5000 CIRCULATION. (25.000 HEADERS DAILY) Only Circulation in Salem Guar anteed by the Audit Bureau of Circulations. FULL LEASED WIRE. DISPATCHES SPECIAL WILLAMETTE VAL LEJf NEWS SERVICE. . Weather Report. Oregon: Tonight &d i-nn- day fair, modeiat? easterly winds. J T5TS ON TRAINS AND NEW STANDS F v " v FORTY-SECOND YE So o.59. SALEM,, OREGON, SATURDAY, MARCH 22, 1919. PRICE TWO CENTS (fif HI (imiriiM Was Arrested Early This Morning Following Return Of Grand Jury Indictment Yesterday Charging Him With Felony. Allege That He Is Guilty Of "Asking, Receiving And Agreeing To Receive A Bribe." Los Angeles, Cal., March 22. Mayor Frederick T. Woodman of Los Angeles was arrested during the early hours of this morning just as he was cutering the Union League club, following the returning of a grand jury indictment Isfce yesterday charging him with felony. Specifically, it is alleged he is guilty of ''asking, receiving and , agreeing to receive a bribe ' ' of $25,000 from George Henderson and George Brown, negro Klilii'ians. Woodman, the indictment tvlleges, no, reed to appoint Sergeant William ilaekett, head of the police "metropoli tan squad" which has chaigo of on foiling the "purity" laws, and to give Henderson and Brown protection in an alleged plan to doiuiato the Los An gelos underworld and keep it freo from police interference. Arrest Henderson and Brown. Henderson ana mown ntso were in dicted and arrested. Horace Karr, until recently political editor of a Los Angeles morning paper, is named in tho indictment as inter luediary, but is not indicted. The indictment alleges that the $25, uuu was to oe pniu to woodman in monthly installments (if $2500 aud that $2,000 actually was paid to Karr at tlio mayor s direction, although tha indict-1 meat does not indicate whether -Wood- j mr.n ever received the money from Karr. Woodman's indictment came with a suddenness which was something of a shock to tho political circles hero, although it had been reported that Bonielhiiig of tho sort was pending. "I know nothing of any bribery or other charges of any kind wlmisoover," was the comment of Mayor Woodman after his arrest. "You must remember this is election time. It's just a politi cal trick." The mayor two days ago had an nounced his candidacy for re-election. Ho is Ut liberty under' $10,000 bonds. Osirleson Removes Officials ?h System Washington, March- 22. Postmaster General Burleson today removed Clar ence H. Mackay, president; W. W. Cook, general counsol; William S. Deegan, soc cefary and tho board of directors or the Mackay company, operating the Postal Telegraph & Telephone system. Ho ap lointed A. F. Adams to supersede them in the management. . In relieving tho Mackay group from connection wjth their company, Burje son asserted that they "have failed It carry out the orders and instructions of tho postmaster general nnT have eon ducted themselves before the public and with the operating force in such man tier as to disadvantageously affect the Interests of tho government. " Burleson's order also included in his removal from control and operation "the owners." A wage of $15.50 a day to carpenter in New York and Broadway has 'been awarded by the emergency construc tion wage commission. Abe Martin Some folks are so hard up ler some- thin' t' worry about that tey iret ocr th' color o' next year's anto license, Kevcr marry a girl that's sore 'cause she ' not a man. v SITUATION IN EUROPE VERY PUZZLING 01 Conferees Are Racing Against Tcndsncy For Revolt In " Europe, - By Fred S. Ferguson j (raited Press staff correspondent) Paris, -Mar, 22. The race between poaco, plunder and poverty is now on with tho advent of spring. The question of whether peace, sta bility and reconstruction are to prevail during tho coming months, or whether Central Europe, at least, will be con vulsed in a sanguinary struggle, will soon be answered. Bolshevist forces are known to be concentrating on the Roumanian fron tier, others aro facing the Poles and by infiltration striking at tho -roots of that newly formed government. The Roumanians say they have definite in formation, that? tho bolshcviki intend to strike as oou s the weathm- be comes favorulble. The Poles are now involved in constant isolated struggles and it is believed to ibo only a piatter of time until the full storm ibreuks. Are Only Barriers Roumania and Poland stand us the only barriers between the Russian bol shevik! and Central Europe. Owing to tho shortage of raw mater ials, and consequent lack of employ ment, it is said to ibe a question wheth er tho present Czeeho-Slovak