PAGE SIX " ' ' THE DAILY CAPITAL JOURNAL; SALEM, OREGON TUESDAY, MARCH 23, 1919 lining ' Thursday 3 13a ys in. III IT" 5 3 3r ; 5 J e LI ll il & Absolutely The Greatest Picture Ever Produced -9 A u '' I -' h Li H i J 3 h - . I Wm w)'-si .-.- THE SVCETEST . ' -j V LOve' STORY f t v ' EVER TOLD ' ' ; i J i . - s V - 1 1 ' i " t , ' ' i f X n t - k , , , f, A ,s v , . Requires Three Hours Time to Run MR. RAYMOND BALLARD WILL. FURNISH THE MUSIC ON OUR ' :-; NEW ORGAN THE MUSIC ALONE IS WORTH THE PRICE OF ADMISSION J t i - T - '-ir - -' " wmJ Li hi J . mk iin im m n t ave leather -P4, LIQUIDS and PASTES black.whitEjXAN and ox-blood (dark brown; shoes THE F.F.DAl.ULlf CORPORATIONS LTD., eUFTACO, M.Y'.' Staged inTra-ice on the Actual, Locale of the Stojy; Dattle Scenes onthefcltie Fields G?i Europe Through Couilcsysnd G?-operationofthG ; Dntish and Fr?r;ch , C Ciovernments.' . MATINEE 2:15 P. M. EVENING 8 P. M. 1 MATINEE, 30c EVENING, 50c ANY SEAT IN THE THEArRE EXCEPTING LOGES 1 v Lillian- ci THE EGO N 9nnwmtf Kccord Ui Work Done In Wr To Be Compiled mw l , .P. ' Here's the Good old Oxford Tie 'Em onIf you nrc really very pai titular about tlie stjle, fit and comfort vou will surely want ' OXFORDS , TONY Rod Culf Bl. Invmble Eyo lata to Totti Medium Edit, do v rnmrnl SpflCiftcAlioa tol. Mdmua H..U Last SHOE "Morebifthe pair Stetson Last n R o w n Cliutd Kid Blucker Ox ford. Cap To," 14 1 n 9 1 S I . Medium Hel. . .- For tUb itifornjition of future genera (ions, a comploto record vyill bo mado of lliq lU'tivitioa of every coramunity in the state as to wlmt its citizens did dur ing the great Europoan war. Tnis roe- od Avill not only nicludo a memoranda ot'survices in tuo army and navy, but of 'activities in .every work that helped towin the war.( Aiul this 'includes the names of thoso who took &n aetiVe part in Liberty loan drives and the efforts made at homo,. , ' ';'." 'or tho county of Marion, 1. M. Smith has , appointed; ' local historians toriaii by Cordelia Marvin,' state librar ian. In order th'it each CQjninuiiity may luiVo its coniplcto record on file, Mr. Sintih hns appointed local historians and their efforts will 1o iu addition to tlie eo-operation of teachers in evory school district. .,t v ' The nppointmetvts for tho f onnty aro ns follows: J. M. I'oorman, Woodburn; QtwRcW. lliibbs, Silvetton; Mrs. J. W. Kltner, Ml. Anol; Inivne Paulson, Huh bard; C. J. Kspv, Donald; S. J.: Hunt, "t J' ml; it I).. Mars f!ervnis;, J, E. AAiigtfonor, Turner; W. C. Anderson, Auinsville; Mrs. Nora Cabtreo, Stayton; Mrs. J'aulinn LpDnov, Jefferson, and Kd. J. Hell. Sirblimitv." - Emplovmcct Bureau In j Sfa'Doir Business Tho T. 8. emiilovment bureau is still on the jab in Salem notwithstand: ins tho fact thai the nppropriation bill failed to pass the last congress. It is felt that? when eonRress coavenes oirain that the bill will be TOssed and the approprlHtton made to keep up all employment bureaus. In Salem the office is now located on South Liberty street just south of the Salem Bank, of Commerce, in the office rooms formerly occupied bv the republican county heasL'iuar.toi's, James R . Coleman and Oraee Holt are ord is a beauty, price.:4h".50 The swell dresser's shoes, price $13.00 3rown Russia calf. tlain' :. . Oxford ;.X......,.:.;::..S11.50 No. 721 dark brown kid Stetson , ThisOxfo No. 785 B toe, isiucner No. 84 Mahogany Russia calf Oc- ' last blucher cut1 '.......$12.50 ford, Thrill or English last V.;..$11.09 - , : .' ' . j ' No. 776 Clack Kid Blucher Oxford,' . ' No. 711 Mahogany Russia calf, ' Corndodger last, real comfort..i.$10.50 -English last, lace ......$13.00 No. 702 Black Kid, Lnce shoes, coposite last, oak soles No. 7157. Black Gun Metal, English, lace, leather soles.... ...$8.00 ...S7.C0 . No: 719 1 Brown Kid, English lace, Oak soles, welted, very dressy ; " Satisfactory Shoe Servic - v No. 722 : Brown Calf Blucher, High Round, Tee, , Neolin sole , " $6.50 ' still in'ehargo of the office. ' ' ' : Frank E. Manning, a Portland 8,t-, torney, was in the city looking over the wot-k pf the bureau and assured Judge Lawioiice T. Harris of the cijmmuni'ty labor board that the office would be maintained. : t ..- . , ... ,. Tho blackboard of 4 ho U. S. employ ment bureau office on which is listed the calls for labor, show that just at present farm hands are in demand, at wages running from $15 to $60 a, month and board. Men are wanted who know how to plow. There is also a lively de mand., for loganberry trainers. Also wood cutters who are offered $2.50 a day.,. . . ABANDON "BIG TEN" MEETINGS . Paris, March.SiV American advocates of bi speeding up process for the peace conference have obtained a decision to abandon the ''big ten.!' conference it was learned today.. ; All peace questions hereafter will be handled by President Wilson, Premier MoydiUeorgc, Premier Clemenceau anil Premier Orlaniltf, with tho Japanese and others, called in . when directly af fected.'