relief of returned soldiers,
sailors and marines and a commission
was appointed to handle tho money.
It is this commission tnat will main
tain the federal employment bureau for
Oregon until congress appropriates
money for tho service.
Cities Ask Assistance
Washington, Mar. 20. Chambers of
commerce in six thousand cities toaay
were asked by Colonel Arthur Woods,
special wnr department assistant on
soldiers' emplovment, to tnlio respon
sibility for providing for the returning
service men.
Woods emphasized thnt the unem
ployment problem is serious and will
bocome critical unless each locality
I takes steps to provide work for its dis-
nrged oldi
thnt ,n cnn.
ers. He . recommended
mliers of commerce pro-
ide emplovment Jiiiream and nsiist the
welfare organizations in providing all
the employment possible. The agencies
were also urged to get the soldiers
away from the cities, where unemploy
ment is increasing.
Dublin, March 20. Professor Edwnrl
Dc Valera has announced he cannot ac
ecpt the public reception planned ior
hir.i here today.
Kecont reports fr'.m Dublin said that
Do Valera, wli0 has l. u in hiding oin e
his ec:i(c from lrjoiii prison would
nppenr in Dublin today to take over hi
duties as bci;d of th i new Irish govern
has accentuated the demand. It has
also been pointed out that trying to
lump the treaties inevitably win urun
some delay, but that such "a plan ulti
mately will save time.
One explanation possibly lie, in tlio
ecouoin ieproblems, in which the great
est difficulties are being encountered.
It is now known tho economic commit
tees, including the one handling repara
tion, are far from completing their
work, which involves the entire eco
nomic future of tho world, especially
Premiers Worked Hard.
President Wilson, Premiers Lloyd
George, Clemenceau and Orlando
worked all day yesterday lit Inwr just
session as the "big four." It is not
known what specific questions they dis-(
cussed asido from the apparent incli-'
tuition to extend the peace work so as
to include AuHa-Hungarv, Turkey and
Bulgaria in the first treaty.
The meeting was secret, not even
stenographers being admitted. In tho
interests of time economy, no minutes
will be made of the sessions. No offi
cial comuniques will be issued regarding
their deliberations. This method of pro
cedure will continue until German
boundaries and other questions requir
ing Hitiniato discussions are disposed of.
Principle Of League Not To
Be Altered Certain Points.
Will Be Strengthened.
By Ed L Keen
(United Press stuff correspondent)
Paris, Mar. 26. The league of na
tions covenant, which n .being tak
en up by the commission aunin toduy,
will be entirely changed in verbiage
when it is next presented to a plenary
sessiun, according to .elinblu informa
tion. ..piC
The principle of tho league will not
Ibo altered, nainuly, injainlenuiice c(
penco through a community of inter
ests among nations, without impairing
tho sovcrignty of any nation. But rec
ognition of sovereign rights will be
more strongly defined.
Unless some other government ob
jects which is now believed to be un
likely the revised constitution will,
carry an amendment that will specif
ically guarantee tho Monroe doclrino
without, naming it.
U S Votes Equal to Other
By extending the necessity for unan
imity of decision by the house of dele
gates .which is now plunncd, it is felt
thnt nenntor llnrah charge that tho
British would dominate the league thru
their colonies is met. Under such a
voting arrangement, America' three
votes would bo just as effective as
those of "Great Britain and her pos
sessions. When tho republican storm of criti
cism first broke, the correspondents
were given cleorly to understand there
would be no general amendments to
tho covenant. It was stated that all
questions had been thoroughly thresh
ed out ami the best method of phrase
ology decided on so as to suit ull
powers. Further, it was pointed out
that if the door wero open to amend
ments there would be such a flood of
tiiem that tho covenant would never
be completed. Oliimtions to non-inclu
sion of the Monroe doctrine were met
by the statement that if this were per
mitted all other powers would eiub-av-
or to make exceptions in their own in
terests. Now Covers All Points
A feeling i manifest that the cove
nant as it now stands covers ail tho
points raised in tho various objections,
but, in the desire to meet all criticism,
certain amendments are now being
made. It id s-,nifiennt, however, that
some neutrals presented the same sug
gestions thnt were brought out by crit
icisms in Ameriea.
If a political view is taken of the
situation, it all depends on where you
sit. Either the republicans have ginn
ed their points in getting the amend
ments they demanded; or President
Wilson has merely sensed public opin
ion of the world in general and is se
ceding to it.