Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, March 24, 1919, Page PAGE TWO, Image 2

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Stops Medicine Health
Recovered By Internal Baths
.r . f 1 ' If
William Eobinson Boone, eonccrt or- brother MaJUoa Kiehols. A bounti
auist of Portland, ig to be heard in , oua wedding dinner was served. Mr.
n organ recital Tueeday evening, d lira. Kichols left on an evening
April 1st, at the First Methodist ;
church. Mr. Boone is an accomplished
muwioian ana a lormer aeaa or !'-e
Oregon chapter of the American Guild
of Organists.
Kathyrn Cryslcr Street, one of Fort
land's most charming contralto solo
ists, will assist is the program. Mrs.
Street has been heard in Salem previ
ously and hat -won her way into the
hearts of her listeners. A musical treat
is in store for Salem people.
This eonccrt is being fostered by tne
Tuesday Musical elub of this city and
. J . .... "
is a benelit lor tne Armenians.
With a number of the members of
the clufl home from overseas, the din-.
Her dance for which the Julius Caes-J
sr were hosts at tbo Marion hotel
Saturday night was ono of the gayest
events in the history of the organiza
tion. Dainty primroses formed the aim
pie and elegant table decorations.
Tatrong and patronesses of tho dance
were Mr. and Mrs. Bryan Goodenough,
Mr. and Mrs. Baryta Proctor, Mr.
and Mrs. W. I. Staley ajid Mr. and Mrs.
H. Hockert.
A very pretty homo wedding occur
red Sunday afternoon jet the residence
of Mr. end Mrs. J. L. Tucker ou the
asylum Toad, when tlinir eldeirt daugh.
tor, Mary Dorothea Tucker, was mar
ried to Cass A. Nichols, a ranchman of
Fruitland. The ceremony was perform
ed by Rev. II. N. Aldrich in the ptos
ence of the immediate relatives of the
eontracting parties. The bride was
Iteautiful, in a dress of white crepe
de chine handsomely embroidered and
carried a shower bouquet of whito car
nations and maiden hair fern She
wag attended iby her sister, Miss Ruth
Tuckor, who wore a dress of white
fiwisg mull. The wedding inarch was
played by liitle Miss Francos Tucker,
to the strains of which the bridal par
ty enlerod the parlor, the bride coming
with her father, who gave her away.
Tho groom is a son of Mr. and Mrs, J.
M. JSichols of Fruitland, and was re
eontly discharged from the S. A. T. O.
t 'tho Oregon Agricultural college, llo
was attouded in the ceremony by is
For Skin Tortures
Dont worry about eczema or other
skin troubles, You can have a clear,
healthy skin by using Zemo, obtained
at any drug store for 30c, or extra large
bottle at $1.00.
' Zemo generally removes pimples,
blackheads, blotches, eczema and ring
worm and makes the skin clear nnd
healthy. Zemo is a clean, penetrating,
antiseptic liquid, neither sticky nor
greasy and stains nothing. It is easily
applied and costs a mere trifle for each
application. It is always dependable.
The E. W. Rose Co., Cloveland, 0.
Bonny Boots for Spring
This handsome, all leather, Havana brown kid,
lace, imitation tip,' military heel, welted sole a
strictly high grade shoe (as illustrated) $8.75
The same in a winsome gray but with
Louis heel ......$8.85
New Bed Spreads
We have never before shown such Spreadsnever
such quality and elegant finish.
Heavy, highly finished Imported Spreads, 90x
99 inches, scalloped edge and cut corners in:
Beautiful ribbed striped design $12.65
' Tulip design $11.75
Domestic Spreads, not as high grade but of the same
type in various sizes and numerous patterns,
up to '. - - $9.85
Square, straight hem Marseilles spread $3.75 to $6.45
Crochet spreads, full size , $1.75 to $3.75
Crochet spreads for three quarter beds $1.25 to $1.75
New Cretans
I In wonderful assortment ot patterns and colorings at, yard- 25 to $1.25
X IIS JtAJ All IB an VUUSBt uvw
T term Being printed ou both stdtja
I ai-dhmrv kinds. Yard .
I -
r a vish. who re u in
"rX. "(! wiu e at nome
on Air.
Nichols' dairy ranch , at Gecr, after
April first. Those present were Mr.
and Mrs. J. L. Tucker, the Misses Ruth
and Frances Tucker, Mr. and Mrs. J.
