5250 CIRCULATION. (25 000 KEADERS DAILY) Only Circulation in Salem Guar anteed by the Audit Bureau of Circulations. FULL LEASED WIRE. DISPATCHES SPECIAL WILLAMETTE VAL LEY NEWS SEKVICE. m sJ Weather Report. 5 Orrgom: Tonight and Tucs- day fair, light northerly winds - ' - rfir our oi cr ELbfiToOTMr FORTY-SECOND YEAR NO. 60. SALEM, OREGON, MONDAY, MARCH 24, 1919. PRICE TWO CENTS ON TRAINS AND NW STANDS FIVE CENTS CLKK. lit L IU jt'M H HUpi SOV lET-REPUBLIC "t- " . ' i i WIRELESS TO LEKINE ASKING FOR AID TO BATTLE AGAINST ALLIED FORCES Russian Bolshevik Lead-:? Reported That He Was Delighted With Hungary's Aetica.-His Representatives Have Formed SoriaEstic-CoKffiistic Ministry To Conduct Affairs Of New Government. Hungary, forming a soviet republic in alliance with the Russian bolsheviki, has declared war on the allies, ac cording to dispatches from Budapest today. A soviet army of seventy thousand, under General Georgey is reported to have crossed the Russian frontier into Hungarian Galicia and to be marching on Lemberg, now held by the Poles. - Other bolshevik detachments are said to be moving toward Budapest to aid the Hungarians in resisting the aHies, whose forces are now scattered throughout Hun gary. These are believed to be only the advance guard of a huge bolshevik army which Premier Lenine will send into Hungary within a few weeks. " The allies have sent a fleet of monitors up the Danube from Belgrade in an effort to reach Budapest, capital of Hungary. "While there has been some disorder in Buda pest, American diplomatic advices received in Paris stat ed that allied and American representatives are safe. President Karolyi, resigning in favor of ' a soviet communist coalition government, declared he was turning Hun ffarv over to the radicals because the allies are con centrating their forces in Hungary to attack the Russian soviet republic and because the Hungarians are dissatis- f ied with the peace conference's attitude toward fixing the Hungarian boundaries. , The. new ministry immediately wirelessed Lenine for aid in opposing the allies. He promised them, it was said, to "keep in touch with the military situation." By Frank J. Taylor (United Press staff correspondent) Berliu, Mar. 23. -The new Hungar in soviet republic has formed nn alli ance with the Russian bolsheviki jinl declared war on the entente, BudaPest dispatches announced today. Bolshevik forces were reported to he moving into Hungary to aid the new government against French and otner allied troops, which are scattered thru Out the country. The action of the Karolyi ministry in resigning and turning the country over to communists was said to have resulted from dissatisfaction nf the al lies and proposed adjustment of the Hungarian frontiers by the peace con ference. Form New Ministry Representatives' of Premier Lenine ne reported to have assisted in form ing the new socialist-communist minis try, which is constituted as fallows: Alexander Garbai, president. Uugen Barga, minister of finance. Josef Poganny, minister of war. Wilhelin Boelm, minister of social ization, s liola Kim, minister of foreign af fairs. Abo Martin . ivr. 1 If they'd jest serve buckwheat cake? an' sausage at a banquet we'd try aa' stand th' speeches. Who rememiicrs wen showmen had t' advertise n "strictly moral entertainment " in orlc . ' ?'t tl' businc? . DIViM6jj w ik The now cabinet has issued the fol lowing proclamation: "Uniting with the world's bo"i.he vilii, we rise against the entente and imperialism and proclaim general mo bili.ation. AH opponents will be executed.''' Americans Safe Paris, .Mar. 24. Allied monitors liavo started up the river from Bel grade In an attempt to roach Budnl'est it wa announced today. American diplomatic advices said that despite the fat there hii3 been firing and disorder in BuditPcst, allied and American representatives are safe. Communications have been interrupt ed between Vienna and Serbia. A dispatch to the Matin says Gener al Pctlura, leader of the Ukranian ar my, has opened negotiations with Lenr ino, who promised autonomy for the Ukraino providing Petlura lights against "the Poles and the entente's imperialism." Czech o Oppose Hungarians Biislo. Mar. 24. Upnernl (ienrpevs. commanding an