PAGE EIGHT THE DAILY CAPITAL JOURNAL. SALEM. OREGON. FRIDAY, MARCH 21, 1919. For Rheumatic Agony, Lumbago and Neuralgia No Choking, Blinding Fumes Accompany Its Use Con tains Real Mustard. The pain of rheumatism and gout Mustarine In the house, because it stops the. swelling the soreness are reliev- jhoadache, earache, toothache and back ed quicker by Begy's Mustariuc than ache in half the time it takes ordinary fcy any liniment or plaster. remedies. When you begin to feel those occa- It's simply wonderful how quickly !cnal paijis in the chest, with tight-lit ibrings relief in neuralgia, neuritis, ness and soreness, the 'best thing to. Sciatica, lumbago, on Jkgy ' While for strains, sprains, sore mus cles, cramps In legs, stiff neck, in- you i flamed and frosted feet it is without do right away is to rub lUustanne. Thn chances are it will from pleurisy, bronchitis and perhaps i an equal, neumonia. A. small box costs but a trifle and Mustarine (Bogy's) is the original' will Ao the work of 50 mustard ptast tnustard preparation compounded to ers. take the 'place of muslard plaster. Bo sure it'siBep-'s Mustarine al- It is better than any mustard pka-ways in the yellow box. ., .ter far better for it has twice thei strength and can be kept on until air inflammation, soreness, aches Bnd pains, have disappeared. j And it cannot blister not even (no temlorest skin. Yon ought to have a box of Begy's Court House Notes A mandate from the supreme court was filed yesterday in the county eourt in the case of A. W. Giescy against the county of Marion. The opinion of the supreme court was-that there was no error as alleged and that the decision of the lower court be affirmed. A. W. Giesey was the appellant. The opinion was handed down several months ago but the mandate was only filed yester day. J. Kicks, Walter Johnson and Lyman Shorey have been appointed appraisers. A bond for $5000 has Ixen filed by Matilda Graff, cs administrator of the estate of O. E. Kache. Gustav Adolph Woestefell is having trouble with his name, even if he was born hi this country, in the state of Wisconsin. He lives at Woodburn and in a petition filed before ino muuty court, states that evefl his most inti mate friends have trouble in not only spelling his name, but in pronouncing it right. Hence he asks the eourt for the legal right to change the word Wocstcfold to Westfield. The eourt or dered that the usual notice of change of name be published four weeks in a Woodburn paper and then a hearing will be held before tht eountry court and if everything is all right, the spell 3 2i New Patterns are in acd Coming. Here are just a few . tht kve arrived No. 421 African Brown Pump, Cuban heels. $6.00 No. 328 African Brown Oxford, Cuban heels....$6.50 No. 437 Tatent Pumps, French heels $6.00 No. 341 Patent Pumps, French heels l.....$6.50 No. 436 Patent Pumps, Cuban heels ....................$5.00 No. 404 Black Glazed Kid PumpFrench heels $7.00 No. 505 Black Glazed Kid Pump, Cuban heels,...$6.50 No. 344 Patent Oxford, French heels $6.50 No. 316 Black Glazed Kid Oxford, Cuban heels $6.50 No. 317 Black Kid Oxford, school heel..... $4.85 After a married life of 39 years, di vorce proceedings have been instituted by George T. Mason against Emma V. Mason. They were married in 1880 ft -ma cnd change of name will be legally Aurora, Nebraska, and in January ofgrantcd. 19ft, she deserted. Hence he asks fori a divorce. The Mllntv mnrt tin. dnin notiftnnai! I by administrators F. B. Decker and In tho county court, the date for theip. e. TalliBter f,., thn Wnl r,rht tn hearing in the matter of the estate of rpai egtate belonging to the estate of Henry Slough, was originally set for Earl Wood, deceased, wh0 lived a Sil M&rch 20, but by a new order, the date;yCrton. The petition states that per has been postponed to March 31. 