Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, March 24, 1919, Image 4

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    . ' '. M MuvuvvmwvwWvyvn'TNWTVYVYlW
Editor nd Publisher
Page of The Capital Journal
Published Every Evening Except Sunday, Salem, Oregon.
Address All CommtmicatioM To
(IbcUmlp Aflat flmrnal
136 8. Commercial St.
Saldier-Engineer Invents juies Cambon
New Home Heating Method Deals la Real Estate $ , , , Z , . '
Daily, by Carrier, per year $5.00 Per Month-
Emily by Mail, per year -$3.00 Per Month..
W D. Ward, New York, Tribnne Building.
W. II. Etockwell, Chicago, Peopled Gas Building
fie Daily Capital Journal carrier boyg are instructed to put the papers on the
poreh. If tho carrier does not do thin, misses 'you, or neglects getting the paper
to you on time, kindly phone the circulation manager, as thia if the only way
r can determine whether or not the carriers are following instructions. Phone
tl before 7:30 o'clock end a paper will be sent yon by special messenger if the
starrier has missed you. -
Is tho only newspaper la Balem whose circulation is guaranteed by the
, Audit Bureau Of Circulation
The week ot March 24 to 31 is to be devoted by the
Red Cross to the collection of cast-off American garments
to be sent to the refugees in Europe.
This should be hailed by every housekeeper in the
land, not only as an opportunity for worthy charity, but
for ridding herself of the burden of accumulated wearing
These are not the times for packing away anything
usable; there are too many needy ones all about. And
these are not times to practice a penny-wise, pound-foolish
economy, wasting time and energy in remarking what
might better be replaced. There are too many real things
to be done. . ...
It is also of the greatest importance right now that
the people in the, United States do all the buying they can
to stimulate trade and prevent hard times. So it is doubly
worth while to let the old go where it will do much good,
and buy new to help business in our own country and our
own community.
Anything which possibly can be spared, and which
would be suited to hard wearing conditions should go
into the Red Cross barrel. To dispose thus of the accu
mulations of clothing which would otherwise be unused
or unnecessarily used is to get the full benefit of that
quality of mercy which blesseth him that gives and him
that receives. , . f . .
During the past week the circulation of the Daily
Capital Journal has made very decided gains as the fol
lowing figures, taken from the Audit Bureau of Circula
tions records, will show: ;
MONDAY, MARCH 17,. - 5150
TUESDAY, MARCH 18.. ........5255
WEDNESDAY, MARCH 19.. ..... ..5240
THURSDAY, MARCH 20... :..:....:..::............5294
FRIDAY, MARCH 21............ 5325
SATURDAY, MARCH 22... : 5465
--"The circulation figures of the Daily Capital Journal
are audited regularly by the Audit Bureau of Circula
tions, of which all the leading daily newspapers of the
country are members. This organization was founded in
order that general advertisers might know exactly what
they were paying for when they bought advertising space
in a newspaper.. ........ . . -
1 ins new invention, called tne rauia- iH:
tor-Doner, win De especially useiui in;
farm houses, school houses, summer eot- Mary A Pettorf to HenrT Torvend,
tages, suburban railway stations, small;-,. D H gmitn lai .jj w.
dwellings in town or city, and iu largo ; .
city flats where each tenant has to sup-i '00.
ply his own heat. I J. L. Barber to Maggio Heltiuan, lot
Strangely enough, this is one of thejg, block 2, and lot 2, block 4, Logan
good things that has come from theville.
great war. . It is the invention of a sol-j Ida M. Babcock to L. H. Turner, part
dier engineer.- The heating of barracks of lot 4 and all of lot 5, Capital Park
and hospitals where there were no eel
lurs was a problem and it set him to
thinking. The result is a hot-water sys-1 and 2, block 5, Compton
tern that can be packed up and moved lorn. 300.
around almost as easily as the family! D. P. Wagnor to J. H. Albert, lot 16,
piuuo. From the radiator-boiler runs block 1, Parish addition "A."
addition, Kalem.
E. P. Bcrdine to Aug. Olson, lots 1
addition, ba
the piping to the radiatois in other
rooms nil heated by the same fire!
Here are some of the things he prom
ises it will do:
John F. Ttulcnt to Kathleen Talent,
lot 7, block 15, Yew Park.