army of seventy thou - sand bolsheviks, was reported in a Vi- enna dispatch today to have crossed the Dniester river and entered Oula-' cia. His armv, eompesed largely 0f Hungarian and BulgRiian troops" enp-1 tmed bv Russia during the war, is sail to be following the Ix-miberg-Uu-! ual'est .railway. (Lemberg is only sixty uiiies from the RiissoHungariati frontier. The Poles recently recaptured the city from the Ukrainians.) A dispatch from Budapest said the Czechs have begun to mobilize against the Hungarians. , Tbo llunaiian soviet sent Premier U'liiu.! a wireless, addressing him as "chief of the universal soviet'' fcnd asking military aid agninst the entente limine rrptied that fiussia is de lighted at Hungary's action and (lint she would keep in touch with the mil .iary situation. Fear Spraad of Anarchy London, liar. 24. rear, of the spread :f bolshevism into Kumauio, X U1U1IU and Uzecbo-Slovakia us the result 0f! the getting up of a soviet government in Hungary was expressed by London Newspapers today. The newspapers ealkd the Hungar ian situation most alarming. Editor ials declared it t-onfrontcd the states men at Paris with a serious problem, which might complicate the work of delegates seeking a qiiicn peace. Liber als argue that events in Hungary dem onstrate the immediate nctd of a lea- Sue or nations. Two springs inserted by an inventor j below the etired serctiou that enters its user's arm pit gives resiliency to j'sertly patented crutch. Japan Watches United States With Jealousy Washington, March 24, Pub lie feeling in Japan and eastern Asia is being watched with great vigilance and with 'some concern by this government, it became known today. The anti-American campaign carried on in the press of the. Orient has reached an acute stage. This criticism of the United States arose about the timo American troops were dispatch ed to Hibcria. Japaneso folt America was not using a strong enough hand in dealing with the fighting Russian factions. Japan is also apprehensive of American trade possibilities in Siberia, say some officials, una fears tho United States may outstrip Japan in commerce. 01 OF CONFEREES APPEARS EAR FROM COMPLETION fODAY Rhine Question Seemed To Be Insolutle At Todays Session Of Delegates. , By Lowell Mollctt (United Press Staff Correspondent) Paris, Mar. 24. The peace confer - 'c!hb8odv wbat lJ-,Z,Zt LI.. ;J wa supposed to its work on the preliminary peace treaty with cbery thing apparently In a state of chaos It seemed as though tho delegates had nothing to show for their muny weeks of hard work except an increased accu mulation of unsolbed problems. -'If the situation is half as bad as its surface indications, it scorns certain tho conference will not wind up its work on the treaty this, week or for several weeks. 1 lie American delegation says the situation is Bimilar to vhut of the closing days of congress it appears im possible that the work will be com pleted, yet it is always finished. 'there is a tendency to feci, too. that hereafter tho British and Americans will cut tho Oordian knots in tho peace settlement by layiutf .down a program for solution and enforcing it by their economic, iinancial and political domination. French Are Stubborn. For instance the lihine question ap peared nnsolublo today. Tho French were still holding out lor territorial se curity en tho left bank. Various com promises habe been suggoo;ed, rejected and renewed. If no scheme consistent with tho principle of self-determination and no annexations is achiebed, the problem- is expected to be terminated by a flat American and British declara tion somewhat to this effect: "You have tried and we have helped you work out a plan of territorial guar antees which will not violate tho prin- 'ciples underlying the armistice Our at- , tempts have ended in failure. Therefore vou must accept simply the guarantee !o"?red under the league of nations." ,inre d(,uljt tl ability of Great ! Britain and the United State to enforce the solution. The Anglo-American dcle- au,s aie expected to take the same attitude toward Italy and Japan. As a result, wniie tnere appears to be no 'solu'ion to these and many other ques tions in- sight, it is alway3 po:v.;il;Io to ! fasten the lid on international