M. Nichols, Miss Lucy Kichols, Madi
son Nichols, Mrs T. B. Montgomery,
C. H. Montgomery, Miss Harriett
Wolfe, Kev. H. N. Aldrich and Mr.
and Mrs. Frank L Emery of Portland.
Mr. and Mrs. Julius Pincus of Port-
, land were guests over the week end of
ill -nA Tu T T? T.inn fit Ihn Marion
- " '
With Mrs. Irvin Griffith as presi
dent and Mrs. Thomas Kav as secre
tary, a aocioty known as the Piety Hill
ws,s formed last week at the homo of
Mt Grace Eoff. The first official act
of the society was the adoption of two
Unr orphans. The ladis present at the
initial meeting wore, Mrs. Patton,
Mrs. T. B. Kay, Mrs. Charles Robison,
Mrs. E. S Barnes, Mrs E. Harpley, Mrs i
Frank tiponeer, Mrs. E. C. Cross, Mrs. 1
jrvin uruiitn, sirs vviuiani jirown,
Mrs C. K. Siiaulding, Mrs. U. G. Ship
ley, Mrs. John H. Scott, Mrs William
Kirk, Mrs Frank Powers and Mrs.
Graco Eoff. The club will meet every
two weeks.
C. D. Higgins of Berkeley, Califor
nia, arrived last evening for visit
with his sisters, Mrs. 1. O. Curtis and
Mm. J, 8. Austin of 1743 State street.
His coming eomplotes a family circle,
as another brother, C. C, Higgins, of
Poison, Montana, and Misg Margaro
Higgins of Oregon Agricultural college
are also- guests of Mrs. Curtis and Mrs.
Saturday evening Mr. and Mrs. Boy
Hewitt entortuiued a coterie of friends
informally, cards and music forming
tho everting' amusements. The color
schomo affected in the decorations of
yellow daffodils was carried out in
ices also. Guests at tho charming af
fair were Mr. and Mrs, Ronald Glover,
Mr. and Mrs. Roy Shields, Mr. and
Mrs. Juntos Of. Hcltzel, Mr. and Mrs.
Albert Howard, Mr and Mrs Howard
Miller and W. C. Unise.
Paul Bcalo Taylor and Miss Edna
Lillian Bryant, recently of Los Ange
les, California, wore united in mar
riago Satyrday evening, at the Leslie
Mothodist Episcopal parsonage. Rev.
Horace N, Aldrich, assisted by Rev.
A. Sterling Barner, officiating, using
tho full ring oereniony. The bride was
charming, in a gown of white georgujte
cropd and carried a shower bouquet of
which (Friesha, with streamers. Preced
ing tho ceremony Miss G-ertrude Aid
rich sang "I Lovo You Truly," ac
companied by Mrs. John B. Inuoh.
Mr. Taylor has had charge of the ichor-
us and has dono the solo work in the
evangelistic services which have bceri
Ul unvu iwui u wvw uw V
gives it an added advantage over
ttvvt4 I rvM
hold in the- Leslie Methodist chnreh
during the past two weeks, and is
director and singer of national fame,
having done similar work across the
continent with his father, Rev. George
W. Taylor, a noted evangelist whs eon
ducted a series of meetings in Salem
ten years ago. Mrs. Taylor i a splen
did pianist, and will travel witn her
husband in his evangelistic work with
Rev A. Sterling Barner, D. B., with
whom he will begin a series of meet
ings this week in the First Baptist
church, Gcorgo F Holt, D. D, pastor.
Mrs. Taylor resigned her position as
pianist in the Trinity Methodist Epis
copal church, Los Angeles, to begin
her difo work here, with Mr. Taylor.
At present they are guests of Rev. and
Mrs .H. N. Aldrich, 348 Myers street.
The Happy Hour Bridge club will
meet at the home of Mrs , John H.
Scott Wednesday afternoon. This will
be its first meeting' since the war.
Mrs. L F. Griffith is in Portland to
day attending the 79th birthday anni
versary of Phil Metschan ana the ua
anniversary of Phil Metschan, Jr.
The f ive son8 and four daughters of
Mr, Metschan Sr., as also his sitser,
Miss Anna Motschan of Tacoma, will
bo present. Out of town relatives who
have arrived are Mrs. George H. Chat
tanach of Canyon City,- Mr. and Mrs.
J. E. (Flanuors, who have the U. S. A.
as their home since Mr. Flanders ig in
govenment service; Mrs. Emelia Mere
dith of Yakima, Wash.; Mr. and Mrs.
Frank Motschan of Klamath Full and
Mrs. L. F. Griffith of Salem.