80nai property amounting in value to ' ' 12.(!20S(1 h1 luun antil hut that lnhta In the matter of the estate of Nelson Ji immHiKT toW B. Doud who died Dcc. i, 191S, Esther remained. The administrators ask the) E. Dowd was appointed executrix. Le- w.1 .,. ,i, . u,, .itnmi.ii land F. Doud was appointed executor valued at $1000 and three tracts of land! in the will, but as he j .i the army and;of a total vauc of $23,000. Earl Wood! iKciy lo locate m wasnington, JLstncr was survived by his widow ami B gon c. uoua was appointed to care ror tne aso n years. cstute which is estimated at $1300. R. Baby Doming To Your Horns? Tha Wonderful Event That Will Bring Much Gladness. .7,- :9am, ."tr. '' i.a. - :!iKiSt--J MtyiiiiiiiiiMllr WON'T OIVB TIP DALMATIA i. Budapest, March 21, Gabrloie u'An juiuaio, Italian poet andurmy aviator, Tuh Safe Ztt-, Milk a 'Akii.i . niuii' 'Bniiwr'-tiin". mm NocZuii A Nutritious Diet for All Acies. Pu'clt Ltinch; Home or Office, OTHERS r IMITATIONS interviewed by the Home correspondent of Awst, declared Italy would fiht to retain Daluiatla. "Italy will never renouuee Duliim tia,',' D'AnnunKio was quoted as saying. "Another war is possible if an attempt is mailo t0 taree It.alv to relinquish her claims. Personally, I am ready to of fer my lifo for every siouo in this latin province," Hoeent Paris dispatclivs said a tenta tive compromise had been arranged whereby Italy would renounce her claims to Dnluiatift in return for an un disputed title to Plume. Are yon looWng forward, dear propfiectlvfl mother, to the wonderful, glorious tfmo when you shall hold In your nrun the littto nlte. which Is of your nesb and Lloo,!, with fccllnra of misgiving? Kow Is the time t get In condition to meet tho crisis, and three generations of women hnvo found in tha time-honored preparation, Mother's Friend, a Grateful, penetrating remedy to prepare tlielr syctcms ta witlistaud tho hcc!i. The oetlon cf Hits famous remedy la to relieve tension on drawn nerves, corils, ten ilons nnd ligaments, to relieve strain and discomforts, such as Hansen, nervousness, bearing-down nnd BtTetchliiir pnlns. By regular use durlns the period tho musolea expand easily wheu babf is born; pain and danger at the crisis Is naturally less nnd tlte hours are fewer. Da not neglect the uie of Mother's Friend. It Is for ex ternal application only. Is absolutely safa and wonderfully effective. Writs the Bradfleld Regulator Company, Dept. N, Lamar Building, Atlanta, Georgia, for their Motherhood Book, and obtain a bottle of Mother's Friend from the drug tore. It Is Just as standard as anything you can think of. LOWER STEEL PRICES (Continued from pago one) A buifding and loan ossrctalinn with a capital of 4,000,000 is being organ Uud at Vancouver to assist in the hous ing problem. Motor Car Sale 11 v, 5iT7ffi Now beinr conducted at Vancouver Barracks, . Vancouver, Washington, by the United States Spruce Production Corporation Motor trucks 1 1-2 to 5 ton, $1,000 to $4,200. Trailers, 2 1-2 to 5 ton, $400 to $1,000. Fords 100 to $450, Also a few1 passenger cars of other makes. All cars carry prices plainly marked. Come and see and buy. For Further information address Auto mobile Dept. Sales Board, United States Spruce Production Corporation, Yeon Iiu;Id!ii, I'ortland, Oregon. for the steel men. The prices so far announced by tho conference are: Basic pig iron, reduced to $25.V5 per gross ton, ($4.25 reduction); four inch billets to 38.50 gross ton; two inch bil lets t0 42 gross ton; merchant bar to 2.35 cwtj plate to 2.65 cwt; sectional steel to 2.45 cwt. The reduction on billets amounts to 5 per gross ton, while on bars, plate md structural stool, the reduction is 7 per net ton, iron prices wore not cut, ac cording to Gary. TO HAVE CLEAN HEALTHY BLOOD Bright Eyes, Gear Complexion lake ramous Springtime Tonic And Blood Purifier "Celery King.'' Three timos a week for three weeks, brew yourself a ieup of Celery King and drink it just befcre rotiring, Uive it to tho children, too, You'll be sur prised how gently yet effectively CELERY KING creates a normal action of tho ibowels, clcunsiug and strengthening of the system, banishing Wimples, scrofula and other blood disorders. Celery King keeps the blood pure and rich by freeing the system of all waste inattor. 