Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, March 21, 1919, Image 4

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9 m
Editor and Publisher
I Page of The ' Capital Journal. . d I
Published Every Evening Except Sunday, Salem, Oregon.
Address All Communications To
138 S. Commercial St.
tViW. b Carrier, cer year $5.00 Per Month..
Daily by Mail, per year, $3.00
Per Month..
WD. Ward, New York, Tribune Building.
W. H. Stockwell, Chicago, Peopled Gag Building
Tie Daily Capital Journal carrier boys are instructed to put the papers on the
porch If the carrier does not do this, misses you, or neglectg getting the paper
to you on time, kindly phone the circulation manager, as this is the only way
we can determine whether or not the carriers arc following instructions. Phone
SI before 7:30 o'clock and a paper will be sont you by special messenger jf the
arrier has missed you. :
Is the only newspaper in Salem whose circulation is guaranteed by the
Audit Bureau Of Circulations -
Trio orHfiVinl stimulation of wheat production foi
the present year may turn after all to have been a wise
policy. The nation nas Deen reconciieu to iwmg auuui, a
v.;m riniiaro nc n vpsnlt, nf the wheat guarantee to Amen-
can farmers. This has been accepted philosophically as
a war expense which could not be ioreseen. isut accru
ing to the statements made by Herbert Hoover, interna
tional food administrator, the government may not lose
anything on the wheat crop. For instead of a great
world surplus of wheat this year he foresees a possible
deficit again. ; , ,
The close of the war has not immediately increased
production. Several countries which naturally export
wheat, among them Russia, Bulgaria, India, Roumama and
Serbia, will have to import grain this year. Thus, if there
is freedom in the world market the price will rise. Ameri
can wheat, therefore, may actually be worth $2.26 a
bushel, or even more than that, in the open market.
It is too early yet to make more than a rough guess.
But from the present outlook, even if the planting of
spring wheatis as heavy as has been expected, and the
American crop beats all records, it will still be needed and
readily absorbed. - ; , ;
The net results to the farmers and consumers in this
country may be pretty nearly the same as if the price
were kept up by a big subsidy to farmers. Even so, the
public will find considerable satisfaction in the outlook,
because it will have a billion dollars less taxes to pay, and
will have the comfortable feeling that it is getting the
worth of its bread money. ;
Speaking in defense of the filibuster which marked
the closing days of congress, Senator Sherman remarked
that speech is not free in this country. In this case he was
emphatically correct, for speech -which accomplishes noth
' ing but to postpone legislation immediately necessary to
the welfare of a great country is not free. It is the most
costly thing we have, says the La Grande Observer.
. If the principle of self-determination were applied to
Ireland, it would be a safe prediction that Gabriel's horn
will blow before the question is finally settled.
Noiv Ready for
- Delivery
The highest quality car with standard features,
combinning reliability with comfort.
The greatest mileage on tires and gas.
The lowest priced 4-cylinder high power car on
I the market. Outclasses every other car on the mar
i ket for hill climbing.
Only $1095, f. o. b. Salem.
See this car before you buy.
s v-.c'- iwi-
J. W JONES. Mer.
102 N. Commercial St, Salem, Oregon. 1 J
4 -f-t -
The U. S. senate committee appointed to investigate
Bolshevik propaganda in this country has had placed be
fore it. a great mass of "literature" gathered by agents
of the department of justice. It ranges from well-bound
volumes purporting to be legitimate works of history, or
economics or politics down to cheap and crude pamphlets
and leaflets whose objectionable nature is apparent at a
The collection is described as "documentary evidence
of the indisputable spread of Bolshevik propaganda in
the United States by well-paid emissaries of Lenine and
Most of this reading matter is obtainable at so-called
socialist book stores in New York, Chicago and other
large cities. "It is evident that it is being scattered
broadcast over the country," says the government repre
sentative. "Through it the seeds of Bolshevism are be
ing sown among the credulous, the uninformed and the
Certainly the United States cannot afford to permit
.this sort of thing.
. Censorship is always dangerous and difficult busi
ness. The United States has always prided itself on its
"free press bv that term meaning freedom of publica
tion for pamphlets and books as well as newspapers and
magazines. . Any attempt to limit this treeaom must oe
made cautiously and wisely, lest stupid or over-zealous
officials do more harm than good. But some limitation
there must be. ' " . !s -
In normal times we might properly permit the free
circulation of any sort of reading matter, except the mor
allv indecent, as we did before the war. But in view of the
present world-wide danger from Bolshevism, this sort of
poison oecomes intolerable, especially wnen it is circulated
with deliberate purpose by alien interests-
Prompt steps should be taken against it by congress
and the department of justice. A certain amount of con
trol can be exercised through the postoffice. Beyond
that it may be necessary to place bookstores under super
vision, until such time as the peril shall have passed.