Mrs. E. C. Patton and daughtor, r.u-
ella, have returned from a two weeks
visit at Portland. They were accom
panied by Eula McCully of Hood Rivor
Among the Salem people registered
in Portland hotels- over the week end
are Frank K. Lovell at the imperial,
and II. .S.. Gile at the Seward. Mr.
Lovell has been employed in the office
of the secretary of state for a number,
of years and Mr. Gilc is one of the
men who have made aniem Known to
the world and placed the juice of logan
berries on the table of the nation.
Mrs. Goorgo 'Pierce and Miss Doro
thy Pierco were gut'Bts of Miss Helen
Pierce in Portland over the week end.
Colonel and Mrs. E. Hofer, R. M.
Hofer and L. F. Hofer of Salem pass
ed several days at the Hotel Portland
during the past week. Colonel Hofer is
ono of the pioneer newspaper men of
tho state is now can or ot a commercial
. - y
Members of tho Salem Women's
Press club wore guests at a "Mod Tea
Party" last evening at the home of
Mr. and Mrs. E. A. McElvain on South
Liberty, for which Mrs. Burton. A. My
ers and Miss Gortrudo Robison were
ioint hostesses. The decorations were
of orango and green, the table toeing
centered with an art basket of mari
golds, anil the place cards adorned
with hand painted teapots. An "Alice
in Wonderland" idea wag carried out
as nearly as possiblo in the menus and
evening amusements. An espociauy oe
liirhtful feature was the clever read
ing by Miss Liicilo Elliott. Members
of the club who were present were,
ifrs. Byron F. Brunk, Miss Carol 8,
Dibble," Miss Lucile Elliott, Mis I'm
cile Watson, Miss Lucilo Saunders
Kiss Doris Sikes, Mrs. Burton A. My
erg and MU Gertrude RobiBon.
Last Friday evening a reception was
held for Mr. and Mrs. R. L. Putnam in
the church parlors of the Court street
church f :imst. Daffodils and ure
gon grapo formed the artistic decora
tions for the affair. A largo delegation
from tho First Christian ichureh was
present and the following program was
presented, after which refreshments of
punch and wafers were serveo:
Violin solo "Carnival of Venice,'
Winona Smith, accompanied by Miss
Recitation Alias Howard.
Kocitation " Assisting Uncle Joe,'
Grave Von Behren.
Violin solo ''Beethoven's Minuet,'
Miss 8mith.
Address Bev. Lelund W. Porter.
Addross-r-Mr. Burns.
Response by tho pastor.
Mr. and Mrs. W. T. Jenks and fam
ilv. who have been en.ioving a two
weeks' ouling at -Newport nave re-
turneu 10 tnuir nuiue iu cumrm.
Mrs E. E. Waters entertained her
daughter, Mrs. W. C. Knighton, of Port
laud Sunday. -
Littlo Kntlicrine, ihe two year ld
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Ivin
sor of tho Crooked Finger district, died
at a Salem hospital Monday. The child
had been sick for Borne time and was
brought to this city about a weea ago
for treatment and later taken to Sa
lem. Tho parents are heartbroken over
the loss of their little girl. Funeral
services were held from the Jack ctiap
1 hrrn Wednesday and burial was
mndn in the Silvorton cemetery. Mr.
and Mrs. Kinser only recently moved
to their homestead in the above nam
ed distrU-t. -Silverton Appeal.
Amerongen, Holland, March 4. The
Butch guard about tho kaiser's rcsl
donce hero was reinforced today as the
result of the receipt of letters threat
ening his ble. nuhelm was also saia
to have loeeived a warning telegram
from a friend.
To Cure a Cold in One Dy
(Tablets.) It stops ta l ough ana
'Headache and work of the Cold. E.
W. UROVt'H signature on each box.t
M.T. a. uwirnecsi, mi juiBiigumcij j
St., San Franeisf o, Cal -writes Tyr
rell's Hygienic Institute of Sew York;
as follows:
"I must admit that the use of the'
' J. B. L. Cascade' has eured my chron
ic constipation from which I suffered.
Since May 12, 1913, I have never even
tasted any kind of patent medicine or
purgative. My bealth is excellent in
every respect."
Over half a million bright, keen, in
telligent Americans have found that In
ternal Bathing is more essential to
their health than- external foaths
Hst found that used occasionally
at night they feel like different peo
ple the next marnmg. Ne more of that
bilious, tired, nervous feeling, but hav,
ing by Nature 's own cleanser antisep
tic water1 removed all the poisonous
waste from the lower intestine, they
awake thoroughly refreshed by nor
mal sleep, with all their functions act
ing properly, clear headed, happy and
confident, eager and capable for the
duties of the day.
