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About Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919 | View Entire Issue (March 24, 1919)
THE DAILY CAPITAL JOURNAL, SALEM, OREGON. MONDAY, MARCH 24, 1919. PAGE THREI I Workers in the ATTENTIO Th ng Drive Red Cross Used Clothi Get you bundles of used and surplus clothing ready, and we will collect them by automobile truck as follows : , TUESDAY State street to South City limits; 12th street to the river. WEDNESDAY State street to South City limits; 12 street to East City limits. . . ' ' . THURSDAY State street to North City limits; 12th Street to the River. FRIDAY State street to North City limits; 12th street to East City limits. DO NATORS Kindly place your bundles of clothing on the porch early in the morning. This will save time for the trucks, and no one need stay at home to wait for the clothing to be called for. SOLICITORS Please instruct all donators as above. ' SALEM HEADQUARTERS 123 North Commercial Street, Telephone 139. WILLAMETTE CHAPTER AMERICAN RED CRQSS - - - - i .H.1.IIIHH. im.nn-i V -nf ti ' trii tvnr iriflttrt---if"v- 1-1 --m--- Picked Up. On the Shreet A. A. LEE "No, I didn't read Sulli vuu's articles in Collier's with regard to tho conditions in France, but 1 re cently received a letter from my son, Lloyd, who is located at Tours, 1', and he touches upon that very subject, lie writes that .France is no place for our boys in their state of semi-idleness. NOSE CLOGGED FROM A COLD GR CATARRH Apply Cream in Nostrils Open Up Air Passages. To Ah I What relief I Your clogged nos trils pen right up, the air passages of yur keai are clear and you cam breathe freely. No more hawking, snuffling, mucous discharge, headache, dryaesa so struggling for breath at night, your cold or eatarrh is gone. All conditions there are different the . ?u't,gt7 ,ffed Gei ?ma11 futile vi uiy b vrauu iMiim ireun yvur druggist new. Apply a little of 'Ais fragrant, aatiseptio cream in your nos; ideals and moral standards aro differ ent. They cannot remain there Tor any great length of time without becoming affected by the atmosphere ana spirit of tho race. The quickor thoy are sent koine the better." . Another fact to be noticed is that the traveling men's registration has not only increased, but they and in fact, the majority of arrivals aro spending money much inoro freely than they used to. And I find that in talking with them that they are generally very opti mistic about the business outlook along the line; and not only that' but they have a good word to say about the busi ness future of Salem. " OLD RESIDENT "I have boon very close in touch with tho Salem schools just splendid, for many years past, and I think I am i ; safe in saying that they have made J trils, let it penetrate through every air gather that the banks were nover passage 01 tna lead; aootba and aeal the swollen, inflamed mucous membraae, ! KiTiag you instant relief. Kiy'g Uream Balm is just what every oold and ca tarrh sufferer lias been seeking. It's l L 1 jm BUPT. BENNETT, of the Banking I Department "From all the reports .that como int0 our office and from nil I my observations throughout the state, I gather that the banks head; sootha and heal hotter condition than they have been uurmjr me past year. .Even the heavy drains of the Liberty bond drives (and there were many cases where people borrowed money at tho reeula, rateu tn tako up bond payments) the clearings i and deposit records are kio-her f.h an Aim i ltftlnwn T : 1. jV. more real nroirress in the Dast three ' -..!-. i:, . .v. J1. inat a new class of . . . iu qiuei, iij.e ovou iu me nuiuw, iiioio u people are making deposits nonnln years than in any other penoa of their, tt I)0B8ibiiity of a great future before never saw a check bool W a history. The man at the head of them'tJt place as an ocean resort-if somojothe 'Zt is "urtle thie! is a master of organization and has capitalist will g0 ia thera aB(1 put up have been very feTcaZ of embarraSa brought them up to a high standard in buillUng9 and ftt,iUticB that wU1 attract! meat during the past yetr I tho face of a good deal of opposition.'.', tne better claS8 of tourists. I have , ' """j" . . (never seen a finer stretch of beach CAUSTIC ORTTTf "t ai W. C. HAWLEY-"This has been a aiollK the Oregon coast than you find importing its strew 7rJohTZ ll Tery strenuous -session of congress for there I antioinate that the o-ovorn- "k;i on Preaehl"K bv me. and I am elad to be back ii Oreeon ! l. ?' .LSt!,." 1 . !f, ? . b 6 ro? Polk county. I don't know ' . .i t - . . . iiii.-ruiyuavi iuw mo bhiuoo wiiat tne Drand is. but it' BnnA o,i lor a cnango. x was on tne committee ; 0ither be taken by the Southern raeifio charged with the appointment of com- j or bv some lumbering company, and ittees, and when you come to place two that is going to make business in that hundred and sixty-seven out of a possi-1 section. I notice that they aro agitat ble six hundred men, with due regard to ;g the matter of hard surface roads in personality, experience and gcographi- that vicinity, and that will help to at cal situation, you can imagine that it tract travel there." calls for some study and considerable! diplomacy. 