1 CfJOVf-vJ PICKLES Not alone do you save money but you get all the flavor that only Home-canned foods can give you. In addition, there it the uncommon satisfaction you get in eating the foods you've gro.wn yourself. It's no trick to have a garden and to raise all the varieties of vege tables your family likes. But b wra to start right br planting MORSE'S CALIFORNIA SEEDS ckaowUdgtd by experts "bert is tha world.' Acclimated to the Pacific Cout TiiM-to-ntm and ol lirooi vitalily, M CtliftrnU FlrmtT tni FettM SttJt art uld ly ittltn tvtrjwktrt Lasnch Prpsecuiicn Of Seattle Undertaker Siattie, Wash., March 21. With the jury selected, the prosecution's uitack hiunelicd and the defense rt-Mimg its statement, the trial of G. M. "Bert" Buttorwprth, undertaker, is continuing in Judge Jeremiah Neterer's depart ment of tho United States district court hero today. Butterworth, manager of E. E. But tcrworth & Sons, one of the largest un dertaking establishments in the north west, is charged with profiteering from the government and parents of dead sailors and mr.rines on coffin sales and burial arrangements. From yesterday morning at 10 o'clock until late afternoon, examination of ve nircmcii for the jury occupied tha at teution- of the court. The room was jammed with people, who patiently waited for something to ''turn up. The most exciting incidents were occsr sional admonitory sentence from Judgo Netercr to a venireman. The examination of the veniremen was done with microscopic detail by As sistnnt District Attorney Bon L. Moore for the prosecution, and Attorney Wil mon Tucker for the defense. Thirty three men wore examined before both sides decided the body was qualified to render a fair and impartial verdict. Series Of Conferences To Brfog Prices Dawn Begins . Wusliangton, Mar. 19. With the aim of bringing down war prices-, the gov ernment today began a series of con feronees with tho various industries. Today's conference is with the now industrial beard and the isteel men headed by Judge Gary and Charles M Schwab. The expected Tesult is a new schedulo of stool and iron prices much lower than the present price and prob ably somewhat above the pre-war fig ure. Tables of the board show that steel and iron average about 120 per cont nigner tnan in Tho -plan of the board, which the stool men have terita'lively agreed to is to maka one reduction that will stand for some time. o that the users of steel will foel safe in going amead with large purchases. The steel men aro preparing a new schedule to submit to the board, and if ithig is approved all government purchases will be made at the figures sifbrnimca, inciuiung tne largo amount of steel needed tor raa road work which ig about 35 pex cent of tho output. Twelve steel kiiv were expected for todnv's conference. They are E. H. Gary, Charles M. Schwab, James A Parrell, A. V. Dinoy, Eugene C. Graco, .Mm A. Topping, li. cl. ISlocK, James B. Burden C H. McCullough. Jr., A. C. ttal'ton, A. C. Houston and William h. King. Britsh Take Steps Toward Making Trans - Atlantic Fiight With Big Airplane London, Mar. 19. The Bntish have taken first steps toward making a trans-Atluntic airplane flight. The Mail announces that a socrotly built 375 horsepower planewith a pilot and