Alfred Shar to Win. E. Hartman, lot
7, block 19, Hoh Hill addition to Hnitm.
i Most of the newspapers are opposing the State Cham
ber of Commerce scheme on the ground that Portland has
hogged everything so long that this move is considered
anoth'er scheme to get the state at large to put up $50,000
to be used in boosting Portland interests. A sample is
given in the collection being taken up to build a livestock
exposition pavilion in Portland, when as a matter of fact
Portland people never subscribed a dollar for anything
to be built or located in any other part of the state. Many
newspapers are very sore, too, because the people of Port
land passed a low, initiated by C. S. Jackson, of the Ore
gon Journal, fixing legalrates in all state papers, except
those in Portland, thus interfering with matters of no
concern to them, and backing up the petty spite work of
the Portland publisher. Naturally the State Chamber of
Commerce idea is having pretty hard sledding, because
the public well knows that if the headquarters of the
chamber was to be located in Salem, or any other up
state town, Portland people would not put up a dollar to
assist the movement.
- The so-called reconstruction plan, under which $5,
000,000 bonds will be voted by Oregon, needs reconstruc
tion worse than anything else we know of.
John A. Green, former president of the National Re
tail Grocers Association, thinks the day will come when
business done on credit must go. Says he, "Monuments
have been erected to the philanthropist who gave a few
dollars to the poor; but never a retail grocer who went
bankrupt giving credit to his customers."
The retail grocers do deserve a place in song and
story as the benefactors of their kind; for they have as a
class tided more unfortunate families over periods of
financial stringency than any other body of citizens.
It is a matter of shame that this privilege has been
abused so notoriously, and it is no wonder that the ten
dencv to place groceries on a cash basis is growing
As a basis for credit, if it is extended at all. Mr
Green suggests that the grocer inform himself of the cus
tomer's salary and confine himself to 20 per cent of that
sum. This is a suggestion made by a man long in tne
business, and if he says that a family spending more than
20 per cent of its income in groceries cannot be considered
.1 ;. ' J.L
nnanciany sounu, it is wurui consmemig.
If more people practiced just this careful apportion
ment of expenses to income it would check the tendency to
waste in buying and using, and put credit on a basis where
there would be fewer distracted debtbors, and fewer gro
cers deserving tablets in the Hall of Fameiu )
' ' ui iii - i r p .
-The navv Distinguished Service Medal was unan
imously chosen, according to Secretary Daniels. That
committee ought to have the Nobel Peace prize.
A Frenchman flew from Toulouse, France, to;Mor
rocco, a distance of 1,180 miles; in eleven hours. Probably
felt he hadn't a moment Toulouse. . . ,
-3: w...
Jules Cambon, one of the French
Peace Delegates. He was formerly
French Ambassador to Germany.
Save fuel only ono fire is needed, $100.
and tho 40 per cent of heat that a stove Alice Fisher to J. C. Clcarwaier, lot
wastes in tne stove pipe, is used to heat 1, block 79, Salem.
the water. S. Borideau to Clopas Sequin, lot 8,
Prevent fires for tho boiler, is water- block "26, Gervais. $325.
backed and it can stand on a wooden j J. E. Morback to F. J. Fesslcr, 35
floor with perfect safety. And the ceres in Jns. McKeo claim, 8-5-1 W.
legs are cast solid ana cannot be Knock-1 G. W. Patterson to Caroline fiarvcy,
uut tuu liiuiiiiui-uuuw niu iiut up o nun, ed vv quarter, ovv quarter, section
set. ; 18-8-3 W.
Lasting it will not wear out, burnJ E. 8. Longacre tp Norris Ames, 200
i out, warp liko a stove, or be found use-' acres in W, H. Hellman claim, ;-o-- W.
less if a building is altered. It can be ' Mary J. Buoll to Niles Digeruess, 54
enlarged or made smaier witu ease. acres in section 6-7-1 E. j
Saves money by saving fuel, saves C. K. Bigtjen to G. Patchen, lot 5,"
labor of clinibing Up and down stairs block 7, Capitol Park addition. j
and feeding many fires, saves doctor Lillian Fisher to Edith Drorbaugh, 1
bills by keeping all rooms at an equal lot 4, bluck-1, Boise addition.
temperature, and docs not have to be Zola Womack to B. F. Bogers itft 1,
rcnowca in a year or two. block o, Browns addition, Bilverton,
This invention marks another victory
for tho great mass of the people over lot 7, Sunnysido Fruit Farm,
hard living conditions. " I Jessie W. Stewart to Emile O. Au-
.jciiivi jubo x ttuu u. ut uitv view. I
M. C. Thompson to Hans Andcrsoit, gun at 3 o'clock with a band concert
98.75 acres in Sam Allen claim, 56-6-1 on the court house lawn, at which time
W. 450(). ...... lt. .
,, , .7 . 7, I . V . . i" opportunity was given me puopio
was tho sceno of a family reunion Sun- A. J. Hager to A. A. Hagor, 40 acres . . ? , ,- u .