Why not learn more about this rap
idly growing and natural practice The
"J. B. L. Cascade" is the invention
of Chas. A. Tyrrell, M. D., of New
York, a specialist on internal baths
for 25 vears and is now being shown
and explained by Daniel J. Fry, whole-
sal edruggist and mtg pnarniacisi,
iora, Oregon, who will give you ifree
on request an interesting booklet on
tho subject galled " Why Man of To
day is Only 50 per cent Efficient."
Governor Olcott May
Serve Unexpired Term
Ben W. Oleott is governor in fact. Ho
holds his office as governor for the un
expired term of the late Uovernor
Withycombe. He can resign his dual
office of secretary of state, at the same
time retaining the office of governor
to which he ascended upon the death of
Governor Withyeombe.
This, in brief, is the gist .of the opin
ion of Attorney General Brown, handed
down late Saturday. : '
After an exhaustive examination of
the law and tho decisions of the courts
Attorney General Brown takes this po
sition and advises that an early judicial
decision of the question be sougut and
seeured because of the importance of
the questions in-wived and of the publie
policy demanding that there be three
men upon the board of control, if it is
possible to bring this about. He bases
is opinion upon the law as set out in
the -case of Earhartvs. Chadwick, decid
ed by the supreme court of this state,
and considered and distinguished in oth-
or leading cases in point from other
In summing up his findings, Attorney
General Brown says: -
I conclude as I began: That you
are the governor; that you are also sec
retary of state; that these are two uis
tinct and separate offices; that you
have the right to resign the office of
secretary of state, and as governor, ap
point your successor as secretary of
state. ' s
By reason of tho importance of youf
office I think it advisable to have a
judicial determination of tho questions
vou have submitted to me for opinion.
I am going to suggest that the state
treasurer refuse to pay your salary ns
governor. Tou can then institute a pre
ceding in mandamus In the- supreme
court as a court of original jurisdiction,
This will bring before the court a real
and not a fictitious caso. .Our highest
court can then cither affirm or dis
affirm tho doctrina enunciated by our
court in Chadwick vs. Barhart supra.
Our supremo court recognizes the
fact that it is maintained by the peo
ple for the welfare of the people and
no doubt would bo willing to pass upon
any legitimate question that would be
raised and which involved the admims
trntion of the laws bv-its hief esceeu
five. The Oregon supreme court is a
progressive court and is always ready to
serve the public by administering the
law within the limits of established
law." - .
Those comfortable, straight-hanging
frocks of last year bid (air to
hold their own In the frocks ot com
Ing spring and summer. This frock
ts ot dull blue and white flgure-i
foulard combined j,'ith a . rough
weave sports silk. "The sleeves which
are Hoed with the white silk are
short and Carta- as Is the tendency
of so many of the sprint design.
Jjr IU B . :
Pig Club Organizes At
Meeting Held Saturday
At the meeting of the boys' and girls'
pif club held Saturday afternoon at
the auditorium "of the Commercial club,
Thomas Brunk of Polk county cautioned
members of the club against overfeed
ing. Ho said too much food produced a
flabby, loose built hoe without none
enough to hold it np.
With the election of Elmer Both ns
president, Frank Eggler as vice-presi
dent and Francis Smith as secretary,
the club proceeded to organize as a
standard club with the following mem
bers: Albert Br.nks, Sari Eamseyer, Elvin
Foster, Both Bartruff, Carroll Robin
son, Virginia Van Cleave, Theresa Bart
ruff, Francis Smith, Nichols Brankley,
William Drager, Myrtle Cook, Viola
Cook, Alice Cornelius, Ivy Both, Eva
Benjamin, Marian Matthes, Edward
Matthes, Delmcr Wilson, Jiramie Muno,
Herbert Foster, Otto Engdnhl, Oliver
Byerly, Walter Bahnsen, Fleda Shep
herd, Lucille Kobinson, Kenneth Shult,
James 8etak, Harris Smith, Gladys
Cook, Elmer Both, Lillio Bartruff,
Daisy Collins, Margucrete Matthes,
An Economical Food
A Wholesome Food
A Building Food
Ready-to-Wear Garments
. Ready-to-Use Articles
Fcniffiiiie Wear and Feminine Articles Exclusively
The kaleidoscope of style has turned with such
swiftness this season and the world of feminine fash
ion (manges so quickly thatyou must be sure of the
mode to be in pace with the fashion of the hour. .