navigator has been shipped to St. Johns N. 1, to sturt from there witiun a few dav. on a voyage over the Atlan tic. The pilot ia understood to be Har ry . Hawker, an Australian, with wide experience in long distance non stop flying. Commander Mackensie Girve as bing sent along as navigator. The fliaht is 'bein? planned from New Foundland to Ireland because of the favorable wind which at this sea son of tho yenr blows strongly from west to east at a certain artuuno. inp British contestants believe this (9(le wiiT aid greatly in making the propos ed flight a success. We Don't Cut - the P But We Cut toe Prices The policy of the People's Cash Store is big sales with small profits, which is better than small sales with large profits. We are getting daily mar ket bulletins and if there is any decline in market prices, we are' the first to give you the benefit of it. Please remember we always sell at the lowest prices in the line of Groceries, Dry Goods, Clothing and Shoes. But our Sat urday specials are always surprising the public Our specials for Saturday, and will continue Monday are as follows: " Olympic and Snow Drift flour $2.90 Head Rice, per pound 9c Fisher's best hard wheat flour $2.75 Broken Rice, 4 pounds 25c Valley flour : $2.55 10 pounds Pancake flour 65c 10 pounds Corn Meal Yellow and White 65c 10 pounds Oat Meal 69; White Beans, 2 pounds 15c Lima Beans, 2 pounds 25c Macaroni in packages- 8c Macaroni in bulk, 2 packages 17c 2 big packages Cream of Barley....35c 30 per cent reduction in all kinds of Coffee. Below the wholesale price. A PREMIUM OF 1 POUND OF ANY KIND OF COFFEE FREE WITH THE PURCHASE OF 10 POUNDS OF COFFEE. CANNED GOODS . Armour's and Libby's milk, can....l4c Del Monte's Pork and Beans, tall Sweet Corn, per can 15c . can 14c Carnation and Borden's milk, can 15c Clams, tall cans 18c Good quality Green Peas, can 15c Table Pride Salmon, tall cans 17c Standard Brand Tomatoes, can....l5 . Libby's, 2 1-2 pound can dill Pineapples, per can 23 . pickles 19c All kinds of Nut Margarine Butter, per pound "... L..34c Peanut Butter in Bulk, 2 pounds 30c Raisins, per package lie big Deduction in cooking oil in cans, bottles or in bulk, also big reduction in lard, crisco, shortenings and com pound. ten per cent reduction in all kinds of syrups and molasses. Six bars White Flyer soap :.25c $1.75 brooms 75c Crystal White, per bar .-. 5c Mop Sticks .....15c EVERYTHING IN THE GROCERY LINE IS REDUCED VEGETABLES Selected onions, per pound ..3c Burbank potatoes, per sack $1.45 Fresh eggs, per dozen .......36c Alaska best herring, 6 for. 25c We have just received from the East an enormous stock of Men's and BoyV Clothing and Furnishings. We can assure you it will be profitable to buy them here. , Sacrifice sale in Men's and Boys' Overalls in the Everwear and Other Brands. This material is heavy weight and will last as long as three ordinary pairs. $1.49 and up. Big Sacrifice Sale in our Dry Goods and Shoe Department with a reduc tion in our present prices of 35 per cent. - ' Also Big Bargains in all kinds of Tennis Shoes and Slippers. - Please remember you will save money at every step. We are giving FREE PREMIUM COUPONS with the purchase of each dollar in our store, which are valuable in securing Glass and Silverware civl Hundreds of other items. BE SURE TO VISIT OUR PREMIUM DEPARTMENT. Management of The People s Cash Store 186-194 N. Commercial St. Phone 453 Salem, Ore. WW TV PERSONAL C C MORSE 8c COhIHf mm SEEK TO INDICT DR. WILKIN3 ATincola, N. Y., Mar. 19. Charles Weeks, district attorney of Jassau eounty, today went before tho grand rjury here to seek an indictment against ilr. W. K. Wilkins, for the' murder of his wife on February 27. Tho Nassau police force has been augmented by 15 Jfew York eity polico and several private