govern ment survives. Sooner or later reports from various sources indicate, the lil'eit govern ment iu Germany is likely to fail. Whether it is before or atter peace is signed probably is merely a matter of chance. If the present government is not willing to make a clean brcast.of Germany's responsibility if or the war and accept tho treaty as presented, it U' predicted the radicals will overthrow it. On the other hniid, if the govern ment signs a drastii treaty without protest there may issue the wme re sult. Economic experts and. ltadors de clare a chance for people to get buck to work and overcome tho lnnbits of idleness will be the best antidote for ins picseut unrest. xue situation nas set every peace committee here working oil pvaujoally a day and night schedule, nnen tne allies insist that the Germans allow Polish troops who have fought in Franco to return to 'Poland through Danzig it means thev are insisting not i .. i,i:., i).,i.,,i i.. ,. ,. ing Germany from n.. '.f".. Bolshevist boomerang launched by the German militarists. Jt is a close race. The next few weeks are expected to tell the result. Mrs. Von Hindcnbarg Says British Began Kiel Revolt By Frank J. Taylor. (United Press Staff Correspondent.) Rerlifi. Manth 20. Ri-itiuli nullum ilii - jguised as German sailors, organized and! " - - , started the K.o revolt which was ........ ..,,.,.ui , ...0 ...... .v. lion, Frau Von Hindenburg charged in . . ... . ... Tf ' . an inrerview wim me untied tress to- . day. Frau Von Hindenburg, who is sister-in-law and confidante of the fie a " Id i'i ,.,r i.m , uu luc liiiriKura anu uiiriguery 01 European uipiomaiic circles. Field Marshal Von Hindenburg be - lieves the German army was never de feated militarily, but was stubbed in the back by tli8 revolution, according to his sister-in-law. Louisiana From Brest Docked This New York; March 22. The auxiliary cruiser Louisiana docked this mornins. Aboard were four detachments of tho 11th air service construction company of 13 officers and 825 -men, casual companies of six officers and 415 men. Six Brest convalescent dctchments of seven officers and 559 men, twelve ens- ual officers, 44 nurses, 24 soldiers' wives and 27 wives of naval men. SOPHOMORES AWARDED PENNANT AT FRESHMAN ANNUAL GLEE PROGRAM Armory Packed To Hear En deavors Of Ciass Of Willamette. It was "standing room only" at the armory last night, long before tho Freshman Glee program started such an audionce as one seldom sees iu the building, for the hearts of the public are with the young people. Tho build ing was beautifully and tastefully dec orated, tho crimson and gold streamers that spanned the auditorium contrast ing sharply with the masses of ever greens and ferns. The program was of unusual excell ence, there being in addition to the four class songs a violin solo by Leisla Ruby; a reading by Gene bevy and a collo solo by Prof. John R. Sites. All those numbers were enthusiastically roceived. It would bo "nuff sed" if one were to stuto that the class songs were up to tho standard of other years; but to the minds of the majority of the audi ence they surpassed all past records una efforts, showing much originality and sentiment in construction. Superficial ly considered, one would not detect a great difference of quality in the four compositions. Had the decision been left to a popular vote of the audience the result might have been quite dif ferent. From a purely hiusical stand point the Junior song should nave had the honors' without question, while in the matter of expressed sentiment there seemed to be very littlo choico between the Juniors and tho Sophomores. How ever, when the judges had canvassed the four songs and scored1 on wi the three quulities words, music and rendi tion tho Sophomore class was awarded the pennant, the Seniors ranking sec ond, Juniors third and Freshmen fourth. The judges v. iio passed upon tho compo sitions were: Words, Miss Cox, Mrs. Le land Porter' and Mrs. Florian Von Kschon;' music, Mrs. A. A. Schramm, Professor T. S. Roberts. Miss Gertrude Eakinj rendition, A. A. Schramm, H. C. Clink and Rev. H. N. Aldrich. Following the announcement of the awards, the pennant a particularly handsome one was presented by Prof. Mi tthows, with a few fitting words of felicitation. Following are tho words of the winning song: Oh Willamette safely harbored In the hills of Oregon. We have turned from many a battle Gory trench, and ruined shrine To your dear familiar presence, That like a stur in darkness shines: We hear tho mill stream rippling Whero the poplar buds unfold. We see