'There are a great many! C. G. MILLEH" The hotel business problems in the district that require my js 0ne of the best indications in the personal attention and I presume I shall world as to business conditions general be kopt very busy during the next ly. If you take a look over the Marion mon'n- I hotel register sheets for the past few m- m TT,,r,o. " 'weeks you will find that our business W. T. JENKS "I have just roturned has increased fully fifty per cent ovor from a couple of weeks at Newport, this period last year, while our grill which U a protty good place to go lor patronage has increased 100 per cent. 2$X with its W coffee - like S flaw but pure S u cereal compo S I sitionaddssti and health to i ;i every meal ? A Requires little h r suar, .is ;: made- in a h lsjrioment !5f .:-lS .. ShfM k loud, and has its nerve along with it. Not such a bad plan either. There's a lot of loafers and nomn rin.toKtn business men that wouldn't ever get a hint about a hereafter any other way, never see tne inside of church. I'm wonderine what's the n.n.i tor with tho preachers in this town that iuy aon t get out with a bunch of singers ana try this sort of thing them selves. There's something less tiiau 50 different breeds of denominations in this town. It looks as though some of them would come alive enough to como out m the open and try to round up the crowd that never goes to church. Might - rvuu uuuj ouin ways. I've been in some of the leading churches hero on Sunday night when the congregation looked like the ehoir and the choir con sisted of one auburn-haired lady and the organist, If they can't get the crowd into the churches they had bettor get out where the crowd is. There are a lot of people who would tnn t l.. preaching and singing in the open that I i arag into a church with a lariat." Next time you rent a flat or a house, go to the cellar first. Ex amine the heating and the domestic hot water supply out fits. The name "IDEAL" cast on their fire-door s is your guar antee of 5700 hours of annual winter comfort and fuel econ omy which-will endure for 50 years or more. Tenants can easily pay 15 more rental for property thus sanitarily and scientifically warmed. Stop pay ing the price of postponement ' act now and thereby change your house into a home! b ' )fcsL jlOr Lrtti i 'ThiS heating settles it I Let's take it" JVC T 1 hese outfits put genuine com- lil . lUyiVifUl jC 11L1L fort into your building and keep 1 1KADIAT0RS IBOILERS up its rental and sales value- The comfort and economy which IDEAL Boilers and AMERICAN Radiators invariably produce have settled thousands of long-standing disputes between coal dealers and their customers. Every coal dealer knows that with these IDEAL-AMERICAN outfits you'll have "no kick coming." T.hese outfits bring the cost of heating down to the lowest possible notch. Besides, the little care-taking and the cleanliness save A greatly in housework, and stop ash-dust damage to furnishings! m Vac- The Arco Wand mim Cleaner ia cellar-oet and piped from floor to floor. Put la any new or old borne, par t mentj hotels, of fice build-ings.with-out tear ins op, Folly guaranteed. Lasts for yean. Sold on Easy Payments. Prices reduced 20. Send for catalog. Don't wait for the rush of Fall to put in IDEAL Heating We have made a 25 reduction in prices to quicken and increase new building and remodeling, thus meeting the popular demand to stimulate reconstruction work for demobilized men. , Therefore, no need for you to postpone enjoying at once IDEAL-AMERICAN Heating. Don't go through another Winter without remodeling your home, tore; flats; shop; school, or church by putting in IDEAL-AMERICAN heating! Quickly placed in old or new buildings. Ask for free book "Ideal Heating.'! Let us serve you now and enjoy as long as you live the great earning power of this outfit I 'fiDEAlt j?aMfflWQ) IDEAL. BoUtra have large fuel poU In whkn the air end coal gawa thoroughly mix aa In m modern gaa or oil man- ' tie or burner, thua ex. trading every bit of the heat from the rueb Baiter to rua than a stove. SoM by aU dealer. No exclusive agent FubUc American Iiator f oapany New Yack, Baetao, fWdenee, Woreeeter, Phlledelphla, Harrleburc. Newark. WIlkMbarre. Baltimore. Waihlnaton. R!. Write Department S-48 1219-1221 Fourth Ave Seattle PmriAtBCA. WorcMttT. PhHerUlrAie. T7ar-(HK..a Vamb 1Um,mm D.I.IMM. nr..t,f.. Bt.l - An a n a. . . . Lculi. Keaae! City. Pea Moines. OaaLa. leaver. 