day. evening, March 16th, in honor of iu Bon Hunkers claim, 52-8 2 W .to meet aU th r0tumcd sldier8- Bu9"
Sergeant John W. Eastburn wlio return-1 C. C. Liouallcn to Emma S. Cure, lots lness wag., practically suspended durit";
ed home from Camp Lewis Sunday 6, 7, 8 and 9, block' 24, Kailroad addi- the afternoon in ordor to give tn
morning having boen mustered out of tion, Jefferson. $500. Ipeoplo an opportunitv to honoi Jh
the 162nd dopot brigade Sergeant I Wm. Wolfe tn Albert Wolfe, lot 24. 1 ,.
"Alaska can pay the nation's war debt," says an
Alaska paper. That's fine! Go ahead. ; -
"A plane case of robbery 1" shrieks Germany as the
p.llies take her air fleet. - ,
By Walt Mason
I look on strife as out of place; it is absurd and a dis
grace, and sane men seldom need it; but I would like to
cumb the frame ot that galoot who signs his name so no
one else can read it. I think all men while dwelling here
should hand out smiles and words of cheer, and sing and
dance and fiddle; but I would like to use a club upon the
maple headed dub whose signature's a riddle. As tran
sient guests we tread our path and every sign of spite and
wrath we ought to check and muzzle; but I'd be glad if I
might slay the drooling idiotic jay whose signature's a
puzzle. This sort of fellow has his gall; I hate his fancy,
swirling crawl, I simply can't abide it. I wonder why a
liuman gink will fill his fountain pen with ink, and then
get up and ride it? Oh, does he think he'll make a hit by
throwing chirographic fit with asinine endeavor? And
loes he think that folks will say, "Beshrew us, this gym
nastic jay must be absurdly clever." My time is worth
two bones a day; I need it all to earn my pay, and I rear
up and grumble, and take the shotgun from the floor
when I run up against the bore whose signature's a jumble.
u. a ite vw i-V 4V-
"I want to bo your friend, Mrs.
Forbes if you ever should need one,"
Mr, Frederick was saying, "I am a
bluff man, but the'ro may como a time
when you will be able to make me of
uso. Will you promiso mo that if thoro
is such a timo, that you will send for
mo!" ho smiled at iue, but his eyes
woro serious.
1 almost laughed, it was so like ome
of tho stories I had rend. Was Mr.
Fredorick in love with met I dismissod
the thought at once. There hud been
absolutely nothing in his behavior to
suggest such a thing; and I blushed hot
ly at my egotistical thought. But why
should he bo melodramatic that was
what it iipcpured to mo. I lausrhed a lit
tle eiubarassed laugh, then replied:
"1 can't imagine a time when- I
should need you, anyone suve Mr.
PAYROLL money docs
more for a community
than any other kind.
The more payroll money
put in circulation In Ore
gon, the better off we are
all ot us.
Buying Oregon products,
Instead of Eastern products,
is the way to BUILD UP
and to KEEP UP Oregon's
HoMf Industry Isaoui f Orhoon
Forbes to do .anything for me, but 1
will promise that if such a time ever
comes I will remember what you have
He laid a card in my lap.
"That address will always reach mo.
A letter or wire there will find me
wherever I em." '
I made no reply. None was neoded.
But after Mr, Fredorick had loft me at
home, and bade mo good-bye because he
was leaving town that afternoon, I de
cided that he had come to sco me that
morning simply to say that if I needed
a friend, he would sorve me.
Again I asked myself "Why!"
It seemed at this time that my life
was mado up of interrogation points. I
was continually asking the why of
why of things but never getting an an
wor. Neil came homo about three o'clock
something so unusual for him, ta&t I
foared ho was ill. His face had gone
gray and haggard since the night bo
fore. When 1 .commenced to fuss over
him, he waved me aside, and said
'Tor heaven's sake, Bab, don't do
that! I came homo because I needed
rest. If you are going to rag me about
anything, I'll go back t0 the office."
"I did not mean to rag you, dear.
You loked tired and I felt anxious," I
was conciliatory, at usual.
