Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, March 21, 1919, Page PAGE THREE, Image 3

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3Ki3l5;5V3 A n Economical, Delightful, Light Place to
The New
Spring C
Coats of the Cape and Dolman type, developed on
slender, straight lines seem to be the most favored
for Spring wear. Of these, the models with loose
flowing lines, straight flowing backhand belted in
the front section are to all extents securing the
greatest amount of attention. Materials are in all
wools. .
, on sale. A new lot of
.$15.99, $18.00, $21.50, $25.00, $29.50
i Received
A new shipment of
And other makes
We wwould be pleased to show you our line
221 South High Street '
Prominent Salem
Woman Passes
Mrs. Iva- F. Turner, wife'of Lawyer j
Frank A. Tumor, passed away at the
family home, 335 N. Capital street, this
morning at 2:45 after an illness of sev-j
eral months. ' i
Mrs. Turner was well known in this
city where the family has resided for (
over au years, one was Dorn at unai
field, Minn., Oct. 5, 1861, and was mar
ried to Mr. Turner Feb. 20, 1883, at San
born, Iowa. Two children were born to
this union, Rex A. Turner of Winifred,
Mont., and Miss Joy 'iuraer, tiio well
known musician and mnsie teacher of
thi3 city; she is Also survived by her
mother, Mrs. F. E. Inman ,and. a broth
er, Lawyer 0. M. Inman, both residing
in Salem.
Besides being an active worker in the
Order of the Eastern Star, Mrs. Turner
was a member of the Artisans lodge
and for a number of years was an ard
ent worker in the Salem Woman's elub.
Tho funeral services will be held
Sunday afternoon at 3 o'clock, at
Kigdon's chapel, under the auspices of
tho First Church Of Christ, Scientists,
of this city. Burial will be at Mount
Crest mausoleum, the services being con
ducted by Chadwick Chapter No. 37, Or
der of EasternStar.
Elks To Arrange For Big
Banquet Hall la Basement
Members of the Salem- Elks lodge at
the meeting hold last night, unanimous
ly voted that the lodgo was in need of
a large banquet hall and a well equip
ped dining room and kitchen where the
members could at all times be served
with meals and where on special occa
sions 300 members or more could be
seated at the same time.
Fred A. Erixon brougnt ?o tna at
tention of the lodge the fact that the
lodge building had a fine large base
ment 25 by 108 feet, besides plenty of
room for a kitchen of proper size, and
that without anv great expense, this
basement could be constructed into a
dining room and kitchen. And then
there would be enough room left in
which to build a suitable stage.
By an unanimous vote, the trustocs
of the lodge were instructed to have
plans drawn at once and to fcavo work
begin on the re-arrangement of the
basement. Mr. Erixon said that tho
ceiling of the room was nine feet high
and that it was well ventilated and that
it could oasily be made into a dining
room with an up-to-date kitchen.
District Deputy Burggraff of Albany
addressed the lodge last evening and
after the initiations there was the regu
lation Johnny Jones banquet.
The following were duly initiated in
to the "mysteries of the 11 o'clock hour
and are now duly credited members of
Salem Lodge 336, B. P. 0. E.i 0. B.
Gingrich, Frank W. Durbin, Jr., A. H.
Gillo, A. W. Lawrence, F. E. Powell,
John W. Miller, H, H. Harris, J. H.
Evans, S. A. Harris, Thomas K. Sander
son, Glen Goulet, Milo S. Farwell, A, L.
Becson and Edward J. Amber. ' ., J
May Appeal To War Dept.
For Action On Nurse Case
San Francisco, March 21, Alleging
local army officials are far from dili
gent in their efforts to locate the per
sons responsible for the death of Inez
Beed, army nurse, relatives of the dead
woman today are considering an appeal!
to the war department for an investiga
tion. They state that in the two weeks
amuD tut, luuuuky ui luu uwuj auuuu au.
a canyon near San Mateo was establish
ed, the army investigators detailed on
the case have apparently accompuHfted j
nothing. Arthur Beed, brother of the
doad woman, ismaking a private in
vestigation to determine whether the
army investigators apathy is due to lack
of interest in tho case or to a desire
to cover men in military circles who
might be connected either" with the
girl's betrayal or her death as e .unuit
of an illegal operation.