. , ,. ;. . , , : Tfic quartet of allied leaders now known as tho "big four" will meet twice day, giving the effect of prac tically. Continuous session. . (The ' bij? ten" or supremo war council, comprises tho premiers ami jm eign ministers of Great Britain, Frntfco, Italy and Japan and President Wilson and Secretary Lansing.) .- ' ' s Thirty! five iCottaUo.1 ; Grove boys' from overseas were given- an enthusi astic reception bv the Masonic lodire of that eity last Wednesday night. ft t Citv News . ... ... . .. i)C!C5!9C!C!)C9)C3.!CJ!SC3C !(C To those who have written letters to American soldiers ' stationed at 'Arch angel, Kussia, attention is called to the.'fact that tho London postoffice re ports the loss, through tho sinking of ai vessel, of large amounts of mail. One sack was from this country containing mail that arrived in New York between Nov. 9 and 'Nov. 12. There was also 38 sacks of mail with papers and pack ages from thi3" country. o ' D W Hellman, a representative of Liibby, McNeill & Libby, says a num ber of the big packers in tho oast are becoming interested in' the 'Belgian hare proposition. These ibig companies are now canning fancy moatSiand are looking to the Belgian hare market as a new enterprise. Mr. Heilman is of the opinion that this valley is especial ly adapted to tho Belgian hare indus try on account of climatic conditions. o Wanted: A name to be used in tho advertising of prunes from the Wil lamette valley that will bo as' suggest ive and poetic as the name "Snnkist" which has become a household wor sverywhoro in- the advertising of the California orange. At a meeting hold a fow days ago of members of the Com mercial -club, , in an address, tho sug gestion was, made, that the prunes of the northwest should advertise under one namo that wculd bo .suggestive of the fine Italian-prunos of tlie. .valley. Thoso having a suggestion might end it in to, tk,e Commercial club. . Tor the first time in the present gen eration, tlfo. walls of tlie city hall are receiving a coat of kalsomining and tho. wood work q. coat of paint. The old time board fence tat has surrounded "hs offico of,-City Treasurer Eice will be removed and the general appear ance of the office mado to ibok a little- more up to date. . ' o ' The new French class at the public library held its first meeting and first lesson last night with about fifteen members present. Prof. Kbscri is using one of the most popular methods in in struction. ' ' ' Singers' of all dogrees are going to be at a premium in Salem during tho next few weeks, as in addition to the regular work-, of the 'Apollo .clnib and tho People's chorus, tho various church os are at work upon elaborate Easter programs, which will include several oratorios and cantatas. - In ' preparation for the coming dra matic 'Contests for championship in tho high school, tho inter-cluss tryouts were held yesterday. A very good showing was nlndo by nearly all of tho contest ants," the '-winners being' 1 Kathleen Walsh Of the' sophomores, Hazel Long of' the juniors aud Vera Wright for the seniors. Tomorrow "afternoon thero will occur the tryouts for till! orator ical contest, which will , bo held in April. ' '-. :; . ' '- Miss Marvin, of the state library, is sues a request for -old .copies or cer tain magazines that arc necessary to wake np reference, files for the libra ry. Among 'thoso needed Rrc'-iho At lantic, Nation, Independent, New Re public and the Outldek. Any one hav ing on hand copies of these periodicals which they do not care to save will confer a favor by Contributing them to the library. Copies will be sent for if word is phoned to Miss Marvin. Men representing Portland capital ists are taking extensive options on coal lands lying west of Vader, Wasji'. The North Coast Power company has filed a now tariff with the public ser vice commission increasing streetcar fares from 5 to 7 cents, ' , Three Times : a Week For Three Weeks After the long winter months, too much rich food and too Kyle exercise?, practically everyone feels the neces sity for a good Spring Tonic and Blood"' Purifier. The v'ery .best spring, medi- -cine you can take is the king of tonio laxatives ' " , CELERY KING Three times a week or threo weeks, brew a up of this purely vegetable laxative tea and drink it just before retiring. Gently, yet effectively, it will drive out all impurities and not 'only mnko you feel better, tout look botcr, right away, giving you a sweet breath, clear skin and a healthy"appetite; IT'S A CINCH. FELLOWS The first here get the best Bargains in TRUNKS, BAGS, AND SUITCASES -I Our line is good, prices the lowest BURENS FURNITURE STORE Commercial Street . Phone 131 ! Mir a Coldwyn, Picture ? - " 1 41 mm &.jwi. ....... ..... r ., Co-Starring CORIKNERiLY" BARKER - A fonner Salem girl 3 Days Starting Thursday YE LIBERTY Why docs the average house-wife buy Because it is a well baked loaf. It is ai well flavored loaf. The most nutritive loaf. She can get HOLSUM BREAD fresh twice daily. Because it is made in Salem. HOLSUM is a home product. Chevv v. - . - y City 8T L