Every woman wants the very latest in style and
what feminine heart but what beats quicker at the
thought of gettm gthe very newest styles at a moder
ated price? '
Box Suits ...... $24.75 to $44.75
Tube Suits .I... $34.75 to $57.50 '
Blouse Suits .'.. $24.75 to $34.75
Silk Dresses ,. .; $12.45 to $65.00
Crepe Dresses $24.75 to $55.00
Fabric Dresses ,$16.48 to $42.50
Coats ......$12.48 to $65.00
DoImans $24.75 to $55.00
CaPes - - -. ..L.$19.75 to $24.75
Lingerie Waists 98c to $12.50
Crepe Waists $3.98 to $14.75
Silk Petticoats .$3.98 to $12.50 "
Sport Sweaters $6.48 to $19.75
. Slip-on Sweaters $3.98 to $7.50
- Sport Skirts ....$9.75 to $19.75
Carter's Knit Underwear, Kayser's Knit Underwear,
Onyx Hosiery, Phoenix Silk Hosiery, Alexandre Kid
Gloves, Fabric Gloves, New Large Size Laundered Col
lars, Novelty Neckwear, Hair Bow Ribbon's, Crepe de
Chine Underwear, Muslin Underwear, Toilet Articles
Leather Hand Bags Parisian Ivory; Stationery.
"Where Shopping Is a Pleasure"
y. G. Shipley Co.
Liberty Street
Quality Merchandise Popular Prices
Vernon Kusel, B. H. Olcson, Lyle Bains,
Don't Know Exactly What
To Do With German Helmets
San Francisco, March 24, Do west
ern patriots wish to use German aelmets
for cuspidors! Or just what do they
think is the best use to be maie of the
8,000 Hun head protectors that are to
be distributed in the Twelfth reserve
district during the victory loan cam
paign? " '
This is a question the loan committee
wishes answered. Likewise it is open
to suggestion as to the method of dis-:
tributing the souvenirs. Owing to the
limited number, there will not be
enough helmets to provide for even half,
of tho bond buyers. And opposing the!
sajrestion that the souvenirs to given
to buyers of $1000 or' more in bonds is j
the charge that such a plnn would be
discriminating against people of small
er means, who gave as much proportion
ately as the wealthy. '
The question may be decided by giv
ing one of the war relics to communi
ties surpassing their quotas as a trophy
for their community archives.
t'nder date of February 4, 1919, Lee
Berrv writes his parents that he is still
in the hospital at Coblenz, Oermany,
though feeling pretty good at this time
and thinks he is nearly well and
thought he would be out in a week.
This proved to be a mistake, howev
er, as the next letter said he feared he
would not be out of the hospital for
some time. His greatest trouble was
getting mail from home, the last he re
ceived was December 21, and "that
was a long time to go without mail."
It seems that the word it given out
ever so often that they are to leave
there and when the time come there
is nothing doing. This has happened so
1 -t
j often that it is considered a big jok .-
ile says 'the foy are getting awliuiy
tired of .Germany. Hubbard Enter
Bobert Wray came home Sunday. Ho
was mustered out at Camp Lewis after
returning from France with the 05th,
artillery. Had the war lasted two
weeks longer ho would have gotten op
to the front. A it was he failed to .
see any action. Two other of the Wray
boys are in' the service. Paul enlisteil
from high school and wag in the thick
of the fiht for six months. He is with,
the army of occupation and is slated
for return next mcnth. Frank is with
the marines in Cuba. Silverton Ap
peal. iCH UPSET?
Get at the Real Cause Take Dr.
Edwards' Olive Tablets
That's what thousands of stomach
sufferers are doing now. Instead of
taking tonics, or trying to patch up a
poor digestion, they ere attacking tho
real causs cf the ailment clogged liver
and disordered bowel
Dr. Edwards' Olive Tablets arouse tie
liver in a soothing, heslins way. When
the liver and bowels are perforEinj? their
natural functions, away goes indigestion
and stomach troubles.
If you have a bad taste is your
mouth, taisce coated, eppetite poor,
lazy, don'te feeling, no ambition or
energy, troubled with undigested foods,
you sb.cu!d fcke Clive Tablets, the sub
stitute far calomel.
Dr. Luward3 Olive Tablets are O
purely vegetable compound mixed with
cUve oiL You will know' them by their
dive color. They do the work without
(piping, cramps or pain.
Take cne or two at bedtime for quick
relief, so you can est what you like.
At jsk and 25c per bos, All druggists.