Joseph W. Bailey, who quit the United States senate
by request because his connection with the Standard Oil
payroll was exposed, has just renounced the democratic
party. His reasons are that the modern followers of
Thomas Jefferson are too prone to flirt vHth woman suf
frage and prohibition. Just where Joseph will land now
he does not state, but it is safe to say that none of the
existing political parties is preparing a warm welcome
into its ranks for him. His reputation is anything but
an asset.
Freezone is magic! Corns lift off
with fingers without pain
- Senator Jim Reed, ex-criminal lawyer of shady notor
iety and a gift of gab, refuses to resign from the high na
tional legislative body at the request of large numbers of
his Missouri constituents. Of course, Reed, Borah, Lodge,
Chamberlain and all the rest of these peanut politicians
will hold on until the "people have an opportunity to kick
them out at a general election. Such men never resign.
By Walt Mason
"Somewhere a voice is calling," I hear the plaintive
lay, when evening 'shades are falling, and dusk is dim
and gray; it's sung by youth and maiden, who lightly bear
their years, who are not heavy laden, and worn by toil
and tears. I see my daughter dolling herself ,in costly
frills; somewhere a voice is calling on me to pay the bills;
somewhere a voice is saying, "Your stand-offs gone to
seed; come hither and be paying the money that we need."
My folks are always falling for rugs and drug-gets nice;
somewhere a voice is calling on me to raise the price. I
sit and brood and ponder beneath my fig and vine, and long
to be up yonder where all the planets shine. For life is
sad and bitter, a long and weary road, and one who's not
a quitter must always bear a load. There is no tune for
stalling, no pause for rest or fun; somewhere a voice is
calling for mon and still more mon. The good sport bears
his burden, and hopes that when he dies he will receive rs
guerdon a free pass to the' skies. Where silver streams
are brawling by Eden's verdant hills, he'll hear no voices
calling on him to pay the bills.
Hurt No, not one ibit Must drop
a little Frccaone on that touchy corn,
instantly it stops aching, then you lift
that bothersome corn right off. Yes,
magic! Costs only a few cents.
Try iFrcczone! Your druggist sells a
tiny bottle, sufficient to rid your feet
of every hard corn, soft corn, or corn
between the toes, and calluses, without
one particle of pain, soreness or irri
tation. Troezone is the mysterious ether
discovery of a Cincinnati genius.
That '
coffee and toast." I told him thru the
closed door, then quickly disarranged
the bed, and 'slipped into negligeo.
All night long I had sat in my dinner
gown, never thinking it uncomfortable
because of the other thoughts which so
filled my mind.
, But les convenances must be ob
served. Servants must not be given
cause for gossip; though my heart ached
and more than anything In tno world
did I want to shut myself away from
their prying eyes.
But when the maid brought the tray
I received her as usual And detained
her a moment upon some trivial matter.
So do we women hide our emotions
so must We hide them.
To my surprise, about ah hour later
Mr. Frederick's card was brought 'to
"Tell him I will be down in a few
moments," I said, thon hurried into a
suitable gown.
1 ' This is a surprise after the way you
talked yesterday," I said to him after
wo had exchanged greetings, "I reaiiy
never expected to see you. again."
"As bad as that?" his gray. eyes hold
a twinkle.
" Just as ba-d as that! "
'1 had a few spare moments this
morning and I could think of nothing
better to do with them, nothing I so
longed to do, as to spend thom with
you. So I took my courage in both
hands and made & call at this unearthly . !
hour for New York."
"OU, but I am so glad you did! I
was just wondering what I should do to
pass the timo. I woke with a cead-j
ache" I was afraid ho would notice i
how tired I looked "and was just'
thinking I would order the c&r and
take a ride. I am so glad you came be
fore I did so."
"I have my car outside. Won't you
let me take you for a-ridel We can
tuik just as well, and the air may do
you good."
The idea appealed to me anu 4. iiur
ricd to put 011 my wraps. For a iuuu,
iu the car, we did not speak. The air
was delightfully fresh and It blew so
refreshingly upon my achinj; head and
tired eyes that I was glad to just lean
buk and enjoy the ease it gave mo.
'Teeling better!" -Mr. Frederick
asked after a bit.
"Very much better, thank you."
it is saa aooui vrton. 1
"Very. But ho has been an invalid'
so long I suppose Mrs. Orton was in a
way, prepared tor it if we ever can ue
prepared for death." I
"But he did not die of his old trou-' '
ble. Haven't you heard anything about trunk Or SUlt Case,
itt" I .
"No. That he died last night, is all j
I know.
' ' Oh, yes, he died very suddenly. The
morning papers were full of it. Pneu
monia, I believe."
T U Al.
ing," 1 replied, wonderins why Neii the market are certainly th3
had thought it necessary to remain out .
all night to comfort Mrs. Orton, when last WOrd 8S to make-Up aS
her husband's death could be nothing
ave a relief to her. (well as appearance. A good
That he had been with her, I never
Idoubtod. - iTYipfnl rnvprpd trunk in
(Tomorrow Mr. Frederick's Words t
Worry Barbara.)