For several days, police have been
awaiting announcement from the Pre
sidio of tho arrival of the dead girl's
efforts from Fort Riley. Kansas, where
A True Builder
Made from
whole wheat 6
malted barley this
delicious food pro
vides the necessary
elements for sturdy
muscle and brain
buildind. Economical
tfeguiresno sugar.
Theresa Reason
Mrs. Jane Barns Albert, Solo
ist Had Many fares From
Fascinated Audience.
To many a listener tho Symphony or
chestra concert last night was a ven
ture into terra incognito a realm of
fantasie and of dreams, where, under
the magic of the director's baton there
were unlocked mysteries of spiritual
and dramatic necromancy such as are
never revealed in the ordinary music
al performance. It is a siuiplo thing
apparently to wave a baton over a
group of thirty musician; it is a far
different thing to gather up and focus
upon one ibrief evening the musical
lore of such instructors as Anton Ku
benstein and Clad-a Schumann, associa
tion with Hoffman, Schunianlleinke
and Powell, and tho inspiration of a
life intimacy with the world's great
est composers. The audience did not
rcalizo it, but that was why the
"fino frenzy" of Suppe and Mascakni
and Verdi and Hadyn came up Iroiu
the dead decades and throbbed and
burned again in the performance of a
group of more fiddlers and horn blow
ers. To say that the program of last
night wag faultlessly rendered would
be but a half statement; it was thru
its tfaultlessntss that Director Sites
lound it possible to express what the
great composers tried to impress upon
the world .the divine element ia nar
mony. Program Well Selected
As before stated, the program ren
dered at he Grand opera house last
night wag selected with a view to giv
ing full scope to the orchestration as
well as to satisfy and delight all class
es of musical tastes. Everyone was
bound to ibe delighted with the splen
did interpretation of the immortal
"Poet and Peasant,"' the bewitching
melodious subtleties of " Oa-k..Wv.a
Busticana" and "Rigoletto." There
was glitter of barbaric eolor and mili
tary splendor in Hulvorsen's "Boja
ren" and Vordi's march from "Aida"
productions that never fail to thrill
the soul and quicken the pulse. To
those who still held to their nature
the element of romance, there was the
most alluring- charm in Berger's con
cert waltz " Amourcuse" one of the
finest types of this class of composi
tion ever written.
Whether or not it was fully appre
ciated, the Military Symphony of
Haydn was tho great number on the
program the moot intricate and elab
orate pattern weaving of themes and
movements, worked out with infinite
ingenuity and Tendered Iby the orches
tra in grand style.
Soloist Added Much to Concert
lb was verv ' flrvhrc-nriatfl 'that W)n
vocal soloist Mrs. Jane Burns Albert
should have been gowned in rose
tinted satin and Bhould earry a cluster
of roses, for her voice expresses itself
in roses white, blush-pink and pas
sionate crimson. To a most winsome
stago presence and a voice of flute
purity and flexibility, she adds the
suibtle quality of soulfulness that
makt's her renditions go home to her
listeners. She expressed herself most
exquisitely perhaps in tho littlo aria
"The Star" by Rogers, and most be
witchingly in "Butterflies" by Lei
ter. She was called to the tngo again
and again by insistent encores.
The average listener might not re
alize the fact, but a largo part of the
charm of tho evening's performance
was due lo the faultless work of Mrs.
A. A. Schramm who presided at the pi
ano, both for the solos and the en
It would ibe almost trite to remark"
that the greatest commendation is due
to Prof. Sites and the orchestra in
view of this performance, which rep
resents' not only hard work but musical
eenius. The only regret is that the op
era house could not have been packed
to capacitv, as it doubtless would
have been had it not been for a num
ber of great attractions just preceding
it, and another occurring at tho same
hour. Certain it is that Prof Sites can
take to himself the satisfaction of hav
ing firmly established a musical or
ganization that will be a credit to-tho
city and to himsolf
she was stationed. Although there is
reason to believe the trunk may contain
clues leading to the solution of the mys
tery surrounding the girl's death, police
say, army officers have not investi
gated the trunk's non-arrival.