dotectivo agencies Mra, Clara . Ycomans of Columbus, Iowa, is a guest over Bunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Z. J. Kiggs. B. Ii. Winniford of Wheatland was n tho city yesterday registered at the (151 igh. Tho following from Monmouth werS Anient visitors Thursday: Andre Smith, Eugene Moreland, oJseph Wine gar and Jus. D. Jtocre. Lieut. Miller MeGilchrist of Camp Lewis is visiting in the city. He is here on a short visit .before returning to camp to receive his final discharge. Dan Wieklandcr left yesterday for Eseanaba, Mich., to attend the funer al of his brother. George IF. Vick and Al Feilan left yestordav for Boise, Idaho, to look af ter the Fordson tractor interests. Vick lllros. have had their territory for the iroroson tractor increased to cover the south hslf of Idnho. Ralph Thompson is in Albany at tending the auto and tractor show there and incidentally explaining a few .things about the Fordson tractor. Attorney H. D. Norton of Grants Puss is a guest at the Marion hotel to day. He is counsel for the plaintiff Oscar Steelhammer came in yester- !; since Sundar last. A watch is being kont at railroad atntiona and steamship niera in New York city in the belief ' in " the caso of Tokar Height- Devel (that Willans might attempt to leave 'opment Co. va Daniel Hull, appealed tho eountry. No trace of his where- to he supreme ecnrt from Josephine abouls has been found. - county. day from Silverton and registered at tho Bligh hotel Mr. and Mrs. T. J. Williams of Port land were visitors in the city yester day. Mr. Williams is manager of the Pacific Statcg Fire Insurance company: Senator T. O. Howell of Multnomah was a recent arrival in the city, having business before the supreme court, Paul Hauscr has just returned from a business trip to Albany where he found the city in the midst of prepa rations for a big celebration for the home coming soldiers. Orris Fry, who has been ' with the naval aviation corps during the past year and stationed at one of the French ports, arrived in the city this morning on bis return rrom the At lantic seaboard. Sunt. Nieholson, of the Metropolitan Life Insurance company, was called to fcugene this morning to look after the matter of death losses. Secretary GooJin of the board of control returned yesterday from a trip of investigation to the Soldier's Home at Koseburg. The institution and equip ment was inspected, everything check ed over and reported in excellent con dition, the new eommandant establish ed in his position, and thus the inci dent is closed. A marriage license was Issued yester day to William Virgil Mires, age 38 a farmer and Julia Olava Hillique, age 30. Both are of Silverton. 4c Born Lederer of Brooks, Oregon, March 17 ii, a son. Ho haa been ruined Grant Ledcrcr, Jr. ANDERSOKT To Mr. and Mrs. Her man' D. Anderson, of 827 North -22d street, Salem, March 18, 1919, a girl. She has been named Goldada Mina. Real estate in the neighborhood of Silverton as changing hands, according to the number of transfers recently recorded. Yesterday record was mad of tho sale of 5U acres for $7000. Tha grantor wag Mary A. Puitoiff and tho grantee Henry Torvend. The Carm is four or live miles west of Siiverton. The Eev. Eobert S. Gill, formerly rector of St. Paul's church, Salem, and later of the Commercial club, is now a permanent resident rf Portland. Yes terday his household effects were moved from Salem to the Duzendorf apartments, Portland, where the Gill family will make their home. Fordson tractors sales for the past few days are as follows: Henry Voth, Polk county; Julian Stratton. Polk county; Robert MeGilchrist, Bosedale: I.-1 ii. i i i , .. .. in-n vrcnarus, noseaaie district; J. E. Towle, Shaw; Fred 8. MeCell. rural route 8, Salem, and Otto Hansen of j oik county.' - J