your cordial banners' Floating proudly as of old. ' Oh Willamette safely enshrined In the temple of our hearts. We shall ne'er forgot your lessons Though life's journey take us far, Ever slinll vour spirit guide us Like a bright and glowing star For we owe thee. Alma Mater, Gratitude we scarce, can snow For the joys that gather round us With the days that come and go. (lorlls. Qh col,cso (layg na college ways To our hearts are ever dear The friends we've made, the games wo've played, In memory they are doar; So here's to old Wilametto, To hor profs and prexy, too, Her athletes strong we hail with song, tier uime .Willamette, here's to you Portland Has First Case Of "Sleeping Sickness Portland, nr.. March 22. Portland's first case of "sleeping sickness" is probably the first one of the kind in i the- country, inasmuch as it is "compli cated" the victim being the negro wife of a Japanese. The sufferer is Mrs. Mamie Hiatal. !Kh was seized with the ailment Tues day night and since, then has ; - . , - ' i,lla)lo,i i.ra ttnniT.ted Ihe Japanese husband l.a attempted i... a. I!,...:,! .l.-nrn llil-nllf t f i Mm rnn; i nwn inn r irnar nr. 10 loice uqum u,.. ... the colored woman but has met with,''"-' , .". ..!,. " ., .... f( , I the abolition of tho great general staff, I lit tie SUCCCSS. ... I. ., J .;mil inKtim,. . fine ool will be permitted for Tij .i.. L..I n.,,.,. ioj. iuu dliuul; uiaj wi-l u fi" ed in various parts 01 wo country re 'cently. WA8 PHOTOGBAPHEB THEM o..t t.. i. xfQ-,,L, onVniir. """-' " " terms are carried out, it is said. Con teen years ago Ole Hanson visited San-j o n(jw workjl in thi rcgio is ta Barbara as an itinerant photogra- forbidden. Retention of existing forti pher. - jfications on the eastern and southern Ho is here today as mayor of Seattle rontiors wil be permitted, military au- and one of the country s most taiKeajthorities believe. of men. ' I was in San Diego and heard there were lois OI people in numa iuruara, ; ho told at luncheon of the Rotary club here. "So I bought an outfit and, cl-!mittcd land forces: though I didn't know much about' Infantry Rifles 84,000; heavy ma- photography, came to Santa Barbara and made close of $1000 worth of pic tures." Hanson's health seems much proved. MILITARY POVER OF GERMANY CUT YWAR COUNCIL Allowed 7 Divisons Of Infan try And 3 Of Cavalry Ac cordin To Terms. NUMBER OF OFFICERS v NOT TO EXCEED 4,000 i . ETiioves Of War Administra tion Limited To 10 Per Cos Of Jfekr In 1913. By Ed L, Keen (United Press staff correspondent) (Copyright, 1919, by tho United Press) Paris, March 22. The extent to which Germany will be rendered im potent as a world dominating military power by the impending peaco treaty Wi-.s fully revealed today for tho first time in information obtained by the United Press from authoritative The terms of the treaty regarding military, navuland aviation questions finally ugreed to by the supreme war council aro, according to the best in formation, as follows: Germany to be allowed & maximum of seven divisions of infantry aud three divisions of cavalry, totalling 100,000 ; men and officors. iv umber of Germany urmy officers must not exceed 4000,-, Officers employed in tho War ministry of tlio various states must not exceed 3u0 while the number of civilian env ployes of the war u wTiitn i s 1 1' & t i o n will uu minted to 10 per cent of tne number of such employes in 1913. j.uu bcapicuies Allowed. No military air f'oree will bo allowed except 100 seaplanes, which will be used in destruction of mines unui ocio uer 1. t iSo airdome:iwHl bo permitted within 93 miles of tlt'e western or eastern f ren tiers nor within 93 miles of tho Italian and Czecho slovak boundaries. ilio uliius retain the right of freo aerial passage and landing in Germany until complete evacuation of Germany by the ullicd troops is uccomplished. buiTonaer Materials. All Gorman military aviation mater ials to bo surrendered. . 