Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, March 22, 1919, Page PAGE NINE, Image 9

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Back On Vicii To Orecri
Chevrolet Model 490, $857:20
F. O. B. Salem
Reliability in a motor car constitutes numerous items.
First the car itselfv
- Second The reliability of the Manufacturer.
Third A full and complete line of parts (every piece
and part) carried by the dealer.
FourthCompetent and courteous mechanics that .
service only one car.
Fifth The reliability of the dealer.
Sixth Car and parts must be reasonable in price.
The above factors constitute the keynote- of our suc
cess and our business is growing daily. We are PROUD
of our business Proud of the Chevrolet car and proud
of the wonderful organization back of it "Chevrolet", the
lowest priced, most durable and economical automobile in
the world. "A sensible car at a sensible price." .
We have almost reached the 300 mark in twelve
Conrgessuiau V. C. Hawley landed
in the city lust night after a direct
run across the continent from Wash
ington. The broad smile which seldom
domes off, is even more genial than
ibtual for he is mighty glad to bo bark
upon Oregon soil after one of tho most
strenuous and exacting sessions ho ev
er passed. He expects to spend several
weeks in the district looking after a
multitude of problems amt interests
wiieh demand his personal attention.
Among the more important matters
will be a trip of investigation with a
naval committee to various points en
the Oregon coast. This congressional
committee, which is now in California
working northward, will stop at all the
important points along the coast, in
vestigating facilities for possible bases
for warships,, submarines and hydro
planes. While the war is a thing of
tie past and the Vnited States has no
thought of entering upon an era of
militarism, Mr, Hawley states with
grim emphasis that the war department
is determined that this country shall
ne-er again ibe caught in a condition
of unpreparedness, Tho naval commit
tee will probably arrive in Portland
some time next weuk and Mr. Haw ley
will join thorn there and accompany
them to Astoria w-hero they will make
a careful survey of all points that
might be available for government use.
Among other matters to be cared for
by Mr. Iluwley whilo here is that of
the returned soldiers as well as the
military organizations-
Salem An tohfiobile Co.
F. G. Delano
Phone 97
151 North High Street
A. I. Eoff
Representative Jas. S. Stewart of
Corvallis was among the visitors at the
capitol building today. "
Siipt. A. C. Hampton, of tho city
schools of La Grande arrived in tho
eity today and wag. in conference with
Supt. Churchill and Assistant Carle
ton with regard to arrangements for
the next meetiug of the stato teachers'
association. Mr. Hampton is the prosit
dent of tho association.
", Dean' Bexell of the Oregon Agricul
tural college school of commerce, was
a recent visitor in Salem, coming for
a conference with State Engineer Cup-l-
Howard Persons is. home for a few
days from Seattle. ;. lie is in the navy
with the rank of hospital apprentice of
tho first class.
Lieut. Miller McGilchrist returned
this morning to Camp Lewis after a
visit of a few days in tho city.
Chief Justico McBride loft this morn'
ing for his home at Deer Island, on the
lower Columbia. u
Among the recent guests at the Bligh
i hotel were Congressman W. 0. Hawloy
'and wifo, who arrived yesterday from
Washington. .
E. W, Hope, of the, University of Ore
gon,, was a recent arrival in Salem, stop
ping temporarily at tile Bligh hotol.
i , !
.-tin vi -v v a . v , j szJl yt, f-f m
ill ' ; ; i J
Featur ng Three Stars
Bessie Eyton - Thomas Santschi - Fritzi Brunette
Vividly depicting the most gigantic and daring fire scenes ever enacted be
fore a camera.
Also Comedy and Travelogue
Carload Of Aliens Are
; Oa Way For Deportation
Portland, Or., March 22. A carload
of aliens from Calif pniia,: Washington
end Oregon will be started on its way
hero today for New York whence tho
undesirables, will be deported,
Oregon 's quota is five, said t0 be just
tlii beginning of a general cleanup.
They are Anton Solis, a Norwegian;
Domilil McPherson Eraser, an I W. W.;
Elvira .DePasqitalo, ah Italian woman
ordered deported as an immoral person,
and two insano Norwegians.
The "undesirables will start eastward
upon the arrival of 19 aliens, mostly ex
convicts and insane pefsons, from 8an
Washington, March 22. Casualties
suffered during tho war by tho United
flttaes air service totaled 554, the war
department announced today. This
figure covers only the flying pcrsonnol
with the American, French, British and
ItuliSn armies.
Delbert Reeves' Parents
Fiind A Ray Of Hope
A ray of hope for the safety of their
son, Delbert Beeves, is still being held
to by Mr. anil Mrs, Reeves of this city
and tho young wifo.
Delbert wrote hoins shortly after his
arrival in France more than a yca.t:
ago, stating that he had arrived fsafo-
ly, and lator a letter was received
telling of his experience in battles, but
since then nothing an be learned of
his whereabouts. It was believed that
he had been captured by tho German
army ami taken prisoner, but .since
others who were taken prisoners and
released after the armistice was sign
ed and Delbert has not teen heard
of, tho hope that he might be a living
prisoner seems to be abolished. But
the fact that tho casualty listB have
not mentioned his name still brings a
ray of hope that ho may be living
and will return to his wire and pa1
cnts who are anxiously waiting and
hoping for some information regarding
him. Silverton Tnnuno.