"Well I am tired, dead tired. So
tired I don't want to talk to you or
anyone else." He threw himsolf opon
the lounge in tho library and closed his
eyes. But I knew he was not sleeping.
A spasm would occasionally cross his
face, and his hands were clenched un
til the knuckles stood out white and
sharp against the dark eover I had
thrown over him.
It was nearly two hours later when
he rose, bathed and dressed for dinner.
Ho was more liko himsolf, and when
Tonko had brought him his evening pa
per I ventured:
"Isn't it dreadful about Payne Or
tout" I could keep silence no longer. I
must knew something of his interest in
this man 's death.
' terrible. Poor Blanche. "
"Did she appear to feel very badly!"
Neil looked curiously at mo, as if he
did not grasp my meaning. I repeated
Tho home of Mrs. Mary Eastburn
Dallas, Mar. 24. The reception foe
Eichard Fonton to J. D. Alexander, the retUrnod Polk county soldiers and
f 7 Un...i1.awln V....! X1.. .... '
marines took plaice in Dallas Friday
afternoon and night. Tho reception bo-
Eastburn joined in 1917, and has seen
service overseas, arriving in the U. B.
in February, 1919.
West Woodburn. $800.
Geo. W. Hobbs to Hans Jorgenson,
30.5 acres in Joel Fuller claim, 26-6-1 W.
The evening was spent in music and $10,500.
various amusements, and a sumptuous! Henry Hatcher to Frank Crumps,
dinner enjoyed by all. There were 31 35.90 acres in Jos. Churchill claim 37-4-1
persons present, two of the Eastburn W. $5155,
boys, D. F., and Lindsey, were unable to
attend. Those present were:
Mrs. Mary Eastburn, Sergeant John
W, Eastburn and Chas. Eastburn; S. T.
Eastburn and family of Balem; Mrs.
Eosie Darby and daughtor, Slyvia, of
I am sitting sad and lonely 1
Thinking of the days that 's past
Stayton; F. A. Eastburn and family of In the twilight I am dreaming
Muuro; Mr. and Mrs. D. C. Drury off Of the joys that could not last
ocappooso; Miss vcrnita Koomsou or Ana a vision comes before me
Eugene; Mr. and Mrs. F. A. Garbe, Wm.
Myers and family, and Wm. Phillips
and family, all of Aumsvillc. Becord.
F. E. Yongcn and A. J. Smith were
Thursday circulating a numerously
signed petition for the designation of
a paved rood from Donald to the White
school via the Leabo place, as part of
the paved road from the Nowberg
bridge to tho Pacific highway. It is
claimed that it not only shortens the
distance but that it will also servo
mora people than any other route.
The petition ds designed to change
the route from tho tentatively desig
nated route from Donald to Aurora via
the Po tprFeller corners. The final
designation of the road will be made
by the mnrket roads committee in ple
nary spssion. The people along the
road tentatively designated claim that
it will serve the IbvAt interests of more
people than any other route. Hence it
is plain that tho matter will havo to
be threshed out before tho entire com
mittee. Aurora Observer.
Lieut. Irving L. Ragsdalel who left
here as a sergeant of Company I, died
in France February 21 of bronchial
pneumonia. Ho was in some of tho
hardest fighting in tho battles, of the
Argonnc, Chateau Thierry and the
Meuse sectors and was wounded anil
twice gassed. His home wa,9 in Klam
ath county. In a recently recoived let
ter by his mother he referred to his
marriage to a prMty French girl, which
he said was the culmination of a war
romance. He was cited for bravery in
battle and had been honored by a po
sition in the adjutant general's office,
in the code department, general Head
quarters. He was a native of Missouri,
:ll years of age, and bad boon an archi
tect, having been in business in Port
laud, Eugene and Klamath Falls.
my question.
"How do I knowt I haven't seen
hor. But it is natural to suppose such
a thing would be an awful shock t
I felt like singing, for joy. A terri
ble wcieht seemed to be lrfted from my
heart. Neil had not been with Blanche
Orton. Foolish me, to havo sat aU
nicht eatine mv heart out with fear
and jealousy. I would never mistrust
him ngain, I vowed, never condomn him
until I was sure.
"Mr. Frederick was here today," 1
said, lacking strength for anythiug'save
"Wrhat did he want!" a suspicious
glance at me.