'i'Ue German fleet, according to tho United Press information, will bo limit ed to six battleships of tho Deutscftlund or Lothringeu type, under tho terms ar ranged. Other naval maximums are: Six light cruisers, twelvo destroyers, twelve torpedo boats. In replacing the fleet units, now ves- els constructed will not exceed 10,000 ions for armored ships, six thousand tons for light cruisers, 800 tons for de stroyers and 200 tons for torpedo boats. Except when ships aro lost through storm, etc., no battleships nor cruisers can bo replaced uutil they are 20 years old, according to the proposed terms. Destroyers aud torpedo boats, must bo 13 years old before they can be junked as obsolete and replaced by new vessels. The navy personnel to bo limited to'ful talk with Frank on the way over. 10,000. This number includes 1500 of ficers. Stop Construction. Warships now under construction iu Gorman navy yards to ho broken up uu - der allied supervision. ' All auxiliury cruisers to be disarmed and returned to merchant Ship status. aii suDinariiies to uo Burrenuereu 10 now, no saia no .wouia innKo him move the allies. out for Frank. So Frank says if Thay- Construction of submarines, either former will pay just his own transportation war or commercial purposes, forbidden, rud wages from tho time he loaves here, Will Keep Check. i that he '11 bring his wifo and come a fly- Sweeping changes that will enable . ing. For tho lovo of Mike take him ur the allies to always keep a close chock h.!on the German military forces are pro- vidcil )V mil icons as id ttnntMuiiv. tic. f -e Ocrman forces, according to Uni - ted Press information. ftthoritative information it' ,,,, th.f th ,.ha,,. inr-ltirin ' . . 'each branch of tho service, These will be used solely for training officers, ) So-called veterans' societies uu iiimt lar organizations, including those using military exercises, will bo prohibited. All fortified work within fifty miles 01 lno alliue U1"3L in, ucaiiujr uu u mo Limits Placed. According to the United Press' infor mation, the following limits will be placed upon tho equipment ofr tne per- chine guns, 7oti; light machine guns, 1131; light trench mortars 189; medium calibre trench mortars, 63; trench guns, n- 108; twelve inch guns, 84. Cavalry Carbines, 18,000; machine GIRL CHARGED WITH MURDER OF RIVAL IS NOT HELD IN PRISON Sheriff Placed Her At rta Of Good Shepherd To Get Needed Quiet Seattle, Wash., March 22, Out at tho House of the Good Shepherd where all is quiet and restful, the peaco broken only by occasional chimes and tlio soft footed steps and whispers of the sisters, is Ruth Garrison, the confessed modern Borgia. She was taken there yester day afternoon by Deputy Sheriffs Con nor and Ramuge on the order of Sheriff Stringer. . Immediately aftor her arraignment yesterday in Judge Boy a i cumin's court she was taken to the county jail whero a half hour's conference with nor attorneys resulted in her being removed to tho other institution. Prosecution Attornoy Fred C. Biovn was indignant last night over th treat ment accurded her. ''She is no better than any other wo man prisoner," ho asserted, "and I shall object to her being accorded bol ter treatment than any other." Attorney Objects. "She is a murderer, not a martyr," said Deputy Prosecuting Attorney John D. Carmody, "and thero is no senso in trying to make hor one. She belongs in jail and should bo there." Sheriff Stringer, on whose order Ruth was takeu to tho Good Shephurd Homo told a United Press reporter that he wanted her to be away from uuo. "I want her to be out thero where alie can obtain all tho rest and quiet she needs," he said. "I don t want her in tho county jail with those women up t hero. It is no placo for her. And 1 don't want her to be where she can be bothored by morbid and curious people who would como to visit her." Love Letters to Storrs. A few hours after Ruth Garrison- reached Seattle last Monday from 'Okanogan, she wrote a lovo letter to Dudloy M. Storrs. It was intercepted in tho minis by ordcr of Capjjn of De fectives Tennaiit. Tho letter follows: "Seattlo, Wash., Murch 19, 1919. "Lover: Here I am, ju u rooSicst citv over built. Oh, how I do hate it and everybody in it! "I'll have to hand it to Clara, though. She's a peach. Mot mo at the train; loved and kissed mo like Vu ii';.'i away rnr years. Klie lias not siSd a word so far, except to ask how I felt, etc., and, tell ye nil tho news of what has happened since I left. She's here in -tho bedroom with me now waiting patiently till I finish this, so she can talk, I rather dread it, but then Aunt M. and Uncle (Mr. and Mrs. Thompson) are worse tlian twelvo feet of snow. - "Boy they'll hardly npeak; but Clara wanted me to como out here for the night, so thought I'd better. To morrow I'm going down to the island, to get things straightened out down there as best 1 can. Just as you thought, that lettor wus mostly bluff the bovs aren't worry much ono way or tho oth- "r. as near as I can find out 'If anything happetis down homo I'll manage, some way or other, to wire you; but I know it won't. All they want is for me to be home and in misery with out you. "Oh, lover boy I You looked so lone somo there this morning when we