Washington, Mar. 22. The war de
partment -lnnounced ihn following or
ganizatiaus have been' assigned to early
convoy: company B. 316tti ammunition
train; base hospital $7; 'transportation
corps companies 825 827 and 843.
Mrs. Mary E. Coleman represented
the lcical Red Cross at Salem, Wednes
day, at a meeting held' at the Commer
cial club rooms. Tho meeting was ad
dressed by G. K Halvorsen in charge
of a denartmcnt of tho Red Cross am
bulance, also with the Y. M. C. A. in
France. Ho told the ladies of the need
over in that country and the call is-
.sued in this issue is in response to this
address. The people are urged to Jioto
the articles needed, that they are to
be clean, that they are to bo talten
to tho local Red Cross rooms and as
soon as possible get thoin ready for dc
3 A new company has incorporated under the
and will handle the Willys Overlandcars and trucks.
An expert mechanic has charge of our service station
and your troubles will all be taken care of here.
W ood-Rose Overland Co.
Distributors for Marion and Polk counties
246 State StreetSalem, Oregon.
There are more than 3,000,000 Ford cars
in daily operation in the United States.
This s a little better than one-half of all
the motor cars used in America. Tha
Ford car is every man's necessity. No
matter what his business may be, it solves
the problem of cheapest transportation.
We solicit your order now, because pro
duction is limited, and we must make it
the rule to supply first orders first. Tour
ing car, $618.21; Runabout, - $592.18;:
Coupe, $748.36; Sedan, $878.52; Truck
Chassis, $035.00. These prices f. o. b.
Salem. -
Vick Bros, t
260 N. High St. Salem, Ore.
HyeTy on the dato specified. Hulbbard
Enterprise." ; . v
I The Capital Journal
J Daily Market Report
Wheat, soft white tl-90
Wheat, lower grades on sample
Oats . 1 7075c
Hiay, cheat
Hay, oats ... 26
Barloy, ton - 48W50
Mill run 4344e
Butterfat "3c
Creamory butter 6263c
Fork, Veax mid Mutton
(Pork on foot 16(H)lflc
Veal, fancv 1820o
Steers 710c
Spring lambs 16"
Ews..-" - $?
Lambs, yearlings 10()l'!c
Eggi and Poultry
Eggs, cash 34c, trado 30c
Hens, live Z527c
Old roosters . 15c
Cockerels .;. 25c
Radishes, doz - - 35c
Sweet notatoes 6feu'jC
Potatoes $1.35
Onions, local $3.!i0(a)4
Oablmgo 2Vj(fii3V4c
Turnips . - 2(a12c
itead lettuce .: $3.734.H5
Beets - 2e
Parsnips - - 3c
Cauliflower, 2 doz. case 33
.Spinach, box .. $1.25
Winesap apples, Ijox
Celery, crate - IU
Oranges - .' $5(i.75
Lemons, box . 56
Bananas "
Horida grape fruit, case $7(a8
P,!ack figs lb. . WrblHt
Wiito fig", lb. ... 19fa)20c
Package figs per bx 50 pkg $46.0
Honey, extracted . ...-... 20c
EetaU frlccs .
Eggs, down ........y 40e
Creamery buttor "5!
Country tuttor . "0e
Flour, hard wheat - $3.10(a)3.15
Portland Market
Portland, Or., Mar. 22. Uutter, 'city
creamery 5Sf-81c
Eggs, selected local ex. 3941e
Hens 33i)34e
P,roilers 40(R43e
Geee 1720e
Chceae, trfplets 3435c
Receipts 20
Tb Journal Job Department
will print you anything in th
stationery line do it right and
save yon real money,
Tone of market steady
Best steers $1314 -Good
to choice steers ll.50(&12.50
Medium to good steers $1011
Pair to good gt'oers If910 V
Common to fair steers $8(w9
Choice cows and heifers $10.50(5)12
Good to choice eowi and heifen
Medium to good cowj and heiferi
Fair to medium cows and heifen
Cannors $3.505
Bulls $11(3)8.50
Calves 9.5013.50
Stockers and feodcrg $710
Receipts 459
Tone of iarkot higher
Prime mixed 18.35(5) 18.50
Medium mixed $l8(i.' 18.25
Rough heavies 1(1.25(17
Pigs 15.!5017.23
Bulk $18.35 .
' Sheep J ,
Receipts 27 . - . . '
Tone of market steady
Prime lamfbg $1017
Fair to' medium lambs $1415
YoarlingB $1 lfjl2 -Wotherg
Ewes $0.5010.50
Fanner's Produce Company
160 S. High St. Phone 11
Cash for your produce today:
20o for top venl .
20e for top Jhogs.
Hons, all weights, 2Sa " ,
Sgg More of ilvc
Lmclloii Love
Out there, where the narrow
ing road disappears in the sky
line, are "raystery mountains,"
lonfe winding canyons, tumb
ling waters and broad valleys
of fcolden fruit that you have
never seen.
"Why not &o this year. Travel
over nature's playground
with a
The choice of the outdoor man
turd, dependable, always ready .
to go one mile or five hundred.
Any road is a lood road to a Harley
Davidson lon& miles mean only
pleasant minutes.
"The Motorcycle That U BainK
Talked About"
Harry W. Scott
117 South Commercial St.
Salem Dealer