Johnson Says Bill To
Suspend Immigration
Is To Be Introduced
Aberdeen, Wash., March 21. A bill
suspending all immigration for four
years will be introduced on the opening
day of the next session of congress.
Congressman Albert Johnson, who ar
rived home from Washington yesterday,
Is authority for that statement today,
Johnson will be chairman of the house
immigration committee.
A provision for the deportation of all
aliens who withdrew their apyneortjons
for citizenship that they evade tho
draft will be Incorporated In the bill,
Johnson declared.
Another clause will provide for the
cancellation of the citizenship of nat
uralized citizens who agitated revolt
and advocated the overthrow of the
United States government.
'V-r-r tir trn - -- .
Bend, Or., March 21. Simon A. Si-
monson, who was reported to ha-ve died
in a French hospital last fall, has ar
rived home from Camp Lewis, where he
was discharged fronvthe 8ixty-fifth ar
tillorr, and is very much alive.
"The report of mv death was greatly
The Truth Admitted
rag: f ftT Tll'
Has admitted at last that they are buncoing you in their advertising of price?.
They admit that they believe you all are very SIMPLE and FOOLISH. They
advertise a set of prices for ONE day a week to compete with our REGULAR
prices and below they say no change in their regular prices and quality. They
admit that they are buying poor, scrub stock to offer you as a bait to come
to them and be robbed.
We have reduced the price of meats 50 per cent since we came here, and
we offer you the best quality of meats at anywhere near the price. We are
killing as good a quality of beef as any market in the country and we DEAL
SQUARE with YOU. We have only the ONE PRICE for every piece of meat
in our shop and for everybody.
Has the Trust Treated You Square?
Have they done the right thing by you in the past? Do you believe they
would in the future? Hardly. - .
We are having a hard fight to kee pprices down. Are you helping or
are" you backing the TRUST with your trade and us with your words? We
are doing all we can to help you. Are you doing your share to help us? The
future prosperity of-Salem depends on whether newcomers can live reason
ably here or are to be robbed. Reasonable cost o f living helps a city. We are
doing our bit. You are SURE of a SQUARE DEAL here. Has the TRUST
ever given you a square deal?
Shoulder Steak, pound J5c
Round Steak, pound --18c
Loin Steak, pound '. 20c
T Bone Steai, pound U 20c
Boiling Beef, pound ...L... .....12 l-2c
Pot Roast, pound .-15c
Liberty Steak, pound .Jgg
Sausage, pound -20c
Beef Liver, pound
Beef Tongues, pound 2 l-2c
Veal Chops, pound .. 20c
Mutton Chops, pound 20c
Pork Chops, pound 25c
Shoulder Veal Roast, lb ...J5C
Veal Stew, pound .........:.........l.....5g
Leg Veal, pound 20c
Leg Muttonound ...20c
Leg Pork, pound....'..;...... ........l
Pigs Heads, pounds. :.....:......:.....;....gc
Bacon Butts, pound 25c
Fresh Side Pork, pound .-25c
Shoulder Pork, pound ...24c
Shoulder Mutton, pound .-17.1-2c
Salt Side Pork, pound 25c
Best sugar cured bacon, lb 35c
Best sugar cured hams, lb 34c
Best sugar cured bacon backs, lb 35c
Best sugar cured cottage rolls, lb 32c
Best sugar cured bacon butts, lb 24c
No. 3 Pure Lard gQc
No. 5 Pure Lard JJ 3Q
Best sugar cured picnic hams, lb 25c
121 South Commercial St., Salem Oregon.
Phone 104
We have stood the raise of stock and kept our prices down as we prom- ff
Fighting Salem's Meat Trust
What would you thave had to
Pay for MEAT Without Our
Fight Against the Trust?
Not connected with any other market in Salem. No 40 to 50 per cent i
profit here. YOUR MARKET- j
exaggerated," said Simonson.