loft. It hurt me worso than the fact of my navmg to leave you.. 1 had a wonder- nothing real personnl concernine be tween you and I, but just generally, lie's a peach of a fellow. "Listen, swoef heart. Frnnk met the . banker, Whitworth, on the train today, nnd he says he has mtle five-room house just back of tho schoolhouse; and I although there's a bachelor living there on it. Only, please, lover, don't g0 to 11 ve with them, will youf It's ft shamo I stayed and spent nil 'you, perfectly good, hard earned money for board; but I surely had a wonderful time wtih von. i " "Please write just as quickly as pos sible, and send my mail to Camano, Wash. Don't know how I'll ever get used to being a 'miss' again. "Good night, lover man, and don't ever forget I'm all yours always. " Sweetheart Girl." guns (light and heavy), 3B00; field guns, 38. No heavy artillery will be permitted. Stocks of ammunition aro to be stringently rationed, say the military sources. Depots where ammunition is stored must be made known to tho al lies, who will reserve the right to limit the number of munition woiks. All war material above the maximum set for rentention by Germany is to be surrendered to tho allies, by whom it will he destroyedthe plan provides. All imports and exports of war material, in eluding asphyxiating gases, armored cars, tanks, etc., will be forbiddon. Hood River county has appropriated 2750 for work on a new road to Lost lake. Will Do This Only If Congress Is Unable To Act Separate ly On Covenant And Peace Treaty, ' Or Refuses To Ratify It At All.-Wilson Is Now Giving Consider able Attention To United States Finances. ta nrmt! i iu mm SCHOOrMOVEMLNl State Superintendent Church ill Plans To Enforce Recent Legislation. With the enacMicnt. by the recent legislature of the law known . the "part time bill," tho state superin tendent of publb instruction, J. A. Churchill, is planning to begin a cam paign for a "stay in "school" mo'U ment. Under this new law all children must stay in schaol until they have reached tho age of 16 year?, unless they hnvo completed tho work of the first eight el.mentory grades. If Lt the age of 1 j years a child hits not com pleted ihe first -eight grades in tho public schools, he must cither stay in school up to tho ago of 18 yearg or until ho hn completed his work; or, if he bp legally employed, he must at tend a part timo school for tit lca3t five hjurs a week Ihioughont the ychool year, Oregon hag hud fw yeas one of the bcit compulsory education laws in the union. In one of -the reports .of tho United States commissioners of edu cation, the Oregon law was cited n a med.-d, and ai ene which can be most easily enforced. That lesults are be ing secured under this law and the general system of the public schools in. this state is clearly ibrought out by the statenent of Colonel 'May at the reception given to hirii in the govern or's office a fow days ago. Colonel May told of the largo proportion of illiterates amonj; tho troops coming from certain 'Actions of the United States, but said that there was no il literacy in the Oregon regiment. Itc further stated that the 102(1 regiment (the Third Oregon) fittractc marked attention everywhere on account, not only of the phy-ficnl appearance of the troops, but of the high average of in telligence which was ma n if est in tho actions fld appearance of the Oregon boys. in order, that the state may secure vahio received fir every dollar in vested in public education, it is neves aarv that all children of school flgo attend school throughout the year. For this reason Superintendent ChnrcniH will send to every county judge aim county school superintendent a letter urging them to appoint tho truant of ficer required iby law and to see .iat no parent permits a child under his care to remain out of school. One of tho commendable features of Oregon's law is that (the child is not haled into court but that tho parents are made respon sible and may be arrested and fined if they do not fulfill -their duty. three Year Contracts For Oregon Hops Made The Portland advices state that 1910, 1920, 1921 hep contracts have been written the past week in Oregon at 33 cents, while tho Orcgonian says that 190U' (12 years old) have been sold in . England recently at 42 Va cents. Both reports are almst too ood to ibclieve. According to export statistics of the government, during 1918 ifiii),J.)i pounds of hops, valued at 1970,508 were exported from the United States to all parts of tho world. A fow of the coun tries to which hops were exported in 1918, with the quantises were