bicker iligs and sign a treaty covering all nec iessary points in line with tho armistics previsions. Several Thousand Troops Arrive On Four Transports New York, Mar. 24. Several thou- Mflml Wfnimll'.l fr .inn Vnlnaoan I tfrwr.a f.nd a transport load of Pacific coast troops of tho Fortieth division return- pit tmlno- nn i. ion.r,ri. a t ..n om1 rnt1T1i h ru..i,i on .h.. i lastic ..,,.,., ;'(;,.':i n. u,. The Matsonia bad 59 officers and 151H men of the lflOth infantry, field and staff, machine gun company, head quarters company, supply company, medical detachment and all lettered eompanies: de'achments of the 15trn infantry, 12 officers and 823 meu, le i tachment 2iith engineers, 7 officers and 41o' men. i On the Antigone were Bordeaux con ' valoveent detachments. fnc cru:ser Xcrth Carolina arrived , ! with 1471 men as follows: ij trench mortar battery; 130th i ai.T0 squadron and easual companies, a're-;.Iore than 1400 nien'of the 112th bri- ),"Je Arrived on the cruiser Montana. CAUSE FOR GERMANY'S DILATORV TACTICS IS SEEIlGLVfflLAIilED Will Now Offer to Oppose Bclshevjki To Get Less Severe Peace Terms. By William Plap Sinuns. (United Prct Staff Correspondent.) Paris, March 24. The bolshevik movement, culminating in Xlungary setting up a soviet republic and declar ing war on the allies, was believed to day to have furnished an explanation for Germany's dilatory nd obstructive tactics toward the peace conference. Germany, playing for time, lias now reached a point whore she will offer to oppose a bolshevik invasiou of western Europe in exchange for less severe peace terms, in the opinion ot. many delegates. ' t . . This is not such a preposterous situa-1 tion as at first appears, awarding to the opinion expressed in some quarters. The entire situation south of the Baltic is chaotic and "full of dynamite." It may possibly grow entirely out of allied control, it was pointed out,, unless it is mot squarely at once. One suiution apparently will bo to raise an -interallied expeditionary force. Tho alterna tive is to allow the Germans, who are in a much better strategic position, to donl with tho situation. Germany would thus virtually become the allies' man datory in eastern and central Kurope. . Now Blocking Allies. Germany, in the meantime, is block ing tho allies at every point possible. Many are convinced she is taking this attitude for no other purpose innn to force permission for iter ro mat "Hor- atius at tho Bridge.' - lvienacea on tw0 fiides, one by tho Germans and the othflr by tho bolshevik, Poland is desperately in need of food. equipment and assistance of her troops inai lougnt in rrant. rot Uormany is refusing to permit these troons to land at Danzig, placine tie peaco conference !'1100 i:ico to faco with'. tho altornativo of "lvv'B uuwii -r -ortiiscirioarKiug the Poles under the guns of allied warships. Tho situation ia Rumania is darker still in many ways. Added to the threat of a bolshevik' invasion from tho east is the new- menace of a soviot Hungary. Poland and Rumania desire a common boundary so they may form buffer states against the bolshevik under pro tection of the league, of nations, uut it would require soino timo to bring this about and tho situation apparently de mands speed of action above everything olso. The feeling is growing lioro that mak ing this international jigsaw puz&le of peoples and nations fit is the most im portant problem beforo tho conference and that whether tho preliminary treaty with Germany is ready for signing next Saturday matters littlo unless strong measures aro taken by the allies to stamp out the mischief brewing throughout eastern nnd central Europe. Universal Trailing For Young Women Advocated Scuttle, Wash., March 24. Universal training for young women in home eco nomics is just us vital to national prog ress as universal military training for young men, , At least this is the contention of Mi Mary Treat, wife of the Seattle capital ist and she is organizing a nation-wide movement to have congress work' out women's universal training legislation. Under her plan, girls botweon tho ages of 17 and 18 would spend two months in a government training school or camp, to study homo keeping and hygiene. "This plan would spread