"jNothing save to say good bye. He
is leaving this afternoon, I thought of
course you saw Mrs. Orton last night,
Neil, lou remember you went out as
soon as you had answered the phone. I
was so anxious when you did not re
turn." I hoped he miuht explain his
absence. '
''Trust a woman for putting her owa
construction upon everything a niaa
(Tomorrow Barbara Hears Gossip of
Blanche and Neil.)
Yet I know 'tis but a dream
'Tis a picturo in the wildwood
And a cottage by the stream
Iu the cottago by tho wildwood
I am Bitting all alone
I am waiting for a loved one
Who U far away from home
As I listen to tho wild birds
Binging up among the trees
And 1 hear amid the roses
Tho dull humming of the bees.
Hurk there is a gentle footstep
Coming thru the cottage door
And a chcory voice is calling
Calling mo his own once more (
Joyfully I Bpring to greet him
And my heart is beating fast
With his loving arms nroun oia
I forget tho dreary past
I can never more be lonely
For my life is liko a dream
With the ono I love so dearly
In tho cottage by the stream.
Yet 'tis but a foolish fancy
And I wipe tho tears away
I am sitting in the twilight
At the closing of tho day
Could I have just one wish granted
At the Dallas armory In the evening
ono of the biggest events in the his
tory of the city took place, when a
dance and reception were given the
boys. McElroy's band of Portland wa
engaged to furnish music for tho oc
casion. Tho armory was Jbcorated with
the national colors. A banquet for the
soldiers and invited guests was given
by the ladies of the Company L aux
iliary without charge, and all the iboys
took advantage of tho occasion. The
soldiers and marines appeared in fall
It would not be much is scorns
It would be with one who lpveB me
In the cottage bv the stream.
Miss Lena Baker, Salem.
The elements comprising the
body are constantly wearing out
and must be renewed daily, else
the outgo of strength exceedt
the income.
will help the tired business-man or
woman keep pace with the wear
1. t w ...
ana tear ot lire, zcott
nourishes the body, blood and
nerves, and helps maintain an
even balance of strength and
energy. Safe-guard your in
:om of ttrength with Scott's,
Scott & Bowne, Bloomfield. N. J,
By S. W. STRAUS. PmiJtnt Amrtcan Soeltly for Thiji
It is well to
remember at
all times and
especially in
these days of
economic re
adj ust men t
that tightfist
edncss and
thrift are not
by any means
f y 1 ad that barm
J i rf" ..J can be done to
i rr- mi 4u mirnrim lb , ) business if
thrift is en
couraged exclusively as a money-saving
practice. 1
For more than a year and a half
the business interests of the flonntry
have been carrying heavy le;His. These
bus:lciis have beca borne with splendid
loyalty and unselfishness. War-time
economics made necessary the elimin
tii of many foms of spending in
order that the man-power and mate
rial resources of the nation could be
placed solidly behind the war pre
These practices constituted . the
thrift of war savings anil no one can
sny that the people of America did
cot lucnsure up to the necessary re
quircmeuU. To-day w have entirely different
problems to fuee, and, in some re- -spects,
they are more complicated
thtn during the war period. The
- gvivrrnmt-nt must be supported in its
financial needs, and, at the same time, ;
it is essential that our rBerciiants and
manufacturers tie prrrn the eneour
ajcnjtnl of consistently liberal patron
ogc There are thousands of small
business firms that have just manage
to survive the war period. It is right
that they be given all possible com
sideration from the buying public ami
money hoarding is not jcoing to hel
There is just as much thrift in buy.
ing wisely as there is in saving wisely,
These are all matters of individual a
justment. Legitimate business, tin
arts, the sciencesi education and
whjlesome forms of diversion art
worthy of our financial support,
and it is our -duty to enconragt
them when we can afford to da
sa If we are at a loss to de
termine in our own minds whefher
such and such a practice mipht be
considered unthrifty, we can satisfy
ourselves by determining whether it
constitutes any form of waste. Any
practice that is wasteful should be
discouraRfd. But there art many
forms of spendini that are thorough
ly legitimate and desirable and should
be encouraged bwause of the peneral
good that will be accomplished by
tkem. Such practices constitntr the
greater thrift the broad, upbniMing
thrift upon which the future develop
ment of this nation depends.
These statements should not be
construed as being in any way antag
onistic to tile faithful practices ot
thrift tbat constitute the systematic
saving of a portion of one's income.
While the habit of saving moury is
worthy of every encouragement, it is
well to bear in mind that true thrift
does not consist entirely of saving,
and that in the ' administration of
one's affairs the obligations one owe
to general business' and to societ
must be given due consideration.