as ioi lows: Prance, pounds 40,000 Knglnnd 2i,500 Canada , ' 747,503 Panama 1.544 Mexico : 205,504 Otih 2-t,55 Argentina ..354,430 Brazil 351,243 Chile , 279,229 Hritish India 249,5;3 Japan 328113. Australia , 290,904 South Africa 146,223 Forty three other countries import ed hons last vcar from the United States. Ireland took but 20 pounds, Iceland 184, Siam 262, Kongo 220. It will bo noted that Russia, RoU' mania. Serbia, Belgium, Holland, Den mark, Norway, Sweden, Italy and Greece, as well as Germany, Austria, Turkey and Bulgaria did not import any of our hops Paris, March 22. President Wilson is prepared to make a strong fight to cou trol tho United States senate's ratifica tion of the preliminary peace treaty containing the league of nations cove nant, it was learned today. Close friends of the president say that ho may stump, the country on a speak ing tour if the senate is unable to act separately on tho league 's covenant and the peu:o treaty or refuses to ratify it. If tho people back up Wilson's stand ho will demand that the senate ratify the treaty or tako the responsibility. President Wile.on is now giving con siderable attention to United States fi nances, foreseeing that somo brauches of the government mny be iu serious fi ancir.l trouble before the end of May, but unablo to securo :ore tu emer gency appropriations. While tho presidont has not confided his ideas concerning an extra session of congress to his friends, it is believed ho wilr return to the United Biatos for that purpose by May 15. When asked by his associates if he would stump the country in tho event that tho senate din. mis. uuiiy the, treaty, President Wilson said: . "That's a good guess.1' . Houss Represonwa inson. Paris, March 22. When tho supreme war council met today President Wil son ttas expected to bo represented by Colonel House, owing to his more neces sary engagement with tho leuguo ui wr -tions conference, whore ho is to pmsiue us chiiirman. Tho supremo war council is expected to reopen discussion on Uer uiauy ' frontiers. yuuturduy the council discussed transportation of Polish troops through Dunssig. This is considered significant, since it was reported that Germany would refuse to allow tho Poles to laud at Diiiizig. ,' . Tho league of nations commission with President Wilson presiding met to day to consider amendments to tho covenant proposed during tho last two days by delegates from neutral coun tries. Must Accept It as Whole. ' ' It is authoritatively learned today that tho United States senate will ktuvo to uccept or reject it in its entirety tho preliminary peuce renty with tne league of nations covenant included. Separate action on the treaty and the leaguo of nations plan, as planned by republican senators, is thus rendered impossible Under the program followed in draw ing up tho pact, the senate must ratify the treaty without attempting to amend the ieuguu of nations covenant inulud- eu,or refer tho entire document buck to the president. If this form of opposi tion to the league of nations plan de velops, it will menu a delay in exenang ing of ratifications among tho allied governments and postpone establish ment of formal peace negotions. iiilzh Miners Strike Postponed Indefinitely Loudon, Murch 22. The miners strike scheduled for today which wa s to pre cipitate a sympathetic walkout of rail way and transport workers paralyzing British industries has been postponed indefinitely. Under a day to duy agreement the in mors will continue at worn while their representatives take up with tho government proposed modification of Justice Sankey's report. Sankey, who represented the government on tho par liamentary commission investigating tho mining situation recommended con cessions to tho miners regarding wages and hours, but suggested that the com mission continue of nationalization of the mines, reporting in May. Tho min ers report flutly favored ationalizatioa. while the owners were unanimously. Miss Eunice Srilh To Act 0a We'fare Ccmiaissioa Governor Olcott announced today the appointment of Miss Euuieo Smith, of Portland, as a member of the industrial welfare commission. Miss Smitu will act as representative of tho employes, the law requiring that one of the com missioners represent the employed elass, another the' employing class aud the third the public at large. Miss Smith succeeds Miss Margaret R. Howatson, of Portland, who express ed the request that sho bj allowed to discontiuo her connection with the com misison. Miss . Smith was the only one who was endorsed for a place on the commission. 1 ".