the spirit of democracy," says MrB. Treat, "and do much to brenk down the ugly bar riers that breed bitterness and autoc racy." Senator King Prepares Substitute For Covenant Washington, March 24 Senator King of Utah has prepared a substtiut league of untiong covenant which ho jwill send to President Wilson at Pans for consideration, he announces. King's plan, ho said, will pormit pro tection under tho Monroe doctrine and iJPV0 cacn "ion eo to oeciuc its own P"1" ref!nr"nr immigration questions, i tariff s and similar matters. FOUB TRACK MEETS : Four dual track moots have been ar ranged by Coach Mathews of thi Wil lamette university athletes. Dual ets will bo staged at McMinnville and Sa lem with the McMinville collcgo End two meets are scheduled with tho Che man Indian school. Other meets are pending. The team tnrned out for its first workout last Wednesday. An interclaas !-.cet will be staged during the latter nart of this week. From two tn fnur levent will be st.iirnil eaeh lnv. Dimirlc land Medler are, two of Willamette's stars who have returned p college. Over one hundred are expected to eater the class meet. REPORT OF HACV WAGE SCALE EXTENSION TO OCTOBERJS DENIED Alleged That Original Infer mation Came From Judge , gScBride. Tacoma, Wash., March 24. A flat denial of the report from Portland Fri day that an agreement hud been reach ed at Washington, D. C, to extend the Macy wage scale until October 1 is con tained in a telegram received yesterday from representatives of Tacorua- Metal Trades Council who have been attending the wage scale conference at the na tional capital. The teleirraiii wa rennivert h ! Ti Barrett, secretary of the Tacoma Metal .runes council, it saia: "No turreoment has been rcnphoA Conference is still on. Report in paper is mistake." Ike report of the agreement was said to have been based on a telegram re ceived in Portland bv Arthur W. .Tnm.a assistant examiner fur Mm hnnr.l' from Henry McBride, northwest district representative or the emergency fleet corporation. Doubted It From First. Tfcoma Metal Trades officials wore inclined to aoubt it from the first, as they said that renrnsnn tr.il vm nf tlm conference had been specifically In- airucieo. to oraor any agreement that did not carry with it a referendum vote amone tho unions sffeetnrt Dispatches from Portland quoto Jones us reiterating nis statement of last Fri day that ho had been advised from Washington that an agrocmont to ex tend the Macy scalo had been reached. Referring to the reported denial re ceived by Secretary Barrett, ho is quot ed as saying: 'I do not know who the Tacoma representatives quoted are, as I noto their names nrn nnf i,t my information is from Judgo Henry uixuiuio or neattie, examiner for the Macy board in tho northwest, who has been in Washinetnn nltenillntr thn foronces and "telegraphed me from there. x nave n reason to believe that Judgo MeBrido's information was either incor rect or immature. I have heard noth ing further from him since Friday." RECENT AUTO THEFTS CfiARGEDTO 4 BOYS A21 Are Now In City Jail Await ing Hearing.-Confessed Whole Story. Four youths are now in tho city jail, suspected of a series of crimes although they nro legally charged with larceny, and this record now stands against them on tho police books, as the boys have confessed. ' Their names are Ted Kdgar and Harry M. Hheppnrd of the Oak Grcve neighborhood in Polk county end Har very Brown and Chub Staples, of Salem. The boys are from 15 to 18 years of age In the arrest of the four boys, Sher iff V. I. Necdham and deputy Bert Smith, co-operating v.ith Chief Varney and the pi lice force have finally solv ed the mystery of the many au'oinobilo thefts that have been troubling .police officials for the past two weeks. Seven automobiles liavo been stolen in the vicinity of Salem within the past 15 days and in "several instances the cars were found in the city with either a blow-out or out of gasoline, showing that tho thieves had token the cars for joy riding purposes. Las: Friday evening a car belonging to the Archerd Implement company wuj taken from Chemawa and found the next morning on Marion otreet. The same night a Chevrolet was reported stolen. A day or two luter Mr. Hoff man of Polk county