You intend taking soon
will no doubt, call for a new
The new trunks now on
When you wash your hair, be careful
what you use. Most soaps and prepared
shampoos contain too , much alkali,
which is very injurious, as it dries the
scalp and makes the hair brittle.
The best thing to use is just plain
mulsified cocoanut oil, for this is pure
and entirely greaseless. It's very cheap
and beats the mosrt expensive soaps or
anything else all to pieces. You can got
this at any drug store, and a few ounc
es will last the whole family for
Simply moisten the hair with water
and rub it in, about a teaspoonful is all
that is required.-It 'makes an abund
ance of rich, creamy lather, cleanses
thoroughly and rinses out easily. The
hair dries quickly and evenly, and is
soft, fresh looking,- Ibright, fluffy,
wavy and easy to handle. Besides, it
loosens and takes out every particle of
dust, dirt and dandruff.
Child's Flesh Raw
From Eczema
Eeslnol Stopped Itebing and Healed
the Sick Skin
Philadelphia, Pa. Oct. la: "My
baiby suffered terribly for three months
lrom eczema. It appeared on his iace,
head, and .hands, and spread until his
f A heart was a mass of
ifTr sores, and ho looked
- as if ho had been
q valued. Alio ltciung
was so intense I had
to tie his hands. He
cried all the time
and could not sleep.
.1 tried many reme
diM, but nothing did
heard of Hosinol
ilul him any good. I
Ointment and Rcsinol Soap, and the
tonrth day after I began their, use the
itching stopped. Now one would not
know he had ever had any skin trou
ble. Two jars of the Ooiutmont cured
him." (Signed) Mrs. Bessie Davis,
1012 Houth 13th St.
All druggists Seli Eosinol Ointment
and Eosinol Soap.
Paris, MaTea 21. Boreaur
University today sent the lot-
. lowing reply to a letter from
Leipzig and Heidelberg Duiver
Bities, addressed to all French
universities, asking that pre-war
relationship be rcsumeo;
Please make . a trip through
the devastated regions of north-
. cm Franco and ask the people
' there 'how long they would wait
to resume relations with the
' Germans. The entire present .
generation in your country is
guilty of these atrocities and
abominations and crease and 00
not deserve any liasion with
mankind.' '' Perhaps ; we may
change bur mind regarding the
next generation."
.... Crockett, Cal., March 21. Walter
MeOredio will got along without Paddy
Siglin and George Maisel, if they hold
out much longer for more money, he
announced today.
"If Siglin Mid Maisel do not report
to mo they can stay out of baseball. I
do not propose to trado thorn and I do
not propose to be caught napping if
'hi'v don't report," MeOredie said.
For the first timo in iu lifo I was
almost physically afraid, so keen was a
sense of danger about mo. Something
in Neil had struck hard upon my imagi
nation I could scarcely control the
tremglinir that seined upon mo at I
heard tho door close.
Then I began to sob. I felt shaken
and frightened, like a child. Present
ly I ceased sobbing. I was, however,
Inundated with self-pity, because tltho
I loved my husband so dearly, he per
sisted in being almost a stranger to mo.
What could there be between him and
Blanche Orton, that the death of her in-j
valid husband should affect aim as it,
had t What was the secret between
themt I was burning with excitement,
yet there was something almost icy in
me that tried relentlessly to probe into
the heart of things that were causing
mo such anguish. I
At miduight I went ta my room..
I The dawn came and found me still at
the window. I had not slept at all. j
i Tonka came to my door about eight,
o'clock. . 1
''Mr. Forbes will not breakfast at
home. Shall madame bo served f " j
Kiglit o'clock was our breakfast hour.
' ''I haven't slept welL Bring me some
Hogs and Corn and Berries form a com
bination production for which . many more
Marion and Polk County farms are adaptable.
Practical encouragement is something the
United States National bank is always glad
to afford whether it be moral or financal.
1 1
: i Miirrr r 1
1 mmmmmm
inch size, as low in price as
$15. Canvass covered, good
strong, reinforced .trunks
$9.50 to $15. . s
Vulcanized fiber, the same
value in trunks.Light, strong
and handsome. $16.75, $19.50
and up to $25.00. ; ; If
Another shipment of sul
keys and carriages for the
baby are on sale on the first
floor. This bright sunshine
after the rainy days just
past will make you want to
give the baby an outing. You
will be doing yourself an in
justice if you buy a sulkey
or carriage before looking
through our stock.
New window shades re
ceived in the last week Note
these prices. 6-foot long, 37
inches wide. Good spring rol
ler in all staple colors. 65c
7-foot long, 37-inch wide 70c.
Visit our basement store
for dishes, aluminum ware,
granite ware, tubs, boilers
and all kitchen ware.
467 Court Street