8a Ftandeco. Loe Angelee. Bcattle. Sgokm, Portland. Toronto, toantiwd (Ont.) (PS- M. W .89. - W. .ffV. J. t. Mm mm m Mi M tm an an mm u u H WMH f WILLI WEET WAR RISK NEEDS ilk Ansosscciscst Was lade Today By Secretary Of Treassry Qass. Hayesville Snuday School Convention The Haysville Sunday school conven tion will be helrl at CA ipmnwa novf Dim. day, March 30th. Harold F. Humbert, general secretary 0f the Oregon Sunday School association will gpeak both morn- "17 aim arternoon. A number of other Eood speakers are on the program. Music will be furnished by the Cho niawa association. A choir nf Tni!on ((iris is going; to sing a.nd students of me Willamette university will give a number of selections. Evervnnn ;a da,. dially invited to attend. A ETPE OLD AGE Morrig Johnson, one of Silverton's piuEvr lurmvrg, ceieorated his sev enty fifth birthdav flnniverftarv a. fntr days ago at his home near this city. Jn speaking f his advanced years Mr. Johnson said: "1 sometimn- -wnn. der that I have lived so long when I look back to the three years and more of service I gave to this country during the war, and think of the hard- ships endured. Sleeping out in the rain and snow, as we did, and having lit tle to eat at times was enough to shorten one's) life by at least a ai-ore of years." But with all this Mr. John son is comparatively strong and full of hope for nie future. Silverton Tribune. Washington, March Wilson will allot sufficien his own emergency fund to meet the needs of the war risk insurance bureau, Secretary Glass annouced today. The prcsidet's decision was received by Glass by cable this morning.- This means the work of caring for soldiers' and sailors' allotments, al ready suffering from delays, will be al lowed to continue. Some two thousand employes of the bureau, however, had been discharged beforo the call for help was sent out by Glass and the answer received. The president's cttlilo did not mako and measures clear the amount which will be appor tioned to the war rik bureau, officials stated. Secretary Glass Baid, however, approximately $5,000,000 will be re quired to tide the bureau over until Julyl. The funds required are for adminis trative expenses of the bureau. Direct payments on allotments, allowances and insurance were not affected by the fail ure of congress t0 pass emergency ap propriation measures, Officials said that had not this fund I been made available by the president, there was a grave possibility that the upon It's a Goldwyn , yicrurv i JOURNAL WANT ADS PAY y. " Cat iiMi'nliraa.iliaji Co-Starring CCRIME "RIELY" BARKER A former Salem girl Days Starting Thursday YE LIBERTY ' 24 President 1 s Krttve poBsioiuiy mat tne , , .bureau would have had to suspend its nt funds from work about M&y x Nine Measures Will Come To Vote At hue 3 Election In keeping with the provisions of the state law, providing that any meas ure referred to the people by tho legislature- referred to the people by the legislative assembly shnll bn numbered in tho order in which such measures are filed in the office of the secre tary of state. Deputy Secretary 8:un Kozer yesterday ussigned the ballot numbers to the various constitutional amendments and measures which ore referred to the people at tho special election to he held June 3, 1919. Titles and numbers follow: Six per cent county indebtedness for permanent roads (H. J. H 11) 300 yes, 301, no. ' ' Industrial and reconntruction hopi'a,l amendment (H. J. R. 20), 302 yes, 303 no. Stato bond payment of irrigation and drainago district bend interest (II. J. It 32), 304 yes, 305, no. Five million dollar reconstruction bonding amendment (H. J. K. 25), 300 yes, 307 no. Lieutenant governor constitutional amendment (H. J. K. 31), 30S yes, 30!) no. The Roosevelt coast military highway bill (H. B 147), 310 yes 311 no. Reconstruction bonding bill (,H. B. 200), 312 yes, 313 no. Soldiers, sailors and marines educa tional financial aid bill (H. B. 269), 314 yes, 315, no. Market roads tax bill (S. B. 283), 316 yes, 317 no After March 24, tho last day for filing arguments or statements favoring or opposing any of the amendments which the people will vote on June 3 11)19, the printing of tho pamphlet, together with any arguments which may be filed favoring or opposing tho measures, will be taken up and copies thereof mailed to the registered votors of the state as re quired by the law providing for the holding of special elections. BOLD STOCK B WITH PERMIT Portland, Or., March ' 22. Harry Quinn, prominent Seattle broker, a member of the firm of . Flunmgau & Quinn, and W. J. f'iekarde, tho Port land agent, are under bonds today. Quinn and Pickardo were arrcstod hero yestorday on tho chargo of selling stock without a permit from tho state corporation commissioner. They are al leged to have sold $50,000 worth of stock of the Hercules Copper Mine com pany in Fortland. The defendants claim that Hercules is a real mino In eastern Oregon and that gold and copper have been located in tho holo. TOTAL MARINE CASUALTIES Washington, March 24. Total marine corps casualties numbered 11.309 up to March 19, the navy department an nounced today. Dead totalled 2518; wounded, 8570"; missing, 215. Tho dead of and those killed wounds numbered 723 in action 1507. J.Ai. " A carload of 7-foot Split Cedar Posts of splendid quality. See them before placing your order. Our line of BULK KALSOMINE in all shades as well as all kinds of house, bam and roof PAINTS is the most complete in the city. Give us a call. FALLSCITY -swiLunco. ' Everything in Building Material" Phones: West Salem, 414 Salem 813 A. B. KELSAY, Mgr 349 S. 12th Street