reported his car taken from Commercial street Tins car was later found at 18th and Leo streets. Last Saturduy night two cars were reported stolen from the dowa town districts and these were found luter, one at Marion and Summer street and tho other in another part of the city. The stealing of tho luBt car Saturday evening was the undoing of tho young thieves as they were recognized and two arrests were made Sunday morning and the other two last night. The .youths at first refused to tell anything. But after a lengthy confer ence with Chief Varney, they told the whole sordid story of stealing cars with which to go joy riding with -some young girls under age and with some married women, who will probubly bt railed in to testify when the boys are brought before Judge Unruh's court for a hearing. UPHOLD 8-HOTJB LAW Wshington, March 24. The supremo court today affirmed decisions of loworl courts which upheld the provisions of Arizona's eight-hour day for women law, which piovided that eight hours work should be done within the course of 12 hours. Officials Realize That World Faces Necessity Of Bring-' ing About Hasty Peace Unless Bolshevism Is To Gain Ground Steadily. Peace Conference Is Having Trouble In Keeping Extraneous Questions Out Of Treaty Discussions. . AIWIENT COVERING MONROE DOCTRiE TO BE VOTEOj TONIGHT President Wilson And Colonel House Aire Advocating This Move. By Carl D. Groat, (United Press Staff Correspondent.) Paris, March 24. An amendment to the leaguo of nations covenant covering tho Monroo doctriuo, advocated by President Wilson and Colonel House, is expected to be presented at tonight's session of tho leuguo commission. The proposed amendment would pre vent any power from acquiring territory in the western hemisphere by conquest, purchase, treaty or otherwise, unless the Americas consented. This article was reported toay lo be mooting 'with apposition from within the commission, especially by the Brit ish and French, who have extensivo In terests in tho Americas. It could not bo learned whethor tho president will attempt to forco through tho amend ment despite tho opposition, but it was believed ho will strongly advocate its adoption, inasmuch as it would remove much of tho ground for opposition in tho United Statos. Tho Monroe doc trino proposal is held by some to mark a coHsiderablo recession from Wilson's original position, that the covenant would not bo ajtercd except in a minor way. Tho proposal for changes in the cove nant submitted by Senator King of Utah has not yet boon officially com mented on. Japan's, recommendation for an amendment providing racial equality was not presented at Saturday meeting. (A press association dispatch Satur day said it was Up for consideration. Tho United Press said its presentation has been postponed.) It may be reserved until tho consti tution is debated bv tho plenary ses sion. Many of tho delegates are under stood to favor equality of nations, but not of nationalities. Wounded Soldiers 0a Way To Camp Kearney New York, March 24. Carryina 109 wounded soldiers, 18 of them littor cases, the United States hospital train trom .Now iork to tamp Kearny, Cm., will leave at 1:30 o'clock today. It is scheduled t0 arrive at Camp Kearny at 8 o'clock Friday night. The wounded men will travel in nine specially constructed cars, wjiich will include cu operating c,ur and an obser vation car. A staff of medical corps surgeons will bo on hand. Stops will bo mndo cu route at Chi-1 cago, Kansas City, Topekn, Albuquerque. and Los Angeles. Mayors' committees I will be allowed to inspect the train at; tho various stops. Lumber Market On Coast Is Very Active North Bend, Or., March 24. A stim ulated demand for lumber and timber products is indicated here by the in creasing number of inquiries received by local lunibor concerns from "dealers in nil parts of tho country. During the last 10 days representatives of large lumber brokers of the coust have visited this section and placed orders for more than 20,000,000 feet for early delivery to tho markets of the middle west. Ono order for 1,000,000 feet, now being fill ed by , the Bay Park Lumber company hero, is for shipment to Capetown, South Africa. A slight improvement in market prices is reported from tho lum ber centers. Tho revised wage scale, with a mini mum of $;i.20 a day, is now effctcive in nil the mills here, though there is com plaint that tho prices of food products have not been reduced in proportion to th st la wanes,. By Fred S. Ferguson. ' (United Press Staff Correspondent.) Paris, March 24. The world faces aa infinitely more serious situation today than it did a year ago when the German super-offensive was at its height, ac cording to the belief expressed in cer tain official quarters. This, dospite the fact the armistice was signed five months ago and tho peaco couterenca has boon in session three months. Instead of military defeat, it ts ceo no'iiic, fini'n.iiitl and social collapse that is imw threatening.' Economic,, experts ngr'.'O that ov-ry duy lost is signing pea eo tiri'.gs the g',ieral crosis that :i-.n -:i licari r. - - Tliore wa. n tii'.ei.cj' today, in fact, (e regard ll'ingnry 's ci-t'.ou iu forming tt 5'vlo; republic in rlbfneo with the lluisinn oHiheVikl lis ii fEuiiiB the crisis aheidv hits Liiu niched. There was in uiun.i4iri.iii to hill- the belief that th;1 lmuni-o nf 1 1 . I n if.ni has been In-c-rc-.ie I a 1-miJmKoid Ly tins new situ ation in liuivaiy, Every'.no Was V'ovking. ''A yciir ngo cMi;,ciie in the world wns nt w,rk." s-. id one il the leading economic nnd financial authorities. "If they were not fighting they were pro ducing.. In addition, patriotic impulse v.as,,jrpcediii4 up work. -"The govern ments hnd control and everyone 'had to do something. But everything is now headed for stagnation nnd disorder, un less speedy counter action is taken. "In tho meantime, the peace confor onco is in the worst muddlo since it opened. The hour of decisions Having arrived, it enn bo stated that the situa tion is lis follows: , "There is a constant tmiutmr. to ' drag in extraneous questions. For in stctieo, the Syrian question, which has no bnnring whatever on peaco with Germany. "The question of territorial rights! Balmatia is constantly bobbing up, al though It is purely one for liitor-ulliod settlement. "The Polish quostion has been mid handled. The war council Bamrtiay; reached the point whoro it startefl on this matter and decided to adopt the program originally proposed. French Still Hoping. "Tho French still hope for an inter-" national pool of war expenditures, In which tho United Slates would pay tho majority of tho bills. As an alterna tive, they suggest internnttonnli7.ation of exchange. This would bring up thn economic value of tho franc, with con scmiont loss in the present value of tho dollar, . 'Meanwhile, France lies done nothing to date to meet the serious financial, situation confronting her, duo to this hopo of some international arrange ment. The French people have not been taxed within fifty per emit ns heavily ns the British and Americans for car rying on the war. "Against tho set program of having all committee reports submitted by March 8, only two major committees! have completed their work tho mili tary and naval bodies, Reparation, boundaries and post war economic terms are still in a fluid stnte. "At the present rato of progress the discussion must drag on for weeks. But certain conferees agreed this cannot bo, the case. In view of tho reports from Huugary and Germany, some drnstio action appears likely to bo tr ken within a fow days. "Whether the peace treaty is com pleted by next Saturday as planned de pends upon whethor a different program from tho present bickering is forced through." Cof!d Strike On Yukoi River Has Been Reported Seattle, Wash., Mar. 24. A gold ntriko has been made 45 miles abovo Marshal City and a short 'distance be low Holy Cress on the Yukon river, according to E. V. Psfks, owner of tho only quicksilver mile in tho terri tory. Parks has just arrived in Seattlo from tho Kuskowim district, Alaska. Pnfks met a number of prospectors nt Aniak, who had stampeded to tho new diggings and nil of them reported tifty cent pans had been taken from tho sands. The creek runs into a slough of the Yukon river, making it an easy matter to land supplies at the new diggings. The ground has already been staked for miles around. Parks thinks it use less for anyone to start for there from. Seattle,